• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Syngenta è molto impegnata nella ricerca innovativa. Riteniamo infatti che l’agricoltura, soprattutto moderna, abbia bisogno di una costante iniezione di novità e di prodotti che riescano a soddisfare le esigenze dei nostri agricoltori, per un'agricoltura più sostenibile sia dal punto di vista ambientale che dal punto di vista economico”. Così Massimo Scaglia, amministratore delegato di Syngenta Italia, a margine dell’incontro “Science Match: Scienza in campo: la chimica incontra la natura”, organizzato da Syngenta nel contesto di MEETmeTonight, l'evento dedicato alla divulgazione scientifica organizzato in occasione della Notte Europea delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori, che torna a Milano il 27 e 28 settembre con iniziative gratuite aperte a tutti.


00:00SINGENTA is very committed to innovative research, because we believe that agriculture, especially
00:15modern agriculture, needs a constant injection of novelties and products that can meet the
00:22needs of our farmers for a more sustainable agriculture, both from an environmental point
00:28of view and from an economic point of view. It is important that innovation becomes the
00:35guiding element of the choices of farmers, so for us also the connection with, for example,
00:42the university, on occasions like this, to be able to talk about innovation in agriculture and
00:48make the type of activities we do more widespread and known to the general public.
00:56Scientific and technical topics are always a must, so these occasions are very important for us
01:02to bring people together, people who know agriculture but do not know
01:08the implications, the difficulties and what innovation can bring to improve
01:12in general the lives of people, consumers, the quality of products and above all for
01:18a sustainability that through innovation becomes something concrete and this is where
01:27we want to bring our contribution in a concrete, feasible and measurable way
01:33through the efforts and investments that our company makes.
