• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Queste linee guida riempiono un vuoto per gli addetti ai lavori, per i familiari e per i pazienti stessi. Le persone con malattie di Alzheimer possono vivere una vita degna, ma le famiglie chiedono di non essere lasciate sole”. Sono le parole di Piero Secreto, componente comitato tecnico-scientifico per le Linee Guida ‘Diagnosi e trattamento di demenza e Mild Cognitive Impairment’, all’evento sul declino cognitivo e demenza, promosso da Neopharmed Gentili nel mese dedicato all’Alzheimer.


00:00This guideline fills a void, a void both for the workers and for the population, for the
00:12families themselves, this is because we continue to bring back a stigma that tells us that
00:18dementia is not curable, I do not say they are not curable, they are not curable, in reality
00:25it is not true that a person with Alzheimer's disease must lose hope of being able to continue
00:32to live his own disease well, it is not true that he cannot continue to have a quality
00:38of life worthy of being lived, clearly everything will also depend on the employment of
00:44the services, because the first things, for example, that families ask for are those
00:48not to be left alone, they do not want to abandon their patient, but they do not want
00:53to be left alone, the guidelines that take up the guidelines of the NICE of the Anglo-Saxon
01:01Country of 2018 have been implemented and above all, unlike the NICE, the My Cognitive
01:10Impairment has been taken into consideration, all that gray area, we said, of cognitive
01:17impairment, which is not a disease from a nosological point of view, but which can be
01:24considered a phase of transition towards dementia, then it is extremely important also that
01:29within the guidelines there are all the diagnostic and therapeutic paths of employment, both
01:36from a pharmacological point of view and from an assistance point of view, a whole series
01:41of recommendations regarding non-pharmacological therapies and I remind you that in this
01:46case there are 167 recommendations, of which many strong recommendations that are based
01:53on the GRADE method and therefore on the literature, an extremely important work has also been
01:59done, extremely rigid from a methodological point of view.
02:03Furthermore, all the evolution of the disease is taken into consideration, from the preclinical
02:11phase to the diagnostic phase in the major neurocognitive disorder of a mild degree, of a
02:16moderate degree, of an advanced degree, also with regard to palliative care.
02:20So these guidelines are addressed not only to employees, as we said, but also to family
02:26members, there is also a very well-developed opusculum that is addressed to family members
02:33and that can be downloaded from the website of the National Guidelines System.
