Nineties Eastenders (15th April 1997)

  • 6 hours ago
Nineties Eastenders (15th April 1997)
00:32He's disappeared!
00:34You ain't funny.
00:35What are you doing?
00:36We're taking you out.
00:37Out where?
00:38We're gonna get you ready.
00:39Ready for what?
00:40You'll see.
00:41Where's Ricky gone?
00:42I'll tell you when he got changed.
00:43Well I've just ordered a pizza.
00:51One, two, three!
00:55What's going on?
00:56We've kidnapped you.
00:58You're liberated!
00:59What about Bianca?
01:00She's all taken care of, mate.
01:01By now Carol's here to get her ready and take her over to the...
01:04So where are we going?
01:05A quiet little drink.
01:11Right, just say the word when you've had enough and we'll take you home.
01:14I hope no-one spikes my drink.
01:15Oh would we?
01:16Besides I can't drink too much, can I?
01:17I'm breastfeeding.
01:18Oh yeah, I forgot that.
01:19It's alright though, I've expressed enough milk for tonight and the morning just in case.
01:21Don't be disgusting, anyway.
01:23I've just got enough planned for me.
01:24I don't want half-naked men crawling all over me.
01:26You shouldn't be so lucky.
01:27There's only those around.
01:28I'm having them for myself.
01:29Mum, don't start embarrassing me.
01:30Yeah, hold on a second.
01:31Isn't this the wrong way round?
01:32Shouldn't I be saying this to you?
01:33Well, I don't mean to be miserable, but I just want a quiet night, that's all.
01:36Well, then that's what you have.
01:40I'm getting married in the morning, ding-dong the bells are going to chime.
02:04Ding-dong the bells are going to chime.
02:06Where are we going exactly?
02:08Oh, the pub me and Grant used to go to.
02:11Yeah, you'll love it.
02:12Well, anything else?
02:13No, what?
02:14Well, I ain't going to be, you know, taken off strip-naked and painted green and tied
02:15to a lamppost.
02:16I know that I know of.
02:17Listen, Ricky, I ain't usually in this sort of thing, but where's your last night of
02:19That's what you want, mate.
02:20No, no, no, look, I just want a quiet few beers and I want to get home and get me a
02:21good night's rest.
02:22That's your best, mate.
02:23I'm going to make sure that's exactly what you get.
02:24You promise?
02:25Yeah, look, I ain't drinking, am I?
02:26So you relax, enjoy yourself.
02:27I'll make sure you get back home okay, okay?
02:30I'm getting married in the morning.
02:31Ding dong, the bells are gonna chime.
02:32I hope my Ricky's all right.
02:33He'll be fine, love.
02:34Roy's had explicit instructions not to lay anything out for him.
02:35So when are they going anyway?
02:36I don't know.
02:37Oh, don't worry.
02:38My boys will look after him.
02:39The Mitchell brothers will look after him.
02:40I'll look after him.
02:41Oh, thank you very much.
02:42Oh, thank you very much.
02:43Oh, thank you.
02:44Thank you very much.
02:45I'll be home soon, OK?
02:46Oh, I'm so happy.
02:47Oh, thank you.
02:48Oh, I'm so happy.
02:49Oh, thank you.
02:51Oh, thank you.
02:52Oh, thank you.
02:53Oh, thank you.
02:54Anyway, I don't know. Oh, don't worry. My boys will look after him.
02:57The Mitchell brothers babysit him. I'm boggled.
02:59Yeah, they can be very simple when they want to be.
03:02Oh, not very often, but they're not bad lads.
03:06And Phil's best mate.
03:07Oh, I remember my wedding day to the boys' father.
03:10Must have been your age. Piddling down with Wayne, it was.
03:13Dad took me in his Mini, and Eric came on the back of his mate's motorbike.
03:18You know, I hardly recognised him when he got there.
03:20He stood there, dripping wet, all helpless.
03:24Well, then I realised what every woman comes to realise sooner or later.
03:27You get married, open a bloke will look after you,
03:30but it usually turns out to be the other way around.
03:33I think it's God's way of getting you used to having children.
03:36That's what men are, innit? Big kids.
03:39Now, my granny used to say that they stopped developing at 12.
03:42Well, she worked it out once. Like, once they're 12,
03:45they like football, watching TV, playing with their mates,
03:48and looking at pictures of naked women.
03:51Once they get to that stage, they just stop.
03:54She's got a point, love.
03:55No, my Ricky's not like that.
03:58You'll learn.
03:59No, I don't think he is. He's different. He's not like that.
04:02Like, special.
04:03Look, the thing about women is,
04:05they won't accept that nature intended them to be inferior to men.
04:08I mean, you think about it, in nature,
04:09the strongest of the species is a governor, right?
04:12I mean, you lions, you tigers, you gorillas, you wolves,
04:16the man's a governor. Same with us.
04:19He has got a point.
04:20I take it you're not a feminist, then, Graham?
04:22Of course I am. I love women.
04:24But the word feminist comes from the word feminine, yeah?
04:27So what's feminine about drinking pints and wearing up now boots?
04:30Look, women should understand why they're here, that's all.
04:33And why's that?
04:34Cook me breakfast, right?
04:36Iron me clothes and bear me children.
04:39It's not me talking, it's nature, isn't it?
04:40All right, I'll buy that.
04:42But what about the bees, then?
04:44What about?
04:45Well, you were saying that in nature,
04:46the female is only here to look after the male.
04:49But with bees, the queen bee sends all her drones out
04:52and work for her, doesn't she?
04:53Well, that's bees, isn't it? I ain't talking about bees.
04:55Well, that proves what you're talking about,
04:56as an owner of old rubbish.
04:57No, we don't.
04:59I think they're aliens.
05:01No, bees.
05:02You ever seen their faces close up under a microscope?
05:05Huge, bulgy eyes and little tentacly things.
05:08He's in a world of his own, isn't he?
05:12I went out with a bird like that once.
05:15Big bulgy eyes.
05:17Little tentacly things.
05:21Hey, is this it?
05:35All right, mate, we'll give you a bell when we're ready, yeah?
05:40Who was it who said,
05:41the weight of a man's heart is through his stomach?
05:43Oh, not any man I've ever met.
05:45Seeming slightly high, if you ask me.
05:48Exactly. I mean, who's the last man
05:49caught flying away from home with a straight kidney pudding?
05:54Take no no's, love.
05:55Ricky will make you a good husband.
05:57Yeah, of course he will.
05:57After all, he's had some bit of practice.
06:01Well, he has been married before.
06:02Yeah, well, that was different.
06:04I'm sure it was.
06:06All I'm saying is, it'll be all right,
06:08because now he knows what's involved.
06:10Sam, you should never have married him in the first place.
06:12Why? What's wrong with him?
06:13Well, they was too young, I mean, both of them.
06:16Yeah, they were only kids, yeah.
06:18Look, can we just stop talking about this, yeah?
06:20Yeah, of course, sorry.
06:21Look, you and Ricky make a lovely couple,
06:24and I wish you every happiness.
06:26Just because he got it all wrong before
06:27doesn't mean to say he's going to do it again.
06:30Well, look at Pat, all right?
06:34You've been married four times, haven't you?
06:37What's that got to do with anything?
06:39It just means that if you get it wrong once,
06:43that you might not do it again.
06:45Oh, excuse me,
06:47have you not always put me off of getting married before?
06:49No, of course not.
06:50Once you learn all the little rules,
06:51like he has sole custody over Teddy remote control,
06:53and the fact that they don't know how a coat hanger works,
06:56or where the washing basket is,
06:58and that he's always right,
07:00even if he gets it wrong,
07:01and if anything breaks, they always know how to fix it.
07:04Which means he knows how to dismantle it.
07:07And whatever you do, don't let them cook.
07:09Take you three days to clear up the mess.
07:11And they never do anything today
07:14that they can't put off till tomorrow.
07:16Yeah, I've been waiting four months
07:17for Santa to put up a towel reel.
07:22I mean, she's actually done it.
07:24Look, Polly Becker Antonio.
07:26So, yeah, great.
07:27Listen, what time do you think we should put her to bed?
07:29I couldn't believe it when she showed it to me.
07:30Yeah, we can put her Billy and Tibs bed,
07:32and Courtney can go in her little cot thing.
07:33I mean, this makes me a reporter, doesn't it?
07:35Not a proper one, I know, but it's a start.
07:37You're not listening to me, are you?
07:38Course I am.
07:39Yeah, Max might let me go out on another job.
07:41Look, I've got a good idea.
07:44Why don't you help me sort out the kids
07:46and then I can read your story properly?
07:48Well, I can't do it on my own.
07:49You're the one who lumbered us with all this.
07:51Have you ever tried saying no to Tiff?
07:54Yeah, right.
07:55So what do we have to do?
07:56Face washed, teeth brushed, and then bed.
07:58Some of them ain't got teeth.
08:00Well, we'll have a quick slap round the face
08:01with a flannel and bed then.
08:03I'll do Courtney, and you can do the boys.
08:07Oh, come on, we've got to get him to bed.
08:09Can I just read this first?
08:11Well, there's no rush, is there?
08:14All right.
08:29This is my dream, this is.
08:30A room full of crumpet all to ourselves.
08:33Some of these are old enough to be your mother.
08:36I like older women.
08:37They say thank you and then cook you breakfast in the morning.
08:40Hey, well, don't let me stop you.
08:42You just carry on.
08:43Yeah, your mum seems to be having a good time, doesn't she?
08:46Well, good luck to her.
08:47She had a really rough patch lately, hasn't she?
08:49Yeah, I suppose she has, yeah.
08:50Well, at least her and Alan seem to be getting on better now.
08:54Have you, um, heard from David at all?
08:57Oh, well, you're better off without him, if you ask me.
09:00He did nothing but cause trouble
09:01from the day he arrived to the day he left.
09:03Listen, I know he's not perfect, Pauline,
09:05but I don't care what he did, he's still my dad.
09:07Well, of course he is.
09:08I just thought he might have turned up tomorrow for you,
09:11you know, to give you away.
09:12Yeah, it's all right, miss.
09:13I mean, I've asked my mum to do it
09:14and now Alan says he wants to.
09:16Well, what do you want?
09:17Well, I don't want to upset my mum.
09:18But you'd rather it was Alan?
09:21Well, haven't you talked to her about it?
09:22No, she's really looking forward to it.
09:24I don't want to spoil it.
09:26Yeah, off you go.
09:27Get on with it!
09:31So where was you then?
09:34Oh, you're still thinking about Phil?
09:36A bit, yeah.
09:37Kathy, he's come a long way now.
09:38He's not going to spoil that, is he?
09:42Yeah, oh, do you know she's supposed to be
09:43staying next door in the bar?
09:45Of course, that's what she's paid for.
09:47Um, everything all right, is it?
09:49Yeah, fine.
09:50Yeah, well, it wouldn't hurt to collect a few empties.
10:03Looks like we've got company.
10:04Oh, it's all right, they're looking for me.
10:06This way, lads, come on.
10:32You know, suddenly I'm starting to feel very old.
10:36That's because you are old.
10:38Cheers, Mark.
10:40How are things between you and Carol, then?
10:44You getting back together?
10:45It's up to her.
10:46It is a possibility, then.
10:48Well, you're not going to leave the way clear, are you?
10:51Nah, Carol's a mate.
10:53You don't care about her.
10:54Nothing wrong with that, is there?
10:57So, uh, you hoping to patch things up?
10:59Well, let's just say we're talking about it.
11:01I thought you was a prat for leaving her in the first place.
11:04Yeah, I was.
11:10Sorry, mate.
11:11You stupid prat.
11:12That's all right, I'll get you another drink.
11:14Why don't you know where you're going?
11:15Leave it, Keck.
11:16No, you're not going to stay with me.
11:17That's all right, I didn't see you there.
11:18Then you should have been looking, you dozy piller.
11:21You all right, Nige?
11:22Who are you?
11:23I'm his mate.
11:23Well, he's a prat.
11:25What are you going to do about it?
11:27Look, from what I heard, he said he was sorry he offered to buy you a drink.
11:30Now, why don't we just leave it at that, yeah?
11:31And what if I don't want to?
11:33What if I want to give him a slap?
11:34Are you going to stop me?
11:35Yeah, I am.
11:37Look, I'll tell you what.
11:38How many of you is this?
11:41You all buy me a drink and I might think about it.
11:43Look, I've got an idea.
11:44We've all come here to have a good time, right?
11:46And, you know, as much as I love a good punch-up,
11:49we're all going to get chucked out.
11:50Well, why don't we do something else instead?
11:52Like what?
11:55How about arm wrestling?
11:56Yeah, all right.
11:58Hey, why not?
12:00Of course, if you don't fancy it.
12:02Me and you, then.
12:14Hang on.
12:15What's this for?
12:16What do you reckon?
12:20Come on!
12:21Come on!
12:22Come on!
12:23Come on!
12:26Two gin and tonic to the vodka and coke, please.
12:29It's going really well, isn't it?
12:32Look, Harold, you can tell me it's none of my business,
12:35but, well, I've been having a chat with Bianca.
12:38So you enjoy yourself?
12:39Yeah, thanks for talking to her.
12:41Well, I couldn't let you stay in, could I?
12:42Not the night before your wedding.
12:44Are you nervous?
12:45Yeah, I keep thinking I'm going to fall over
12:46or get on the worst mix-up or something.
12:48Of course you won't.
12:49I had this dream last night about driving round and round the church.
12:52Ricky didn't turn up, and then every time I got there,
12:54they just waved me to go round again.
12:56It's really horrible.
12:57He will turn up, won't he?
12:58Of course he will.
12:59You know what?
13:00He's probably sat down and saying the exact same thing about you,
13:02he feels.
13:12You all right or nothing?
13:14Kenny Fraser.
13:15Well, Mitchell.
13:20We could be onto something here, you know.
13:22You could use it to settle international differences.
13:24You know, instead of Desert Storm,
13:26just get Bill Clinton and Saddam Hussein
13:28to have an arm-wrestling competition.
13:30That's not as daft as it sounds.
13:32There was a moment there when things could have gone really nicely.
13:34Yeah, Grant's like that when he's had a drink.
13:37He hits people who upset him.
13:39I've studied that over the years.
13:41It's like a ritual.
13:42They start off by repeating what the other one says.
13:44I'm sitting there.
13:45No, I'm sitting there.
13:46Move. No, you move.
13:47Right then. Right then.
13:49And then they stare at each other for about ten seconds.
13:52It's usually the ugliest one who lashes out first.
13:55Why the ugliest one?
13:57Well, I suppose, being ugly,
13:59he's got less to lose having a fight.
14:02Right, who have I missed?
14:03What are you having, mate?
14:04I'll have an orange juice, sir.
14:05Orange juice?
14:06Yeah, he's driving.
14:07So get a cab.
14:08Come on, have a drink with me.
14:09No, thanks.
14:10One drink won't kill you.
14:11He's driving.
14:12Yeah, go on then.
14:13I'll have a pint of lager.
14:14That's more like it.
14:15I'll have a pint of lager, mate.
14:16What do you think you're doing?
14:17Look, it's doing me any more to you.
14:18It ain't worth it.
14:19Look, I know what I'm doing.
14:20And what about Cathy?
14:21Well, we're staying at Nigel's tonight, remember?
14:23She won't know, will she?
14:25Look, I'm all right.
14:26I'll just have a couple of pints.
14:27We'll tell the lads to keep to them,
14:29and no-one will be any the wiser, will they?
14:31Cheers, mate.
14:33I thought you were on a wagon.
14:35I just fell off.
14:37Look, you just have a few beers.
14:38If anyone asks, he was on orange juice all night, yeah?
14:41Yeah, if you say so.
14:43So, got you out of another tight spot there, eh?
14:46He's all right.
14:48Listen, Grant, just out of interest,
14:50who do you reckon would have hit who first?
14:53Oh, it's better to shit in when you've piped up.
14:55I rest my case.
14:57How you doing?
14:58I'm all right.
15:00Here he goes.
15:01Never a dull moment, eh?
15:03All I could think about was explaining the fact
15:05how Ricky got himself beaten up on his stag night
15:07when I promised to look after him.
15:08That would have been tricky.
15:09I'd already decided,
15:10if anything happened,
15:11I was going to throw myself on top of him and shield him.
15:13That might have done more damage, eh?
15:15Who's the poor serve getting married, then?
15:18Well, the best of luck to you, mate.
15:19You'll need it.
15:20So what?
15:21You lie on the poor, so?
15:22No, last night in town.
15:23We work on a cross-channel ferry.
15:24Start back tomorrow.
15:25Which crossing?
15:26Dover to Calais.
15:27We travel down to Dover tonight.
15:29Keep on the crossing out.
15:30Start our shift on and return tomorrow.
15:32What, are you going back tonight?
15:34Five o'clock tomorrow morning.
15:35I've got a sister in France.
15:37We'll be travelling across on our ferry.
15:39Don't eat the food.
15:40Tubbs here is the cook.
15:41He's got some very dirty abbeys.
15:43In fact, he's only saving graces.
15:45He's got a dodgy liver, so he don't drink.
15:47Mind you, his driving's not much better than his cooking.
15:51What's everyone having?
15:52Blimey, he's keen, innit he?
15:53Come on.
15:54Thought we were having a drink, yeah?
15:56How do you fancy one more here, then moving on?
15:58Where to?
15:59Me and the lads know a little club just over the river.
16:01Give your boy a thrill.
16:02Yeah, sounds good.
16:03Nice one.
16:04What are we having?
16:06A drink.
16:07You're not drinking, are you?
16:08Yeah, just a couple of pints to be sociable.
16:10Look, I'm OK now.
16:11He's drinking all the time.
16:12I'm not drinking.
16:13Look, I'm OK now.
16:14He's drinking or not.
16:16Same again.
16:17Good man.
16:18It's all right.
16:19I'm keeping an eye on him.
16:20Two more of them.
16:21A large whiskey and three lager salts, please, mate.
16:22Right, we'll have one more here, and then we're going to move on, yeah?
16:24Where to?
16:25The lads know a little club down the road.
16:26Ah, terrific.
16:27Well, how far is it?
16:28About 10 minutes.
16:29All right.
16:30All right.
16:31How are we doing?
16:33What about transport?
16:34We've got a transit.
16:35We'll all get in there.
16:37Take it easy, will you?
16:39I know what I'm doing.
16:40Sam, who do you reckon will get the rabble when they get back?
16:43You or me?
16:45I've talked to them.
16:46I don't want anyone coming back and waking up Ben.
16:47So him and Ricky's staying with Nigel's.
16:48So what about little Claire?
16:49She's with Maxine.
16:50I think I've had one too many.
16:51Or too many, more like.
16:52Well, you've got to, haven't you?
16:53Toast the bride-to-be.
16:55Let's have another one, eh?
16:56Yeah, lovely.
16:57You all right, lads?
16:58Yeah, you?
16:59Yeah, you're nice today.
17:00I didn't want anything.
17:01I'm really glad I stayed the night.
17:03You all right, lads?
17:04Yeah, you?
17:05Yeah, you're nice today.
17:06I didn't want anything.
17:11Listen, I was thinking about tomorrow.
17:12What about it?
17:13Well, you know that Alan and I are getting on better now.
17:14Well, I know it is, Jess.
17:15Well, like I said, I've been thinking.
17:16I think maybe he should give you away.
17:18Well, it's not that I don't want to.
17:19I was really chuffed when you asked me.
17:20But, you know, it would mean a lot to him.
17:21He thinks of you as his own daughter.
17:22He deserves it.
17:23Do you mean it?
17:24I wouldn't say it otherwise, would I?
17:25Oh, man, that's brilliant.
17:26Loving it.
17:27And they're better than me.
17:28And you're worse than they are.
17:29Oh, don't bother me.
17:30Well, I think it was really mean knowing Fagan.
17:31Well, I think it's a point scoring exercise for Tiffany.
17:32Little things please little minds, eh?
17:33Excuse me, girls.
17:35Can I have the mic, please?
17:36There we go.
17:37Can I have a bit of hush, please?
17:39Now, I've got a big treat for you.
17:40They've come all the way from Brentwood.
17:41They're a bit late because they had to fight their way through the traffic.
17:42So let's have a big round of applause, please.
18:50Holy shrimp, fellas.
18:51That was it.
18:52The beer's cold, they don't cook time, and the women get their kit off.
18:56Whad you want, jam on it?
18:57Nice one.
18:59Is that a real snake?
19:00Yes, a real snake.
19:01But it's a rubber woman.
19:02I suppose it wouldn't be a steak now without a stripper would it?
19:03Of course, I mean, we're just doing this for Ricky, aren't we?
19:04It's the least we can do, isn't it?
19:05Come on.
19:06Come on.
19:07Toast, toast.
19:09Toast, toast.
19:11Oh, no.
19:12No, no, no.
19:13Oh, no, no.
19:22Oh, no.
19:23Oh, no, no.
19:24Oh, no.
19:25Oh, no.
19:26Oh, no.
19:27Oh, no.
19:28Happy birthday toy!
19:29That's the boy, that's the boy!
19:29I got a toy!
19:30You've got a beautiful toy!
19:30That's the boy, that's the boy!
19:35Here we go.
19:43I haven't laughed so much in ages.
20:02Where did you find them?
20:03A mate of mine told me about them.
20:04Well, if it's a front, I'll give him that.
20:05I wish I'd brought my camera now.
20:06I don't know about everybody else, but I think I need a drink after this.
20:08How you doing?
20:09Yeah, all right, thanks.
20:10Fancy a dance?
20:11No, thanks.
20:12Oh, come on.
20:13It's your last night at Freedom.
20:14Loosen up a bit.
20:15Get lost, Lenny.
20:16Well, how about a kiss, then?
20:17For old time's sake.
20:18I'm getting married tomorrow.
20:19Well, what's Ricky got that I haven't got?
20:20Oh, my God.
20:21Oh, my God.
20:22Oh, my God.
20:23Oh, my God.
20:24Oh, my God.
20:25Oh, my God.
20:26Oh, my God.
20:27Oh, my God.
20:28Oh, my God.
20:29Oh, my God.
20:30Oh, my God.
20:31Oh, my God.
20:32Oh, my God.
20:33Oh, my God.
20:34Oh, my God.
20:35Oh, my God.
20:37I'm sure she's winding me up.
20:39I'm trying to rock her to sleep
20:41and she's just laying there, staring at me.
20:43She's off now, though.
20:44So, what do you think?
21:03No, no, no.
21:04I'm not saying you stop loving each other, it's just after a while you get complacent, you start taking each other for granted.
21:10We won't.
21:11Well, my Sam thought that too.
21:13Well, I ain't your Sam, am I?
21:14No, darling, you're not.
21:16And you can keep going on about Sam as much as you like.
21:18It's her tough luck at marriage, too, and won't mine, will.
21:20You keep thinking that way, darling.
21:23Well, I hope you're right, Bianca, I really do.
21:25Well, I am.
21:26Actually, Pat's right, you know.
21:28Once you get married, you stop doing things you did before, like the romance and that.
21:32No, we'll never lose the romance, do you understand?
21:35My Ricky's not like that, he'd never take me for granted.
21:49I mean, you know, she gets the answer sometimes, says I take her for granted, but I don't.
21:53You know, I'd do anything for her.
21:54What kind of robust fight, Vinnie Jones, anything.
21:57Let her watch a soppy film when there's football on the other side.
21:59Even that.
22:00I mean, she can have anything she wants.
22:02You know why?
22:03Because I love her.
22:05I know he loves me, and that's all that matters.
22:07If nothing else matters, does it?
22:09Not if you really love someone.
22:11I mean, really, really, really love them.
22:13Not if you really, really love them.
22:16I really, really do, you know.
22:17I really believe it.
22:19Well, so you should, because it's true.
22:21And another thing.
22:23I'll tell you, I'm going to redecorate the whole flat when I get back.
22:26Make it really pretty for her.
22:27I mean, of course, we'll probably buy an ass of our own soon.
22:30I want to buy somewhere that needs doing that so I can stand it myself.
22:33She ain't got big ideas like Sam has.
22:36Bianca's happy with what she's got.
22:38Now, she ain't always trying to be something that she ain't.
22:41Sam never wanted me to be a mechanic.
22:43She said I was dirty all the time.
22:45Bianca, she just loves me for what I am.
22:48I mean, Ricky ain't going to be a mechanic all his life.
22:50He'll probably sit up on his own soon, you know, with people working for him.
22:53Then they can do all the dirty work.
22:55He can use one of the bedrooms as a little study or something.
22:57And another thing.
22:59We've both decided we don't want children straight away.
23:02I reckon we'll have about ten.
23:04While she loves them.
23:06You want to see what Tiffen is, because she goes all mumsy.
23:08She does.
23:09I wouldn't surprise me if she wants one straight away.
23:13Of course, she's brilliant.
23:15See, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me.
23:18I really, Ricky...
23:20If you say you really love her once more, I'm going to smack you right in her mouth.
23:29But I do.
23:31Hey, where's the boy?
23:39The best thing is, I know I can trust him.
23:41I mean, take tonight when I found out Phil was taking him out.
23:44I didn't mind. I mean, I know he wouldn't do anything stupid.
24:00Go on, girls. Why are you dancing?
24:02We're just having a rest. She's right.
24:04I'll just get rid of that lot and we'll have a lock-in, eh?
24:06So what do you want to do?
24:08Have another drink or go home and get some beauty sleep?
24:10Go home. I'm really proud of you, you know.
24:12Yeah, I'm proud of you too.
24:14I'll go and get our coats.
24:16Come on, girls.
24:28Well, it's been a great night.
24:30It's early yet.
24:31Absolutely. I'm going to regret this in the morning.
24:33I'm getting married tomorrow.
24:35I'll drink to that.
24:37Yeah, we'd better get going soon. We've got a boat to catch.
24:40One more for the road! And for the sea!
24:42Quite right. One more for the road and then another one for the sea.
24:46She's beautiful.
24:48What's he say?
24:49She's beautiful.
24:50Oh, Bianca is getting married tomorrow, isn't he?
24:52I'll drink to that.
24:53Me too.
24:54That's one for the road, one for the sea
24:56and one for whoever's getting married tomorrow.
25:00I went out with a nurse once.
25:01I love nurses.
25:03She left me for one of her patients.
25:05Same again all round, times three.
25:09That was her name.
25:10What, the nurse?
25:11No, no, no. The patient.
25:13The nurse's name was Zandria.
25:15She went off with another bird.
25:17Yeah, got married and moved to Godalming.
25:19That's the saddest story I've ever heard.
25:22I've still got her stethoscope.
25:24That's what we should do.
25:28I forgot.
25:29How's the boy doing over there?
25:31He's all right.
25:41Oh, you're not going, are you? I was just going to lock the door.
25:44He needs a beauty sleep.
25:45Well, hang on, then. I'll get everyone.
25:47No, Peggy, honestly, I'd really rather just sleep out. Thanks.
25:49Oh, are you sure?
25:50Yeah, thanks, Peggy, for a great night.
25:52Well, good luck tomorrow, darling.
25:54And I mean that.
25:56Come on.
25:57See ya.
25:58See ya.
26:03I said I wasn't going to get drunk tonight, but I think I am.
26:05I know I am.
26:06A little drink on your wedding night, don't I?
26:08I reckon I had too much.
26:09Oh, it's fine.
26:10I'll make sure he gets back all right.
26:19Where are we going?
26:21Can't go home. The night is young.
26:23Places to go, songs to be sung.
26:25Yeah, we could sing him in the back.
26:26Oh, what a beauty.
26:28Where was he?
26:29He was in the car seat.
26:30Is he all right?
26:31He will be if we can get him home.
26:32What about the others?
26:33No sign of them.
26:34Yeah, they must have taken Ricky home already.
26:35Yeah, he was in a bad way, weren't he?
26:36They were all in a bad way. Let's get him in.
26:38Yeah, well, they could have told us they were going.
26:40The most important thing is that they get Ricky home.
26:42We can take care of ourselves.
26:43Come on.
26:46I'm getting married in the morning
26:50Ding, ding, dong, the bells are gonna chime
26:55Pull out a stopper
26:58This and whopper
27:01Get me to the church on time
27:05I'm getting married in the morning
27:10Still stuck in Iverclyde
27:40I'm getting married in the morning