Making things simpler is the ultimate goal

  • 2 days ago
Humans have a great way of making things easier, simpler, and more comfortable. That shouldn’t just stop because you’re at work. Making your work and life easier should be on top of your list.


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00:00We often do things to make life easier and simpler so in general humans have always done that so think of horse and car and then car think of ships and then planes and that's no different to our own personal lives so the ultimate goal is to make things more luxurious basically more things simpler easier and so on.
00:25As we go into the weekend the things that you will probably do to make your weekend better is to switch off your work phone and don't look at email now it's not always possible because some people need to work the weekends Baba I get that but the whole point is generally that we don't work over the weekend so as we go into the weekend we kind of wind down and stop.
00:51Checking your emails and stop checking your phones and turning off notifications but shouldn't that happen always to make your life easier and simpler so if the ultimate goal is to make your life simpler life meaning work life in your general life.
01:10So why don't we do this throughout the week now we work eight hours a day I don't a lot of people don't but generally it's an eight hour day half of that eight hour day is completely wasted on friction whether it's tech friction whether it's friction with clients just friction in general so if the ultimate goal is to make things simpler.
01:35The the goal in a way is to try to get rid of as much friction as you can and you can start off with what I'm going to say tech obviously because I'm a tech channel but there's so many things that you can do to ultimately make things easier for yourself and make it simpler for yourself.
01:54So as you go into this weekend obviously turn off your phone stop looking at checking your emails but when you get back into work on the Monday see if you can get rid of that friction that you have specifically with your tech to make your life simpler throughout the week as well and don't just a hoard that idea for the weekend try to get that into the week as well.
02:23Turn off notifications is the first one turn off all your notifications apart from phone and SMS the only ones I have on my phone basically anyway enjoy your weekend and I'll see you the next one.