
  • yesterday


00:00Melissa James had no enemies.
00:07She called her physician, Dr. Leonard Collins.
00:09He wants to kill me!
00:11The killer strangles her with a telephone cord, tearing it from the wall.
00:14He drove straight round, but by the time he arrived, she was dead.
00:17Who do you think may have been responsible?
00:19You should talk to Lance Gardner, Emily's wife.
00:21Have you actually confirmed that her husband did indeed attend the opera?
00:26There's a film producer called Oscar Berlin.
00:28I've changed my mind.
00:29Well, there's a financial voice, and by the name of Algernon Mask.
00:33He was murdered at a wedding.
00:36Maybe I did say that it would make a good story, but I didn't tell him to write it.
00:41You're the key witness. What did you see?
00:44Cecily knew that Stefan was innocent.
00:46She found the truth in the book.
00:48She read it, and then she disappeared.
00:50You need, I think, to be careful.
01:31I don't know what's happened at all, what's upset you.
01:36But please,
01:39let us know that you're safe.
01:42We are
01:44all so worried about you.
01:49Roxy and I are at home,
01:51waiting for you.
01:54And your mum, and dad, and Lisa.
01:58We need to talk to you.
02:00We want to help you.
02:06Oh, the poor man.
02:08He's so awful.
02:11And if there's anyone out there
02:13holding Cecily against her will,
02:18let her go.
02:21It's not too late right now, but we need to know that she's safe.
02:31Mrs MacNeil was last seen in the vicinity of the hotel last Wednesday.
02:35She may have been walking her dog, a black Labrador, called Chase.
02:39If anyone has any information about Mrs MacNeil,
02:42we would urge them to call us on the number being shown on the screen.
02:47All calls will be answered in confidence.
02:51They're wasting their time.
02:53You can't be sure that's true?
02:54She's six feet underground,
02:56in the middle of a wood, with a rope around her neck.
02:59She's not going to be found.
03:01How can you say that?
03:04Just a guess.
04:00Good morning, Mr Pund.
04:01Oh, Miss Kane.
04:02How are you?
04:03Please, sit down.
04:09I hope you've slept well,
04:10and we're able to put the events of yesterday behind you.
04:13I feel very foolish.
04:15If I'm going to be working with a detective,
04:16then I should expect unpleasant details to be part of the job.
04:19Not at all.
04:21I'm going to be working with a detective.
04:23I'm going to be working with a detective.
04:25I should expect unpleasant details to be part of the job.
04:28Not at all.
04:30I've never allowed myself to become inured to the sight or the description of violence.
04:36it's not a business.
04:37Nor is it a pastime.
04:39Your sensitivity does it credit.
04:43I just hope that you can find out who's responsible.
04:45That is why we are here.
04:49Well, if you've finished your breakfast,
04:50the hotel manager has asked to see you.
04:52Mr Lance Gardner.
04:54Do you mind if I put forward an opinion, Mr Pund?
04:57Not at all.
04:58I don't trust him an inch.
05:06We just wanted to tell you, Mr Pund.
05:08Oh, it's Pund.
05:11That anyway we can help you.
05:13Oh, it's unbelievable.
05:15Yeah, we've been running this hotel ever since you bought it.
05:18Running it into the ground, from what we hear.
05:21I don't know who you've been talking to,
05:23but that is an outrageous lie.
05:25But you had argued with Melissa James.
05:29She made certain accusations.
05:31Yeah, she didn't know what she was talking about.
05:33Threatening us with an audit was completely out of order.
05:37She planned to have your accounts examined.
05:41She had her financial advisor come down from London,
05:44but we would have been glad to meet him.
05:46We had nothing to hide.
05:48Well, then perhaps I could take a look.
05:51I worked in the accounts department of Associated Biscuits for 12 years.
05:54It might be helpful to understand the financial circumstances of the hotel.
05:58Well, you're bulking up in the wrong tree.
06:00Actually, we're glad you're both here.
06:03We have information that could help you.
06:07Oh, please.
06:10Yeah, Miss James had an office here,
06:12and after she died, we found this.
06:15It's obviously the first draft.
06:18It doesn't say which two.
06:21My darling, darling, I can't go on living this lie anymore.
06:25I simply can't.
06:27We have to be brave and tell the world about the love we share.
06:31It's dated last February.
06:34And this is her handwriting?
06:37Most definitely.
06:38You should have given this to Detective Inspector Trump.
06:41Well, we gave it to you.
06:43We thought you'd be grateful.
06:45This is evidently not addressed to her husband.
06:48You are now Detective Mr Poon,
06:51but if John Spencer found out that his wife was planning to leave him...
06:56Well, it's obvious, isn't it?
06:59The killer.
07:06Miss Riley.
07:07What a pleasure to see you again.
07:09Don't tell me you're involved in another murder.
07:12I'll be honest and say that
07:14I've dined out on many occasions following our last encounter.
07:17I'm sure you have, Mr Khan.
07:19So, what brings you back to our neck of the woods?
07:22Well, I've been asked to help with the disappearance of Cecily Traherne,
07:25or MacNeil, that's her married name.
07:27Ah, yes, yes.
07:28I never met the lady myself, but I saw the police broadcast.
07:32So, how do you believe that you can help?
07:35Well, there's a possibility she knew something about a murder
07:38that happened eight years ago.
07:40Frank Parris.
07:41Well, of course I remember that.
07:43Alan Conway wrote about it.
07:45Yes, yes, his third book.
07:47Atticus Pund takes the case.
07:49Oh, you've read it?
07:53And you met Frank Parris?
07:56In this very room.
07:58It's not an experience I'm likely to forget.
08:01It seems a very simple matter to me, Mr Khan.
08:04The house was left to me and my sister equally,
08:06and unfortunately I need my half.
08:09I need my half of the house, the money.
08:13You say she won't be happy about selling it, and I'm very sorry,
08:17but I wasn't aware that happiness was prescribed by English law.
08:21The only reason I'm here is to give you notice of my intentions.
08:26He seemed angry, unhappy.
08:29Probably because his business had gone bust.
08:32But you say he had a sister who lived here, in Suffolk?
08:36That's right, yes.
08:37The house was in Wesselton, left to them by their parents years ago.
08:41As a matter of fact, I did the conveyancing.
08:43It's a beautiful place.
08:46And what was the sister's name?
08:48Joanne Webster.
08:49I see no harm in telling you now.
08:51She's no longer a client of mine, and I have to say I'm quite relieved.
08:56Why was that?
08:57Well, I think she inherited some of the same genes as her brother.
09:00She was very rude, very demanding.
09:03And she treated her husband disgracefully.
09:05Martin Webster.
09:06I met them three or four times, and he never got a word in edgeways.
09:12Heath House.
09:13Mr Paris went straight there after he'd seen me.
09:16Oh, that can't have gone well.
09:18Well, they never talked about it.
09:20But then, of course, the next day, he was dead.
09:23Was there anything they could have done legally to stop the sale of the house?
09:27I'm afraid not.
09:29Mr Paris let them live there for 20 years, but the will was very clear.
09:34Mr and Mrs Webster could buy him out at market price.
09:37But if they were unable to do so, well, they had no choice but to put it up for sale.
09:45Well, thank you, Mr Khan.
09:47Pleasure to see you again.
09:48Likewise, Miss Ryland.
09:50How is your sister, by the way?
09:53Yes, she mentioned that you were coming to Suffolk.
09:56You saw Katie?
09:57Of course.
09:58She's a client?
10:00She has consulted me.
10:02Nothing of any importance.
10:05Oh, she never mentioned it to me.
10:08I doubt it even crossed her mind.
10:30I think these need moving to shrubs and small trees.
10:53Right, Mrs Williams.
11:00What are you doing here?
11:01Oh, that wasn't quite the welcome I was expecting.
11:04Well, no, I'm just surprised.
11:06Have you been to the house?
11:08No, I came straight here.
11:10Well, it's lovely to see you.
11:13Oh, you've never visited me at work before.
11:16Well, I didn't have much of a garden in Crouch End.
11:18I suppose it's all olive trees and oregano.
11:20I know, you're great.
11:23Got time for a coffee?
11:25Have you?
11:26Of course, yeah, come through.
11:28I thought you were busy.
11:30Wrapped your eyes in murder again.
11:32Couldn't believe it when you told me on the phone.
11:37So, tell me all about Cleet.
11:41I want to hear about you and Andreas.
11:44I'm not sure there is a me and Andreas right now.
11:47I don't know.
11:48Don't you like the hotel?
11:50I don't like running it.
11:53It's as if the whole world is having fun except me.
11:56Sue, I was so happy for you when you went out there.
12:00I thought you'd finally found yourself.
12:02You mean I was more like you.
12:04Don't say that.
12:06Why not?
12:07You shouldn't compare yourself to me.
12:11I saw Sajid Khan this morning.
12:15Sajid Khan?
12:16Yes, the solicitor.
12:18He said he'd seen you.
12:20Did he?
12:23Yeah, he said you consulted him.
12:27Oh, of course.
12:30We had to fire one of the managers and it wasn't very pleasant.
12:34And he was giving us some legal advice.
12:38Well, I was just worried, that's all.
12:41He's talking out of turn because he was dealing with the centre, not me.
12:45So I might have to have a word.
12:49But everything is OK?
12:51How's Gordon?
12:52He's fine.
12:53He'll be sorry to miss you.
12:55Where is he?
12:56New York.
12:59But Jack's at home. In fact, he's working here.
13:02When does that happen? I thought it was at uni.
13:05Well, he's dropped out for a year.
13:08It's all got a bit much, so he's come back home.
13:12But obviously there was no point in him lounging around the house all day,
13:16so I've got him a part-time job here.
13:18Can I see him?
13:19Of course.
13:20Oh, he'll be thrilled.
13:24Look who's here.
13:26Hi, Aunt Susan.
13:27Oh, you're not seriously going to call me out, are you?
13:31Oh, you look a bit sweaty.
13:35Jack's doing very well. He's really made his mark.
13:38Yes, your mum was saying that you've taken a year out of university.
13:42Yeah, yeah.
13:44Well, with everything that's happened, there didn't seem much point, so...
13:48Exams and all that pressure.
13:51And we're very lucky to have him here.
13:55I have to take this back.
13:56Yeah, lovely to see you, Jack.
13:59I'll walk with you to your car.
14:03Oh, so that's Jack.
14:07Whatever happened to the little boy who used to tell jokes all the time
14:10and wanted to be a racing driver?
14:12He grew up.
14:14He should come and visit more often.
14:18So, Katie, what did he mean by everything that's happened?
14:24He had problems at university, Sue.
14:27He was getting behind with his work.
14:29He's never been very good under pressure.
14:31I don't want to go into it.
14:37So when am I going to see you again?
14:39Whenever you like.
14:41You'll have to meet in Woodbridge, though,
14:43because I've got the builders in at the moment.
14:46Well, they're just redecorating, but the kitchen's a disaster.
14:49There's a very nice pub, though, down by the river.
14:52OK, I'll call you.
14:53Take care.
14:54Yes, don't get yourself into any more trouble.
15:02You should have told her.
15:06It's none of her business.
15:08It's none of her business.
15:10And I didn't want to.
15:12Why not?
15:13Because there's nothing she can do.
15:16So we're just meant to stand here and pretend everything's all right?
15:20That's not what we're doing.
15:22We're just trying to find a way through this.
15:24Mum, you're so full of it, do you know that?
15:27How dare you talk to me like that?
15:29How dare you talk to me like that here?
15:31I've got no idea.
15:38I've got no idea.
15:56Excuse me, but are you Martin Webster?
15:58I am, yes. How can I help?
16:00My name is Susan Ryland.
16:02This might sound strange,
16:03but I'm here because of something that happened a long time ago.
16:06The murder of Frank Paris.
16:09That was a very long time ago.
16:17Why don't you come in?
16:20OK, thank you.
16:30Hard to believe it's been almost eight years since Frank's death.
16:34It's amazing how the time flies.
16:36You saw him the day he died.
16:38Well, technically, Frank was killed on the Saturday,
16:41just after midnight.
16:43We saw him the day before.
16:45We hadn't seen him since he left London.
16:47He emigrated to Australia?
16:50Set up his own agency there.
16:52It was called Days End,
16:54but it didn't last very long, I'm afraid.
16:57Gone by the day's end, you might say.
17:00It went bust.
17:01Is that why he wanted you to buy out his share in the house?
17:04Who told you that?
17:05It's hardly confidential, darling.
17:09Yes, that's what he came here for.
17:12I'd have to say it was a very...
17:15memorable visit.
17:17You can't do this to us, Frank.
17:20We've been here all our married lives.
17:22I'm not doing anything to you, dear.
17:25Maybe you should be thanking me.
17:27I let you live here.
17:28I never asked you for a penny's rent.
17:30Why would we even consider paying you rent?
17:33You could have asked.
17:35For heaven's sake, Martin, stay out of it.
17:37It's got nothing to do with you.
17:39I live here, too.
17:40I am not selling this house.
17:42I am not moving.
17:43I've already spoken to your solicitor in Framlingham.
17:47You don't have any choice.
17:49You won't.
17:50No, Martin.
17:51You disgust me, Frank.
17:53Coming here like this.
17:55If Mum and Dad could see.
17:57Oh, thank goodness they never did.
17:59The disgusting life you led in London.
18:03All those young men.
18:05The parties.
18:06And all the rest of it.
18:08Are you jealous, darling?
18:10Just get out, Frank!
18:13I don't want to talk to you.
18:15Then talk to Kam.
18:19It's nice to see you haven't changed in all these years, Joanne.
18:23You're still a cow
18:25Is life miserable for anyone who comes near?
18:29Nice seeing you again, Martin.
18:33See myself out.
18:45You weren't much help.
18:55Would have been awful, wouldn't it, dear?
18:58If we'd been forced to sell this place.
19:03Fortunately, it never came to that.
19:05You mean he was murdered?
19:09Were you at all upset by the news?
19:13Well, of course we were.
19:17Don't get this wrong, Susan.
19:19No matter what else Frank Parris may have been,
19:22he's still Joanne's brother.
19:25What's that old saying?
19:28Blood runs thicker than water.
19:31And there was a lot of blood.
19:36Joanne in particular was very upset when she heard the news.
19:44Here we are.
19:47It's very possibly the last picture ever taken of him.
19:52I took it out the front here.
19:54See for yourself.
19:57Brother and sister and very best of friends.
20:05Mr Berlin?
20:10My name is Atticus Pund.
20:12Helping the police with their inquiries into the death of Melissa James.
20:16I cannot help you, Mr Pund.
20:18I've already told the police everything I know.
20:20I wish only to eliminate you from the investigation.
20:26Very well. Melissa left the hotel.
20:30We had not had a pleasant encounter.
20:32I have made no secret of that.
20:34But that was it. I never saw her again.
20:37She had decided not to take part in a film.
20:41Not just a film, Mr Pund.
20:45A film I was born to make.
20:48Eleanor of Aquitaine.
20:50The mother of England's greatest monarch, King Richard I.
20:55She had agreed to play the part. I believed her.
20:59And for the next three years I devoted myself to this subject.
21:04I developed the script. I raised the finance.
21:07I sold everything I had to make it happen.
21:10And then, weeks before production,
21:13she told me that she had changed her mind.
21:19You must have been angry.
21:23Angry enough to kill her.
21:26Maybe I was.
21:28What did you do after she left?
21:31I was choked up inside.
21:35I could not breathe. I needed air.
21:37So I went out. I went for a walk. What else could I do?
21:40Where did you walk?
21:42On the beach. They have one they call Grey Sands.
21:46It would be helpful if somebody saw you.
21:49I wish they had, but it was late.
21:51It was just me and the waves, Mr Pund.
21:54There was nobody else about.
21:56You went for a walk on Grey Sands?
21:59Well, forgive me for interrupting, Mr Pund,
22:01but I think the gentleman must be mistaken.
22:04I grew up close to here,
22:05and it's impossible to walk on the beach after six o'clock,
22:08certainly at this time of year.
22:10The afternoon tide, the beach is flooded.
22:12I'm sorry, what are you saying?
22:14Only that you could have tried to have walked,
22:15but you'd have got very wet.
22:18The tide was high.
22:20It would have been up to your neck.
22:21Perhaps, after all, it was another beach.
22:25On the other hand, if you do not wish to be implicated in this crime,
22:28Mr Berlin, it would be much better if you told us the truth.
22:35I need some water.
22:39Miss Kane.
22:40Of course.
22:46I've been stupid.
22:48To lie to the police is always unwise.
22:52I didn't have anything useful to tell them.
22:54I just did not wish to be involved.
22:56But you are involved, and now you must tell us everything.
23:05All right.
23:07I went to her house, to Clarence Keep.
23:10What time was this?
23:12Five past six.
23:14Twenty-three minutes before she called Dr Collins.
23:16What did you hope to achieve?
23:18I thought I might be able to persuade her to think again about the film.
23:23Did you see her?
23:27I parked close by.
23:29I did not want her to see me arrive.
23:31I went up to the front door, but before I could knock,
23:34I heard the sound of a terrible argument.
23:37I don't want to hear any more.
23:38I want you out of my house by the end of the week.
23:41I have had enough, Mrs Chandler.
23:44I warn you, I need to contact the police.
23:48The hotel was crooked, and if I hadn't have seen it with my own eyes,
23:51I wouldn't have believed it.
23:52Please, don't.
23:54Oh, just go.
23:55You and Eric, by the end of the week.
23:57It was clearly not the best time to approach her.
24:00So I thought I would wait till the next day.
24:05But of course, there was no next day.
24:12It was foolish of me, madness, to go at all.
24:16She was talking to her housekeeper.
24:22Mrs Chandler, she had nothing to do with the running of the hotel.
24:25I can only tell you what I heard, Mr Bond.
24:28Ask her.
24:29She will tell you the truth.
24:32Melissa definitely said the hotel was crooked.
24:46Miss Kane.
24:48You never mentioned that you knew this part of the world.
24:50I've never been here before in my life, Mr Pund.
24:54I'm afraid I made it up.
24:56All that business about Grey Sands.
24:58I could see that he was flipping and I thought I might be able to flush him out.
25:03You're a remarkable person.
25:05You two ready then?
25:07At your disposal, Detective Inspector.
25:10Let's go.
25:13Miss Ryland.
25:17There's something I want you to understand.
25:19Whatever Martin may have said just now, we didn't want to see Frank.
25:23And we don't want to see you again either.
25:25I'm sorry?
25:26This has got nothing to do with us.
25:28And it's got nothing to do with you.
25:30So just get lost and leave us alone.
25:56Why does everything have to be so bloody complicated?
25:59The investigation.
26:02Or your personal life.
26:05I can only help with one of those.
26:06Yes, I know.
26:16I haven't smoked for six months.
26:19I've been so good.
26:21I've been so good.
26:34I'm not going to find Cecily, am I?
26:37I don't know what I'm doing, that's the problem.
26:39I don't even know where to start.
26:40But you've already started.
26:42You've met the protagonists, you asked questions.
26:45Yes, but the questions just lead to more questions and nobody's giving me any answers.
26:49Let me give you some advice, Susan.
26:52Murder has a pattern.
26:55To begin with, you may see only violence and chaos, but the pattern is always there.
27:06Well, I've got a murder that happened eight years ago.
27:11The wrong man arrested.
27:13The real killer hidden inside a work of fiction which has little or nothing to do with real life.
27:18And now the disappearance and possibly the murder of Cecily Traherne.
27:22Where's the pattern in all of that?
27:23Forgive me, but do you not perhaps need to approach all of this in a more orderly manner?
27:31Go on, tell me.
27:34You look here, you look there, you look in every direction.
27:38But it would be so much easier if you'd take it one step at a time.
27:45That's really helpful, thank you.
27:49Four simple questions, that's all it comes down to.
27:53Who? Why? What? And where?
28:00Go on.
28:02Who killed Frank Paris?
28:05It wasn't Stéphane Leonida, I'm sure of that.
28:07Good. One step forward already.
28:12Right, so the next question is, why was he killed?
28:15Why indeed, he was a stranger to the country, he was visiting his sister, his brother-in-law.
28:19Because he wanted them to sell the house, but all of that happened outside of the hotel.
28:23Alan Conway didn't even meet them.
28:25So then what?
28:28What did he put in his book?
28:31And finally?
28:33Where is Cecily Traherne?
28:35That's what you have to discover, that's why you're here.
28:39But I fear that for you this is the most difficult question of all.
28:46Because I'm afraid of the answer.
28:49Of course.
28:55I do what I can.
29:02May I give you one other piece of advice?
29:06Of course.
29:07You should really stop smoking.
29:11You're not real, are you?
29:14You're just my guilty conscience.
29:16Always a pleasure to see you, Susan.
29:27Two, three, yeah, come back up.
29:31Yeah, one more.
29:32Down, two, three, hold it.
29:35Three, hold it.
29:36And gently back up.
29:38Well done.
29:40Take a one minute rest, grab some water.
29:46What is it?
29:47Susan Ryland.
29:49Your friend from Crete?
29:50Well, she's no friend of mine.
29:51You can believe that.
29:53Have you spoken to her?
29:56We exchanged a few words.
29:57What did you tell her?
29:59Told her she was wasting her time.
30:00Is that all?
30:02Said it was a wild goose chase.
30:05Cecil is probably dead.
30:08It's what you think, isn't it?
30:11I don't know what I think.
30:12Of course, I could have told her a lot more.
30:14You don't know anything.
30:16I know how you and your parents were treating Stefan.
30:19I know how much you were paying him for a start.
30:22Maybe I should put in for a pay rise myself.
30:25For keeping my mouth shut about what goes on around here.
30:28Do you think anyone else would employ you, Liam?
30:31The only reason you've stayed here so long
30:33is because you've got nowhere else to go.
30:37You're not the only one keeping your mouth shut.
30:41Down on the mat, Lisa.
30:42Press ups.
30:44Give me ten.
30:54I saw the broadcast this morning.
30:56Is there any news?
30:57Ah, the usual flurry of reports.
30:59Nothing concrete.
31:00I worry how much longer the police can keep searching.
31:02They'll find her.
31:03Yes, of course they will.
31:05I keep thinking about her on her wedding day
31:08here in this hotel all those years ago.
31:11She was so happy, so radiant.
31:16Yeah, that too.
31:18She couldn't sleep,
31:19worrying about all the arrangements,
31:21and in the end I got her pills,
31:23but she didn't take them.
31:24Why was she so worried?
31:25Cecily's a perfectionist.
31:27As far as she was concerned,
31:28nothing could go wrong.
31:30You remember that horoscope?
31:31Oh, God, yes.
31:33It was in the newspaper the day of the wedding.
31:35It said there were going to be ups and downs.
31:37She believed that?
31:38Oh, absolutely.
31:39She read it every day.
31:40And it was true.
31:42The flowers didn't show up.
31:44And there was that business with the pen?
31:46Yeah, that was Stefan again.
31:47Or at least that's what we all believed.
31:50What happened?
31:51A faulty pen of mine went missing the day before the wedding.
31:54Quite an expensive one.
31:56I'd lent it to Cecily.
31:58Good luck.
31:59Something old, something new, something borrowed.
32:01Oh, Stefan took it.
32:03I'm sorry.
32:04Why would Stefan steal a fountain pen?
32:06I have no idea.
32:08Ask Aidan.
32:09He saw him.
32:11The pen.
32:12Why are you even asking about that?
32:14Lawrence mentioned it.
32:17I don't know.
32:18It was there on the side.
32:20Stefan came in with a whole pile of cards and presents.
32:23Stefan came in with a whole pile of cards and presents.
32:26And after he'd gone, it wasn't there anymore.
32:30I never accused him, if that's what you mean.
32:33I thought for a minute that he'd taken it.
32:36Anyway, what does it matter?
32:38Cecily just borrowed something from Lisa.
32:40And that was that.
32:41That was the end of it.
32:43She's never mentioned it again.
32:49Where's Roxanna?
32:51At school.
32:52This must be very hard on her.
32:55Keep telling her that mummy will be coming back.
33:00You have no idea what it's like to feel so powerless.
33:02You just have to sit there waiting.
33:05The police will find her.
33:07It's easy enough to say, isn't it?
33:11It's been eight days now.
33:14Have you found anything?
33:16Anything at all?
33:17Not yet.
33:19Is it true that Lawrence is paying you £10,000 to come here
33:24and just read the book?
33:26The book that you publish?
33:28Who told you that?
33:32Well, I hope I'm doing more than that.
33:34Like what?
33:36Well, I'm going to London tomorrow.
33:38I'm hoping to speak to Stefan Leonida.
33:40He's in jail in Norfolk.
33:42I have a friend who works with the prison service.
33:44The writer, Craig Andrews.
33:46I'm hoping that he can arrange a visit for me
33:48and I'm going to see James Taylor.
33:50Who's James Taylor?
33:52He was Alan's partner.
33:53He kept all of Alan's notes and diaries
33:55and he may be able to give me some idea
33:57of what Alan was thinking when he came here.
33:59That's worth £10,000, is it?
34:02Aidan, it's not just about the money.
34:04See, that's not what Lisa said.
34:06I am trying to help.
34:07What, and the pen's got something to do with it, does it?
34:10I don't know.
34:11Cecily is out there.
34:13Cecily is in trouble and that is all that matters.
34:16Finding her.
34:21Let me know if there's any news.
34:23Of course.
34:24Good luck.
34:28Mr Marsh?
34:31I wonder if he might have a word.
34:33If you're looking for my brother-in-law,
34:35he's with a patient.
34:37Well, we're not here to see Dr Collins, sir.
34:39We want to talk to you.
34:51When was the last time you saw Melissa James?
34:54I'm sure you already know the answer to that.
34:58I saw her on the evening of her death.
35:01She had requested a meeting.
35:05She had requested a meeting.
35:08Yes, she was worried about the hotel, its finances.
35:12I was her advisor.
35:14You advised her, I believe, to invest 55,000 pounds
35:17in a company called Day's End Holdings.
35:19Is that correct?
35:23Although I'd be very interested to know where you got that figure.
35:26A bank manager.
35:28What is the business of Day's End Holdings, Mr Marsh?
35:32It's building villas in the south of France,
35:35a place called Cap Ferrat.
35:37It's a very, very up-and-coming area.
35:41And, um, how many villas has it built?
35:46Ah, well, uh...
35:49It's not quite as simple as all that.
35:51Oh, I think it's very simple.
35:53None at all.
35:55These things do take time.
35:58Have you informed Miss James that you were the proprietor of the company,
36:03that it in fact belonged to you?
36:09I'm sure she was aware of it.
36:11Meaning no.
36:12Are you aware of the larceny act of 1916, section 32?
36:16Prohibiting the obtaining of money under false pretenses
36:19with the intention of defraud, Mr Marsh?
36:21I didn't defraud anybody.
36:23And I didn't kill Melissa, if that's what you think.
36:27She and I had worked together for a long time,
36:29and we had a close relationship.
36:32A very, very close relationship.
36:36She trusted me.
36:40Where did you go after you saw her?
36:43I had a drink at the pub.
36:45Several drinks.
36:47Well, I imagine someone will have seen you.
36:51Well, I'm sure that you'll ask.
36:57It's a Ponzi scheme, isn't it?
36:59Days and oldens.
37:01Investors put money into a business which is only used to bring other investors in.
37:05It only takes one of them to pull out and the whole thing collapses.
37:08But Mr Marsh has suggested that he and Miss James were more than business partners.
37:13My darling, darling, we have to tell the world.
37:16He's not an unattractive man.
37:20It's possible.
37:25I've decided to stay with my sister.
37:38Haven't you got anything better to do than sit there reading that stupid comic?
37:44We're going to have to leave here.
37:46You heard what Miss James said.
37:49But she's not here anymore.
37:52She knew.
37:54And there's no saying who she'll have told.
37:58Anyway, Mr Spencer won't keep the house now.
38:02We've got no place here.
38:05Where will I go?
38:07That's your problem.
38:20It's the police.
38:39Good morning, sir.
38:41I'm afraid Mr Spencer is not in the house.
38:44I'm afraid Mr Spencer is not in the house.
38:47Actually, Mrs Chyler, it's you we've come to see.
38:51Can we come in?
38:53Yes, sir.
39:07I'm afraid you're going to have to come clean with us, Mrs Chyler.
39:11I don't know what you mean, sir.
39:14On the night of her death, you had an argument with Minister James.
39:17I would never argue with my employer, sir.
39:20She fired you. You could have denied it.
39:24She also threatened you with the police.
39:26She accused us of theft.
39:28She had completely the wrong end of the stick.
39:31We hadn't taken anything.
39:33And yet Miss James told her physician, Dr Collins, that items were being taken from her room.
39:41It's not true.
39:43She also believed that she was being watched.
39:47She said, and these were her exact words, that the hotel was crooked.
39:53The managers were stealing from her.
39:56Everyone knew that.
39:58Yes, but it is possible she was referring to something else.
40:03If you don't mind, I would like to look upstairs.
40:14The picture of the hotel was crooked. That's what Melissa James had seen.
40:20She said she saw it with her own eyes.
40:25She was indeed being watched, but she not, Eric.
40:28An eyehole concealed in the wall.
40:31I noticed it the moment I entered the bedroom.
40:44You knew of this?
40:46I'm so ashamed.
40:49I never wanted you.
40:51Not from the day you was born.
40:53You never let me forget it.
40:55His father died in the first war and left me alone with him.
40:59His father was everything he wasn't.
41:02He's nothing to me.
41:03Will you stop it?
41:04I don't think we should discuss this here.
41:07I don't think so.
41:09He's nothing to me.
41:10Will you stop it?
41:11I don't think we should discuss this here.
41:18I didn't mean anything by it.
41:24But Miss James was so lovely.
41:28She was like an angel.
41:31I just wanted to look at her.
41:34You removed personal items from her room?
41:40A stocking.
41:43One of her scarves.
41:49I like to think that she was my friend.
41:55She was close to me.
41:59And when she discovered the truth,
42:01when she threatened you with arrest,
42:04what did you do?
42:07I did nothing.
42:11I would never hurt her.
42:14I didn't touch her.
42:20I wonder what he did.
42:23Derek Endicott. He's the night manager here.
42:25Alan Conway turned him into this really pathetic, sad character.
42:30You're still reading the book?
42:32Oh, I hate reading it.
42:33It reminds me of working with Alan.
42:35How's the investigation?
42:36Don't even ask.
42:38I mean, Aidan, Lisa, Liam,
42:42Martin Webster and his horrible wife.
42:45Even Derek. I keep looking at them and I ask,
42:49could you have killed someone?
42:51Frank Paris? Cecily? I mean, do you have that in you?
42:56I don't like you being there on your own.
42:59Well, then why don't you come over and join me?
43:02Every morning I wake up and I think,
43:06I'm going to find you lying next to me.
43:13I sometimes think FaceTime's the worst invention ever made.
43:17At least it allows us to see each other.
43:21Do you miss me?
43:23Do you even have to ask?
43:25Oh, sell the bloody hotel.
43:27We could live in Crete and just do something else.
43:31Like what?
43:32Oh, I don't know.
43:35We could become shepherds,
43:38grow olive trees, anything.
43:42Oh, I've got to go.
43:44I've got to be up first thing and drive to London in the morning.
43:50I've got an interview.
43:53For a job?
43:55It's an independent publishing company and I know the CEO.
43:59Good luck.
44:01Do you mean that?
44:03I only want what's best for you.
44:05I know, but...
44:06I've got to go.
44:16Right, thanks very much.
44:21Going somewhere, Miss Reilly?
44:23Detective Superintendent Locke.
44:25I thought we were on first name terms by now.
44:27We're not on any terms at all, I want a word.
44:36I couldn't believe it when they told me you were back again.
44:39Nosing around in police business.
44:41I'm here because I've been asked to help.
44:43Help what? Find Cecily Trahan?
44:45Do you know how many people I've got out there
44:47searching the woods, digging up half the countryside?
44:49So, what, you think she's dead?
44:51I didn't say that!
44:54But this isn't one of your cosy crime novels, Miss Reilly.
44:57This is a matter of life and death.
45:00Which happens to be a very accurate description
45:03of a crime novel, Detective Superintendent.
45:05But you know perfectly well that Cecily read one of the Atticus Poon novels
45:09just before she disappeared.
45:11And you still believe that there was something hidden in it?
45:14Some sort of clue?
45:15You don't.
45:16I've read Atticus Poon Takes The Case.
45:18I had to force my way through all 300 pages of it.
45:20It's rubbish.
45:22Hollywood actress strangled in some village that didn't even exist?
45:25It's got absolutely nothing to do with what happened here.
45:28Except that everyone is in it, including you.
45:30You've never forgiven Alan Conway for doing that, have you?
45:33Alan Conway's dead and buried!
45:35He came here, he knew something.
45:37If he knew something, he should have gone to the police.
45:39Well, yes, on that I agree with you,
45:41but the fact remains he realised that you'd arrested the wrong person
45:45and Cecily believed it too.
45:47No, you listen to me.
45:49I investigated the murder of Frank Paris
45:51and the evidence against Stefan Leonida was overwhelming.
45:54He pleaded guilty. He confessed.
45:56I want to see him.
45:57Well, that's not going to happen.
45:58Leonida killed Paris for the money that he needed to feed his gambling habit.
46:02It was as simple as that.
46:03What, £150?
46:05He was a career criminal.
46:07We have plenty of these Romanian gangsters operating out of Ipswich.
46:10Begging, burglary, violent assaults, prostitution.
46:13These are nice people, let me assure you.
46:15No, of course he was Romanian, so he must be guilty then.
46:21I think you should be very careful what you say to me.
46:27You're leaving Suffolk, is that right?
46:29Yes, I'm on my way to London.
46:30Not far enough.
46:32Let me give you a warning.
46:34You can take whatever money the Traherns are stupid enough to pay you
46:37and get the hell out of here, but if I see you again,
46:40I will arrest you.
46:42Oh, on what grounds?
46:44Interfering with a police investigation, false representation, fraud.
46:47I don't care.
46:48You have got no place here, and I'm ordering you to leave.
46:55So, Detective Superintendent, what do you think's happened to Cecily?
46:59Well, I'm keeping an open mind.
47:01But I'll tell you one thing, it wasn't.
47:04It wasn't somebody named in some stupid murder mystery story
47:07written eight years ago, so get in your car,
47:10get out of here, and don't come back.
47:13Don't come back.
47:40How well did you know Mr Paris?
47:42They're the notes Alan made when he was riding out at Couspon Takes the Cakes.
47:45Do you think he knew Miss James was having an affair?
47:48You know a thing or two about lying.
47:50I'm looking for another job.
47:51What does Andreas think about all of this?
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