• le mois dernier
00:00Come on everybody! Rise and shine! Today is the day!
00:17No rest in your nest today! Rise and shine Nessie! The circle of delight waits for no one!
00:27Wake up little ones! It's Saturday mom, there's no school today.
00:33Mom! Dad! What time is it? We have to get back, they'll be worried sick about us!
00:38Oh not to worry Hayden, time doesn't work like that down here.
00:42Whenever you decide to go home, it will be as if you never left.
00:46And anyway, you wouldn't want to miss today.
00:50Oh, if it's anything like yesterday, I can't wait!
00:53Wake up everybody! Wake up one and all! Gone is the night! Time to rejoice in the circle of delight!
01:03Keep it quiet down there! People are trying to get some shut eye!
01:07Oh Hannah, come my pretty little one. Let me rub the sleep from your eyes.
01:16What's this about a circle?
01:18Today is a special day down here in Nessie City. Today is the day of first light.
01:25I think you call it by another name.
01:28Ahoy lads and lassies! Permission to come aboard happy?
01:33Permission granted surprise!
01:37Good morning to you all! Just take a wee whiff of that sweet lock air.
01:43Just feel the warm and invigorating crescent light.
01:47It's the first day of spring and we all know what that means, don't we hop me gal?
01:53That's it! Spring is what you call it.
01:56Not everyone here knows what that means to us, but I was just about to fill in
02:01What a delightful sound!
02:03Delightfulness! What a surprise!
02:07We were just about to tell Hannah, Hayden and Halsey.
02:32Yes! We were just about to tell Ha Ha Ha
02:36all about the circle of delight in this oh so special day.
02:41But I'd be delighted if you would do the honors delightful Ness.
02:45Oh! What wonders are in store for you Ha Ha Ha!
02:50What a sight is this circle of delight!
02:54If it's a story you seek, come take a peek!
03:00Behold and believe!
03:04The circle of delight keeps happy happy,
03:08kind kind,
03:10brave brave,
03:13and lovely lovely.
03:16But how does that do that?
03:18It shines down and fills each of our lockets anew
03:23with the lessons that each of us Ness's need
03:27in order to be who we really and truly are.
03:31All Ness's need the power of the light.
03:36Just as we all do.
03:38Do you believe this stuff?
03:41You don't believe little man?
03:45We'll have to shake the doubt right up!
03:49Ha Ha Ha!
03:54There's a lovely place I know
03:57It's a place that you can go
04:01You only have to seek my friend
04:04And you shall find
04:07When you're in this lovely place
04:10There's a light upon your face
04:14And who you really are inside will shine
04:20In the circle of delight
04:23The circle of delight
04:27Come with me to the circle of delight
04:33Now if you would like to see
04:36What's your special quality
04:39The thing that makes you different from all the rest
04:46It will be revealed to you
04:49What you're here on earth to do
04:52And you'll wear the symbol proudly on your chest
04:58In the circle of delight
05:02The circle of delight
05:05Come with me to the circle of delight
05:11It's bright in the light
05:14It's bright in the light
05:17It's bright in the light
05:20It's bright in the light
05:23It's bright in the light
05:27It's bright in the light
05:30It's bright in the light
05:33It's bright in the light
05:36In the circle of delight
05:40The circle of delight
05:43Come with me
05:44Oh, come with me
05:46Come and see
05:47And you will see
05:49What you will be
05:51In the circle of delight
06:01This circle of delight
06:03I'd like to put out the lights forever
06:06All bad things come to those who wait, darkness
06:10Darkness, the time is near
06:13Oh, proud and crownless head
06:16What tricky trick, what hideous hoax
06:19What sneaky snare do you have up your dorsal sleeve
06:24Since all the Nessies will be sending their lockets to Bright's Nest
06:28For polishing before the ceremony
06:31It's our chance to
06:35Borrow Happy's, Lovely's, Kind's and Bright's lockets
06:39Without their precious lockets, there'll be nothing
06:45Right, there'll be nothing
06:48How delightfully mean
06:51We rob their lockets
06:53And we rob the good Nessies of their very Nessence
06:57How deceptively devious
07:00Then, we'll take the lockets to the circle of delight
07:05And I will become the happiest, loveliest, bravest, coolest Nessie of all
07:12Clever, your highness, to be very clever
07:17Then, they'll have no choice but to make me queen of Nessie City
07:25Ruler of all Happy Land
07:32Oh, I just love it when Pompousness gets so full of herself like that
07:39She's such an inspiration
07:42She's almost as sneaky as me
07:45And almost but not quite as mean as me
07:50When the ceremony begins, we'll turn this circle of delight
07:54Into this circle of deny
07:57Just the way I like
08:00To be continued
08:31Miss no more, Bright Eyes
08:33All your dreams come true
08:35Just stepped out of the deep blue
08:37Cool, the ceremony's in a few hours
08:39And you forgot to drop off your locket
08:42Cool didn't forget, Bright Eyes
08:44Cool never forgets
08:46But Cool feels a little uncool without his trusty locket
08:51I was thinking maybe your little starry-eyed friends there
08:54Could do a buff-while-you-wait job
08:56As a special favor for yours truly
08:59Now, I'll make a deal with you, Cool
09:01If you watch the nest so I can go find Forgetful
09:04I'll have your locket shined and polished before you can say delightful
09:09That's a deal that's too sweet to b-b-b-beat, Brighty
09:12You blow and go get Forget
09:14I'll hang and blow some notes and keep things afloat until you return
09:21You're an absolute jewel
09:24The name's Cool, as in real cool
09:36Uh-oh, how we gonna steal the lockets with Cool guarding the stash?
09:41Cool's a fool
09:43Just follow me and do exactly as I do
09:46Oh, no
09:54Loosen up, Sneaky, you look ridiculous
09:57I know what I'm doing, I'm a natural
10:00I don't need a locket to act cool
10:03Just watch me strut my stuff
10:13Hey, chill, Cool
10:15Don't stop playing, it was music to our gills
10:19Yeah, we were drifting on your wrists
10:24Hey, you wouldn't be pulling my dorsal now, would you?
10:27No way, Cool
10:29The way you handle that tool makes us want to drool
10:33Yeah, yeah, float a note in our general direction
10:38Play it cool, keep it coming
10:41Don't stop to take a sip with those magic lips
10:45Go with the flow, Cool
10:48Just go with the flow
10:57It can't be! Oh, my, it can't be!
11:00It can't be!
11:02It can't be!
11:04It can't be!
11:06It can't be!
11:08It can't be!
11:10It can't be!
11:13It can't be! Oh, my, it just can't be!
11:16Someone's taken the locket's happiness
11:19They're gone, the lockets are all gone
11:36They sold you a gill of goods, Cool
11:38They sold you down the river, pal
11:43I'll never be lovely again without my locket
11:46That's not true, Lovely
11:48You'll always be lovely to us
11:50Even without a locket
11:52That's so kind of you children to say that to Loveliness
11:55It's what you are inside that makes you lovely, Loveliness
11:59Not what you wear outside
12:01It's all my fault, Lovely Dovey
12:03I was so busy acting cool, I got carried away
12:07I'm sorry, Bright Eyes
12:09You put your trust in me and I let you down
12:12I let you all down
12:14Who would do something so devious and so sneaky?
12:19That may be our answer right there
12:22May I see those photographs again, Elliot?
12:25They were wearing shades, Hap
12:27I didn't recognize them
12:28It's no use, Hap
12:30I have a confession to make
12:33I know I look cool in these specs
12:36But I honestly can't see a thing out of them
12:39Try this
12:43Yeah, yeah
12:45Those are the Nesses, those are them
12:47I'd recognize them anywhere
12:49Just as I suspected all along
12:51Deviousness and sneakiness up to no good
12:54But who put them up to the crime, Elliot?
12:57It could only be Pompousness
13:01Pompous, huh?
13:02My suspect exactly
13:04We have an old saying down here
13:06If the laquette fits, wear it
13:08We must go to the Gloom Lagoon to find the answer
13:11And our laquettes
13:13If anyone's going to zoom to Gloom
13:15It's going to be this Ness right here
13:17I'm coming with you, Pooh
13:18Why don't I tag along?
13:20Count us in, too
13:27Excellent, excellent, excellent
13:30I feel so haughty, so full of myself
13:33So, ever so fine and ever so vain
13:36Jessica is completely locked up
13:39There must be a way to get inside
13:41What about those holes up there?
13:43That's where her voice is coming from
13:45I can fit!
13:47It's too dangerous, Hannah
13:48I don't know, sis
13:50I do, I want to help, I want to do it
13:52It's the necessary thing to do
13:54Discussion over
13:58Be brave, Hannah
14:00I know you can be
14:04With these laquettes
14:06I'll be absolutely dripping with pomp and pride
14:10I'll hold my head higher than any Nessie has or ever will
14:19Nothing can stop me now
14:21From becoming the brave
14:23Loveliest, kindest
14:26And happiest Nessie of all the luck
14:30And the good Nessies will be nothing
14:34Now, we're off to the Circle of Delight
14:43Hoppus is going to the Circle with all the laquettes
14:45So she can be everything she isn't
14:47How are we going to stop her?
14:49I have a plan
14:50We just have to get to the Circle of Delight before they do
14:53I'll take care of it, Hat
14:55You can count on me
14:59Come on, Locke
15:00I know the clock's running out
15:02But I need one last b-b-b-blast from the past
15:05Before you give up
15:07A little something to cool your jets, Pom
15:11I thought you stole all the laquettes
15:15We did
15:16We're going to the Circle of Delight
15:18I'll be absolutely dripping with pomp and pride
15:21I'll hold my head higher than any Nessie has or ever will
15:25And the good Nessies will be nothing
15:28Now, we're off to the Circle of Delight
15:31Come on, Locke
15:32I know the clock's running out
15:34But I need one last b-b-b-blast from the past
15:38We did
15:39Except his
15:41It was only one crummy little laquette, my soon-to-be royal highness
15:45Pardon me, Pom, but I believe I just spoiled your attempt to be royal
15:55Your Nessence is failing, cool Ness
16:00Once the ice cracks, we'll be back on track
16:03And no one will be able to stop us then
16:09Holy wow, surprise!
16:11What if Happiness can't get the laquettes back in time?
16:14I really cannot say
16:16It never happened before
16:21Try to keep up with me, Forgetful
16:23Right behind you, Happy
16:26We're all depending on you, Forgetfulness
16:28Don't worry, everyone
16:30I won't let you down
16:31I always wanted to do something great
16:33And this is my chance
16:35You can depend on me to do-do-do
16:39Um, excuse me
16:42I'll remind you when it's time
16:44Can you give me a hint?
16:50This is it!
16:52The moment I've been waiting for
16:54With these laquettes, I'll be the most important Nessie in all of Happyland
17:01No, Forgetful, no!
17:04Maintenant, maintenant, qu'est-ce qui se passe maintenant?
17:10Je savais!
17:12Par l'air, sous la mer
17:15J'envoie l'essence de moi
17:17En envoyant mon propre Nessbless
17:20Je donnerai à Pompous Ness un peu de...
17:35At last! At last, I'll be...
17:51I'll be lovely
17:54Lovely, yes
17:56Kind, perhaps
18:03Ah, happy, of course!
18:05That's what I'll be
18:06That's what I was always meant to be
18:09But what am I doing with your laquette?
18:12I can't seem to remember
18:14Oh, don't worry, Pompous
18:17It'll all come back to you before long
18:24Holy wow!
18:25I can't believe that Nessie's made it to the circle on time
18:28Hope springs eternal, Hannah
18:31Never give up hope
18:32Keep it inside your heart and never lose it
18:35The ceremony is about to begin
18:37But not just anyone can see and understand what happens in the circle
18:42But with these we-see specs
18:45You can see and feel the Nessence
18:48Of everything a true Nessie sees and feels
18:53Very cool
18:54Keep your eyes open and come join us in the pool
19:02In the circle of delight
19:05The circle of delight
19:09Come with me to the circle of delight
19:15It's pride and delight
19:17Oh yeah!
19:18So night and delight
19:20No, no, no!
19:21No pride and delight
19:25No spite and delight
19:27No spite!
19:28It's pride and delight
19:31It's pride
19:33No, no, no!
19:35No pride!
19:37Delight and delight
19:40In the circle of delight
19:44The circle of delight
19:47Come with me
19:48Oh, come with me
19:50Come with me
19:51You can take off your we-see specs now
19:54How do you feel?
20:15Depressed again!
20:17But the fight is not over happiness
20:21Not over by a long shot!
20:27To be continued...
