Many don’t understand simplicity

  • 2 days ago
I get it. Not many are ‘in to’ simplicity, nor are they interested in making things easier for themselves. But when speakers talk about making things simple, who seem to have no understanding of what simplicity means, it just gets my goat!


#apple #mac #consulting #coaching #training #business #tech #technology #minimalism #simplicity


00:00Many of us understand what simplicity means to a certain degree, but I find
00:07Many more don't actually know how to implement it. I was in a clubhouse room yesterday and
00:15They were talking about the psychology of marketing
00:19but the word that kept creeping up was keep it simple simplicity if you simplify which
00:26Obviously pricked up my ears because I love simplicity
00:31But the vast majority of the
00:35Speakers on stage. I was actually speaker as well
00:39Talking about it
00:42Didn't have a freaking idea what simplicity meant because it just seems that they were just waffling on
00:51You know
00:53portrayed like
00:55just using buzzwords and throwing out the word simplicity as if
01:02They knew what they were actually doing. But in turn they were just waffling on about nothing
01:09and that kind of thing just irritates the
01:13fuck out of me because it's like
01:16you talk about
01:19Simplifying your marketing simplifying your business simplifying the things that tools you use and stuff
01:26But you don't actually understand what?
01:29simplifying actually means
01:31simplifying means getting rid of stuff not adding more stuff and
01:36They were just talking about marketing in a way where you have to simplify your marketing message blah blah blah
01:43Okay, perfect, but they just kept adding more and more
01:49BS into the mix and
01:53It kind of really irritated me, I mean the room was great and I did learn a few new things so it's fine
02:00But they're just that one thing about simplicity. Now. That's not the only room that
02:08Go on a tangent with simplicity. There've been many other rooms as well and
02:13I think when you when it I mean, this is a texture and I talk about tech obviously
02:19techminimalism and stuff so
02:21When people talk about simplifying their tech
02:26They usually make it way more complicated than it needs to be just like these speakers in the in the room
02:34Simplifying means removing generally right remove friction so you can simplify the way you work
02:41Not use buzzwords and say I need to use this because of
02:47that because
02:49generally doesn't wash with me unless it's a specific tool you need as a different thing, but
02:57Simplifying your technology simplifying your life simplifying the things that you have the way you do things is
03:06Hard I get it
03:10It means room the removal of friction not adding more friction
03:16It just irritated me really
03:19Really irritated me
03:21But things like that always irritate me. Anyway, have a great day and I'll see you in the next one. Ciao