ホンマでっか!?TV 2024年9月18日 知られざる「お茶パワー」SP

  • 2 days ago
ホンマでっか!?TV 2024年9月18日 知られざる「お茶パワー」SP
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00What's the most effective way to cure rheumatoid arthritis?
00:02The most effective way to cure rheumatoid arthritis is to take medicine.
00:04Oh, so that's why it's good for women.
00:06It's a bitter ingredient called catechin.
00:08It burns fat.
00:13Tonight, we will thoroughly explain the effects of tea.
00:17Is there a tea that's effective for two days?
00:19Yes, there is.
00:21Kuzu no Hana.
00:23Kuzu no Hana?
00:24That's a bad word.
00:27First, let's take a look at the real information.
00:31If you drink green tea every day, it's effective for preventing cancer.
00:35I know that green tea has a lot of anti-cancer effects.
00:39So if you don't want to get cancer, drink green tea every day.
00:42If you look it up on Kakegawa City,
00:44if 100 people in a normal city get cancer,
00:4881% of men and 77% of women,
00:51so there's a 20% less chance of getting cancer.
00:55So I think it's pretty amazing.
00:57If you don't want to get cancer,
00:59sencha and bancha are good.
01:01Sencha and bancha?
01:03I always drink rooibos tea at home. How is it?
01:06Rooibos tea doesn't have a lot of anti-cancer effects.
01:09Rooibos tea is made from bean plants in South Africa.
01:14It doesn't contain caffeine, it doesn't contain calories,
01:18and it doesn't contain tannin,
01:20but it contains a lot of magnesium,
01:22so it's most effective against constipation.
01:25Oh, so that's why it's good for women.
01:30People who have constipation
01:32should drink rooibos tea every day.
01:34That's so cool. Your body is calling you.
01:37I'm looking for rooibos tea.
01:40That's why you're constipated.
01:42I'm constipated,
01:44so it's important that rooibos tea comes to me.
01:47On the contrary?
01:48That's how I am.
01:50That's amazing.
01:51But it doesn't have the effect of 4 liters.
01:53Who drinks 4 liters of water?
01:55Isn't it hard?
01:57If you're on a diet,
01:59you might want to drink catechin.
02:01If you're on a diet?
02:03Catechin, which is a bitter ingredient,
02:06is good for burning fat.
02:13You can cool it down and drink it,
02:15but it's good for burning fat
02:18if you're on a diet.
02:20Does it work with the bottles sold at convenience stores?
02:23Yes, if it has catechin in it.
02:25You can drink anything, right?
02:27Not just sweets.
02:28You can drink sweets, too.
02:31You need tea to eat sweets.
02:35I can't believe it.
02:37It's about half the amount of tea in the 6th floor.
02:42I'm the one who's asking.
02:44Tea in the 6th floor?
02:46Half of the room in the 6th floor?
02:49I have a tea bag.
02:53I have 7 teapots.
02:56That's cute.
02:58Yes, it's cute.
03:01You shouldn't eat the one on the bottom right.
03:04What's that?
03:06She's editing it.
03:08She's young.
03:10I love tea, too.
03:12I joined a tea club called SAKADOUBU for a year.
03:21I drink more than 10 cups of hot tea every day.
03:24Is it 60 degrees?
03:26I don't know the temperature.
03:2960 degrees seems to be the best.
03:31That's right.
03:32I heard it from an old lady I met at a nearby supermarket.
03:36She doesn't know much.
03:38An old lady at a supermarket?
03:40I love tea, too.
03:42I can't lift it up.
03:44I can't lift it up.
03:46It's 60 degrees.
03:50Ms. Kudo.
03:52If you don't want to get sunburned, I recommend drinking green tea every day.
04:00Green tea contains vitamin C.
04:03Vitamin C has an antioxidant effect.
04:06Green tea catechin has a stronger antioxidant effect.
04:09There is a study report that green tea can reduce damage caused by UV rays.
04:1460 women drank green tea for 12 weeks.
04:19Green tea reduced the redness caused by sunburn by about 25%.
04:24Green tea also reduced wrinkles.
04:27Green tea also increased water content.
04:29Green tea.
04:30Sencha is green tea, right?
04:32That's right.
04:33Why is it divided into green tea and sencha?
04:38Sencha and green tea.
04:40Green tea is a big group.
04:43Sencha, bancha, and gyokuro are all green tea.
04:50I see.
04:52Green tea is the least fermented tea.
04:56Oolong tea is the most fermented tea.
05:02It's a plant called Camellia sinensis.
05:06All green tea is the same.
05:09Mr. Kudo, I heard that green tea has an antibacterial effect. Is that true?
05:14There is a study report that green tea has an antibacterial effect.
05:19It is not only used for drinking, but also for various products.
05:24That's good.
05:26Green tea is good.
05:28You've been drinking more than that, haven't you?
05:30That's right.
05:31That's right?
05:33That's rude.
05:35That's rude.
05:36That's rude.
05:38Don't say you don't want to do it.
05:41I don't hate it.
05:43I've been doing it for 12 years.
05:46I beg you.
05:48You remembered it halfway through, didn't you?
05:52I'm nervous because I'm alone.
05:57Is that why your skin is beautiful?
05:59That's right.
06:02It's decided.
06:04Is this the end of today's work?
06:07That's good.
06:08I have a question.
06:10Does green tea taste different when you drink it with water and hot water?
06:17When you drink it with hot water, it tastes rough.
06:21Green tea tastes milder and sweeter when you drink it with hot water.
06:26It depends on the tea leaves.
06:30The temperature of the tea leaves is very important.
06:33If you want to maximize the effect of green tea catechin,
06:37Please put it in at a temperature of more than 80 degrees.
06:43It is said that the amount of catechin differs by 1.6 times when compared to 40 seconds at 80 degrees and 1 minute at 95 degrees.
06:50You can get the effect of catechin by waiting for more than 80 degrees for more than 1 minute.
06:56If you drink it with lukewarm water, you can get the effect of the relaxation effect of the catechin.
07:01It also has the effect of reducing caffeine.
07:04I think it's good to drink it separately.
07:06But it cools down on the way.
07:08It's okay if it comes out once, right?
07:11The temperature is important when you extract it.
07:13It's important.
07:14It doesn't change after that, right?
07:16It doesn't change after that.
07:18If you don't put it out to 60 or 50 degrees, the catechin won't come out well.
07:24I see.
07:26It's important to get it out.
07:28Mr. Nakano.
07:29You mentioned Gyokuro.
07:31Gyokuro is the most expensive green tea.
07:35You can get a lot of caffeine.
07:37When you want to refresh your mind, Gyokuro is better than an energy drink.
07:47For example, an energy drink contains about 40 mg of caffeine.
07:51Gyokuro contains four times that.
07:54Why does caffeine work on the brain?
07:57There is a substance called adenosine.
08:00This is attached to the central nervous system of the brain and has a sedative effect.
08:05When the adenosine is attached, the caffeine gets stuck as soon as possible and gets in the way.
08:11The sedative effect gets stuck and gets in the way.
08:14Caffeine plays the role of stopping the brake.
08:19That's why it has an awakening effect.
08:23Gyokuro is too strong.
08:29It's too strong.
08:31Gyokuro is too strong.
08:33If you have a lot of blood in your body, you'll be like Gyokuro.
08:37That's right.
08:39Gyokuro is expensive, but it's good for your reputation.
08:47It has a substance called theanine.
08:49It also has a lot of caffeine.
08:51Gyokuro contains a lot of caffeine in tea.
08:54That's right.
08:56Gyokuro is said to be stronger than Sencha.
09:01What is Sencha?
09:03Gyokuro, Sencha, and Bancha are in order.
09:06In order?
09:08Gyokuro is the best.
09:10That's because it contains a lot of adenosine.
09:12It's the best.
09:14Gyokuro contains a lot of adenosine.
09:18It's important.
09:20That's why Gyokuro is famous.
09:22That's right.
09:24How much tea should I drink?
09:26If I drink a lot of caffeine...
09:29If it's Gyokuro, it's hard to drink three times as much.
09:31It's hard to drink two times as much.
09:33If you drink two times as much, it's just right.
09:35If you don't have a lot of caffeine, you can increase it.
09:40If you have tonsillitis, if you drink a lot of caffeine, your blood vessels will contract.
09:49If you drink a lot of caffeine, you will have tonsillitis.
09:53If you drink a lot of caffeine, you will have tonsillitis.
09:59You should be careful.
10:01You look cute today.
10:04Thank you very much.
10:06There are no guests today.
10:08I'm wearing a link outfit with KOSUGI.
10:11I'm wearing a link outfit with KOSUGI.
10:13I'm wearing a link outfit with KOSUGI.
10:16Wait a minute.
10:18It's too heavy for you.
10:21You are KANESHI, so you should bring a book.
10:26You have to bring a book.
10:28You guys are too excited.
10:30You guys are doing collaboration.
10:32IKEDA is too excited.
10:35I'm too excited.
10:39I'm excited because of my ability.
10:43Okay, Mr. Okamoto.
10:45As for green tea...
10:47That's too much!
10:48What are you wearing?
10:50That's too much!
10:51What are you wearing?
10:52He's attacking him.
10:53Actually, as I said before, green tea contains polyphenols.
10:58The reason why green tea is good for the body is that
11:01there is iron.
11:03Iron, of course, requires a minimum amount.
11:07But if you work too much, it will be oxidized
11:10and the blood vessels will become hard.
11:12So, if you eat too much meat,
11:14it will cause endometriosis.
11:16That's the logic behind it.
11:18But green tea has an ingredient that
11:20cuts off the iron and releases it out of the body.
11:23So, meat and green tea go very well together.
11:26Meat and green tea?
11:27I think it's good.
11:29So, you don't have to stir-fry meat with green tea?
11:33The texture is a little different.
11:36You don't have to boil it?
11:38You don't have to boil it with tea?
11:40I see.
11:41It's fine.
11:42Tea has a bitter taste.
11:44It's called catechin.
11:46That's the effect of
11:48cutting off the bad iron
11:50and releasing it out of the body.
11:53There's also roast beef that
11:55smokes the leaves of tea leaves.
11:57Oh, there is.
11:58I just heard a fly buzzing in my ear.
12:04Didn't you see it?
12:06When I was talking...
12:08It was buzzing in my ear.
12:10It was fluttering.
12:12I didn't see it.
12:14I was talking all of a sudden.
12:17It was buzzing in my ear.
12:19It was buzzing in my ear.
12:21What was it?
12:22I was trying not to let it get into my ear.
12:25It's running in my ear, right?
12:27It's running, but
12:29there are people who still let it in.
12:32It's going back to this tone.
12:35It's buzzing in my ear.
12:37It's fine when it's normal.
12:39It's buzzing in my ear when it's normal.
12:41It's so embarrassing.
12:43Drink your tea.
12:45It's like a fly.
12:47It's a smoke screen.
12:49It's a smoke screen.
12:51It looks like it's only coming in from here.
12:54Why does a fly become a fly?
12:56It's a tongue twister.
12:59Here's our new teacher.
13:01She was born and raised in a medical school in Toyo, Hong Kong.
13:04Currently, she produces tea in Japan under the name of Longe Megane.
13:10Please welcome Ms. Kyo Wai-cho.
13:13Nice to meet you.
13:15Her skin is so smooth.
13:18It's not like that.
13:20How old are you, Ms. Kyo?
13:22I'm turning 39 this year.
13:25Her skin is so smooth.
13:27Is it because of the tea?
13:29Well, yeah.
13:35Your way of using it is pretty good.
13:39You shouldn't do that.
13:41Who do you want me to do that to?
13:43Your skin is pretty, too.
13:45Well, yeah.
13:47Please go ahead.
13:49The tea we have at home is mostly barley tea.
13:53If it's green tea, we have barley tea or green tea all year round.
13:56It's different depending on the person.
13:58It's different depending on the person.
14:00In Japan, people drink only one type of tea.
14:04In Hong Kong and China, where the tea culture is widespread,
14:09people drink different types of tea depending on the season and physical condition.
14:13So, there are three or four types of tea at home.
14:20On a hot day, people drink tea to cool down.
14:24On a cold day, people drink tea to warm up.
14:27In spring, people drink tea to cool down.
14:32I recommend Kiku tea.
14:34Jasmine tea.
14:36In summer, people drink tea to cool down.
14:40I recommend green tea or barley tea to cool down.
14:45I didn't know that.
14:47I didn't know that.
14:51In autumn, people drink tea to cool down.
14:54I recommend oolong tea to cool down.
14:57I recommend Kinmokusei tea.
14:59Kinmokusei tea is delicious.
15:00Kinmokusei tea is delicious.
15:02Kinmokusei tea is a specialty of Kinmokusei.
15:04Yes, it's very delicious.
15:06It's very delicious.
15:09Is Kinmokusei the only tea in Osaka?
15:11Kinmokusei and Hoji tea are combined.
15:14There are many kinds of tea.
15:17I recommend oolong tea.
15:22In winter, people drink tea to cool down.
15:25I recommend Pu-erh tea or black tea to cool down.
15:29Pu-erh tea is delicious when you eat oily food.
15:34You know it well.
15:36You are...
15:40I want you to eat fried food with Pu-erh tea.
15:43I heard that fried food is oolong tea.
15:47I recommend Pu-erh tea.
15:49Pu-erh tea is refreshing.
15:52Oolong tea is not bad.
15:54But I recommend Pu-erh tea.
15:56I recommend Pu-erh tea when you eat oily food.
16:01It's Pu-erh tea.
16:04Have you ever drunk Pu-erh tea?
16:06I have never drunk Pu-erh tea.
16:08Do you like Pu-erh tea?
16:10Pu-erh tea is not sold in supermarkets.
16:12That's right.
16:14I bought Pu-erh tea in Taiwan.
16:17You can drink this much Pu-erh tea.
16:19You can drink this much tea.
16:21Is it infinite?
16:23It's a lot of tea.
16:25It's a lot of tea.
16:27You can drink as much as you want.
16:29You can drink as much as you want?
16:31This much tea is solid.
16:33You can put hot water in it and open it.
16:35You can drink it.
16:37You can drink it forever.
16:41You look depressed.
16:43It's hard for me to drink alone.
16:45I can drink this forever.
16:47Is that so?
16:49Are you saying that you can drink Pu-erh tea?
16:51I'm not that kind of person.
16:53I'm not that kind of person.
16:55You can drink Pu-erh tea.
16:57How much Pu-erh tea can you drink?
16:59How much Pu-erh tea can you drink?
17:03That's a lot of tea.
17:05How much Pu-erh tea can you drink?
17:07How much Pu-erh tea can you drink?
17:09Pu-erh tea is recommended.
17:11You are talking about us now.
17:13Pu-erh tea is just a product name.
17:19Pu-erh tea concentrates a lot of the contents of Pu-erh tea.
17:21Pu-erh tea is a product of Pu-erh tea.
17:23Pu-erh tea is a slightly more strong tea.
17:25Pu-erh tea is a little stronger?
17:27There is no Pu-erh tea in Toyo Medicine.
17:31Because it's a product name?
17:33It's stronger.
17:35Pu-erh tea is the same as Pu-erh tea.
17:37It contains 15 polyphenols that make up Pu-erh tea.
17:39and it contains a lot of phenol, which is what makes oolong tea so good.
17:43It also has the effect of burning fat in oolong tea, which is why it's so effective.
17:49Oolong tea is often used for weight loss, right?
17:54We actually did some research on that.
17:57The more people drink it, the more fat they lose,
18:01and according to mouse research, oolong tea, pu'er tea, black tea, green tea,
18:05oolong tea is the one that has the most effect on weight loss.
18:13When we think of fat cells,
18:16we think of fat, right?
18:17When we digest it,
18:19we think of the effect of oolong tea on weight loss
18:22when we drink pu'er tea.
18:26There's a lot of scientific research on this.
18:30What should I drink?
18:34If you want to lose weight, what should you drink?
18:36There's a lot of different kinds of tea out there.
18:39What kind of tea do you recommend?
18:43Recently, I've been drinking dark tea.
18:45It's because it has a lot of catechins.
18:48I drink at least 500ml of it every day.
18:51I also drink a bottle of black oolong tea every day.
18:56That's how you lose weight?
18:59Stop drinking tea.
19:01Wait a minute.
19:04How much tea do you drink a week?
19:07I drink at least 500ml of black oolong tea every day.
19:14I'm sorry, Norikyu.
19:18I'm sorry, Norikyu.
19:20Why is it all Norikyu?
19:22You're a slave, aren't you?
19:24You're going to lose weight.
19:26You're a slave, aren't you?
19:28You're not a slave.
19:30Ms. Kudo.
19:31Black oolong tea has been tested on men.
19:35It has a solid basis for maintaining good health.
19:40It's also passed a strict examination.
19:43I think you can expect great results.
19:45Of course, it's not a medicine.
19:47It's not like you can get a long-term diet.
19:51I can't get out of it.
19:53If it's effective, it's a medicine or supplement, right?
19:57I can't raise my blood sugar level.
19:59If I lower my blood sugar level, it's a medicine.
20:02But it's better for your body to drink tea for a long time.
20:06Medicine has side effects.
20:07That's right.
20:08I think I can say that.
20:10That's why you drink so much.
20:12I drink tea for about 8 years.
20:15I drink tea all the time.
20:17Why do you drink tea in the morning?
20:20Because it's delicious.
20:22It's delicious, but...
20:24Don't be careful about your health.
20:26I can't stop what I've decided once.
20:29I decided to drink tea 8 years ago.
20:32That's why I don't drink tea in the morning.
20:36That's your brain.
20:38That's right.
20:40Mr. Ushikawa.
20:41You just drank oolong tea.
20:43If you lived in the Showa era, you may remember.
20:46Oolong tea was popularized by Showa idols and hostesses.
20:52That's right.
20:53Oolong tea was popularized by Showa idols and hostesses.
20:56Oolong tea was popularized by Showa idols and hostesses.
20:59Until the middle of the Showa era, alcohol was a soft drink.
21:06Tea was usually brewed at home.
21:10In 1979, Pink Lady, an idol at that time, was born.
21:17Pink Lady said, she drank oolong tea to be beautiful.
21:23Pink Lady said that?
21:25It was broadcast on the Fuji TV program called Hit Studio at night.
21:29It was broadcast on the Fuji TV program called Hit Studio at night.
21:32The influence of celebrities has been going on for a long time.
21:37It's not the level of an influencer.
21:39It's not.
21:40It's popular all over Japan.
21:41Kimura is popular, but fashion is popular.
21:45What is oolong tea?
21:48It is said that if you can't drink oolong tea, you can't break the atmosphere of the bar.
21:59Oolong tea has a similar color to whiskey.
22:02Is that all?
22:05A company put it in as a strategy.
22:10At first, oolong tea was popular because of its color and uniqueness.
22:17It is said that oolong tea will come to Japan in 2025.
22:24What is oolong tea?
22:27Oolong trees are native to the southeast of the United States.
22:34In the past, Americans used to drink a lot of tea.
22:38The reason why oolong tea was revisited is that the cups of the natives came out at a high price.
22:45In the past, people drank oolong tea because they were conscious of health and beauty.
22:52When I started researching, I found that oolong tea contains a lot of polyphenols and is healthy.
22:57It also contains a moderate amount of caffeine, which increases concentration.
23:03That's why oolong tea is popular in the US.
23:09I think oolong tea will come to Japan soon.
23:13Do you drink oolong tea?
23:15I love oolong tea.
23:16I also buy tea from that country.
23:18I bought oolong tea from a famous oolong tea shop.
23:23Oolong tea has a theme.
23:28I bought tea at Mr. Tanabe's house.
23:32Is there such a thing?
23:35Mr. Tanabe and I bought tea together.
23:39You are a very popular person.
23:41That's right.
23:43Why did you buy tea at Mr. Tanabe's house?
23:46Who bought tea at Mr. Tanabe's house?
23:48I bought tea at Mr. Tanabe's house.
23:51Before you bought tea at Mr. Tanabe's house, did you like tea?
23:55Did you like tea?
23:57Mr. Tanabe gave me delicious tea as a gift.
24:03Did you sell tea to Mr. Tanabe because you liked tea?
24:07I also buy tea when I go abroad.
24:09We are good friends.
24:13Mr. Okamoto.
24:14There is a great advantage of oolong tea.
24:20It is very effective against oral cancer.
24:25There is a great advantage of oolong tea.
24:27There is a great advantage of oolong tea.
24:30There is data that oolong tea reduces the risk of cancer by 30% compared to those who drink black tea.
24:43There is also a great advantage of oolong tea.
24:45People often drink milk tea.
24:48Milk tea contains lactoferrin.
24:52When you drink milk tea, it reduces the risk of cancer by 60%.
24:57There is a data called UK Biobank.
25:02It is a data of 500,000 people.
25:05It is also true for cancer.
25:08People who drink more than two cups of black tea a day have a lower fat percentage than those who do not drink.
25:17It is also true for cardiovascular diseases.
25:24This is a great advantage.
25:26Even if you add sugar and make it sweet, the effect will not be lost.
25:32Is that so?
25:36If you make it sweet and drink it, the effect will be lost.
25:41It is also true for black tea.
25:44It is also true for black tea.
25:49I have to drink a lot of black tea.
25:51I brush my teeth with black tea in the morning.
25:54That's a lie.
25:57I understood that it was a lie.
25:59I understood that it was a lie.
26:03Do you know DATTAN SOBA CHA?
26:05It is the best in my research.
26:09Did you drink it?
26:10I drank it yesterday.
26:11It's so beautiful.
26:21I'm sorry to say this.
26:25There is a tea that works for two days.
26:29You have to drink it yourself.
26:32Please tell me.
26:34There is a tea called KUZU NO HANA.
26:40That's a bad word.
26:45What is that?
26:47That's a good name.
26:49That's a bad name.
26:55That's a tea called KUZU NO HANA.
26:58It is a tea that is used as a medicine in Toei Pharmaceuticals.
27:02It is a tea that works for two days.
27:05If you drink too much, you will feel sick.
27:08If you drink it when you have a sore throat, you will feel better.
27:13In China, KUZU NO HANA is often drunk before drinking.
27:19It is a rare tea in Japan.
27:21How does it taste?
27:23Please eat.
27:26It smells good.
27:29How is it?
27:30It's delicious.
27:32KUZU NO HANA has the power to cool the body.
27:36If you don't have a sore throat, you shouldn't drink it often.
27:40Because it cools the body.
27:42It tastes like melted candy.
27:45I want you to drink more.
27:50I don't drink KUZU NO HANA, so it's bitter.
27:54Please give me this.
27:56I feel like my cells are working hard again.
28:03It's easy to drink.
28:06It's a little sweet.
28:08I think it will be delicious if you drink it with shochu.
28:15It's easy to drink.
28:18It's the strongest tea.
28:20Have you ever drunk KUZU NO HANA?
28:22It was delicious for the first time.
28:24KUZU NO HANA is delicious as a tea.
28:28However, it is better to drink KUZU NO HANA when you have a cold.
28:31I don't have a cold, so I'm fine.
28:36Do you know DATTAN SOBA CHA?
28:39DATTAN SOBA CHA contains a lot of LUTIN.
28:42It is the best for beauty as far as I know.
28:49Regular soba contains LUTIN.
28:52DATTAN SOBA CHA contains 100 times more LUTIN than regular soba.
28:55LUTIN strengthens the immune system.
28:59LUTIN is effective in blood pressure.
29:01LUTIN makes your skin smooth.
29:04I think DATTAN SOBA CHA is good.
29:07I drank DATTAN SOBA CHA yesterday.
29:10I didn't know it was so beautiful.
29:14I'm sorry.
29:16I'm sorry.
29:18I don't have anything in my body.
29:20This is your body.
29:22I don't know what's going on.
29:25I'm sorry.
29:27I'm sorry for your face.
29:29I'm sorry.
29:31What kind of taste is DATTAN SOBA CHA?
29:35You are drunk.
29:38You are not used to it.
29:41You are not used to it.
29:44DATTAN SOBA CHA is soft.
29:47DATTAN SOBA CHA tastes like soba.
29:50Do you sell DATTAN SOBA CHA at supermarkets?
29:54Mr. HOKAMOTO.
29:55I heard about the company.
29:57Is there anyone who is constipated?
30:00Is KOSUGI constipated?
30:05Have you ever heard of SENNA CHA?
30:07I haven't heard of it.
30:08There is a tea called SENNA.
30:11SENNA means medicine in Arabic.
30:15It is a prescription for constipation.
30:23What does SENNA mean?
30:26SENNA CHA is a medicine that relieves constipation by drinking it.
30:38If you are constipated, SENNA CHA is the best.
30:42We are doctors.
30:45Are you a doctor?
30:49Are you a doctor?
30:53I completely forgot.
31:02You don't have to say it again.
31:04You don't have to say it again.
31:07When you confess your love to someone, it's better to give them something warm.
31:11It's better to give them something warm.
31:14It's better to give them something warm.
31:19I will confess my love now.
31:24When you want to get a good response from your partner, it's better to give them something warm.
31:31It's better to give them something warm.
31:33That's right.
31:34I give my love when I confess my love to someone.
31:41You give your love when you confess your love to someone.
31:43It's better to give your love to someone.
31:48You have to give your love to someone naturally.
31:49I'm not going to hold it.
31:51I'm not going to hold it.
31:53Don't put it in.
31:55Don't put it in.
31:57I'm going to say it now.
31:59I'm going to say it now.
32:01It's a warm bottle.
32:03It's a warm bottle.
32:05If you have a warm drink,
32:07the warmth comes from your palms.
32:09It's good for your oxytocin.
32:11It's good for your oxytocin.
32:13It's good for your oxytocin.
32:15It warms your hands.
32:17It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:19It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:21It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:23It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:25It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:27It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:29It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:31It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:33It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:35It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:37It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:39It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:41It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:43It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:45It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:47It's the same effect as a handkerchief.
32:49In Turkey or Iran,
32:51they first give out hot drinks like Persian 있어요 .
32:53They first give out hot drinks like Persian mogęs ,
32:55then they begin negotiating.
32:57then they begin negotiating.
32:59then they begin negotiating.
33:01Why can't peopleiture breakrivers in Paris ?
33:03Why can't peopleiture breakrivers in Paris ?
33:05That's right.
33:07We couldn't find a local who is popular.
33:09One of the locals speaks very wayward.
33:11It's more expensive than ordinarytques .
33:13I'm smiling because you're not in the picture.
33:16You can sell two copies in a month.
33:19You can sell two copies in a month.
33:22It's made in the same way as a sekiya or a gallery.
33:26I see.
33:27It's very cost-effective.
33:28You can sell one or two copies in a month.
33:32I see.
33:33I don't know what kind of person you are,
33:36but if I stay in a car all the time,
33:38I think I should be called in.
33:41The important thing is to make customers who can trust you.
33:45It's better than having customers who can't pay you.
33:49Are you talking to Perseus today?
33:52That's why I'm making a trust relationship.
33:54It's warm.
33:55It's warm.
33:56It's warm.
33:58Mr. SANMA, you confessed to me earlier.
34:02Don't say it like a Kung Fu black bass.
34:06Actually, if you drink tea five minutes before the date,
34:09it's good for your nervousness.
34:15Coffee, tea, energy drink, and water.
34:18I had a couple of dozen men and women drink them.
34:22I saw the performance of the conversation,
34:24the ability to remember,
34:25and the nervousness of the autonomic nervous system.
34:29Tea has the ability to balance the autonomic nervous system.
34:34The effect of calming the nervousness in front of the date.
34:38Especially for Ms. SUSHIKUBO,
34:40I found that warm tea is very good.
34:43Ms. SUSHIKUBO, I'm sorry.
34:44And for dessert,
34:46I like ice coffee the most.
34:47I like cake and ice coffee.
34:49When a woman says,
34:51I'd like a cup of tea, please.
34:55Does that mean there's a great connection?
34:58What kind of woman is she?
35:00What kind of woman is she?
35:01What kind of cup of tea?
35:03She's a classy woman.
35:07Maybe she wants to communicate well with Mr. SAMA.
35:10Maybe she wants to take a picture.
35:12Especially five minutes before the date is the point.
35:15Five minutes before the next date.
35:18After eating sweets,
35:20it may lead to what you expect.
35:25When you negotiate with the director of the theater,
35:29don't let the director drink tea.
35:32Do you mean hot coffee?
35:34Yes, caffeine.
35:37It's to excite the director.
35:39You'd better pour hot energy drink into the director.
35:42You're too excited.
35:44You shouldn't.
35:45You should pour hot energy drink into the director.
35:48Don't underestimate YOSHIMOTO.
35:50Oh, my God.
35:52I'm going to eat it.
35:53I'm going to eat it.
35:54I'm going to eat it.
35:55I'm going to eat it.
35:56I'm going to eat it.
35:57I'm going to eat it.
35:59It's bad to be too excited.
36:01If you're excited, you drink herbal tea.
36:04If you're excited, you drink herbal tea.
36:07When you negotiate with the director,
36:09you shouldn't be too excited.
36:13You shouldn't be too excited.
36:15If she pays this amount of money for the play,
36:17she will sit down and drink tea.
36:19You shouldn't be too excited.
36:22I like to be cheap.
36:26You like to be cheap.
36:27You're a cheap guy.
36:59but do you know what azuki tea is?
37:02Yes, I do.
37:03It's azuki tea.
37:05Azuki tea.
37:06Azuki tea is more like a medicine than a food.
37:10You can expect a variety of effects.
37:13It has a very strong antioxidant effect,
37:16so when hair follicles become weak,
37:21you can expect it to grow healthy hair.
37:25Azuki tea?
37:26Yes, azuki tea.
37:27What is azuki tea?
37:30Well, um...
37:33You're turning into azuki tea.
37:35Who's azuki tea?
37:37Azuki tea is a smooth bean.
37:40It's faster to apply bean paste.
37:42You look like a bean paste jar.
37:45Don't change the subject.
37:48You look like a bean paste jar.
37:50You're a professional.
37:52I'm talking about you.
37:54You look like a bean paste jar.
37:56You look like a bean paste jar.
37:58Why do I look like a bean paste jar?
38:01You can expect the effect of azuki tea.
38:04If you have stress,
38:06it's not good for your hair,
38:08so you can expect the effect of calcium and vitamin B
38:12to relieve stress.
38:14Is azuki tea only good for hair?
38:17No, it lowers blood pressure.
38:20It also suppresses fat absorption.
38:23In the mouse experiment,
38:25azuki tea is said to have anti-inflammatory properties.
38:28It's being studied.
38:30It's being studied.
38:32Azuki tea is perfect.
38:34You can make azuki tea into porridge.
38:36If you take azuki tea as it is,
38:38you can get dietary fiber,
38:40so you can expect to improve your constipation.
38:42There are a lot of good things.
38:44We have a poet this time.
38:47Mr. Kosugi.
38:49You have everything you need.
38:52If you have so much,
38:54you can share it with everyone.
38:56Why do you bring everything to me?
39:01You can share it with everyone.
39:04Why do you bring everything to me?
39:07It's strong.
39:09It's coffee.
39:11It's really strong.
39:13It smells like azuki tea.
39:16What is it?
39:20I'm not saying it's really.
39:22Is there such a culture system?
39:25I don't think so.
39:27Is there such a culture system?
39:30How does it taste?
39:34It tastes like azuki tea.
39:39It's not sweet.
39:41It tastes like azuki tea.
39:43I don't think so.
39:45I don't think so.
39:47I don't think so.
39:49What is this?
39:51Why did you say that?
39:53It's like a world of match bars.
39:56It's like a world of match bars.
39:58It's easy to drink.
40:00Do you drink it?
40:02When I want to eat something sweet,
40:04it helps me to drink it.
40:06It's a little sweet.
40:08It's not in the cafe.
40:10It's not in the cafe.
40:12It's not in the cafe.
40:14It's like a syrup.
40:16It's not sweet.
40:18It's like a syrup.
40:20It's like a cup of tea.
40:22It's like a cup of tea.
40:24It's like a cup of tea.
40:27Please forgive me.
40:29It's okay.
40:31I haven't done COSMARO for a long time.
40:35When SANMA came as a guest,
40:37the show was over.
40:39You just said it looked like COSMARO.
40:42I don't have a circuit.
40:45In order to ask for a favor in business,
40:47it is more impressive
40:49if the person in charge
40:51says that it is the tea I put in.
40:58If you put it in yourself,
41:00I think the other person's response will change.
41:02Why do I have to put your tea in?
41:08You say more than usual.
41:16In order to ask for a favor in business,
41:19it is more impressive
41:21if the person in charge
41:23says that it is the tea I put in.
41:30If you put it in yourself,
41:32I think the other person's response will change.
41:34I think the other person's response will change.
41:36I think the other person's response will change.
41:38That's a joke.
41:40That's a joke.
41:42That's a joke.
41:44I think it's more effective to put yours in.
41:47That's a lot of customers out there.
41:50That's a lot of customers out there.
41:52I thought I would say anything.
41:54I thought I would say anything.
41:57I thought I would say anything.
42:00My boss doesn't put it in himself!!
42:03It looks like a business that doesn't take offers.
42:06But it's true that it's easier for the other party to make a deal with the president, because it's easier for the president to make a deal with the president.
42:21I think that if you try to make a deal with the president, the other party's response will change.
42:28The other party's response?
42:30I don't care about the other party's response.
42:33Why do I have to make tea for you guys?
42:39You talk a lot more than usual.
42:44In the Sengoku era, there was a tea-making system.
42:48The Sengoku warriors would make tea together.
42:51Oh, they did that?
42:54I think Mr. Takebayashi is saying the same thing.
42:58I don't know if it's possible in today's business scene, so I don't know.
43:03Oh, the Sengoku warriors did that?
43:05Yes, they did.
43:06Thank you for saying that.
43:08As you said, there are companies that make tea in front of a deal.
43:14When it's a battle, they do a tea ceremony first.
43:20Oh, that's what they do.
43:22It's a little hard for young people, but it's not that delicious.
43:28But when I invite my friends, I make tea for the first time.
43:35Do you do the ceremony properly?
43:37They say you can drink it as you like, but I do it properly.
43:41It's effective for young people to do it.
43:43I don't usually do it.
43:45If you do that, you'll feel like you've made me popular.
43:50You will.
43:51If I do it, I think it will go well.
43:53But if Mr. Sanma does it, he will be surprised.
43:56He will be surprised.
43:57You four will drink it all at once.
44:00No, no, no.
44:02What are you going to say now?
44:04I'm scared.
44:05I'm really scared.
44:06I don't want to sit down at all.
44:08It's a matter of taste.
44:10Kosogi-kun, right?
44:13What do you want to see with this tea?
44:17Don't drink it.
44:19I'm more tired than I have stamina.
44:23A new way to relieve fatigue for those who are tired every day.
44:27Furthermore, the result of the shock when measuring the fatigue is...
44:33You're broken.
44:35If you want to watch Mubadekka TV again,
44:39don't forget to register as a favorite on TVer.
44:42The past broadcasts are being distributed by FOD.
