Erik Spoelstra Talks Miami Heat Starters, Jimmy Butler Relationship and Nikola Jović's Development

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Miami Heat coach Erik Spoelstra talks Miami Heat camp battles, the team's young talent, his relationship with Jimmy Butler, Nikola Jović's growth and his travel calls.


00:00through. We got Eric Spolstra in the house with us here from
00:02Miami. He be there. Coach, thanks for your time, man.
00:03Really appreciate it. Alright, appreciate it. Looking fresh.
00:05Energized. All the above. We've had too much time. Too much.
00:09Yeah. As we're talking, remember, we've been off since
00:11uh early May uh and losing to Boston and then seeing them
00:16win. You know, that that offers a little bit of a different
00:19motivation in the off season. I think we're all um able to get
00:23time away. Understand that we're going to have to come
00:25together and and get to a higher level. That's what
00:28happens when a team wins a championship. They force you to
00:30raise your level and you know, that's what we're looking
00:33forward to out of our group. You said uh you plan on
00:35watching none of it. Did you watch any of Boston's run? I
00:38didn't watch any of it live. No. But uh yeah, of course uh
00:41this summer, you have to get to work. I just was not going to
00:43watch it. You know, as it was happening and I certainly did
00:47not watch the coronation uh any of that. I don't need that part
00:50you know, to see their parade as as motivation but to get to
00:53school, yeah, you have to understand what the enemy is
00:56doing and what uh how they adapted and got to a higher
01:01level uh because that's what's going to be required uh for our
01:05ball club. You have such an interesting roster with uh you
01:07know, young guys ascending the guys that the main stage you
01:10had. What do you imagine camp competition is going to be like
01:13for you going into this with roles and all that because I
01:15feel like there's a lot of fun things you can play with with
01:18this roster. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. We're going to
01:20get right to it. You know, and uh uh I commend the group for
01:23in uh prepared ready. We've checked the boxes of
01:26conditioning, the conditioning test, the player development,
01:29working out. Uh guys have been playing enough pickup. Their
01:32bodies are ready. Their minds are clear uh and now we have to
01:35get to it uh and I do have some evaluations uh to make. I I do
01:39have an idea of some of the main things you know and and
01:42the direction that will go but I want to be open to the
01:45competition. I want the young guys uh to come in here with
01:48that kind of exuberance they showed during summer league. We
01:51have a lot of young talent in the building now. We wanted to
01:54restock uh our talent pool you know with uh um some young guys
02:00um and I want them to push the vets. I want the vets to come
02:03into camp uh not entitled but to actually have to earn their
02:06spots as well to have that kind of mindset uh and then we'll
02:09see where it goes and in terms of mixing and matching, that's
02:12what preseason will be about. Um we won't have all the answers
02:15by day one but I'm going to be very intentional in camp of
02:18um trying to get to it and trying to make some decisions
02:20early on. Isn't this um this is one of the first times I've
02:25seen this much young talent. Usually it's you add some
02:29veterans, you move some pieces around and it's mostly a
02:32veteran squad. Uh to have so much young talent is is this
02:37something new for you because I I can't remember you having
02:40this much young talent you know on the team that's going to
02:44actually contribute. We've had different uh times where we've
02:48had talent ads. Uh obviously when we added Bam. Right. When
02:52we added Tyler um and then uh that first year when we added
02:56Jimmy, we felt like we had some young talent uh in the in the
02:59pool. Uh this is a little bit different because there's a
03:02little bit more um in terms of we still have uh Jaime, we still
03:07have Nico. Right. Uh add them to the mix of who we added this
03:11summer. That's where I think the Heat fan base is was excited.
03:15Uh the group uh found a way to win the summer league
03:17championship. Uh our draft picks um were talented um and
03:22Kalil and and Pella. Um they show that they can produce and
03:26and impact winning even just at that level that matters uh to
03:29us and then you know guys like uh uh KJ and um you know Josh
03:35Christopher uh they made us watch and that that's what I
03:38want. You know the first thing when you're a young player uh
03:40you have to you have to commit to the work. Then you have to
03:45uh make us watch. Make us pay attention. Uh if you're not
03:49doing that enough, you're not earning that, alright? And then
03:52the next step is find a way to impact winning and that's when
03:56you start putting pressure on some of the veteran players. So,
03:59I don't know. You know, at this point, you know, it's it's
04:02exciting summer league but now you turn the page. It's a
04:04little bit different. You know, when the vets come into camp
04:06but uh I want that to be a very competitive spirited camp and
04:10um we have to collaborate, you know, together um but I don't
04:14want them backing down from anybody. Right. From uh from
04:17Jimmy's standpoint, you've you've been in the position
04:19where guys get a little bit older superstars. Uh how do you
04:23feel like? Is there any way you feel like you have to handle
04:25him differently or do you just let him be who he's been with
04:28you guys? Uh he's really prepared. You know, coming into
04:30the season. Um he understands that he needs me. You know, to
04:34be at the top of my game where he is in his career. I have
04:37experienced coaching uh players his age and I need him to be at
04:41the top of his game. Not only physically, mentally, emotionally,
04:45spiritually but as a leader and at this point in our careers
04:48where we've been together now going on our sixth year based
04:52on my experience, that's where you can have the beauty of
04:56unspoken leadership. Where we're moving the locker room.
05:01When he needs me to move the locker room and move in a
05:04certain way, I do it. When I need him to do it, he does it.
05:07When we need to collaborate together, you know, that's when
05:10we really can can be powerful and sometimes, you know, the
05:13first two or three years, you're just getting to know
05:15each other and uh I just think these are amazing
05:19opportunities. Um that's so it happens so infrequently, you
05:23know, in our league. Unfortunately, we're able to
05:25coach somebody for for that many years in a row and that's
05:27that goes for Bam as well. You know, I'm going on uh eight
05:31years uh with Bam but five collectively uh between Bam uh
05:37and Jimmy and I and we're the leaders. You know, we're going
05:40to need everybody but they're going to follow us and our
05:44ability to be in sync. Uh that's that's where we can
05:47really, you know, make the biggest difference. Have you, I
05:50guess, message wise to him like what has been his mindset
05:53because obviously he has just as high standards as you guys
05:55do to win championships and for him to be on the sidelines at
05:59the end of it, you know, seeing you guys get eliminated, how
06:01tough is that for him when you speak with him about it? Yeah,
06:03I mean, we were in contact when I was uh you know, overseas
06:06and uh he's in the same place. Look, we're all competitors.
06:10We're all type A. So, when you're you're frustrated and
06:13you see somebody else win um and he wasn't even able to to
06:17get out there. Well, we've had time enough to reflect on it
06:21uh enough to to fuel us, you know, to have a great off
06:24season. He put in uh a great deal of work uh this summer. I
06:28think he's able to prepare for this season, you know, more so
06:31than he has in in previous seasons because he simply is
06:34we've had more time and uh I like where he is um and all
06:38those places that I talked about and just looking forward
06:41to getting him and everybody else back in the mix and
06:43getting this thing started. How cool was the uh uh I always
06:47wonder because there's been an influx of European players.
06:51They come over here in 1920 years old. Um how do you treat
06:56some of these guys that have been professionals since they
06:59were 1516 years old and then they come here. I I know it's
07:03not the same but they have been professionals. Nico's been
07:08playing against grown men, you know, for 3 years before he got
07:13here. Yeah and you know, I first had that experience with
07:16Gorin. Okay. Gorin literally played professional basketball
07:20in Spain at fifteen. Right. And as he explained that whole
07:24process, you can see why he was so mature and ready. The first
07:28year or two, you have to get used to how the NBA moves.
07:32That's a different association and that was part of Nico's uh
07:36deal that first year. He had to get healthy. He had to
07:38understand the NBA. He had to understand and learn our
07:40culture. Well, those are big asks. Yeah. And that's a big
07:43transition, you know, for somebody but that next summer,
07:46he went back to work and put on, you know, twenty-five pounds.
07:48I think that really helped him these last two summers playing
07:51for the Serbian national team and have that team having the
07:54expectations to win just like ours. I think it's really
07:58helped him understand how to impact winning uh and then him
08:02earning that role last year. Nothing is given here and I
08:06think that that's just for us. It's not, I'm not saying that's
08:09the only way to do it. Um but we're not gifting minutes just
08:12to give you experience. You have to earn minutes to be able
08:15to learn how to impact winning uh and there are frustrating
08:19times for Nico. I get it. I understand it. I like that. I
08:22like that. Like you gotta fight for it and he fought for it and
08:25by the end of the year, he earned that starting spot uh
08:28and played some really productive basketball. I think
08:30that playoff experience also was really important for him.
08:33We were talking to Karan about him uh couple weeks ago and he
08:36had mentioned that it was like a real show of mental toughness
08:38that he played through because he was dealing with whatever it
08:41was that he happened to him in the workouts just to have
08:43himself available for Serbia. Why did you guys want to show
08:46that? Let him show that because a lot of teams would be like,
08:48eh, let's just keep it, you know, ready for camp and said,
08:51you guys let him be be there for his Serbian team. Look, this
08:54is the Olympics. This is such a big stage and I I saw last
08:59year firsthand that Serbian team in the world uh
09:01championships. Um I spent a lot of time with Nico uh over
09:05there uh in the Philippines and I saw how connected that group
09:08was uh and how much winning mattered. To me, that
09:12translates. You can't get any kind of pickup game in the
09:16summer or any kind of one on one like player development
09:19workout that's going to translate like playing for your
09:22national team and the expectations. He played for a
09:26crazy Serbian coach. So, I know he's he's the demands. You know,
09:31I loved it. I loved it. I I bumped into the coach and I
09:34told him, I know you're going to but coach him harder and
09:37right and he had all those things and he had to fight and
09:40earn his spot there and he earned a starting spot. Um so,
09:44I think that experience was really important for his player
09:46development and we didn't know whether he was going to play.
09:48We just wanted to be on the team just to be there for the
09:50Olympics because I knew how much that that meant for him.
09:52We gotta, we got two things that we love that you do or
09:54that we we want to ask you about. The Spoh travel call.
09:58There's an art to it because there's like, there's the, yeah,
10:00there is. No, we watch it. You get carried. So, we we go, we
10:03go fingers and then we go to full arms. Do you, do you know
10:06when it gets to the point where we go from fingers to, alright,
10:09I know what he's doing. He's walking all over the place. Oh
10:11boy, is this a meme or something? Yes, come on. Just
10:15with us. We're seeing it. It's like it's it's it's I haven't
10:17seen that one. I've seen the one I call the horns. Like, I
10:22have seen that. I've not seen the travel but I, hey, if
10:25you're not paying attention, alright, then, hey, I'm gonna
10:28make you pay attention. You know, I guess that's what it is.
10:31It's, it, it stands out because you're so stoic on the
10:34sidelines. Like, you don't and then, all of a sudden, it's
10:40like, it's beautiful. I don't know. I have to have TD like
10:44that for me. I was not aware. Oh, he's laughing too. He's
10:46seen it. I was not aware of that one. Yeah. Uh so, we
10:52appreciate the time. Thanks so much. Appreciate you guys.
10:54We're looking forward to the season and I appreciate you
10:55giving us some time. Likewise.
