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Return.To.Paradise.S01E05 >>> https://dai.ly/x96ey82


00:00Mackenzie I can use you here at Dolphin Cove but only if you want to stay you
00:05either work here or you don't. Well I'm not an instrument for institutional
00:10oppression like some. Yesterday you wanted a gun. It's your anniversary. Five
00:15years. You walked out on me Mac. Remember? I'm sorry. I am sorry for what I did to
00:30I'm sorry.
01:13Let's go.
01:20Okay camera's rolling. I'm Byron Jones and this is unceded First Nations land which
01:27the government promised us would be protected for koala conservation. But
01:32tomorrow sunshine timber are gonna cut these trees down. Turning this place into
01:38a tinderbox. Hey oi. Camera on me. Righto keep your pants on. Oi brothers get on
01:44with it. So people call natural force collective terrorists but this is an act
01:52of self-defense. Again. It's probably just a wombat. Come on keep going. This is an
02:00act of self-defense against mass extinction. To live another day we must
02:08defend and disobey. So how do you feel about going to jail? I say bring it on.
02:23I would like to see them try to take me in. Hey temper. Temper yeah. Save it for
02:35when the loggers get here.
02:44What? You having second thoughts? None. What about you Byron? Me? You worried about
02:52being locked up? Jail's nothing for me. I've done it before and I'll do it again.
03:14Everyone secure?
03:21Y'all good?
03:28Now get some shut-eye. It's gonna be war in the morning.
03:35How did everyone sleep? Terrible. Never better. Byron? Byron wake up.
03:55Oi. Byron. Byron get up. Byron? What's happening? Byron? Oi can you hear me?
04:02He's not... Byron? Byron?
04:06Byron? Byron get up.
04:08Byron help!
04:10Come on!
05:03Morning. Hey. Still on the Breakfast of Champions I see. Ah and you're still wearing
05:09that cheerleading outfit. I play at centre-half back. Oh cool I regret the
05:14error. It's his 300th game on Friday so he's just doing his pregame ritual of
05:20exercising and stressing out. What's your excuse for exercising? On a day like
05:25this how could you not? I'll grab our juices. Do you want me to get you
05:29something with perhaps some nutritional value? No. No thank you.
05:39Actually while I've got you I was hoping you could um if I could get my engagement
05:47ring back. Oh oh you're gonna... Yeah it's time and it's my grandma's which you
05:59know obviously. Obviously. So I'd like to... Yeah yeah I'll get it to you. Great. Yep and the
06:07the full forward is the one who kicks the goals. Oh that is so fascinating. You
06:12should come to the game though. Oh I don't do the footy. You're doing the
06:17footy. I beg your pardon? On patrol at the game in uniform. I don't have a uniform.
06:23Well that can be arranged. Can't someone else do it? I mean I don't really like
06:27people. You? No you're so popular. Look the rest of the team they do their bit
06:33whether you like it or not so will you. What if I'm still caught up with this
06:36case? I have every faith in you. Morning boss. Bit of a situation. What have we got?
06:44Victim found while staging a protest. Looks like someone or something hit him
06:49over the head. What's taking so long? Just head around the back.
06:55Get us off here please. Please just get us off okay? Just stay calm we're working on it.
07:01Felix I need you to contain this scene after you've got them free and I'll make
07:06sure you search them before you take them down to the station. You're not
07:09thinking about arresting them are we? They're chained to a corpse constable.
07:16This is a crime scene.
07:20Please stay back.
07:42Byron Jones 35 years old a pretty notorious member of Natural Force
07:49Collective. What were they doing here exactly? Protecting the koalas and who
07:55can blame them. I killed one of the wildlife sanctuary last year. Most of
07:59those koalas have chlamydia. Well they didn't get it from me. Okay. Wound to the
08:07back of the head. Could be from the log. Someone could have forced his head back.
08:14Well forensics are on the way. Odd only one sock. Who would hike all the way up
08:23here in only one sock? Maybe he couldn't find a matching pair.
08:26There's my head in. Who found the body? Operations manager for Sunshine Timber
08:34Fiona Collios. Okay let's go speak to her.
08:42I arrived at 0500 hours to let the boys in for work. I heard yelling and I found
08:49his body like that. Pained up.
08:55Awful. Do you know the victim? Not really honestly but I am across various
09:03environmental groups. It's part of the job. Did anyone from Sunshine Timber
09:08access the coop last night? No anyone coming in needs security clearance from
09:12me. But someone could have broken in after the protesters. Well we have
09:15cameras that cover the entire fence around the perimeter. We'll need that
09:20footage. Of course. We want to help in any way we can.
09:24Honestly it's just horrible.
09:29Okay thanks we'll be in touch.
09:36She's lying about something. How can you tell? She said the word honestly twice
09:44which means she's being anything but.
09:59Please can you state your name for the record? Kensen Jones. Henry Jones Byron's
10:07my... was my brother. No comment. Okay well for the record Maggie Mitchell. Your
10:20license is expired by the way. Okay. Can you describe what happened last night?
10:27Yeah someone killed my husband. So you guys should be out there trying to find
10:32whoever did it. Which is what we're trying to do.
10:39Maggie and I were out getting supplies. We picked up Henry and Byron at
10:44Natural Pulse headquarters around midnight. Did you go inside? No we
10:48flashed our headlights and they came out. Can you at least tell us what time you
10:52broke into the logging coop? No comment. We entered publicly owned land around 2
10:58a.m. Who locked you to the excavator? Fighting for the forest we shall not be
11:05moved. Fighting for the forest we shall not be moved. Just like a tree that's
11:12planted by the water. Byron locked us all on around 2.30 a.m. Is there any way you
11:20can get yourself free of the chains? You know in an emergency? No it's the whole
11:25point. Did you see or hear anyone else on the site after you'd locked on? I didn't
11:30see anyone. I think in the middle of the night I felt the chain shaking.
11:35Definitely shaking. It's a lot of effort to go to just to stop the logging for
11:41what? One day? Byron always said that every minute counts. Every single minute.
11:48Every last tree. The government has no legal right to raise that forest. It's
11:53public land that should be in public hands. Not signed over to those vandals.
11:57Brothers together we shall not be moved.
12:08So anything Byron said or did you all just followed? We all work together.
12:14Everyone united. Followed? I founded this collective when he was still in nappies.
12:22I mean, no comment.
12:26We reviewed the security footage. No sign of anyone entering or exiting the
12:31premises. So four activists break into a remote logging coop with a fence around
12:37the entire perimeter. They chain themselves to an excavator. They can't
12:43escape. They can't see or reach each other. No one else goes in or out. At least
12:48not that we can see. Yet somehow one of them wakes up dead.
13:03Our victim is Byron Jones. Oh legend. Do you know once he glued himself to the
13:10road on the Harbour Bridge over climate change? Now that is how you stage a
13:14protest. Isn't that a bit extreme? Extreme and fearless. A master of drawing
13:20attention to the cause. I mean Maggie Mitchell may have been the founder of
13:24the Natural Force back in the 80s but it was Byron who almost went to jail for
13:28Bunjil Creek. What's Bunjil Creek? Oh it's only the woodstock of protests. I remember that.
13:34Weren't some miners hurt when activists supposedly tampered with one of the
13:39bulldozers? Byron was arrested. Trumped up charges. Dirty mine and dirty coppers
13:44in it together. Shocking. You might want to rephrase that Regina.
13:53Decent folk just just trying to do their jobs. Anyway Byron was acquitted. The
13:59mine got shut down and he became a hero. Yeah with a few enemies no doubt.
14:04Felix put together a list of the victims of Bunjil Creek. See if any of them were
14:07in Dolphin Cove the last 24 hours. Okay so the trespassers arrive at 2 a.m. and
14:14then Fiona Collius she drives up at 5 a.m. Do we have the video yet from
14:20Henry's camera? Still waiting for an email from forensics. Phone records?
14:25Financials? Victim's phone wasn't on his person. His husband said he barely used
14:30it. Didn't like the radiation. Well that checks out. I mean Byron was a bonafide
14:35radical. Old school. Who else could have pulled off such a gutsy protest? In one
14:41sock. So he's only wearing one sock. He's his own man. Odd socks? Yes. No socks?
14:50Unhygienic but there's an equilibrium. One sock? Of all the combinations it's
14:55just wrong. Well let's run a background check on everyone chained to that
15:14Cause of death appears to be a subdural haematoma. Internal bleeding around the
15:18brain from a blow to the back of the head. Yep. Did you find anything in the
15:21wound? A few splinters. The bite marks on his tongue indicate a seizure. A symptom
15:28of the head wound. Okay so the victim's head was forced back against the log.
15:31It's likely. The bruise on his chest also supports that. Could that be a hand
15:36mark? The assailant held him down? It's possible. But how do you do that if
15:41you're chained up as well? You don't think the killers were the other activists?
15:45Well no one else came in or out. They couldn't even scratch their nose. How
15:48could any of them kill Byron? Yeah well figure that out and we're getting
15:51somewhere. By the way I am coming to your rugby game. Oh it's actually...
15:59Yeah it's not by choice. Your mother is making me patrol. She's a monster. Yeah
16:05she is punishing me. Or it's her way of making sure you finally see me play. I've
16:10seen you play. What twice? Three times even. Actually just a reminder about the...
16:17Oh yeah the ring. Don't worry I know exactly where it is.
16:29I have no idea where it is. Oh well it's great to see that you've kept the house
16:36in the same condition your mother did. Oh no this, this, this is the
16:39collective's finances. Actually this is quite interesting. They were struggling
16:43until a couple of months ago and then they got quite sizable anonymous
16:46donations. Mackenzie. Focus. I have turned this place upside down. It is not here. I
16:53have no idea where it is. Well it's not good is it? That is not helping. Okay, okay, right. I've got you
16:59honey. Right. But on one condition. You do exactly what I say with no objections.
17:04Sure. Close your eyes. No objection. Tell me why. I thought if I hypnotized you.
17:13Absolutely not. I am a fully qualified hypnotherapist. Was it an online course
17:19Reggie? Over three weeks. Yep. Okay, just trust me.
17:22Hmm? Just close those beautiful eyes of yours. Both of them. Okay. Up. Close.
17:44I want you to picture the ring. What do you see? It's shiny. I don't know. Okay, okay.
17:59What does the ring mean? Wedding. Mm-hmm. Marriage. Mm-hmm.
18:12Obligation. Right. God, apart from a cake and a dress and someone to rub your feet
18:19twice in 32 years. It's not worth the aggravation.
18:23You know, I don't think I could have handled one more person telling me what
18:29I threw away. Threw away. That's it, okay. Ah, the day of the wedding. Yes. I took off
18:40the ring. Yeah. And I threw it right there. I told you. Hypnotherapy.
18:48Oh, it's hypnotherapy isn't foolproof.
19:04Oh, but what did I say? Fully qualified. Woo-hoo. Yeah, looks okay. Six years in the dirt.
19:13Yeah. Do you remember mum's reaction when we got engaged? Oh, God. What did she say?
19:19Something about marriage being a prison that shackles women to domesticity. I
19:24mean, she had a point. Yeah, she loves to make a point. I could hear her yelling at
19:28you from across the bay, Mackenzie, you'll be shackled, Mackenzie. That's a
19:34kilometre away.
19:37Sound wouldn't travel that far.
19:45So Byron's phone records show that he was only messaging one number.
19:50Unlisted. There she is. Try that number.
20:08How did you know? Why did Fiona know to go to that exact spot yesterday morning?
20:14She heard the activists yelling when she entered the coop. I heard yelling and
20:18found his body like that. The entrance is a kilometre away from the excavator.
20:23So she couldn't have heard them? She knew Byron would be there. Come on, let's see where she goes.
20:29Oh, wouldn't do that, Fiona. This was not my idea. It was his. Byron's.
20:45Hmm. Oh, he was providing information to Sunshine Timber, wasn't he? Why would a
20:53radical environmentalist like Byron help Sunshine Timber? Because he was being
20:57compensated for it. That explains the large anonymous donations. I'm guessing
21:02his name's not on the books. A few months ago, he sent me a message that he'd
21:05realised the only way to stop the logging was in court. And Natural Force
21:09filed plenty of injunctions against us. So he got the cash to keep his collective
21:14going and you got advance warnings about where the collective would be protesting.
21:18So we could contain the protest before the press got wind.
21:23Does anyone else know you're working with him? Are you joking? He insisted I use a separate phone,
21:31delete every message. And the one time I saw him in person, he pretended he didn't even know me.
21:38Sorry, we don't. It's all an act. Everyone has a price, Detective.
21:46Can you confirm your whereabouts the night Byron was killed?
21:50I was staying with my sister in Port Bray. I never went near him.
22:03Byron was on the take from Sunshine Timber. No way. No, that can't be.
22:09Okay, thank you. Sorry, Reggie. Okay, Fiona's alibi confirmed by sister and two of her neighbours.
22:16Where are we with background checks? Ken Senn-Jones, a couple of charges for
22:21assaulting police officers. Seems he's got a temper. Maggie Mitchell wears a lot of perfume.
22:26No, that's patchouli. A woman like that is all natural.
22:31Yeah, she's been a hardcore environmentalist for over 30 years.
22:35She basically lives off the grid. No socials, no mobile. And a lot of no comment.
22:40What about the brother? Henry Jones, he's a bit of a bit of a
22:45Henry Jones. Studied medicine but dropped out to become an environmentalist.
22:49Usually behind the scenes filing injunctions. Anything on those miners injured at Bunjil Creek?
22:54No records of any of them in Dolphin Co. Byron was staying in Dolphin Co. for how long?
23:02A few months. They're using an old hall in Jacaranda Court where there was a noise complaint
23:07just before midnight the night Byron died. Two blokes shouting.
23:11You were on that night. Why didn't you follow up?
23:13Yeah, a tourist hit a roo on the M1. I had to redirect traffic.
23:18Well, according to Ken's statement, they picked Byron and Henry up from headquarters at midnight.
23:24Sounds like the brothers are having an argument.
23:28About what?
23:32I didn't want to go through with the action at the logging coop.
23:35Why not? My brother and I are very different people.
23:44He believed that protesting would change things and I thought there was more to it.
23:49He got in your way?
23:50No. I was just trying to protect him. Byron spent six months on remand after Bunjil Creek
23:57and I just knew he wasn't going to be able to survive that again.
24:00What exactly happened at Bunjil Creek?
24:03He hardly ever spoke about it but he kept some files on it.
24:06Where are they? The files?
24:10Just give me a sec.
24:13You haven't seen his phone?
24:27I haven't been able to face going through his stuff just yet.
24:32Can we have a look around for it?
24:35Yeah, I suppose so. You're not going to find anything on it though. He hardly used the thing.
24:40Except when he was giving information to Sunshine Timber in exchange for money.
24:45Byron would never do that.
24:47So why do you think you started receiving all those big donations?
24:51Our planet is burning and our governments are doing nothing about it.
24:57People believe in this cause, Detective Clark, and Byron had a way of firing them up.
25:22Found the phone.
25:23Found the phone.
25:27That's weird. Ken and Byron normally keep all their cash in that box. There should be more.
25:33You knew about this spot?
25:34Me and Ken, yeah.
25:55I guess so, yeah.
26:47Tape to the bottom of the desk. We can get into the lab, see what we're dealing with.
26:51No need. They'll be painkillers. Opioids.
27:02How do you know?
27:03Byron copped a shoulder injury from a fight he had when he was on remand and got addicted.
27:09He swore he was clean though.
27:12Does his husband know about this?
27:13If he did, he wouldn't be happy.
27:17Do you know his whereabouts?
27:19I actually haven't seen him since we left the police station.
27:24Well, that was productive.
27:26Wasn't it? File, the money, phone, drugs. It's strange.
27:35I don't know yet.
27:38Call Glenn, get him to prioritise the tox report. You know what this means, right?
27:44That Byron was under the influence of opioids?
27:47And it explains the one sock.
27:49Does it?
27:52He wasn't thinking straight.
27:55Well, thank goodness we have an answer for that.
28:01I'm going to get Felix to chase up Maggie Mitchell, see why she wasn't staying here.
28:05How do you know she wasn't staying here?
28:07Oh, not a whiff of patchouli anywhere.
28:20Maggie Mitchell, police.
28:28I know you're in there.
28:30Oh, for your trot.
28:31Ah, what is this?
28:50That's for patrol at the football.
28:53You're a constable again.
28:56Welcome to the team.
29:01Is there anything in that file that Henry gave us?
29:06Uh, nothing unusual.
29:08Wow, well, apart from this, Byron wrote something here.
29:12One, seven, SK?
29:15Mm, that's not a seven, that's a three.
29:18Or a Z.
29:19Mm, okay, whatever it is, what does it mean?
29:22Maggie Mitchell has zero respect.
29:24She wouldn't even come out of her van.
29:25I'm pretty sure she was making oinky-dinkies out of it.
29:28She wouldn't even come out of her van.
29:29I'm pretty sure she was making oinking noises at me.
29:33That's not funny.
29:35I wonder if Maggie would talk to a kindred spirit of the environmental movement.
29:39I reckon I might know someone.
29:46Deluxe, could you get that for me, please?
29:55Look at this.
29:58Coloured dots.
30:00I'm Byron in Ken's calendar.
30:03Some sort of, uh, Morse code?
30:05Thank goddess those days are over, hey?
30:10Sorry, what on earth are you on about?
30:12That was sunshine timber.
30:14Bit of a scene happening there.
30:17You killed him!
30:24Somebody, they killed my husband!
30:29Open up!
30:33Ken, it's all right.
30:34It's okay.
30:34Get away from me.
30:35It's okay, man.
30:36Hey, come on.
30:36It's okay.
30:37Come here, come here, come here.
30:38It's all right, it's all right.
30:39You're all right, man.
30:40It's all right.
30:41We just need to ask you some questions.
30:43They can't breathe.
30:46You're all right.
30:50They wanted to silence him.
30:51Why would they do that when he was giving them all the information that they needed?
30:55That's not true.
30:56Byron would never-
30:57Yeah, look, I'd be angry too.
30:58He betrayed you.
30:59He betrayed the whole collective.
31:01Do you really think that one of us would do that?
31:04We're a family.
31:07Did you know he was using drugs again?
31:15You can't have been happy about this.
31:18Especially as the two of you were planning on having a baby.
31:21How did you know that?
31:25Well, these dots.
31:28They're an ovulation cycle.
31:31I assume you had a surrogate lined up.
31:35We wanted a family more than anything.
31:36So you must have been furious when you found out Byron had spent the money you would need.
31:43Byron blew all your money for surrogacy.
31:46He ruined your chances of having a baby.
31:48And he started using drugs again.
31:49Everything you'd ever wanted, gone.
31:53You worked so hard to stay clean.
31:56You promised me.
31:57You really didn't see the signs?
32:00The only time I thought something was off with him was that night.
32:04He was unsteady on his feet.
32:11I should have known.
32:22This is the police.
32:23Open the door, please.
32:25All right, all right.
32:26Settle down.
32:28This is public land.
32:30I have as much right to be here as anyone.
32:32Look, we've had complaints about you washing your underwear at the tap.
32:35Playing loud music.
32:37Public urination.
32:38That's a load of polywaffle.
32:48Why don't you back off?
32:50This is none of your concern, madam.
32:52Steady on.
32:53Oh, and listen to a bootlicker who blindly follows the rules.
32:57Wait, what?
32:58You heard me.
33:01Yeah, well, at least I'm not a bored old sticky bee
33:03who's trying to get in the way of someone with a real job.
33:05Oh, a sticky bee?
33:07With a real job?
33:08You've got a real job, have you, mate?
33:09Yeah, I've got a real job.
33:10Why don't you arrest us or push off?
33:14I want this vehicle cleared out by the morning.
33:17Big coppers.
33:18You all right?
33:19Yeah, yeah, I've dealt with worse.
33:21All right.
33:23Do you want a cup of tea?
33:25I'd love one.
33:31Did you figure out if the scribble was a seven?
33:33Not yet.
33:34I'm working on it.
33:40I think Ken really did love Byron.
33:43Doesn't mean he didn't kill him.
33:48How'd it go with Maggie?
33:49Poor Reggie's sure committed.
33:53I reckon that's a T.
33:58I reckon it's a K.
34:02Maybe it is a T.
34:07What you doing on the weekend?
34:12Look at you, making conversation.
34:15It's my nan's birthday.
34:18Colin, what about you?
34:21I'm off to the footsie.
34:22And by footsie, I mean Aussie rules.
34:25Still can't get my head around it.
34:27I'm holding the banner for Glenn's 300th K.
34:29You can, you can help if you like.
34:31Oh, I would rather eat my own hair.
34:33But if you're going to be there, you could cover my patrol.
34:36Yeah, nice bit of, bit of overtime for you.
34:40Oh, no, the thing, uh, holding the banner.
34:42Oh, phone.
34:46Yeah, what have you got?
34:47Yep, I'm on my way.
35:00Thanks for taking the shift, Colin.
35:01Yeah, Mackenzie, I'm not sure,
35:02because the banner needs quite a few people to...
35:04She's gone.
35:07Byron's tox report was clean.
35:09That can't be right.
35:11No, we found drugs in his possessions,
35:13and Ken said he looked drugged that night.
35:15Well, he wasn't.
35:17Then we still don't know why he was only wearing one sock.
35:20Maybe it's a fashion statement?
35:24Ah, you're joking.
35:27Well, it is hard to tell with your past questionable choices.
35:30Excuse me?
35:32Seem to remember a strange attachment to sharp-toothed jewellery.
35:38Speaking of...
35:39Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah.
35:45You okay?
35:46Yeah, just, um...
35:48You don't have it?
35:49No, I, uh...
35:50Oh, it is so stupid.
35:52Really, um...
35:55Hey, hi, Sproud.
35:56You ready for dinner?
35:57Hi, Mum.
36:00Later, yeah?
36:02I'll just grab my stuff.
36:06What's got you looking like a stunned mullet?
36:09Uh, Colin, Colin's covering my patrol at the football.
36:13Oh, is he now?
36:15He was going to be there anyway.
36:18Yeah, supporting the team.
36:19Still, he can do both.
36:25Looks like you orchestrated that beautifully.
36:28Ready to go.
36:31So, feel like crayfish?
36:32Oh, and I'm going to pay for that.
36:34Uh-huh, picked a couple out of the water this morning.
36:43Yeah, that one.
36:44Oh, yeah.
36:45This one?
36:47It's from Tassie Dams.
36:50Middle of the night.
36:51Forestry came, raided us.
36:54Oh, that must have been just...
36:55What, terrifying?
36:57Oh, exhilarating.
36:59Yeah, you get it.
37:08So, um, did you get taken a lock-up?
37:13That's where I met my husband.
37:17The only good kind.
37:19Only good thing that came out of mine was the kids.
37:23That never happened for me.
37:25Oh, I'm sorry.
37:26Nah, okay.
37:27Surah, surah.
37:29Yours must be proud of you.
37:3130 years in the movement.
37:33You'd think that.
37:35Oh, come on.
37:36Their mum's the founder of the Natural Force Collective.
37:39How many kids can say that?
37:41All they remember is the time I wasn't there.
37:44I gave my life to the Collective.
37:46I've got nothing to show for it.
37:48I've got no house, no savings.
37:51No one to love me but this old girl.
37:56Oh, you've got the Collective.
37:59They're your family.
38:01So I thought, till that leech took it all away.
38:08Or tried to.
38:12Who tried?
38:13Who tried?
38:14I love this one.
38:36Henry's head cam footage has come in.
38:38Watch this.
38:43So, here Byron has a bandana on his wrist.
38:49But when we found the body...
38:53It's gone.
38:54So where did it go?
38:56We searched the whole area.
39:03Is that Chorley?
39:06It's been a long time since I've spent a night in a van.
39:10But I'll tell you what, it was worth it.
39:12What an incredible woman.
39:13What did Maggie tell you?
39:14Oh, where do I start?
39:15The story she tells that woman has lived.
39:18She's put it on the line for her beliefs all her life, no matter what it cost her.
39:25The case.
39:25Oh, right.
39:26Well, you're not going to believe this.
39:28Byron made a proposal to vote Maggie out last week and it passed.
39:32So Maggie's no longer part of the Collective?
39:35Why did she go through with the protest?
39:37Well, because natural force is all she has.
39:40She doesn't see a kid.
39:41She's got no fixed address.
39:43That van and the movement is her entire life.
39:46And Byron took it all from her.
39:48No wonder she's furious.
39:50I did find something.
39:52An envelope for the ferry to Tassie.
39:55She's planning on leaving?
39:56Well, I called them on the way here and she's booked a one-way ticket for tomorrow.
40:01She's on the run.
40:05Come on, Colman.
40:10I need a coffee.
40:12Big coffee.
40:23Oh, what's she doing?
40:30Where are you going?
40:34You literally know where to go.
40:43Maggie Mitchell, step out of the vehicle.
40:50And there she is.
40:53Can you explain why you're leaving during a police investigation?
40:56No comment.
41:00We know that Byron kicked you out of the Collective.
41:03How do you know that?
41:05Oh, that little snitch.
41:09So he took your entire life's work from you?
41:14I wanted to kill him, sure, but I was chained up all night.
41:17And I'm a pacifist.
41:19I don't even eat meat.
41:22So why are you leaving?
41:25Because those vandals down in Tassie want to start up old-growth blogging again, not on my watch.
41:31Oh, so you are in charge of the Collective again?
41:33It's a Collective, sweetheart.
41:34No one's in charge.
41:36That's what Byron never understood.
41:38It always had to be about him.
41:40Just... just stay in Dolphin Cove.
41:46You can't keep a good woman chained to the tide.
41:48Well, actually, with your expired license, I could keep you here for good.
41:53So, Maggie Mitchell confirmed everything Reggie told us.
41:57Well, that's if she's telling the truth, this shifty old bird.
42:00Well, considering she was kicked out of the Collective, it's your motive.
42:05We've got plenty of motives.
42:07Are any of them strong enough to drive someone to murder?
42:09Byron ruined Ken's dreams of creating a happy family.
42:12And betrayed Henry and the rest of the Collective by being on the take from Sunshine Timber.
42:17But the only person that conceivably could have killed him, Fiona Collios, has no motive.
42:23And then there's the one sock.
42:25And now Byron's bandana has disappeared, too.
42:28Well, we're looking for a laundry thief.
42:31Something we're not seeing.
42:34Oh, hello.
42:36Has anyone got a magnifying glass?
42:40It's quite useful in examining certain buds before you harvest.
42:45That's to help with my arthritis.
42:50The writing in the Bunjil Creek file.
42:52One, seven, SK.
42:54Byron Jones was charged with causing serious injury recklessly,
42:59which is section 17 of the Victorian Crimes Act.
43:01Okay, so that explains the one, seven.
43:03What about the last two letters, SK?
43:04What's that, a victim?
43:05I already cross-checked SK with the victim list at Bunjil Creek.
43:09No match.
43:10There is an SR, though, and I've just found this.
43:14Uh, second person on the left.
43:19That's Fiona Collios.
43:20What's she doing at the trial of Bunjil Creek?
43:22SR is Sarah Roberts.
43:35And her maiden name is Collios.
43:37So, Fiona's sister, Sarah Collios,
43:39was one of the miners seriously injured at Bunjil Creek.
43:45How could you work with a man who hurt your sister like that?
43:51Byron gave us critical information.
43:53We kept a professional.
43:55His last text was all business about the protest.
43:58Byron walked away scot-free, a hero.
44:02How did his sister come out of it?
44:05How do you think?
44:07It's everything.
44:10The job, the pain, the depression.
44:14She's a different person because of Bunjil Creek, because of Byron.
44:19You must have wanted him to suffer.
44:23Of course I did.
44:30I was going to expose him.
44:32The hero of the environmental movement on the take
44:36from a logging company?
44:37It would have ruined Byron.
44:40That's far better than killing him.
44:46It still doesn't add up.
44:48Fiona's alibi checks out.
44:49Oh, even if she did do it,
44:51how would she have got past the security cameras?
44:56Which leaves us with...
44:57Which leaves us with...
45:03How do you murder someone when you're chained up and you can't move?
45:12All right, is everyone secure?
45:13All right, I want you to pull on the chains as hard as you can.
45:17See if you can shove Colin's head against the log,
45:19which would explain the head wound and the splinters.
45:22One, two, three.
45:25Oh, no, no.
45:27Yeah, okay.
45:29So that rules out the three protesters working together.
45:33I want to see if the two people either side of him could have done it,
45:36which is Ken and Henry.
45:41Okay, I want to see if you can kind of reach Colin.
45:46I can almost touch his wrist.
45:49That's not going to kill me.
45:56Uh, Mackenzie.
45:57It was definitely impossible for any of them to attack Byron,
46:01but no one else came in or out of the coop.
46:05Can you let us off now?
46:09Still handcuffed.
46:10I do actually have work to do.
46:21I think I've got splinters now.
46:23I'll need to...
46:25Hey, you didn't miss a thing.
46:29Well, not right now.
46:29I'm kind of busy.
46:30You didn't want to do it.
46:33Why wouldn't I want to do it?
46:35Well, unfinished business.
46:37That's ridiculous.
46:37Yeah, well, running away from something doesn't mean it's over.
46:42That, that sheep has sailed to calmer,
46:48kinder waters.
46:50Well, you didn't spend hours digging for it to not give it back.
46:55Digging, hmm?
47:04Wound to the back of the head.
47:06A few splinters.
47:07A symptom of the head wound.
47:19The splinters that you found in Byron's head wound,
47:21I need those test results.
47:23Okay, I'll get them.
47:25I know who did it, but to prove it, I need that bandana.
47:28We don't know where it is.
47:29I do.
47:42It was impossible.
47:45Three people chained together with no way of killing Byron,
47:48and a fourth who never went near him.
47:51How could the killer have murdered Byron while attached to the excavator?
47:55Well, it's a simple answer.
47:58They didn't.
48:00We know that Byron and Henry argued earlier that evening.
48:03What we didn't know is that it got violent.
48:08Byron, Byron.
48:08Say it.
48:09Get off.
48:10And shoved him, bruising his chest.
48:13Oh, please!
48:19He fell, and he hit his head.
48:25Which we know because the splinters in his wound...
48:31Varnish red gum.
48:33Same as these floorboards.
48:35But Byron didn't die here.
48:39He got up, stopped the bleeding with his bandana,
48:43not realising his head injury was a ticking time bomb that had already started killing him.
48:50Because nothing was going to stop him from his protest, from being a hero.
48:55So he fell.
48:58Doesn't mean it killed him.
48:59But you knew Byron was behaving oddly.
49:02First there was the sock.
49:05He only wore one.
49:09Then he stumbled at the excavator.
49:10Ken thought he was under the influence, but his tops was clean.
49:14You saw him stumble too, Henry.
49:16You knew he was deteriorating.
49:18And because of your training at medical school,
49:20you suspected he had a near-fatal head wound.
49:22Studied medicine, but dropped out to become an environmentalist.
49:26You wanted him dead.
49:29All you had to do was wait.
49:31And true enough, after locking on, Byron had a seizure.
49:35It's a common symptom of bleeding to the brain that can occur hours after a blow.
49:40That's why you felt the chains shaking at the excavator, Ken.
49:45And you heard it too, Henry.
49:46Your brother dying.
49:49And nothing anybody could do about it.
49:52But you were safe.
49:55No one would ever know you were responsible for the blow that killed him.
49:58Apart from that bandana.
49:59It had his blood on it.
50:01Byron couldn't have got that blood on it at the excavator.
50:04I mean, he couldn't scratch his nose.
50:06The bloody bandana proved that he'd been injured earlier by you.
50:11So you took it.
50:12You were the only one who could reach the bandana on his right wrist.
50:16After you were cut free, you pretended to throw up in the bushes,
50:20creating a diversion and burying the bandana.
50:23But you knew we would come looking for answers.
50:30So as soon as you could, you left us a trail of lies.
50:35First, the pills hidden in plain sight.
50:40Then you took Ken and Byron's money, making it look like he was back on painkillers.
50:46And then the phone to make us think he was working with Sunshine Timber.
50:50He was.
50:51I've got messages to prove it.
50:53Yeah, but you never met with him in person, did you?
50:56And everyone knew Byron rarely used his phone.
50:59What a perfect opportunity to pretend to be Byron and get the money from Sunshine Timber.
51:05I mean, it's how you kept the Collective afloat.
51:08Then you deleted the messages so Byron never saw them.
51:13You gave us the file on Bondrewal Creek,
51:16so we'd make the connection to Fiona's sister.
51:19And think that Fiona killed Byron in revenge.
51:23Oh, you had it all under control.
51:26Bribes coming in, the Collective secure.
51:29And then, oh, Byron bumped into Fiona.
51:34He acted like he didn't know her because, well, he didn't.
51:37And it made him realise what you had done.
51:40You made just one mistake.
51:45We found the bandana with your DNA all over it.
51:49Byron called me a traitor.
52:05I was the one who kept this Collective going.
52:08And he just took credit for it.
52:11So, yes, I did want to kill him.
52:13I did.
52:15But just for that one moment, and then we, we locked on.
52:25And it was too late.
52:34I didn't mean to.
52:36I didn't mean to.
52:38Henry Jones, you are under arrest for the murder of Byron Jones.
52:42You do not have to say anything.
52:44But anything you do say may be taken down and used against you.
52:58Hey, I forgot to mention how realistic you were during the undercover op.
53:03Even for a bootlicker?
53:05Yeah, but what would I know?
53:06I'm just an old sticky beak.
53:09Radio, you want to come grab a beer at the footy tonight?
53:12Ah, I wouldn't miss it.
53:13Colt, you gonna join us at the bar?
53:15Oh, can't, I'm afraid.
53:17I'm on duty.
53:18That's very good of you, Colin.
53:21You know, showing up for the team.
53:22Did you hear that, Mackenzie?
53:24You know, doing your bit.
53:26Thanks, boss.
53:28Still, Glenn's 300th was gonna help hold the banner up.
53:36I'll do the shift.
53:38Um, really?
53:40But I'm not gonna cheer.
53:42And I'm not gonna wear the team scarf.
53:44And I'm not gonna enjoy myself.
53:48Go Dolphins!
53:50Go Dolphins!
53:52No, they're not, no.
53:54Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
53:57Is it political?
54:00Another round on me!
54:04Ah, nice, Colt.
54:08Constable Clarke!
54:10Someone's been celebrating.
54:14Yeah, they're Felix's.
54:16Hey, just for the day.
54:18How good was the game?
54:20Mm-hmm, yeah.
54:22I didn't hate it, surprisingly.
54:24You still on duty?
54:26I'm just finishing.
54:30I just wanted to return this.
54:35You found it?
54:37Yeah, I did.
54:39It's so sparkly.
54:45It's beautiful.
54:47I enjoyed wearing it when I...
54:59Ha ha.
55:01Let's see if it's still pretty.
55:03Let's see if it's still pretty.
55:07All together now.
55:09It's a grand old flag.
55:13It's a high flying flag.
55:15It's the emblem for me and for you.
55:19It's the emblem of the team we love.
55:23The team of the team and the blue.
55:33It's a thriller on green three folks
55:35as an old rivalry comes right down to the final ball.
55:37You should know the boss is here.
55:39As a witness.
55:41Pow pow!
55:43I was standing right here when the shot was fired.
55:45Then how did the killer use this gun
55:47but never left the wall?
55:49It's a note.
55:51What does it say?
55:53A piece of information that could just destroy a family.
55:55You had the ring out.
55:57Why didn't you?
55:59Hey, what are you doing here?