Canes QB Cam Ward in a Dolphins Jersey?

  • last month
Cam Ward makes Tobin feel weird feelings after seeing him in Aqua and Orange!
00:00Greg says on the the chat we wanted to present need to draft a QB
00:04We need a guy who can be ready right away. I'd love to get cam
00:08Okay, question question question
00:11Hold on like this is what I love about
00:15comments like this
00:18Have you looked around the league in the last couple of years
00:23how many quarterbacks have gone right in and
00:27Played and done well
00:29Of all the quarterbacks that have been drafted. So say in the last 15 quarterbacks
00:39One and he's not having a good year so far this year and that's CJ Stroud
00:43Still has come in come in and been good consistently the whole time
00:50None yes the attitude that like you you want to have though like if it's
00:56It doesn't exist
00:57Yeah, but I'm acting like you could just go draft the guy to take over your team tomorrow
01:02I'm just it doesn't exist
01:04I don't like the things that I was feeling when I saw this
01:07Photoshop online today because I sent it to Marcos
01:10I didn't send it to you because you would have poo-pooed our fun
01:13but I didn't like how good this felt when I saw this Photoshop of
01:18Cam Ward all
01:20Dolphined up I was like
01:37Hold on it may be different
01:40But this is now the second or third time you've said this with a quarterback out of Miami in recent years not to draft him
01:46Oh my never said that
01:48Never said that
01:50Okay, this guy's making me feel feelings dude. He is now. I'm not gonna say what those feelings are, but I'm thinking I'm okay
01:56I'm thinking I'm so you read off the ship on tour. Let's have a ship on tour
02:01That is nothing one thing has nothing to do with the other
02:03I don't even know because I don't even know do is gonna continue playing football
02:06All I'm just saying is I saw that and I was like, oh
02:10You know, I was like lecherous
02:13You can't you gotta admit it look sharp in that jersey, you know
02:17That's good. Look
02:19I'm afraid though man. Stock is rising with every week. We may not be able to get him. That's true
02:25That is true. Well, actually the way that this hey, believe me. There's some teams that are a
02:32lot worse
02:34than the Miami Dolphins
02:36Not many
02:38Statistically not many
02:41Right. Okay. Well at this moment, yeah
02:45Over the last couple of years. Okay, but we're talking about I'm not talking about the last couple years
02:49I'm talking about this moment and week after week three
02:52they're at the bottom of at week three and you wouldn't even let me put importance on this game because you're sitting here and you're
02:57Like no, I didn't wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait
03:03You're confusing
03:05Me thinking a game is important versus that dumbass tag you put on it
03:11I'm just
03:13Saying the tag is unnecessary
03:16The wind is important though
03:18You got to win games, however, you can get him I don't care how it looks I
03:23Don't care who it's against. Mm-hmm. You just keep getting wins until you guys get back
03:28So who's supposed to make that happen?
03:31We don't know who the quarterback is
03:34Okay, but what?
03:35Quarterback aside, you know what the options are. I'm never here
03:40So we can we can end this theory right now. Yep, right
03:44I'm always gonna lean towards the players over the coach. Okay a
03:50bad coach and
03:52Good players can still win. That's her but a good coach and bad players can't that's not true
04:01Well the fine win can they win games? Can they win if can they can they get some out?
04:05Yeah, of course, we've seen we've seen coaches coach their way to outperform the talent they've had
04:11That's I mean
04:14Yeah, could you win the Super Bowl? No, I'd rather take the better players than the good coach. Okay, that's one. That's my point. Okay
04:23You don't think it looks good in that Jersey though. I mean like, you know
04:26Look, I mean, it looks pretty sharp Wow
04:33You tell me
04:38Thing you say about all the quarterbacks you like
04:46Try to do too much
04:48You know cam was teasing us, you know, he was teasing
04:52Yesterday because he was talking about Restrepo. Oh and I was like, wow
04:58Cuz they saying that we ain't even seen the best of Xavier Restrepo yet because we're doing things in practice
05:04We haven't even gotten to pull off yet in the games and I'm like
05:07More to come
05:10I first heard of him and seeing him when I watched the bowl game in December
05:16Um, so from that bowl game, I knew he was a dog. Um, like the plays that ain't making a game
05:20I you make crazier plays in practice. Um
05:24Hopefully we get the right
05:27Situation in this year at least one play. Um, me and him been trying to we've been working on this throw
05:32We hit in practice a couple times already
05:35He makes some crazy catches and I just hope we can show y'all that crazy kids that he'll end up doing in the game
05:43You know, that's a bag of tricks. He made a crazy kid
05:47I'm saying though like this as a magician doesn't reveal all its tricks, you know
06:00Silly rabbit
06:04Silly rabbit
06:06Why like
06:08Why we would be having a serious conversation and then we go to
06:12Looney Tunes
06:15I mean we're talking about a cam Ward Dolphins Photoshop
06:20Fairness and then we were talking about cam war is a hell of a life to know
06:25One week you can be loved in the next week. Somebody else could be in your jersey. Oh
06:30Yeah, I mean listen, I'm just looking at the jersey my ground Wow cuz cam Ward is a I mean listen
06:36We can't ignore that. He's been fun. Yeah. No, not even questioning that. Listen, yeah, I
06:42hate in sports if
06:45You say something positive about one person
06:49Or if you would prefer
06:52somebody else
06:54It genuinely means it has to mean that you don't like the other guy, right?
06:58I got nothing negative negative to say about cam Ward. I just ain't ready to
07:03Fold up shop like you guys all are about to I'm not fooling up. Sure. Yes, you are. Yes
07:09Yes, you are. I'm not fooling up. Sure. You know what you did
07:13Look you holding hands with two and cam Ward walk by and you look
07:20That's what happened that's just like that
07:24Act like you wait act like you were stretching
07:30Just I'm just tuning in watching some Canes football. That's all
07:33Yeah, dude, I've done origami with my shop. I am folding it up fall on the sword for cam Ward
07:44You said you steal that totally stole
07:53To I'll give him he can he can have the rest of this year. He can come back after I are
07:58We'll give him one more shot. Then, you know, just go enjoy your life, dude
08:01Mmm, you've done enough. You've done enough. You can look back career and be like, hey, I won a national championship. I
08:09You know was one of the the best quarterbacks in the league when I was healthy
08:15Just go off into the sunset give us back some money and we can you know, pay cam Ward wait give us
08:24A nice thing to do after this, right?
08:26So so wait it you think you're more inclined to get money back if you run him out of town
08:33It's a small donation. We're not asking for much. How about a small donation? It's the 28 million back if possible
08:47Or run the ball more
08:50Yeah, he's good he was extended play although cams gotta be thinking I mean if he comes to this offensive line
08:56Good luck, dude, cuz you gotta be behind Eichenberg. Look at these shrimps. I'm not used to this
09:01We gotta start drafting Miami Hurricanes offensive line
09:05That's something we haven't said first cam Ward first cam Ward, of course
09:10You're not excited about tomorrow though, like I'm just excited to see the kid put on a show that's what it feels like
09:16These canes are ready to put on a show. Yeah different attitude, you know
09:23Yep, it's the smell of it
09:27Smell of it. I think I think
09:31You know, it's like calling something smelly poop
09:33You know, it's like calling something smelly poop what you don't have to say to smelly part
09:41Elephants in general stink
09:44Yeah, but smell of it though, that's pretty good saying this saying a smelly elephant is like saying smelly poop
09:51We know I don't know what you're saying, dude. That's not what I'm trying to say. Okay
09:59Always disappointed in me
10:05That seems very fitting
