突然ですが占ってもいいですか?2024年9月17日 永瀬廉の衝撃未来!行って開運!日本の世界遺産

  • 2 days ago
突然ですが占ってもいいですか?2024年9月17日 永瀬廉の衝撃未来!行って開運!日本の世界遺産
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Last year, we started working together, so it's been a little over a year.
00:05You get along well, don't you?
00:07Yes, we get along well when we go out to drink.
00:09If you're able to do that, it's going to go really well.
00:11If I'm able to do that?
00:14Okashin Mosuke wins the gold medal!
00:16In my case, too.
00:18There is a certain fate that the Paralympic gymnastics team has while being born.
00:23I'd like to win the gold medal in about 8 schools.
00:26But before that!
00:28Congratulations to everyone in Japan!
00:33This July, the gold medalist from Sado, Niigata Prefecture, will be entering the World Championships.
00:42Japan's world-renowned World Championships!
00:45Do you know why they were registered?
00:47Of course it's the World Championships in Mt. Fuji!
00:50This time, the two mountains in Sadogashima were registered for the World Championships.
00:57Do you know why these two mountains were registered for the World Championships?
01:01That's because...
01:03...the hand-digging technology of the mine was so amazing that no one in the world could see it!
01:09Because the digging technology was amazing?
01:13While the world is using machines to mine mines,
01:18Japan, which was a foreign country, has been digging gold for about 400 years with advanced hand-digging technology.
01:25That's amazing!
01:27The total distance of the mine is 400 kilometers!
01:32That's amazing!
01:33This is the distance from Tokyo to Osaka.
01:37That's a lot!
01:39After digging too much, the mountains were split in two!
01:43After digging too much?
01:44After digging too much?
01:46And the gold that was mined was about 78 tons.
01:52The gold was about 2,330 tons.
01:56That's a lot of gold!
01:57The value of the gold was about 1 trillion yen!
02:00That's amazing!
02:01With such technology that no one in the world could see,
02:04the mine was registered for the World Championships in July 2024.
02:09In addition, Sadogashima is also a tourist attraction.
02:14Before we go, let's take a look at the sea!
02:17Isn't that the weather?
02:18There is also a shrine in Sadogashima.
02:21It's a horror movie!
02:22This is the 4th shrine, which looks like a sea urchin.
02:28How do we get there?
02:29There is a white snake god here.
02:32You can get the luck of a dead sea urchin.
02:35Is it wrapped in a snake?
02:37The 25 places in the world that Japan is proud of will be completely revealed tonight!
02:4425 places?
02:45There are 25 places?
02:4625 places?
02:48There is a secret to the fact that the torii of Itsukushima Shrine in Hiroshima Prefecture stands on the sea.
02:55Yakushima was an island where the whole of Japan's land was in one mountain.
03:02In Kyoto's World Heritage Site, there is a surprising garden that Steve Jobs loved.
03:08Did you know that there is a World Heritage Site on top of Tokyo?
03:12Did you know?
03:14The secrets of World Heritage Site are revealed!
03:18You can get the luck of a dead sea urchin on a popular tourist site.
03:2225 places in the world that Japan is proud of will be completely revealed tonight!
03:28According to Leo, World Heritage Site has been there for a long time,
03:32so it's a very powerful place.
03:34It's recommended to visit just for sightseeing.
03:38First, three places from World Heritage Sites that were registered at the same time in 1993.
03:46Himeji Castle in Hyogo Prefecture.
03:51Why is it here?
03:52Why is it here?
03:54It was registered as a World Heritage Site in December 1993.
03:59Why did it become a World Heritage Site?
04:03Most of the foreign castles registered as World Heritage Sites are made of bricks and stones.
04:11This Himeji Castle is mostly built of wood,
04:15and its technology and beauty are unparalleled in the world.
04:19That's why it's registered as a World Heritage Site.
04:23It looks like it's snowing.
04:25This Himeji Castle is also called the Miracle Castle.
04:30Why is that?
04:33During World War II,
04:35seven of the most prominent castles,
04:38such as Nagoya Castle and Wakayama Castle, were destroyed.
04:42Of course, the city of Himeji was also bombed,
04:46but due to the citizens' actions,
04:48Himeji Castle was left almost unharmed.
04:53Here's the World Heritage Quiz.
04:55Mizuno, please answer.
04:58What did the citizens do to protect Himeji Castle from the air?
05:13The answer is...
05:15They put a black net on a white wall.
05:18That's right!
05:21I made a plastic model of Himeji Castle when I was in elementary school.
05:24I didn't know that.
05:26Here's a picture of that time.
05:34Considering that big and white castles are easy to target during the war,
05:39the citizens put a black net on the wall and made it unnoticeable.
05:44Thanks to that, the castle survived the war.
05:47That's amazing.
05:49What's the highlight of Himeji Castle's sightseeing?
05:53The castle changes its appearance over time.
05:57It looks white and beautiful during the day,
06:01but when the sun sets,
06:05it turns red.
06:09When you look at it from a woman's point of view,
06:11the sunlight illuminates Himeji Castle,
06:13and the white castle turns red.
06:17At night, the castle lights up.
06:20It's beautiful.
06:21Himeji Castle is colorful,
06:23and you can enjoy various forms of Himeji Castle over time.
06:28What do you do when you visit Himeji Castle?
06:32There is an Osakabe Shrine in front of Himeji Castle.
06:37Actually, there are two other shrines in Himeji City that worship the same god.
06:44So, if you make the same wish at all three shrines,
06:49your wish will come true.
06:53Everyone, please visit the three shrines.
06:57Next is Yakushima in Kagoshima Prefecture.
07:04It was registered as a World Heritage Site in December 1993.
07:09In fact, not all of the islands are registered.
07:14Except for ports, residential areas, and tourist facilities,
07:1821% of the islands, including Jomon Sugyo, Yamayama, and Sando,
07:24are registered as World Heritage Sites.
07:27Yamato Sando.
07:30Why did it become a World Heritage Site?
07:34Because almost all ecosystems of Japan are on one island.
07:39Is that so?
07:41Near the coast of Yakushima,
07:43Gajimaru and Hibiscus are found in Okinawa and Kagoshima.
07:47Near the summit of Yakushima,
07:49Komanotsume and Nanakamano are found in Hokkaido.
07:57Why did it become such a special ecosystem?
08:02In fact, Yakushima is one of the most rainy islands in Japan.
08:06The water level is 5 times higher than that of Tokyo.
08:12I'm tired.
08:13Because a lot of rain falls on a warm island,
08:16a miraculous environment was created.
08:21Near the coast of Yakushima,
08:22Okinawa and Kagoshima,
08:24and the summit of Yakushima,
08:26are linked to the temperature of Hokkaido.
08:31About 200,000 people visit Yakushima every year to see Yakusugi.
08:37In order to relieve their fatigue,
08:41Mr. Oguchi actually went there.
08:47I found it.
08:49It's the Wilson Cove.
08:51The Wilson Cove?
08:54This is the Wilson Cove on the way to the summit from Dozan-guchi.
08:59It says 3 hours.
09:01Mr. Wilson, an American botanist,
09:03accidentally discovered a miracle,
09:06and that's how he got the name.
09:09What is the miracle?
09:11It's empty.
09:16It's a heart!
09:17The Wilson Cove is a heart-shaped.
09:21Did Wilson find this?
09:24I'm sure there are people who say,
09:26I'm sure there are people who say that.
09:28Like Mr. Yamamoto.
09:30By the way, if you perform at the Wilson Cove...
09:34If you take a picture of this heart and hang it up,
09:37it's said that you'll be in love for a long time.
09:41I'm alone, but I recommend that you come as a couple or a couple.
09:47Next is Shirakami-sanchi,
09:49located between Aomori and Akita prefectures.
09:54I've been to Shirakami-sanchi.
09:57Shirakami-sanchi is a mountainous area of 1,000 meters in altitude.
10:02Its center was registered as a World Heritage Site in December 1993.
10:10Why did it become a World Heritage Site?
10:12It's so beautiful.
10:14Because there are still a lot of Bunabayashi trees that have been around for about 8,000 years.
10:20What is Bunabayashi?
10:22Buna is an egg-shaped plant with pointed leaves.
10:28The size of the Bunabayashi tree is the largest in the world.
10:33Michopa-san, don't you think the world is more amazing now?
10:38I was completely out of breath.
10:40In the same way, the Swiss Lodano Valley, which was registered as a World Heritage Site in Bunabayashi,
10:45has 173 Tokyo Domes,
10:49but Shirakami-sanchi has 3,610 Tokyo Domes.
10:54It's about 20 times the size.
10:57Bunabayashi is amazing.
11:00In this Bunabayashi, a part of Aomori prefecture has a hiking trail,
11:06so you can easily enjoy the 8,000-year-old scenery of sightseeing.
11:13What brings you to Shirakami-sanchi?
11:17The autumn leaves are beautiful, but I definitely recommend the observatory.
11:24It's about 10 minutes by car from JR Junko Station in Aomori Prefecture.
11:30There is a view from the observatory.
11:33What is that view?
11:37A Japanese canyon.
11:40It's a view that makes you think of the Grand Canyon of the United States.
11:46Please take a picture of yourself with the scenery from the observatory.
11:53The mountains are a symbol of stability, and white is a color that makes you feel clean,
11:58so your mind will be stable and your health will improve.
12:03Next, what is the fifth world heritage in Japan?
12:09Kyoto and Shiga Prefecture.
12:17Hiyomizu Temple, Kinkakuji Temple, Yodoin Temple, Kamigamo Shrine, etc.
12:24There are 16 shrines and temples.
12:27The Nijo Castle built by Tokugawa Ieyasu.
12:31That's right. I had a wedding at Kamigamo Shrine.
12:34It was a world heritage.
12:36All 17 places were registered as world heritage in 1994.
12:42Wow, all of them?
12:44Why did these 17 places become world heritage sites?
12:48Heian-kyo was a city that flourished for about 1,000 years from the Heian period to the end of the Edo period.
12:56The temples and gardens built during those 1,000 years were used as a model for various places throughout Japan.
13:06The influence of Shibuya and Harajuku, which continue to create trends,
13:11was evaluated to be in Heian-kyo, and it was registered as a world heritage site.
13:17Among them, Heian-kyo fascinated the world's foreigners the most.
13:26Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, was fascinated by...
13:31Ryoanji Temple, which is about 40 minutes by train from JR Kyoto Station.
13:38Here is the garden.
13:40It was a commercial for Souda Kyoto.
13:46It's a gold plate. It's important.
13:50It's important, but I don't know if I can throw it away.
13:57I'll stop everything that tries to move forward.
14:02You can also buy luck at a popular tourist attraction this fall.
14:0625 World Heritage Sites in Japan
14:12Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, was fascinated by...
14:17Ryoanji Temple, which is about 40 minutes by train from JR Kyoto Station.
14:24Here is the garden.
14:27It was a commercial for Souda Kyoto.
14:30It's a stone garden.
14:34This is a garden called Kare-sansui, which represents nature without water.
14:41Stones and moss represent mountains and islands.
14:45This is a white stone from Shirakawa, Kyoto.
14:50It's made of sandstone.
14:54It represents the flow of the river.
14:56It's stoic. It's a work of art.
15:00Jobs came here in the 1990s.
15:05It's said that he came to this garden before the iPhone was released.
15:10Jobs took everything he didn't need and made this simple garden.
15:15It's said that he took everything he didn't need and made this simple garden.
15:19It's said that he took everything he didn't need and made this simple garden.
15:24If you see such a garden, there is a place you want to go to buy a little luck.
15:30It's also registered as a World Heritage Site.
15:34Please go to Konpon Chudo in Hieizan Enryakuji.
15:38Konpon Chudo?
15:40If you go inside, there are three fire-lit canons.
15:48This is called the Immortal Canon.
15:51From the Heian period to the present, for about 1,200 years,
15:55monks have been pouring oil and burning fire.
16:01It's amazing. It's like a holy fire.
16:03If you look at this and pray for your goals and wishes,
16:07I think it will be easier to come true.
16:10In Enryakuji, a precious relic commemorating the 30th anniversary of world heritage has been unveiled.
16:19Please go there.
16:23The sixth World Heritage Site in Japan is
16:29Shirakawa-go, located in the three areas of the Hida Mountains,
16:34located in Gifu Prefecture and Toyama Prefecture.
16:39It is famous for its unique houses and beautiful scenery.
16:46You can enjoy a beautiful view at any time of the year.
16:52People live here, right?
16:54Oh, I see.
16:56The reason why Shirakawa-go has become a World Heritage Site is
17:02because it is the only Gassho-zukuri village in the world
17:06that is still being built as a place for people to live.
17:09I see.
17:11The reason why Gassho-zukuri was built in the first place is
17:16because this area has been used to raise seagulls and make threads for a long time.
17:23As a storage space for seagulls and seagulls,
17:26Gassho-zukuri houses were built with air-conditioned attic rooms.
17:31I didn't know that.
17:33If you look closely at this picture,
17:37most of the houses are facing south.
17:44By doing this, sunlight hits the entire roof for a long time,
17:49and it can quickly dry the rough roof, which is wet from snow and rain,
17:53and prevent damage.
17:57In fact, Shirakawa-go has a plan to stay in a Gassho-zukuri building.
18:03By sleeping in a house facing south,
18:05you will be charged with power and your luck will increase,
18:09so please stop by.
18:11In addition, the grilled seafood eaten in Irori, a Gassho-zukuri village, is excellent.
18:17If you eat seafood, your luck will increase, so please try it.
18:21It looks delicious.
18:22Next, the 7th world heritage in Japan is
18:29in Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture.
18:32Ah, the atomic bomb dome?
18:34Atomic bomb dome.
18:36It's a world heritage.
18:38I see.
18:39Why did the atomic bomb dome become a world heritage?
18:44At that time, the nuclear bombs were detonated almost directly above the atomic bomb dome,
18:48at an altitude of 200 meters.
18:51The air pressure was so high that most of the buildings were destroyed.
18:58only this atomic bomb dome,
19:01a semicircular roof,
19:03dispersed the blast from directly above,
19:06and miraculously escaped the destruction.
19:09It's thanks to that roof.
19:12This miraculously surviving atomic bomb dome and its base
19:16were registered as a world heritage in December 1996
19:20as a symbol of the end of nuclear weapons and world peace.
19:24I see.
19:26It's amazing that it's a world heritage.
19:29At that distance,
19:31by hand...
19:33It's a great anniversary.
19:37From now on,
19:39we're going to visit three world heritage sites in the world.
19:44First, the most popular tourist attraction in Japan.
19:53It's fun to just go there.
19:57I like Japanese food.
19:59I like home-cooked meals.
20:01I like eggplant and mozuku-sushi.
20:04I love banana.
20:05Can you eat a whole banana?
20:07I've never eaten a whole banana.
20:09I've eaten a lot.
20:15First, the most popular tourist attraction in Japan.
20:23It's Itsukushima Shrine in Miyajima, Hatsuhai City, Hanarijima Prefecture, Hiroshima Prefecture.
20:32Itsukushima Shrine is located in Miyajima, Hiroshima Prefecture, which is about 30 km away.
20:39It's also the most popular tourist attraction in the world.
20:45It's fun to just go there.
20:46Not only is it the main shrine of the shrine,
20:51but it also includes the sea and the mountains behind it.
20:57The reason why it's a world heritage site is...
21:00Miyajima, where the Itsukushima Shrine is located,
21:03is worshipped as a god by the island itself.
21:08The shrine is built on the sea so as not to damage the island.
21:15In fact, it is a world heritage site,
21:20so it was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1996.
21:25Mr. Leon will visit the Itsukushima Shrine
21:28and show us the best spot to enjoy the sea breeze.
21:32I'd like to go to the Itsukushima Shrine and worship there.
21:36But before that, I'd like you to do something to enjoy the sea breeze.
21:39Here it is.
21:43Is it a bird?
21:44You can walk to the Itsukushima Shrine from the side of the shrine.
21:48In the old days, people used to go to the Itsukushima Shrine
21:53by boat to worship.
21:59The shape of the path from the fort to the main shrine
22:02still remains clearly.
22:05Can I go through it now?
22:07Actually, there is a boat that can go through that fort.
22:11Oh, I see.
22:13There is a boat that can go through the first fort of the Itsukushima Shrine.
22:19I think it's a good idea to visit the Itsukushima Shrine
22:22after doing the same as the old people.
22:26And there is something I want you to do after worshiping at the main shrine.
22:33In fact, in the same Miyajima,
22:35there is a temple called Daiganji,
22:38which worships the three great gods of Japan,
22:41the Three Great Kings, and the Great Shogun.
22:45The temple I want you to visit the most is
22:48this temple in the back of the Great Shogun.
22:51What is this?
22:52This is the Henshokutsu.
23:00There is a lantern hanging on the ceiling,
23:03which emits a mysterious light.
23:05There are many Buddhas in this temple.
23:08Look at this.
23:11Can you see that each Buddha has a different face?
23:17Each Buddha has a different face.
23:20That's right.
23:21This Buddha is worshipped in 88 places in Shikoku.
23:25It is the same Buddha as the temple I'm going to.
23:29Look at this.
23:32In fact, sand in 88 places in Shikoku is buried here.
23:39By stepping on this sand,
23:41you can worship the Great Shogun and go around.
23:44You can get the same benefits.
23:51Aren't you hungry?
23:53Would you like to go eat seafood?
23:55I'd like to go.
23:56Let's go.
23:57Let's go.
23:58I'm so excited.
23:59Your back is amazing.
24:01It's hot.
24:03It's really hot.
24:05I'm doing this for everyone's luck.
24:08We went to a popular Okonomiyaki restaurant in Miyajima,
24:13called Matchan.
24:18We recommend...
24:20Look at this oyster.
24:22It's huge.
24:24Five pieces of Miyajima-san's grilled oyster.
24:27It's a special oyster on Hiroshima-style Okonomiyaki.
24:31You just wanted to eat it, didn't you?
24:32If you eat wild food, you'll be lucky.
24:35So I'm going to eat this oyster and be lucky.
24:39I'm so excited.
24:40I want to eat it.
24:43It's huge.
24:44Is it hot?
24:45It looks hot.
24:46It's impossible.
24:47It's scary.
24:48I don't want it.
24:49It's too much.
24:52If you put it in your mouth like that, you can't talk.
24:54It's really good.
24:55It's really good.
24:57It's really good.
24:58The spiciness of the oyster and the noodles is the best.
25:02I've only eaten the oysters.
25:03I'm so thirsty.
25:08You can do it.
25:09I'm so thirsty.
25:10What are you thirsty for?
25:11I thought so, too.
25:12Other people in the food report only said it was delicious.
25:19You ate the noodles, too.
25:21I'm eating cheese in Europe.
25:24You're definitely wrong.
25:26You're definitely wrong.
25:28I can't do it.
25:29I can't do it.
25:31You're looking at me with a great look.
25:34Next is the Nara City, Nara Prefecture.
25:42The temple where the Buddha is located, including the Todai Temple,
25:46Heijou Art, Kasugayama, and Genshin Rin,
25:51a total of eight places are registered as World Heritage.
25:56The reason why they are registered as World Heritage is
26:01because these eight places represent the Heijou Temple in Nara 1,300 years ago.
26:08The Heijou Temple?
26:10Heijou Temple?
26:11What about the Heian Temple?
26:12Heian Temple.
26:14For example, in the past, the Heijou Temple
26:19used this large site for ceremonies and festivals.
26:25If you actually go to that place,
26:31There's nothing.
26:33It's still there.
26:391.3 km to the east and 1 km to the south and north.
26:44The land is still being protected with great care.
26:50If that's the case, why do you want to go to Nara?
26:55Please go to Tatsuga-taisha, which is very popular in Nara.
27:02In fact, Tatsuga-taisha is the most popular shrine in Japan.
27:09There are over 3,000 shrines in Nara.
27:13There is one of them.
27:15There is a stone lantern that Iyasu Tokugawa prayed for his son's health.
27:22Please stand in front of it and pray for your own health.
27:28I'll give you power.
27:31Next is Nikko in Tochigi Prefecture.
27:35Here it is.
27:37The famous Nikko Toshogu.
27:40The 103-storied building included in Futarasan Shrine Nikkozan Rinnoji
27:46was registered as a World Heritage Site in December 1999.
27:51Why did it become a World Heritage Site?
27:55Nikko Toshogu was built with a total cost of 100 billion yen.
28:00The gorgeous sculptures seen in Rinnoji Daiyuin
28:06were registered as a World Heritage Site as the best among shrines and temples.
28:14In addition, the balance of the shrine and temple in Nikko,
28:18the three-way road, and the nature of Nikko were evaluated as wonderful.
28:27To visit Nikko Toshogu...
28:31I have been visiting Nikko Toshogu in my hometown for 18 years.
28:37She has already visited Nikko Toshogu nine times this year.
28:42She is a villager who is familiar with the fortune-telling and fortune-telling.
28:47The most powerful place in my opinion is...
28:52the grave of Ieyasu Totsugawa, Okunomiya Houtou.
28:58It was a sacred place where only great generals could stand until it was publicly released in 1965.
29:07This Okunomiya Houtou has the power of Ieyasu Totsugawa.
29:13In fact, the direction of the place where you stand in the center of the Houtou changes the power of the fortune-telling.
29:20Let's go to the grave of Ieyasu Totsugawa in the direction of the fortune-telling you want.
29:25Let's take a deep breath and get the power.
29:31The 11th shrine in Japan is...
29:36It is located in nine places in Okinawa Prefecture.
29:41Gusuku and related heritage of the Ryukyu Kingdom.
29:47Gusuku means castle.
29:51It was built in the Ryukyu Kingdom era, which had been flourishing for about 450 years since 1429.
30:00The symbol of the Ryukyu Kingdom, Shuri Castle, etc.
30:04Nine castles and gardens were registered as World Heritage in November 2000.
30:12The reason why they were registered as World Heritage is...
30:16Because we can see the history of the Ryukyu Kingdom, which was built in two cultures, Japan and China.
30:24The mixed independent culture is also shown in the Shuri Castle.
30:30It is said that the color of the red center is influenced by the Shikin Castle in China.
30:37The shape of the roof is a round architectural style called Karahafu in ancient Japan, which can be seen in Kabukiza, etc.
30:48By the way, the Shuri Castle, where the fire accident occurred in 2019, is currently under repair and is expected to be completed in 2026.
30:59We asked a fortune teller from Okinawa, Mr. Shuma, about the good luck spots around the Shuri Castle.
31:06There is a big tree called Owakagi in the Shuri neighborhood near the Shuri Castle.
31:12There is a hole in the root of the tree that looks like this.
31:18It is said that if you pray to it, your wish will come true once a year.
31:23When you come near the Shuri Castle, please stop by.
31:29From here, the world is moved.
31:32Two consecutive world heritage sites where Japan's great nature descends.
31:36Wakayama, Nara, Kii-sanchi, which extends to Mie.
31:43Yoshinoyama, Kouya-san, Kumano-sanzan.
31:47The three roads leading to them and the 14 shrines and temples are registered as World Heritage in July 2004.
31:55Why did it become a World Heritage Site?
32:01Because the roads and buildings of the Heian period still remain as they are.
32:08The most famous among them is the Yoshino-no-Sakura, which blooms from the Heian period.
32:16The way it blooms is amazing.
32:18This beautiful sakura also captivated a famous samurai.
32:24Here is the quiz for World Heritage.
32:27Who was the samurai who brought 5,000 people to the Heian period and had a flower viewing here?
32:34Mr. Sawamura, please answer.
32:36The Heian period.
32:42I don't know.
32:44No way!
32:46Mr. Oda.
32:48Mr. Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
32:50Mr. Toyotomi Hideyoshi brought 5,000 people to the Heian period and had a flower viewing for 5 days.
33:01It was so exciting.
33:045 days?
33:06For the first 3 days, there was a sudden downpour.
33:10Mr. Hideyoshi said,
33:12If it doesn't stop, set fire to the mountain.
33:16The fire was extinguished.
33:18It's an exception.
33:20From the 4th day, it was blessed with good weather.
33:23Mr. Hideyoshi was in a good mood and the mountain was not burned.
33:29Mr. Hideyoshi actually saw the sakura at Yoshimizu Shrine.
33:35He said,
33:37It's a great view.
33:39He praised the Yoshino-no-Sakura seen from here.
33:43He said to burn it.
33:44I couldn't see it because it was burning.
33:46Please make a wish while looking at the same scenery as Mr. Hideyoshi.
33:53Your wish will come true.
33:56The second place is Shiretoko Peninsula in the east of Hokkaido.
34:03Shiretoko Peninsula.
34:05The land on this red part and the coastline up to 3 km were registered in July 2005.
34:14Why did it become a world heritage site?
34:18Because there is the only one food chain in the world.
34:25All the beginnings of the food chain are
34:29Drift ice.
34:32In winter, this drift ice covers the whole sea in white.
34:37It comes from Amur River in Russia.
34:42It absorbs a lot of nutritious plankton while traveling about 1,000 km.
34:49In fact, Shiretoko Peninsula is located in the southernmost point where drift ice flows.
34:57Because it is the southernmost point, drift ice melts in spring.
35:01Drift ice melts and plankton in it is eaten by salmon and puffer fish.
35:07The salmon and puffer fish gather to hunt the fish.
35:12In addition, salmon climbing the river in Shiretoko
35:18is fed by Japanese horse mackerel and Higumada, the top of Shiretoko's food chain.
35:25In this way, Shiretoko was registered as a world heritage site
35:30because the food chain of the natural world connecting the land from the sea to the human body
35:36cannot be seen in the world view.
35:39In order to combine such nature,
35:421.7 million people visit Shiretoko every year.
35:47What is the reason to visit Shiretoko?
35:50I recommend the Lion Shrine near Shiretoko Peninsula.
35:56The Lion Shrine is 20 minutes' drive from Kiyosato-cho Station near Shiretoko Peninsula.
36:05The water of drift ice at the base of Shiretoko Peninsula comes out from this shrine.
36:13This water is called the water of good luck.
36:17It is the water that has been cherished in Hokkaido
36:20so much that Kirin beer is used as a support activity.
36:25When you go to the Lion Shrine,
36:28please scoop this water by hand and drink it in three times.
36:32The number 3 will make your wish come true.
36:35Next, the 14th World Heritage Site in Japan.
36:40It is Iwamiginzan in Oomori-cho, Shimane Prefecture.
36:48In the Edo period, Iwamiginzan is a mountainous area with a large amount of high-quality silver.
36:54Iwamiginzan is about one-third of the world.
36:59Iwamiginzan is about one-third of the world.
37:03It's amazing.
37:05The silver was used to trade with the world
37:08and it became an opportunity to spread glasses and watches all over Japan.
37:13It contributed greatly to the development of Western culture in Japan.
37:18The achievement was recognized and registered as a World Heritage Site.
37:23When you visit Iwami,
37:24please go to Rakanji Temple, which is also registered as a World Heritage Site.
37:31In this area, there is a shrine dedicated to Lord Benzaiten.
37:36It is famous as a place where the silver of Iwami,
37:39especially gold, rises among all the shrines in Japan.
37:44It's easy to do.
37:46It is said that if you wash and purify the money in this Benten-ike, the gold will rise.
37:51In addition to Iwamiginzan,
37:53if you wash 50 yen or 100 yen coins with a lot of silver,
37:58the gold will rise even more, so please visit.
38:02Next, there are two World Heritage Sites in Tokyo.
38:06The first one is
38:08Ogasawara Shuto, which is about 1,000 km from Shibaura Island in Tokyo.
38:17Some of Shichijima and Hahajima Islands were registered as World Heritage Sites in June 2011.
38:25I want to go to Ogasawara Shuto.
38:27The reason why it became a World Heritage Site is
38:31because there are creatures that are only found in Ogasawara Shuto in the world.
38:37Ogasawara Shuto was originally a continent where most of Japan's islands were connected,
38:42but Ogasawara Shuto was an island created by the eruption of a submarine volcano.
38:49Therefore, there are a lot of rare creatures unique to this island.
38:55There is a creature that has attracted the attention of scholars around the world.
39:00Here is the World Heritage Quiz.
39:03What is the creature that evolved independently in Ogasawara Shuto and is proud of the species that is not seen in the world?
39:12Please answer in 7 seconds.
39:15A creature?
39:17There are some of them.
39:20It could be anything.
39:22It's a cat.
39:25It's a snail.
39:27I don't know.
39:29I don't know.
39:31It has a thin shell and a body that is easy to hide behind leaves.
39:35What is this?
39:36It has a thin shell and a body that is easy to hide behind leaves.
39:42It has a thin shell and a body that is easy to hide behind leaves.
39:48There are more than 100 species.
39:5290% of them are found only in Ogasawara Shuto,
39:57so scholars around the world are paying attention to it.
40:02Next is the World Heritage, which is called the heaven of Japan.
40:07Hirai-zumi in Iwate Prefecture.
40:13Five places including Chusonji, which is famous in Konjiki-do, were registered as World Heritage in June 2011.
40:21Why did they become World Heritage?
40:25Because they represent the world after death, Gokuraku Jodo.
40:31In the Heian period, the Oshu-Fujiwara clan created four temples to worship the people who died in the war.
40:40The scenery of Hirai-zumi is a representation of Gokuraku Jodo, so it is registered as World Heritage.
40:48I want to go there.
40:51Among them, Chusonji Konjiki-do is popular for sightseeing.
40:56Konjiki-do is amazing.
40:58This golden light represents the light of Gokuraku Jodo.
41:04It is all gold.
41:07About 30,000 pieces of gold are used.
41:12Konjiki-do can be seen up to the square, so please feel the golden light directly.
41:21Next is the World Heritage, which is registered as the 17th in Japan.
41:25Yes, it is.
41:27It is located between Shizuoka Prefecture and Yamanashi Prefecture.
41:31It is Mt. Fuji.
41:32I finally came here.
41:33It was late.
41:35Mt. Fuji is often thought to be World Heritage.
41:39It is amazing.
41:41In fact, Mt. Fuji's Rokugo Meijo, Tozando, Kawaguchiko Lake, and Sengen Shrine are registered as World Heritage.
41:52What is that?
41:53I want to see them all.
41:56The reason why Mt. Fuji became World Heritage is that it influenced the art of the world.
42:06In the Edo period, Hokusai Katsushika and Hiroshige Utagawa painted many Ukiyo-e depicting the beauty of Mt. Fuji.
42:15Its popularity did not stop in Japan.
42:17The Ukiyo-e painting spread to Europe and Japanese culture was involved in the 1867 Paris-Bankok Exhibition.
42:29Goho, the world-renowned painter, is said to have been the most influenced among them.
42:36Please look at this.
42:38Mr. Tangiji painted by Goho.
42:42There are many Ukiyo-e around him.
42:46In addition, there is Mt. Fuji on Mr. Tangiji's painting.
42:51Mr. Tangiji.
42:53This painting was inspired by Mr. Fuji of Hiroshige Utagawa and was said to be copied.
43:00In this way, Mt. Fuji is a mountain that has had a great influence on the artists of the world.
43:08What is the lucky action that can be done when you visit Mt. Fuji, which fascinates the world?
43:14When you visit Mt. Fuji.
43:16Everyone, do you often pray to the Buddha?
43:18Of course I do.
43:20I want you to pray to the Buddha.
43:26Why do you do that?
43:31Please look at this.
43:32Please look at this.
43:37This is a phenomenon that occurs only when fog has accumulated in the air.
43:42A ring of light rises around your shadow.
43:47If you look at this shadow and pray to the Buddha, you will get a lot of luck.
43:53Please worship in this way.
43:57In addition, what is Mr. Neo's recommendation?
44:00Do you know that you can enter the body of Mt. Fuji?
44:06I want you to go to Funakutainai Shrine.
44:09Funakutainai Shrine.
44:11This shrine is located at the foot of Mt. Fuji and is located at an altitude of 1050 meters.
44:16If you go along the platform.
44:19Funakutainai Shrine.
44:27Do you know that you can enter the body of Mt. Fuji?
44:32I found it.
44:37And next year.
44:39I feel like I was asked to do this program at the right time.
44:42It's a great charisma.
44:44That's right.
44:46It's charisma.
44:47I want you to go to Funakutainai Shrine.
44:51Funakutainai Shrine.
44:53This shrine is located at the foot of Mt. Fuji and is located at an altitude of 1050 meters.
44:58If you go along the platform.
45:03There is a hole.
45:06You can enter the body of Mt. Fuji from here.
45:11Evidence of this.
45:14The wall is made of lava.
45:17Lava from the eruption of Mt. Fuji in the Heian period.
45:21It is said that it was made by incorporating fallen trees and solidifying them.
45:26It takes about five minutes to walk while looking in the mirror.
45:31What did you see?
45:35It was the model of Princess Kaguya.
45:37Princess Kaguya.
45:39Actually, this god.
45:41It is the same as the god who is worshipped at the top of Mt. Fuji.
45:46I think you can get more power because the god is in Mt. Fuji.
45:53If you worship, you can get small treasures and family luck.
45:57Please go there.
46:08It's simple.
46:10Is it okay?
46:12It's important.
46:14We started again.
46:17Nice to meet you.
46:19I'm Shinwa from Ryukyu-Futsu.
46:21Nice to meet you.
46:23It's been a long time.
46:25I don't seem to believe it.
46:27It's a feeling.
46:29When I showed it last time.
46:32Personal part.
46:34I was hit.
46:35I was hit.
46:37I remember it very well.
46:39In the case of Mr. Nagase.
46:41I think he's already dead.
46:43I'm scared.
46:45I'm really scared.
46:47It's my way of assessing.
46:49I don't know.
46:51I'll look at the phone numbers.
46:54Who will go first?
46:58I'm a senior.
47:00It's like an experiment.
47:05Unexpectedly, Mr. Nagase.
47:07That's right.
47:09I'll push the elevator button a lot.
47:12I'm a Kansai person.
47:14I'm a Kansai person.
47:16I'm a troublesome person.
47:19It's a hassle.
47:21It's a hassle.
47:23I don't want to line up.
47:25I don't want to line up at all.
47:29Even if there is something you are looking for.
47:3115 minutes.
47:32Is it okay to line up?
47:35I can't line up anymore.
47:37Even if there is something you are looking for.
47:41I don't need it anymore if I line up.
47:44It's a hassle.
47:46It's not a frivolous person.
47:48What do you think?
47:52If it's something you can get right away, you'll get it right away.
47:54That's right.
47:56If I think it's good, I'll buy it regardless of the price.
47:59I won't buy it.
48:00I won't buy it.
48:02Me too.
48:04It's better not to say that.
48:06I'm in trouble.
48:08I won't say it.
48:13I feel a little different from the people in the world.
48:17I feel like I'm living in the wrong era.
48:20That's right.
48:22That's right.
48:24Everyone has their own personal area.
48:26I'm the type of person who can make anyone step on me.
48:32What makes you shy?
48:35I'm really shy.
48:38I'm doing my best now.
48:40When I usually talk here.
48:43That's why.
48:45You don't talk to me.
48:47BANDO is basically a genius.
48:52It's amazing.
48:54Is that right?
48:57I'm really good at art.
49:00How do you know that?
49:02That's strange.
49:04I'm good at painting.
49:07That's right. I'm good at art.
49:09I'm supposed to have a lot of hobbies.
49:13That's amazing.
49:15When I first touched clay, I made a very realistic salmon.
49:21Salmon that just came out of the river.
49:24There's a lot of information about clay salmon.
49:27I feel like I'm living in a different world.
49:29I feel like I'm living in a different era.
49:31I feel free.
49:33I can be left alone.
49:35I feel like I'm in an environment where I can think and act on my own.
49:41I was born in New York.
49:43My father works in New York.
49:45My education has changed a lot.
49:46I was taught to be a corpse.
49:51I didn't have a textbook.
49:53I wrote and made my own textbooks.
49:58I had nine classmates.
50:01I was banned from watching TV, cell phones, and games.
50:07I changed a little when I was about 18.
50:11You've changed.
50:13You've changed a lot.
50:14You've changed a lot.
50:16I'm not 18 years old, but I know the world.
50:20I know.
50:22I'm 18 years old, but I know the world.
50:24You're getting old.
50:26What changed when you were 18?
50:28I was in Hokkaido.
50:30I didn't know what failure was.
50:34I didn't know what mistakes were.
50:37When I came out into society, I first came across the rules of society.
50:42I was surprised by the hierarchy and discipline.
50:47That's when I closed myself completely.
50:50I'm sure you're thinking about going back to your hometown.
50:54I've thought about it.
50:56I've thought about it.
50:58Your reaction is different from others.
51:00I'm going to change a little when I'm 20.
51:03I'm 20 years old when I started acting.
51:05That's when I started to open up.
51:07I realized that I could express myself.
51:09I realized that I could express myself.
51:11I started acting when I was in the third year of high school.
51:14I realized that I could express myself.
51:17First of all, you should act as you like.
51:21I see.
51:23Your good points will disappear.
51:25You don't have to say it.
51:27Do you have a stable job from next year?
51:29I'll have a better job next year.
51:32That's great.
51:34I'm going to win an award.
51:36I'm going to win an award.
51:37I'm going to win an award.
51:39You're going to win an award next year.
51:41I'll do my best.
51:43You look like a good boy.
51:45Can you make it fun?
51:47He's doing his best.
51:49I'm going to win an award.
51:51He's doing his best.
51:55You've played a lot of mobile games.
51:57You've got 18 points in total.
51:59That's a great number.
52:01You're good at fighting.
52:03I'm good at fighting.
52:04He's good at fighting.
52:07I've been doing karate since I was in junior high school.
52:09The number 18 is a physical way of fighting.
52:13He won in karate in junior high school.
52:19He was a junior in junior high school in the country.
52:22He's the strongest of the karate tournament.
52:27He's a very strong person.
52:29I heard that you're not good at fighting in the morning.
52:31I'm not good at waking up in the morning.
52:33Speaking of which...
52:35Well, to put it simply, he's late.
52:39How late?
52:42It's the first time I've been late for work.
52:45I was sleeping on my phone.
52:48I'm sweating.
52:52But I set an alarm every day for about 10 minutes.
52:56I set an alarm every 3 minutes.
52:58I set an alarm every 3 minutes.
53:01But your phone ran out of battery.
53:03I didn't get a single phone call.
53:06You must be in a hurry.
53:07The next change is that you're 18 and 19 years old.
53:10I want to be an actor.
53:13I've only done karate from kindergarten to high school.
53:16I didn't know anything but karate.
53:19So when I was 18, I wanted to know a new world.
53:24What do you think?
53:25Everyone wants to get a job.
53:28I think both of you can do business well even if you're not an actor.
53:35I want to launch a brand.
53:37I want to hire a president.
53:40I don't want to be a president.
53:42I want to be a manager.
53:44A manager?
53:45I want to be No.2.
53:47No.2 doesn't suit you.
53:48I want to be No.2.
53:50I want to support others.
53:52I'm a manager, too.
53:54I don't want to be No.1.
53:56Are you good at selling water?
54:01Are you good at selling water?
54:03I'm not good at it.
54:05I'll buy it if Nagata sells me water.
54:08We've talked a lot.
54:11Do you have any questions?
54:12We've been working together for a year and a half.
54:25The animation film that we play as voice actors will be released.
54:29It's a story about the friendship and growth of three young people who live under the same roof in Takadanobaba, Tokyo.
54:37It will be released on October 4th.
54:39Please watch it at the theater.
54:46Do you get along well?
54:48We get along well when we go out for a drink.
54:50If you can do that, you'll do well.
54:52We went out for a drink two months ago.
54:55We talked about our private life.
54:58We talked about our work.
55:01Do you mean you talk to each other?
55:03Not only talk to each other.
55:05If we can be together in private, we'll get along well.
55:11On the contrary, we get along well.
55:13We've been getting along well since next year.
55:16I feel like I was asked to do this program at the right time.
55:19If we set the direction for next year, we'll get along well.
55:24In a group or individually?
55:26That's right.
55:27It's something I cherish.
55:30But I don't use it anymore.
55:32I don't know if I can throw it away.
55:34That's a big point.
55:36I don't know if I can throw it away.
55:38You have a watch that's stopped, right?
55:40I have an arm watch.
55:42I don't wear it.
55:44Is it stopped?
55:45It's stopped.
55:46It's stopped.
55:47It's not good.
55:48It stops everything that tries to move forward.
55:51By getting rid of it, various things start to move.
55:54It's a curse of the arm.
55:56There are two.
55:57It's stopped.
55:58Which one?
55:59Which one should I buy?
56:00You're stupid.
56:02It's a goldfish.
56:04Even if it's impossible, we have to meet in private.
56:07Even if it's a little awkward.
56:09What's next?
56:11If you look at everyone's birth date based on the calculation,
56:15you can divide everyone into numbers from 1 to 9.
56:19It's a fortune-telling number that changes to a constellation fortune-telling or a blood type fortune-telling.
56:25Everyone, from your birth date to your fortune-telling number,
56:29please measure which number it is.
56:33Please tell me the number.
56:37Nagase is 2.
56:39Banzo is 3.
56:41Maeda is 1.
56:431, 2, 3.
56:47Now, we will announce the characteristics of No. 1.
56:51He doesn't listen to people.
56:54He doesn't want to leave the house on his day off.
56:57He likes water, such as pools and baths.
57:01He doesn't like ramen.
57:03He takes off his pants and socks at the same time.
57:07What do you think, Maeda-san?
57:09Is there anything you like?
57:11I like water.
57:13I go to the sauna about four times a week.
57:17I really like it.
57:20I love water.
57:22I think I'm right.
57:24I like water.
57:25What kind of ramen do you like?
57:27I like tsukemen.
57:29That's a little different.
57:32It's not Jiro.
57:33No. 3 is soy sauce.
57:35It's soy sauce.
57:37Banzo is good at fortune-telling.
57:39I'm good at it.
57:41I'm not good at it.
57:44Now, we will announce the characteristics of No. 2.
57:49He has a weak stomach.
57:52He doesn't recommend a restaurant.
57:55He likes Japanese food.
57:57He has a lot of point cards.
57:59No, I don't.
58:01What do you think?
58:02He has a weak stomach.
58:04He has a weak stomach.
58:06He has a weak stomach.
58:08What do you like about him?
58:10I like Japanese food.
58:12I like home-cooked meals.
58:14I like eggplant soup.
58:16I like mozuku-sushi.
58:19I see.
58:23Now, we will announce the characteristics of No. 3.
58:27He is impatient.
58:29He wants to sleep.
58:30He sneezes a lot.
58:32He doesn't finish the bottle.
58:35He puts something in his pocket and washes it.
58:38I saw a big reaction in the second half.
58:41He gets all the points.
58:43He gets 100 points.
58:45He sneezes a lot.
58:48He washes his earphones twice.
58:53He has washed his cell phone.
58:58He has put a hair iron in the washing machine.
59:02He washes everything.
59:07He doesn't finish the bottle.
59:11That's true.
59:13I think No. 3 has more points.
59:17He doesn't finish the bottle.
59:22He doesn't finish the bottle.
59:24Can you finish the banana?
59:25I can't.
59:26I know.
59:27I can't finish the banana.
59:31It's the same.
59:33He can't finish the banana.
59:35He can't finish the strawberry.
59:37He can't finish the strawberry.
59:41Can you finish the strawberry?
59:42I can't finish the strawberry.
