मुझे orgasm क्यों नहीं आता_ _ Dr. Tanaya samjhaati hai

  • 2 days ago
मुझे orgasm क्यों नहीं आता? | Dr. Tanaya samjhaati hai


00:00YES! YES! YES! YES!
00:07So in reality, orgasms are not like that.
00:12I am Dr. Tanya and also known as Dr. Cuterus.
00:15And today I am going to debunk the Orgasm Myth
00:19I will tell you how orgasms are, what happens in orgasms, are they safe and how do they help us, and what to do if you don't have an orgasm.
00:29Orgasm is a sense of relief that you feel when you are sexually stimulating yourself.
00:36It can be through touching, stroking, oral sex or toys.
00:42And after using them, your excitement builds up.
00:47Up, up, up and up.
00:50And after a while, you get a sense of release.
00:54And suddenly, you get a feeling of relief.
00:59A lot of people have felt this.
01:02But there are a lot of myths around masturbation and orgasms.
01:06I am going to tackle these myths medically.
01:09A lot of people say that masturbation is a sin.
01:12Or it is very bad for you.
01:15You will go to hell with masturbation.
01:18You will get hair on your wrists with masturbation.
01:21And I don't know what else.
01:22Let me tell you that these are just myths.
01:29And secondly, orgasms are very good for us.
01:33They make us feel good.
01:35And everyone likes to feel orgasm.
01:39Orgasms are also good for our heart health.
01:42They release happy chemicals in our body.
01:45With which you feel closer to your partner.
01:49If you don't have a partner.
01:51And you want to orgasm for self-pleasure.
01:53Then you feel closer to yourself.
01:55Which is very good.
01:57Apart from this, orgasms help you sleep well.
02:01Orgasms also help you find out what you like.
02:07Sexual pleasure is great.
02:09There is nothing wrong with it.
02:11And there are a lot of people among us.
02:13Who struggle to find out how to find that pleasure.
02:17If this is the case with you.
02:19Then masturbate.
02:21And see what you like.
02:23Orgasms are very good for health.
02:25There is a research that says.
02:27Those people who masturbate frequently.
02:30They have less risk of prostate cancer.
02:33This means that you can avoid diseases like cancer.
02:37By masturbating.
02:39And I found this very interesting.
02:42Now because we have already broken this myth.
02:45That orgasm and masturbation are bad.
02:47Now let's talk about what happens in orgasm.
02:50And why is it so difficult for people to orgasm.
02:53And especially why is it so difficult for women.
02:57Now let's talk about this.
03:05In all these orgasm clips.
03:07One thing was common.
03:09That in these scenes.
03:11The girl is being penetrated.
03:13And she does it magically.
03:17And that causes orgasm.
03:19And this is the biggest problem.
03:21It is possible that your whole life.
03:23How do you get orgasm.
03:25If you have lied about it.
03:27This is a very radical statement.
03:29I support it with some facts.
03:31So now I tell you.
03:33Why was this a lie.
03:35This is a lie.
03:37Because there are many such studies.
03:39And I believe that many people.
03:41Will agree in the comment section.
03:45Less than 20% of women.
03:47Have the experience of orgasm.
03:49Less than 20%.
03:51This means.
03:5380% of women.
03:55Never have such an orgasm.
03:59Meaning 80% of women.
04:01Do not have orgasm due to vaginal penetration.
04:03And if you are in a sexual relationship.
04:05And you think.
04:07Everyone has it but I don't.
04:09Let me tell you.
04:11Many people don't have it.
04:13We have been fed this lie.
04:15By media, TV and books.
04:19Many people who have experienced orgasm.
04:21And those who have not.
04:23They will agree with this.
04:25That for women.
04:27The best way to attain orgasm.
04:29Is to squeeze your thighs together.
04:33Put pressure on them.
04:35Because nothing is going in your vagina.
04:37The pressure is actually.
04:39On the clitoris.
04:41And this is how you will have orgasm.
04:43Many people have orgasm due to vibrators.
04:45Not by inserting it inside.
04:47But by keeping the vibrator on their vagina.
04:49Many women have orgasm.
04:51When their partner.
04:53Keeps their hands.
04:55Between their legs.
04:57And women squeeze their thighs.
04:59I know that many of you.
05:01Will agree with me.
05:03And you must have experienced it.
05:05That you are not alone.
05:07I am not saying that.
05:09Vaginal orgasms don't exist.
05:11People have orgasm due to penetration.
05:13And it is a good thing.
05:15If you are blessed like this.
05:17So it is normal to not have orgasm due to penetration.
05:19And if you are feeling confused.
05:21And thinking.
05:23Why am I not able to have orgasm due to sex.
05:25Then this is the reason.
05:27Now let's talk about clitoris.
05:29Clitoris is a large organ.
05:31Now if you ask anyone about it.
05:33They will tell you.
05:35That it is a small pea.
05:37But the fun part is.
05:39That it is larger than a small pea.
05:43That my hand is clitoris.
05:45And this is the part.
05:47That you see.
05:49Assume that clitoris is this big.
05:51It is roughly this big.
05:53You see this part.
05:55Which is.
05:57The small part.
05:59Which is above the vulva.
06:01But that doesn't mean.
06:03That the rest doesn't exist.
06:05The rest is covered.
06:07And you can only see this.
06:09So if you stimulate this part.
06:11Then it will oil up.
06:13You feel orgasms.
06:15Orgasms work like this.
06:17Now those people.
06:19Who have vaginal orgasms.
06:21Or vaginal penetration.
06:23It happens that.
06:25Assume that this is vagina.
06:27And you see this part.
06:29There is clitoris right behind it.
06:35And this is the clitoris.
06:37Which is indirectly stimulated.
06:39This thin wall.
06:41Allows the stimulation of clitoris.
06:43So some people.
06:45Have orgasms due to vaginal penetration.
06:47But not everyone.
06:51What is behind the vagina?
06:53There is clitoris behind the vagina.
06:55My advice is.
06:57If you are successful in this.
06:59Then it is because.
07:01You are pushing the wrong button.
07:03You need to press the right button.
07:05There is clitoris.
07:07Between the folds of your labia.
07:09Go and find it.
07:11Take a mirror.
07:13Look at yourself.
07:15And understand your body.
07:17If you see your face in the mirror everyday.
07:19Then why not your vulva.
07:21It is very good.
07:23And it helps you to have orgasms.
07:25And it is very important.
07:27Because we are here because of this.
07:29We are born through the vagina.
07:31Vulvas are very cool.
