• le mois dernier
00:00La, la, la, what an outrageous day, it's full for the day day, this is the day, today is, it's the day I shine, the day that's all mine, full for the day day, this is, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
00:30And no one can be more foolish than me
00:33Hey, what's going on?
00:38Very full for the day day outrageousness
00:41I wish you the same loveliness, if I could see you
00:45Sorry about that, isn't this girl just divine?
00:49Yeah, it's pretty
00:54Where's lovely? What have you done with her?
00:58It's me, look
01:01That's a relief, I've never seen you looking quite so well, so outrageous
01:08That's what full for the day day is about
01:11A wonderful chance to be as wild and zany as we want, to be anything we want
01:17I'll see you at the big parade tonight
01:19It's going to be the best full for the day day parade ever
01:24Hey, check out my hair and make up
01:27Oh sure, you look outrageous
01:31I have to hurry, half the fun of full for the day day is showing everyone how you look
01:39Yeah, I know
01:42Oh, everyone really is acting the fool today
01:51I don't know why I felt so strange about Lovely looking so outrageous
01:55I'll have to apologize to her
01:57Hey outrageous, is this c-c-cool?
02:02A whole long day to act the fool
02:05Hey outrageous, is this c-c-cool?
02:09A whole long day to act the fool
02:12You got coolness hip hop down pretty good, Happy
02:15Where'd you get the coat?
02:17Made it from flowers in Silly Hilly Valley
02:19Acting cool today is right up my alley
02:22It's a great full for the day day prank
02:25How about my hair? It's something, isn't it?
02:28It does look different
02:30I'll bet you're really happy today
02:32After all, it gives you a chance to see everyone else acting outrageous for a change
02:38It's a laugh a minute
02:41There's outrageousness
02:44Quiet prisoner, you're not allowed to talk
02:49Elliot, how come you're locked up?
02:51What's more foolish than the greatest Nessie detective of all time getting locked in jail?
02:58And what do you think of me?
03:00Is this the most outrageous hair you've ever seen?
03:03How about my makeup? Something, isn't it?
03:06Now that's better
03:08Phew, for a Nes deck and I was worried I lost my touch
03:11I mean, after all, I am outrageous and...
03:18Huh? What are you laughing at?
03:22Oh, I see
03:27You weren't laughing about how outrageous I am today
03:31Where are you going? Come back!
03:34Surprise and Ha Ha Ha are here
03:38Say hello for me
03:41A good full for the day day to everyone
03:45Same to you, Surprise
03:47We can be as foolish as we want
03:50This is gonna be so cool
03:53Actually, Happy is cool today
03:55But if Happy is cool, how come you're in the cooler?
04:04Even the McJoy kids are outrageous enough to make kind and loud Elliot laugh
04:12Elliot laugh so hard they don't notice me
04:15I, I guess I'm not so outrageous after all
04:30Hey, where did you come from?
04:37Hey, where did you come from?
04:42Watch where you're going
04:45Isn't that too bad?
04:48Look out, you're going to walk into a tree
04:51Not only do any of my friends like me
04:54But now I've got all of you giving me trouble
04:58Back off, sneaky
05:00Enough, devious
05:02Me, back, put a lid on it
05:05You're a good sport, outrageous
05:09Didn't I tell you she's a good sport?
05:13Sure you did, Pompous
05:16Yeah, I remember
05:19Hey, Pompous said you're alright
05:22That you're a good sport
05:24It's nice that someone thinks I'm okay
05:27Just a second
05:30Where are you going?
05:32To the forest
05:33We'll go with you
05:41I've never felt so sad
05:45That's because the other Nessies made you feel sad inside
05:51And the Morris knows it
05:57But why would they want to make me sad?
06:00Because they're jealous of you
06:03That's the reason they made a fool for the day-day
06:06So they can act more outrageous than you
06:09You know, I always wondered why they had fool for the day-day
06:15You know, they're always saying mean things about you
06:20And they tell lies about you
06:22But we'd never do that, frankly
06:26I always thought you'd be happier with us in Gloom Lagoon
06:29Because I'd let you be what you want to be
06:32And we wouldn't be jealous of you
06:35Maybe the other Nessies are jealous
06:38Why else would they go around trying to be outrageous?
06:41I've never thought about living in Gloom Lagoon
06:44About being a member of the Legion of the Dark Fountain
06:47Well, let me tell you what it's like, Outrageous Ness
06:51It's like one great big family
06:57When things are going wrong
07:00And you feel you don't belong
07:02And your friends don't seem to notice
07:05Just how special you might be
07:08There's a place that you can run
07:10Where you'll feel like number one
07:13Because the most important words down here
07:16Are me, me, me
07:22When you're in the Gloom Lagoon
07:24You can be outrageous
07:26We're the tops in this platoon
07:28No one can upstage us
07:31Everybody has a job
07:33I'm bad, I'm mean, I'm devious
07:35To be a member of this mob
07:38You gotta be mischievous
07:40When you're in the Gloom Lagoon
07:42No one underrates you
07:44You command respect
07:46And soon everybody hates you
07:49But that's our very favorite part
07:51Cause that's what gives us power
07:53You lose yourself, you lose your mind
07:56But boy, it's fun to watch them cower
07:58If you want to join the gang
08:00There are things you must do
08:02You can have the whole shebang
08:05If we learn to trust you
08:07So take a sec to think it through
08:09Now do you wanna have gloom?
08:12No one will treat you like we do
08:14You hold the cards
08:16You call the tune
08:19In my Gloom Lagoon
08:23Come on, Outrageous, what do you say?
08:26Sounds great, I'll give it a try
08:29It's not that easy
08:31Four Gloom Lagoon Nessies have to agree to let you in
08:35But I'm sure Sneaky, Mean, Devious and Bad will want you in
08:40If you pass the test
08:42What test?
08:44They'll each have something for you to do
08:46To prove how bad you want to live in Gloom Lagoon
08:50Just tell me what I have to do
08:59You know how I like sneaky things
09:02So naturally, you'll have to be a little sneaky to pass my test
09:06I can do sneaky
09:09You're to sneak into the storehouse
09:11Where the floats for the Fool for the Day Day Parade are stored
09:14And make sure one of them doesn't make it to the parade
09:18What do you mean?
09:20Drill a hole in the bottom of a float so it sinks
09:23Put stinkweed on it so it stinks
09:26Saw it in half so it turns into tiddlywings
09:30Ruin one of those floats
09:37She's hooked
09:38She'll do anything to live in Gloom Lagoon
09:41And the next tests are going to help make the Fool for the Day Day Parade end in December
09:58Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy
10:01This is the most important thing I've ever done
10:05They must really trust me if they're letting me... me...
10:09What was I supposed to do?
10:12You're supposed to guard the storehouse, forgetfulness
10:16Right, I knew that
10:19Wait a second
10:22If I'm supposed to guard the storehouse
10:26Why should I let you inside?
10:29Because I've got to finish decorating one of the floats
10:33What floats?
10:35The floats for the parade
10:37What parade?
10:39The Fool for the Day Day Parade
10:41Oh, that parade!
10:46Thanks, Outrageous!
10:50Now that it's time to ruin one of the floats, it's not so easy
10:55Everyone works so hard on them
10:59On the other hand, I worked hard on making my hair outrageous
11:04And putting on my wild makeup and no one cared
11:08Maybe they'll notice me when I move to Gloom Lagoon
11:18I passed that test with lying colors
11:23And then I chewed up the last stilt and the whole float fell over
11:30She's got my boat
11:32She's got three more tests to pass
11:35And my test will take some thinking to pull off
11:39I want you to convince Happy to lead the parade tonight
11:44I'm not sure I want her in Gloom Lagoon
11:47She asks too many questions
11:49I didn't mean to
11:51I won't let it happen again, I'm sorry
11:53Devious doesn't care about excuses, just results
11:57If you want his vote, you'd better get working
12:12Happy, there you are
12:22Tu vas bien?
12:24Tu as brisé quelque chose?
12:26J'ai peur que j'ai brisé ce bâtiment
12:29Comme on peut le voir dans les yeux de Nessie
12:32Je vais bien
12:33Merci, je t'attendais
12:37Je voulais te demander de conduire la parade ce soir
12:39Je ne sais pas
12:41Seul une folle Nessie devrait conduire la parade
12:44Je ne suis pas sûre que je sois folle
12:46Regarde ton vêtement, c'est horrible
12:49C'est la chose la plus folle que j'ai vu
12:52Tu inspireras tout le monde, ils vont adorer
12:55Ça serait bien
12:58Ok, je le ferai
13:01Je vais conduire la grande parade ce soir
13:04Et être vraiment folle
13:07Quand je vais dans Deliver River
13:10Les Nessies rirent tellement qu'ils s'éloignent
13:15Je ne savais pas que vivre dans Gloom Lagoon serait si dur
13:20Tu es à la moitié
13:23C'est tout pour toi, Nessie
13:27Pour passer mon test
13:30Tu dois arrêter la valeur de faire la parade
13:34Même si je voulais, je ne pouvais pas
13:36La valeur est la plus forte, la plus courageuse, la plus valeureuse Nessie dans Happy Land
13:42Comment suis-je supposée de...
13:45J'aurais peut-être une façon
13:48Mais c'est horrible
13:50Tu veux dire?
13:54Cette Nessie montre une promesse
13:57Elle pourrait faire de Gloom Lagoon
14:00Si elle réussit avec la valeur
14:04Nous serons prêts pour mettre fin à mon plan
14:10Tu ne peux pas être sérieux pour aller à la parade ce soir, brave
14:14Pourquoi pas? Je pense que j'ai l'air folle comme oiseau
14:18Ce n'est pas suffisamment pour t'apparaitre folle
14:20Tu dois t'agir de la folle
14:22Et tu ne sais pas comment
14:24Tu es trop bien comporté
14:26Si tu vas à la parade, tu vas détruire la joie de tout le monde
14:31Je ne voudrais pas faire ça
14:33Mes costumes sont détruits de toute façon
14:37C'est bon Outrageous, je ne vais pas aller à la parade
14:41Tu ne vas pas te manquer, ça ne sera probablement pas si amusant
14:55Allo? Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un?
15:00Hurray pour Outrageous Ness
15:04Hurray for the newest member of Gloom Lagoon
15:08Well, I was about to tell you
15:12That you appreciate us being your friends
15:14No need to thank us, we're your pals
15:18No one ever threw a party like this for me
15:21You deserve it
15:23And when you pass the last test, you can move into Gloom Lagoon
15:28And we'll have parties like this every night
15:31I sure like parties
15:33So what's the last test?
15:35This is a fun one
15:37When the parade comes down to Liver River
15:39To Happy Toon Lagoon tonight
15:41All you gotta do is dive in the water
15:44And make a big whirlpool in front of them
15:47But everyone will be sucked under the water
15:50Their costumes will get soaked
15:52On the parade
15:54Who cares?
15:56Did they care about you today?
15:58We're your friends now
16:04Ha! Ha! Ha!
16:14Please everyone, please
16:17Let's have some order
16:20I realize it's full for a day day
16:23But we need order so the parade can start
16:26Look who's coming! Look who's coming!
16:32Please kindness, don't shout
16:36I wasn't shouting, I don't shout
16:44Kind is loud and she's some fool
16:47But I guess today that's kind of cool
16:53Oh, it's fun, it's fun
16:58I brought my baton, Happy
17:00Can I lead the parade so everyone can see me twirl?
17:03I sort of promised Outrageous I'd lead the parade
17:09But I don't see her anywhere
17:11I think she'd agree your twirling will inspire everyone though
17:15So you can lead the parade, Hannah
17:23At last, the big moment's arrived
17:27All you have to do is dive in
17:30Make a whirlpool to ruin the parade
17:32And you're officially one of us
17:35I know you won't let us down
17:38You've all been so nice to me
17:41Nicer than everyone in Necess City was today
17:45So, hey, that's surprising the McJoy kids
17:50A deal's a deal
17:52If you want to join us, you've still got to pass my test
17:56But the kids are there
17:58They're not like us, they could get sucked under the water and...
18:00And if they do, Braidness will rescue them
18:03He can't, I talked him out of coming to the parade, remember?
18:07Are those brats more important to you than living in Gloom Lagoon?
18:12Decide now
18:14Right now!
18:17This is a terrible choice
18:19I want to join Pompous and the others in Gloom Lagoon
18:23But I don't want to hurt the McJoy kids
18:26I want to be liked by Pompous and her Nessies
18:29But if I have to hurt the kids to do it, it's not right
18:34Not right
18:36Not right!
18:41Try to turn me against my friends, will they?
18:44Try to get me to hurt those kids, will they?
18:53Here's your world, Pompous!
19:11Pour un moment, nous avions peur que vous n'alliez pas participer à la parade, Outrageous
19:15Je crois que je suis un peu perdue, Happy
19:19Avec tout ce qui s'est passé aujourd'hui, je pensais qu'être Outrageous n'était pas vraiment spécial
19:24Faux for the Day Day arrives une fois par an
19:27Nous ne pouvons qu'actuer Outrageous sur ce jour
19:31Mais vous êtes Outrageous tous les jours
19:34Personne ne peut être comme vous
19:36Juste comme personne ne peut être comme nous
19:39Nous sommes tous différents et spéciaux de notre propre façon
19:42J'essaierai de m'en rappeler, frère
19:55Je ne vois pas Outrageous Nessie nulle part
19:58Oh, elle sera là
20:00Elle a eu l'occasion d'accueillir un ami
20:02En fait, ici elle vient maintenant
20:05Vous savez, surprise
20:07Parfois, vous ne savez pas qui sont vos vrais amis jusqu'à ce que vous n'en perdez plus
20:12Mais c'est sûr que c'est sympa quand vous les récupérez
20:15L'amitié perdue et l'amitié retrouvée
20:19Ah, la joie
20:21Quelle joie
