Yvonne Flores vs Katharina Lehner (27-09-2024) Full Fight

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Okay, boxers, you received your instruction in the dressing room.
00:04You're going to have a good, clean, professional fight.
00:06Touch them up. Good luck.
00:17Not get pulled into a brawl.
00:22The bell! Round number one.
00:25White and gold trunks for the Texan, Yvonne Flores.
00:27Black and gold trunks for the German, Katerina Liener.
00:30Medium forward pressure to the surprise of no one, including Yvonne Flores from Katerina Liener.
00:35There's the long jab from Flores.
00:39Flores is also dealing with the fact that this is a professional debut.
00:42There's a lot of nerves and a lot of things going on all at once.
00:46But I think she's looking like she's a bit cool, calm, collected.
00:49Just got caught with a jab there from Liener.
00:52Liener trying to time the entries off of the one, off of the jab.
00:55There's the double jab landing again to the head of Yvonne Flores.
00:59That double jab got her a lot of space close to Yvonne.
01:02Yvonne needs to use her feet a little bit too, along with the jab, to keep her out.
01:06Flores on her back foot.
01:08On her front foot is Katerina Liener.
01:10Nice, nice check hook.
01:12It didn't land, but it's a good idea.
01:15It's good to see that in the first round of a professional debut.
01:18You know, she's looking for the different angles.
01:22There's a big left hook glance from Flores.
01:24Nice counter.
01:29But Flores is right.
01:31She needs to make this a pretty fight.
01:33Make it a nice boxing match.
01:35While Liener needs to make this a fight.
01:37She needs to get inside and make it ugly.
01:39Real beauty in the beast.
01:40I don't mean that because of what the females look like.
01:43But the styles of fighting, we need a beast performance from Liener.
01:46She wants to be successful.
01:47We need a beautiful boxing lesson from Yvonne.
01:50Yeah, Liener said she wanted to make it more of a brawl.
01:53And much more of a fight.
01:54And that's what she needed to do to win this.
01:56So she needs to up her pace a little bit.
01:58Nice counter hook straight right from Flores.
02:01The thing is, I don't see Liener really making it ugly.
02:05She comes in with a good double jab.
02:07And then she comes out and stays out.
02:08Instead of getting in and staying in.
02:10She's coming out, but just staying in range as well.
02:13And you can see Flores is really looking to land that lovely left hook of hers.
02:1710-second clock.
02:18Just acknowledged by referee Ansel Stewart.
02:20Very late here in round number 1.
02:22Yvonne Flores versus Katarina Liener.
02:24We move to round 2.
02:25Nice round.
02:28And there will be some relief there for Flores.
02:30First round done.
02:31Let's go.
02:33Get those butterflies out the way.
02:36Flores, go ahead and counter in the jab with the hook.
02:38Which kept her at bay.
02:39Very nice.
02:40That step back jab is going to be money all night.
02:44She's got good range as well.
02:49I wonder if we're going to see Liener come out and start to up the pace a little bit more now.
02:54And put the pressure on.
02:55Because it is a tough fight.
02:56It's a tough fight.
02:57It's a tough fight.
02:58It's a tough fight.
02:59It's a tough fight.
03:00It's a tough fight.
03:01It's a tough fight.
03:02It's a tough fight.
03:03It's a tough fight.
03:04Put the pressure on.
03:05Because if she just lets Flores continue to keep that nice long range, long jab, long left hook.
03:12She's not going to get any of her shots off.
03:14It's going to be a long night for her.
03:19Let's see what adjustments are made.
03:24Start of round number 2.
03:26Immediately claiming center of the ring, Katarina Liener.
03:31Long off the jab, Yvonne Flores.
03:34Overhand right from Lehner.
03:36Didn't fully turn it over, but still landed.
03:38And so Yvonne, she needs to learn to come to the side and not straight back.
03:47See the head movement?
03:48The feints of Lehner, looking for the full entry from the mid-range into the pocket.
03:54Careful with their heads there, yeah.
03:57It's the last thing you need.
04:01Counter left hook from Flores, sitting on that counter.
04:04Good exchange.
04:05Ooh, good double jab from Lehner.
04:07Good double jab.
04:08That's a much more solid double jab from Lehner as well this round.
04:11Straight one-two from Yvonne Flores.
04:13Shake her head from Lehner.
04:16Usually means it did connect.
04:20See a massive contrast in striking styles, striking philosophies from Yvonne Flores.
04:26Again, 44 amateur boxing bouts.
04:28She won 40 of those.
04:29Katarina Lehner, pro MMA, pro bare-knuckle, pro kickboxing, pro Muay Thai, and pro boxing.
04:35This is her third pro boxing bout.
04:38Different angles, different looks.
04:39Lehner learned, though.
04:40She's keeping that right hand real high, you know, to keep herself safe from the left hook
04:45that Flores has been throwing beautifully.
04:48Lehner resetting, again coming forward.
04:50Nice quick adjustment from her, really.
04:53You know, I think when she gets inside, she should stay there.
04:56She kind of lands a good jab and then she gets back out.
04:59But then she stays in range when she gets back out.
05:01It's not back out and out-out.
05:03It's out and then she gets in with the jab on return.
05:07I'm waiting to see what this right hand from Lehner does.
05:09I don't think we've seen any right hands from her yet.
05:12You just saw in the clinch how physical Katarina Lehner was,
05:14hitting the full underhook and really turning Yvonne Flores.
05:18Final seconds, round number two.
05:21One-two just off the mark from Flores as she tried to explode forward.
05:24That ends the second round.
05:27Something I do want to talk about here is,
05:30you know, we talk about it with the guys having, like,
05:32when you get your man strength.
05:33Like, it's the same in the women.
05:35You're going to do women's strength, you know.
05:37Flores is only 19 years old.
05:39She is a baby.
05:40She's a baby, you know.
05:41And she's going up against a 34-year-old.
05:43She's definitely got her women's strength.
05:44And as you said there, Sean, you could see the strength
05:47when they got in close together, you know.
05:49So that is something that does play a part.
05:52And Lehner should capitalize on that.
05:55Make it rough, make it ugly, throw her around, manhandle her a little bit.
06:00Because Flores is, she doesn't want to be pushed around.
06:03She wants to make it nice and pretty and box nice, you know.
06:07And she's a beautiful boxer as we've seen the last two rounds.
06:10She's doing good.
06:11She has good footwork, great jab, nice hook.
06:13I would love to see her with her right hand.
06:17Yeah, both fighters, a little bit lead hand happy.
06:19A little bit lead hand happy, I would say.
06:24I'm a massive proponent of the philosophy.
06:27You have to, as a fighter, take the style that works for you.
06:31That's what we're seeing from Yvonne Flores, trying to stay clean,
06:33trying to stay long.
06:34Nice jab.
06:35We're seeing that from Katarina Lehner, trying to be more aggressive,
06:38wider punches, more entries into the pocket.
06:41Nice feint from Lehner.
06:45Round number three underway.
06:46There's the right hand, counter right hand right back from Flores.
06:48Good adjustment from both of the ladies.
06:50That was a great exchange.
06:55Lehner now coming forward, back step.
06:57There's the jab from Flores.
07:01Hook not getting through.
07:02That was definitely blocked by Katarina Lehner.
07:08Lehner resetting.
07:09You see Katarina Lehner trying to mirror the hips of Yvonne Flores,
07:12trying to cut the ring.
07:13Good turn by Flores.
07:15Lehner having some success with that jab.
07:17It'd be nice if she followed it up with the backhand like you said.
07:21Hook not getting through from Flores.
07:23Hooking off the jab.
07:24You know, just give me something different.
07:26Double jab is doing good, but she has to build on it.
07:28Getting there.
07:29Double jab and then nothing behind it.
07:31Right, right.
07:34She's landing it.
07:35She is.
07:37And it's a good jab.
07:38It's snapping Yvonne's head back, but that's it.
07:41Forty-five seconds remaining in round number three.
07:43Scheduled for four in the welterweight division.
07:45Switch step entry from Katarina Lehner.
07:48And that is exactly what Flores said she had to watch out for in this fight.
07:51You know, because Lehner is used to covering that distance quickly
07:54from her other experiences in combat sports.
07:56So, Flores needs to be sharp like that there with the one-two.
08:00That was a good sharp two.
08:02It didn't hit, but it was nice and fast.
08:05She should throw more of it.
08:07Back step and a hook from Yvonne Flores.
08:10Getting her timing from range.
08:11Fifteen seconds remaining in round number three.
08:13Katarina Lehner coming forward again.
08:15Overhand left.
08:16Jab right back from Flores.
08:22Katarina Lehner continues to stalk, continues to come forward.
08:25Flores continuing to turn.
08:27Lands the counters.
08:28Next stop, the fourth and final round.
08:36That was a good round.
08:37That was a great exchange right there at the end too.
08:39I think Lehner needs to stop following Flores around.
08:42Cut her off.
08:43Cut her off a little bit more.
08:44Maybe use more of that lateral movement that she's got when she comes forward.
08:56It's the first time we've seen the stool in the corner.
08:58Now, she stood in the last round.
09:00It's a fight.
09:01She had to fight that last round.
09:02It's true.
09:03So, I like to stand in the corner.
09:05That suits me.
09:07I feel it because I'm tall.
09:09You know, sitting down, it feels very fast to sit down.
09:11But I do like to stand.
09:13Mentally, I'm working on a car or something like that.
09:15It is a mental game too.
09:16When I see my opponent over there standing, I'm like, really, you're not tired?
09:20Because I want a stool.
09:21That makes a difference.
09:23The second half of his career, George Foreman always stood.
09:26He never took a seat on the stool in the second half of his heavyweight career.
09:31He was a big guy.
09:32He was a big boy too.
09:33Fourth and final round underway.
09:35Yvonne Flores versus Katarina Lehner.
09:37Nice jab and hook off the jab from Flores.
09:39Oh, nice one-two-three from Flores.
09:41And I feel like we could have seen this the whole round.
09:44Her letting her hands go from outside.
09:46Beautiful one-two-three again.
09:49Flores long off the jab.
09:50Definitely turning up the volume here to start round number four.
09:5319-year-old Yvonne Flores.
09:56I feel like she's relaxed, you know?
09:57Oh, yeah.
09:58She's gotten in her rhythm now.
10:02She is now a seasoned pro in this fourth round.
10:06Katarina Lehner.
10:07Right back to the mid-range.
10:08There's the right hand I was asking for.
10:10You're getting it now.
10:16Flores on the back foot by design.
10:18Lehner on the front foot by design.
10:20Good step in from Flores.
10:26Lehner just needs to use a little bit of an angle to come in.
10:29At the moment, she's coming straight forward towards Flores.
10:32Flores is capitalizing, just using those straight punches.
10:35Lovely combination from Flores there.
10:37Yeah, very, very nice.
10:39And she can't miss that one-two-three.
10:44See the feint step from Katarina Lehner.
10:47That took just off the mark.
10:48Followed by a jab from Yvonne Flores.
10:51Flores definitely opening up here in the fourth and final round.
10:56Well, it was a close fight.
10:57And she knew that.
10:58And her corner told her it's a close fight.
11:00And she came out and made sure that there is no doubt on who's going to win this fight.
11:05So the hard overhook snatched by Lehner.
11:07She was going to the body.
11:08The separation from Ansel Stewart.
11:10And right back to it.
11:11Twenty seconds remaining in this fight.
11:15Good shot there from Lehner.
11:17She countered from Flores.
11:20Lehner needs to let go of that right hand.
11:22She's had a lot of success with the double jab.
11:25But almost none with the right hand.
11:27And it's mostly because she hasn't used it.
11:31I see a little bit of fire from Flores.
11:35Great control from Flores.
11:36The bell.
11:37And that is the end of the fight.
11:40Yvonne Flores and Katarina Lehner going the distance all four rounds.
11:48Really good experience there from Flores.
11:50Especially on her debut, you know.
11:52Maybe her glove touched the canvas.
11:54But the ref saying, you know, no knockdown.
11:57And there's the nerves there, isn't there?
11:59There's the nerves.
12:01And you know that fourth round.
12:02Yvonne came out.
12:03And she looked like a seasoned pro.
12:05Let her hands go.
12:07Knocked it down.
12:48And then it should stay on the top of that.
13:04Get on out of here.
13:20Yvonne Flores, Katarina Lehner going the distance in the welterweight division all four rounds.
13:25Clearly, Flores did her best work from the outside.
13:28And Lehner did her best work from the inside.
13:31And we saw some beautiful straight, long punches from Flores.
13:34Especially in that last round there.
13:36You know, she really started to let it go.
13:38Jab, cross, hook.
13:39And she couldn't miss.
13:40The speed was on fire in that fourth round.
13:43And she really pulled away.
13:45I think it was a close fight into that last round.
13:47We send it to Joe Martinez.
13:51Well, ladies and gentlemen, after four rounds, we go to the scorecards.
13:54And here are the totals.
13:5540-36, 40-36, and 39-37.
13:59All for your winner by unanimous decision, from Orlando, Florida, Yvonne Flores!
