The Jane Mysteries: A Deadly Prescription

  • 2 days ago
00:00:00Good morning, how can I help you today?
00:00:30I'm feeling under the weather
00:00:32And try to put your broken heart back together
00:00:36Don't even bother with the doctors, no
00:00:39Just come on over for the antidote
00:00:42You're lovesick, and I've got the remedy
00:00:46Lovesick, when you're feeling blue
00:00:49Just one kiss, take it before bedtime
00:00:53If that doesn't cure it, just take two
00:00:56No, don't call the doctor
00:00:59When your heart is blue
00:01:15Wow, you are a tough act to follow, Jane.
00:01:17Yeah, I think you're up for the challenge.
00:01:19It's a great crowd. Break a rib, John.
00:01:24Well, during my best performance ever,
00:01:27I actually broke a rib on stage.
00:01:29Wow, singing with a broken rib.
00:01:32You're an interesting case, Jane DaSilva.
00:01:36How about a drink after my set?
00:01:40Oh, okay. Yeah.
00:01:44Over there?
00:01:46Yeah, over there.
00:01:50See you.
00:01:55Cheers to my gorgeous niece breaking a rib.
00:01:59Aw, thank you for knowing me so well.
00:02:01Well, having you back in Baltimore
00:02:03helps keep all of our family's quirks and stories alive.
00:02:07Yeah, even though our family's just the two of us now.
00:02:11I miss Mom and Uncle Harold all the time.
00:02:15I miss them, too.
00:02:17But we have so many good memories.
00:02:23John has been so helpful, too.
00:02:25Getting you up to speed in all the recent files.
00:02:28John has been, uh, pretty great.
00:02:35I know that great.
00:02:37I felt that when I first started dating Harold.
00:02:42I saw you two as you came off stage.
00:02:45Well, I mean, he did ask me for a drink after his set, but...
00:02:48Did he?
00:02:50It's just a drink.
00:02:52It's not a big deal.
00:02:54Besides, I don't have time for all the dating distractions anyway.
00:03:25Any idea who that was that John just left with?
00:03:28You mean the John that you just said you weren't interested in?
00:03:31That John?
00:03:33Yeah, I mean, what was it?
00:03:35Like his long-lost sister or cousin or something?
00:03:38Oh, yeah, that hug seemed totally platonic.
00:03:43Look, it's just...
00:03:45It's not like John to leave his band, okay?
00:03:47I'm gonna go check on him.
00:03:49It's not like John to leave his band, okay?
00:03:51I'm gonna go check on him. I'll be back.
00:04:20Oh, man.
00:04:22Every one of you cases deserves justice,
00:04:24but if I take on too many and get overwhelmed,
00:04:27then that helps absolutely no one.
00:04:37Every one of you cases deserves justice,
00:04:39but if I take on too many and get overwhelmed,
00:04:41then that helps absolutely no one.
00:04:50You don't have to knock. You work at the Foundation, too.
00:04:53Just didn't want to interrupt you talking to your unsolved cases.
00:04:59Hey, I'm sorry for rushing off when we had some plans.
00:05:02You got my text, though, right?
00:05:04No need to apologize. I mean, it's fine.
00:05:06I haven't even really been looking at my phone.
00:05:08You know, I've just been here busy-busy, so...
00:05:11It's not like it was a date or anything.
00:05:12Jane, I can explain.
00:05:14The only explaining you have to do is to your band,
00:05:16because, quite frankly, they were very off without you.
00:05:19But me, I am fine.
00:05:22There's someone I'd like to introduce you to.
00:05:29Oh, uh, great. Hi.
00:05:31Hi. I'm Jane.
00:05:33This is Sandra Shea.
00:05:35Thanks for seeing me at such a late hour.
00:05:38Your uncle often worked at night, too.
00:05:41Sandra was Harold's last client before he passed away,
00:05:45and Sandra's son is in prison for a crime he maintains he didn't commit.
00:05:53Oh, uh, gosh, I'm so sorry.
00:05:56How can we help?
00:05:58Well, last night Sandra received an anonymous note
00:06:00she thought we should see.
00:06:03And then tonight she thought she heard someone breaking into her apartment.
00:06:07I was so upset that I made John come check it out.
00:06:10I met with Harold at the club a few times before.
00:06:13He said I could trust John.
00:06:15Ryan's case is up for appeal,
00:06:18and it's getting a lot of coverage in the news,
00:06:21which brings out all kinds of weirdos and bad tips.
00:06:24But we have to make sure we investigate every lead.
00:06:27Ryan deserves that.
00:06:29Of course.
00:06:31You know, I think I saw his case somewhere in here.
00:06:34He's young, right?
00:06:36Sixteen at the time of the shooting. He's just a minor.
00:06:41Why don't you tell me about him, Sandra?
00:06:47Ryan has always been a good kid.
00:06:51He helped our neighbors with the yard work.
00:06:53He tutored the younger kids at school.
00:06:56He was the top of his class.
00:06:58Wanted to go to an Ivy League school.
00:07:01Doesn't sound like the beginnings of a hardened criminal to me.
00:07:05Ryan's appeal is in five days.
00:07:07Without any new information, he'll be serving out his full 15-year sentence.
00:07:11This note proves there's somebody out there who knows the truth and can help.
00:07:15We need to find them.
00:07:17I think we might be able to help you do that, but...
00:07:21did you say 15 years for robbery?
00:07:25I was seriously ill last year.
00:07:28I couldn't afford my prescription medication, so...
00:07:32Ryan took the handgun from my safe and attempted to rob a pharmacy
00:07:37to get the medication I needed to live.
00:07:39Of course he did. He was terrified of losing his mom.
00:07:43It's so nice to have an empathetic ear.
00:07:46Ryan made a big mistake robbing that pharmacy, and he knows it.
00:07:51But he would never mean to kill someone.
00:07:55Somebody died?
00:08:03Phyllis Collins. A beloved member of the community.
00:08:07Owned the pharmacy with her husband, Jason Collins.
00:08:10Ryan was cast as a villain from day one, but he's just worried sick about me.
00:08:14It wasn't premeditated.
00:08:16He wasn't wearing a mask or covering up his identity.
00:08:19It wasn't for narcotics or money.
00:08:22He was holding Sandra's prescription papers.
00:08:25Sounds like he didn't even think about how to get away with it.
00:08:27Just about trying to save you.
00:08:30The police held him for hours and forced him to give a false confession.
00:08:34We don't know that, Sandra.
00:08:36He was exhausted. Stressed.
00:08:39They pressured him to say what they wanted to hear.
00:08:42Harold began this investigation when he was sick.
00:08:45Did Sadie help on the investigation at all?
00:08:48No, I think he wanted to focus on it alone.
00:08:50To prove he could still be useful.
00:08:52He didn't want anyone to know about his illness.
00:08:54Not even Sadie?
00:08:56Not least of all Sadie.
00:09:00If Uncle Harold took on this case when he was fighting an illness,
00:09:04there must have been a good reason.
00:09:06Right. Right. He might have found something that would point him to Ryan's innocence.
00:09:10I've tried tracking down the truth myself,
00:09:12but people just don't want to talk to me about it anymore.
00:09:15Well, I want to talk with you, Sandra.
00:09:18I do.
00:09:20But first, I'm going to go make us some tea.
00:09:22All right? Tea makes everything better.
00:09:35Ryan is facing 15 years behind bars?
00:09:39He's facing 15 years behind bars?
00:09:42If it's not true and he didn't kill Phyllis, we've got to help him win his appeal.
00:09:46It's not fair for him to lose so much of his life to a childhood error in judgment.
00:09:50The problem is Ryan confessed to the robbery and the shooting.
00:09:53He was convicted of murder as an adult.
00:09:56But why would he confess to something he didn't do?
00:10:00Well, false confessions are rare, but they do happen.
00:10:04The interrogation was over a year ago,
00:10:06and he now maintains he was coerced into the confession and never fired the gun.
00:10:11Well, we all make mistakes.
00:10:15Yeah, well, murder is no small mistake.
00:10:18I'm stating the obvious here. It's devastating for the victim's family,
00:10:22the person who pulled the trigger, and their family, too.
00:10:27Here it is.
00:10:30All right, Sandra, Uncle Harold thought that this case deserved a second look.
00:10:35So, we need to find the truth. We need to find justice for Ryan.
00:10:40We'll take it from here, Sandra, and I promise that we will do everything we can for your son.
00:10:45Thank you, Jane.
00:10:50Here, I'll walk you out.
00:11:00Are you sure you're okay?
00:11:02Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. We're just visitors here, you know?
00:11:06Ryan's got to be here for so long.
00:11:08This must tear Sandra apart every time she has to come visit him.
00:11:11No, it does. You know, she comes here every week without fail.
00:11:15Hey. Sorry, I'll put this on.
00:11:18Thanks. Well, we are going to bring some light to this case.
00:11:23You sure you're all right?
00:11:25Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I was just, you know, got a lot on my mind.
00:11:47Hey, Ryan.
00:11:49Hey, Sandra.
00:11:52Hey, Ryan. Your mom sent us here to help.
00:11:57She told me.
00:12:02Thank you for coming. I swear I didn't do it. I don't even know how to shoot a gun.
00:12:07Okay, okay. Well, do you know who did shoot Phyllis then?
00:12:12I don't know what all happened so fast.
00:12:15All right, well, Ryan, if we're going to help you, we've got to start answering some of these questions, okay?
00:12:22I went into the pharmacy with the gun. It was a stupid idea, I know, but I didn't know what else to do.
00:12:27My mom was so sick, she couldn't get out of bed.
00:12:30It was wrong, but I don't remember shooting the gun.
00:12:34Ryan, were you in the pharmacy when the gun went off?
00:12:41I don't know. I don't remember.
00:12:44Well, what do you remember?
00:12:48My hands wouldn't stop shaking.
00:12:54I didn't want to be there. I didn't know what to say.
00:13:00I felt so cold.
00:13:07How can I help you today?
00:13:12I just wanted her to understand.
00:13:18Help me, please.
00:13:24I just wanted the pharmacist to take the prescriptions.
00:13:28I need these.
00:13:30How long?
00:13:32Can I get some assistance out here?
00:13:37I didn't see them coming.
00:13:41Look, Ryan, I know this is really difficult for you to talk about, okay? But please try.
00:13:50She grabbed onto me. Hard.
00:13:54Tried to take the gun away from me, and next thing I know, there's a woman screaming and I'm running out of the pharmacy, but...
00:14:00I didn't have the gun.
00:14:03I never wanted anyone to get hurt. I just wanted to save my mom.
00:14:07I know. I know, Ryan. I understand.
00:14:10There's nothing more terrifying than the thought of losing your mom.
00:14:15Ryan, why would you admit to a murder you didn't commit?
00:14:20The cops kept pushing and pushing, asking questions.
00:14:25I told them I didn't know what happened, and they said it was convenient that I didn't remember.
00:14:31They were putting words in my mouth. It's like they twisted everything I said.
00:14:36I was in that room all night.
00:14:39It was so bright. They didn't let me rest.
00:14:43I just wanted to sleep. I was so tired.
00:14:47That's a horrible way to treat anyone,
00:14:51let alone someone so young and terrified for his mother.
00:14:55I mean, why would the cops do that?
00:14:58I mean, why would the cops do that?
00:15:01They wouldn't.
00:15:03Procedure is to have a guardian present when questioning anyone underage.
00:15:09It was just me.
00:15:12I didn't even know it was real after a few hours.
00:15:15The policeman said if I confessed, I could see my mom.
00:15:18Ryan, I am so sorry this happened to you. We were going to do everything we could.
00:15:22Sorry, that was clearly an accident against protocol. It won't happen again.
00:15:29Let's go.
00:15:30Why? I didn't do anything.
00:15:31We'll come back.
00:15:34Take care of yourself, Ryan, okay?
00:15:35We'll be back.
00:15:37But I didn't do anything.
00:15:43It would have been nice if you would have had my back in there.
00:15:45Hey, I always do, but you can't touch a prisoner, okay?
00:15:49It was an automatic out. We didn't need to make any more trouble for Ryan.
00:15:53No, you're right. You're right.
00:15:56But I am going to find out exactly what went on.
00:15:59Meet me at the foundation tomorrow.
00:16:01Ryan and Sandra deserve justice.
00:16:04Oh, thanks for joining me today.
00:16:08Look, I'm on your side, Jane. I'm committed to helping. You know that.
00:16:15How can I help?
00:16:20Oh, well.
00:16:21How are you?
00:16:23How are you?
00:16:25How are you?
00:16:27How are you?
00:16:29How are you?
00:16:32Oh, well, I found the ballistics report.
00:16:34Oh, okay.
00:16:36Here we go.
00:16:38The firearm tied to the bullet wound belonged to Ryan's grandfather.
00:16:42Oh, huh.
00:16:45Huh, and it seems like Ryan's grandfather only had the one handgun.
00:16:49And after he passed, Sandra had kept it in a safe.
00:16:52But Ryan knew where she kept the key.
00:16:59Gosh, Harold was so thorough, though.
00:17:01I mean, look at all these notes.
00:17:04He had them on everything.
00:17:06I recognize that handwriting anywhere.
00:17:09I wonder what he wanted to ask you.
00:17:11Well, he often bounced around the details of a case.
00:17:14Or maybe what he could make me for lunch that day.
00:17:17Oh, I remember he made a really good grilled cheese.
00:17:22If you'll excuse me, I just need a minute.
00:17:28Oh, maybe I shouldn't have said anything.
00:17:32I can't imagine how hard it must be for Sadie without Harold.
00:17:36I just wish there was some way I could make it all better.
00:17:42Harold and Sadie were lucky.
00:17:45Not many people get to have a bond like theirs.
00:17:52Okay, uh, well, we've heard Ryan's version of things.
00:17:56So, um, why don't we...
00:18:00You know, why don't you walk me through the police procedures that were used that day?
00:18:04Uh, maybe we can find out what went so wrong in the interrogation room.
00:18:17Well, it'd be difficult to prove a false confession since there are witnesses in the pharmacy.
00:18:22Well, right now everyone's a suspect.
00:18:24All right, there was...
00:18:26Jason Collins.
00:18:28Jason Collins, who was the owner, the pharmacist, and Phyllis' husband.
00:18:34All right, and then...
00:18:35And then...
00:18:36Kyle Ganti.
00:18:39Assistant pharmacist. He was in the back room refilling prescriptions.
00:18:43Right. And...
00:18:46Joe Harper.
00:18:48He was stocking shelves at the time of the robbery.
00:18:53Joe, Jason, and Kyle.
00:18:57Is it weird that all three witnesses were employed by the pharmacy at the time of the shooting?
00:19:01I mean, it's a little suspicious, right?
00:19:06I mean...
00:19:20Who's lying?
00:19:28Harold's right. Someone is lying.
00:19:32And if Ryan's telling the truth and he didn't shoot Phyllis, then somebody else did.
00:19:36And they're still out there.
00:19:38Look, I know you feel for this kid, Jane, but you can't let your emotions lead you around.
00:19:43You can't go off half-cocked.
00:19:46How? What are you talking about?
00:19:48Maybe emotion isn't a bad thing right now. Think about it.
00:19:52The law has no emotion, Jane. It runs on facts.
00:19:55How can you not be emotional about this right now?
00:19:58If Ryan's confession was false, or worse, coerced,
00:20:02then officers in your precinct were involved in a wrongful conviction.
00:20:06Yeah. Okay. Well, I have to accept that as a possibility.
00:20:10But look, we don't know what went on in that room.
00:20:13And I happen to know the officers that ran that interrogation, and they are good guys.
00:20:18Yeah. Maybe you don't know them as well as you think you do.
00:20:21We can't jump straight to coercion.
00:20:22Maybe the kid was just scared and couldn't remember what he did or didn't do.
00:20:27Maybe he was in shock.
00:20:29How can you trust them so completely?
00:20:31Why are you interrogating me? I'm on your side.
00:20:35I know, John. I know.
00:20:38Look, why don't you go review the video of Ryan's confession, all right?
00:20:42See how it played out. Maybe something got overlooked.
00:20:45Okay. Yeah. I'll take a look.
00:20:47All right. I'm going to head back to the scene of the crime.
00:20:49Retrace Ryan's steps, see if I can get a feel for it myself.
00:20:52Okay. And just try to be impartial when you ask questions, okay?
00:20:56When am I not impartial? It's practically my middle name.
00:20:59And like you said, the killer's still out there.
00:21:02Thanks so much.
00:21:08May I have your prescription?
00:21:10Ah, uh, prescription. I actually don't have one of those.
00:21:33But I do have a non-medical question for you.
00:21:38I am from the Business Improvement Association,
00:21:41and I'm here looking into the robbery that took place at your store last year.
00:21:46Just to ensure that...
00:21:48Maybe you can see we're very busy. Next!
00:21:54Thanks so much.
00:22:01Seems you have a bit of a lull in customers at the moment.
00:22:05Look, I'm trying to make the crime a distant memory.
00:22:09When I took over the business after the shooting,
00:22:11Jason and I fought hard to bring back all the loyal customers.
00:22:15I can understand that.
00:22:17You own a lucrative business and don't want it stained by an old crime.
00:22:20I didn't just get this business handed to me.
00:22:23I started here as a stock boy while working my way through school,
00:22:26then spent years as Jason Collins' assistant.
00:22:29Now you own the place.
00:22:31Seems like things have worked out pretty well for you since the incident.
00:22:35I don't know what you're insinuating,
00:22:38but I wasn't involved.
00:22:40I didn't actually see anything.
00:22:42I was at the back filling prescriptions.
00:22:46I heard a gunshot.
00:22:48Then a woman screamed.
00:22:51That's it.
00:22:53So, you say you didn't see anything,
00:22:57but you named Ryan Shay as the shooter.
00:22:59How is that?
00:23:01That kid entered the store with a loaded gun.
00:23:04That's intent to commit murder.
00:23:07He knew what he was doing.
00:23:13Any chance there's a video surveillance footage from that day?
00:23:19Did the police get a chance to see it during their investigation?
00:23:22There was no security system inside the store before the shooting.
00:23:26The Collins were too trusting.
00:23:27Didn't feel the need for one.
00:23:29The community had never experienced any crime before.
00:23:32And you?
00:23:35I'm not taking any chances.
00:23:39No one is going to take my business away from me.
00:23:43I have work to do.
00:23:45Just one last small question.
00:23:48Is Jason Collins still involved with the business?
00:23:51He sometimes does consulting for me from time to time.
00:23:54Oh, great.
00:23:56I would love if you could give him my number
00:23:59and have him just give me a call back.
00:24:07One last thing.
00:24:09About Joe Harper.
00:24:13Sorry, yeah.
00:24:27So, do air conditioners just jump out of windows?
00:24:31Do you mean fly or jump?
00:24:33Where are you?
00:24:35Are you okay?
00:24:37Don't worry, Sadie.
00:24:39I'm fine.
00:24:41I promise.
00:24:43Hold on.
00:24:45You know what?
00:24:47Let me call you back.
00:24:49John's on the other line.
00:24:52There's a time cut in the interrogation footage.
00:24:55Got him.
00:24:57Two minutes is missing after the four hour mark.
00:24:59But don't jump to any-
00:25:00Police interference!
00:25:04What don't they want us to see?
00:25:06Or it could have been a bathroom break.
00:25:09Doesn't necessarily point to anything nefarious.
00:25:11Why are you so convinced that the cops are innocent and not Ryan?
00:25:15I don't know.
00:25:16Why are you so convinced that the cops are innocent and not Ryan?
00:25:20Look, I know better than you do, there are dirty cops.
00:25:23But not these guys.
00:25:25I went to the academy with them.
00:25:27They're upstanding members of the force.
00:25:29Uh, they did interrogate him for hours.
00:25:32Well into the night, without an adult or an attorney present.
00:25:36But until we have definitive proof, there's-
00:25:38John, let me call you back.
00:25:40I think Jason Collins just showed up.
00:25:59Uh, Jason Collins?
00:26:03Hi, I'm Jane De-
00:26:04Uh, Jane DiBrulo.
00:26:06Um, a new member at the BIA.
00:26:08I was sent over here to, uh,
00:26:10to look into the unfortunate incident that happened at your pharmacy last year.
00:26:14Some of our other business members are looking to add extra security precautions to
00:26:18prevent a tragedy like that from ever happening again.
00:26:21I wish we had updated security when my wife and I took over from her father.
00:26:26With proper security measures in place, things might have gone very differently.
00:26:33Lovely to meet you, Jane.
00:26:35Yes. Yes, lovely to meet you.
00:26:37Uh, do you have a minute?
00:26:39I see Mr. Ganti likes to rent a tight ship.
00:26:41He sure does.
00:26:42I have a quick minute.
00:26:44Well, I promise I won't take up too much of your time.
00:26:51Honestly, I couldn't work in the store anymore.
00:26:54The bad memories come flooding back.
00:26:58I do consulting for them every now and then.
00:27:01I still get to see my old customers.
00:27:03They're like friends, you know?
00:27:07Phyllis believed in serving the community.
00:27:09She was selfless.
00:27:11Always did the right thing.
00:27:15I'm so sorry for your loss.
00:27:18It sounds like she was a wonderful woman.
00:27:20It's sad, you know?
00:27:22The state of the world when a young boy feels he needs to resort to such devastating extremes.
00:27:29Poor kid shouldn't have been in that position in the first place.
00:27:34I can't change what happened.
00:27:35All I can do is choose how I live my life day to day.
00:27:39Well said.
00:27:43So, why is the business association interested now?
00:27:48Well, the boy's appeal is coming up and there may be new information stirring up some local interest.
00:27:55I see.
00:27:57Phyllis would have helped that kid if she could.
00:28:00It's tough to think what could have been for all of us.
00:28:05She was the love of my life, you know?
00:28:09My aunt is struggling with loss as well.
00:28:12She recently lost her husband.
00:28:16Give her my condolences.
00:28:18I will. Thank you.
00:28:20That's very kind of you.
00:28:22I just wish there was some way I could help her, you know, even a little.
00:28:26Actually, I attend a group of widows and widowers.
00:28:31Help me immensely to be surrounded by people who understand.
00:28:35Perhaps your aunt could benefit from it too.
00:28:40Yeah. Thank you for this. I'll pass along the info.
00:28:44All we can do is support each other.
00:28:46Look, I have to go.
00:28:49Nice talking to you.
00:28:51Thanks for your time.
00:29:11What did you see, Joe Harper?
00:29:21So you're ignoring John's calls?
00:29:24No, I'm not ignoring. I'm just avoiding for right now.
00:29:28You know, sometimes I have a pretty bad track record with relationships,
00:29:32and some good guys aren't all that they claim to be.
00:29:35Jane, John isn't one of those guys.
00:29:38Well, right now I just need some space from John and the police to focus on the truth.
00:29:44I mean, Collins, Ganti, Ryan, the police. Somebody is lying.
00:29:51You are right.
00:29:53Grab your safety goggles.
00:29:54Harold counted on me to do research on any cases with weapons.
00:29:59And you learned ballistics how?
00:30:02How I dated a weapons expert on the police show Major Justice.
00:30:06You are a woman of mystery with a knowledge of firearms.
00:30:10Want to give it a shot?
00:30:12No, I'm much more comfortable holding a microphone.
00:30:14Come on, Jane. You're a straight shooter.
00:30:16Very funny.
00:30:18I measured and recreated the crime scene.
00:30:20And I fired the weapon from where it was supposed to be.
00:30:23But then I read the autopsy report and I found something very interesting.
00:30:28Let's do it again and see if we get the same result. Or not.
00:30:39Ha! Still got it!
00:30:42Did you learn to shoot from your Major Justice guy too?
00:30:46No, I acted in a spaghetti western with Clint Eastwood, but that's a story for another day.
00:30:52Phyllis was shot in the upper chest, just above the heart.
00:30:56She and I are approximately the same height.
00:30:59In the first shot, the bullet trajectory and entry point is basically level.
00:31:04But the second shot was on a downward trajectory.
00:31:08Right, because you fired the gun from higher up, so that makes sense.
00:31:11In the autopsy report, the path of the bullet is like the second shot.
00:31:15Angled down.
00:31:17Which means that the shooter would have been taller than Phyllis.
00:31:22Well, I mean, Ryan is quite tall.
00:31:25Yes, he is now.
00:31:27But do you know how fast teenage boys grow? How much they eat?
00:31:31A year ago, at the time of the shooting, maybe he hadn't had his growth spurt.
00:31:37He was five foot six.
00:31:39He was five foot six. Phyllis was five foot seven.
00:31:45Which would mean that Ryan would have been in a pretty awkward position to have been the shooter.
00:31:51Any ballistics expert on the stand could have verified this.
00:31:55But there never was a ballistics expert because of the confession.
00:31:58And no one even swapped him for gunpowder residue.
00:32:01It's like the police were asleep at the wheel on this one.
00:32:04I'd say so.
00:32:06Then who's lying according to Harold's note?
00:32:10I mean, all I have are some conflicting statements and a few crime scene photos.
00:32:14You have fresh eyes, my dear. New perspective shed new light.
00:32:21You know, the one eyewitness I haven't talked to is Joe Harper.
00:32:24Because of the confession, he was never formally interviewed.
00:32:27Well, what are you waiting for?
00:32:29I still have an hour before my pottery class, so I'm going to fire a few more rounds.
00:32:36Alright, have fun.
00:32:49Hi, I'm calling from the Foundation for Righting Wrongs. I'm looking to speak with Joe Harper.
00:32:58He's dead?
00:33:01Joe Harper's dead?
00:33:12Joe Harper is dead?
00:33:16My sister said that he had a seizure just a few days after Phyllis Collins was shot.
00:33:21A seizure? From what?
00:33:23I guess he was epileptic.
00:33:25He seemed to have been managing his condition pretty well,
00:33:28and I guess Jason Collins had graciously given him a job at the pharmacy to help him pay for his medication.
00:33:32But he stopped taking care of himself after what he saw that day.
00:33:36Did he ever talk to his sister about it?
00:33:39No. But apparently, after he passed, she found out that he was in a lot of debt to the pharmacy.
00:33:45She's not sure if it was just for the medication,
00:33:48or if Collins had taken pity on him and started giving him personal loans.
00:33:53She had to pay it all back, though.
00:33:55And also she found out he owed a lot of money to some other people.
00:33:59Some rather unsavory characters, if you know what I mean.
00:34:02Oh. He would have wanted to keep all that debt quiet.
00:34:06Yeah. Debt can make a person keep some serious secrets.
00:34:10And, could be reason for a motive.
00:34:28John John!
00:34:32How's the last few weeks? Where you been heading?
00:34:35Ah, just some life stuff happening.
00:34:37Yeah. Must be important if you're skipping golf with your buddies.
00:34:41She got a name?
00:34:43Ha ha. No. No one in particular. Just helping out some friends.
00:34:48Sure. Well, these friends will expect to see you and your clubs on Saturday.
00:34:54Oh man, the way you swing your clubs, I might have to wear my motorcycle helmet.
00:34:59Oh, hey. Um, I heard the Ryan Shea case is up for appeal.
00:35:03You worked on that, right?
00:35:05Sure did. The kid confessed.
00:35:08Yeah, justice was served that day.
00:35:10Wait, how long into the interrogation did he confess?
00:35:14It was, uh, at the end. When else would it be?
00:35:18Right. I heard it went for hours without a break.
00:35:21Look, it took as long as it needed for that kid to just clear his conscience.
00:35:26Hmm. And how long was that?
00:35:27I don't think you get it. Everything about that kid was guilty.
00:35:31He walked in with a gun, shot a lady, she died, and there was two witnesses.
00:35:36Any other jury would have convicted him. Even without the confession.
00:35:40Hmm. Sure. Yeah, and after the confession, you wouldn't need to look for any more suspects.
00:35:46You know that as well as I do.
00:35:48Yeah. Confession. It's clear as it gets.
00:35:51Hmm. Just, uh, I was wondering why you bring this up now.
00:35:55Hmm? The, the kid confessed. Case closed.
00:36:00Yeah, but is it, though? I mean, there's the appeal, and you're probably going to have to take the stand.
00:36:07Man, I'm not going to say anything different than I said in my original statement at the time.
00:36:13Why was he processed as an adult, then?
00:36:16I don't know. The orders came from above.
00:36:21You know, they always keep us in the dark on these things.
00:36:23Yeah. Yeah, I know.
00:36:27Anyway, uh, don't forget. Tea time. 8 a.m. sharp.
00:36:328 a.m. I'll see ya.
00:36:34Wouldn't want to be ya.
00:36:39Five foot eleven. Five foot nine.
00:36:44Alright, so both tall enough to have shot Phyllis, and both still suspects.
00:36:49Kyle Ganti really was the only one that stood to gain anything, right? The opportunity to run his own pharmacy.
00:36:56Jason Collins, he's been so distraught ever since his wife's death, he can't even be a pharmacist anymore.
00:37:03Hmm. How tall was Joe Harper?
00:37:06Poor Mr. Harper. May he rest in peace. He was six foot one.
00:37:13Hmm. Also tall enough to have shot Phyllis.
00:37:16Hmm. Also tall enough to have shot Phyllis in the chest at a downward angle, thanks to our resident ballistics expert.
00:37:24Hmm. Alright guys, what is the motive?
00:37:30What am I missing?
00:37:33Fresh eyes, fresh eyes.
00:37:38Wait, no way.
00:37:40What is it?
00:37:41Okay, look. Okay, the police report said that this magazine was found face down on the floor.
00:37:49We know there was a scuffle between Ryan and Jason Collins.
00:37:53Well, they just knocked the magazine to the floor.
00:37:56No, no, see this was the only one out of place. It's the only one on the floor like this.
00:38:01And the way it's open and face down, it's like it was dropped there.
00:38:06Now that is a fresh perspective. What else?
00:38:08Hmm. Well, Ryan and Kyle both said that they heard a woman scream.
00:38:14But Kyle specifically said that he heard the scream after the gunshot.
00:38:18I'd always assumed it was Phyllis, but what if...
00:38:22What if there was someone else at the pharmacy?
00:38:25Oh, nice work Jane DaSilva.
00:38:28But who is our magazine fan? Hmm?
00:38:38I don't know.
00:39:08Hey. So how are you feeling?
00:39:12Like I've been hit by a bowling ball.
00:39:21Can you take me through it?
00:39:24I just finished my grocery shopping. On my way home I got rear-ended. I blacked out and I woke up here.
00:39:33Can you tell me anything about the vehicle?
00:39:35I can't remember much. Just headlights really.
00:39:39This has to be related to Ryan. What else could it be? Someone wants us to stop digging.
00:39:45The most important thing here is keeping you safe.
00:39:48So that if we do overturn Ryan's conviction, he has a mother to come home to.
00:39:57Listen, let's try to get some rest, okay?
00:40:06How's it going?
00:40:08Well, I have been calling everyone that was at the pharmacy on the day of the shooting,
00:40:13and so far I'm almost to the bottom of my list and my patients.
00:40:17I'm here to help.
00:40:19Don't you have anything else to do tonight?
00:40:22Without Harold, my dance card is perpetually open.
00:40:26Well, what about that grief support group that you mentioned?
00:40:29Jane, I already told you.
00:40:31It might be good for you to be around some people who know what you're going through. I mean, look.
00:40:40Yes! Just think about it.
00:40:44Plus, there's only room for one of us to mope around here in your pajamas.
00:40:47Oh, a widow support group.
00:40:50Being surrounded by someone who doesn't even know what they're doing.
00:40:53Plus, there's only room for one of us to mope around here in your pajamas.
00:40:56Oh, a widow support group.
00:40:59Being surrounded by sad people while I try to keep up with all the number dabbing.
00:41:03Besides, who's going to help you find this mystery customer?
00:41:07I think we could both use a fresh perspective.
00:41:11But if you do go, he knows me as Jane DeRulo.
00:41:17Let's see.
00:41:19Uh, hi. May I speak with Jennifer Gilbert, please?
00:41:24Hi, good evening. My name is Jane DeSilva. I'm calling on behalf of the Foundation for Righting Wrongs.
00:41:30I wanted to talk to you about the upcoming appeal of Ryan Shea.
00:41:36Can you recall what time you picked up your prescription at Collins Pharmacy on January 18th of last year?
00:41:42Was it sometime in the morning?
00:41:44No, I wasn't there.
00:41:45You weren't? Huh.
00:41:48Well, that's interesting. I have you in a police report picking up insulin prescription that morning.
00:41:54Well, I was there, but I didn't see any shooting. I must have just missed it.
00:42:01Sorry, I can't help you.
00:42:04So, was she there or not?
00:42:07Jennifer doesn't seem sure what story she wants to tell.
00:42:10But why would she lie about being at the pharmacy?
00:42:13Well, sometimes people lie to protect themselves.
00:42:16I feel like I could get a better read if I were face-to-face with her.
00:42:20Sure, but clearly, she doesn't want to talk.
00:42:23Maybe a few well-worded questions?
00:42:27From someone not directly related to the murder case?
00:42:31Yeah, like maybe a pharmaceutical rep?
00:42:36Pharmaceutical rep? Hmm.
00:42:39Well, can't hurt to try.
00:42:42Do you have anything in your fabulous costume closet that might turn me into someone more official?
00:42:48Let's see here.
00:42:51The right outfit can open any door.
00:42:55Okay, not appropriate for business, but super fun, right?
00:43:00I love this jacket.
00:43:03That jacket says stand out at bingo night to me.
00:43:06Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Don't put it back.
00:43:09Now, Uncle Harold would not want that gorgeous coat or gorgeous you to stay locked up in this house forever.
00:43:16Come here. Put it on.
00:43:25Look at you. You love this jacket.
00:43:29I do.
00:43:31Okay, so go take it out on the town. Show it a good time.
00:43:36Maybe you can even have a little fun yourself.
00:43:39Sadie, I know better than anyone, sometimes you just gotta fake it till you make it.
00:43:44But this new chapter of your life is gonna be so amazing. I know it.
00:43:50But you gotta put yourself out there first.
00:43:53I promise your fabulous pajamas and your popcorn will be waiting when you get home.
00:43:58Okay, fine. I'll try.
00:44:02I guess we'll both fake it till we make it.
00:44:37She wanna talk to you, she talked to you, John.
00:44:40I don't know.
00:45:05Hello, this is the Foundation for Writing Wrong.
00:45:20She did it.
00:45:25Alright, slick gray power suit. Let's see what doors you can open.
00:45:52Jennifer Gilbert?
00:46:25Should I be concerned you have a track record for ending up at the crime scenes for the cases you're investigating?
00:46:31I mean, I'd rather not be involved in the finding dead bodies part.
00:46:35I just came to ask him questions. I just have one big one. What happened here?
00:46:43Well, there's no murder weapon. The deceased is not injured. There's pill bottles from Canty Pharmacy.
00:46:49They're probably just gonna chalk it up to suicide.
00:46:53A suicide? Why is the lamp knocked on the floor then? And what about the guy that I saw leaving the scene?
00:46:59This is obviously a homicide.
00:47:00Look, I can assure you forensics will do their due diligence to find the truth.
00:47:04The detectives are investigating every angle, and I've already ordered a full toxicology report,
00:47:09and we're fingerprinting the back door where you saw the possible suspect's leave.
00:47:13And, uh, why haven't you been returning my calls?
00:47:19We'll make a far more effective team if we work together.
00:47:24I've just had some issues with partnerships in the past.
00:47:27Didn't realize that was an issue.
00:47:31Look, I, I just need to focus on the details of this case right now by myself, okay?
00:47:36Since I can't take people at their word.
00:47:51Hey. Hey.
00:47:53Anything helpful from the landlord?
00:47:55Uh, maybe, but his first words were, who's gonna clean that up?
00:48:00Oh, the sensitive type.
00:48:02But most importantly, he said that's not Jennifer.
00:48:08That's Jennifer's roommate, Chloe McPherson.
00:48:10So then where's Jennifer?
00:48:12She moved out last week, barely said goodbye. Landlord seemed a little offended by that.
00:48:17Sure, I mean, you know, you cash somebody's rental check each month, you think you know a person.
00:48:21Mm-hmm, it's not a coincidence.
00:48:23Well, did he say where Jennifer went?
00:48:25Uh, well, she said it was none of his business.
00:48:32Tell me she had an emergency contact listed on the rental agreement.
00:48:36Mm, yeah, some aunt out of state.
00:48:41Wait, where are you going?
00:48:43Sounds like I'm going out of business.
00:48:44Wait, where are you going?
00:48:46Sounds like I'm going out of state.
00:48:48Wait, I'll, I don't know, I should be going with you.
00:48:58Jane, I've got Jennifer's aunt's address like you asked. 1138 Broomfield Drive.
00:49:15Whoa, hold on. Let me grab this.
00:49:31Hey wait, can I get one of those bags? Thank you. Great.
00:49:49I'm so sorry. I am...
00:49:53It's okay, it's, um, it's just a shirt. Got another one in the car.
00:50:00Is that because you spill coffee on yourself often?
00:50:04Well, you know, actually I'm a salesman, so I'm on the road a lot.
00:50:07Yeah, I do spill coffee on myself more often than I'd like to admit.
00:50:11Just the cost of doing business.
00:50:12Oh, but the cost of your dry cleaning bills.
00:50:15Can I get you another coffee?
00:50:19We could sit at a table. One that doesn't move.
00:50:22You know, I actually can't stay.
00:50:24But you'll take the coffee.
00:50:26Based on the day I'm having, yes, I will take the coffee. It's a must.
00:50:32Two of your strongest coffees, please.
00:50:34Did you actually have a lid for that thing?
00:50:36Yeah, in the car.
00:50:38Oh, good, good. So you like to live life on the edge, huh?
00:50:40You, you have no idea.
00:50:46And that is you.
00:50:50Sorry, again.
00:50:52It's okay, it's fine. Have a good day.
00:50:58Hey, Sadie.
00:51:00Jane, are you sure you're okay?
00:51:02You're doing a long drive after the day you've had.
00:51:05Yeah, I'm okay. I'm a little tired, but how are things with you?
00:51:09Well, thank you for pushing me to go to that grief group.
00:51:12I killed at bingo.
00:51:14Grief group? Sounds like a Jane Fonda movie.
00:51:18Well, Counseling Club doesn't have quite the right vibe to it.
00:51:21The people there were just like me.
00:51:24Heartbroken yet...
00:51:29I, um, I chatted to Jason Collins for a bit.
00:51:33He was, he was very kind. Terrible at bingo.
00:51:36He and I have, um, actually made plans for, for dinner this evening.
00:51:41Oh, like a date?
00:51:43No, not a date.
00:51:46Just two people who know grief, eating together.
00:51:50Well, sounds like a date to me, but whatever you want to call it.
00:51:53I can't believe it, but I felt a small sparkle of being alive again.
00:51:59I'm really happy for you, Sadie.
00:52:01You were right.
00:52:02Harold would want me to be happy.
00:52:06And my jacket, too.
00:52:14Back off, buddy.
00:52:16Oh, goodness, no problem there. Jason is a complete gentleman.
00:52:20No, no, there's a blue van tailgating me.
00:52:24You know, maybe I'm being paranoid, but I, I saw a blue van speeding away from the crime scene today, too.
00:52:28Do you think it's the same one?
00:52:30No, I, I can't tell.
00:52:33Well, how long has it been behind you?
00:52:35I mean, I'm on a two-lane highway, so it's got to be behind me, but I'm not sure how long he's been following.
00:52:44Jane? Jane, what's happening?
00:52:47Wait, V8?
00:52:51I was trying to read the license plate, but I missed it.
00:52:54What's going on?
00:52:55I don't know, I think somebody just really late for work.
00:52:58Are you sure you're okay?
00:53:00Yeah, I'm, I'm okay. I promise.
00:53:04I'll call you if I need anything else.
00:53:19I found...
00:53:20Hello? John!
00:53:22John, can you hear me?
00:53:23John! John, can you...
00:53:39Okay, that was weird.
00:53:54Hi, um, I'm looking for Jennifer Gilbert. My name's Jane. I'm a friend of hers.
00:54:02You're from the city?
00:54:09The city changes people. Jenny's different since she moved back.
00:54:17How so?
00:54:20She's quieter.
00:54:21She's quieter.
00:54:24She had a big laugh, but not anymore.
00:54:31It feels like there's something she's not telling me.
00:54:36I actually think so too. She's scared.
00:54:40Look, it's of the utmost importance that I find her, okay? I just want to help her tell the truth.
00:54:48She works at the casino.
00:54:52Okay, great. I'll go find her there. Thank you.
00:54:57And I promise, I'll do everything I can to protect her.
00:55:08Mom, are you okay? What happened?
00:55:10It's fine, don't worry.
00:55:12Some guy was tailgating me and I got rear-ended. I hit my head on the steering wheel.
00:55:18Were you wearing your seatbelt?
00:55:20Yes, of course I was.
00:55:22Sometimes you forget. I couldn't remind you.
00:55:28Honey, I didn't forget. There's just some awful driver out there. They didn't even stick around to see if I was okay.
00:55:34You were hurt and nobody was there to help you? Are you kidding me?
00:55:37Someone called emergency services and they got there in just a few minutes.
00:55:42You're sure you're okay?
00:55:44Promise looks worse than it is.
00:55:48Although I did have to convince the doctor to discharge me just a little bit early.
00:55:53But I would never miss coming to see you today.
00:55:56It's meatloaf day, Mom. Whatever.
00:55:58Oh, honey. It was Grandpa's birthday today.
00:56:06But I never forget Grandpa's birthday.
00:56:07Good people are working to get you out of here.
00:56:10When you're back home, we'll make Grandpa's chicken soup and we'll remember everything about...
00:56:14What if I...
00:56:19What if I don't remember?
00:56:22What if I forget everyone's birthdays, all the little things?
00:56:27I'm just as tough as Grandpa, you know.
00:56:30I will fight for you until you walk out that door, Ryan.
00:56:32It's this place, Mom. It's worse every day.
00:57:02Oh, great.
00:57:03Oh, great.
00:57:34Perfect. Just perfect.
00:57:38Come on.
00:57:42Great. Okay.
00:57:44All right. Just keep walking to Silva. You got this.
00:57:49You know, how far can the casino really be?
00:58:03I don't know.
00:58:34Look at the lost. Need a lift?
00:58:38No. No, I think I'm good.
00:58:42Get in here.
00:58:46Oh, man.
00:58:50I'm gonna burn these when this is all over.
00:58:54How did you even know where I was?
00:58:56Well, Sadie returns my calls.
00:58:59I'm sorry, all right? I didn't mean to ignore you.
00:59:02Hey, look, look. I get it, okay?
00:59:05I've had bad partnerships, too.
00:59:08But we're in this together, okay?
00:59:10And I'm your backup, and I'll always be there for you.
00:59:14Wait, does that make me your backup?
00:59:16I mean, are you sure about that? Me?
00:59:18I can count on one hand the cases that I've solved.
00:59:22Well, lucky for you, you've got good luck.
00:59:23You know, you were right.
00:59:25Chloe was murdered.
00:59:27Yeah, I found this white, powdery substance on a cup on the crime scene.
00:59:31Looked like crushed pills.
00:59:33The toxicology report would tell us more.
00:59:35You know what? We should recheck Joe Harper's toxicology report, too.
00:59:39I bet the same drug was used on him.
00:59:41You read my mind.
00:59:45I'm sorry.
00:59:47I'm sorry.
00:59:49I'm sorry.
01:00:05Okay, I suppose she could have changed her appearance since she's on the run,
01:00:09but according to socials, she's medium height, dark hair, red glasses.
01:00:13Got it.
01:00:15You know what? Why don't you go around front, I'm gonna head around back.
01:00:17All right, and hey, let's keep a low profile, all right?
01:00:20Call me if you need me.
01:00:22Yeah, will do.
01:00:24All right.
01:00:27Hey, you, hold up.
01:00:30I, I can't. I'm late.
01:00:32Are you the replacement for tonight?
01:00:34Yes, yes, I, I am.
01:00:37Why do you performers just waltz in at the last minute?
01:00:40Flair for the dramatic, I guess.
01:00:46So, as far as the show,
01:00:48just do what you rehearsed.
01:00:50Okay, got it.
01:00:58Drawing at five.
01:01:00All right.
01:01:02Well, here we go.
01:01:42Got a play to stay?
01:02:05So much for low profile.
01:02:18Just play it cool like you're made of ice.
01:02:22And now you're ready to roll the dice.
01:02:27Roll the dice, place your bet on love.
01:02:31Can't put a price on the one you're thinking of.
01:02:35So double down on lady luck.
01:02:38It all comes back around when you're love struck, love struck.
01:02:44Now it's all up to fate.
01:02:47You let it ride.
01:02:49Now you can't stand the wait.
01:02:51It's all on the line.
01:02:53Now you want to play it straight.
01:02:55Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da.
01:03:11Hey, funny to see you here.
01:03:14Is it?
01:03:16Seems like a pretty big coincidence to me.
01:03:19Maybe we're just destined to have that coffee date after all.
01:03:22Jane, what's going on?
01:03:25Just about to ask coffee guy here the same thing.
01:03:28Did you follow me here?
01:03:30Okay, okay, look.
01:03:32I'm sorry I flirted with you.
01:03:34I have work to do, okay? I have to go.
01:03:37What kind of work?
01:03:39Sorry, who are you?
01:03:41Police business.
01:03:43Answer the lady's question.
01:03:46I'm an insurance adjuster.
01:03:48I'm investigating one of our clients for insurance fraud.
01:03:51Insurance fraud?
01:03:53Yeah, my client, Jennifer.
01:03:55Jennifer Gilbert?
01:03:57Yeah, she was abusing her health benefits by buying insulin for her roommate who was unemployed.
01:04:01Her roommate, Chloe McPherson?
01:04:06I spoke to Chloe this morning, she already admitted her part in the scam.
01:04:10You know, insulin costs a lot of money.
01:04:12Thousands of dollars from us.
01:04:14Our lawyers want to press criminal charges.
01:04:16And so you killed her?
01:04:22She's dead.
01:04:24Okay, no, no, no, no.
01:04:26She was very much alive when I left her this morning at 9.30.
01:04:29So Jennifer's on the run from insurance fraud.
01:04:32Oh, stay put.
01:04:34I'm not done with you yet.
01:04:36Okay, but I am just the insurance guy, okay?
01:04:38Do you think the insurance fraud is why Jennifer doesn't want to say she was at the pharmacy that day?
01:04:46That's Jason Collins!
01:04:49Hey, stop!
01:04:54No, no, no, no, no!
01:05:03I promise, I'm just trying to help.
01:05:05Stay away from me.
01:05:06Oh, hold up.
01:05:08Jennifer Gilbert, right?
01:05:10Detective John Cameron.
01:05:12This is Jane DaSilva.
01:05:14You're part of an active investigation.
01:05:17You're Jane?
01:05:19Yeah. I was trying to tell you.
01:05:21Which way did he go?
01:05:23He just disappeared in the crowd before I could get to him.
01:05:25Listen, I need to take a look at the casino security footage.
01:05:28Yeah, it's down the hall.
01:05:30Last door on the right.
01:05:32Alright, thank you.
01:05:34Come on, let's go have a chat.
01:05:44Look, Jennifer, I know this must be totally overwhelming for you.
01:05:48You can't change the past, but you can change the future.
01:05:52Just tell me the truth, okay?
01:05:55Everything exactly as it happened that day.
01:05:58There's a young man's future on the line here.
01:06:03I wasn't trying to commit fraud.
01:06:04I was just, I was trying to help my friend.
01:06:07Doing the decent thing.
01:06:09I mean, the insurance companies, they make so much money.
01:06:11What does it matter to them?
01:06:13Okay, so how exactly did your plan with Chloe work?
01:06:16I put my name under Chloe's diabetes prescription
01:06:19so the pharmacy would charge it to my insurance.
01:06:23Mr. Collins caught on, but he didn't actually care.
01:06:27He was making money from it, too.
01:06:30So Jason Collins' pharmacy wasn't quite as wholesome as it looked.
01:06:35I was there that day.
01:06:48Hey Artie, how are you?
01:06:54I got this. I gave you my word.
01:06:57Friday after work is payday. I'll give you everything, man.
01:07:05Okay, I'll get more. I'll figure something out.
01:07:08You stay away from my sister.
01:07:09You stay away from my sister.
01:07:33How may I help you today?
01:07:46I need these.
01:07:50I need assistance here.
01:08:22You'll say that the boy shot her.
01:08:25Otherwise, I will expose you
01:08:29and you will spend the rest of your life running in jail.
01:08:32Okay? Get out of here.
01:08:46Chloe heard about Ryan Shea's upcoming appeal in the news.
01:08:50She couldn't take the guilt any longer.
01:08:53So she's the one that sent the note to Ryan's mom, Sandra.
01:08:56Yeah. I begged her not to.
01:09:00It would send us both to jail, but she said she had to clear her conscience.
01:09:05She said she'd work out a repayment plan with the insurance company first
01:09:09to find a way to protect me.
01:09:13I was the one keeping her alive by getting her the insulin.
01:09:16Oh. And Chloe telling the truth was a liability.
01:09:20And after Jason Collins took care of Joe Harper, you were the only one left that knew the truth.
01:09:25He killed Joe too?
01:09:30He was always so nice to everyone.
01:09:33I'm sorry.
01:09:35I'm gonna be right back, okay? Wait right here.
01:10:01Why would he kill his wife?
01:10:04Greed. Egomania. Opportunity.
01:10:07Sounds like Collins had it all.
01:10:10What's to stop him now?
01:10:13This is John Cameron, Baltimore PD.
01:10:16I need APB out on a blue van.
01:10:19License plate starting with V8.
01:10:22Jason Collins, male, fifties.
01:10:25Wanted for questioning for murder and attempted murder.
01:10:28Suspect is considered dangerous and a high flight risk.
01:10:31Use caution upon approach.
01:10:33He was right in front of us the whole time.
01:10:36Look, we're onto him. The whole force is looking for him now.
01:10:40We'll find him.
01:10:42We'll find him.
01:11:03Sadie. Don't you look lovely.
01:11:07How are you?
01:11:08Oh, I'm ready for our dinner.
01:11:11Oh, I just need to gather my purse.
01:11:14Well, maybe we could have a drink here first and then go?
01:11:18Oh. Oh, okay. Um, I make a mean Manhattan.
01:11:23Sounds wonderful.
01:11:25Oh, come in.
01:11:30Wait. He was supposed to be meeting Sadie tonight for dinner.
01:11:35Oh, I got to call her. Oh, this is all my fault.
01:11:40I encouraged her to go to that grief group with him and now I...
01:11:44Look, Sadie's going to be fine.
01:11:46She's a smart woman who can take care of herself.
01:11:49She's answering.
01:11:51Look, I'll call in a safety check until we get there, okay?
01:12:18It's been a while.
01:12:20Me too.
01:12:27You know, you're very good.
01:12:30Oh, thank you.
01:12:50I'm so sorry, Jason. You shouldn't have to see that.
01:12:54Let me...
01:12:57Faith De Silva?
01:12:59Baltimore Police wellness check.
01:13:06Do what I say.
01:13:08And I won't shoot you.
01:13:15Yes, that's me!
01:13:17Sadie here!
01:13:19Ma'am, I've been asked to check on you.
01:13:22Everything's fine.
01:13:24Everything's fine!
01:13:26Tell her you're alone and getting ready for bed.
01:13:29Ma'am, if you could open the door.
01:13:31Go ahead, if that's what you want.
01:13:33You know, um, I'm quite tired.
01:13:37Getting ready for bed.
01:13:39I'm embarrassed to say I'm already in my 90.
01:13:43I'm sure Detective Cameron is being overly cautious once again.
01:13:48If you would be so kind as to wait in your car
01:13:52while I call him to straighten all of this out,
01:13:55I'd really appreciate it.
01:13:57All right, ma'am. I'll be right outside if you need me.
01:14:02I was nominated for a Golden Globe in 87,
01:14:05but I dare say that was my best performance to date.
01:14:09Get in the living room.
01:14:11I can't believe I agreed to go on a date with you!
01:14:14I'm sorry, Sadie.
01:14:16I no longer believe in long-term relationships.
01:14:19I spent decades taking orders from my wife and her father.
01:14:25He never liked me.
01:14:27He poisoned the restaurant.
01:14:28He never liked me.
01:14:30He poisoned her against me.
01:14:32I made that business what it was.
01:14:34It was me. I did it.
01:14:36And when he died, I got nothing.
01:14:38I was written out of the will.
01:14:40But now it's my time. It's my turn.
01:14:43And I'm not about to let anyone stop me now.
01:14:47Go get me a glass of water.
01:14:50I don't take orders from psychopaths.
01:14:53Do you always have a comeback for everything?
01:14:55Your husband must be happy that he's finally resting in peace.
01:15:01As much as I miss Harold, I don't plan on seeing him anytime soon.
01:15:06Get me a glass of water.
01:15:41You messed with the wrong widow!
01:15:46Oh my gosh, are you okay?
01:15:48It's not the worst date I've ever been on.
01:15:51Jason Collins, you're under arrest for the murder of Phyllis Collins.
01:15:55For the murder of Chloe McPherson and the attempted murder of Jennifer Gilbert.
01:15:59Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. Cuffs.
01:16:03You're done with serving your community.
01:16:06But how do you feel about serving time?
01:16:10I'm so glad you're okay.
01:16:20Yup, he's being released today. Just got here now.
01:16:24Nope, didn't say what time, but figured I'd wait.
01:16:27Otherwise, everything's looking good, Dad.
01:16:32Love you too.
01:16:40Ryan has been released on good behavior and time served for the robbery.
01:16:45So he'll be on probation for a few months, but-
01:16:47You can go home.
01:16:49My baby.
01:16:51Thank you, Jane, John.
01:16:53Well, we have solid new evidence and witness statements detailing that it was actually Jason Collins who shot his wife, Phyllis, that day in the pharmacy.
01:17:01And I'll be leading an investigation into the police officer's interrogation conduct in Ryan's case.
01:17:07What happened to Ryan wasn't fair.
01:17:10And I'm going to make sure that a false confession is never recorded in our precinct again.
01:17:15Thank you. Thank you.
01:17:18Can we please go home now?
01:17:20Yes, absolutely. I hear you make a mean chicken soup, so go enjoy.
01:17:25See you guys.
01:17:29Chicken soup?
01:17:31Not good.
01:17:35What's going on?
01:17:38Ah, nothing. Just, uh, thinking about how you used to be my friend.
01:17:43And how you're all proud of letting a murder go for you.
01:17:46Ben, I'm still your friend, okay?
01:17:50But I won't be for much longer if you keep breaking protocol.
01:17:54No, I get it.
01:17:56Now, you've got all high and mighty, but I'm still your friend.
01:17:59No, I get it.
01:18:01Now, you've got all high and mighty, and you actually think you're better than the rest of us.
01:18:06Thing is, we work damn hard to get criminals off the street, and here you are.
01:18:11Just putting them right back out there.
01:18:13He's a kid. An innocent boy.
01:18:16Right. Wait till your so-called innocent boy pulls another armed robbery.
01:18:20You'll be taking that call. Not me.
01:18:23Not going to happen. He's a good kid.
01:18:26You know, you should have had my back, like they taught at the academy.
01:18:31But, uh, you're on your own now, man.
01:18:35So you better watch your back. Betrayal often comes from those close to us.
01:18:43Okay, buddy.
01:18:52Look what I found.
01:18:55This might be the one.
01:19:05Shall I call you a cab?
01:19:07Uh, maybe just a minute.
01:19:10Look at you.
01:19:12A spitting image of your mother.
01:19:15She would be so proud of you.
01:19:18Not to mention Harold would be bursting with pride to see you finish what he started.
01:19:23You really think so?
01:19:27I still feel like I'm just bumbling along.
01:19:31Then you bumble on.
01:19:33You've proven yourself an intuitive and clever detective.
01:19:38Because of you, Ryan Shay can start a fresh chapter of his life.
01:19:43He's free to finish school, go to college, have a family, and grow old with the people he loves.
01:19:51Did you know that Uncle Harold had been paying for Sandra's medication while Ryan was in jail?
01:19:58Oh, Harold.
01:20:00I had no idea.
01:20:03Yeah, Sandra told me.
01:20:05You know, it seems to me you and I both have an opportunity here for a fresh start ourselves.
01:20:15There might be a great life and love here.
01:20:20If you open yourself up to it.
01:20:26But what about you?
01:20:28I'm so sorry. I can't believe I set you up with a murderer.
01:20:35You know, it was kind of exhilarating.
01:20:39I faced death and I knew it wasn't my fault.
01:20:43Yes, and I knew it wasn't my time.
01:20:47It made me realize I have a lot left to fight for.
01:20:52You ready?
01:20:56You look lovely.
01:21:00Enjoy your time with John tonight.
01:21:03I will.
01:21:05Thank you, Sadie.
01:21:07I'll see you when I get home.
01:21:09Don't wait up.
01:21:11Oh, alright. Bye.
01:21:14To another case solved.
01:21:17And to a fantastic partnership.
01:21:19Thanks for having my back, John.
01:21:22I know who my friends are.
01:21:25Oh, I'm just not used to people being there for me.
01:21:30Even when maybe I haven't asked them to be.
01:21:33Hey, I want to be there for you.
01:21:36With you.
01:21:38But mostly, I gotta see whatever insane outfit you're gonna wear next.
01:21:45Oh, looks like it's our turn.
01:21:51Oh, I requested a song with the band.
01:21:56And it looks like they need a singer and a drummer to help perform it.
01:22:04Will you share your talents with me in this lucky audience?
01:22:06Yes, I absolutely shall.
01:22:08Oh, good.
01:22:10That's your step.
01:22:19Oh, and break a rib.
01:22:22You got it.
01:22:39In so deep you can't see the sun
01:22:44And it's only just begun
01:22:47Don't try to solve it
01:22:50It won't do you any good
01:22:54The secret's love tale puts you under its spell
01:22:59You wouldn't escape if you could
01:23:02Cause love is a mystery
01:23:07It only takes a kiss to be
01:23:11Falling madly for the one
01:23:16And it's only just begun
01:23:24I heard you're feeling under the weather
01:23:29And try to put your broken heart back together
01:23:33Don't even bother with the doctors, no
01:23:36Just come on over for the antidote
01:23:40When your heart is blue
01:23:46Come on over for the antidote
01:23:48When your heart is blue