Welcome to Plathville S6 Episode 12 - I Grew Up Under A Rock

  • 2 days ago
Welcome to Plathville Season 6 Episode 12


00:00I know I've talked to you a bunch about starting a band.
00:03Why don't we get together and come up with songs and just one time do a concert all together
00:11as a family.
00:12Looking back on the family band, I would say those were some of the most happiest days
00:17of my life in the sense of being together as a family and playing music and traveling
00:24This beautiful bright yellow coming in, this is total transformation and shift.
00:27So bright new things heading in, whether that's like moving somewhere together.
00:32Thinking about moving for a relationship, like it feels like a big decision, it feels
00:37like there's a lot of like responsibility.
00:39What if Brendan and I broke up, we didn't stay together, am I going to regret it?
00:42I want to make choices that feel right for me.
00:48It's really fun to see all of us together.
00:55The next family gathering, I'm bringing Ken.
00:58Do you think you'll ever feel comfortable having Ken at family events?
01:01It's just a matter of time, you know, for me.
01:04These songs are birthed out of the pain she went through with that guy.
01:10I was in a relationship.
01:11I was constantly left hanging, waiting for a lot of promises that weren't kept or broken.
01:18So I left.
01:19We were telling her like, no, that's not okay.
01:23They did some digging and they found some stuff.
01:26Looking back, if I could change anything, I would have at least gone to him with the
01:30questions I had and asked.
01:33I finally booked a date for the concert and it is much sooner than I expected.
01:57My whole family is all coming at different times.
02:00Lydia, me, my dad, Ethan, Isaac, Amber, Cassie, Mercy, Mom, and Ken.
02:07Did I get Micah?
02:08You ready?
02:10And Veronica's coming too.
02:11We're all just going to have a mini vacation here while we get ready for the concert.
02:16Made it.
02:19I called Barry and asked him if he would be okay if Ken came.
02:24I was surprised, pleasantly surprised, when he said, yeah, that's fine.
02:29All that driving was worth it.
02:32I'm just wanting to see who punches who first.
02:38Let's go.
02:40It's been probably six years since we all played together.
02:43So what could possibly go wrong?
02:47I see a margarita in our future.
02:49That'll be good.
02:53The first rehearsal will be the day of the concert.
02:57Does that concern you?
02:59No, I'm fine.
03:01We've all been rehearsing separately, basically, because our lives have been kind of chaotic.
03:08I've driven from Minnesota to St. Pete.
03:11I brought most of everything, all the sound equipment for the band.
03:17Hi there.
03:19Checking in?
03:21That's your bed.
03:22That's my bed.
03:23If somebody attacks us, they're getting you first.
03:24I already claimed it.
03:25That's mine.
03:26I'm very excited to be here.
03:28I have no idea what's going on, but I'm excited to be here.
03:33And I'll wing it.
03:34Aren't you in the family band?
03:36I think I'm supposed to be in the family band, but...
03:39Fake it till you make it.
03:41Come on.
03:42I haven't seen everyone in so long.
03:44I haven't seen the luggage in like 20 minutes.
03:46Need the keys?
03:47Both my parents are here.
03:48My mom's boyfriend.
03:49I'm going to hopefully get along with my dad.
03:52I'm Switzerland.
03:54I think the resort's beautiful.
04:00It's a lot of fun.
04:02I love the beach.
04:03Love the pool.
04:04I just...
04:05I need a hot guy in a thong right there fanning me with a banana leaf.
04:17I personally am here to get some sun.
04:19All I need is like an afternoon on the beach, and it'll perk up my tan, and yeah, enjoy.
04:25Enjoy just lounging and relaxing.
04:27This is really fun here.
04:33I haven't spent a few days at the beach in a long time.
04:38Family time.
04:41I'll get to that.
04:46Isaac is finding girls on the beach.
04:49They all have bikinis on.
04:51They're all cute.
04:52He brought some schoolwork, and he hasn't found time to work on it.
04:59Girls are, man...
05:00I always say that I could just turn off the want for girls.
05:04Their mom was really nice too.
05:08Yeah, this is like a milestone where Kim and I and all of us are together.
05:16Ken's here.
05:17So for me, everything is good.
05:19You know, internally, my internal, you know, emotional state, I'm good.
05:25Everything's great.
05:26I'm enjoying everything.
05:27All right, go put your stuff in the water.
05:28I'm just going to put my toes in the water.
05:29Are you serious?
05:30Ethan, Lydia, and Isaac, they're all parasailing together.
05:47That is awesome.
05:50We get to see Ethan's wet jeans.
05:53Oh, I see.
05:55Did y'all have fun?
05:56I gave the guy in my boots, rolled up my jeans, and put a life jacket on, and waded out in
06:05the water.
06:06I brought swim trunks with me.
06:10They're up in my hotel room.
06:13Back to skydiving.
06:14Yeah, well, he let us, you let our feet.
06:16Although I'm not wet when I jumped out of the trailer.
06:19It's okay.
06:20You want to go have a drink a little bit later?
06:23Sounds good.
06:24Or a snack or whatever.
06:26I feel like this is kind of our only window to really, he and I just kind of sit and talk.
06:32Ethan seemed receptive.
06:34He seemed happy.
06:37I'm excited and nervous.
06:40It is so hilarious seeing mom go up there.
06:42I would love it.
06:43It'd be awesome.
06:44It'd be so peaceful.
06:53Hey, there's a duck.
06:54Yeah, I know.
06:55That's what I was looking at.
06:58So far, it's been a fun trip.
07:01Did you have fun parasailing?
07:03I had fun wading in the water watching it.
07:07Are you going to do it?
07:10I'm not going to pay for it.
07:11I have too many bills right now.
07:13I'm trying to.
07:14Why'd you pay for me to go do it?
07:15Well, we all chipped in.
07:17And I'd chip in and pay for you to do it.
07:20I don't know what the mending process of my relationship with my mom looks like.
07:24I think I'm getting to know my mom as an adult.
07:29You know, and my mom's getting to know me as an adult.
07:32Because I'm definitely different than I was even just two years ago.
07:39I just think the world of you.
07:41You're like the big brother that they just look up to more than anything.
07:47I was looking at that family band brochure that we had.
07:53You know?
07:54It had pictures of all of us kids.
07:57Everybody was cute.
08:01And then you grow up and, you know, life kind of hits you hard sometimes.
08:09Are you doing okay after the divorce?
08:24I have no idea where everybody is.
08:26We have a concert tonight.
08:27We haven't practiced together in six years.
08:30It's literally a chaotic hot mess.
08:35Are we just doing this for the mic sound?
08:38I don't know.
08:39A lot of us didn't feel like we knew what the hell we were doing there.
08:54Are you doing okay after the divorce?
08:59Oh, I don't know.
09:02Some days are better than others.
09:06I don't really know why we couldn't have made it work out.
09:14But even just like having a relationship with you guys was so complicated when we were together
09:20and I don't think it should be that way when you're with someone.
09:27Well, the way I look at it, the right person will enhance your life and make it better.
09:33And not make it harder and more difficult.
09:37I know that's true.
09:40I just never have loved someone like I loved her and I don't feel like I ever can again.
09:47Well, you deserve someone that treats you really well.
09:52Shouldn't treat you like you deserve to be treated, you know.
09:56And yeah, I mean, I want you to meet somebody that you love just as much as her.
10:01But that also treats you right.
10:09It kind of breaks my heart to hear him say that he doesn't think he ever could love anyone that much again.
10:15Because, I mean, I really want him to find someone that he just loves more than he can even contain.
10:24I want him bubbling over with love for somebody.
10:28I mean, I think everybody deserves that.
10:30I found my Ken, maybe he'll find his Barbie.
10:37Do you miss the beach when you're up in Minnesota?
10:40You like it?
10:41I love it.
10:42I mean, I grew up at the beach, so this is, you know, feels like home to me.
10:48Our relationship hasn't been what it should be, but there's reasons for that and things are different now.
10:57It definitely feels like a first step in the right direction has happened.
11:02We should do this more often.
11:04More often than once every six years.
11:08I've missed you.
11:12Me and my mom are doing pretty good.
11:16And we're at peace, I would say.
11:20I still owe her an apology for my part in the drama that's played out over the last couple of years.
11:28And I should have done that today, but I kind of forgot.
11:33Well, I'll walk off with you if you want to.
11:37Yeah, I wish I was successful enough that I'd paid for everything I want and could pay for everything you guys want, too.
11:41Oh, yeah. Yeah. I wish you were, too.
12:00You're here.
12:02I'm here.
12:09Do you want to play this real quick? I wrote three more verses.
12:14The concert's tomorrow and we haven't practiced in a while.
12:19What are you doing?
12:20I have something to tell you eventually. I don't know how, but I just need you to listen to me eventually.
12:28Okay. And where is this coming from?
12:31Let's play the song.
12:33Let's go.
12:39Tell me what you think of this.
12:41Or the things that you're paying. You got it right.
12:46Or the things that you're paying will teach you.
12:54Nope. Nope.
12:56One more for you.
12:57What do you think of Mariah?
12:58She wasn't really hitting the chords, you know, the chord changes and stuff.
13:02She kind of looked like she was looking at me but looking through me at the same time.
13:05Just kind of like she was lost in space or something.
13:09I mean, I thought maybe Mariah was just having a Mariah moment like she does sometimes.
13:18Your pain will teach you.
13:22Will make you better.
13:28I love that.
13:32So what are you all twisted up about?
13:40I don't know. I don't know how to tell anyone and everyone.
13:44I just, I know everybody's going to laugh at me, but I really don't care.
13:50I've never felt so strongly.
13:55What is this?
13:58I talked to him.
14:02Why would you do that?
14:04Mariah and her ex have talked. Are you freaking kidding me?
14:09I'm like very confused.
14:12Who else knows about this?
14:17Mike and Isaac?
14:18Mike doesn't. Isaac knows a little bit.
14:20Does dad know?
14:22I don't know.
14:24Why did you come into the concert?
14:30This guy that Mariah wrote all this music about, he's going to be here.
14:34Like, okay, what the hell is going on?
14:40Mariah's gotten back with him.
14:42Mariah's what?
14:43And she's inviting him here.
14:44Wait, wait, wait.
14:45You should talk to her.
14:46Wait, who?
14:49She's gotten back with him?
14:51Hold my earrings.
14:52Mike is like deer in headlights.
14:58Are they okay up there?
15:00She wrote a song, The Devil in a Suit and Tie, and he's back, and she let him in.
15:06There's no way a concert can actually happen tomorrow.
15:16Why did you come into the concert?
15:20Because I left with no answers, and I was trying to get my answers, and I have them now.
15:29There was something that he had kept from me that I didn't know about,
15:33and then when I found out, I went no contact for eight months.
15:38I don't think anybody knows how hard it was leaving with just no answers whatsoever.
15:46He reached out to me and said, if you're looking for answers, feel free to call me, text me.
15:52I am more than willing to explain things to you and your family,
15:56and I took him up on his offer and met with him and talked,
16:03and it all makes sense now.
16:06How do you know he's being honest now?
16:08I talked to him for four hours.
16:10I knew things he didn't know that I knew.
16:12He explained all of it, even pieces that I wasn't even planning on asking about.
16:17Do you want to be with somebody that lied to you from the start?
16:21Ethan, if you talk to him, it will all make sense.
16:25Why do you want me to do that?
16:28Whenever you see him.
16:30Whenever you see him?
16:32Which will be?
16:33Maybe tonight.
16:35On the beach, with the sharks and the water and the stuff?
16:40He was the reason why me and Mariah didn't have a relationship for a year.
16:44He told her not to have a relationship with me.
16:47I'm worried that he will pull Mariah back away from this family.
16:51I'm worried that Mariah will not be treated like she deserves to be treated.
16:55I don't know what Mariah sees in this guy.
16:57Evelyn has always told me and you have always told me he was a good talker, so...
17:02How do you trust what he says?
17:04All I know is I know where I stand.
17:07I understand that there's multiple reasons that Ethan is upset and reacting the way that he is.
17:12I don't know if one of those is because he thinks that this is the reason that Ethan and I's relationship wasn't good for a while.
17:20But that's not necessarily true.
17:24The decisions I made and how I handled myself is nobody's fault but my own.
17:29Nobody forced me to do anything.
17:31I was dealing with too much emotionally at the time to try and take on anymore.
17:38You know between me and Mike Lasky, he doesn't stand a chance.
17:40Ethan, I will protect him. I understand.
17:44You? 60 pounds? You'll protect him?
17:47I completely get where Ethan's coming from and I understand.
17:51And I don't want to be like, oh well I'm going to do what I'm going to do and I don't care.
17:54Like I do care but I have all the little pieces to the puzzle.
18:00And I'm putting that puzzle together.
18:03I got a job, I wrote an album, I worked hard, I saved money.
18:07I figured I'll buy a camper and truck and go on the road with my dog and whatever.
18:12But that's not the life I want.
18:17I want him and I want a family one day.
18:21Only time will tell what will happen but I'm willing to give it a shot.
18:27Are you willing to meet him?
18:31No. I'm not giving him a chance.
18:33He had a chance a long time ago and he blew it, obviously.
18:38Ethan is very black and white. When he makes up his mind, there's no changing it.
18:46Love is blind, Mariah. Just be careful.
18:51Love is blind.
19:16Here we are.
19:17Oh, hi guys.
19:18Hello, hello.
19:20Ethan, we got your seat down here.
19:23Ethan's down there.
19:24You want to sit here?
19:25Yeah, I'll just sit here.
19:26Yeah, we're celebrating your birthday.
19:28Is this what's going on?
19:29There's a lot going on on this trip and Mariah's just in such a bad head space.
19:37It's almost like you feel like you were led on.
19:39And then one day you're expected to have a 180 and accept all this and be okay with him being there.
19:49The whole thing is just a s*** show.
19:53Happy birthday.
19:54Happy birthday, Ethan.
19:56Happy birthday, Ethan.
19:57Ethan's birthday was a couple days ago, so I set up a little surprise party on the beach.
20:03What drinks are those? I should have got one.
20:05Virgin berries.
20:07This is the first time that Barry has been around Ken and Ken has really been around Barry.
20:12Just the fact that they're together at a table with the whole family celebrating a family event is huge.
20:21That's a big deal.
20:23Would you like a cherry?
20:26I'll take a cherry.
20:27Would you like a cherry?
20:29I have never seen my dad and Ken be in the same room or on the same plot of land or probably even in the same state.
20:37So I wasn't very sure how this would go.
20:41But to my surprise, they actually seemed to be okay.
20:44A lot of respect for my dad because it's gotta be tough.
20:49Cheers, happy birthday.
20:50Happy birthday.
20:51Happy birthday.
20:53Yeah, Ken and Kim are here.
20:55It's something that in my perspective, I'm like, yeah, it's only right that they come down and be a part of this.
21:04And enjoy it.
21:07Here we are.
21:08It is what it is.
21:23I guess I'm gonna sit here.
21:24Where do you come from, 1990?
21:26Hello down there on that side of the table.
21:31You are so beautiful.
21:34You are amazing.
21:36So Mariah, is that guy coming today?
21:39Have you talked to everybody about that or is he just showing up?
21:42He's coming.
21:44Tonight or now?
21:47I mean, I understand if you guys are talking again, but I just don't know about like bringing him to like a family event after everything.
21:54If that's such a good idea.
21:56I'm just saying, after everything that's happened, him just showing up to a family event is a lot for everyone here.
22:06I can't change what Mariah's gonna do, but what Mariah does will affect other people.
22:15Oh, this cake looks so good.
22:18Okay, thank you.
22:21This is so good.
22:23This is so good.
22:25I can feed myself.
22:26I don't trust you.
22:36Okay, guys. Okay, bye.
22:38Happy birthday.
22:40Are you taking off?
22:43So Mariah shows up late and then leaves early, so it's just very weird.
22:48Where are you going?
22:49I'll be around.
22:52I'll be around, too.
22:55She's leaving us in the dark about tomorrow.
22:57We're all here.
22:58She orchestrated all of this, and we don't know what's going on.
23:01I don't know what song she's singing.
23:02And she said goodbye to everyone at the table.
23:03She said goodbye to everyone at the table and walked away.
23:05Super weird.
23:07And we don't have that much time for tomorrow.
23:09Like, tomorrow's normally the next day.
23:13We're getting pretty close to zero hour.
23:15We need to be working on stuff.
23:16I know.
23:17All right, guys.
23:18So how about a run on the beach or a jump in the water or something?
23:21It looks so beautiful down there.
23:22Okay, let's go do it.
23:25Who should we throw the cake at?
23:27Probably save it for Mariah's ex-boyfriend when he shows up.
23:31Oh, he's coming?
23:33No way.
23:34Mariah's gone back with him.
23:35Mariah's what?
23:36And she's inviting him here.
23:37Wait, wait, wait.
23:38Tonight or tomorrow.
23:39You should talk to her about it.
23:40Wait, who?
23:42She's gone back with him?
23:44Hold my earrings.
23:45There's no way.
23:46He's joking, right?
23:48You're joking.
23:50Veronica and I are both hearing this for the first time.
23:52It is mind-blowing.
23:53I'm, like, putting pieces of the puzzle together.
23:57So, Dad, do you know what's going on with Mariah?
24:00No, I don't know what's going on with her.
24:01I know who she's talking to.
24:04Is it about me?
24:05She's talking to him.
24:07But why?
24:08I don't know.
24:09She's been behaving very aloof, too.
24:11I was mainly shocked because I had understood that Mariah wanted to cut ties and get over him.
24:18Mariah said that she talked to him for four hours and everything he said made sense, so she believes him.
24:23I'm just letting you know, Mariah's planning on having him here at the concert.
24:27Hold my ears.
24:28And I told Mariah, don't bring that to this with all of us.
24:33Like, it's...
24:36I will never get over it.
24:38I know it's her life, but I'm not okay with that.
24:42I'm just letting you know, Mariah's planning on having him here at the concert.
24:46I know it's her life, but I'm not okay with that.
24:48No, no.
24:50She just doesn't get it.
24:52I don't know.
24:53Mariah and I are really close, but Ethan tells me that she's back together with her ex-boyfriend.
24:59It was shocking.
25:01Part of the reason why she doesn't really want, like, isn't talking to us much is because she doesn't know how we're going to receive it.
25:06Why does she walk off then?
25:07Why does she walk off then?
25:08Instead of bringing it up at the dinner table?
25:10Of course not.
25:11Because she's scared.
25:12What is she going to say?
25:13In front of everybody?
25:14Oh, hey.
25:15The guy who was so rude to me and manipulated me is back.
25:18But, you know, it's all good.
25:20How's that going to go over?
25:22I need to talk to Mariah.
25:23I need to see if I can get her.
25:24Try calling her.
25:25She won't answer.
25:28I just don't like it.
25:29I know.
25:30No, I don't think any of us like it, but he's back in her life.
25:33She does like it, but he's back in her life.
25:35So, if you can, hit the pause button on this.
25:38Okay, Mariah, hit the pause button on this.
25:40This isn't, this isn't Mariah.
25:42I'm not talking to Mariah.
25:43I'm talking to three guys here.
25:45And all I'm asking is for you.
25:47We can hit the pause button on this if he's not going to be here at the concert tomorrow.
25:51I think we can agree with that.
25:52You got any bail money?
25:55Let's go make an intervention.
25:56Let's go find her.
25:57Let's go find her.
25:58I'll go find her.
25:59I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it.
26:00Where did this getting back together with him come from?
26:03She just, her words were, I was wrong about him.
26:10To have like as little planning, as little prep, as little everything,
26:13and still all come together and try to make a concert,
26:16and then to have this wrench thrown in.
26:18This is a crazy wrench.
26:19This is like.
26:20This is a whole toolbox.
26:21This is insanity.
26:22In my mind, I'm like, there's no way a concert can actually happen tomorrow.
26:27Because no one knows what's going on.
26:31Yeah, I want to talk to her.
26:32I'm going to go see if I can find her.
26:34Isaac's already gone.
26:35Are you, are you good here?
26:39Where are you?
26:41Everyone is needing to talk to you.
26:50She hung up on me.
26:51I called her and she was like,
26:52I called her and she was like,
26:57So we have her location.
26:59She's out there.
27:02If anybody understands Mariah.
27:04It's Micah.
27:05It's Micah.
27:06And if anybody can talk to her in a way she'll get and understand it.
27:17Are they okay up there?
27:18Should we check to see if Lydia's handling it okay?
27:21I don't know where Micah and Ethan are.
27:23We went from like super awkward dinner to Ethan dropping a bombshell of news
27:30to basically a riot with pitchforks of plats.
27:37Let's go back.
27:39She wrote a song, The Devil in a Suit and Tie,
27:42and he's back and she let him in.
27:45She won't answer.
27:51Amber had Mariah's location,
27:53but Mariah's location was like jumping all over the place.
27:55It showed like she was in the hotel,
27:57and it showed that she was over here on the street.
28:04I never met her ex.
28:06I don't even know what he looks like.
28:17I just walked up to this car.
28:19The windows are so tinted.
28:20You couldn't see anyone in there,
28:21but I saw that there was a seatbelt across someone,
28:25so I tapped on the passenger window.
28:27The window kept going down, and there was Mariah.
28:31Mariah, come on.
28:33Dad and Micah want to talk to you.
28:35I told Mariah that it was time to go.
28:38Guys, I think we should all go.
28:41I can't believe that she wrote songs about him.
28:44And he looks like Mr. Potato Head.
28:51This whole thing is, like, annoying.
28:55Everybody calls me the drama queen,
28:58but, like, dude, I'm just, like, well, I understand.
29:02Like, see, this is where I'm like,
29:04I understand where y'all are coming from,
29:06but at the same time, you see me.
29:08I'm fine. I'm an adult.
29:09I'm going to make my decisions.
29:11I'm going to try my best to explain to you,
29:13but at this point, I don't think you're even going to listen, so...
29:16Any news?
29:18Any news?
29:19Where's Mariah?
29:20With Micah.
29:22Mariah, tell me what's going on.
29:24Tell me what changed.
29:26I had a four-hour conversation with him.
29:29He explained everything from beginning to end,
29:31and it all made sense.
29:33Completely made sense.
29:35First time I've seen his face.
29:37He was talking to Mariah.
29:38This is kind of like Murphy's Law.
29:40If anything can go wrong, it will,
29:43and it'll happen at the worst moment.
29:46All I know right now is, you know,
29:48Kim and I need to talk to Mariah.
30:10Is she around here? Did you get a text from her?
30:12Yeah, she said she's down here.
30:14She's over in this room over here.
30:18Is she here?
30:21Hey, good morning.
30:23Good morning.
30:24Just got some quiet time to yourself?
30:26Yeah, I'm just waiting for the band members to get here
30:30and having my coffee so I'm not dead.
30:34You need energy for the day.
30:36Good morning.
30:37Good morning.
30:38Also, you look beautiful.
30:40Aw, so do you.
30:43Last night was kind of crazy.
30:45It's the day of the concert, and I guess everybody's okay.
30:49I feel like people have calmed down a little bit
30:51from last night.
30:53Today, Barry and I are hoping to keep Mariah focused
30:56and just do whatever we can do
30:58to help this concert come off smoothly.
31:01I've been thinking a lot.
31:04I don't like at all how yesterday went,
31:07but I don't like I was, you know, upset about it,
31:11but I understand where everybody's coming from,
31:13and I'm thankful for all of you for looking out for me
31:16and caring enough to be mad, I guess.
31:20You know, I'm like, this is...
31:24So, you know, I'm not mad at you, right?
31:27Well, nobody's mad at you.
31:29Nobody's mad at you.
31:31We want the best for you, right?
31:34On the one hand, it's all about Mariah,
31:37but it's also all being a family together.
31:40I mean, in the back of my mind, I'm like,
31:42well, let's be positive, let's create good memories.
31:45It's great to be at the beach.
31:47I love my jogs in the morning, as the sun rises.
31:50Which way do you go?
31:52I go to the cut.
31:53That way?
31:55Good, because I go for a jog every morning.
31:57I go that way.
31:59We didn't even...
32:00We didn't even plan that one.
32:02It's just intuitively, we're...
32:04Yeah, he goes to the right, I go to the left.
32:06I mean, it's perfect.
32:07It's a statement, you know, that's life.
32:10And you wouldn't want a family of people
32:12that didn't care what you did,
32:13and they're like, oh, whatever, we don't care.
32:16Now, some people care a little too aggressively.
32:21I completely understand where everybody's coming from.
32:26The big thing is, there's still something going on with her ex.
32:31She ended it, and then she popped the door back open.
32:35Yeah, it's back open.
32:36And, you know, that's one of those moments where I'm like,
32:39oh, I wish she wouldn't go there, but she's going there.
32:44So, I mean, she's making her own choices.
32:46I can't make choices for her.
32:47Well, I wonder if closure was what she told us she wanted.
32:52But maybe she didn't crack the door open to get closure.
32:56Maybe she cracked the door open to reconnect.
33:00We don't know.
33:01And it really doesn't matter at this point, you know.
33:05We will all love you either way.
33:10You know, like it doesn't have, that will never, ever, ever change.
33:13Basically, she just wants us to talk to her ex
33:19and hear his side of the story.
33:21So, Barry and I agreed to meet with him,
33:24and we even set up a time.
33:26And I said, okay, that's very reasonable.
33:29We just want to keep the lines of communication open.
33:31I feel like after our conversation with him this afternoon,
33:35we'll have a better idea of if he's coming to the concert or not.
33:39Yeah, I think it'll be a good thing to do.
33:42I agree.
33:44Really, that's where her focus needs to be right now.
33:46This concert's a big deal.
33:48I got a lot of built-up stuff I'm going to get out in this performance.
33:52You run on emotion, don't you?
33:54I wish I didn't.
33:56I feel like it's good that the whole family is seeing Barry and I,
34:00you know, be on the same page, work together, help Mariah, you know.
34:04I mean, we're just here to support the whole family.
34:07What a whirlwind.
34:09It is a whirlwind.
34:14What time is it, Kim?
34:15When are we practicing?
34:16What time is it now?
34:17It's almost time for the concert.
34:19We still haven't rehearsed all of our songs.
34:22Tell me what I can do. Can I set up mic stands?
34:25No matter what head space I'm in with this guy,
34:28this is the one thing I got to do.
34:32I'm standing there with Kim. I'm like, oh, okay.
34:36This is the moment.
34:37This could be a huge disaster.
34:55What's happening? Where's everyone?
34:57I have no idea where everybody is.
34:58We have a concert tonight.
35:00We haven't practiced together in six years.
35:03We're supposed to be setting up.
35:06I'm here. My bass is here. Lydia's here.
35:08I'm here.
35:09Her guitar is here.
35:10Lydia's here. That's all we need.
35:12Ken's here. He's our backup lead singer in case nobody shows.
35:16Okay, don't worry. I got it.
35:18I have never disliked Ken, but I'm also not like, yay, excited. Yay, yay.
35:28Where do I feel the shade?
35:29Wherever they say. I have no idea.
35:32But yeah, shade is good.
35:33Okay, so that's the board over there.
35:35Tell me what I can do. Can I set up mic stands?
35:42Nobody really knows, you know, what we're doing.
35:44Mariah, I think, is supposed to know.
35:47I don't know if she really knows.
35:48She needs to be focused on the concert.
35:50And we all can tell she's very distracted.
35:53She's far away. She's somewhere else.
35:55We're setting up this way?
35:57That's a question for somebody other than me.
36:02I'm not running sound. I don't remember how to run sound.
36:05How are we going to do this?
36:07My dad, six years ago, he started to master it
36:10and at least look like he knew what he was doing.
36:12But I know he's completely clueless again.
36:15He's trying to, what does this mean?
36:17What's this dial? What's this?
36:19Are we just doing this for the mic sound?
36:30Where were you?
36:31I ran to my room.
36:35I think every one of my family members
36:37has been put through an emotional ringer.
36:40And we've been put through this ringer by Mariah.
36:47Testing, testing, testing, testing, testing.
36:51Do we have the ability to tap that in the system?
36:58I think the concert could potentially happen.
37:01I don't know what it's going to look like.
37:03That really, I think, is going to be fake until you make it.
37:07I don't think they have a plan.
37:09I think they're busy in the moment
37:12putting out a larger fire
37:14than embarrassing themselves in public.
37:20Are the girls harmonizing somewhere?
37:22I have no idea.
37:24Mariah has said that she would like her ex to come to the concert.
37:28We don't think that's a good idea.
37:30The concert is so fragile as it is.
37:33We really don't need any extra drama.
37:36What time is it, Kim?
37:38What time is it now?
37:39I don't know.
37:4212-8, okay.
37:43So we gotta leave in, we gotta leave in like 50?
37:46When are we practicing?
37:47Hours go by and we're still troubleshooting.
37:50We're very hot.
37:53And there's no end in sight.
37:56We haven't even started practicing yet.
37:58Can you text and tell him there's no way we can meet him at 1
38:02because we're still setting up and we haven't even practiced together.
38:05And since we have a concert tonight, we have to practice.
38:08And then if we get time after we practice,
38:12we'll let him know.
38:14Barry and I call him and tell him that
38:17we're not going to be able to meet today.
38:19And we tell Mariah that she seems fine with that.
38:22I think she knows, yeah, the concert has to happen tonight
38:26and there's no way we can do both.
38:34Hey man, you're making me look bad.
38:38Mariah has four studio musicians that are here today with the whole family.
38:43I'm going to sound like quite the beginner.
38:48Tonight I will play bass.
38:51I'm definitely excited.
38:53A little bit nervous, but it'll be fun either way.
39:07I think the rehearsal sucked.
39:09I mean, I'd never met any of the band members.
39:11Mariah was working out her songs with them.
39:14And the way the stage was laid out, who was playing what.
39:18I think I can speak for several of my siblings.
39:22A lot of us didn't feel like we knew what the hell we were doing there.
39:39It's literally a chaotic hot mess.
39:43Sing, check one, two, three.
39:45To me it would be better if the omni-mic doesn't work
39:48to just gather around a regular microphone like you know.
39:52This concert's going to happen.
39:54I don't know how it's going to happen.
39:56I don't know how good it's going to be.
40:01Okay, can you take that down right there?
40:04It's almost time for the concert.
40:06We still haven't rehearsed all of our songs.
40:10This could be a huge disaster.
40:17Hey. Hey.
40:18Just like old times, huh?
40:20I mean, with the band.
40:22Yeah, yeah.
40:23I haven't seen Mariah in a while.
40:25I think she's still getting ready.
40:26She's still getting ready?
40:28That's not a surprise.
40:30I've got to go get something to drink.
40:31Okay, all right.
40:32No problem.
40:34She disappears, and then I'm standing there with Ken,
40:38and I'm like, oh, okay.
40:40This is the moment, you know,
40:42because I really haven't sat down with Ken before.
40:46Hey Ken, how's it going, man?
40:49Doing all right?
40:50Pretty good.
40:53I was a little apprehensive coming into this.
40:56Barry and I haven't talked a whole lot
40:58in the last couple years,
41:00and we haven't actually sat down
41:02face-to-face and talked.
41:05God grant me the ability to come out
41:08on the sunny side of life.
41:11How do you think things are going so far?
41:14You know, I've seen them all singing
41:16two or three at a time.
41:17I've never seen them all together.
41:19Yeah, this is going to be a treat for you, you know?
41:21It's going to be a throwback to the good old days
41:23when we had the band.
41:26Got the sound equipment out
41:27for the first time in five years.
41:29Just talk about the children.
41:31I mean, those are pretty benign,
41:34safe conversations to talk about.
41:37It's impressive how well they harmonize.
41:41Well, it's one of those family things, you know?
41:43It is nice to just see Barry and Ken
41:46talking for a few minutes,
41:47and I mean, that makes me feel better.
41:49It makes me feel like, okay,
41:51it's a step towards, you know, a new normal.
41:54You can see it in families.
41:55They've got that musical thing going,
41:58and yeah, harmonies come.
42:01You know, just because it's like a sibling thing.
42:03Enough time has passed for me to, like, get comfortable
42:06and to go, okay, yep, yep.
42:09This is the new norm.
42:12Life is too short to get stuck, you know, in the past.
42:17So what do you think of Mariah's situation?
42:19Well, I don't ever want to overstep my bounds.
42:21You know, I'll always give her the best advice I know.
42:25You know, that you're her father.
42:29She's going to listen to you a lot more
42:30than she's going to listen to me.
42:32It was nice to be able to talk to Barry
42:35and let him know that I'm also here to support Mariah,
42:39that I'm 100% Team Mariah,
42:41and that I'm not trying to step on his toes
42:44when I give her advice.
42:45It appears everybody's out for her best interests, right?
42:51To see her, you know, well-balanced and happy
42:54on a good path moving forward, not stuck somewhere.
42:58It's a big relief because I do want a relationship
43:00with Barry as well as the rest of the family.
43:02I think enough time has passed
43:03that a lot of the hard feelings are gone.
43:06I don't know that Barry and I will ever be buddy-buddy
43:10and go hang out at ballgames,
43:11but I think that we can get to a point
43:14where when we see each other, we can talk to each other
43:18and be cordial.
43:19So, anyway, all right, good talking to you.
43:21You too.
43:22I haven't explored any commonalities
43:25that Ken and I may have.
43:30You know, I'm easing into things.
43:38Are you ready?
43:40No answer.
43:42No comment.
43:44So, is this guy coming to the concert after all?
43:48He does want to support me in this,
43:51and that means the world to me.
43:54But I am like, this is going to be tricky.
44:14Hey, hey, hey, how you doing?
44:15My name's Wanda.
44:17I live in Oklahoma City.
44:21Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
44:22Thank you for being here tonight.
44:23My sisters have some songs they would like to sing,
44:26and I've got a couple songs that I'd like to sing,
44:28so join me in welcoming my sister, Mariah,
44:31to this little stage here to sing for you tonight.
44:42I am so excited.
44:47At this point, I'm running on adrenaline,
44:49especially with my family, being mad,
44:52trying to tell me what I should or shouldn't do.
44:56But no matter what I'm going through with my family,
44:59no matter what head space I'm in with this guy,
45:02this concert is top priority for me.
45:05This is the one thing I gotta do.
45:13I fell for the slow, you know how it go for
45:17I fell for his eyes and all of that
45:21He loved me in the middle of my dark night
45:25But he never stayed to see me cry
45:29Oh, oh, oh
45:33Oh, oh, oh
45:37Look out for the devil in a suit and tie
45:41Disguising himself as an angel
45:45Looking out into the audience and seeing
45:48some of my best friends and family
45:51and strangers, too, that have come to support me.
45:58Girls, come up here.
46:02My sisters Lydia, Cassia, Marcy, and Annabelle.
46:07I see myself through your eyes
46:11I let you bring me up so high
46:14I made it all so worth it, all the hard work, everything.
46:18It's like...
46:20Hey, sister, I have a few questions
46:25I know they open down this road
46:30Hey, sister, I might have an answer
46:35I wish I knew a long, long time ago
46:41I wish I could have, um...
46:46Snuck my man in
46:49But maybe next time
46:52Maybe that's why we make it
46:56So damn complicated
47:01I value my family's opinion a lot
47:05and I know they only want the best for me.
47:16All right, I'm just going to step off stage and let him take over.
47:19Ethan? Go, Ethan!
47:21So this is one that I wrote,
47:24the kind of, I went through a divorce last year
47:29and it kept me on this side of the ground.
47:32So I hope you guys enjoy it
47:34and maybe find something in it for yourself.
47:41Trust someone, he gets you killed
47:44When you love someone, they'll hurt you still
47:48But in the life that's real...
47:51I really miss Olivia, I love her still.
47:54I wish that it could have worked out,
47:56but I couldn't have kept going with that rate of drama.
48:01It was just too much, it was very, very draining.
48:04Lord, sometimes it seems to me in life
48:07You just can't win
48:17To be honest, I didn't know what I was doing here this morning.
48:21So much going on and so much drama
48:24and so much stuff that was unnecessary
48:27and then Mariah just not seeming to be there
48:30and helping and supportive, and it was just like,
48:33it was frustrating at times.
48:35But I'm really glad we stuck it out
48:38and came around and pulled through.
48:40Even though you're in the dark
48:43Don't give up the fight
48:45There's someone up above
48:48Shining down this light
48:51Even though life
48:54Tries to tear us down
48:56Just for them to learn
49:00Just for them to learn
49:07It's a real proud dad moment to see, you know,
49:10your children's efforts and their talents come forth
49:13and no matter what they're dealing with,
49:16they give each other a lot of support,
49:18and that's one thing that I'm like really encouraged to see.
49:22Let's remember
49:26Things found us in November
49:32I know many years ago, I said, and I quote,
49:38a house divided against itself will fall.
49:42And I think, I think we've come past that point.
49:46I really see a ton of unity
49:49in the midst of disagreements.
49:53We're united in love,
49:55and even through our disagreements,
49:57we always find a way back to each other.
50:00We'll be your flower
50:05In November
50:12If 3 years ago somebody had told me
50:15we would all be performing together
50:17in front of Barry and my boyfriend,
50:20I really wouldn't have believed you.
50:29How about a hand for this excellent band?
50:32Love them.
50:37Well, I hope you guys have all enjoyed the evening.
50:41We're going to sing this last song.
50:44Are we ready?
50:50There's a dark
50:53and a troubled side of life
50:58There's a bright
51:01and a sunny side too
51:11There's a dark
51:12and a troubled side of life
51:16The next year for me,
51:19after the divorce is over,
51:21I might be in wedding planning mode.
51:25There's a dark and a troubled side of life
51:28A sunny side we all so may view
51:34What's next for you and Veronica?
51:39What do you think's next for Veronica and I?
51:42I don't know, that's all I ask.
51:44I don't know where you can go
51:46before you put a ring on it.
51:49If we keep on the sunny side of life
51:57What the f*** was that?
51:59You were saying you don't eat enough.
52:01What the f*** was that?
52:03I just had a salad.
52:05You're f***ing gross!
52:07I didn't mean to.
52:09What do you mean you didn't mean to?
52:11Delete that.
52:13No, no, no redos.
52:15Keep on the sunny side
52:17Always on the sunny side
52:20Keep on the sunny side of life
52:24It will help us every day
52:27My next chapter, well,
52:31I guess The Rebel is back.
52:34Sing along!
52:36Keep on the sunny side
52:38Always on the sunny side
52:41Keep on the sunny side of life
52:46Whether I like it or not, I'm free now.
52:49I'm not married to anyone.
52:51I don't own a house.
52:53I'm not on a mortgage or on a lease.
52:55So this summer, I'm going to try to enjoy it, I guess.
52:59In fact, the first thing that I want to do
53:01when I get back to Minnesota
53:03is texting Lillian,
53:05seeing if she wants to go on a second date,
53:07see what she says.
53:11Me and Olivia don't stay in touch.
53:14I'm sure Olivia's seeing people.
53:17I struggle with that a lot.
53:20I can't tell her what to do.
53:23It's not my place.
53:25Keep on the sunny side
53:29Of life
53:41I just packed up my things in Los Angeles,
53:45and Led and I are ready to hit the road.
53:49Here I am, striking out on my own, yeah.
53:53I'm going to move to Washington, D.C.
53:56Brendan lives like 20 minutes away.
53:58That's so odd. What are the odds?
54:01You moved from one end of the country to another,
54:03and now you're going back to settle
54:05on the other end of the country, so...
54:08Well, third time's a charm.
54:13Come see me in D.C.!
54:15I'm putting down some roots!
