• 3 months ago
दरगाह में शिव मंदिर बताने का दावा, 10 अक्टूबर को अगली सुनवाई

अजमेर. अजमेर की ख्वाजा मोईनुद्दीन हसन चिश्ती के दरगाह परिसर को ‘भगवान संकट मोचन महादेव विराजमान मंदिर’ घोषित कराने, यहां पूजा-पाठ कराने की अनुमति देने व दरगाह कमेटी के अनाधिकृत कब्जे हटाने की मांग को लेकर स्थानीय अदालत में दायर वाद क्षेत्राधिकार में उलझ गया। संबंधित अदालत में बुधवार को हुई सुनवाई में चैक रिपोर्ट में आपत्ति करते हुए इसे अदालत के क्षेत्राधिकार से बाहर माना। इस पर वादी के वकील शशि रंजन सिंह ने अदालत में प्रार्थना पत्र दायर कर क्षेत्राधिकार संबंधी भूल सुधारने का समय मांगा है। प्रकरण में आगामी सुनवाई 10 अक्टूबर को होगी।


00:00What is the matter today?
00:02As you all know, it has been written in history
00:06We have witnessed many such cases
00:08Today we have filed a case in the district of Nainagar
00:12And it is going to be heard in the Supreme Court
00:16We have submitted a book in the case that we have filed
00:20The book is written by the local resident, Har Vilas Sharda
00:26He was the Municipality Chief Commissioner in the British Government
00:32And after that he became the Session Judge in the District Court
00:36We have filed this case in the book
00:40And we have made it clear that the temple, the structure, the pillars, the roof
00:50You will see that the pillars are part of the Hindu temple
00:56And the roof is part of the Hindu temple
00:58Which Dargah?
01:00I am telling you
01:02There is a door inside
01:04You will see the pillars
01:06The structure of the pillars is not an Islamic structure
01:14Such a structure is not used in a mosque or Dargah
01:18Har Vilas Sharda has written about this in his book
01:24We have submitted the book
01:26And there is no mention of the structure of the Dargah in the book
01:40And I would like to tell you one more thing
01:46When Mohammad Gauri came to India
01:50His Islamic advisors came with him
01:54Everyone knows that Mohammad Gauri had his Islamic advisors
02:00Mohammad Gauri and his followers have done a lot of atrocities in India
02:10They have attacked us
02:14They have destroyed everything
02:16Everyone knows who came from where
02:18And the temple that you are claiming
02:22The temple was built by the followers of Prithviraj Chauhan
02:28And the Dargah has been built after demolishing it
02:32Which Dargah are you claiming?
02:36I am claiming the Dargah of Bajaj
02:40Everyone knows
02:42And we want a survey
02:44There is no problem in the survey
02:46We are not asking for anything
02:50We have written in our petition
02:54That the structure of the Dargah should be demolished
03:02And we should be given the right to worship there
03:06And if there is any registration of the Dargah
03:10Then it should be cancelled
03:14And the court has ordered for a survey of the ASI
03:18In your name
03:20Do you have any request for the Hindu community?
03:22This is not only for me
03:24This is only for me
03:26We have filed a case in front of the followers of Mahadev
03:30And all the followers of Mahadev
03:32And all the followers of Mahadev
03:34We have filed a case in front of them
03:36The survey is being done in Mathura and Kasim
03:40There is a survey going on in Madhya Pradesh and there is a survey going on in Bhojsala
03:49I believe there is no problem in the survey
03:51There is a survey going on in Jaldi as well
03:53There is a survey going on in Jaldi as well
03:55There is a survey going on in Jaldi as well
03:57There is a survey going on in Jaldi as well
03:59Did you do it through an organisation or did you do it personally?
04:01Did you do it through an organisation or did you do it personally?
04:03I am the head of the Hindu Sehra
04:05I am the head of the Hindu Sehra
04:07I am a devotee of Lord Mahadev as a Hindu
04:09I am a devotee of Lord Mahadev as a Hindu
04:11Everyone knows that this is the city of Lord Brahma and Lord Mahadev
04:13Everyone knows that this is the city of Lord Brahma and Lord Mahadev
04:15This is a religious city
04:17This is a religious city
04:19This is a religious city
04:21My name is Vishnu Gupta and I am a Hindu
04:23My name is Vishnu Gupta and I am a Hindu
