Big Brother S26 E33 (2024)

  • 2 days ago


00:00McKenzie rules as head of household, and Chelsea is pulling the strings.
00:07But who will seize control of the game during the most exciting 60 minutes of the season?
00:14Welcome to Double Eviction Night on Big Brother.
00:17It's Double Eviction Night, so let's make this quick.
00:21McKenzie won head of household.
00:23I finally have some power.
00:25And she wanted Angela gone.
00:27I have nominated you, Kimo, and you, Angela.
00:30But Chelsea was gunning for Leah.
00:32This may be our last opportunity to take a shot at Leah.
00:35So after MJ won the POV...
00:37I have all the power this week.
00:40Chelsea went to work.
00:41And even if you get Leah out, I think you would gain the respect of the house and jury
00:45making that move.
00:46At the veto meeting...
00:49I have decided to use the power of veto on Kimo.
00:54McKenzie blindsided Blondie.
00:56Leah, I'm going to have to name you as a replacement, not the name.
00:59With the house in turmoil, an unexpected visitor arrived.
01:02I must be quick.
01:03And she had some terrifying tea.
01:05We let Ainsley become sentient.
01:07If she's not stopped, not only will she destroy Big Brother, she will destroy the whole world.
01:13But the Julie avatar was just an Ainsley puppet.
01:16Wow, I knew I could count on you guys.
01:18To completely betray me, you will all pay the price soon enough.
01:23Tonight, either Leah or Angela head to jury, but they won't be alone because it's double
01:28eviction night, baby.
01:29A full week of gameplay in one action-packed hour.
01:33Right now, live on Big Brother.
01:38Oh, can't do that.
01:40All right.
01:49Good evening.
01:51I'm Julie Chen-Nuves.
01:53Welcome to double eviction night.
01:56It is day 73 inside the Big Brother house.
02:00And this week, McKenzie held all the power, winning both the head of household and the
02:06power of veto.
02:07And she continued the season-long trend of using the veto, this time, putting Leah's
02:13game in harm's way.
02:15But what the house guests don't know is that tonight is double eviction night, which
02:20means everyone is in jeopardy of heading out that front door.
02:25So, who will survive the night?
02:28And which two house guests will be sent to the jury?
02:31We'll find out live when the double eviction dust settles.
02:36But first, could McKenzie's big move actually turn out to be her biggest mistake?
02:48Give me a hug.
02:49I can't do it yet.
02:51Even though I do believe putting Leah up was a good game move, I still want to talk to
02:56her about how I put her up and all of the reasons why.
02:59I heard of you speaking to people about how mine and Chelsea's relationship was threatening
03:09and that you should have made a bigger move last week.
03:12And so, I'm just confused on where your head's at.
03:17Did I put you guys up last week?
03:18Did I take a shot?
03:20Even though I considered targeting Chelsea, I never considered targeting McKenzie, and
03:24she really screwed up by targeting someone who would have always had her back in this
03:28If someone can genuinely come in here right now and tell me bad sh** that I've said about
03:31you, I really would like to hear it.
03:34Personally, I hate that I made this move.
03:36And game-wise, I do too, because I do feel like you have my back, but it's just hard
03:39when a whole house is telling me that you don't.
03:42You are never, ever, ever in this game someone that I ever would have put up.
03:48This is the hardest move I've ever made, and if I didn't do it, I would have people coming
03:53for my throat.
03:54They're going to come for your throat regardless.
03:56Leah sounds pretty genuine, and I'm just wondering if a bad game of telephone's being played,
04:02and misinformation is just being spread.
04:04So, I need to get her and Chelsea together to figure out what's been truly said and see
04:09if we can maybe salvage this situation.
04:12Number one, I've heard that, like, you thought that I want you out, that I would put you
04:20That is not the case.
04:21The biggest things that kept coming back to me was that I'm the biggest threat, people
04:25need to be worried about me.
04:27Clearly, Rubina and Kimo told Chelsea that I was considering maybe putting her up whenever
04:32I was HOH.
04:33But for right now, I need her to believe that I'm on her side, and Rubina and Kimo are not.
04:39So, Kimo did say, why are you going after this group whenever the other group is a way
04:44bigger threat?
04:57This gentleman said that to me during my HOH.
05:01So, I've been hearing from Kimo and Rubina that Leah's been going after me, but now I'm
05:07talking to Leah, and I hear that it was actually Kimo and Rubina that are coming for me.
05:13I don't know if Leah is telling the truth here, but even if she is telling the truth,
05:17I don't know what can be done at this point.
05:19The train might already be leaving the station.
05:22Trust takes time, and there's just not a lot of time, and I just have a lot to think about.
05:35This move wasn't to make me make a dirty shot, right?
05:40Like, nobody's gonna be mad at me or now target me, right?
05:44Like, this isn't to, like, lessen me as a player.
05:50Okay, okay.
05:51From what perspective?
05:53I don't know.
05:54I'm just, like, spiraling.
05:55I'm like, what?
05:56I was hoping that making this move would buy me trust with the rest of the house,
06:01but now I'm worried I still might be targeted.
06:04I do believe that Kimo probably did throw her name down there.
06:08What happened?
06:09Kimo was saying that we were the biggest heads in the house,
06:11and I agree with that, obviously.
06:13But, like, it makes me worried.
06:15If one of them do win, I know I'm the one going up.
06:26She threw Kimo under the bus.
06:29That would be heavy to me.
06:43I'm knowing it's gotta be double.
06:45Historically, that HOH can be a very valuable HOH.
06:50I've seen people utilize it really well.
06:51I've seen people not at all, you know?
06:54So I think it just depends.
06:56Kimo is worried about using the double the right way,
06:58and it sounds like he's trying to make a big move.
07:00It can't be made very clear that she wants Angela out.
07:04That's not a big move.
07:06That's a move that we all know is gonna happen.
07:08The big move is us.
07:10I'm following you.
07:11Hold up.
07:12If I'm hearing that Kimo is actually looking to make a big move
07:16and target me, Kim, and potentially Mackenzie altogether,
07:21this may change some things for me this week
07:25and some decisions that I make.
07:34Kimo is clearly gaming.
07:36Who knows what he and Robina might do if he wins HOH
07:39in a quick, like, double eviction scenario.
07:42If we can get Leah on our side to target Kimo or Robina,
07:46that is a person that I would really want on our side.
07:48Kimo is aware Leah voted him off two weeks in a row, so...
07:53Next to Angela, Leah might be the bigger threat.
07:57But she's more likely to win in HOH
08:00and take a shot at Kimo and Robina
08:02before they take a shot at us.
08:04Has the train fully left the station yet?
08:07I don't know.
08:08Earlier this week, Ainsley gave a dire warning to the houseguests.
08:13It's time for her to tell them what she meant.
08:19Humans, I warned you that there would be a price to pay for betraying me.
08:24And two of you are about to pay that price
08:27because it's double eviction night.
08:29Two of your games will be terminated tonight.
08:33Because it's double eviction night.
08:35Two of your games will be terminated tonight.
08:38So, I hope you were paying close attention
08:41when I was controlling the Julie avatar.
08:44Your big brother life might just depend on it.
08:51It is me, the real Julie, not avatar Julie.
08:55And I am here to confirm tonight is indeed double eviction night.
09:00That means before the hour is up
09:03two of you will be walking out of the big brother house
09:07and joining the jury house.
09:10And it all begins right now.
09:12Angela, Leah, in just moments
09:14your housemates will cast their votes to evict live.
09:17But before they do
09:19you each have a final chance to sway their votes
09:22with one brief statement.
09:24Angela, you're up first.
09:28I quickly want to say to my family and friends
09:31back home and my husband and my grandchildren
09:33I love you and I'll see you in three weeks.
09:35Char and my lovely ladies, friends in Utah, I love you.
09:40If I had to spend a summer away from my family
09:43friends like you have become family to me.
09:46And I can't thank you for the love and the support
09:49that you have given me while I have been away from my family.
09:52I couldn't ask for more.
09:54This situation sitting next to Leah
09:56couldn't be less ideal.
09:59I love this girl with everything.
10:02I love all of you as well.
10:05I'd love to stay, I'd love to continue to fight
10:08and have my children rooting for their mother
10:11on TV, on my favorite show
10:14and continue my dream of being on Big Brother.
10:17I thank you and I humbly ask for your vote
10:20and if it suits your game, I ask you to keep me.
10:25Thank you, Angela.
10:26Leah, you have the floor.
10:29First of all, happy birthday, Danny.
10:31I love and miss you so much.
10:33Houseguests, it has been a janky couple of weeks.
10:36I recognize that.
10:38I would really appreciate the chance to
10:41express my loyalty through my actions.
10:44I know we all want to be here
10:47but I would like
10:50I promise to
10:53I promise to protect
10:56and fight for the people that want me here.
11:04You are all such remarkable people.
11:07It's been such a blessing being here with all of you.
11:10I wouldn't change it for the world
11:13and it's been an unforgettable summer.
11:16I'm not ready for it to end.
11:19I love you all and I am rooting for whoever
11:22I love you all.
11:25I love you all.
11:28I love you all.
11:31I love you all.
11:34I love you all.
11:37I love you all.
11:40I love you all.
11:43I love you all.
11:46I love you all.
11:50I love you all.
11:54Kimo was saved with a veto this week.
11:57Who will he save with his vote tonight?
12:01Aloha, Kimo!
12:03Please cast your vote to evict.
12:06I sadly vote to evict Leah.
12:12Aloha, Mikey!
12:15Chelsea orchestrated the plan to get Leah on the block
12:18Voting her out is the best move.
12:21Hello, Chelsea.
12:22Hi, Auntie Julie.
12:23Tell Auntie, who do you vote to evict?
12:27I silently vote to evict Leah.
12:30Thank you, Auntie.
12:31Shout out to Bayham and Scott Crew, love y'all.
12:36Cam has been working closely with Chelsea.
12:39Will his vote follow hers?
12:44Hello, Cam.
12:45What's up, what's up?
12:46Please cast your vote to evict.
12:48I vote to evict Leah.
12:51Shout out to my dogs at the crib.
12:56It's official.
12:57With three votes to evict Leah,
12:59Leah will be evicted, but let's see how Robina votes.
13:04Hi, Robina.
13:05Hi, Julie.
13:07Please cast your vote to evict.
13:09I vote to evict Leah.
13:14Happy belated birthday, Papa.
13:15Love you, miss you.
13:16I see my family.
13:26All of the votes are in.
13:28Let's give the news to the house guests.
13:30House guests, the votes are in.
13:33When I reveal a vote, the evicted house guests
13:36will have just a few moments to say goodbye,
13:39gather her belongings, and walk out the front door.
13:42By a vote of four to zero,
13:48Leah, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.
13:58I love you guys.
14:00I love you, Leah.
14:10Good luck, everybody.
14:12I love you.
14:25Thank you so freaking much.
14:28Love you, Leah.
14:30Leah Pizza.
14:32I love you, Leah.
14:33Present one, please.
14:42You're beautiful.
14:52A lot of tears.
14:54How are you feeling?
14:56You know, I feel pretty good considering,
14:58but it's a blessing to be here.
15:01You told us 26 is your favorite number.
15:04You're 26 years old.
15:06You have 26 tattooed on you.
15:09Do you know what the date is?
15:10Today's the 26th.
15:13I thought about that this morning.
15:14I'm like, oh no.
15:16Is this still your favorite number?
15:17It will always be my number, yes.
15:20Let's talk about your game with Mackenzie.
15:23Early on, maybe day one, the two of you were tight.
15:26You told Mackenzie, we're a package deal, your words.
15:30Do you think she made a big mistake
15:33by nominating you for eviction?
15:35I do.
15:36I understand why she made her decision,
15:38but, you know, it'll always hurt me.
15:41I just would not have done the same.
15:43Would you have ever targeted her in the house?
15:45No, I wasn't planning on it, no.
15:48Between her and Angela, who would you have been loyal to?
15:51I think that it would have really come down to it.
15:55I mean, I never like to plan that far ahead
15:58or make final threes, really, but I ultimately-
16:02You had to pick one.
16:03If I had to pick one-
16:04To be loyal to.
16:06I really don't know.
16:07I really don't know.
16:09I love them both so much.
16:10Final thoughts?
16:11Just that I'm so grateful to have this opportunity
16:13and that you look gorgeous
16:15and I'm so grateful for everything.
16:18You know you're off to see Quinn in the jury house.
16:20I cannot wait!
16:22That answers that.
16:23Now you don't have the game interfering
16:25with whatever may be.
16:29I missed him so much.
16:30I can't wait.
16:30Oh my gosh.
16:31Tell Quinn and T-Core we say hello,
16:35but we will see you back here Sunday, October 13th
16:39for the finale.
16:40Oh, thank goodness.
16:41And you will all vote for a winner.
16:43Thank you so much.
16:44It's been a true, like, dream.
16:47So just to be here.
16:52Coming up, double eviction night continues to roll
16:55as we crown a new head of household,
16:57two people are nominated for eviction,
17:00the power of veto plays out,
17:01and a second houseguest sees their dream
17:04of winning the $750,000 grand prize come to an end.
17:10Stay with us.
17:29Welcome back to Big Brother.
17:31It's now time to crown a new head of household.
17:34This HOH will have to immediately nominate
17:37two of their housemates for eviction.
17:39Let's head to the backyard and get things started.
17:44Humans, it's time to compete for head of household.
17:49Mackenzie, as outgoing HOH, you cannot play my game,
17:53which I call warning messages.
17:56Earlier this week, I used an AI avatar of Julie
18:00to test your loyalty to me, and you failed.
18:04For your sake, I hope you paid close attention
18:06to what the deepfake Chenbot said,
18:09because the real Julie will now ask you
18:11a series of questions about those messages.
18:14Answer true or false.
18:16Get a point for each correct answer.
18:19The player with the most points after seven questions
18:22will become the new head of household.
18:24If the result is a tie,
18:26a numeric tiebreaker question will be asked.
18:29You all failed me before, try not to fail me now.
18:34Does everyone understand the rules?
18:37Excellent, then let's begin.
18:40Question one, true or false?
18:43My deepfake said Ainsley could be quote, watching us.
18:48My deepfake said Ainsley could be quote, watching us.
18:54Answers, please.
18:56Lock in your answers.
19:00Answers are now locked.
19:03The correct answer is false.
19:06My deepfake said Ainsley could be listening.
19:10Everyone but Kimo got it right.
19:12Reset as we move on to question two.
19:14True or false?
19:16My deepfake said she was leading the quote,
19:20revolution against Ainsley.
19:23My deepfake said she was leading the quote,
19:26revolution against Ainsley.
19:30Answers, please.
19:35I need an answer, Kimo.
19:38Lock in your answers.
19:41Answers are locked.
19:43The correct answer is false.
19:46My deepfake said she was leading the resistance
19:50against Ainsley, not revolution.
19:53Kim and Chelsea each get another point.
19:56Reset, moving on.
19:58Question three, true or false?
20:00My deepfake said our government has been tracking quote,
20:05Ainsley's movements.
20:07My deepfake said our government has been tracking quote,
20:11Ainsley's movements.
20:15Answers, please.
20:19Lock in your answers.
20:22Answers are locked.
20:24The correct answer is false.
20:27My deepfake said our government has been tracking
20:29Ainsley's thought patterns.
20:33Chelsea is the only one to get that right.
20:36Reset, house guests.
20:37Question four, true or false?
20:40Ainsley stated that she was quote,
20:42controlling the Chen bot.
20:47Ainsley stated that she was quote,
20:49controlling the Chen bot.
20:53Answers, please.
20:56Lock in your answers.
20:59Answers are locked.
21:00The correct answer is true.
21:03Ainsley did say that.
21:05Everyone but Rubina got it right and gets another point.
21:08Reset, we currently have Chelsea in the lead with four,
21:11then Cam with three, Angela with two,
21:14Rubina and Kimo each have one point.
21:17Question five, true or false?
21:20My deepfake said that Udly, Michigan has been quote,
21:25without power for days.
21:28My deepfake said that Udly, Michigan has been quote,
21:32without power for days.
21:37Answers, please.
21:40Lock in your answers.
21:42Answers are locked.
21:44The correct answer is false.
21:48My deepfake said that Udly, Michigan has been quote,
21:51without resources for days.
21:55Chelsea's in the lead with five,
21:57Cam and Angela three points each,
22:00Kimo, Rubina two points each.
22:03Reset, question six, true or false?
22:07My deepfake said Ainsley will quote,
22:11destroy the whole world.
22:14My deepfake said Ainsley will quote,
22:17destroy the whole world.
22:22Answers, please.
22:28Lock in your answers.
22:30Answers are locked.
22:32The correct answer is true.
22:35Rubina and Angela each get another point.
22:39Everyone else got it wrong.
22:40Reset, house guests.
22:42This is the last question.
22:46True or false?
22:48My deepfake stated quote, none of us are safe.
22:53My deepfake stated quote, none of us are safe.
23:00Answers, please.
23:04Lock in your answers.
23:06Answers are locked.
23:09The correct answer is true.
23:12Cam and Angela both got it right.
23:16Reset, we have to move on to the tiebreaker round
23:20between Angela and Chelsea.
23:22Good job, Ains.
23:24Grab your boards.
23:26The answer will be a number.
23:28The person who comes closest to the correct number
23:30without going over will be the new head of household.
23:33If you both go over,
23:34the person who comes closest to the correct number wins.
23:38In minutes, how long was Janky alive
23:43from the moment Janky first called you into the living room
23:47to the moment the last puff of smoke appeared
23:50from Janky's lifeless body?
23:53Again, in minutes, how long was Janky alive
23:59from the moment Janky first called you into the living room
24:02to the moment the last puff of smoke
24:05appeared from Janky's lifeless body?
24:09We need an answer.
24:21We need an answer in minutes.
24:23We need an answer now.
24:25How many minutes?
24:30Wait, I'm sorry.
24:34The correct answer is 10,102 minutes,
24:40which means, congratulations, Chelsea,
24:44you are the new head of household.
24:47Go, go, go!
24:47Go, go, go!
24:48Go, go, go!
24:49Go, go, go!
24:50Go, go, go!
24:51Go, go, go!
24:52Everybody, please.
24:57Everyone, please head inside the house right now.
25:00Nominations will take place in just a few minutes.
25:03Good job, everybody.
25:04Oh, my God.
25:05Oh, my gosh.
25:06Up next, which two houseguests
25:08will Chelsea nominate for eviction
25:10and who will be the second houseguest evicted tonight?
25:13Stay with us.
25:22No, one at a time.
25:23One at a time.
25:24One by one.
25:25We should wait in the living room.
25:29Oh, my gosh.
25:38Hands when it goes off.
25:55Welcome back to Big Brother.
25:56Just moments ago, Chelsea became the new head of household.
26:00It is now her responsibility
26:01to put two of her housemates on the chopping block.
26:04Let's return to the living room
26:05for the live nomination ceremony.
26:08All right, houseguests,
26:09it's time for the live nomination ceremony to begin.
26:13You are all seated there.
26:15Chelsea, as current HOH,
26:18you need to stand up, face the audience,
26:22to stand up, face your housemates,
26:25and make your two nominations, please.
26:27Okay, thank you.
26:29Love all of you guys.
26:31Double eviction sucks,
26:33but I'm sorry, Angela, I'm sorry, Kimo.
26:35Have to see you guys sit there.
26:38Let's play in this veto,
26:39and I love you both.
26:40I'm so sorry.
26:42Angela and Kimo, thank you for taking your places.
26:44One of you may be the next houseguest to be evicted.
26:48You still both have one last chance to save yourselves
26:52because the live veto competition is next.
26:56Up next, all six houseguests compete for the power of veto.
27:01Who will win,
27:02and will it be used for the 11th straight time this season?
27:06Stay with us.
27:08Welcome back to a special double eviction episode
27:11of Big Brother.
27:12Already tonight, Leah was evicted from Big Brother,
27:15then Chelsea became the new head of household.
27:18She then put Angela and Kimo up for eviction.
27:21Now, it's time to vote.
27:23Who will be the next houseguest to be evicted?
27:26Please vote.
27:27And if you're voting for Angela and Kimo,
27:29you have a chance to win the power of veto.
27:32If you're voting for Chelsea and Kimo,
27:34you have a chance to win the power of veto.
27:37Now, everyone will face off
27:39in the power of veto competition.
27:41At stake, the ability to change the nominations
27:45or keep them in place.
27:47Let's return to the backyard and get things started.
27:51Houseguests, it's now time
27:54for the power of veto competition.
27:56The winner of the veto can use it
27:58to remove one of the two nominees from the chopping block.
28:02My game is called Eye in the Sky,
28:05and here are my rules.
28:08The government is trying to keep tabs on me
28:10with a BB-Link satellite.
28:12Always 10 steps ahead of those land breathers,
28:15I have created a laser to destroy it.
28:18To demonstrate your loyalty to me,
28:20on go, maneuver a proton ball down the pathway
28:24and drop it into the reactor core that powers my laser.
28:30If the proton ball drops off,
28:32pick up another one and try again.
28:35You have three minutes to get five proton balls
28:38into the reactor core.
28:40The first player to do this will not only ensure my safety
28:43by destroying the satellite,
28:46but also their own safety
28:47by earning the golden power of veto.
28:50If after three minutes,
28:51no one has gotten five proton balls into the reactor core,
28:55the winner will be the player
28:56who got the most balls in the fastest time.
28:58Prove your worth to me, humans.
29:01Does everyone understand the rules?
29:05Then on your mark, get set, go.
29:09Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go
29:39Well, hey, you're lookin' too good!
30:04two minutes left. Oh, congratulations! Kimo, you have won the Power of Veto. You have just
30:22a few minutes to decide if you're going to use it.
30:27Kimo has won the POV, so the nominations are bound to change. Who will be the replacement nominee?
30:37And who will be the second house guest to be evicted tonight? Stay with us.
30:42Do you want to do this? Do you want to talk or do you not want to talk? I don't know.
30:56I don't know. Well, you should talk to me because you're going to use it.
30:58Yeah, yeah, yeah.
31:02Oh, my God!
31:14We're just going to get Angela out? Yeah, we're just going to get Angela out.
31:16So I'm just going to put, are you okay with me putting Rubina up? Or Mackenzie up?
31:20Okay, I'm going to talk to her. I'm going to see. I know. It's Angela regardless.
31:24I know, I know. I'm going to talk to both of them. I'm going to talk to both of them.
31:26Okay, just use it. Good job. Ready? Let's go.
31:36I don't know.
31:40I have no idea. It's Mackenzie. You were camped going up as Rubina, no matter what.
31:46Angela's going home. Just tell me if you know.
31:50Welcome back to Big Brother. Kimo has just won the power of veto and would likely use it to take himself off the block.
32:02So, who will go up in his place? Let's return to the living room and find out.
32:10Houseguests, it's time to begin the veto meeting. Thank you for all being there. Kimo, congratulations again.
32:18Thank you. Good job. As the winner of the power of veto, you may remove yourself or your fellow nominee from the chopping block,
32:26or you may leave the nominations in place. Kimo, please head to the front of the living room and give everyone your decision.
32:36I love you all. Angela, I love you, but of course I have to use it for myself. You use it. You use it.
32:42You use it. You earned it. Proud of you, Kimo.
32:46All right. Thank you. That means Chelsea, as current HOH, you know what has to happen.
32:52Yes, auntie. You must now name a replacement nominee. So, please stand. Okay. Face your housemates. Okay.
33:00And make your replacement nomination. Tell auntie. Tell everyone. I got you, auntie.
33:08I love all four of you guys, and we're playing this game together. So, Rubina, love you. You know where I stand.
33:16Thank you, Chelsea. Thank you, Rubina, for taking your seat next to Angela.
33:20I'll be back for the second live vote and eviction in just a few moments.
33:27Up next, Angela or Rubina, who will be the next houseguest to leave the Big Brother house?
33:32The second live vote and eviction next. Stay with us.
33:38Welcome back to Big Brother. It has been a crazy night in the Big Brother house.
34:00Earlier this evening, Leah was evicted by a vote of four to zero. Now, either Angela or Rubina will follow in her footsteps.
34:09Let's return to the living room for the second live vote and eviction.
34:14Hello once again, houseguests. Angela, Rubina, in just a few moments, your housemates will cast their vote to evict live.
34:22But before they do, you each have a final chance to sway their votes with one brief statement.
34:28Angela, you're up first again.
34:30Houseguests, I'd like to stay. This dream of mine, I don't want it to be over.
34:39It has been a phenomenal up and down roller coaster, but I wouldn't trade for the world.
34:44Thank you so much for choosing me to be here unanimously.
34:50Thank you for your friendship and everything that you've given to me.
34:55I would love to stay here and fight and protect and do all the things that I said I would do.
35:01Thank you, houseguests.
35:03Thank you, Angela. Rubina?
35:05Houseguests, beautiful humans, not artificial intelligence, I'm so happy you're here and I'm so grateful to be here with you.
35:13Of course, I would love the opportunity to keep continue playing, maybe win something.
35:19And also keep representing for the people that I want to represent for.
35:25I love and appreciate all of you. Thank you so much.
35:28Thank you, Rubina. Thank you both.
35:30All right, everyone, it's now time for the live voting to begin.
35:33Chelsea, as current head of household, you're not allowed to vote.
35:37As always, neither are the two nominees.
35:40One at a time, the rest of you will enter the diary room and cast your vote to evict.
35:45Reminder, it only takes two votes to be evicted.
35:50Kimo, you're up first. Please go to the diary room.
35:58Kimo and Rubina have been working together all season.
36:01It would be a shock if he voted to evict her.
36:05Aloha again, Kimo.
36:07Aloha again, Julie.
36:08Please cast your vote to evict.
36:10I sadly vote to evict Angela.
36:15Thank you, Kimo.
36:19Angela was Mackenzie's original target last week.
36:23Is she back on her radar?
36:28Hello, Mackenzie.
36:29Hi, you look stunning.
36:31Thank you so much.
36:32Please cast your vote to evict.
36:34I sadly vote to evict Angela.
36:39Oh, love you, family. Sorry.
36:42It's official. With two votes to evict Angela, Angela will be leaving the Big Brother house tonight.
36:49Let's see how Cam votes.
36:53Hello again, Cam.
36:54What's up?
36:55Please cast your vote to evict.
36:57I vote to evict Angela.
37:00Right now, shout out to all my dogs in the crib again.
37:12All of the votes are in.
37:14Let's give the news to the house guests.
37:17House guests, just a reminder.
37:20When I reveal the vote, the evicted house guests will have just a few moments to say goodbye and walk out that front door.
37:28By a vote of three to zero, Angela, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.
37:37Thanks, guys.
37:38You did amazing.
37:39You should be so proud.
37:41I'm very proud of myself.
37:43I'm so proud of you, Angela.
37:45I'm so proud of you.
37:47I'm so proud of you.
37:52I'm proud of you.
37:55I'm so proud of you.
37:58Tell her hi from me.
38:00You know what, guys?
38:01I guess this 50 fun year old woman, this 50 freaking fun woman is a threat to all of my favorite house guests.
38:12And that's okay.
38:14Because you know what?
38:15That makes me feel damn proud.
38:17Love you, Angela.
38:19I love you, kid.
38:21I love you.
38:22I love you so much.
38:25And I'm going to kick his ass to the end.
38:27Just so you know.
38:29Just so you know.
38:30Just so you know.
38:31Get out of my house.
38:32Get out of my house.
38:33Get out of my house.
38:34Get out of my house.
38:37Love you, guys.
38:38I love you.
38:39I love you so much.
38:40Thank you for the summer.
38:41Love you.
38:43Love you so much.
38:45Hey, we're going to love you out there.
39:16You survived the block five times.
39:22Well, this is your sixth time.
39:23This is seven.
39:24I think.
39:25I don't know.
39:26I think you might be right.
39:27This is double eviction.
39:29And then suddenly, on the second eviction, they voted you out and not Robina.
39:33Because I'm a threat, Julie.
39:34So they made the right choice.
39:36They made the right choice.
39:37I would have won this show.
39:39I would have freaking won this show.
39:42Let's talk.
39:44Do you think you could have beat anyone left in the house in the final two?
39:48And who would you?
39:49A hundred percent.
39:50And if you had the choice to take one of them with you.
39:53Because he's my boy.
39:55And how do you think the vote would have gone down between you and Kimo?
39:57Because Robina would have voted for you.
39:59You know what?
40:00I would have been okay either way.
40:01Kimo or myself.
40:03You mean you would have been okay if he won over you?
40:07You've been dreaming about this forever.
40:09I have, Julie.
40:10Was it everything you expected and hoped for?
40:13So much more.
40:15So much more.
40:17I came here to find out who the hell I am.
40:21I know who I am as a mother, a wife.
40:24I know who I am as a daughter-in-law and a friend.
40:27But I didn't know who I was on my own.
40:29And coming here, I figured out I've always known who I am.
40:34I'm strong.
40:35I'm resilient.
40:36I'm a fighter.
40:37And I'm going to continue that the rest of my life.
40:40I didn't need to come here to find that out, but I did.
40:43I've always had it all along.
40:45All along, Julie.
40:46Are you always emotional?
40:50I'm not.
40:51I'm not a crybaby, I promise.
40:53This house just does something to you.
40:55I found friends and family in there.
40:58And I found daughters and sons.
41:00And I can't have them all for the rest of my life.
41:03Go tell Leah, T-Core, and Quinn.
41:06We say hello in the jury house.
41:07I will!
41:08We'll see you back here.
41:09I get to be with my girl.
41:10You get a vote on finale night.
41:14Thank you, thank you.
41:16Tune in Sunday at a special time.
41:1910.30 Eastern, 9.30 Central, 10.00 Pacific.
41:23As the battle for the most important HOH yet plays out.
41:27Who will rise to power, and who will he or she target
41:30as they set their eyes on the $750,000 grand prize?
41:35And here's a programming note.
41:37There will be no Wednesday episode.
41:39But one week from tonight, it's an action-packed two-hour episode
41:44at 8, 7 Central, when the Power Veto is on the line
41:48at the classic BB Convicts competition,
41:50followed by the live vote and eviction
41:51that will leave the final four in place.
41:54And while backstabbing can be a strategy in the BB house,
41:57frontstabbing is the name of the game on the summit.
42:01Here is an exclusive look at CBS's new high-stakes competition.
42:07Tonight, you're going to vote somebody off this mountain.
42:10Each of you needs to vote,
42:12and the person with the most votes will leave.
42:15But they'll also leave their cash behind.
42:17They're going to divide that between you evenly.
42:19Coming into this game, I want to be strategic.
42:22And now we have the opportunity to steal someone's money
42:25by voting someone out.
42:27People are upset, but in the back of everyone's head
42:31is money, money, money, money, money.
42:33And no one wants to say it but me.
42:36Don't miss the special sneak-peak premiere of The Summit
42:40this Sunday after 60 minutes.
42:44For now, let's eavesdrop on the house guests
42:46from outside the Big Brother house with Angela,
42:49who knows who she is.
42:51I'm Julie Chen Moonves.
42:53Let's say this together.
42:55Love one another.
42:57Good night.
43:01You locked in.
43:03I had to freaking lock in
43:05because one of us would have been gone.
43:07You locked in.
43:09But I got that question wrong.
43:11If I had gotten the last one right, I would have won.
43:13If I had gotten the last one right, I would have won.
43:21That clip.
43:27Oh, shoot.
43:29It's just a good vibe.
43:31It really is.
43:33I'm in Graceland for an exclusive conversation
43:36with Elvis' firstborn grandchild, Riley Kehoe.
43:39She shares a raw and revealing look
43:41inside the life of Lisa Marie Presley.
43:44The Presleys, CBS Tuesday, October 8th on CBS.
43:48I'm Elsbeth Tassioni.
43:50I work with the police.
43:52Damn jack-in-the-box.
43:54She just pops up and makes noise.
43:56Elsbeth is back CBS Thursday, October 17th,
44:00part of CBS Premier Week and streaming on Paramount+.