The Arcturians: Recovery the lost time! It's the opportunity to improve your life; Instructions

  • 2 days ago
The Arcturians: Recovery the lost time! It's the opportunity to improve your life; Instructions
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00:00Life can be so much easier than you have been taught.
00:09Love wants to pour into your life.
00:12Can you get out of its way?
00:14Can you release your mind's grip on the problems and challenges so as to create room
00:18for the solutions?
00:20Can you focus on the beauty you'd like to see in the future, and even better, the beauty
00:25around you right now?
00:27We know you all have challenging circumstances in your life.
00:31We know you are all amazing creators and you didn't necessarily create these challenges
00:36because you wanted difficulty, but rather because you forgot to love yourselves somewhere
00:41along the way.
00:42So how do you create change right in this instant?
00:46Suppose you have pain in your heart or your body.
00:49Can you choose to be kind to yourself right now, to comfort yourself in a healthy way,
00:55and make healthy choices for your body, not based on what you think but rather on what
00:59your body tells you?
01:01If you have emotional pain, ask your spirit, what do I need for comfort?
01:07A hug from your angels?
01:09Help from a friend?
01:10A warm fuzzy blanket or a walk in nature?
01:14If you have physical pain, ask your body, what are you trying to tell me?
01:19How can I help you feel better?
01:21Be kind to yourselves.
01:23Do not fight your own emotions or bodies.
01:27They are the messengers from your soul.
01:29They show you the areas in which you are seeking greater love.
01:34Suppose you want something to occur but do not know how to make it happen.
01:39See yourself in the desired outcome, allow room for the possibility the divine might
01:43have an even better outcome, then choose to find what joy you can right now.
01:49Choose to love something about yourself now.
01:52Choose to love something about life now.
01:55Existing in a vibration of love now leads to more later.
01:59Dear ones, you are all so very powerful because in truth you have the love of the Creator
02:04that wants to flow through your loving hearts into your lives.
02:08You open to this by choosing even the smallest loving thought, or the smallest loving choice.
02:15You can always find something or someone to love, a color, a piece of chocolate, the sky,
02:21someone in your past who helped you, someone you hope to be with but have not yet even
02:25met, a piece of art, a video on your internet, a beautiful photo, a great meal, a single
02:32flower growing up through a crack in the sidewalk that reminds you life springs eternal in spite
02:37of all odds.
02:39There is always something or someone to love.
02:42The face you see in the mirror perhaps.
02:45Yes you.
02:46We love you so very much and we know that we are angels in heaven only because we allow
02:51the love of the Creator to flow through us at all times, for feeling this love is indeed
02:58And you can have this right there upon your earth, right now, and now, and now again.
