Insta Empire

  • 2 days ago
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00:00It's a $75 million necklace from Mr. Williams, just for you.
00:03Lily was shocked. How could her broke, useless husband manage to give her such an expensive gift?
00:10What are you waiting for?
00:12Did you kill some rich guy and steal this necklace for me?
00:15It's a fake. You're a pathetic husband, Kevin.
00:19Kevin was a p***y who had to live with his in-laws after marriage because he couldn't
00:23afford a house. He cleaned toilets, did laundry, and cooked for them. And in return, all he got was...
00:30What is wrong with you?
00:34My daughter works her a** off to keep this house running, and all you do is eat and sleep.
00:38Get off your lazy a**, get a job, you worthless loser.
00:41The man who was getting fired at home every day was actually the CEO of a billion-dollar company.
00:46Kevin's secret is about to be exposed, and not only will it shock his wife, but it will shock you too.
00:55I hope you're not wearing that to the Jones family dinner.
00:58Uh, it's actually for something else.
01:01I don't care.
01:03You and Lily have been married for over two years now, and still no children.
01:10Excuse me?
01:12Does your family have any genetic history or issues with fertility?
01:17Are you questioning my manhood?
01:22Both of my parents are very healthy, as far as I know.
01:25And there are no genetic oddities on my side.
01:29Oh, so you're seeing the faults with my side of the family.
01:31What? No.
01:33I don't know your parents, so why don't we schedule a doctor's appointment for you to get tested?
01:39Are you just looking for reasons to break up my marriage?
01:41Why are you getting defensive?
01:42You know, Dorothy, I can't with you.
01:45Where are you going?
01:47Oh my god, if it isn't my favorite cousin.
01:52Cousin Jason, hi.
01:54It's so nice to see you again.
01:56I love that dress.
02:00And Auntie Dorothy, radiant as always.
02:06Oh, Kevin.
02:08Good to see you finally dressed like a gentleman for once.
02:12That's a nice suit.
02:13Was it on sale?
02:14My daughter gave you $1,000 to buy clothes and you bought something on sale.
02:18No, of course not.
02:20Always such a cheapskate.
02:21It's not cheap.
02:22Well, how much did it cost then?
02:26I don't know, it was a gift.
02:28Oh, so they took one look at you and felt so bad that they offered you something for free?
02:34No, it's not-
02:35Come on, let's just sit.
02:38The suit's not cheap, Lil.
02:40I mean it's better than whatever that is.
02:43Excuse me?
02:44This is a $20,000 suit.
02:48See, I actually respect this family enough to show up in style.
02:52Want a piece of advice?
02:54Leave before you embarrass me.
02:58I'm so sorry.
02:58I didn't mean to embarrass you.
03:00I didn't mean to embarrass you.
03:02I'm not embarrassed.
03:03I'm just-
03:03Want a piece of advice?
03:06Before you embarrass her further.
03:08Thanks, Jason.
03:10But I don't need your advice.
03:12Who told you you could touch me?
03:14You're dirtying my suit.
03:17Your measly $20,000 suit?
03:19I'm more concerned that I might get soil on my hand by touching it.
03:22You're right about one thing.
03:24Lily and I do prefer to dress a little bit more casual.
03:30What are you doing?
03:31She does prefer fine jewelry.
03:34Is that a dream of hers?
03:36Am I seeing correctly?
03:38Oh my God, that's like every woman's dream.
03:41Kev, you knew?
03:46Hey, don't worry.
03:48Jason won't be able to talk with anyone at Williams Media about making any type of deal.
03:54Jason doesn't stand a chance.
03:55Why would you say that?
03:57He's a prick.
03:58Yeah, a very slimy one who's good at his job.
04:02I just meant to say you're better.
04:05You're just telling me what I want to hear.
04:08She couldn't help but wonder what he was hiding.
04:10Kevin was a great husband to Lily.
04:12He did all the chores.
04:14He rode this old junker around so she could use the car for work.
04:18Kevin, where are you?
04:20You said you would help me.
04:22Glad you could finally make it.
04:24Was there traffic in the hallway?
04:25Sorry, I was actually fixing my bike.
04:27These dishes aren't going to wash themselves.
04:31Yes, ma'am.
04:32Oh, thank you.
04:33I mean, you've been living in this home now for the last two years.
04:36Surely, yes ma'am, I'll do some dishes.
04:39Clearly makes up for that.
04:42Trust me, it's no vacation.
04:44What was that?
04:45I said thank you, Dorothy.
04:47You have been so kind to me and Lily.
04:49This is the least I can do.
04:51Please, let me know if there's anything else.
04:53You could get a job.
04:55You know, make some money.
04:56All Lily could have married anyone.
04:58Lord knows what she was thinking when she chose you.
05:01I'm going to make you and Lily proud one day.
05:04You'll see.
05:05You're just lucky she was too love-drunk to sign the prenup, like I suggested.
05:08Otherwise, I'd have gotten her to divorce you years ago.
05:12Hey guys.
05:13Kevin still got butterflies every time he looked at Lily.
05:16Oh, hi honey.
05:17Mother-son bonding time, I see.
05:19I see.
05:24Beautiful and driven, she had one flaw.
05:28She had terrible taste in friends.
05:33Nice outfit.
05:34Thanks, I'm doing dishes.
05:37My husband pays someone for that.
05:39Stop, Rachel.
05:40You don't need to be mean.
05:42Thanks, babe.
05:43Freshen up, okay?
05:53He says he's going to make us proud one day.
05:57You're always so mean to him.
05:59It's because I care about you, Lil.
06:01You're a boss and Kevin, no offense, is an absolute bum.
06:06He's like the before picture of an Ambien commercial.
06:09Oh my God.
06:10Seriously, why do you stay with him?
06:13He wasn't always like this.
06:15When we first met, he was confident and charming and I don't know what happened.
06:22But I just feel like if I stay with him long enough, he might actually find himself again.
06:29I really love the man that he used to be.
06:32But do you love the guy he is right now?
06:36But do you love the guy he is right now?
06:42Sometimes I just feel like, I don't know, he's just been so closed off lately and the romance is gone.
06:50And if he could just find himself again, be the man that I knew him to be, the man that I know he can be.
06:57You could be with any man you want.
06:59You shouldn't stay with someone out of pity.
07:02I don't want to talk about this anymore.
07:04I just spent my whole day putting out fires at work.
07:06We got a new contract last month and there was an error in some of the data.
07:12And now we owe the client seven million dollars.
07:16Someone offered to step in and give us the three, but I still need to find the other four million by the end of the week.
07:22Or the whole company goes out of business.
07:24Oh my God.
07:26How are you going to find four million dollars in one week?
07:32You okay?
07:33You seem stressed.
07:36We just got the reports back this morning and by the end of the week we're filing for bankruptcy.
07:41We're meeting with all the major shareholders today.
07:43I just feel so terrible.
07:45It's all my fault.
07:46Yeah, but it wasn't your mistake that started all this, so it's not your fault.
07:49No, Kev.
07:50I'm the chairman of the company.
07:52I'm responsible for everything that happens.
07:59I just hope that this company cares about you as much as you seem to care about them.
08:15Have a good day, babe.
08:17For the ride.
08:18Of course.
08:20Hi, Bradley.
08:23Oh my gosh.
08:24So good to see you.
08:25You really are having a bad week.
08:26You called an Uber bike to get here?
08:28Oh, no.
08:29This is my...
08:30You could have called me.
08:36Lily's husband.
08:37Oh, you're the famous Kevin.
08:39Yes, this is him.
08:41You know, Rachel has told me so much about you.
08:45She does a great impression of you, actually.
08:48I bet she does.
08:50Anyway, so glad I bumped into you.
08:52My heart aches for you and everything that's been happening with your company.
08:55Oh, thank you.
08:56That's so sweet.
08:57So sweet.
08:58So, I got you a little gift.
09:02You didn't have to do that.
09:03Yeah, Bradley.
09:04You really shouldn't have.
09:07That's a...
09:08Come on.
09:09Let me put it on you.
09:10No, no.
09:11It's too much.
09:12I insist.
09:15At that moment, Kevin had murder in his eyes.
09:17Saving Lily's company was one thing, but first he had to handle Bradley.
09:21I'll do it.
09:23Her husband will put it on her.
09:26Be careful with that.
09:27It's a Dream Lovers.
09:35What the hell, Kev?
09:37It's a fake.
09:38Dream Lovers necklaces cost a small country's GDP.
09:41And there's only ten of them in the entire world.
09:44How could you?
09:45It slipped.
09:46Bradley, you lied?
09:47I didn't lie to you.
09:48It's an exact replica.
09:49It cost me a hundred grand.
09:51Oh, my God.
09:52It's an exact replica.
09:53It cost me a hundred grand.
09:55Oh, my God.
09:56Now, I am so sorry, Bradley.
09:58So sorry, Bradley.
10:00I know how much you admired those necklaces.
10:02And you've been working so hard.
10:04I thought you deserved something special.
10:06Bradley, I'm sure this really was a mistake.
10:08Right, Kev?
10:09What she deserves is a real one.
10:11Not some douchebag's knockoff.
10:13Okay, whoa.
10:15I need you to apologize to Bradley right now.
10:18He's a representative at Williams Media.
10:21We owe him and someone stepped in, so now we owe him four.
10:24His company is providing the rest.
10:27Please, Kevin.
10:33Sorry, I broke the necklace.
10:35What was that?
10:37No, I didn't hear you.
10:42Please forgive me.
10:48Apology accepted.
10:50All right.
10:51I'm going to work.
10:52See you at the meeting?
11:01I know what you're trying to do.
11:02It's not gonna work.
11:04Stay away from my wife.
11:06I buy her expensive gifts, not you.
11:08Honestly, I feel bad for her.
11:10She'll never have anything nice with you around.
11:15Get out of my way.
11:18You can't even afford a car.
11:20Can't I pick you up after work?
11:24Who is this?
11:26Oh, I don't know, but he insisted on coming up with me to see you.
11:31I was told to wait here until I could personally deliver this to you.
11:46Well, what is it? What's so shocking?
11:51Is this...
11:52The genuine article?
11:53A dream lover's.
11:56Whoever your admirer is, they're very generous.
12:00You have to try it on.
12:02Was she dreaming?
12:04Who exactly gave it to her?
12:06Could it have been Bradley Smith?
12:08What are you waiting for?
12:11I can't accept this. It's too much.
12:14She sounded modest.
12:16But deep down, she knew Kevin would hate to see her wearing this extravagant gift from Bradley.
12:21For God's sakes, if you don't want it, I'll take it.
12:24Just try the dang thing on.
12:30Kevin, you knew?
12:33Can Kevin impress Lily's family?
12:35Will Lily discover who bought her the dream lover's necklace?
12:38Will Kevin finally tell Lily his secret and save her company?
12:41It can't be. There's only ten of those in the world.
12:44Believe it.
12:45Is it really real?
12:47Where did you get it?
12:48I'm not sure it was a gift.
12:49Where would your family find the money to buy such a rare piece of jewelry?
12:53It's none of your business how much money my family has. We don't answer to you.
13:00Forgive Kevin. He can't hold his tongue.
13:03Where are your parents tonight?
13:05Dorothy was looking for a diplomatic solution, but Jason wasn't having it.
13:09My parents are overseas on company business.
13:13Unlike you, they're not lazy.
13:16What do you do all day except get your little son-in-law to wait on you hand and foot?
13:20How dare you?
13:22What on earth is going on in here?
13:27Zip it.
13:28Now, I am hungry enough to eat this centerpiece.
13:33Somebody bring the food in.
13:38I know it's understandable, but I have something to say to you.
13:45Kevin was very hungry, and the food looked so delicious.
13:49He didn't really care what anyone else thought about his table manners.
13:54I learned earlier today from a very reputable source that the CEO of Williams Media has changed.
14:04For years and years, our family has attempted to partner with Williams Media,
14:11but time after time, all of our offers have been rejected.
14:18But this young man may be the promise of a new generation.
14:24Kevin was amused. The old bat was well informed.
14:27If anyone can form a partnership with our families, I am prepared to reward them handsomely.
14:36I can go. I'm great at communication.
14:38Grandma, pick me. I'm friends with the third floor receptionist.
14:41I could. I'm friends with Bradley Smith. He's on the board at Williams Media.
14:49JJ, why don't I let you take this one on?
14:53Of course, Grandma. I won't let you down.
15:00Sorry. Something in my throat.
15:28Thank you all for coming tonight to celebrate our family's new agreement with Williams Media.
15:42And of course, we owe all of this to Jason.
15:49He suffered so to make this deal happen.
15:54So he at least deserves half the credit.
16:02Thank you. Thank you.
16:05I couldn't have done it without you, Grandma.
16:10Or me, really, if you think about it. It takes a lot.
16:14What are you doing?
16:16Sitting with my family.
16:18Well, find another seat. That seat is reserved for Miss Anderson.
16:24You don't even know who she is.
16:26Miss Phoebe Anderson is a prominent member of one of the city's top families.
16:34Now, if you don't mind.
16:36Oh, I do. I mind. No offense.
16:40How dare you? You are offending Grandmother's honored guest.
16:45No, really. I can just find another seat.
16:47Nonsense. I will not have it.
16:50You heard the lady.
16:52Don't push this. Not today.
17:07Trouble in paradise?
17:12Yes, well, enjoy your meal.
17:20Phoebe Anderson.
17:21Lily Jones-Williams.
17:24Good to meet you.
17:26Oh, I'm sorry, but I have to ask.
17:28That is an authentic gift.
17:31Good to meet you.
17:33Oh, I'm sorry, but I have to ask.
17:35That is an authentic Dreamlovers, isn't it?
17:38Oh, I'm afraid it's just a very good replica.
17:41Oh, at least that's what Jason says.
17:44Trust me, darling. I've been longing for a Dreamlovers on my own for a very long time.
17:49And that is the real deal.
17:53But that would mean that Bradley...
17:56Oh, my friend gave this to me as a gift.
18:00And you're just gonna have to give me his number so I can find out how he procured one.
18:04They're quite rare, after all.
18:06She can do better than that. You can call him. Right now.
18:11Yeah, sure.
18:13Oh, that'd be great.
18:24What's this?
18:26I just picked up a little gift.
18:28This is what hotels famous for its wines.
18:30This is one of their most expensive bottles.
18:33Well, how much was it?
18:35A gentleman never tells.
18:39How much?
18:41About five grand a bottle.
18:43Where is all this money coming from?
18:49I was sorry to hear about you losing your job.
18:51Yeah, I've seen better days.
18:55Yeah, listen.
18:57I'm calling about the Dreamlovers necklace you sent me.
19:02What are you doing?
19:04I'm serving wine to my family and your guest.
19:09I get it.
19:11You're trying to show me up.
19:15Yes, I love it.
19:17Well, a friend of mine wanted to see if she could get one of her own.
19:21And I was wondering if you could tell me how you were able to...
19:25You're calling me because you want another fake necklace?
19:33After your husband broke the last one.
19:37Come on.
19:38I'm very sorry about that.
19:40That cost me a hundred grand.
19:42All right, I lost my job.
19:44I don't have anything left.
19:48How about a bottle of that for every person here?
19:54My treat.
19:57Are you, uh, sure about that, Jason?
20:01I mean, it's a lot of people here and this is a very expensive bottle of wine.
20:06If you can afford them, anyone can.
20:11Wait, so you're saying you didn't send me a Dreamlovers necklace?
20:15A real one?
20:16Of course not.
20:17Do you have any idea how hard those are to find?
20:20I mean, who gives that kind of money?
20:22They can just pull out of thin air.
20:28All right, good luck.
20:32As a matter of fact, get two bottles for every person here.
20:38We're celebrating.
20:41Lily didn't know what to believe.
20:43Was Kevin really the person responsible for the Dreamlovers necklace?
20:47How could he possibly afford it?
20:49Where did he get that money from?
20:51Did she ever truly know her husband at all?
20:59Will Kevin finally tell Lily the truth?
21:01Can he build his empire and save his dying marriage?