• last year
(Adnkronos) - Nove italiani su 10 sono preoccupati che se stessi o un proprio caro possa soffrire in futuro di disturbo cognitivo o di demenza. È quanto emerge da un’indagine condotta dall'istituto ‘Emg Different’, su un campione di 1000 italiani tra i 24 e i 75 anni,. La ricerca è stata presentata a Milano nel corso dell’evento ‘Declino cognitivo e demenza: quanto ne sappiamo, cosa stiamo facendo e quale impatto sulla società e sul Servizio sanitario nazionale”, promosso da Neopharmed Gentili nel mese dedicato all’Alzheimer, la forma più diffusa di demenza.


00:009 out of 10 Italians are worried for themselves or that their loved ones may suffer cognitive or dementia disorder in the future.
00:12This is evidenced by an investigation conducted by the Institute IMG Different on a champion of 1,000 Italians between 24 and 75 years old.
00:21An investigation that surveyed the level of knowledge on cognitive decline and dementia, highlighting perceptions and informational needs of citizens.
00:29A research presented in Milan in the course of the cognitive decline and dementia event.
00:34How much we know, what we are doing and what impact on society and the national health service.
00:40Promoted by Neo Pharma Gentili in the month dedicated to Alzheimer's, the most widespread form of dementia.
00:47The first risk factor is low education.
00:50So not having a good cultural level, not having a good reserve is the main risk factor.
00:57But then of course the risk factors are also hypoacusia, deafferentation, hypomission, lack of physical and social activity,
01:06the low level of some elements of the diet, for example the increase in the consumption of carbohydrates and fats.
01:16These are all factors that affect the development or acceleration of the neuropathological process and on which we must intervene.
01:24From the IMG different survey, it emerges that more than 90% of the interviewees took care of a person affected by cognitive disorder and a source of stress.
01:33Today, the management of cognitive decline and dementia is based on an important tool, represented by the guidelines.
01:40In this guideline there are 167 recommendations, many of which are based on the GRADE method and therefore on the literature.
01:52In addition, all the evolution of the disease is taken into account, from the preclinical phase to the diagnostic phase in the major neurocognitive disorder of a mild degree,
02:04of a moderate degree, of an advanced degree, also with regard to palliative care.
02:09These guidelines are addressed not only to the employees of CIVAMO, but also to the relatives.
02:15There must also be a very well-developed compass that addresses the relatives and that can be downloaded from the site of the National Guidelines System.
02:27In Italy, there are more than a million people suffering from dementia and more than 900,000 are affected by mild cognitive impairment.
02:36Numbers that tell of a growing social health emergency. The economic impact of these pathologies is significant.
02:43In the field of guidelines for diagnosis and management of dementia and cognitive decline, we have done a study of the cost of illness.
02:51That is, we have tried to estimate the economic impact of the pathologies in terms of direct health costs, therefore in charge of the national health service,
03:00of indirect costs related to the loss of patient and caregiver productivity, and of out-of-pocket spending, that is, that completely in charge of the patient and the families.
03:12The overall impact has been estimated at 23 billion, of which 4 billion in charge of the national health service,
03:195 billion in relation to indirect costs and 15 billion completely in charge of the families,
03:25that is, out-of-pocket spending related to informal assistance and the participation of private health services.
