Nineties Eastenders (3rd April 1997)

  • 6 hours ago
Nineties Eastenders (3rd April 1997)
00:26Come on in.
00:28Come on in.
01:15Didn't he get any sleep last night?
01:18Still can't believe it.
01:20I mean, I know she's angry with him, but shopping him's the whole bill.
01:23Look, we don't know what she's done. Not for sure.
01:26I do. You can see it on her face.
01:28Just don't get her sometimes.
01:30Why don't you go over and see her?
01:32And say what?
01:33Well, just talk to her. Find out what happened.
01:36I don't know. I can't talk to her like I used to.
01:39Her head's all over the place.
01:41Yeah, well, everyone having a go at her won't sort anything out, will it?
01:44Oh, come on, Si. Look what she's done.
01:46I'm not saying the old man's an angel, but he didn't deserve that.
01:50Not from one of his own kids.
01:51...showers going back to western and northern areas,
01:54and perhaps in some eastern sound,
01:56even a little bit chilly as well.
01:58Find a cab, it'll be here in ten minutes.
02:00Right, would you want to drop Ben off at Ruth's for me while I get dressed?
02:04I don't suppose you want to come with us?
02:07To pick your father up?
02:09Don't you think you at least owe him that?
02:11Look, don't start, eh?
02:13I can't believe she's being like this.
02:15Let's just leave it and worry about getting Ted out first, yeah?
02:44What's going on?
02:46You're running like a lunatic.
02:49I'd much rather you didn't take me with you.
02:52Just take deep breaths, yeah?
02:55My legs have ceased up.
02:57No, you've just hit a wall, that's all.
02:59I don't remember that.
03:00What wall?
03:01No, the wall with the plane barrier.
03:02You've just got to run yourself through it.
03:03Come on, you can do it. Come on!
03:09So where's Cathy, then?
03:10Lit stuff.
03:13So what can I get her to do?
03:15Double everything on toast.
03:18Yeah, Ron, your van's in the way.
03:19Can you shift it?
03:21I always leave it there.
03:22Yeah, I'll put a casual in next to you
03:23and he can't get his trailer round.
03:25Well, can't it wait till I've finished me breakfast?
03:27Now, Ron.
03:34Oh, are you two staying here all morning?
03:36It's a chance we've only just finished breakfast.
03:38Yeah, but we've got to leave soon.
03:40We've got plenty of time, Tiff.
03:41The cab is going to be here in half an hour.
03:43I'll be there, all right.
03:45I can't believe you told them we were 17.
03:48You can be all you like on the internet.
03:49It's the whole idea, isn't it?
03:51Anyway, they're hardly likely to find out, are they?
03:53We're going to call them up again tonight?
03:55Yeah, but I can't get there till later,
03:56so don't start without me.
03:58Well, I thought I'd do a couple of hours busking.
04:01It's the best time when everyone's on their way home.
04:03I mean, I told Mum I'd be with you if that's all right.
04:05Well, if she comes round or something.
04:06I don't know. Tell her I nicked out.
04:08If you get caught, we're both going to be grounded
04:09for at least a month.
04:10You really think that's going to work?
04:11If you get caught, we're both going to be grounded
04:13for at least a month.
04:14You worry too much.
04:15Relax. Live a little.
04:17Tiff seemed a bit wound up.
04:21Are you OK?
04:23Do you want me to come with you?
04:25No, I'll be all right.
04:27Yeah, well, just don't let Mitchell get to you.
04:29I won't.
04:31Will you get the results straight away?
04:33No, I think it takes a few days.
04:35Then the real problems start.
04:39No, Mr Morris, no, no.
04:40It's on its way to you now.
04:42It should be with you in, what, five or ten minutes?
04:44No problem.
04:46Right you are. Bye-bye.
04:48Just the woman I wanted to see.
04:51You couldn't hold a thought, could you,
04:52for, I don't know, half an hour?
04:53I don't think so, Barry.
04:54Look, I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't in stock.
04:55Please, Pat.
04:56Look, I got an airport run for half eight.
04:58I got Hugh snarled up on the East India Dock Road.
05:01Yeah, when I pushed and I got him and Lenny on overtime.
05:03Yeah, well, it's not my problem.
05:04I've only come in for the petrol receipts.
05:06Why don't you do your books here
05:07and you can keep an eye on the phone for me?
05:08I know this place, Barry.
05:10This job's been booked for over a week
05:12and they put an awful lot of business our way.
05:14How long?
05:15Two hours, tops.
05:17Go on.
05:20Pat, you are a diamond.
05:25Paul, breakfast.
05:29Morning. What can I get you?
05:31A cup of tea, please, boss.
05:33Morning, boss.
05:34All right, Simon.
05:35Listen, I've got to go to the bank later,
05:36so you and Gita will have to manage on your own for a bit, yeah?
05:38Yeah, no problem.
05:39I shouldn't be long.
05:40Yeah, right.
05:41Yeah? All right.
05:43He's selling spanners.
05:45Who is?
05:46Your new casual.
05:48I sell spanners.
05:49Look, your hardware is car accessories.
05:50And spanners.
05:51Can we do this later?
05:52I'm trying to eat my breakfast.
05:53If you don't move him, I'll have to hit him.
05:55You can't hit him just because he's selling spanners.
05:58Why not?
05:59Because it's unethical.
06:00You started it.
06:02Selling spanners.
06:03Give me strength.
06:24Right, I'd better be off then.
06:25All right, let me know how you get on, yeah?
06:26Yeah, course I will.
06:28What's the matter?
06:29What's he doing now?
06:30Are you leaving?
06:31No, just some part work, that's all.
06:35Come on, then!
06:36You kids, what about women, eh?
06:37Aren't you going to hit me back or something?
06:38Don't behave yourself, will you?
06:39How can I, eh?
06:40You're not starting on people half your size, do you?
06:41Just let go of me!
06:42Yeah, you can.
06:43Shut your mouth and all.
06:44This is between me and him.
06:45What do you want me to say?
06:46I think I just want to hit you.
06:47Oh, come on, Ted.
06:48You can't talk to her.
06:49Let's go back to your place.
06:50I want to see Sarah.
06:51I don't even know if she's there.
06:52Yeah, go and run away.
06:53You don't like it yourself, do you?
06:54Just let go of me, Phil.
06:55Just calm down, will you?
06:56Yeah, you've got some front end.
06:57You're helping him after what he's done.
06:58Oh, that's it.
06:59Go on.
07:00You ain't so tough now, are you?
07:01Any of you?
07:02Blossom, can I have another breakfast, please?
07:03Another one?
07:04You must have quite an appetite.
07:05Where were you two when we needed you?
07:27Your old man's back.
07:28They just had to pull Bianca off him.
07:30Well, just now, outside.
07:37Bianca, where's my dad?
07:38He's gone back under his star.
07:39He's gone over to Kathy's.
07:41Do you want me to come with you?
07:43Tony, we're supposed to be leaving in ten minutes.
07:45I won't be long, all right?
07:50OK, but...
07:52What if Courtney isn't yours?
07:54Well, then she isn't.
07:57And Tiffany?
07:59Tiffany who?
08:02Do you know what I think?
08:06I think you just want it to be yours,
08:08cos you don't want it to be Tony Hill's.
08:10You what?
08:12You'd think it proves that he's more of a man than you.
08:14You haven't a dig?
08:15No, I'm just telling you what I think.
08:18You know, you're way off the mark.
08:20Fair enough.
08:22So, you're not worried about this test, then?
08:25Course not.
08:27So, um,
08:28you trying to run the three-minute mile this morning
08:30wasn't because you were worried about it?
08:34But she must have told you where she was going.
08:36She didn't.
08:37She knew I was coming back.
08:38Well, she was here when we left.
08:39What's going on?
08:40He's come to see Sarah and she's not here.
08:42You seen her?
08:44So what happened with the police?
08:45Oh, they charged me last night. I'm out on bail.
08:47Sarah gave him a statement.
08:50Look, why don't you go home and clean yourself up, eh?
08:52I'll talk to her when she gets back.
08:53What, like last time?
08:54That wasn't my fault.
08:56No, sorry.
08:57Do you want me and Tony to go and look for her?
08:59I can't. I'm due at the clinic.
09:01With Tiffany.
09:02We're having the blood test done today.
09:03Oh, yeah.
09:04Look, she's not going to want to see you looking like this, is she?
09:06You look a right state.
09:07Why don't you go home, have a shower, change your clothes?
09:10She's right, Dad.
09:11Look, why don't you go with him?
09:12I'll hang on here for a bit.
09:15Yeah, OK.
09:16Look, and whatever happened last night,
09:18yeah, OK.
09:19And whatever happens, I'll bring her round to talk to you later,
09:21even if I have to drag her round myself.
09:23I want her to know I don't care about the police,
09:25what she said or anything.
09:26I just want her back.
09:34Where are they?
09:36The spanners.
09:37I haven't got any.
09:38You what?
09:39Sold out yesterday.
09:40Rob, you have just made me move somebody
09:43because he was selling spanners.
09:45And you haven't even got any?
09:47It's the principal, innit?
09:49Yeah, but I...
09:53Never mind.
09:57Yeah, all right, all right.
09:59Look, I'll be back as soon as I can, all right?
10:01Good luck.
10:02And give the bank manager hell.
10:09Hiya, Nigel.
10:11I thought I'd come and see you before you went to the hospital.
10:14All right.
10:15Bit of moral support.
10:16I don't need it.
10:17I don't know, I'm not sure how these things work.
10:19Well, I do.
10:20I have the blood test, proof Courtney's mine
10:22and you and me get married and live happily ever after.
10:24Sounds easy when you say it quickly.
10:25It is.
10:26It's what I want.
10:27And you always get what you want?
10:31Right, someone wasn't here.
10:33I'll get my coat.
10:36Right, 9.30.
10:37Do you want the car to wait for you?
10:39We'll be there at 9.30.
10:40Thank you, sir.
10:43Lenny, can you get the Simpsons for a 9.30 pick-up, over?
10:46You got a name?
10:47David Olney, over.
10:50Hugh, where are you?
10:52Just heading to the high road now.
10:54Hugh, can you pick up Mr King and take him to Bond Street, please, over?
10:57On my way.
10:58Pat, I can do that, I'm nearer.
11:00Hugh, hold on, Lenny thinks he might be nearer.
11:02Where are you, Lenny?
11:03Pat, it's my call, I'm already on my way.
11:05Porter Street.
11:06Porter Street.
11:07That's miles away.
11:09Lenny, Hugh thinks he's closer than what you are to Mr King.
11:13Tell him he's out of order.
11:15He did him yesterday.
11:16What's doing him yesterday got to do with anything?
11:18Pat, he did it twice last week.
11:20Will the pair of you stop squabbling and do the calls I've given you, please?
11:25What was that all about?
11:26He's probably a good tipper.
11:27Now, more importantly, what are you doing?
11:29Barry asked me to give him a hand.
11:31Well, I hope you're not going to be stuck in here all day.
11:33I don't mind.
11:34Anyway, it's having to manage without Robbie.
11:36That's his problem, not yours.
11:37The deal is, you do the books, he runs the office.
11:40It's not Barry's fault he was stuck.
11:42Where is he?
11:44You said you were just popping over to get some receipts.
11:46Yes, I was.
11:47Look, I haven't had any breakfast.
11:49Oh, I see, it's not me you're worried about, it's your stomach.
11:52No, no, I just don't like him taking liberties, that's all.
11:55Oh, get over the cap and treat yourself to a fry-up.
11:57I'll come and find you as soon as Barry gets back.
11:59Oh, well, all right, but you tell him not to make a habit of this, right?
12:03Yeah, I will.
12:09Hello, Evans Executive Cars.
12:12Cutting it a bit finely, huh?
12:14Yeah, well, I'm here now, aren't I?
12:16Yeah, come on.
12:53Is she OK?
12:55Yeah, she's fine.
13:00Do you think we should go and find someone?
13:02No, they know that we're here.
13:05How's Lorraine?
13:08I thought she would have been here with you.
13:16It's a bit of a mess, isn't it?
13:18I don't know if I did the right thing.
13:20You did what you thought was right, and that's what matters.
13:23You know, at the church with Alistair,
13:25when I told everyone about what he'd done,
13:27you know, how he'd lied to us all,
13:30I knew exactly what I was doing.
13:32And now, I don't know anything anymore.
13:37I just can't understand how Dad could do something like that.
13:41He keeps trying to talk to me, to explain.
13:45But every time I see him, I feel sick.
13:49I love him, but I just can't face him.
13:53It's like if I talk to him, I'm condoning what he did.
13:58So where do you go from here?
14:00I don't know.
14:03If it was you, what would you do?
14:05If it was my dad?
14:08I think I'd talk to him.
14:10I'd try and find out if he was truly sorry for what happened.
14:13And if he was?
14:17If someone repents, makes their peace with themselves
14:20and with God for what they've done,
14:22then it's not our place to evoke forgiveness.
14:27So what you're saying is...
14:29is that if he's sorry,
14:31if he knows that what he did was wrong,
14:33then I should forgive him as God would do?
14:37You asked me what I thought.
14:39You'd have to decide for yourself whether you'd do the same.
14:44That there, is it? Yeah. There you go.
14:47Look, I'm going to have to go soon. Let Blossom get away.
14:50Carol and Alan are going to pick Robbie up from the hospital.
14:53Do you think that's where she's gone? To see him?
14:55Well, I wouldn't put anything past her the way she's at the minute.
14:58She's not going anywhere near him again.
15:00Just calm down, will you? Remember, you are at unbail.
15:03You can't afford to get in any more trouble.
15:08But when she comes back, if she won't come round here,
15:11keep her there and I'll come to you.
15:13All right. Are you going to be OK?
15:17You'd better get off.
15:20Look, I've been thinking, when this is all finished,
15:23I'll have to sit down, talk about Courtney, come to an arrangement.
15:26Well, that's all I'll have to talk about. Right.
15:29I'd like to see her as much as possible, you know.
15:32Be a proper dad to her.
15:34Grant, I'm really glad...
15:36I'll try and get hold of Marcus again today.
15:38Marcus? Yeah, he's my solicitor.
15:40He'll deal with the divorce for us.
15:44It'll be better once it's all sorted. Yeah.
15:46Shouldn't take more than a few weeks.
15:50Grant Mitchell.
15:57It's OK. Don't hurt.
15:59Eh? A jab.
16:01All right.
16:02I asked her how long before we get the results.
16:04She said about three weeks.
16:06Three weeks? Yeah.
16:11Look, if it's mine... It?
16:14Sorry, if she's mine,
16:16um, we're going to have to sort something out.
16:19What is it with you two? Eh?
16:22I've just heard the same speech from Grant.
16:24This has got nothing to do with who's responsible for her.
16:26It's about her knowing who her real dad is.
16:28Course. I just want to do what's right.
16:30Let's just wait for the results, eh?
16:35So, how did you get on?
16:38A complete waste of time.
16:40What did he say?
16:42He said keep the account in the black for six months
16:44and then go and ask him again.
16:46Six months? Didn't you tell him what it was for?
16:48Of course I told him. And?
16:50And I might as well be talking about flying to the moon.
16:52He mumbled something about children being an expensive luxury.
16:55And we'd do better to wait until our finances were more stable.
16:58Oh, biscuit!
17:00Yeah, there's not much we can do about it now.
17:08Tiffany Mitchell.
17:12Come on.
17:22You'll need to bring the little one with you.
17:26There you go.
17:55I'd have thought they'd have been back by now.
17:58Or I should have gone with him.
18:00Oh, I don't think that would have been a good idea, do you?
18:02Why not?
18:04I expect Tiffany and Grant have a lot to talk about.
18:08A pint, please, Mrs M.
18:10Are you all right, love?
18:12Just about. No thanks to your son.
18:14What's he done now?
18:16Damaged me, that's what he's done.
18:18Get me up early in the morning, make me run halfway round Walford.
18:21Wasn't even anyone chasing us.
18:23Oh, talk with the devil.
18:29How was it?
18:31Piece of cake.
18:33So what happened?
18:35Nothing much. All right, Mum?
18:37Three weeks, they've got to send it somewhere for something.
18:39Right, so what happens now?
18:41We wait.
18:43All right, Nige?
18:57Where you been?
18:59I went for a walk.
19:01Have you seen Dad?
19:04I don't think this has gone far enough.
19:06Look, I ain't saying what he did was right,
19:09but he really thought he was protecting you.
19:11He's not even mad about you going to the police.
19:14He just wants you to go home.
19:16I know.
19:18So? Come on, give him a chance, eh?
19:21Whatever he's done, he's still our Dad, isn't he?
19:24Do you think he's sorry?
19:28For what he did. Do you think he knows that it's wrong?
19:30Of course he does.
19:32It was just like with me and Simon.
19:34At first, he blew his top.
19:36But when he calmed down, he realised there was nothing he could do.
19:39He just left us alone to get on with our own lives.
19:42He does try in his own way.
19:44But he should be telling them this, not me.
19:47But he can't do that if you won't give him a chance.
19:55Well, she's there now.
19:57I saw her to the door myself.
19:59So what do you think?
20:01I think it's going to be all right.
20:03Oh, I hope so.
20:05Anyway, now I've done my good deed for the day, I'll have a cup of tea, please.
20:08Two, please.
20:10So, er, how was it, then?
20:13Sitting in a clinic with Grant Mitchell ain't my idea of a fun morning.
20:17Yeah, at least it's over now.
20:19Oh, what, you had a phone call? Er, Max?
20:21Why didn't you tell me?
20:23Well, I just did.
20:25Well, what's he say?
20:27To phone him.
20:30Yeah, Kathy said you'd gone out.
20:32I've been waiting for you to come back.
20:36No problem. Look, you're soaking wet. Can I get you a towel?
20:38No, I'm all right.
20:40I thought we should talk.
20:42Yeah, right. That's what I want.
20:45You know what you did was wrong.
20:47Of course I do.
20:49I just saw Red. I couldn't think.
20:52I was angry and frightened for you.
20:56I'm sorry.
21:00You don't know how much I needed to hear you say that.
21:03I only did what I did because...
21:06I love you.
21:16What do you think you're playing at?
21:19Lumbering Pat this morning.
21:21Don't you think she's got enough on her plate?
21:23She did a blamed-in job.
21:25Only because you got the best course.
21:26That is not the point.
21:28You've left her with the car lot, too. She can't do everything.
21:30I was just on my way back to take over.
21:32Then don't let me keep you.
21:40So, how do you feel about her summer wedding?
21:42Yeah, sounds great.
21:44All right. What about this summer?
21:48Why not?
21:50Well, we haven't got time.
21:52I mean, you've got the divorce and everything.
21:54You've got Tiffany to deal with.
21:56I talked to Tiffany this morning.
21:59She's got no choice.
22:00So if I was you, I'd start looking for a wedding dress.
22:02But this summer?
22:03Yeah. You haven't changed your mind about getting married, have you?
22:05No. No, of course not.
22:07Well, there's no point hanging about then, is there?
22:11I'm sorry about going to the police.
22:13I just wanted to do something to make it right.
22:15Well, we all do things we regret.
22:17All I care about is that you're all right.
22:19I feel better now we've talked.
22:22Look, do you want a cup of tea?
22:24Might even have some chocolate biscuits.
22:26I'll do it.
22:28Not completely useless, you know.
22:30No. Not completely.
22:36So what happened?
22:37Tony found us sitting in the square.
22:39She can't see Ted, though?
22:41Maybe that's all she needed, just a little bit of time on her own.
22:44Well, let's just hope things get back to normal now, eh?
22:46Do you think I should give him a call?
22:48Check that everything's okay?
22:49No, no. He's done enough.
22:51Let him get on with it now.
22:56I'll start a three-months trial on Monday morning.
23:02Get a strip.
23:05You two look happy.
23:07That's because everything's finally fallen into place.
23:09I've got a beautiful new daughter,
23:11and soon I'll have a beautiful new bride.
23:13And what about Tiffany?
23:15Not my problem.
23:27It's for you.
23:29Yes, love?
23:30A pint of lager, please, Peggy.
23:33No, thanks. I'm pacing myself.
23:35In for a session, are you?
23:36He's got no choice. He can't get off his stall.
23:39He went running and seized up.
23:41Someone chasing you, was there?
23:43Yeah, I wish there had been.
23:44At least then there'd be a reason for the pain.
23:46Bit early for you, innit?
23:48Oh, I spent one of those mornings, you know.
23:50There's been two punch-ups.
23:52Somebody claiming sole rights to selling spanners
23:54who hasn't even got any spanners.
23:56Another one whose stall has miraculously moved three feet overnight.
23:59And another person who thinks that my clipboard
24:01is actually a magic wand that can fill the market full of punters
24:04and give them a rent rebate at the same time.
24:06Oh, I wish I hadn't have asked.
24:07£1.80, please.
24:09Cheers, Peg.
24:11Who was it?
24:14And before you say anything, he's just told me
24:16I've got to be married for at least a year before I can apply for a divorce.
24:19Happy now?
24:24I was thinking, do you want me to come over to Cathy's with you,
24:26pick up your stuff?
24:27No, I haven't got much there.
24:29It's been horrible here, by myself.
24:32I just couldn't face you.
24:34I suppose you have to have kids of your own to understand.
24:38I just couldn't bear the thought of anyone hurting my little girl.
24:41I know I was wrong.
24:43But I couldn't help myself.
24:47Are you in a lot of trouble?
24:48With the police?
24:50Nothing I can't handle now I've got you back.
24:52You know, I'll talk to them.
24:54I'll tell them...
24:55No, no.
24:56I did what I did.
24:58I'll take what's coming.
24:59Same as Robbie.
25:08You just said,
25:09take what you've got coming.
25:11Same as Robbie.
25:12What does that mean?
25:14Well, you do something wrong, you have to face the consequences, that's all.
25:17But Robbie didn't do anything wrong.
25:19Oh, yes he did.
25:21Well, he may not have raped you,
25:23but he took advantage.
25:25You were confused, didn't know what you were doing.
25:27It amounts to the same.
25:29So, you're not sorry?
25:31You still think you did the right thing?
25:34Look, let's not go through all this again, eh?
25:37It's over now.
25:38You do, don't you?
25:39You think what you did was right?
25:43Well, yes, there's nothing wrong with a father looking after his daughter, that's all I'm saying.
25:46You call that looking after me?
25:48Sarah, please, don't start.
25:50I told you I did it because I care about you.
25:52And because he had it coming.
25:55Don't lie to me, Dad.
25:57You still believe that, don't you?
25:59That he had it coming.
26:00He took a liberty, I straightened him out, OK?
26:03Any decent father would have done the same.
26:06There's nothing decent about what you did.
26:07You nearly killed him.
26:09I thought we got over this.
26:12I came here to find out if you knew what you did was wrong.
26:15But you don't, do you?
26:16You do exactly the same thing all over again.
26:19I care about you.
26:21I care about what happens to you.
26:22What's wrong with that?
26:23You don't care about anyone but yourself.
26:25You never have.