Is BIDENs Leadership at RISK

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Is BIDENs Leadership at RISK
00:00I train the U.S. Army Psychological Operations Operators. This has almost all seven hallmarks
00:06of a campaign to gradually loosen confidence in a leader before they're replaced. Step one,
00:12identify and exploit weaknesses. Two, manipulate public perceptions. Three, create internal
00:18division. Four is amplify social unrest. Five is discrediting achievements. Promoting alternatives
00:26is number six. And step seven, and you can see this in every time that we've done this in the
00:30last 70 years, is stage a crisis. The more you're worried about something happening in your life,
00:36the more suggestible you become. It's a weird feeling to see it, all those steps happening
00:41in perfect order in this campaign, just in the last probably 12, 13 months.
