Nineties Eastenders (7th April 1997)

  • 6 hours ago
Nineties Eastenders (7th April 1997)
00:49I thought you were still in bed.
00:50No, I'm up. I'm going to school.
00:52Right, well, I want to have a word with you, so sit down.
00:54I'm going to be late.
00:55You've got plenty of time. Sit down!
01:00Erm, I'm going to get some milk.
01:02Does anybody want any?
01:03No, thanks.
01:05So what have I done wrong now?
01:07I never said you'd done anything wrong.
01:09Makes a change.
01:21It's like something out of a Rocky film, isn't it?
01:23Well, at least he's sticking with it.
01:24When was the last time you did any exercise?
01:25Me? Best shape of my life, mate. Come on.
01:27All right.
01:28All right, Ruth. All right.
01:30Shouldn't you be at work?
01:31Well, Kathy phoned. She's going to be late in this morning.
01:34You should have had a lie-in.
01:35Nah, I fancied some breakfast.
01:37Anyway, I had to get out of the house for a bit.
01:39I think your mum is going to tell Martin off or something.
01:41What's he done now?
01:43I don't know. I could be wrong,
01:44but I just got the feeling she didn't want me around.
01:47Anyway, I'll see you later.
01:48All right.
01:51You're a bright boy, Martin.
01:53And if you put your mind to it,
01:54you could leave school with some really good qualifications.
01:57You could even go to college.
01:58I don't want to go to college.
02:00Well, how do you know that?
02:02You've still got another four years at school.
02:05Yeah, great.
02:07All I'm trying to say is that
02:09perhaps you should be a bit more careful in choosing your friends.
02:13What? You want to pick my friends now?
02:14No, I didn't say that.
02:16All right.
02:18I didn't say that.
02:20All right, I'll try.
02:21Will you?
02:22Yeah, I'm going to work a lot harder this time.
02:25It's just what I wanted to hear.
02:27If you'd just put in the effort...
02:29I know, and I'm gonna.
02:31I promise.
02:33I've got to go now. Donna will be late.
02:35All right, then. Off you go.
02:37See you later.
02:51Come here.
02:56Mark, I'm just going to get a big meal at the cafe.
02:59I'll see you later.
03:01So, first day back at school, then?
03:04You're not going to forget me as well, are you?
03:06No. Why, did Mum say something to you?
03:08She only gave me a lecture for no reason at all, did she?
03:11I remember those. It's a starter term lecture.
03:14Every new term she used to say to me,
03:16Mark, this is a very important term for you.
03:18If you don't work hard, you won't get your exams.
03:20If you won't get your exams, you won't get a job.
03:22She's got a point, though. I wish I'd listened to her a bit more.
03:25Yeah, good.
03:27It's good advice, you know.
03:29You keep yourself out of trouble.
03:30The better you do, the more choices you have.
03:34All right, see you later.
03:40Sorry, Kath, I'm going to have to cancel our lunch plans.
03:42Oh, why? What's happened?
03:44I had Carol Jackson over this morning.
03:46Seems that Robbie's not well enough to start back at the porter cabin.
03:49How is he?
03:50What, love?
03:51Robbie. What did Carol say?
03:54Oh, nothing much, really.
03:56Just that he's got to rest for a while longer.
03:58I think I'll do this upstairs.
04:03Sorry, Kath.
04:14Where do you think you're going?
04:15What do you mean, on a Monday morning, dressed in a school uniform?
04:19Oh, and you're forgetting something.
04:20Robbie, I'm late already.
04:22You owe me. Two weeks cut from your busking.
04:24I don't know what you're talking about.
04:25Sonia, I may have had a bump in my head, but I haven't lost my memory.
04:28I haven't been busking.
04:29Liar. Cut that.
04:30You can search me. I ain't got a penny. I gave it all up.
04:32What are you still doing here?
04:33I'm looking after you, posse.
04:34Get off to school.
04:36I haven't forgotten, Sonia.
04:38I thought you were going to stay in bed.
04:39No, there's no TV up there, Mum.
04:41Shouldn't you be at work?
04:42No, Mrs Andreas is in doing a stock take, so I've nicked out to check on you.
04:46How are you feeling?
04:47Not bad.
04:48Was Barry all right about me having time off?
04:50Yeah, he was fine about it.
04:51I mean, you can't work if you're not fit enough, can you?
04:53Do you want me to go round the pizza place and tell them?
04:55No, it's OK. I'll ring them later, Mum.
04:56No, it's no trouble, love.
04:57Mum, I can do it.
04:58I'm not a baby. I'm 18 years old.
05:01All right, if you don't need me.
05:04Oh, Mum.
05:06Couldn't make us a quick cup of tea while you're out there, could you?
05:13What can I do for you, Dad?
05:15I thought I'd drop in and wish you luck.
05:17You nervous?
05:19Here, give me that.
05:21Don't you know how to tie a proper knot yet?
05:25Seen your sister at all?
05:26Not much.
05:28Look, why don't you go round on your calves, Dad?
05:30Because she won't want to see me.
05:32You don't know that.
05:34It's more likely to talk to you, though.
05:37I'll try, OK?
05:39I'm in court this week.
05:41You'll be all right, though.
05:42They're not going to sentence you yet, are they?
05:44Not a dishearing, but could wind up in jail.
05:46It won't come to that.
05:48Just ask her if she'll talk to me, please.
05:50I said I'd try.
05:52Right. There you go.
05:55When who makes up these laws, anyway? They're insane.
05:58If you remember your marriage vows, it does mention till death do us part.
06:01Yeah, but I don't remember anything about waiting a minimum of a year
06:04if I wanted out of it.
06:05Don't let it get to you.
06:06Anyway, I thought you wanted to get this over and done with.
06:09Well, yeah, of course, but it's a law.
06:11There's nothing you can do about it.
06:13I just want it over with.
06:20Where are you off to?
06:22Just going over to see how Ethel and Nellie are getting on.
06:24I was coming over to see you anyway.
06:26Guess who phoned this morning?
06:27Who's that?
06:28Our solicitor from inquiry.
06:30They've set a date for our hearing against the Home Office.
06:3315th September.
06:35That's brilliant.
06:36Yeah, I know it's a bit of a way off yet,
06:38but it shows that we're getting somewhere.
06:40And the solicitor reckons they'll probably want to settle out of court
06:43so it could be over sooner.
06:44Would they do that?
06:45The solicitor seems to think there's a chance.
06:47What are you doing here, anyway?
06:49I heard you had a little chat with Martin.
06:52He's a good boy at heart.
06:54Just needs to stay out of trouble.
06:56Well, I hope it'll help, and I hope you don't mind,
06:59but I had a few words with him as well.
07:02Well, what are big brothers for, eh?
07:06So, basically, you pick it up as you go along.
07:08Any problems, just ask.
07:10You can use Claire's desk. She's off on maternity.
07:13If the phone rings, answer it.
07:15Nine times out of ten,
07:16If the phone rings, answer it.
07:17Nine times out of ten,
07:18if somebody wants to sell their fridge or their dead hamster's old cage.
07:21Fill out a form, pass it to Mary, I'll do it.
07:26So, you've finally made it in, then?
07:28Give me a break, Max. It's Monday.
07:30Oh, so this is our new boy, then?
07:32Polly, Tony, Tony, Polly.
07:34Polly became a journalist so she'd have an excuse
07:36to arrive late every day with a hangover.
07:38Absolutely right.
07:39Right, then. 10.30, coffee time.
07:42Oh, yeah, love one, Polly.
07:46Oh, that's me, isn't it?
07:47Kitchen's over there.
07:49Oh, hold on. Almost forgot.
07:52Guard these with your life.
07:54What are they for?
07:55They open the cupboard where we keep the biscuits.
08:07Morning, boss.
08:08What time do you call this?
08:09Fifteen, Pat.
08:11Yeah, you're late.
08:12Tuck your shirt in, look as if you've just crawled out of bed.
08:14Sorry, Pat.
08:15Well, you're supposed to be smart, you know.
08:17Why don't you give yourself a decent haircut?
08:19I still know Robbie.
08:20No, he's going to be off for a while.
08:22He's going to be all right, isn't he?
08:23Well, how should I know?
08:26Are you two going to do any work today?
08:28I've got a couple of bookings here.
08:30Mr Turner wants to go to Waterloo
08:31and Mr King wants to go to the airport again.
08:33I'll take care of it.
08:34I will.
08:35I said it first.
08:36Looks like you're going to Waterloo, mate.
08:37That's not fair. Pat, tell him.
08:38I don't care who does it.
08:39Just get it sorted out, will you?
08:46Oh, excuse me.
08:47Yeah, can I help you?
08:48Yes, I want some information on Ethel Skinner.
08:51I believe she's come down with this flu bug.
08:53Yeah, that's right.
08:54Are you a relative?
08:55No, no, a friend.
08:56I'm Pauline Fowler, but I've known her all my life.
08:58Well, it's just that there's no mention of family
09:00or next of kin on our records.
09:02No, she's going to be all right, isn't she?
09:05Ethel's very ill, Mrs Fowler.
09:08Well, can I see her?
09:10Well, that's probably not a good idea.
09:12At least not today.
09:13She needs a lot of rest, you see.
09:15I thought it was just this flu thing.
09:17Well, it is.
09:18But you have to bear in mind Ethel's age.
09:20She's not a young woman, despite what she thinks.
09:23And when you get to Ethel's time of life,
09:25the body can't always fight this type of virus.
09:39Only lunch?
09:40Just a two-week off.
09:42I worked down there today.
09:44I had one customer all morning.
09:45All he wanted was directions.
09:47Well, it's not going to help Matt as much
09:48if you close up early, is it?
09:50Go on, go and sit down.
09:51What's the point?
09:53I've got a business that's going nowhere.
09:55I've been caught on Thursday.
09:57My own daughter hates my guts.
09:58She doesn't hate you.
10:01Well, maybe Tony will get through to her.
10:04Yeah, he said he'd have a word.
10:06Worth a try, I suppose.
10:07Well, there we are, then.
10:08Maybe she'll listen to him.
10:09What if she doesn't?
10:10What then?
10:12I've lost her forever, haven't I?
10:13Don't say that, Ted.
10:15Look at him.
10:17Don't know how he's got the cheek to show his face around here.
10:19Support her, Ebby.
10:20I am.
10:21You're not.
10:22Put her in the crook of your arm.
10:23I know what I'm doing.
10:25Oh, do you think she's gorgeous?
10:27Yeah, of course she is.
10:28She's like her mum, isn't she?
10:29Aw, could I borrow her for a couple of days?
10:31Yeah, go on.
10:33Sorry, I'm only joking.
10:34I was there when Sonia and Billy were born, remember?
10:36She never stopped crying.
10:37I don't think she'd come up for air till she was about two.
10:40I bet.
10:41This little one was cranky all night.
10:43Every five minutes I had to have another nappy.
10:45It's like it's in one end and out the other.
10:47Come on.
10:48It's because she's so small, isn't it?
10:49That ain't got far to go.
10:51She's lovely, really.
10:53At least I've got Tony and Simon stepping in to change a nappy every now and then.
10:56Don't you feel a bit weird, like, living with Tony?
10:58No, why should it?
10:59Well, it wasn't so long ago that you two were a couple, was it?
11:02Yeah, but we're still friends, that's it.
11:04I know, but...
11:05Babe, please drop it.
11:09Hello, Pam.
11:10How is she?
11:11Yeah, she's great.
11:13How are the wedding plans coming, honey?
11:15You've got much left to do?
11:16Well, we're pretty much sorted, really,
11:17and me and Ricky are going to see him later about food.
11:20Everybody's still coming in?
11:21Well, yeah, of course.
11:22Nobody's cancelled at the last minute, though.
11:24No, why would anyone do that?
11:26Right, I'd better get off.
11:27Can't you save for another cuppa?
11:28No, I've got to get Corby over and give her enough to feed.
11:30I told you it's non-stop.
11:31Well, you can do it in here, you know,
11:32and if anyone says you can't, it's against the law.
11:34Beanie, leave her in the corner.
11:37I think that was a support call.
11:39I don't know.
11:40Tackle him.
11:41Tackle him.
11:55Look, if you make a big deal out of it,
11:57then Pat's going to start asking questions, isn't she?
11:59Yeah, what's up with her today?
12:00She only bit her head off.
12:01Well, she's probably fed up with us
12:02arguing over those Mr King fares.
12:04We've got to keep her out of it.
12:14Er, excuse me?
12:21You all right?
12:23Oh, hello.
12:24Can't get this thing working.
12:26Paper jam.
12:27Happens all the time.
12:28There's a knack to it.
12:35That should do it.
12:36Oh, great.
12:37So, how are you getting on, then?
12:38Feeling like a bit of a new boy.
12:40Friendly bunch, aren't they?
12:41What do you do for lunch, Randy?
12:43I've got to work.
12:44I've got to interview the local under-15 football team.
12:46How do I get on?
12:4700 Draw.
12:48Should be a very interesting article.
12:50See ya.
12:56Cheers, Kate.
12:57Going back to the shop?
12:58Might as well.
12:59Nothing else I can do, is there?
13:05I've told Ian we're meeting in the Vic at lunchtime.
13:07Talk about the food.
13:08Can you make it?
13:09Yeah, of course.
13:10Cheating up your own misery.
13:12I'm miserable.
13:13Well, you better not be,
13:14because if people see you looking like that,
13:15they'll think you're too scared to marry me.
13:17I'm just thinking about this week.
13:19What about it?
13:20Well, I'm up in court soon, aren't I?
13:21I know, but you'll only get a fine.
13:22They won't do nothing to you.
13:24No, because I won't let them.
13:35Stay to this place.
13:36Oh, are you two?
13:37Hello, Mum.
13:38What's going on?
13:39I've come back from my own work.
13:41Yeah, but who's going to clear up all this mess?
13:42We don't have time for lunch.
13:43Clear up later.
13:45Come on.
13:46Yeah, but Martin!
13:47All right?
13:49What do you want?
13:50Oh, just the tea.
13:51I'll get it.
13:52I'll get it.
13:53I'll get it.
13:54I'll get it.
13:55I'll get it.
13:56I'll get it.
13:57I'll get it.
13:58I'll get it.
13:59I'll get it.
14:00I'll get it.
14:01I'll get it.
14:02I'll get it.
14:03I'm back.
14:04I'll get it.
14:05I'll get it.
14:06I'll get it.
14:07I'll get it.
14:08I'll get it.
14:09I'll get it.
14:10I'll get it.
14:11I'll get it.
14:12I'll get it.
14:13I'll get it.
14:14I'll get it.
14:15I'll get it.
14:16I'll get it.
14:17I'll get it.
14:18Oh, just the tea.
14:19Your sister's over there.
14:20Oh, right.
14:21What your dad said, you try and talk to her?
14:23Yeah, I will.
14:24All right?
14:26How's the job?
14:27Fine, yeah.
14:28Dad come over to see me this morning.
14:30You know he's got the earring this week.
14:32I don't want to hear it. OK?
14:36Is she all right? What does it look like?
14:39Hello, Paul. What can I get you?
14:41I was looking for Nigel. The shop's closed.
14:43Well, he's not been in here at all.
14:45Well, why don't you try the Vic?
14:47Is the Vic all right?
14:48Not really. Settle. She's not very well.
14:51Oh, no.
14:52It's not serious, is it?
14:54I'm afraid it is, Cathy. See you later.
14:57They didn't take you out for lunch, then?
14:59I thought they always did that on the first day.
15:00Well, it's a busy place. People just grab lunch when they can.
15:03So, what do you have to do?
15:04Oh, you know, read through some of the articles,
15:06talk to people on the phone.
15:08Sounds good. Yeah.
15:09Got a nice desk, a computer. It's all right.
15:14Oh, Ian. You wanted to see me?
15:16Yeah, we wondered if you'd be available to do the food at our wedding.
15:19Er, when is it? The 17th.
15:21Yeah, should be all right. What have you got in mind?
15:23Well, see, we're going to have it in here.
15:25So you want a buffet?
15:27Yeah, what can you do?
15:28Well, how much do you want to spend?
15:29Look, we can do anything from a few crackers
15:31and cheese and pineapple and cocktail sticks to...
15:33Well, what sort of thing do you have at your wedding?
15:36Sorry, I didn't mean...
15:38Look, why don't you both come over to the meal machine later on?
15:41I'll show you what we can do and we can have a chat about prices.
15:44Yeah, excellent. Cheers.
15:47Maybe we should have offered a hand.
15:49What with?
15:51With the food for Ricky and Bianca's reception.
15:54The short notice? Are you mad?
15:57What's wrong with you today?
15:58Nothing, Roy.
16:01If they want help, they'll ask for it, won't they?
16:06Here you go, mate. Cheers.
16:07Oh, Nigel, you haven't got an address for Dot Cotton, have you?
16:10Dot? I haven't heard from her in ages, Pauline.
16:13She used to send me photos of Ashley, but, er, well, you know how it is.
16:17I think she must have moved.
16:18Well, why would you think that?
16:20Well, I kept her eyeing to her, but after a while,
16:22I didn't get any letters back.
16:24Well, Dot's not the type to ignore people.
16:26I presumed her post wasn't being forwarded.
16:28Oh, so you don't write to her any more?
16:30Well, er, you know, if she moved, I didn't see the point.
16:34OK, thanks, Nigel.
16:36Can I get you a drink?
16:37No, no, I can't stop. Thanks a lot.
16:39Oh, what?
16:40Orange juice, please.
16:41Coming up.
16:51Broken, is it?
16:52No, it's working fine.
16:53Must be a secret admirer. Someone likes the sound of your voice.
16:57Don't be ridiculous, Nigel.
16:58You never know. You might have your own personal stalker.
17:02What, Ian?
17:03No, it's not just celebrities who have stalkers, you know?
17:06Ordinary blokes like us are just as much in danger.
17:08It's usually someone you know.
17:48So, where's everyone else?
17:55How are you?
17:56Well, I was going to come over earlier, but...
17:59I wanted to see how you were.
18:03Can you turn that down, please?
18:04I'm watching it.
18:06Robbie, please.
18:10So, what do you want to say?
18:12Well, I don't know. I...
18:14I just wanted to see how you were.
18:16How do I look?
18:18When are you going back to work?
18:20Don't know.
18:21Don't even know if they'll have me back.
18:24I'm sorry.
18:25What for?
18:26Well, for everything.
18:28For sleeping with me?
18:30For making me feel like a rapist?
18:32For almost having me killed?
18:33No, don't...
18:35You really hate me, don't you?
18:39What's the matter, love? What's happened?
18:42I keep getting these, um...
18:44Oh, I don't know, prank calls on me mobile or something.
18:47Maybe it's just kids messing around.
18:49No, I don't think it is kids. I mean...
18:51Kids will laugh when they say something stupid.
18:53Well, can't you trace calls on a mobile?
18:56No, they're withholding a number.
18:59Mum, I really don't think it is kids. I...
19:03I think it's someone I know.
19:04Like who?
19:08Yeah. I just get this feeling, Mum.
19:11Maybe she wants to talk to me.
19:12And why would you think it's Cindy?
19:14Well, I don't know.
19:15Perhaps there's something wrong with Stephen or Peter, but...
19:17maybe she needs to get in touch.
19:20Mum, look, I know it's a long shot.
19:22But I've just got this feeling that I really think it's her.
19:27Who am I supposed to blame? Your dad?
19:29He was just protecting you, that's all.
19:31Look, I didn't want any of this to happen.
19:33You didn't want to sleep with me?
19:35That's not what I meant.
19:37Did you?
19:38Yes or no?
19:40Look, I thought I did, but...
19:42Look, I was confused. I thought I wanted to.
19:46I guess I thought that it was something that I should do.
19:49Didn't matter who with, though, did it?
19:50No, that is not true!
19:52Look, what do you want me to do?
19:53Just tell me and I'll do it.
19:55I can't go on like this.
19:57Robbie, I can't change what happened if I could.
19:59So it's down to me, is it?
20:01What am I supposed to do? Forgive you?
20:03Forgive your dad?
20:04What does the Bible say about that?
20:06Look, I don't expect you to forgive me.
20:07So what are you doing here, then?
20:10Oh, I get it.
20:12You want me to say,
20:13no, it's OK, Sarah, don't worry about it.
20:16Have you any idea how you made me feel?
20:20I don't mean your dad.
20:22I mean you.
20:35Why are you crying?
20:37What did you expect me to say?
20:40I don't know.
20:42You're the last person in the world that I wanted to hurt.
20:46You know, if I could change everything...
20:48You can't.
20:52What do we do now?
20:54Carry on.
20:55But I don't want you hating me.
20:57I don't hate you.
20:59I care about you.
21:02If I didn't, none of this would have happened.
21:07Oh, sorry.
21:22I'm sorry.
21:40Hey, Ricky, you learn all your lines yet?
21:42All that for richer, for poorer stuff?
21:43Learn them? He recites them in the bar.
21:45I don't know.
21:49So, er, what are they like?
21:52The people that you work with.
21:54Are they nice?
21:55All right, I guess.
21:57You didn't get all the usual jokes played on you, then?
21:59You know, nip down to the hardware shop and get me a left-handed hammer
22:02or some tartan paint, all that sort of stuff?
22:03Simon, they're professional people.
22:05It's not like working on a market stall, is it?
22:07Oh, I'm sorry, yeah. Don't they have fun in offices, then?
22:10Well, of course they do, it's just...
22:12Well, it's a different sort of fun.
22:14Right. A more clever sort of fun.
22:17I didn't mean it like that.
22:19Listen, I was thinking of cooking dinner tonight.
22:21Give your mum a treat.
22:22What do you think, mate?
22:23Spaghetti bolognese?
22:24Sounds good to me.
22:26I'll see you at home.
22:27I'll get a bottle of wine.
22:28Might be long.
22:32Penny for them?
22:33Oh, it's nothing. I've just been reminded of a name from the past, that's all.
22:36Who's that, then?
22:38Oh, it's...
22:39Nobody you know.
22:40School friend? An old girlfriend?
22:42No, no, nothing like that.
22:43It's just... just someone I've lost touch with, that's all.
22:47People go their separate ways.
22:48Yeah, but it's wrong, isn't it?
22:49I mean, you should still try and keep in touch,
22:52just to make sure they're all right, if nothing else.
22:57What's up?
23:06Hello, what can I get you?
23:08Oh, a pint, thanks.
23:10Is Kate not with you now?
23:12No, no, she couldn't make it, I'm afraid.
23:13She's got a bit of a headache.
23:15Here you go.
23:16I'll watch you at work.
23:18Seemed all right to me.
23:19Yeah, not in the best of moods, though.
23:24I tell you, Kath, I'm going out of my mind.
23:26Roy's fussing round me, asking me what's wrong every five minutes.
23:29Well, what did you tell him?
23:32Well, just that I had a headache.
23:34And I packed him off to the Vic, but he's not stupid.
23:37He knows something's going on.
23:38Look, if it's bothering you, then maybe you should tell him about it.
23:41I can't!
23:44I mean, what if Frank does turn up?
23:47I can't stop him coming, can I? Not to his own son's wedding.
23:50Pat, he may not even come.
23:52There's no point worrying until you know for sure.
23:54I asked Bianca.
23:57Nobody's cancelled.
24:03It's your mum.
24:04What's the matter?
24:05Wait, just hurry up, will you?
24:26What are you doing?
24:26Just look at all this stuff.
24:28Look, where did you get that lot from, eh?
24:31Just look at it!
24:35What's all this?
24:41Well, see you later then, Pat.
24:48Well, there's a talent.
24:51Reading and watching TV at the same time.
24:53Oh, right.
24:54Laws of do-neither, to be honest.
24:57Your dad came in the cafe today.
25:00Sarah, I said I saw your dad earlier.
25:03He's worried about the hearing.
25:05And he's worried about you.
25:07Look, I've had this from Tony and I don't need to hear it again.
25:09Will you just talk to him, please?
25:10I can't.
25:18He's just an 11-year-old kid, Mark.
25:21He's just a kid.
25:23What's he getting himself into?
25:25I don't know, Mum.
25:26I'm going through his stuff here.
25:28I don't know what I'm going to find next.
25:30More money, jewellery, drugs?
25:32Look, I'll talk to him later, all right?
25:34Oh, we tried that this morning.
25:35Well, we can try again, can't we?
25:37Oh, no, I haven't got the energy.
25:38I'm sick and tired of everything.
25:40What are you talking about?
25:41You've got to keep it going.
25:42For what?
25:43When is it going to end?
25:44Well, when we take on the Home Office for a start.
25:46What's that going to prove?
25:47Well, it's going to clear Dad's name, isn't it?
25:49Yeah, and then what?
25:51We all carry on, like this?
25:54No, I'm not going to go through with it.
25:56Come on, Mum, what are you talking about?
25:58No, Mark, look, Arthur's dead.
25:59It's just going to drag it all up again.
26:02I'm not going to put Martin through that.
26:04I'm not putting any of us through that.
26:06We can't stop now.
26:07Yes, we can.
26:09Anyway, what's the point?
26:11It wouldn't solve anything.
26:13It wouldn't put this family back to normal.
26:28Martin, come back here!
26:43Come back here!