Rubovia - The Magic Scent Bottle

  • le mois dernier
00:00Rubovia Castle was very peaceful. In the front room, the King and the Lord Chamberlain were
00:19enjoying a quiet game of draughts. At least the King was enjoying it. He was winning.
00:26Now it's me. I've got you. That's wrong, your Majesty. Don't be cross. I've won.
00:40The Chamberlain made gulpy noises and at that moment, the Queen came in. Rufus, you're at
00:49it again. Wasting your time on that silly game. Oh, ah, well. Don't you realize there
00:58are important affairs of state for your attention? Well, ah, oh, ah. Stop making those stupid
01:06noises and answer these letters, please. Mr. Wetherspoon was sweeping the garden when
01:31he was caught by the Queen. Now listen. Two large cabbages should have been delivered
01:39to the kitchen. Ah, yes. Well, your Majesty, I was just going to... Deliver them immediately,
01:48Wetherspoon, or there'll be trouble. Well, she's in a bad mood today. I've never known
01:59her to be so bossy. Come on, let's get the cabbages. Mr. Wetherspoon was very upset.
02:14He worked hard in the garden and he didn't deserve to... Hello, what's that? Mr. Wetherspoon's
02:24fork had hit something hard. It seemed to be made of glass. A green bottle. It's for
02:33scent. Must have been there for some time. Let's take it to the office and clean it
02:41up. Come on. Mr. Wetherspoon spent a long time removing
02:53the dirt from the scent bottle, and at last it was quite clean. Well, it's certainly attractive.
03:00Very old, I should imagine. Pre-Ruritanian, I should think. Beautifully made. And here's
03:09some writing on the top. The Funfader. Patent applied for. The Magician's Friend. Ooh! Very
03:19interesting. It's a piece of magical equipment. Might be useful. Now let me see. It would come
03:29under F. Ah! The Funfader. Invented by Ampumpo, Roubovian court magician, 12th century. Ooh,
03:42I've heard of him. High reputation. A handy dematerializer. That means it makes things
03:52disappear. The nozzle of the Funfader is directed at the object to be vanished, and the bulb is
04:00squeezed. The greater the number of squeezes, the longer the time vanished. Ooh! Shall I try
04:07it out on you, Puss? Well, what about Pongo? All right, I won't do it. Ah! My old chest. The
04:22very thing. Ready? Here's one squeeze. Ooh, it works. There it is, back again. Come on,
04:40Puss. Just two squeezes for you. Oh, come along. It won't hurt you, Roubina. Just stand still.
04:53Splendide. Can you hear me? Meow. Good. Now jump on the table. Now close my book for me. Excellent.
05:11Did you enjoy it, Puss? Yes? Now it's Pongo's turn. Pongo, where are you? He's hiding. Never mind, I'll show this to the King.
05:28Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Look here! Look what I found, Sire. You frightened us,
05:49Wetherspoon. We thought you were the Queen. You mustn't rush in on us like that. But it's a
05:57genuine fun-fader. Watch. There! Now they'll come back. The larger the number of squeezes,
06:12the longer the time vanished. This could be very useful, Chamberlain. We'll use it to make the
06:18draughts table disappear if the Queen catches us playing. Yes, Your Majesty. What an excellent
06:26idea. Thanks for bringing it, Wetherspoon. Off you go. But my fun-fader! We'll look after it for
06:37you. All right, Sire, but don't use it all up. I want to play with it too. The King and the Lord
06:52Chamberlain decided to continue their game in the garden. Ah, Rufus! I told you not to play that
07:07silly game. Oh, I thought I saw you playing draughts. Draughts, my dear? With affairs of state to attend to?
07:18So many letters, ma'am. Yes, and we can't play draughts without a board, my dear. No, indeed, ma'am.
07:28After all, business comes before pleasure, and... Oh, Rufus, you remembered! I thought you'd forgotten our wedding anniversary.
07:40And you've got a present there for me. Oh, no! I mean, oh, yes! Oh! A lovely antique scent bottle. Oh, thank you, Rufus.
07:53Thank you. I'll go and try it out.
08:23And then she took the bottle from me, and off she went. We're in a terrible mess, and you must help us out. We must all pull together and think very hard and work out a plan. All right?
08:47You've lost my fun fader. You promised to take care of it. Suddenly from the doorway came a familiar voice. Ah, Rufus, I've tried out the scent you gave me. It's heavenly.
09:02The Queen! She's invisible! It's the nicest present you've ever given me. Oh, really? I'm so glad. Yes, and here's my present to you. A new pair of bedroom slippers. Oh, thank you, my dear.
09:24At that moment, King Boris of Borsovia came into the room. I came in through the garden, in case your wife caught me. She's such an old dragon, isn't she? I can't think why you'd stand her nonsense. Boris, how dare you!
09:46The poor King of Borsovia nearly jumped out of his skin with fright. Then he grinned.
09:53Oh, Wetherspoon, it was you! Imitating the Queen, eh? Jolly good trick. I thought it was the old girl herself. Boris, are you mad? And then Trogwist too, eh? Marvellous, Wetherspoon. I didn't see his mouth move at all.
10:14Well done, Wether...
10:16Oh, Borsovia, you will leave this castle immediately. I shall not be at home to you until I have received a written apology. Good day.
10:30The King of Borsovia, completely shaken, muttered a goodbye and left. Perhaps it was time he had his eyes tested.
10:46The King and the Lord Chamberlain stood in horrified silence. So did Mr. Wetherspoon. What a terrible situation! The invisible Queen! They'd never know if she was with them or not.
11:02How awful! How absolutely awful!
11:16To be continued...
11:46To be continued...
12:16To be continued...
12:46To be continued...
13:16To be continued...
13:46To be continued...