Jerry Reinsdorf's best attribute as a boss is his worst trait as an owner

  • last week
00:00The truest statement in the entire piece written in The Athletic by Brit Garoli and Ken Rosenthal,
00:06well researched, you saw all of the Kenny Williams quotes in there, but the truest
00:11is that Jerry Reinsdorf's greatest attribute as a boss is his worst as a baseball owner,
00:18and that's loyalty. And it's just, it's become so misplaced and so misguided and so calcified
00:26and cloistered and sclerotic that this is, it's, and I've mentioned before, the White Sox are an
00:34end stage operation. It's over. Whatever it is is over. It needs to be destroyed and rebuilt.
00:44And they've missed, it's an overgrown mansion on the hill covered in weeds with odd disjointed
00:54annexes that have been put on it and attics that are sticking out at weird angles.
01:00At some point you need to demolish the building and build a new.
01:04And no, I get that. I thought for a moment when we heard about a man who's so fiercely loyal,
01:10as you described, Jerry Reinsdorf, making the decision to depart with Kenny Williams and Rick
01:16Heine, for a moment it was like the opposite of what we just talked about with the Bears. This
01:21man is, he understands what everyone else is seeing and he's finally seeing it for himself.
01:27And then immediately thereafter, no, we're not, we're not looking outside. We know who our
01:33replacement is. It's internal. It's Chris Gatson. He's the guy who's been in charge of our minor
01:38league system, which has now been completely depleted, never built up in the way it should
01:41have been.
01:42And had two separate scandals involving manager's behavior at two different levels of the
01:48organization. Let's not forget that.
01:51And so you add all that up and you realize, oh, we're just right back where we started,
01:56which is not a fresh start, but more of the same.
