• last year
(Adnkronos) - Anche quest’anno il Capalbio film festival dedica una giornata alla sostenibilità e lo fa anche attraverso la proiezione di “Ozi - La voce della foresta”, una storia ambientata nella foresta pluviale che ha come protagonista una piccola orangotango che vive felicemente con i suoi genitori fino a quando l’intervento dell’uomo distrugge il suo habitat. Un film coinvolgente che vuole far riflettere sulla relazione tra uomo e natura e che accende i riflettori sulla deforestazione riaprendo il dialogo sull'olio di palma.


00:00Also this year, the Capalbio Film Festival dedicates a day to sustainability and does so also through the projection of Ozzy, the voice of the forest.
00:14A story set in the rain forest that has as protagonist a little orangutan who happily lives with her parents until the intervention of man destroys her habitat.
00:24An engaging film that wants to reflect on the relationship between man and nature and that ignites reflectors on deforestation, reopening the dialogue on palm oil with a message of hope for the future.
00:36Seeing a story told by the eyes and by the behavior of a little orangutan can lead children to understand certain complexities.
00:45The message that comes at the end is that things can be done in a different way and I believe that companies that in the end modify their way of producing and cultivating palm oil can be a recommendation for everyone.
00:59Palm oil has been at the center of a heated debate among consumers. A correct information is necessary.
01:05There is still a need for a lot of information and education. Certainly, being able to talk about a sustainable palm oil opens up to a new availability of dialogue from the consumer.
01:17To quench the palm oil could unbalance consumption on other types of unsustainable oil.
01:24There are different messages that emerge from this film. The first is that we have a problem, we must be aware of it.
01:31The pressure of consumers for a sustainable production of palm oil is what will change what is happening on the field.
01:39I think the message is that you do not want to burn palm oil, this is not the solution, but the real alternative, the only alternative to palm oil is sustainable palm oil.
01:49If we want to save oranges, forests and wildlife, our planet.
