
  • 2 days ago
00:00How to Make Your Stairs Slip-Free 6 Effective Tips
00:09Remove moss with baking soda and water, mix 2 spoons of baking soda and water and prepare
00:14a solution, pour it on, the moss on, the stairs and leave it for some time.
00:21Anti-slip paint, if the stairs have become old and slippery, you can also use paint.
00:25The paint will prevent slipping and protect you from falls.
00:31Apply anti-slip tape on stairs, you can use tape to prevent slipping on, the stairs, anti-slip
00:37tapes are easily available online.
00:42Use stair carpets, if the stairs inside the house are slippery, you can use stair carpets,
00:48this also prevents slipping.
00:53Use rubber threads, many times even wooden stairs can be slippery, in such cases you
00:58can use rubber threads, you can find rubber threads online that you just need to install
01:03on, the stairs.
01:07Steel staircase, steel staircases are also a solution to prevent slipping on stairs,
01:13they can be easily installed on concrete stairs to prevent slipping.