Rubovia - The Magic Duck

  • le mois dernier
00:00Outside the gates of Rubovia Castle, Mr Weatherspoon was busy sweeping and his cat, Rubina,
00:24was busy watching him.
00:27It was hot work, and the head gardener was beginning to feel very tired indeed.
00:33Then the king arrived.
00:37Hello, Weatherspoon.
00:40Good day to you, sir.
00:42Nice and busy, Weatherspoon?
00:44Asked the king amiably.
00:48Not nice, too busy, sir.
00:51I've rather a lot on my plate, as they say.
00:55Yes, yes, I'm sorry, Weatherspoon.
00:58Oh, by the way, the queen wants to see you immediately.
01:02Don't keep her waiting.
01:03There's a good fellow.
01:06She's in one of her bossy moods.
01:09Well, this is too much.
01:13I'll give her a piece of my mind.
01:26You wanted to see me, ma'am?
01:30Ah, yes.
01:32Your Majesty, I feel that things have got quite out of hand.
01:38I quite agree.
01:40Something must be done.
01:44Ah, oh.
01:46Well, it's very kind of you to take this attitude, ma'am.
01:50Perhaps if I had some help in the garden.
01:54Stop prattling.
01:56I'm talking about food.
01:58Food, ma'am?
02:00Two bad eggs at breakfast today.
02:02One yesterday.
02:04And three the day before.
02:06I hereby appoint you egg supplier to the king of Rubovia.
02:12Honorary appointment, of course.
02:14No uniform, no hat.
02:16Off you go.
02:18Fresh eggs daily, please, Weatherspoon.
02:20Yes, ma'am.
02:22Very good, ma'am.
02:34Mr. Weatherspoon went straight to his office,
02:36found a book called
02:38The Egg Producer's Handbook
02:40and began to study it.
02:42I'm afraid there's a lot to learn, Puss,
02:46and a lot to do as well.
02:49Hello, Weatherspoon.
02:51Hello, sir.
02:53I've just heard about this egg business.
02:55I think it's a good idea.
02:57That's because you don't have to do anything.
03:01And where do I get the chickens from?
03:05I've thought of that.
03:07Farm a bottle.
03:09He's got ducks.
03:11He'll give us one if you ask nicely.
03:15You ask him, sir.
03:17He's a cross patch.
03:19We'll both go.
03:21This afternoon.
03:23Very good, sir.
03:33That afternoon,
03:35they called on Farm a Bottle.
03:39What do you want?
03:41Please, Farm a Bottle,
03:43would you give us some laying ducks?
03:46No, I won't.
03:50Perhaps just one?
03:54My ducks make me a laying.
03:56And not only that,
03:58one's been stolen this very day.
04:02I'd be very sorry.
04:08So that was that.
04:10Or so they thought.
04:12They didn't know someone had been watching.
04:26Next morning,
04:28the king was quietly reading his paper
04:30and Pongo was quietly watching a beetle
04:32when Mr. Weatherspoon appeared.
04:34Your Majesty,
04:36look what I've found.
04:38What is it?
04:41What is it, Weatherspoon?
04:45A present for you, sir.
04:47The label says
04:49to the King of Rubovia
04:51from an admirer.
04:53I found it outside
04:55the back door with the milk.
04:59Go on, open it.
05:07It's a duck, sir.
05:11At least I think it's a duck.
05:13Oh, I say.
05:23It's got blue spots.
05:29How very kind of someone to send it to me.
05:31It's just what we wanted.
05:47The next day, Mr. Weatherspoon
05:49built a smart new coop for the duck.
05:53There you are, sir.
05:55She seems to be very pleased
05:57with her new home.
05:59Now don't worry her, Rubina,
06:01or we won't get any eggs
06:03for breakfast.
06:07At that moment,
06:09a character poked his head up
06:11from behind the wall.
06:13Good morning. Very nice day.
06:17The red Indian
06:19with the Chinese accent.
06:21Very pleased to see
06:23Your Majesty again.
06:25He's the biggest rogue
06:27in Rubovia.
06:29What are you doing here?
06:31Me come to talk business.
06:35Me come to make attractive
06:38Your Majesty.
06:40Me come to buy duck.
06:42Me offer you five crowns.
06:44Five crowns?
06:46All right.
06:48Six crowns.
06:50He's mad, Weatherspoon.
06:52It's not worth two.
06:54It's only a duck.
06:58Perhaps it is worth six, sir.
07:00Or even more.
07:02You mean it's a rare, valuable duck?
07:04Yes, sir.
07:06Seven crowns?
07:08He's very keen on buying it.
07:10It must be worth a lot of money.
07:12Eight crowns.
07:14No, no. Sorry.
07:16Not for sale.
07:18Thank you.
07:20All right.
07:22You change mind, you let me know.
07:24Good day.
07:28Now what do we do?
07:30I'll look it up
07:32in my egg producer's handbook.
07:35It may mention
07:37a blue-spotted variety.
07:39I'll tell you
07:41if I find anything.
07:53Mr. Weatherspoon
07:55was completely mystified.
07:57The egg producer's handbook
07:59was no help at all.
08:01It didn't even mention
08:03a blue-spotted variety of duck.
08:05Very odd.
08:07Very odd indeed.
08:09A duck
08:11with blue spots.
08:13Perhaps my old magic book
08:15might help.
08:17Now let me see.
08:21Doors, door knockers,
08:23door steps, door stops,
08:29Ducks are rarely used
08:31in experiments.
08:33The only exception
08:35being the type known
08:37as the bonker duck.
08:39This is recognized
08:41by its prominent blue spots.
08:45It's a real bonker duck.
08:47This duck
08:49will lay a golden egg
08:51on Midsummer's Eve
08:53if certain magical rites
08:55are performed in advance.
08:57Oh, I say.
09:00I must go
09:02and tell the king.
09:08Your Majesty.
09:10Your Majesty.
09:12What is it?
09:14It's a genuine bonker.
09:16A genuine bonker.
09:18What is?
09:20Our duck, sir.
09:22She will lay a golden egg
09:24on Midsummer's Eve
09:26if certain magical rites
09:28are performed in advance.
09:30What magical rites?
09:32I don't know, ma'am.
09:36We'll find out immediately.
09:38Today is Midsummer's Eve.
09:40So you haven't much time,
09:44The golden egg would be
09:46very useful, Rufus.
09:48We could sell it and have the front room
09:54The king turned to
09:57Lord Chamberlain
09:59and the Lord Chamberlain
10:01turned to Wetherspoon
10:03and Wetherspoon tried to look
10:05as if he was thinking.
10:13Me know magic
10:15for bonker duck
10:17to lay golden egg.
10:21Me sell your secret
10:23for twenty crowns cash.
10:25Twenty crowns?
10:29No twenty crowns, no magic secret.
10:33Me very sorry.
10:35All right.
10:37But we'll pay you after we've seen
10:39the golden egg.
10:41Very good, Majesty.
10:44Just before midnight,
10:46everyone waited to see
10:48what McGregor would do.
10:54Please lay golden egg.
11:02Magic lights.
11:04Now complete.
11:06In motion.
11:12Now complete.
11:14In morning you'll find golden egg.
11:16Good night.
11:18Pleasant dreams.
11:22Well, we'd better go to bed.
11:24See you here in the morning.
11:26Good night.
11:34Early the next morning,
11:36the bonker duck was sitting
11:38quietly in her coop.
11:41He arrived first,
11:43then the king,
11:45then Mr. Weatherspoon.
11:49Call her out, Weatherspoon.
11:53Come, come, ducky.
11:55Here, ducky.
11:57Come, come, ducky.
11:59Here, ducky.
12:01Can you see the egg?
12:05Uh, ooh.
12:07Ooh, I say.
12:09Is it there?
12:11It is, Weatherspoon.
12:13A golden egg.
12:15Ooh, hoo.
12:17Everything satisfactory, Majesty?
12:21Yes, yes.
12:23A magnificent golden egg.
12:25Ah, good.
12:27Now you'll pay me
12:29twenty crowns, please.
12:31All right.
12:33Here you are.
12:35Thank you, Majesty.
12:39What do you think of it?
12:41Well, your Majesty,
12:43it's rather an odd shape,
12:45and I don't...
12:47Your Majesty?
12:49It seems to be made of...
12:51Look what I found.
12:53Blue paint.
12:55I'm afraid it matches
12:57the spots on the duck.
13:01You don't mean that McGregor...
13:03Oy, that be my duck.
13:05Farm a bottle.
13:08She'd better be back in my pond
13:10by noon, or there'll be trouble.
13:12King or no king.
13:14And clean that muck off her back
13:18Oh, dear.
13:20Well, at least we've got the golden egg.
13:22No, we haven't.
13:26We've got a brass bedknob.
13:28A brass bedknob?
13:34I'm afraid you've been taken in, sir.
13:36McGregor planned the whole thing.
13:38He stole the duck
13:40and painted spots on it.
13:42Then he put the bedknob in the nest.
13:44You are a muggin, sir.
13:46That will be all, thank you,
13:50Please return the duck.
13:52All right, sir.
13:54Well, Chamberlain,
13:56who's going to tell the Queen?
13:58Oh, not me, sir. Please.
14:00We'll play a game of draughts.
14:02The loser has to tell her.
14:05Come on, bags-eye,
14:07first move.