Respect Boundaries :: Bishop Dale C. Bronner

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00:00This is Bishop Dale Broder. Thank you so much for joining our YouTube channel today.
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00:31Our scriptural lesson today comes from the book of Numbers.
00:34Just a couple of verses there to give context.
00:39Numbers chapter 34, verse 1 and 2.
00:45The Lord said to Moses,
00:48Command the Israelites and say to them,
00:52When you enter Canaan,
00:55The land that will be allotted to you as an inheritance
01:00is to have these boundaries.
01:05And then it goes on to delineate the various boundaries for the various tribes of Israel.
01:12So I want to talk today from the subject of simply respect boundaries.
01:17Respect boundaries.
01:22It was God himself who established boundaries.
01:26Remember when the earth was chaotic,
01:30the main reason that it was chaotic is because there were no boundaries.
01:35So the first thing that God did as he came into a chaotic world,
01:41and I want you to understand this very carefully,
01:43remember that in the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth,
01:48darkness was upon the face of the deep.
01:52And the earth was without form because it had no boundaries.
01:59Boundaries are the things that give us a form.
02:03And so I want you to realize God was there and God had created something.
02:10The earth was there, but it was without boundaries, without form, and it was void.
02:17It is to show that God can be there in your life.
02:21The Bible says that the Spirit of God hovered over.
02:25He was there, God was there, and it was still chaotic.
02:29Can you imagine that God can still be in your family?
02:32Your family is still chaotic?
02:35I mean the earth was there, darkness was there,
02:38and it was still chaotic even though God was there.
02:42And the Spirit of God was just hovering.
02:45I think that he was waiting on a word to be able to bring order.
02:49And maybe while God is there, I mean he respects his word so much
02:55that maybe he's waiting on something to be established
02:59because when God stepped out in creation,
03:02he began to create distinction, borders between night and day.
03:08Borders between the waters above and the waters below,
03:12so he made a distinction between the heavens and the earth.
03:16And then he made a distinction in borders with dry land and then the waters
03:23because they were all just running together and it was chaotic
03:26and so all of the water from the atmosphere up there was down on the earth
03:30and everything was all a big mess and even God was there though.
03:34But he was waiting on something.
03:38And it was a word that then brought order to chaos.
03:44Sometimes all you need is one word from God to bring order to your chaos.
03:50And let me just remind you of this, that there are some problems
03:54that God will place in your life that are God-sized problems
03:59and no man, no matter how advanced our technology,
04:02no matter how advanced our medicine and all of our screenings
04:07and all of that, there are some issues and problems in this world
04:11that are specifically designed to be a God-sized problem.
04:16And maybe it just needs some delineation where there are borders.
04:21You can imagine how much chaos happens in our world
04:25because people are living without boundaries.
04:28But God gave them.
04:31He says, listen, I'm getting ready to give an allotment here to the various tribes.
04:36I'm going to give you a lot.
04:38Now, the word lot actually came to mean an assignment.
04:45When you received a lot in life, it was your assignment.
04:49You had something to do.
04:51I mean, an inheritance was a lot.
04:54It was a lot.
04:56And so when you inherit something, there comes responsibility.
05:00That means that you're the trustee of what you have inherited.
05:04So when you inherit a piece of property,
05:07I mean, yes, it is a blessing, but now you've got to get it painted.
05:12You've got to replace the roof and windows and have the yard maintained.
05:19It is an inheritance, but it is an assignment all at the same time.
05:23Whenever you receive an inheritance, God is giving you an assignment.
05:28So when the children of Israel, when all of those different tribes
05:31were being given their territories, their boundaries,
05:34God was saying this is your area of responsibility.
05:38Can you imagine how much chaos happens on jobs?
05:41Because you're in your lane, and you know,
05:44and somebody else is butting in your lane trying to tell you how to do your job.
05:48And if it is somebody who's in a higher position,
05:51you know, there's a conversation that you've got in the back of your mind
05:54saying stay in your, stay in your lane.
05:58You're just simply saying, why don't you respect the boundaries here?
06:02Respect the boundaries.
06:04And I want you to realize this.
06:06Blessings come with boundaries.
06:09Blessings come with boundaries.
06:12Blessings come with boundaries.
06:14Positions come with boundaries.
06:16You get a position, it comes with boundaries.
06:18Property comes with boundaries.
06:21If you've got some property, they're boundary lines.
06:25Money comes with boundaries.
06:27Money comes with boundaries.
06:29Our personhood comes with boundaries.
06:33That's why if a person gets within a certain number of feet in proximity to you,
06:40we will say get out of my face,
06:43and we really mean get out of my space
06:45because you have crossed over a boundary line of comfort with me.
06:50So there are boundary lines.
06:52And freedom comes with boundaries.
06:56You are not free to just do whatever you want to do,
07:00particularly if your actions, your behavior,
07:03begin to impose on someone else.
07:05So freedom has to be contained within boundaries.
07:08And so everything that God does, He's a God of order,
07:12and He's going to give some boundaries
07:14because you can't do anything that you really want to do.
07:17You have to have boundaries.
07:19Freedom comes with boundaries,
07:21and that's why wars are fought and lives are lost
07:24when we do not respect boundaries.
07:27You'd be surprised about that.
07:29I mean, look at what Russia is doing to Ukraine.
07:32There's a boundary there,
07:34and they say, look, we're coming over there anyway.
07:37So whenever you have an issue, but wars are fought,
07:40lives are lost because people don't respect boundaries.
07:45Marriages are destroyed,
07:47and trust is broken when we do not respect boundaries.
07:52Health is destroyed when we do not respect boundaries.
07:56You cannot eat all you want to eat.
08:00Save some for later.
08:06Sleep depravity is experienced
08:09when we don't respect the boundaries
08:11of going to bed on time.
08:14And boundaries, they keep babies from falling down the steps
08:17and from getting into the cabinets
08:19to be able to consume something poisonous.
08:21They need boundaries.
08:23Boundaries help to keep us safe.
08:26I mean, free speech has boundaries.
08:29I mean, I know that you've got free speech,
08:32but listen, we're the people of God.
08:35It really burdens my heart
08:37when I see Christian people,
08:39so-called Christian people,
08:41on social media
08:43having no boundaries with their freedom of speech.
08:50I mean, just because you can say what you want to say
08:53doesn't mean that you ought to say it.
08:56Some things are best left unsaid.
08:59They are best left unsaid.
09:02Do I have any Bible for it? Absolutely.
09:05Have you read Proverbs chapter 21 and verse 23?
09:08Notice what that word of the Lord says.
09:10Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut
09:13and you'll stay out of trouble.
09:16Oh, I just love the plainness of the Scripture.
09:19There are some people, I want to just tell them,
09:21just shut your mouth.
09:23Don't you realize we can see you and hear you?
09:26Just because you have freedom of speech
09:29doesn't mean you ought to be free
09:31to just give voice to every lewd thought
09:34that crosses your mind.
09:36Have a filter.
09:39Have some boundaries with what comes out of your mouth.
09:43And please understand this.
09:45Boundaries are not punishment.
09:47Boundaries are protection.
09:49Boundaries are not punishment.
09:52They are for your protection.
09:55I mean, whenever I visit the old world
09:57and I go there and I see walled cities,
09:59it's not that they were trying to lock the people in.
10:02They were trying to keep enemies out.
10:04They were creating a barrier, a boundary,
10:07to be able to keep the people safe.
10:10So we can't just do whatever we want to do,
10:12when we want to do, to whomever we want to do it,
10:14just because we have blessings and opportunities
10:17that God has given to us.
10:19Because we have no right to abuse other people
10:22just because we might have power.
10:24We don't have a right to disrespect the rights
10:27and the privileges and the blessings
10:29that other people have just because we might have position.
10:32We have no right to steal from people.
10:35We have no right to belittle people
10:37who don't have the capacity to be able to defend themselves.
10:40Just because you could do something
10:42doesn't mean that you should do it.
10:44Just because you can do something
10:47doesn't mean you should.
10:50Creating boundaries creates power.
10:54It actually creates power.
10:57Because boundaries,
11:00hear this carefully,
11:02boundaries create clarity.
11:05And clarity gives focus.
11:09And focus produces power.
11:13Boundaries create clarity.
11:16People don't have clarity because they don't have boundaries.
11:19Clarity gives us focus,
11:21and focus gives us power.
11:25Have you ever seen just a garden hose,
11:28your water hose, and when you have just the water hose
11:31and you turn the water on and the water pours out
11:33and it just pours out and cascades down
11:36right where it comes out.
11:38But if you ever get a nozzle
11:41and put it on the end of the water hose,
11:45what the nozzle does,
11:47the nozzle creates a boundary
11:49so that not all of the water can get through at one time.
11:53So it shuts off part of it
11:55to allow pressure to build up behind it
11:58and the nozzle focuses.
12:00So that my water doesn't just cascade out
12:03right where I'm standing,
12:05I can now, if I've got a nozzle on there,
12:08I can shoot my water 50 feet from here.
12:11It gives me power to be able to project
12:14because of the focus.
12:17Boundaries will create clarity.
12:20Clarity creates focus,
12:22and focus creates power.
12:24And we need to be able to put a nozzle on our hose.
12:30So that what comes out of us
12:33can be focused with power.
12:36It has the perspicacity of an eagle
12:38to where it's not just spewing out,
12:40just saying stuff, and it sits there.
12:42If you really want to go far,
12:44focus what you're doing.
12:46Focus your energy. Focus your gift.
12:49I know you're multi-talented,
12:51and you become a jack of all trade
12:53and a master of none.
12:55Focus on one thing.
12:57The Bible says that a man's gift
12:59makes room for him.
13:02I know you're multi-gifted,
13:04but there is one dominant gift that is in your life
13:06that will make room for you.
13:08There's one dominant gift that is your moneymaker.
13:10Focus on your moneymaker.
13:12There are a lot of things that I could do,
13:14but I'm going to do what I know is my call.
13:17I'm going to do what I know that I'm gifted
13:19to be able to do.
13:21I'm going to do what God has given me.
13:23I'm going to flow in my gift.
13:26That's where my strength is.
13:28That's where my power is.
13:30That's where the most people get blessed.
13:32And if I focus on that, I can go farther.
13:35If I'm focused on that gift,
13:37then there'd just be pouring out a lot of stuff
13:39in mediocrity right here at my feet.
13:42And so if you lack focus, you lack power.
13:45So when God wants to give you power,
13:47He will narrow you down.
13:49He will nozzle you.
13:51It feels restrictive for a moment,
13:53but there's a pressure.
13:56Of something cooking on the inside of you.
13:58And God is saying,
13:59why you keep lifting the top off of the crock pot?
14:05And let me just say this to you.
14:07When it comes to the will of God,
14:12you can't speed God's will up for your life.
14:15You cannot speed up God's process.
14:17Are you listening?
14:19You cannot speed up process.
14:23But you're crazy disobedience can slow it down.
14:28You have no capacity to speed up
14:30what God is doing in your life.
14:32But you can slow it down.
14:35So when you just focus on what God has called you to do,
14:39you're in the fastest lane of acceleration.
14:42God's already got you on the fastest path.
14:45And He's taking you through process on purpose
14:49so that He can build something of strength and power
14:52in your life.
14:53God's trying to get you ready for something
14:55that will just bless not only you,
14:57but it will bless the world through you.
14:59And I'm excited about it.
15:01And so I would say this to you.
15:03As it relates to our respecting boundaries,
15:06I would say this.
15:07Create some rules for yourself.
15:10Create some rules for yourself.
15:13Decide your limits.
15:15Decide your limits.
15:18Yeah, you could do this.
15:19You could do that.
15:20You could do the other.
15:21But decide your limits.
15:23Don't spread yourself too thin.
15:24Decide your limits.
15:26Gluttony is food without limits.
15:29Alcoholism is alcohol without any limits.
15:33We get into addictions when we don't have limits.
15:38And so if you don't have some rules for yourself,
15:42if you don't make some boundaries for your own life,
15:45how much is too much?
15:48How far is too far?
15:50And then you won't even realize that you've gone too far
15:52until you've gone too far.
15:56I remember the first time that I ever experienced sunburn.
15:59I didn't know that anybody my complexion could sunburn.
16:03I had never used any kind of stuff on my skin.
16:08And I married Redbone.
16:13We're on our honeymoon,
16:15and she's lying out there on the beach.
16:18And, you know, with all of her protective stuff on,
16:23and I'm looking at her saying,
16:25mine is built in, baby.
16:28Check this out.
16:31And I'm just laying out there trying to keep up with her.
16:35And little did I know,
16:37I mean, I didn't realize that I was burning until I was burnt.
16:45I just put it that way.
16:47And you don't even want anything to touch you after that.
16:49I mean, I wonder why I couldn't feel it happening to me.
16:53And that's the same way that sin does us.
16:57You're under the heat of it,
16:59and you're laying out there, and it's feeling good,
17:01and you think that you are protected.
17:03And you are roasting and cooking from the inside out.
17:07You don't even realize what's happening to you
17:10until all of a sudden you get up the next day.
17:14And you can barely move.
17:19It's only because we didn't respect boundaries.
17:22There's a limit.
17:24Now, had I just restricted myself to 10 or 15 minutes,
17:26I would have been okay.
17:28But when you bask for hours,
17:31and I thought that I had it built in.
17:36I bet you I haven't done it again.
17:39You burn me once, you know, shame on you.
17:43It has not happened again.
17:46And let me say this,
17:48sometimes you can sin by doing nothing.
17:51Here's the Word of the Lord, James chapter 4, verse 17.
17:55Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do
17:59and then not do it.
18:01Ooh, my God.
18:03Yep, that's in the Bible.
18:06It is sin to know what you ought to do
18:09and then not do it.
18:11You ever seen old people?
18:13Yeah, you know, yeah, I ought to get out from here
18:15and put something on the stove and get out.
18:18Yeah, I ought to.
18:20I know I shouldn't eat all of this.
18:25It is sin to know what you ought to do
18:29and then not do it.
18:31That's called the sin of omission.
18:34Sweet sinners commit that.
18:37You know, they say, Lord, I would never do this.
18:40But what are you leaving undone that you ought to do?
18:45And Jesus zeroed in on things and He says,
18:48you know what you tithe of anise and cumin
18:50and all of mint and all of this stuff?
18:52He said, but you have left the weightier matters
18:54of the law undone, of justice and mercy.
18:58You've left that undone.
19:00And sometimes that's the sin of omission
19:03and not merely the sin of commission.
19:06And so discernment is key.
19:08Because, you know, it's wrong
19:10to stay where you do not belong.
19:13And it's just as wrong to go where you do not belong.
19:18And you've got to have the discernment of the Holy Spirit
19:21operating on the inside of you
19:23so that you know what to do.
19:25Discernment is key.
19:27And let me give you this principle,
19:29that trust is restricted
19:31to whatever is within the boundary of truth.
19:34We can only trust what is ultimately based on truth.
19:40If it's not based on truth, you can't trust it.
19:44Trust is restricted to whatever is within the boundary of truth.
19:49We can only trust what is ultimately based on truth.
19:55And this is exactly why Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
19:58refused to submit himself to what he called unjust laws
20:03he was referring to laws that were not based on truth.
20:07So he called that civil disobedience.
20:10Because God had a higher law.
20:13It's not that he was disobeying the law of the land,
20:15it's that he was submitting to the higher law of love
20:18that comes from God.
20:20The higher law of justice that comes from God,
20:22of loving justice and mercy and truth.
20:25And he was submitting to a higher law
20:27that caused him to have to now go into civil disobedience.
20:31The late congressman John Lewis
20:33participated in the same kind of thing
20:35and that's why he called it good trouble.
20:38And sometimes when you just do what's right
20:41and not what's expedient.
20:44And please understand that not everything that is legal is right.
20:49And this is why he had to engage in good trouble
20:53because there were some things that were legal
20:55but they were not right because they were not based on truth.
21:00And so I will say this.
21:02Righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost
21:05are the result of walking within the boundaries
21:08of God's Word and His will for your life.
21:12If you want to experience that righteousness,
21:14that peace and joy in the Holy Ghost,
21:17they are the result of walking within the boundaries
21:20of God's Word and God's will for your life.
21:24So you have to distinguish between your boundaries.
21:28What's a boundary?
21:29And then understand that a limitation
21:31is a little different than a boundary.
21:33Don't allow your limitations to become your boundary.
21:37And let me see if I can distinguish that
21:39a little bit for you.
21:41A boundary is something that shows the end of something
21:45and hence the beginning of something different.
21:47So when you see a boundary, you know,
21:49most of our states abound by some kind of a river,
21:53a mountain or something.
21:54A boundary is something that shows the end of something
21:57and hence the beginning of something different.
21:59When you go to California and you go there from the beach,
22:02you hit it toward the west,
22:04there's the Pacific Ocean over there.
22:06It's the largest of all of the oceans.
22:08So you own land and then when you get,
22:11when the sand runs out, that's a boundary.
22:14That's a boundary and that boundary
22:16is now called the Pacific Ocean.
22:18And so it's the end of one thing,
22:20it's the beginning of something different.
22:22But now here's a limitation.
22:24A limitation is a restriction
22:26that does not allow you to proceed.
22:29That's a limitation.
22:31That's a limitation.
22:32When there's a glass ceiling in an organization,
22:35in a company, in the corporate world,
22:37you can only go so high.
22:39That's a limitation.
22:41It's a restriction that just says
22:43do not proceed from here.
22:45And sometimes that's just to keep you
22:47locked into where you are.
22:49So you have to distinguish the difference between those.
22:52Limitations don't tell you how far you can go.
22:56Limitations actually show you how short you stop.
23:00That's a limitation.
23:02And your limitation could be due to your own mindset,
23:05your own feeling of inadequacy,
23:08your own low self-esteem.
23:11And so I would say to you this,
23:13that some limitations are designed to be broken.
23:17Some limitations, not all of them, you know.
23:20I mean the speed limit is a limitation.
23:22The speed limit is for our safety.
23:25So I'm not saying just go out here, you know,
23:28and just act like you own the Autobahn.
23:31There are limitations for a reason,
23:34but some limitations are designed to be broken.
23:37Let me just show you, you know,
23:39because the Bible says that we are born
23:43of an incorruptible seed of the Word of God.
23:47It's an incorruptible, indestructible,
23:49ever-living seed of the Word.
23:51And the whole principle of heaven
23:53is built on the principle of a seed.
23:55Let me just show you this meme
23:57that shows you the power of a seed that was planted.
24:00Look at that.
24:01And a rock was in its way,
24:03but the tree said, I'm coming through.
24:06When there's a seed in you,
24:08even when the world will try to put obstacles
24:11to box you in,
24:13and to say that you can only go this far,
24:15you can only earn this kind of money.
24:17But listen, when the seed is in you,
24:19the seed begins to reproduce,
24:21and this has got to, I mean, it is a natural thing.
24:23It is a nature thing.
24:25You can put cement over it, and if you leave it
24:27and come back in a couple of hundred years,
24:29you will watch nature overtake the finest of castles.
24:33It'll break up through asphalt,
24:35break through concrete, break through marble.
24:38And I'm telling you, there is a seed on the inside of you.
24:42Whatever is buried is coming back up.
24:44It is coming back up.
24:45So if you ever hide that word of God in your heart,
24:48it's coming back up.
24:49When God has planted a seed of destiny on the inside of you,
24:53it is coming back up.
24:55Even when others try to put restrictions
24:57and limitations on your life,
24:59when God has said this is the,
25:02you know, I know the plans that I have for you.
25:04Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.
25:07Plans to give you hope and a future.
25:09Even if time looks like it's dragging
25:11and it's not coming so well,
25:13and if there's something that you haven't done
25:15up to a certain age,
25:16I'm telling you that you are in a position now
25:19where God would let you get a certain age
25:21and be able to do the thing that he called you to do,
25:24not in your younger years, but in your latter years
25:27so that the glory of God could be seen
25:30in a brand new dimension.
25:32My God, I'm here to declare to you
25:34that some of you are about to get your next win.
25:39I just heard, I heard,
25:41I just heard the word of the Lord.
25:42Let me tell you what he just said.
25:44I heard him say five words in my spirit.
25:47He didn't whisper this, he shouted it.
25:50I heard him say, God is on the rise.
25:56God is on the rise.
25:58I'm gonna prophesy it.
26:00God is on the rise.
26:02I don't care what the devil is doing.
26:04I heard in the spirit, God is on the rise.
26:09God is on the rise.
26:11Say it to somebody.
26:12God is on the rise.
26:14Prophesy it to your neighbor.
26:16God is on the rise.
26:18God is on the rise.
26:21God is on the rise.
26:24God is on the rise.
26:26When God arises, darkness begins to back up.
26:30Healings begin to come.
26:32Forgiveness begins to flood over people.
26:35Restoration comes between relationships.
26:38Miracles happen.
26:40When God is on the rise, promises come into manifestation.
26:44When God is on the rise, there's an acceleration toward the Lord.
26:49God is on the rise.
26:52When sin doth abound, there does the grace of God much more abound.
26:58God is on the rise.
27:01God is on the rise.
27:04God is on the rise.
27:06God is on the rise.
27:08God is on the rise.
27:10God is on the rise.
27:12God is on the rise.
27:14God is on the rise.
27:16God is on the rise.
27:18God is on the rise.
27:20God is on the rise.
27:22God is on the rise.
27:24God is on the rise.
27:26God is on the rise.
27:28God is on the rise.
27:30God is on the rise.
27:32God is on the rise.
27:36Some of you're about to experiences incredible change in your life.
27:42But I heard the Lord say these two things.
27:46Some of your change will happen, because your mind opens.
27:55And the other changes that will happen happen because your heart is broken.
28:04Either God will open your mind or the situations of life
28:09will break your heart, but it will shift change into your life.
28:16When your mind opens by the Word of God, when your mind opens by a new divine concept that
28:20God begins to bring you into the know of, your change can come because your mind opens
28:26or because your heart breaks. And when you break, you're no longer the same person.
28:32When your mind opens and you've grown and you've developed and you see new revelation,
28:36you're no longer the same person. So whether it comes by openness of the mind or brokenness of
28:42the soul, you're no longer the same. And sometimes when God really wants to maximize the change that
28:49He's making, He will open your mind and break you all at the same time. And you'll see God
28:55in some brand new dimensions. I'm just here to tell you today, I'm telling you, God is on the
29:00rise. God is on the rise. It may look like the devil is winning, God is on the rise. It's not
29:06what it looks like, God is on the rise. I want you to hear that as a jingle that goes over into
29:12your soul, God is on the rise. This is a prophetic word of the Lord, God is on the rise. I heard Him.
29:19I am sure of it, God is on the rise. You watch what God will do next. You watch what God will
29:26do next. You just watch. You watch what God will do. And I encourage you, in the words of 1 Peter
29:34chapter 5 and verse 8 and 9, I encourage you to stay alert and watch out for your great enemy,
29:41the devil, because he prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
29:48That means he can't devour everybody, so he's looking for somebody that he can.
29:53He's looking for someone that he can devour. He can't devour everybody. Stand firm against him.
29:59Stand firm against him. Stand firm against him and strong in your faith. Stand strong against
30:05him as the devil is trying to move and take more territory in our culture. Stand firm against him.
30:11Stand firm against him. Stand firm against him and be strong in your faith and remember
30:17that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering that
30:20you are. But you'd be surprised how many fights happen as a decoy. The devil would love to get
30:28us to be able to fight each other so that we can't fight the real enemy.
30:37You know whenever there's a flood in the land, a flood is the result of water that
30:42has disrespected the boundary of the banks of the river and so whenever a border is overrun,
30:50damage comes. But when the enemy comes in like a flood,
30:56God will lift up a standard. It's time to get out the sandbags.
31:06And can I even say this to you? That some of your minds have wondered whether or not you're in
31:13faith at all because you've been dealing with doubt in your own soul.
31:26And it is not that because doubt is present that faith is not.
31:33There are sometimes two sides of the same coin.
31:38It's an interesting dynamic that whoever say to this mountain, be thou removed,
31:45be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart.
31:49It didn't say doubt in the head. The head is designed by God to doubt for your protection.
31:54It's a function of discernment. It's designed to doubt things so that you're not so gullible.
32:01It's time for us now, we're living in a day now where you can't be gullible.
32:07And let me just tell you this, there are people that are being duped by artificial intelligence.
32:14But if you got the Holy Ghost on the inside of you and somebody's calling you, something
32:18down in your noah down on the inside of you says something's not right about that,
32:21that looks like him, it sounds like him. Well, something is not right about that down in my
32:26spirit. You see, God uses doubt as a, as the curiosity that he nurtures
32:37to walk you through a portal of greater understanding in faith.
32:43Lee Strobel is a great example of that. He was
32:45an extremely accomplished writer for the Chicago Tribune. And one day his wife struts in the house
32:54and she says, honey, I've given my heart to Jesus. I am now a follower of Jesus Christ.
33:02And somehow he was frustrated by her decision,
33:06believing that it was hogwash. And so he set out to use his investigative
33:13probing skills to expose the fallacies of the central themes of Christianity.
33:25And a strange thing happened that as he was questioning the validity of the scriptures,
33:33he began to discover that their answer was leading him to faith.
33:39And one question after another, what started as doubt culminated in faith. And he wound up
33:50writing an incredible book called The Case for Christ that has helped millions of other people
34:01wrestle with their questions with God and led them to faith. But it all started with doubt.
34:10And even God can take your doubt and on the flip side of that,
34:15it's the faith that God had to unveil to you to show you that I was in control of all of this
34:22the whole time. While you couldn't see what was on the other side, that if you just trust me when
34:27you can't trace me. If you've got questions, God says I've got answers and I will lead you
34:33into an understanding of my will and my word and your life will be changed forever.
34:40I encourage you today to ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in the boundaries that you are to
34:47sometimes impose on yourself. And then those boundaries that we as parents because one of
34:53the greatest disservices that we could ever deal and give to our children is to allow them to live
34:59their life without boundaries. It can destroy them and parents as the guardians and as the
35:07protectors of their children have to create healthy boundaries for them so that they can
35:13live and thrive. And listen, this is about being kind, not necessarily about being nice.
35:21And let me help you to understand the difference between the two.
35:24You may go out someplace in public and a person who's being nice to you while you might have
35:30something, a little friend in your left nostril, the nice person will smile at you and act as
35:39though nothing is there because they don't want to embarrass you. And so they won't say anything
35:47and so they won't say anything because they're being nice. But the kind person
35:54will say you got a little friend that's, you know, you might want to check this out in your left
35:59nostril. It's kind, it's not nice, but it is kind because they're thinking about you to keep you
36:08from further embarrassment. And so not all kindness comes off as nice because it confronts
36:17us with an uncomfortable truth. And it's a way of just saying you might want to,
36:23this would be a great time for a selfie.
36:26And you do know why we call them selfies, it's because
36:37the word narcissism was too difficult for most people to pronounce.
36:48But as parents, one of the greatest gifts that we can give to our children
36:53is to give them boundaries and to help show them where their gifts are so they can focus
37:01and have a power. When you know people, you understand what they're good at and what their
37:09God call is and what's naturally in their DNA as a natural proclivity. When you're a parent,
37:17you have to notice little things while they are little because it's a strength in them that can
37:23grow into their powerhouse and their moneymaker in their life. And it doesn't come because you
37:29give them carte blanche, it's because you will stand there and help to actually restrict them
37:36so that they develop in that area. When you want to develop a particular muscle,
37:41you isolate it and you do exercises that will isolate your bicep or your tricep
37:48or your latissimus dorsi, you know, it's whatever you want to build, isolate it,
37:54create a boundary. And there are some times that God will put you in something where you thought
38:02that you were actually put in isolation, but God actually calls it separation.
38:09And there is always, without exception, separation before there is elevation.
38:17So when God's getting ready to take your life to another level, you're going to have to come apart
38:22from your routine and He's going to create a boundary in your life and you're going to feel
38:28all alone and there are going to be some things that you're going through, there's something that
38:31you can tell a good friend about, there's something that you can only talk to you and Jesus about.
38:35And in that isolation, you'll find a divine elevation that God brings you
38:44through the openness of your mind and the brokenness of your heart
38:49into a brand new person. I pray you got something out of the Word of the Lord today.
38:53Hallelujah to the Lamb. Bow your heads.
39:05I just want this to be a time of introspection for you right now, right where you are,
39:11to just pray and ask God, Lord show me what needs to be restricted in my life.
39:18Father, show me what you're doing. I want to be open to you.
39:22I want to be open to the new thing that you're doing in my life. Why is that? Because old keys
39:27don't open new doors and God says I'm going to take you some places you've never been before.
39:32You're at an age and stage in your life right now you've never been before and some of this stuff
39:36is scary, but this is a place where God says trust me in this in this moment, in this hour,
39:41trust me in this new season, trust me in this new season, trust me in this new season,
39:48because some old things are going to fall off of you, but some new things, though it looks like
39:54it goes into dormancy, but God says I've got something budding on the inside of you. I'm
40:00going to bud some new things through you come spring. You're going to spring forth, but it
40:04doesn't happen until you fall back. Your next season is going to come through something that
40:10looks like dormancy, but you cannot rush God's process. You cannot rush it. You can only submit
40:16to it and say God work in me what needs to be worked by your own spirit and this is the time
40:23right now whether they are sins of omission or sins of commission that you'll talk to Jesus
40:29and you'll ask him to give you courage not merely to be nice but to be kind,
40:34kind enough to tell people the truth, kind enough to be able to do what is right by being kind but
40:40yet firm, standing strong in resistance of the enemy who's coming after your household.
40:48I pray that you will ask God that he will give you discernment, discernment, discernment
40:55in your eyes, your heart, and your mind to know the timing of the Lord, the seasons of the Lord,
41:01and to know what what you ought to do in this season. May he show you the boundaries that you
41:08need better tabs on to be able to take you, prepare you to where God is is bringing you.
41:20Take a moment just to talk to him right now and just know in the midst of this
41:26that God is on the rise. God is on the rise. God is on the rise. It's going to be different this time.
41:36God is on the rise. God is on the rise. He's bringing some of you up out of the dung hill.
41:43You've been down in the dumps but God is on the rise. You've been wondering when God is on the
41:49rise. There's something rising on the periphery. God is on the rise. God is on the rise. It might
41:57look like the size of a man's hands but God is on the rise. You better prepare your chariot
42:04because it's about to flood. God's glory
42:12is about to be revealed in brand new dimensions.
42:16I pray that it is your prayer. Lord, show me your glory. Show me your glory, Lord. Show me your glory.
42:24There's glory in every story. Don't you dare leave this place until you have discovered and unveiled
42:30the glory of God. We were formed for his glory.
42:36May God show you the glory and that that is contaminating or polluting and diluting it.
42:42Talk to him because God is on the rise. God is on the rise. God is on the rise.
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