Trey Knowles - The Lord Knows

  • 2 days ago
The Lord Knows. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?

The Lord Knows
by Music Artist Trey Knowles
Truth & Knowledge


00:00baby I'm telling you don't worry Lord knows praise be to God and father of our
00:11Lord Jesus Christ father of compassion and the God of all comfort comfort us
00:17and all our troubles so that we may comfort those who are in trouble with
00:22the comfort we receive from God so once again baby don't worry the Lord knows
00:29that you're going through but Lord knows let me tell you something
00:36I'm here to tell you do not let your heart be troubled believe in God put
00:41the trust to God you think what you're going through is something what you're
00:45going through is nothing God raised Jesus from the dead now that's something
00:48compare that what you're going through your problems look like nothing
00:51greatest he and us and anything else I was sick and stuck in conflict 11 years
00:56I was like Joe the 12th year got both crusty I'm dying
01:01Lord can't save it that should not be a question I already know the answer I'm
01:06confident my family's prayer for me God works for my good I'm not like those he
01:12loved me chastised I finally realized that you baptized that's love he's not
01:18giving up on me stand strong on me I love more and more each day let's pray
01:23he's my father in heaven he's my career my company I can do all things for him
01:29gives me strength he's my carpenter that's why I love let me give you some
01:35words to think on this is not gonna be a sad song
01:43I'm here to tell you do not let your heart be troubled believe in God put the
01:48Lord knows
01:53Lord knows
01:58I let your heart be troubled
02:12that's all the foreign spirit there's a kingdom of heaven bless our goals more
02:18that's all for me they would hear the curse that's all those who hunger and
02:22thirst for righteousness they will be filled that's all the merciful they
02:26will be shown mercy that's all the pure in heart they will see God that's all
02:30the peacemakers but they will be called children of God bless those who are
02:34persecuted because of righteousness but there is a kingdom of heaven
02:38that's all you people insult you persecute you falsely say all kinds of
02:43Jesus rejoice and be glad as great as your reward in heaven for in the same
02:49way they persecuted the prophets they were due to you so what you're going
02:54through was nothing put your trust in God not as you're going through was
02:59nothing let me tell you something it's not gonna be a sad song I'm here to tell
03:03you do not let your heart be troubled believe in God put your trust in God
03:08but you're going through was nothing Lord knows it's not gonna be a sad Lord
03:13knows I'm here to tell you do not let your heart be troubled you believe in
03:19God put your trust to God going through was not to let me tell you something the
03:24Lord does not gonna be a sad song Lord knows you're going through was not
03:28let your heart be troubled believe in God put your trust to God but you're
03:33Lord knows
03:41I'm here to tell you do not let your heart be troubled believe in God put your trust in God
03:48Lord knows
03:55I'm here to tell you do not let your heart be troubled believe in God put your trust in God
04:03Lord knows
04:07Do not let your heart be troubled
04:09believe in God put your trust in God
04:11Lord knows
04:15Lord knows
04:17True Vanilla
