• last year
Jake & Johnnie swipe on 50 women #dailymotion #girls #boys #foryou #kissing #dating


00:00I'm Johnny. I make music and YouTube videos, and I stay in my room a lot.
00:04I do the same thing as him.
00:06Yeah, but his name's Jake.
00:07But my name's Jake, yeah.
00:19How long have we been friends for? Like, two years?
00:20I'd say two years at this point.
00:22He rated me on Twitch, he sent his viewers to me,
00:25and then I started talking to him, and then he started talking to me,
00:27and then we made some songs together, and started making YouTube videos together,
00:30and now we're roommates.
00:32We've probably got, like, a year left.
00:34Yeah, I'm getting fed up with him.
00:36That's why we need to find a girl.
00:38We are afraid of women.
00:39Well, we attract what we fear, right?
00:42Not in our case.
00:44We're gonna have you guys basically picking dates for each other.
00:47There's, like, 50 of them.
00:48Do you feel confident in your ability to do that?
00:51I'm gonna win.
00:52Win what? I don't know. We're not battling each other.
00:55I'm talking to Johnny, my bachelor.
00:57Are you excited?
00:58No, I'm very terrified.
01:00Sorry, ladies.
01:01Oh, I can't even look, dude.
01:02You can't even look.
01:05I know, it's harder for me.
01:06We have name tags.
01:07Oh, that's cool.
01:10This is gonna be hard.
01:14Jake, whenever you're ready, let's get started.
01:26I'm sorry.
01:27I'm sorry.
01:36This is f***ing wild.
01:37I feel like a hot dog.
01:41I don't know this man's taste, to be honest.
01:44I don't know it either.
01:45I'm trying to think about everyone that he's ever talked to,
01:47and there's not a link between any of them.
01:49Well, they're all human.
01:51So that's one link.
02:07I'm just covering my eyes.
02:20This is for you.
02:23She won't deal.
02:25Yeah, I'm gonna take your girl, dude.
02:30I'm sorry.
02:31It's okay.
02:38This is wild.
02:44I feel like I should be dancing or something.
02:56So, like, if you guys were to give some insight to each other
02:59about, like, hey, this is kind of what I'm looking for,
03:01are you able to do that?
03:03I've been pretty good at being alone.
03:04You need to find someone that'll challenge that.
03:06Someone makes you not want to be alone.
03:08Good luck.
03:35Just wave, I guess.
03:45I think some of them are scared of us.
03:46They don't come close.
03:56Is it my turn?
03:59Okay, ladies, how are you feeling?
04:01Everyone feel good?
04:04I know.
04:05All right, ladies, are you ready to do it again?
04:08Okay, cool.
04:09So I have to do this?
04:12Now we're back at it.
04:13Yeah, okay.
04:17Hi again.
04:20All right.
04:21Johnny, you can start.
04:22All right.
04:23Let me really think about this.
04:48I feel like a monster.
04:52This is so weird.
04:53At least you're saying sorry.
04:54I like your necklace.
04:58I know.
04:59Now I look like a douche.
05:07You're choosing almost the exact same people who decided for you.
05:10I don't know.
05:16Oh, my God.
05:17I feel like I am choosing the same people.
05:19What the f***?
05:20You're lying.
05:21Dang, I copied your list.
05:25I'll sit next to you.
05:31Hi again.
05:37I had to.
05:38I had to.
05:39I'm sorry.
05:42Johnny, you mentioned a couple times that this was like your nightmare.
05:47No exaggeration.
05:48Not only do I have to leave my room,
05:51but also I have to meet 50 new people that happen to be girls,
05:54and I have to say yes or no to them.
05:56So, yeah, it was a little, you know, a lot.
06:08I feel like I'm being really picky.
06:11That's good to hear.
06:12It's for me.
06:15Anything for my princess.
06:21This is crazy.
06:46The lack of talking is killing me.
06:57I did it.
06:58Okay, that's like the same.
07:01Ah, panic attacks unlocked.
07:02Johnny, how did that feel?
07:03Oh, it felt great.
07:05I feel like a good person now.
07:07Jake, do you feel confident in Johnny's swipes?
07:12Yeah, why not?
07:17Is that a bad thing?
07:18Is that a bad thing?
07:19Yeah, why not?
07:21You said yeah.
07:22Yeah, I mean, yes, yes.
07:33You guys claim you don't know each other's types,
07:35but it sounds like you go for similar people.
07:38I just copy his answers.
07:39Do what?
07:40I just copy whatever Jake does, yeah.
07:43I feel right when I vocalize all of my emotions
07:46and don't bottle up my feelings.
07:48Overall, I'm actually doing kind of well
07:51and I've got nothing to complain about.
07:53Whoa, wait.
07:54That's not very emo of you, bro.
07:57Yeah, I know.
07:58But, you know, I can't help but write what I feel.
08:00And right now I'm feeling very in touch with myself and happy.
08:04Is that because of the therapists you found for better help?
08:07Yeah, bro.
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08:51Thanks to Better Help for supporting this channel.
08:53Now, let's get back to practice.
08:55You think we should do a...
08:59No, no, no. I think it should be more like a...
09:06Is there anyone who wants to start us off?
09:09Yeah, let's go first.
09:10Alright, let's go for it.
09:15What do you like?
09:16What do you mean, what do I like?
09:17I don't know, like, what's your hobbies?
09:19Oh my gosh, I do everything.
09:20I love art, I make music, I do poetry,
09:23I like hiking, I like being in nature,
09:25I like grounding, I like climbing trees.
09:27Johnny doesn't like to leave his room.
09:28It's okay, he can stay in his room.
09:30I'm still gonna do me.
09:31I mean, he's his own person.
09:32That's valid.
09:33You would never make him go on a hike or anything?
09:35No, I'm not gonna make him do anything.
09:36It's your safe space, huh?
09:37Oh yeah.
09:38That's mine too.
09:39Being out here is very, very scary for me.
09:41This is not my bedroom.
09:45What's, like, your favorite thing about your beloved best friend?
09:48Is it like...
09:49Me or him?
09:50No, you.
09:51About him?
09:52His ocean blue eyes and his stunning personality.
09:54Oh yeah, he got it from here.
09:56Personality, what?
09:57He's a silly goose.
09:58Oh, yeah.
09:59Yeah, he has a good sense of humor.
10:01He's emotionally available, I like that.
10:03That's true.
10:04That's so rare now.
10:05Yeah, yeah.
10:06He's understanding.
10:07He's understanding because he's misunderstood,
10:08so he knows what it feels like.
10:12Not be understood.
10:13What are, like, some of your hobbies?
10:14Um, well, I do ceramics.
10:17Like, I work in a ceramics studio.
10:19I do pole dancing.
10:21I do drag.
10:22I love to dance.
10:23Sometimes I'm modeling.
10:24Sometimes I'm, like, making content.
10:26I do a lot of traveling too, so it's fun.
10:28Keeps me on my toes.
10:29There's nothing going on in my mind right now,
10:31but tonight's karaoke.
10:34Wait, do you like doing karaoke?
10:35I love it.
10:36Literally was doing that last night.
10:37I got drunk and I was just going ham.
10:39Would you want this man to do karaoke with you?
10:41I would love that.
10:42I'm gonna be honest.
10:43I don't know if I'm that guy.
10:44It's okay.
10:45It's okay.
10:46You can just watch me do it, you know?
10:47Yeah, I'll be supportive in that way.
10:48Hi, guys.
10:50I don't know.
10:51Tell me about yourself.
10:52Well, um, I am a singer, songwriter, musician.
10:56But outside of that, that's a loaded question, dude.
10:59There's so many.
11:00I'm sorry.
11:01I don't know what to ask.
11:02There's so many different directions.
11:03I feel like I'm being interrogated.
11:04I don't know what to ask.
11:05I don't even know what Johnny really likes.
11:06You don't know what your best friend likes.
11:08I just stay in my room.
11:09You just stay in your room.
11:10And I play guitar.
11:11You play guitar.
11:12Okay, you play guitar.
11:13I play guitar.
11:14What do you like to play?
11:15Acoustic, mostly.
11:18Do you drive?
11:19I do.
11:20Okay, Johnny doesn't drive, so.
11:21You don't drive?
11:22Is that like a choice, or is that like...
11:23It's like a choice of noise, yeah.
11:24He likes being a passenger princess.
11:25You wouldn't mind driving him around?
11:26You know what?
11:27Honestly, I would.
11:28That's fine.
11:29I'll just Uber.
11:30It's fine.
11:31I get it.
11:32But you know what?
11:33I wouldn't want to drive you around, like, all the time.
11:34Yeah, but occasionally.
11:35Like, you know, we gotta have a balance.
11:38I'm Zoe.
11:39Hi, Zoe.
11:40Nice to meet you.
11:41Nice to meet you.
11:42I'm Zoe.
11:43Hi, I'm Jake.
11:44Nice to meet you.
11:45Nice to meet you.
11:46Your hair's cool.
11:47Your hair's cooler.
11:48It's like a bird nest, but thank you.
11:49He's a natural blonde.
11:52Thanks for airing that out now, dude.
11:53It's not a bad thing.
11:54Everyone knows I'm blonde now.
11:55I don't want blonde hair.
11:56What's that life like?
11:57Probably the worst life ever, honestly.
11:58You know?
11:59I gotta dye my hair.
12:00No, I'm just kidding.
12:01It's a really nice color.
12:03It makes your complexions really stand out.
12:05What kind of movies do you like?
12:06I love scary movies.
12:08I have a twin sister, and she conditioned me at a really young age to love scary movies.
12:14Do you like horror movies?
12:15Yeah, I love horror movies.
12:16I like rom-coms a lot, too.
12:17Rom-coms are cool.
12:18I don't really watch rom-coms, but I should.
12:19I do.
12:20You should.
12:21I know.
12:22This guy's been on a lot.
12:23What's your favorite rom-com?
12:24No, this is not about you.
12:28What's your favorite rom-com?
12:29Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
12:30Oh, my God.
12:31I love that movie.
12:33Do you have an introvert or an extrovert?
12:34I have both.
12:35I'm an omnivore, so I can be really social.
12:38I work in service, so I can turn that on, but then also, I want to go home and read.
12:41It's okay.
12:43I don't have both.
12:44I do love to be out with my friends.
12:45I'm very social.
12:46It's easy for me to meet people and make friends.
12:48I've got to remember to breathe.
12:49I've got to blink.
12:50I'm making eye contact.
12:51We're talking.
12:53I know.
12:54What about you?
12:55A little bit of both.
12:56Mostly, though, I like to stay alone in my room.
12:57He's a bed rocker.
12:58I literally just ...
12:59Bed rocker.
13:01Bed rocker.
13:03I just rot in my bed.
13:04Rotting in bed.
13:05Do you have sheets on your bed?
13:08I don't know.
13:09No, that's valid.
13:10That's fair.
13:12No, I get it.
13:13How often do you wash them though?
13:14I washed them yesterday.
13:15What's your ideal date?
13:16Definitely grabbing food.
13:17I do love a good meal.
13:18What kind of food?
13:19What kind of food?
13:20I love Japanese food.
13:21I like casual food.
13:22I don't like dressing up or going all out.
13:24That's a vibe.
13:25Would you ever try tattooing at all?
13:26Would you tattoo?
13:28I tattoo full time.
13:31I have a machine and I've done it.
13:32I have a machine and I've done it.
13:33I totally tattoo you.
13:34But it just depends what kind of style you like.
13:35What do I ...
13:36You tattoo me as well.
13:39What's your silliest tattoo?
13:40Goofiest one?
13:41Oh my gosh.
13:42I have Robbie Rotten from LazyTown on my leg.
13:43The worst part is my ex did it.
13:49None of us have those.
13:51I know.
13:52I'm sure I'll cover it up one day.
13:53We'll see.
13:54I've had like two relationships.
13:56I'm sure I'll cover it up one day.
13:57We'll see.
13:58I've had like two relationships.
13:59One was six years and the other one was like a month.
14:00Besides that, just been alone.
14:03But I got my roommate.
14:05So we're good.
14:06You know.
14:07So I heard you can't drive.
14:08I know.
14:09But like is there a reason?
14:10Because I can't drive too.
14:12I mean, I just ...
14:13I had my permit three times and they all expired before I could pay for it.
14:15That's fair.
14:16It probably would happen to me as well.
14:17So ...
14:18You guys are just going to have to like Uber together everywhere.
14:19That's fine.
14:21You guys are going to have to pay for all the Ubers?
14:22What the ...
14:24I would never ...
14:26Johnny doesn't like to pay for things.
14:27That's so not true, dude.
14:29I'm kidding.
14:30But I'm planning this year.
14:31It's going to happen, okay?
14:32I'll be on the highways maybe.
14:33What do you think is his red and green flags?
14:34I think he's great.
14:35He's a good friend of me.
14:36I feel like he'd be a good boyfriend.
14:37I'll pay you later.
14:39No problem.
14:40I'm going to miss you guys.
14:41You're the biggest girl.
14:42I'm going to miss you and your open eyes.
14:47Or Jake.
14:55Jake or Johnny?
14:56Jake or Johnny?
14:57Which one's my type?
14:58I know.
14:59I need to know their love print on the Nectar app.
15:05Hi, Jen.
15:07For Jake, I can ...
15:08Someone that's confident, I think.
15:09I like bold women.
15:10I think I have a better chance of finding him someone than me finding someone.
15:18Do you play any video games?
15:19I play Animal Crossing.
15:21Yeah, I like games like that too. I like like Minecraft. You've been getting into the Nintendo Switch world a little bit. Yeah
15:27Yeah, I play mine on the Switch. Oh cool. I just started playing Roblox. Oh nice. Isn't that a game for like kids?
15:34No. Get him. No. See that's what I thought too, but then I played Dress to Impress and it's actually kind of fun. Oh Dress to Impress, okay.
15:41Yeah, yeah, all right. It's gonna be tough, but Jake told me that he's not really feeling the blonde hair in life
15:48Would you dye your hair brown?
15:50He likes brown. He's into brunettes. Well, I was my natural color, which is like a light brown not too long ago, and then I dyed it blonde again.
15:58So I'm fake blonde. I don't know if that makes a difference. Does it make a difference? I don't know. I guess not. Why doesn't he like blondes?
16:05That's actually insane. I'm gonna change my mind. Because I'm blonde too. Not even your best friend, you don't like blondes?
16:10He's brunette. That's why I have to dye my hair blonde. Well, I mean he has black hair now. Oh, so you changed it because he doesn't like blondes.
16:16I could wear a wig, maybe?
16:18No, you don't have to change yourself for me. What's your favorite ride at Disneyland?
16:25How about you Jake? I don't like the amusement parks. I like shopping. I'd rather shop.
16:32If you and Jake were to go to any restaurant, what restaurant would that be? First thing that came to mind is Olive Garden.
16:37Oh my god, that's like the only food I don't like to eat. What's your favorite type of films? This is so random.
16:43I don't know. I can't remember. Rise of the Guardians. Is that like an action movie? It was an animated movie with Jack Frost.
16:47It's really sweet. I don't like animated movies. That's okay. What kind of movies do you like? I like horror movies. I like rom-coms.
16:53Okay, what's your favorite rom-com? Does The Notebook count as a rom-com? Because it's not that funny.
16:59What do you want? It's not that simple. What do you want?
17:06What do you want?
17:09Hello. Hello. So how do you feel about Jake being best friends with his ex?
17:17Good question.
17:19I had a girlfriend for five years. She was super chill. Is super chill. Still chill.
17:24Do you talk about kind of going from romantic to post-ponic and how that's worked?
17:29It felt super natural. We dated because we got along, so why not be friends as well? I think it's great.
17:35She's awesome. You would like her too.
17:37I need to think about it. I feel like it can be a green flag because it means that like you are
17:44emotionally intelligent enough to be able to like
17:49separate your romantic attractions from like your platonic attractions, right? I think it can be okay.
17:55It's a little iffy, you know, but I feel like as long as
18:00communication is all like throughout the party, like it's okay.
18:04You said you like shopping. I want to know what is the most outrageous purchase
18:08he's made lately, like in a store, like going out shopping?
18:12Probably a really nice car for his ex.
18:20That's yours.
18:23That is your car. I'm the ex-boyfriend of the year, guys.
18:28I was trying to avoid that by saying like shopping in a store.
18:31Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean there was a store when he bought it. I guess that's where you buy cars.
18:37Understandable. I mean, if I had money, I don't think I'd buy my ex cars, but...
18:41What is your favorite thing about being in Jake's company?
18:46This guy? Yeah.
18:48Let me get the list. I always tell them this, but he really is so like a go-getter and that's like very motivational for myself.
18:56He's got a very kind heart. He's just a very sweet guy and he's just always there for you, really.
19:01What's the most romantic thing your friend has ever done for someone they like?
19:05He's taken me on a cruise. Oh, yeah, I did that.
19:07That's pretty romantic. Oh, that's really romantic.
19:09But it was just for filming though, so...
19:11Nonetheless, free cruise, so, you know.
19:14Do you have a favorite memory with each other that puts a smile on your face every time you think about it?
19:19Probably the first time we kissed.
19:22I was gonna be like, oh, am I interrupting something?
19:24We've done that a couple times. No, no, no.
19:26Okay, only a couple. Yeah, last time was New Year's, so it's fine.
19:29Yeah, it was a while ago.
19:30What would be your ideal date?
19:32My ideal date?
19:34Honestly, I really don't care.
19:36If we get a chance to like sit down and have like a genuine conversation and like actually get to know each other,
19:41that's all I care about.
19:42We go to a liquor store
19:44and we get lotto tickets
19:46and we win the mega million.
19:48Yeah, just automatically. That's in the plan.
19:50You said ideal. No, yeah, no, I'm kidding.
19:52Maybe we get on a flight somewhere,
19:54ideally with a beach,
19:57frozen margaritas, and then we can get each other's names tattooed on our knuckles.
20:01That's a vibe. On knuckles? No, that's crazy.
20:04My name would work really well though, because it's four letters.
20:07Would you ever get your girl's name tattooed on you?
20:11Oh, okay. I like that.
20:13I have my ex-girlfriend's lips right here. Well, they're like cartoon. They're like cartoon, but...
20:17Yeah, but that's still cool.
20:19That was like two weeks into meeting her.
20:21What is your favorite tattoo of Jake's?
20:24All right, show off the body.
20:26Whoa, um, whoa.
20:29Honestly? Oh, man.
20:32I think it's one of these ones. I like this little devil guy. He's cool, but I also really like...
20:36He's got a unicorn here though. Oh, yeah, I just got a unicorn.
20:39Do you have any tattoos? I do. I have...
20:42this and that. That's dope.
20:44Some on my legs and stuff.
20:46Do you think Jake is like a bad boy or a good boy?
20:50Oh, that's so cute, you guys.
20:51I would say I'm a good boy.
20:52He's got a little bit of a bad boy, but he's a good boy.
20:54I'm like kind of, you know?
20:57That's Jake for sure. Oh my god!
21:00What's one good habit of Jake and one bad habit of him?
21:03Oh, okay. Oh my god, dude.
21:05Leaves the lights on.
21:07Okay, thank god. I thought you were gonna expose me.
21:09Expose you for what?
21:11Oh, I'm not gonna say that.
21:13I pee outside more than in the toilet.
21:15But it's, you know, it's his house. He can do that, you know?
21:17Standing up and peeing is like so...
21:19It's like it requires so much thought.
21:21There's always a splash back and I just like to pee outside.
21:25Thank you very much.
21:41I want to start with Jake's.
21:46I think I missed the bottom. I'm sorry, but I chose Eliana.
21:52That's crazy.
21:53Johnny, can you reveal who you chose?
21:55Uh, I put my name. Is that okay?
21:59No? Okay, my bad.
22:03But I spelt it wrong.
22:07We are best friends.
22:08Yeah, I know, right?
22:09Eliana, you can come forward.
22:11Hell yeah.
22:13Oh, now they're married.
22:16Johnny, do you, without telling us again,
22:18do you remember who you wrote down for yourself?
22:20Okay, cool.
22:21So I'm gonna have Jake reveal only to you who he picked.
22:26And then you're gonna tell us if you want to go with Jake's pick or with your pick.
22:29Okay, wait.
22:32Yeah, let's go with the one that Jake picked.
22:37Who do you pick?
22:41I'm sorry, I had to say it.
22:42I feel like anyone I would pick is someone I would also pick for Johnny, so it makes sense.
22:47But then I was like, I'm not gonna go with the same person, obviously.
22:50Did I actually say my name?
22:51Had I put in mine?
22:53Oh, yeah.
22:53It's Lotus.
22:57Nice to meet you in this giant white room.
23:00Oh, wow.
23:02This is super normal.
23:03I'm surprised because I thought me not being able to drive would be like a red flag.
23:07I don't drive.
23:08I know, but like-
23:09It works out.
23:09Something you guys have in common.
23:12Uber everywhere.
23:13What would the first date look like for the two of you?
23:16Probably driving somewhere, you know?
23:18I'll drive.
23:19I'm Johnny's roommate, so I can drive you guys.
23:20Jake will drive us somewhere.
23:22Then we'll have to get an Uber back from wherever because Jake will like leave first.
23:25So, you know.
23:25I get dirty with a lot of wine.
23:27Yeah, yeah.
23:27As long as they pay for my meal.
23:29I'm not doing that, so.
23:30So having gone through this experience, would you guys let each other pick dates for you again?
23:37Why would I do that?
23:38I'll just do it myself.
23:39What the heck?
23:40Yeah, true.
