• 2 days ago


00:00:00Where are you going? Where are you going?
00:00:02Why are you trying to get away from me?
00:00:04Don't hold me anymore, Terry!
00:00:05Why don't you love me anymore?
00:00:07I love you. I love you more than anything in the world.
00:00:10And I hate you at the same time.
00:00:11You hate me? Why? What have I done to you?
00:00:13You're lying, Terry.
00:00:15No, Foufoutos.
00:00:16Who is Foufoutos?
00:00:17You don't know him.
00:00:18Is your relationship with Foufoutos?
00:00:19What's your relationship with Lora, Terry?
00:00:23How did you get that name, my love?
00:00:25When we slept together in the hotel, you had a restless sleep.
00:00:28And at night, you were talking nonsense.
00:00:30I was talking nonsense. And what was I saying?
00:00:34Lora, forgive me, Lora.
00:00:36What's going on, Terry?
00:00:38Oh, Lora. Lora.
00:00:40Lora? Who is Lora?
00:00:43Lora, forgive me. I went out with another woman.
00:00:47No, Terry. Who is Lora?
00:00:51Lora, I became unfaithful and you fell for me.
00:00:55Forgive me.
00:00:57Do you understand now why I left our bed like a madwoman?
00:01:00Oh, Maro. I broke your heart.
00:01:02Yes, asshole. You broke it.
00:01:04I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.
00:01:05Are you a drunk drunkard?
00:01:07Yes, I am.
00:01:08I don't know why I can't take my eyes off you.
00:01:10I don't know.
00:01:11But maybe I can't take them off you because I adore those eyes.
00:01:16Where are you going?
00:01:17Get away.
00:01:18Get away so I can be cured of the pain of love.
00:01:20No, please. Don't leave me.
00:01:22God damn it.
00:01:23I've been looking for you all over Athens and I found you here in Paparia.
00:01:26Don't leave me. You're hurting me, Terry.
00:01:28And let me tell you something.
00:01:30If you want to hear it, I'm also in love.
00:01:33In love?
00:01:34Yes, Terry. In love.
00:01:35With whom?
00:01:36With Foufou.
00:02:26I'm sorry.
00:02:33Terry, I haven't seen you so sad and skeptical.
00:02:37Is it about the lessons in the London School of Economics?
00:02:40Yes, Manolios.
00:02:41I get perfect grades in my classes.
00:02:43All of them.
00:02:44Well done, brother.
00:02:46The problem is...
00:02:47Talk to me. Your mother is missing.
00:02:49Let me tell you.
00:02:51I can't stand it.
00:02:53I'm in love, bro.
00:02:54I know. What are you on about?
00:02:55Who the hell has Laura?
00:02:56You don't love Laura?
00:02:58No, bro.
00:02:59You lied to her?
00:03:00Yes, bro.
00:03:01Is she so light, so English, so touristy?
00:03:04But in England, English people aren't touristy.
00:03:06But she's light.
00:03:07And yet, bro, all these years in London,
00:03:09I only went to classes.
00:03:11And there were a lot of temptations around me.
00:03:12So that you could understand, one day at the amphitheater,
00:03:15one of my students, Jennifer,
00:03:17kept taking her shirt off.
00:03:19What a slut!
00:03:20And you were wearing a suit like that?
00:03:22Yes, bro.
00:03:23Then she took it off completely and you could see her boobs.
00:03:26What did you do to her?
00:03:27Did you have sex with her, bro?
00:03:28Like three lemonades, bro.
00:03:30Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what am I hearing?
00:03:33But I'm a rock.
00:03:34I immediately turned around
00:03:36and did self-service.
00:03:37Well done, my player.
00:03:39Because you're an honest young man.
00:03:40That's how honest men do it.
00:03:42They keep it to themselves.
00:03:43And it wasn't just Jennifer, bro.
00:03:45There were others who were flirting with me.
00:03:47Oh, you got her too.
00:03:48Another of my students at the amphitheater,
00:03:52showed me her bra.
00:03:53And her boobs?
00:03:54What's there to hide in a bra?
00:03:56Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:03:57what am I hearing?
00:03:59What can I tell you, bro?
00:04:00She was like a rock.
00:04:01Like a rock?
00:04:03What a slut, Elisabeth.
00:04:05But I ran back to the amphitheater
00:04:08to do self-service.
00:04:10Well done, and again, well done, my player.
00:04:12Because that's what an honest man does.
00:04:15Are you a player or not?
00:04:18Oh, my love, calm down, please.
00:04:20Don't be like that, don't yell.
00:04:22As much as I've been whining in the store,
00:04:26I can't calm down.
00:04:28But I can't do anything.
00:04:29I can't fire her.
00:04:31I'm under pressure.
00:04:32From whom?
00:04:33I can't tell you.
00:04:34But she likes the customers too.
00:04:35She likes that asshole.
00:04:37And yet?
00:04:39That doesn't justify
00:04:41her being in the store's shelf with me.
00:04:45Yes, but she's from below.
00:04:46You're on top, the star of the show.
00:04:48Gabriela Partolio.
00:04:49Yes, but she's after me.
00:04:51Yes, but she's below you.
00:04:53She shouldn't even be on the shelf.
00:04:55And where should I write her name?
00:04:57On the toilets.
00:04:59And if you were so ignorant in England,
00:05:02where did the bad things happen?
00:05:03Here in Greece, in Athens.
00:05:05When I arrived in our capital, I went to see a friend of mine.
00:05:08And there I met Maro.
00:05:09You said Maro?
00:05:10Yeah, bro.
00:05:12Don't say Maro's name.
00:05:14Because what they call Maros are...
00:05:19Vardoulaki's Maro wasn't divorced.
00:05:23She married one guy and the day of the wedding,
00:05:25she cheated on him.
00:05:26Oh, my God.
00:05:29Markoutsaki's Maro wasn't divorced.
00:05:31The day of the wedding, she cheated on him.
00:05:33She cheated on him?
00:05:35She cheated on him with Koubarou.
00:05:36Oh, my God.
00:05:38Why wasn't Partouzaki's Maro divorced?
00:05:41The day of the wedding, she cheated on him.
00:05:43Who did she cheat on? Koubarou or Partouzaki?
00:05:45Papaya Theofovi.
00:05:46Oh, my gosh.
00:05:47These people call Maros cheaters.
00:05:50Don't be such cheaters, my brother.
00:05:52My wife divorced me.
00:05:53You didn't say?
00:05:54As soon as she saw me, she was furious.
00:05:56We went straight to the hotel.
00:05:58She said, yes, and she slapped me.
00:06:00And she divorced you.
00:06:01Maybe you didn't find the G-spot.
00:06:03I found the G-spot right away.
00:06:05The other one divorced me.
00:06:06My wife...
00:06:07...is mad.
00:06:09Don't get upset, my love.
00:06:11I have so many problems with the store.
00:06:13I have business to take care of.
00:06:16That's right.
00:06:16What am I in front of all your business?
00:06:20A small, important detail.
00:06:22Oh, my child.
00:06:24You're so ungrateful.
00:06:26What else can I do to show you that you're my queen?
00:06:29That I get a necklace for my wife, Zanette,
00:06:31and three for you. What else do you want?
00:06:33And four necklaces.
00:06:35Whenever I buy a necklace for my wife,
00:06:38I get four for you. What else do you want?
00:06:40And five necklaces.
00:06:41Let me tell you, Gabriela.
00:06:42Do you want me for my money?
00:06:46How did you come up with that, Zouzouni?
00:06:48Four necklaces, five necklaces.
00:06:50I don't want you for the necklaces or the bracelets.
00:06:54I want you because you're Zouzouni.
00:06:57And you found the G-spot for me.
00:07:00Come on, let's go together.
00:07:02Come on, Zouzouni.
00:07:04Are you mad at me?
00:07:05No, my child, I'm not mad at you, but I have feelings.
00:07:08I have to see what the gypsies will do to my sister Katsapa.
00:07:12Where are the gypsies now?
00:07:14Come on.
00:07:15Didn't we agree that I should buy the area around the monastery?
00:07:19So that I can build the 15-star resort.
00:07:25The gypsies that are stuck.
00:07:27The gypsies live in the area.
00:07:29So you should tell them to move
00:07:32so that it can become a police market.
00:07:35And you don't put five bravos to beat them up over there?
00:07:39What are you saying? No, no, no, no, not at all.
00:07:42We shouldn't be stuck in this period.
00:07:44I have to keep a low profile.
00:07:46And how will you tell them to leave the monastery?
00:07:49The gypsies are not an easy story.
00:07:51I don't know.
00:07:52She'll think of something.
00:07:53Because I cleared it up for them.
00:07:55I don't buy the area if it's not clean.
00:07:57I throw it clean.
00:07:58And will your sister Katsapa manage?
00:08:00It's always not mine in the end.
00:08:03Don't worry, your time will come.
00:08:12Hello, hello.
00:08:12Daisy, good chief.
00:08:14Hello, hello.
00:08:14Daisy, good chief.
00:08:16Chief, I'm listening, over.
00:08:18Good morning, chief.
00:08:19I'm Daisy.
00:08:20Which Daisy?
00:08:21Daisy Duck.
00:08:22What Daisy?
00:08:23I'm talking about Daisy.
00:08:25The one that I hired with the singer Tanya Pipiza
00:08:27to keep an eye on the cleanliness.
00:08:28Ah, you're Daisy, what are you doing?
00:08:30Now she's gone mad.
00:08:33Chief, I have some shocking news.
00:08:36Go ahead, I'm listening, over.
00:08:38The cleanliness I'm watching
00:08:40is now preparing to buy a significant area
00:08:43around the parish of Panagia Syntrechtra.
00:08:46And what do they call the Aragonian girl?
00:08:48They call her Foufotos.
00:08:51Strange name.
00:08:52Is she from here?
00:08:54I don't think so.
00:08:56I don't know, maybe from Athens.
00:08:57Is Maro from here?
00:08:58I don't know that either.
00:08:59Maybe she came here to see a friend of hers
00:09:01or just for tourism.
00:09:03So where can I find her?
00:09:04Look, you'll find her.
00:09:05You'll find her.
00:09:07And if you find her,
00:09:08you'll try everything to convince her
00:09:10to break up with Foufotos.
00:09:11I doubt I'll find her.
00:09:13And even more doubt if she'll listen to me.
00:09:15Then you have to hurry.
00:09:17What if she comes to my mind, or Maro?
00:09:18Eh, you know the solution.
00:09:23Stop, stop, stop, sir.
00:09:26And don't get in the way.
00:09:27But how are we going to get out of Metohi, huh?
00:09:30The way you came, with the Dachshunds.
00:09:32Oh, it's not that easy.
00:09:34Why? Did the Dachshunds fail?
00:09:35Don't be funny.
00:09:37In Metohi, we have our chandiri,
00:09:40we have our Nikokiria.
00:09:42How are we going to get out?
00:09:43And where are we going?
00:09:44Why don't you go to Kakorema,
00:09:45which has a nice view?
00:09:46Oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:09:48my bones are getting wet.
00:09:50In Poukitsi?
00:09:51Oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:09:53Why don't you go to Lalaka?
00:09:55It's very hot.
00:09:56That's what the name Lalaka means.
00:09:58You can't find it anywhere.
00:09:59In Metohi, we have our chandiri,
00:10:02our Nikokiria.
00:10:04What don't you understand?
00:10:05All right.
00:10:06Nikokiria is your chandiri.
00:10:08You can carry it.
00:10:09Yes, but you can't carry the trees.
00:10:12Which trees?
00:10:13We have planted 500 trees,
00:10:18in Chinatsia.
00:10:19In Chinatsia, the medical school?
00:10:20You can say that, too.
00:10:22Aren't you ashamed?
00:10:23You planted trees in the monastery's sacred area.
00:10:26No, in Metohi.
00:10:28He does the same thing.
00:10:29If we planted them elsewhere,
00:10:30the police would catch them.
00:10:32They would look for them in the sacred area.
00:10:35Is that so?
00:10:37All right.
00:10:38I'll call the police.
00:10:40I wouldn't advise you to do such a thing.
00:10:44Because you, too, are jealous.
00:10:47Do you have your mouth shut?
00:10:50What do you mean, Halima?
00:10:51Where should I start?
00:10:57Look at you, my daughter.
00:10:59You talk like a pig.
00:11:01You sit there, all fidgety.
00:11:05I'm fine, mother.
00:11:07Zanta, you're lying.
00:11:09I gave birth to you.
00:11:12Mother, I want to leave Paparia.
00:11:15I want to go back to Athens.
00:11:16Zanta, what are you doing in Athens?
00:11:19You said you'd finish your tour in Syria
00:11:22and you'd stay here all summer.
00:11:24Don't pressure me, mother.
00:11:25Who upset you?
00:11:28Who did you love in the capital and betrayed you?
00:11:31I didn't love anyone.
00:11:32Then Zanta, don't you want to see Sifi,
00:11:34who loves you since you were a child?
00:11:36He was so small.
00:11:37He wanted to take you as his wife.
00:11:39I don't want Sifi, mother.
00:11:41Oh, I knew it.
00:11:44Who has taken your mind away?
00:11:45Who is the leader?
00:11:46Did you see her? She went crazy.
00:11:48No one, mother.
00:11:51I'm coming.
00:11:52Sifi, you're here.
00:11:55Didn't you say we'd win the first prize in the lottery?
00:11:57Shut up.
00:11:58I brought tomatoes and vegetables
00:12:00that you told me to chop, captain.
00:12:02Oh, so fast.
00:12:05You found them?
00:12:07Well done, my girl.
00:12:08Can I go now?
00:12:09Of course.
00:12:11Come and sit for a while.
00:12:12Have a glass of water, a cup of tea.
00:12:15You worked so hard.
00:12:16It's not necessary, captain.
00:12:18I don't want to bother you.
00:12:20You're the one who's bothering me, Sifi.
00:12:21You're our family.
00:12:23Sit, sit for a while.
00:12:26And you, what are you sitting like a fool for?
00:12:28Do you want the girl's ass?
00:12:30I'm going, mother.
00:12:35Shame on you.
00:12:36Shame on you.
00:12:37I'm a saint.
00:12:38That's why we worship you.
00:12:41And we kiss you and give you a kiss.
00:12:43Yes, yes, yes.
00:12:44Give me a kiss, too.
00:12:46Why do you worship me and give me a kiss?
00:12:48You're threatening me.
00:12:49You're threatening me.
00:12:52Yes, but you too, didn't you, Sifi?
00:12:54You've sold pictures.
00:12:58I sell pictures?
00:13:00What do you mean?
00:13:00The fake pictures that the monks draw
00:13:04with reverence at the monastery
00:13:05and we sell them at the feast?
00:13:07Oh, those.
00:13:09Not the fake ones.
00:13:11The others, we say.
00:13:13The old ones.
00:13:15From the temple.
00:13:18Which temple?
00:13:19You've sold the whole temple of the monastery.
00:13:22The pictures in the temple are now all photocopies.
00:13:25You've sold the old pictures, the real ones,
00:13:31What are you saying?
00:13:32When did I go abroad?
00:13:33When did I leave the monastery?
00:13:34You're a fool.
00:13:36You didn't go abroad.
00:13:38You sold them to that Englishman,
00:13:41the rich man, Lord Huftoston.
00:13:44But is it possible?
00:13:45What are these words?
00:13:46Lord Huftoston was a humble worshipper of our temple?
00:13:50The humble worshipper, Lord Huftoston,
00:13:53who left with three suitcases of pictures.
00:13:55I don't know how much he paid for the plane,
00:13:58for an exorbitant price.
00:13:59And how was the picture of St. Phanourios found?
00:14:03In Sotheby's.
00:14:04Was our St. Phanourios found in Sotheby's in London?
00:14:08Yes, my dear sister.
00:14:10He was sold to Moscow.
00:14:11They gave him 500,000 dollars in Sotheby's.
00:14:15500,000 dollars, St. Phanourios?
00:14:18Yes, because St. Phanourios is a miracle worker.
00:14:22Yes, he has cured a dog, a cat and a pig.
00:14:26Because St. Phanourios was sold to Sotheby's for 700,000 dollars.
00:14:32700,000 dollars?
00:14:34He had done five miracles.
00:14:36He cured a dragon, three liars and one who had neurological pituitary.
00:14:41And how much did they sell St. Evlampios?
00:14:44One million.
00:14:46So much?
00:14:48Yes, because he did the miracle in Sotheby's,
00:14:54at the time of democracy.
00:14:56What miracle did he do?
00:14:58He cured a paragon.
00:15:01Yes, he made her a big star.
00:15:03Now she has a career on Broadway.
00:15:06Of course, she has a big success.
00:15:08In America, they call her the new Barbara Freidman.
00:15:11So good?
00:15:13He told you that he played Evita in the theater.
00:15:17And then he was preparing to do a duet with Shakira.
00:15:22Yes, sir.
00:15:24He reached so high with Shakira.
00:15:27Who is Shakira?
00:15:28Shakira is a whore.
00:15:31Look for her, look for her.
00:15:33She is not at home. Where can I find her?
00:15:36If you see her, tell her.
00:15:38How will she return? I forgive her.
00:15:40If you are young and do not forget.
00:15:43If you are young and do not forget.
00:15:45If you are young and do not forget.
00:15:47She will be here.
00:15:49Look for her, look for her.
00:15:59So tell me, Efi.
00:16:01Do you have a girlfriend? Are you in a relationship?
00:16:04No, captain. I am single.
00:16:07You hear that? He is single.
00:16:09So tell me, Efi.
00:16:11Do you have a girlfriend? Are you in a relationship?
00:16:14No, captain. I am single.
00:16:17You hear that? He is single.
00:16:18I am not single, mom.
00:16:20Don't talk back to me or I will bring you the shoe.
00:16:22What are you talking about, captain?
00:16:24I am not talking back.
00:16:25I am just like his mother.
00:16:27You are better, captain.
00:16:29Of course I am better.
00:16:31So tell me, Efi.
00:16:33You are not young.
00:16:34You are not in a relationship.
00:16:36You are not in a relationship.
00:16:39So, is that what you are asking me, captain?
00:16:42No, I am asking you as a mother.
00:16:45Because I have a daughter, Michalio, and I am worried.
00:16:47Michalio and I are a very good couple.
00:16:50Oh, and from sea gulls.
00:16:53How do you get her?
00:16:55I do a lot of sports, captain.
00:16:58Or do you do sports?
00:16:59With chess, with chess.
00:17:01With chess, with chess.
00:17:03With chess, with chess.
00:17:05I am not a chess player.
00:17:06This is not right. This is not right.
00:17:10Aunt, what is not right?
00:17:13I vote for you.
00:17:15But I am your aunt and you are my nephew.
00:17:17Diana, you know what? Our love cancels everything.
00:17:19And we start from birth?
00:17:21My aunt, my aunt, we will be born from birth.
00:17:23And first of all, when I get married to you.
00:17:27Don't tell the saint now.
00:17:29If it's today...
00:17:30My aunt, my aunt, my aunt, believe me.
00:17:32I will take you to the church, to my door.
00:17:34Then the priest will take us away.
00:17:36Don't shout at such a time.
00:17:38It's not, it's, it's a sin, it's a sin.
00:17:41Oh, it wasn't what I heard.
00:17:44Someone came in, someone came in.
00:17:48Where are you, mother?
00:17:50Ah, there you are, uncle.
00:17:52Good morning, George, good morning.
00:17:54Your uncle went to the market and saw some fresh fish.
00:17:58And he thought of us and brought us some.
00:18:01Ah, or did you bring us fish, uncle?
00:18:04Oh, that's great, it's delicious fish.
00:18:06Luchus is delicious.
00:18:08We will make it in oil paste, mother.
00:18:10Yes, my boy, that's how I will make it.
00:18:12Luchus in oil paste is my specialty.
00:18:16Calm down, you will eat too.
00:18:19What other sports do you do, my boy?
00:18:21Of all the sports, captain.
00:18:24Oh, that's why you have perfect writing and six-pack.
00:18:28You are so careful, captain, huh?
00:18:30I take care of everything.
00:18:32The others are blind and can't see.
00:18:34And don't tell me, Sifi, where do you go at night?
00:18:38Eh, to the cafeteria to have an espresso with the girls.
00:18:42Later, to a club and after, to have a drink.
00:18:48Oh, the girls are having a good time, my boy.
00:18:52Yes, mother.
00:18:53Do you want to go out with Sifi tonight, to a club, to party?
00:18:58I can't tonight, I have a headache.
00:19:00Well, not tonight, tomorrow.
00:19:02And tomorrow I will have a headache, mother.
00:19:04The day after tomorrow.
00:19:05The day after tomorrow I will have a colic.
00:19:08Okay, I accept it, I sold her the pictures.
00:19:11Now you're talking right.
00:19:13But I didn't know they would be sold so cheaply in London.
00:19:15And so expensive.
00:19:16Listen, over there, St. Evlambios is a million.
00:19:19I sold him for 20,000 euros in Loredochouftos.
00:19:22Eh, I caught you, asshole.
00:19:24Really, how do you know how much the pictures were sold?
00:19:27Have you been to Sotheby's?
00:19:29We read it in the Times of London.
00:19:31The newspaper?
00:19:32On the website, my boy.
00:19:34Come on, read it, see what it says.
00:19:36Miraculous Icons from Paparia.
00:19:39Miraculous Icons from Paparia.
00:19:42It says it badly.
00:19:44Anyway, what do you want to get out of poverty?
00:19:47How much do you want?
00:19:49I don't have money, you know that.
00:19:50Come on, get out of here, you're making us poor.
00:19:53Calm down, calm down, calm down.
00:19:55I'll take care of the world.
00:19:58We don't want money in the world.
00:20:00We want you to give me old pictures.
00:20:03Because I've found the edges and I'm pushing them.
00:20:06The world needs a lot of pictures.
00:20:09I don't have old pictures, I sold them, you know that.
00:20:11I'm not telling you about real old ones.
00:20:13You're going to put that asshole, Kachimi, who paints,
00:20:16to make pictures now,
00:20:18and then I'm going to take them,
00:20:20I'm going to push them down,
00:20:22I'm going to crush them,
00:20:23and I'm going to make them like old ones.
00:20:26That's how something can happen.
00:20:42Good morning, sister.
00:20:44Bless you.
00:20:45You're here again, brother Panagos.
00:20:47I have a job with sister Goumeni,
00:20:49and I thought I'd see how your painting is going.
00:20:53I'm trying, with the help of the Lord.
00:20:55Which Lord?
00:20:56Well, the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:20:58Oh, that Lord you have.
00:21:00I thought he was playing something else.
00:21:02Well, what can he play?
00:21:04We, the nuns, how can I say it,
00:21:07we can't be more ignorant.
00:21:09Maybe that's why I feel so...
00:21:11calm around you.
00:21:13Oh, and again, oh, my daughter is going to stay in the closet.
00:21:17Who's her daughter? Does she have a daughter?
00:21:19Grandmother, she's talking about me. I'm not her daughter.
00:21:21Yes, my child, you are.
00:21:23And she has a son.
00:21:25Tell me, who did this to you, my child?
00:21:27Apostle Gletsos.
00:21:29Don't ask me, mother.
00:21:30I didn't marry Mathias.
00:21:33Oh, Fortunatis, mother.
00:21:35Fortunatis is our godfather.
00:21:37Yes, my child, I know that. What are you telling me?
00:21:39That's what I'm asking, too.
00:21:40I'm telling you, the nuns.
00:21:42They've been coming in and out since now.
00:21:44They've been coming in and out, huh?
00:21:46Grandmother, let him go to the devil.
00:21:48Yes, to the devil, to the devil.
00:21:50Well, give her something to eat so she doesn't talk.
00:21:53Shut up, grandmother.
00:21:55Oh, my child.
00:21:56It's only Zaza who doesn't understand.
00:21:58Just like my daughter understands.
00:22:00Just like my son understands.
00:22:02Who knows what she's talking about.
00:22:04Meches, meches.
00:22:06Meches, meches.
00:22:08Meches, meches.
00:22:10Oh, who took my boys from me?
00:22:13My only son.
00:22:15Why are you crying?
00:22:17No one's going to die.
00:22:18Yes, I'm going to die.
00:22:20Neither my daughter nor my son will forgive me.
00:22:23Why don't you want this good boy, Shifi?
00:22:26Mother, I loved a man.
00:22:28And ever since that man hurt me,
00:22:30I'm not going to love anyone anymore.
00:22:32And a grandson?
00:22:33Who's going to give me a grandson?
00:22:35Me, my child.
00:22:36Oh, I'm in pain, I'm going crazy.
00:22:38What pain do you have, my child?
00:22:40Where does it hurt?
00:22:41Give her something to eat, I said.
00:22:43Mother, Shifi is a very good boy,
00:22:45but I don't want him.
00:22:47Oh, Janta, your father isn't here.
00:22:49He'll put you in your place, as he should.
00:22:52Janta, where's your father?
00:22:54For fishing.
00:22:55What are you talking about, mother?
00:22:56Didn't my husband get killed by our eight dogs?
00:22:59The Vrontachids.
00:23:01Oh, give him something to eat.
00:23:03Janti will be the first Vrontachis
00:23:05to kill Vrontachis.
00:23:08You speak so beautifully about art.
00:23:10Have you studied fine arts?
00:23:12No, unfortunately.
00:23:14My father insisted that I study architecture.
00:23:18What did you want?
00:23:23I wanted to be a dancer.
00:23:35What fine movements, what grace.
00:23:37You see?
00:23:38It seems that you are a man of art and spirit.
00:23:44Yes, Sister Tzavara?
00:23:46Where are you, my child?
00:23:47Are you meeting the abbess?
00:23:49She's waiting for you in her office.
00:23:51I'm sorry, Sister Tzavara,
00:23:52but I had a conversation about art with Sister Katsimicha.
00:23:55Forget the conversation, my child.
00:23:57The Holy Mother is waiting for you.
00:23:59Yes, Sister Tzavara.
00:24:01See you later, Sister Katsimicha.
00:24:04See you later, Brother Panagos.
00:24:06Leave her, my child, and go on.
00:24:09You're late!
00:24:10You're late!
00:24:11Yes, Sister Tzavara.
00:24:23Sister Katsimicha!
00:24:25Sister Karamazov, you scared me.
00:24:28I'm glad I did it.
00:24:30What are you doing here, Sister Karamazov?
00:24:32Are you watching me?
00:24:34I'm your shadow.
00:24:36Why, Sister?
00:24:37What are you doing?
00:24:38It's all my fault.
00:24:39It's all my fault.
00:24:43Give me some advice, Sister.
00:24:45Give me some advice so I can get better.
00:24:47You shouldn't show Panagos' infidelity.
00:24:51But he's a good boy.
00:24:53There's no such thing as a good man.
00:24:55All men are animals.
00:24:58Look at him.
00:24:59He's doing your ballet and he's making fun of you.
00:25:01He's jealous.
00:25:03He wants something else from you.
00:25:05What does he want?
00:25:06Whatever you have on you.
00:25:10Does he want my golden cross?
00:25:12No, he doesn't.
00:25:14Then what does he want?
00:25:16I can't say that word.
00:25:18We're in the presence of God.
00:25:21Say it in English, I'll understand.
00:25:23Why, doesn't the High Priest know English?
00:25:25Right, he should.
00:25:31I don't know that word.
00:25:33Don't you know English?
00:25:35I didn't get the proficiency, Sister.
00:25:37Okay, I'll tell you in French.
00:25:43What's that white candy we're eating?
00:25:46Okay, what exactly do I mean by that?
00:25:49Of course, we're eating that candy, too.
00:25:52But what's white?
00:25:56Dark candy?
00:25:57It's eclair.
00:25:58You're completely wrong.
00:26:00You're confusing me.
00:26:01You're confused, you're pregnant.
00:26:03I have a full salary at the bank.
00:26:05And you had a red scarf on your neck.
00:26:07Do you know what happened?
00:26:08What happened?
00:26:09Don't you know?
00:26:11The red scarf ate the neck.
00:26:14Poor thing.
00:26:15Because he was superstitious, like you.
00:26:18But you're lucky.
00:26:20You have me, Sister Kramazov,
00:26:22watching you every step of the way.
00:26:27Shame on you! Shame!
00:26:29Why do you say that, Father?
00:26:32Because Sister Kramazov came
00:26:34and told me you went to the monastery
00:26:36and they fought with Sister Katsimiha.
00:26:40With the good meat?
00:26:44Good mother, why are you hitting the humble one?
00:26:46Because I went out of control.
00:26:48With the humble one?
00:26:49No, of course, with Panagos.
00:26:51Then why are you hitting the humble one?
00:26:53I'm going to hit my child, baby.
00:26:54Are you crazy, too?
00:26:55So, you choose Panagos.
00:26:58Is Sister Kramazov telling the truth?
00:27:00No, Father.
00:27:02The old man is going to lie to the holy woman,
00:27:06the good meat.
00:27:10All right.
00:27:11All right, I accept it.
00:27:14Sister Kramazov didn't tell you lies,
00:27:16but she didn't tell you the truth, either.
00:27:18We got closer with Sister Katsimiha.
00:27:20We got closer.
00:27:22I showed her my sympathy.
00:27:24She showed me, too.
00:27:26What did the hostess show you?
00:27:28No, Father.
00:27:29She showed me sympathy.
00:27:32So, she lit the green light for you.
00:27:34But I didn't even touch her.
00:27:37So, you're an asshole, too.
00:27:39Don't talk like that to our child.
00:27:41It's going to be complicated.
00:27:42But for the green light to light up for him,
00:27:44and for the humble one to sit down,
00:27:46my children didn't take anything from me.
00:27:48I gave birth to two sons,
00:27:50and for two to have babies?
00:27:52Sweet Father, what are you saying?
00:27:54At your age,
00:27:55I don't leave female cats.
00:27:57I'm sorry, my husband.
00:27:58We came here to talk to our son
00:28:00because he did something with the green light,
00:28:02or because he didn't.
00:28:03I'm asking because I'm confused.
00:28:05Well, Father,
00:28:06do you want to drive us crazy?
00:28:08Do you want to do something with the green light,
00:28:10or not?
00:28:12Aren't we going to give you a memory bill?
00:28:14He's right.
00:28:15He's insensitive.
00:28:16I talked to her.
00:28:17You did well.
00:28:18I don't understand what you want from me, Father.
00:28:20My heart is pounding for Sister Katsimiha.
00:28:22I want to see her.
00:28:24I want to hear her velvet voice.
00:28:27I want to smell her perfume,
00:28:30because she always smells…
00:28:33No, my dear.
00:28:34She smells like beef jerky.
00:28:35She doesn't smell like Lebanese.
00:28:37I don't want to hear about Katsimiha.
00:28:39I don't want to hear about Katsimiha.
00:28:41Not even Rita Rita?
00:28:43It's a nice song, Father.
00:28:45I was looking for my bella,
00:28:49and finally I found him.
00:28:51Shut up!
00:28:52I didn't mean that.
00:28:54I don't want to hear about Kalogreia again.
00:28:56That bitch who's talking about your brother.
00:29:00Your destination, Panagos, is different.
00:29:03What do you mean, Father?
00:29:04I've talked to my future partner,
00:29:07and soon you'll be engaged to his daughter.
00:29:11So I'll be engaged to a girl I don't know?
00:29:14I know her father, and he's good enough.
00:29:16Super good enough.
00:29:17So I'm not allowed to love her?
00:29:20I'm not allowed to choose her?
00:29:23I don't know what's going on in your heart.
00:29:27Get out of here!
00:29:28You're talking back to your father?
00:29:30Shame on you!
00:29:33What your father says is not true.
00:29:35Panagos has to marry the woman he loves.
00:29:37Where do we live now?
00:29:38What's going on, Lambros?
00:29:40Did we get up again?
00:29:42Do you want your father to be upset?
00:29:44Do you want him to feel nothing?
00:29:46Then slap him!
00:29:48Mother, these are medieval things.
00:29:50You can't allow your parents
00:29:52to hurt their children emotionally.
00:29:54Aren't you going to tell us what to do, Flora?
00:29:56We're the only ones who know what's good for you.
00:29:58Do you understand?
00:30:02Stop making excuses.
00:30:04You're going to hit me in the end.
00:30:06It's okay, poor thing.
00:30:08Do you really have to go to your father's funeral?
00:30:11He's my nephew.
00:30:13You're exaggerating.
00:30:15Isn't he your blood?
00:30:16He's my husband's blood.
00:30:18And you know, I'm the tea tradition.
00:30:22I'm learning about the joys
00:30:24of the smelly dog.
00:30:26And I'm getting bitter.
00:30:27She's whining about Terizis,
00:30:29and I'm whining about my daughter
00:30:31who doesn't want the best for her,
00:30:33Sifis, and my other son.
00:30:35What about Michalos?
00:30:36I don't see him with a woman, my dear.
00:30:38He's a whore.
00:30:39Kiss me, kiss me.
00:30:41Kiss me, kiss me.
00:30:43Kiss me, kiss me.
00:30:45Maybe he still hasn't found
00:30:47the one who's going to click on him.
00:30:48I know who's going to find him.
00:30:50Who's going to find him?
00:30:51Some whore.
00:30:52She's flirting with him,
00:30:53and she's calling him a whore.
00:30:55Why do you call her a whore?
00:30:56Why do whores flirt?
00:30:58Maybe she hasn't flirted with him.
00:31:00Maybe she's helped him
00:31:02with all her flirty tricks.
00:31:06Maybe she's a beautiful,
00:31:15but not short, of course.
00:31:17With a leather jacket,
00:31:20with sparkling eyes,
00:31:22in the color of honey,
00:31:24something between Penelope Cruz
00:31:26and Jim Kardashian.
00:31:28Excuse me, Zita.
00:31:29Do you know the girl?
00:31:32Why do you ask?
00:31:33Because I described her
00:31:34as if you had seen her in front of you.
00:31:36No, I haven't seen her in front of me.
00:31:38I made a bet.
00:31:40She can only be a doll.
00:31:43And what if she doesn't show us the doll?
00:31:46How would I know?
00:31:48Because she's married to Shira.
00:31:51How did you come up with that?
00:31:53Did you go to a coffee shop?
00:31:56Then you should be the coffee shop owner.
00:31:58Why do you say that?
00:32:00I was just thinking.
00:32:02That way I can pay you for your entrance fee.
00:32:05I have an entrance fee.
00:32:06I don't have an entrance fee tomorrow.
00:32:08I'll have to stay on the shelf.
00:32:09And Marousseau,
00:32:10who I don't know who she's talking to,
00:32:12and Michalos with Shira.
00:32:14We're done with Shira.
00:32:16Why would she be Shira?
00:32:18Either she's afraid of Shira
00:32:20and doesn't show herself.
00:32:22She's married,
00:32:23and she's doing it behind her husband's back.
00:32:26You're right.
00:32:27She's married.
00:32:29A few married women
00:32:30get together with their children.
00:32:32Like Dolce Vita.
00:32:34Oh, Soto,
00:32:35how much you work me
00:32:36with your heavy, strong arms.
00:32:38How much you subjugate me
00:32:40with your deep gaze that travels me.
00:32:43What am I to you?
00:32:45A prostitute?
00:32:47What can I do with you?
00:32:49All these years,
00:32:50I've been a woman.
00:32:51With my husband alone,
00:32:52I've never looked at another man.
00:32:54I've always looked down.
00:32:56And now?
00:32:57Now what happened, Soto?
00:32:59That's right.
00:33:00Anyone who messes with Soto
00:33:01will go crazy.
00:33:02That's right, boss.
00:33:03And I became your slave.
00:33:05I became your prisoner.
00:33:07That's right.
00:33:08I want a slave and obedience.
00:33:10Whatever you want, boss.
00:33:11Whatever I want?
00:33:12Whatever you want.
00:33:13Can I ask you something?
00:33:15Yes, my love.
00:33:16Let me tell you,
00:33:17your husband, Varonos,
00:33:18has an affair
00:33:19with the monastery
00:33:20of Panagia of Syntrechtra.
00:33:22Yes, the unfaithful one.
00:33:23He wants to buy
00:33:24a huge plot
00:33:25around the monastery.
00:33:27Around the plot?
00:33:28And what does he want to do with it?
00:33:29Leave that now.
00:33:31Leave that now, Soto,
00:33:32and let me be yours.
00:33:34Let me be yours.
00:33:35Sit down, girl.
00:33:36Sit down.
00:33:37I'll talk to you.
00:33:38I'll make you mine soon.
00:33:39Tell me, this plot
00:33:41I won't deny you,
00:33:44my heart,
00:33:45I promise.
00:33:49Black rhino,
00:33:51watch out for me,
00:33:53I beg you.
00:33:58Come in.
00:34:04Good morning, sister.
00:34:07how did you get into the monastery?
00:34:10When an innocent bird
00:34:11wants to go somewhere,
00:34:14it finds a way
00:34:15and gets in.
00:34:17Hello, hello.
00:34:18Desi, good chief.
00:34:19Desi, good chief.
00:34:21Come, Zaki,
00:34:22I'm listening, over.
00:34:24I'm glad to report
00:34:25that there are movements.
00:34:27What movements,
00:34:28my mother,
00:34:29you're confusing me too.
00:34:30The plot moved to the monastery.
00:34:32Keep that in mind.
00:34:34Okay, I'll take it.
00:34:35Bye, kisses.
00:34:39I did it today.
00:34:40My teacher told me.
00:34:43You're playing a bad game,
00:34:44you scoundrel!
00:34:45Why do you say that, Soto?
00:34:47Because a bird told me
00:34:48that a bird in the monastery's nest.
00:34:50Lies, Soto, lies.
00:34:52I'll see if they are lies.
00:34:53Watch out,
00:34:54because the bird
00:34:55doesn't take the bait easily,
00:34:58I'm not baiting you, Soto.
00:34:59We'll see about that.
00:35:06Soto! Soto! Soto!
00:35:12I beg you, my heart, listen to me.
00:35:21You scoundrel!
00:35:23You scared me.
00:35:24What the hell did I do to you?
00:35:26Were you in the closet?
00:35:28Of course.
00:35:29Why did you do that?
00:35:30I saw you putting naphthalene in the blanket.
00:35:32Why do we have naphthalene in the closet?
00:35:33Why do we have a blanket?
00:35:35Do you despise me, sister Karamazov?
00:35:37Of course.
00:35:38With what right?
00:35:38Did you discuss it with Antia?
00:35:40But I'm pregnant.
00:35:41I told you, you're mistaken.
00:35:44Shame on you.
00:35:45I always knew that you were cheating on my pregnancy.
00:35:47I'm going to do it.
00:35:50What do you mean?
00:35:51You put it in your eye.
00:35:52In which eye did I put it?
00:35:54In your eye.
00:35:55What did I put in my eye?
00:35:56You want to be pregnant in my place.
00:35:58Why should I?
00:35:59Am I stupid?
00:36:00That will never happen.
00:36:01You're never going to get pregnant from me.
00:36:04I'm going to take your underwear and your underwear.
00:36:08Because you're playing a dirty game.
00:36:11You're a loser.
00:36:14I'm dying.
00:36:15I'm dying.
00:36:16I'm losing myself.
00:36:17I'm losing myself.
00:36:18Father, come back.
00:36:21Father, what happened?
00:36:23There's a snake in the house.
00:36:26What snake?
00:36:27Where did you see it, my husband? Did it bite you?
00:36:29Not a dead snake.
00:36:30I made a similar one.
00:36:32Something like a snake.
00:36:33It's a snake. They don't bite.
00:36:35Father, they're like ants.
00:36:38Like ants? They're like pigs in the house.
00:36:41They're infected.
00:36:43Someone betrayed me.
00:36:45Someone talked about buying the apartment.
00:36:47My competitors found out.
00:36:49Are you deaf?
00:36:51Someone talked about buying the apartment.
00:36:53My competitors found out.
00:36:54I didn't say anything.
00:36:55I didn't say anything to Sotopoulos.
00:36:57I don't even know him.
00:36:59I've heard of him, but I've never seen him in my life.
00:37:02What did you say, Zanet?
00:37:03I said I've never talked to Poulos.
00:37:06To whom?
00:37:07To Sotopoulos.
00:37:08To another Poulos.
00:37:09You can't even talk to him.
00:37:11Zanet, what are you talking about?
00:37:13Are you trying to explain your previous question, my husband?
00:37:16I said someone betrayed me.
00:37:18I didn't say to whom.
00:37:20I didn't say anything about Poulos.
00:37:21How, my husband? You mentioned him. I heard it.
00:37:24Did you hear anything about Poulos from me?
00:37:26No, father.
00:37:27You didn't talk about any Poulos.
00:37:29You didn't mention such a name.
00:37:31So, Zanet, from whom did you talk about Poulos?
00:37:34I imagined it, my husband.
00:37:36You have a great imagination, Zanet.
00:37:38Why did you fall for it?
00:37:39I fell for it, because I sat down and thought.
00:37:42What does my husband mean when he says snake?
00:37:44He probably means Poulos,
00:37:46which is the largest cancer in the whole region.
00:37:48Oh, yes.
00:37:50He's a ruthless swindler.
00:37:51He's a silent criminal.
00:37:53A lost body.
00:37:55He's a tycoon.
00:37:56He's a ruthless rapist.
00:37:58I thought about all this, and I said no.
00:38:01My husband means Poulos.
00:38:03That's why I talked about Poulos.
00:38:04Wow, what a nice dress.
00:38:07I'm going to go crazy. What a nice dress.
00:38:09And you'll see what I'm going to wear
00:38:12on the wedding of my husband and my daughter-in-law.
00:38:15My dear Myrsini, I'm going to surprise the guests.
00:38:18What are you going to wear?
00:38:19You'll see. You'll see. It's a surprise.
00:38:22What are you going to wear on your brother's wedding?
00:38:26The one I'm wearing now. Black.
00:38:28You're going to wear black?
00:38:30What do you want, Mom? Do you want me to wear a dress?
00:38:33No, you should wear something more European.
00:38:35We'll make the groom a partner.
00:38:37Zanette is one of the most expensive fashion styles.
00:38:42She's telling you,
00:38:43she's a necklace with a lace.
00:38:47Yes, and Varonos is a very chic man.
00:38:50I'm a man of old habits.
00:38:52I wear black and a sari.
00:38:54Do whatever you want.
00:38:55Otherwise, you'd never listen to me.
00:38:58I always listen to you and I respect you, because you're my mother.
00:39:00If they respected me,
00:39:02you'd have brought me a dress at home.
00:39:05Here in Terskale, where there's a younger man and a younger woman.
00:39:08What about you?
00:39:09Leave me alone, Mom.
00:39:10What about you?
00:39:12Okay, I won't insist.
00:39:14I'm going to bring some eggs from my chickens
00:39:18to give to your Giorgis.
00:39:20Biologically, at home, that is.
00:39:23Do your job, Myrsini. Do your job.
00:39:27You're such a troublemaker.
00:39:30Don't talk like that.
00:39:32She's your mother. She's upset.
00:39:35You don't talk at all.
00:39:37Why have you made me an old man?
00:39:40With your hot body and your wet lips.
00:39:43With a kiss, with a kiss, with a kiss, with a kiss.
00:39:47Shut up.
00:39:48Be quiet. Don't let your mother hear you.
00:39:50With a kiss, with a kiss, with a kiss, with a kiss.
00:39:54What are you saying, my husband?
00:39:56Is there a chance that he spoke where he shouldn't?
00:39:59Inside this house?
00:40:01But, my dear Zanet,
00:40:03the unanswered question remains.
00:40:05How did our business secrets get into the chicken's ears?
00:40:09Our Panagos can't have said it.
00:40:11You're joking, Mother.
00:40:13Nor, of course, our Lambros.
00:40:14Okay, now, don't talk nonsense.
00:40:16Lambros is a good boy. He's a good boy.
00:40:19Our Lora doesn't have it, she doesn't have it much.
00:40:21And that little mind of hers has been taken over by Aragon.
00:40:24So, not even Lora.
00:40:26Yes, Mother.
00:40:28I'm only thinking of Derry.
00:40:30With love and care.
00:40:33Yes, we're all talking about Derry.
00:40:36And we're all having girlish dreams.
00:40:40Stop it.
00:40:41Stop it, you humble one. You're not telling us the truth.
00:40:44About the girlish dreams, Mrs. Zanet.
00:40:46Shut up and talk.
00:40:47Because you're the one who told the chicken, right?
00:40:50What are you saying, Mrs. Zanet?
00:40:52Kiss me, kiss me.
00:40:54Kiss me, kiss me.
00:40:56I kissed the chimney and I can't see any other girl.
00:41:00Who am I to leave a woman for another woman?
00:41:02I've become a monogamous man for your sweet little eyes.
00:41:05We're going to get married.
00:41:07I'm yours.
00:41:09And that drives me even crazier, because you're a forbidden fruit.
00:41:13Stop it, stop it. Your mother is coming, too.
00:41:20What did you bring, little eggs?
00:41:22Thank you, brother.
00:41:24I'm going.
00:41:25Where are you going now?
00:41:26To the cafeteria with the other girls.
00:41:28We'll sit there for a while and see what's going on.
00:41:31You're going.
00:41:32Bye, mother.
00:41:33Bye, you too.
00:41:34Bye, aunt.
00:41:35Bye, Manolio.
00:41:42Who else could have betrayed the Baron?
00:41:44His children? His blood? Or me?
00:41:47The most virtuous woman in the periphery of Paparia and Perichoron.
00:41:50Of course you're virtuous.
00:41:52But I'm not going back either.
00:41:54Whatever I hear in here, I can't say it.
00:41:57I'm a fool.
00:41:58She's right, mother.
00:41:59Did I ever say that Mr. Baron
00:42:02hides almost everything from the tax office
00:42:03and that he only declares 30,000 euros a year from all his businesses?
00:42:08It's not just 30,000.
00:42:10For God's sake, we're rich.
00:42:12Here we are.
00:42:14Why are you hitting me?
00:42:16Did I ever say that the money Mr. Baron
00:42:19gives to pay for Mrs. Gabriela Partolou's clothes and jewelry?
00:42:24What are you saying?
00:42:25Gabriela Partolou promotes the culture of Paparia.
00:42:30She's right, you fool.
00:42:33Why are you so hard on me?
00:42:36I said that in the kitchen, the laundry, the butchery and the farms
00:42:40Mr. Baron has employees from the Bangladesh
00:42:43who are insecure and unscrupulous.
00:42:45We secure the Greeks. Isn't that enough?
00:42:48You're like Romystios.
00:42:49You're going to speak like an old woman?
00:42:53Do you see it now?
00:42:54Who's the snake in your house, Baron?
00:42:57Why do you say that, mother?
00:42:59Humility speaks nowhere.
00:43:01Oh, you silly girl.
00:43:03Don't you hear what Gianna Falis and Romystios are saying?
00:43:05She hates us classically.
00:43:07She's a Syriza.
00:43:08Sweet mother, it's her right to vote for whatever she wants.
00:43:12What Syriza, I say?
00:43:14She's even made Konstantopoulou's wife vote.
00:43:16We won't prove to her that she's going to vote, mother.
00:43:19I'm fed up with voting.
00:43:21The point is to get rid of the traitor
00:43:23who went and told our secrets to Konstantopoulou.
00:43:26He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me.
00:43:30Don't worry, Mersini. He'll find his way, little by little.
00:43:35I'm sure that some old woman has mixed him up.
00:43:41Some scum.
00:43:42Why are you talking so badly about the girl?
00:43:45Maybe she's an ungrateful woman who loved him.
00:43:48If she's ungrateful, why doesn't she show up?
00:43:51Or maybe she's afraid of him.
00:43:52Maybe she doesn't feel ready yet.
00:43:55Or maybe she's married.
00:43:58Even worse.
00:44:00What the hell?
00:44:02Do you have a clergyman's gift?
00:44:05What did you say?
00:44:07I said, be patient and one day she'll get over it.
00:44:12No matter how beautiful and lively she is,
00:44:16love is passing by, Mersini, you know that.
00:44:20And one day, the man will turn his back on her
00:44:25as if he had forgotten her lips and her kisses.
00:44:29And he'll leave behind him a human puppet.
00:44:33And a giant crab for the girl.
00:44:36She's a human too.
00:44:37Don't you remember what you pulled on the rope?
00:44:40The poor Marilita Lampropoulou, the sweet girl
00:44:44who was about to be drowned by her own hands.
00:44:47I'd do the same.
00:44:49You'd drown me? You'd drown the poor girl?
00:44:53Yes. Or I'd throw her into the well.
00:44:56I don't know, Kolibis.
00:44:58Or I'd throw her.
00:45:00You're very strict with the poor girl.
00:45:04You don't even listen to her side.
00:45:07I don't need to listen to anything.
00:45:10I'll get rid of her.
00:45:12I hope she doesn't go home today
00:45:15and God burns her before she passes the gate.
00:45:19Get rid of her?
00:45:20What if God hears her and burns her?
00:45:24My dear Janet, you're delusional.
00:45:26We can't sell a faithful and devoted servant as a humble one.
00:45:31Thank you very much, Mr. Varone.
00:45:33You're a scoundrel.
00:45:35I don't understand, Varone.
00:45:36I can't sell my servant. I'm Janet.
00:45:39No, you can't sell her for no reason.
00:45:42She'll break our work ethics.
00:45:45She betrayed us, Sotopoulos.
00:45:48We don't have proof, Janet.
00:45:50If it's possible, you need proof, Janet.
00:45:54Isn't it enough?
00:45:55Janet, give it to me.
00:45:58Tomorrow we'll mourn our daughter, Laura.
00:46:01Please, be humble.
00:46:04Yes, mother, do it for my sake.
00:46:07Okay, I'll do it for Aradonas' sake.
00:46:10Go away, I don't want to see you.
00:46:14It's not fair.
00:46:18Why do you hit her all the time?
00:46:20So she doesn't forget her place.
00:46:23What an injustice, God.
00:46:27If God doesn't avenge Janet,
00:46:29don't call me a humble slave.
00:46:35I can't get him out of my head.
00:46:38I know he belongs to another woman.
00:46:41My child, I love you so much.
00:46:46Yes, I love him so much.
00:46:50Why? Because I'm a whore?
00:46:52Don't blame yourself.
00:46:54God will forgive you.
00:46:57Thank you very much, sisters.
00:46:59Go in peace and pray.
00:47:02Thank you again.
00:47:18My God, the man I love is cheating on me.
00:47:22A whore.
00:47:27What did you say?
00:47:28Nothing, nothing.
00:47:29It was just a bad omen.
00:47:32It must be an orthodontic condition.
00:47:34Wait a minute.
00:47:36I'll bring you a glass of water and some saline.
00:47:40Thank you very much, sister.
00:47:42I'm going to wait for my husband and a couple from the village.
00:47:46They're here to get the blessing.
00:47:49They want to get married.
00:47:52Get married?
00:47:53Tonight, at night.
00:47:57Mother, mother, mother!
00:47:59What's wrong with you?
00:48:02Don't ask.
00:48:03Call him, call him now!
00:48:07We're going out with Sifi tonight.
00:48:10Cheers, Marisol.
00:48:12Cheers, Leventi Sifi.
00:48:15Let me ask you something.
00:48:17Ask me, Leventi Sifi.
00:48:18I had the impression that you were avoiding me until yesterday,
00:48:21that you were cold with me.
00:48:23Is it true that you asked to go out today?
00:48:25It's true, Sifi. I was cold, but now I'm warm.
00:48:29Are you lonely?
00:48:30Yes, that's how I am. I'm the only one who suffers.
00:48:33I go crazy. I'm cold, but I'm warm.
00:48:35I hope you won't get cold again tomorrow, Marisol.
00:48:38I won't get cold again, Sifi.
00:48:39As long as you hold me and hold me tight in your arms.
00:48:46What happened? Why did the table rise?
00:48:48Don't worry. I was just happy with what you said.
00:48:52Can you lift the table out of your joy?
00:48:54Well done, Sifi.
00:48:59How do you like our place, Sipethera?
00:49:02I like all of you, your houses, your shops.
00:49:06You have everything.
00:49:08You're right, Sipethera.
00:49:10Don't worry. I want the kids to be happy.
00:49:13I don't care about anything else.
00:49:15What do you care about? Cyprus?
00:49:16Come on, you Argentinian.
00:49:20Is everything okay, Sifi? Are you calm?
00:49:23I'm sorry, Marisol, but I feel things for you.
00:49:28I feel things for you, too, Sifi.
00:49:30What things?
00:49:31I don't know if I can describe it in words.
00:49:35Words are poor compared to what they call the eyes of lovers.
00:49:40The bodies come close to him.
00:49:42The moist lips when they kiss.
00:49:46Again with the table?
00:49:48No, it's okay. I'll calm down.
00:49:51It's okay, Sifi. Calm down.
00:49:53Should we call a waiter to bring a bottle of wine?
00:49:56No, it's okay.
00:50:00Are you happy, my darling?
00:50:02Yes, mommy. It's the happiest day of my life.
00:50:05You, Lara? Are you happy, too?
00:50:07If my darling is happy, then I am, too.
00:50:11What is our daughter saying?
00:50:13Good evening. Good evening.
00:50:16I'm late.
00:50:18Not at all, my dear. Sit down.
00:50:20There's a chair for us to sit on.
00:50:24You sit there. Let the young man sit next to me.
00:50:27Your son is sitting next to you.
00:50:30Lambros will get up. He wants to sit next to Lara.
00:50:33Get up, Lambros.
00:50:35Yes, mother.
00:50:36Come on, young man. Sit down.
00:50:37My son is sitting next to me. Georgis.
00:50:41How old is he?
00:50:44How old is he now?
00:50:45I don't know.
00:50:46Is he married?
00:50:48Is he an athlete?
00:50:49Yes, he's grown up a lot.
00:50:52Yes, he's grown up and he's beautiful.
00:50:55Thank you, Mrs. Zanet.
00:50:57Listen, Mrs. Zanet. We're a family now.
00:51:01Don't call me Zanet. Just Zanet.
00:51:04Are you okay, my darling?
00:51:06I'm fine. Don't worry.
00:51:08No, I'm not worried. I'm happy for your quick recovery.
00:51:12Shall we have another drink?
00:51:16No, I want you to take me somewhere else.
00:51:19To relax, to dance, to relax.
00:51:21I think I'm going to the right place.
00:51:25My eyes are holding me
00:51:29Let me go far away
00:51:33What really scares you
00:51:36And what hurts you
00:51:41My eyes, I'm here
00:51:44I'm talking to you
00:51:48Inside my heart
00:51:51The first word you said is spinning
00:51:55I love you, my eyes, I think of you
00:51:59I dream of you every night
00:52:02I love you, my eyes, don't worry
00:52:06But I don't love you, no one, no one
00:52:11My eyes, I'm thinking of you
00:52:14I dream of you every night
00:52:19I love you, my eyes, don't worry
00:52:22But I don't love you, no one, no one
00:52:30How do you like my Maroussos?
00:52:32It's great. A very European shop.
00:52:42My eyes, you know it
00:52:46I have you for the sky
00:52:49I'm telling you the truth
00:52:53I'm spinning to the first word
00:52:56I love you, my eyes, I think of you
00:53:00I dream of you every night
00:53:05I love you, my eyes, don't worry
00:53:08But I don't love you, no one, no one
00:53:14Thank you very much.
00:53:17Thank you very much.
00:53:19I said it, Tanya. I thanked them.
00:53:22You don't have to thank them.
00:53:25Are you kidding me, Gabriela?
00:53:27Well, let's continue.
00:53:29And now, let's wish the Melonymphs...
00:53:32Long live the Melonymphs!
00:53:34Let me speak first. Long live the Melonymphs!
00:53:38We're nervous. What should I say?
00:53:39I'll say it.
00:53:41Long live the Melonymphs!
00:53:43Melonymphs, long live the Melonymphs!
00:53:47And now, the groom.
00:53:50The groom?
00:53:51Yes, our eighth son, Fortunakis.
00:53:55Did you say Fortunakis?
00:53:57Yes, Maroussos, Fortunakis. He's his mother.
00:54:00My dear guests, long live.
00:54:03And may you always love as you love tonight.
00:54:07And now, a new song...
00:54:10from a wonderful guest.
00:54:14Please welcome...
00:54:17Katerina Lioliou!
00:54:24Do you want to leave? I can't stand you.
00:54:26No, no, no. I'm very well.
00:54:28Very well. I'm having a lot of fun.
00:54:31Eyes and stars and sparks and light
00:54:35Love is hidden
00:54:39Blood in the blanket hits hard
00:54:44The night that caught fire
00:54:52Light me up, light me up
00:54:55Your kisses burned me
00:54:57I'm not going to get out alive
00:55:01Sea, sea
00:55:03Let me be your embrace
00:55:05Let me drown in it
00:55:09Light me up, light me up
00:55:12Your kisses burned me
00:55:14I'm not going to get out alive
00:55:18Sea, sea
00:55:21Let me be your embrace
00:55:23Let me drown in it
00:55:29Maroussos, where are you going?
00:55:30To dance.
00:55:31To dance with the Arab?
00:55:33I came here to have fun and I will have fun.
00:55:45Mouth to mouth
00:55:47Hot breath
00:55:49You whisper in my ears
00:55:53Words that opened
00:55:56Heavy feasts
00:55:58Sweet words
00:56:06Light me up, light me up
00:56:09Your kisses burned me
00:56:11I'm not going to get out alive
00:56:15Sea, sea
00:56:17Let me be your embrace
00:56:20Let me drown in it
00:56:24Light me up, light me up
00:56:26Your kisses burned me
00:56:28I'm not going to get out alive
00:56:32Sea, sea
00:56:35Let me be your embrace
00:56:37Let me drown in it
00:56:47Sea, sea
00:56:50Let me be your embrace
00:56:52Who is dancing so provocatively to my Arab?
00:56:58Light me up, light me up
00:57:02Yes, yes, it's a shame.
00:57:04You should get her off the track.
00:57:07Where is she? How dare you?
00:57:12Girl, you should be ashamed of yourself, Maroussos.
00:57:16Light me up, light me up
00:57:18Vrondakia, my son's Arab.
00:57:22Is she called Vrondakia?
00:57:24Yes, she is the daughter of Giochendras.
00:57:27Let me be your embrace
00:57:29From our show, they are running from door to door.
00:57:34Tonight, there will be blood.
00:58:09The fire burns
00:58:11In each of your eyes
00:58:13Black for you, white for me
00:58:18You don't stop me, to look at me
00:58:23Let me wander, let me open the dance
00:58:30My magic night
00:58:33Hide me, reveal me
00:58:36Inside me, I stumbled
00:58:38Tonight or never
00:58:41My magic night
00:58:43Hide me, reveal me
00:58:46Inside me, I stumbled
00:58:48Tonight or never
00:59:11Night stars, like knives
00:59:16Love breaks, hit and don't ask
00:59:21Laugh sky, it's summer
00:59:26Sunrises and rain colors
00:59:33My magic night
00:59:36Hide me, reveal me
00:59:38Inside me, I stumbled
00:59:41Tonight or never
00:59:43My magic night
00:59:46Hide me, reveal me
00:59:48Inside me, I stumbled
00:59:51Tonight or never
01:00:08Laugh sky, it's summer
01:00:18Sunrises and rain colors
01:00:25My magic night
01:00:28Hide me, reveal me
01:00:30Inside me, I stumbled
01:00:33Tonight or never
01:00:36My magic night
01:00:38Hide me, reveal me
01:00:41Inside me, I stumbled
01:00:43Tonight or never
01:00:54Tonight or never
