The Billionaires Accidental Bride

  • 2 days ago
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00:00I take full responsibility for the Bellon fiasco. It was my idea and mine
00:10alone to impersonate Amber and steal the spotlight. I'm truly sorry. Just to be
00:19clear, none of this was my Global Entertainment's fault. It was all Emma.
00:26We'll now take any questions. How about you? Is it true that you and billionaire
00:36playboy Eric Roberts are an item? Next question. Stop. Stop. Next question. Stop.
00:42Stop. Does anyone have a good question?
00:47I'm getting reports that you and Mr. Roberts have been holed up in a
00:54honeymoon suite for days. This is all in response to your fiance Nathan's
01:00infidelity. Care to comment? Okay, no, no, no, no. Stop it. Stop asking questions about
01:11Emma's love life. She sabotaged me, you idiots. How are you not seeing this?
01:18She's the villain. This is about me, okay? I am the star and I... Oh, watch out!
01:28What will happen to Amber and her unborn child? Will Emma come out on top or will Nathan
01:33continue to torture her? Can Emma and Eric find happiness?
01:41Who the hell do you think you are? That's Emma Miller. She used to be a hot
01:46model until her career tanked a few years back. Let me rephrase. What is she
01:51doing on my stage? Where is the girl that I hired? Amber fell ill at the last
01:55minute. Emma must have snuck in wearing the mask. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if
02:01she poisoned Amber to steal the spotlight. Oh, you begged me to take over.
02:04You lying son of a... Enough! I should have you arrested. You are ruined. Your career is
02:13over. The only career that's ending today is yours, Julius. Unless you change your tone
02:21and back away from Miss Miller. Now. Mr. Roberts, my apologies, sir. Clearly, your manners
02:32aren't as polished as your tacky jewelry. If you would be so kind as to come with me. I'm
02:38sorry, Eric was it? You can call me Mr. Roberts. Kaleidoscope Entertainment, CEO.
02:46Show some respect, nitwit. This is Kaleidoscope. They could buy global 20
02:53times over.
02:58Miss Miller, be so kind as to join me.
03:04Wait a minute. Hey, baby, Emma. Hey, do you know this guy? What? Are you jealous? I've
03:15long been a fan of Miss Miller's career. I'd like to see her succeed, but like some
03:23Let's go.
03:32You will be hearing from my lawyers.
03:42Nathan is gonna destroy me. They will do nothing of the sort. I meant what I said in there.
03:49I really want to see your career flourish. Are you real? Were you made in
03:55some kind of like perfect man lab? Trust me, I'm far from perfect. We all have our
04:03secrets. Oh, that's right. Eric, there's something that you should know
04:10about me. Emma Miller. Grew up in Ohio. Promising
04:16modeling career until two years ago when your idiot fiancee made a bad
04:20business decision. Bachelor's degree. Donates to charity, even though you're
04:25broke. And you have a cat named Daisy. Okay, how did you know? I had my assistant run a
04:32thorough background check on you. You were not one of the women from the
04:36pre-approved list. I'm really sorry. You were just, you were there and you needed a wife and I was
04:41devastated. Emma, it's okay. I knew right away and I'm glad. You are? I could never end up
04:51with somebody that my father approves of. Some stuffy aristocrat with no
04:57personality, poor manners, and even worse breath. But Emma, you are a gift.
05:06She is in her queen era and we are here for it. Are you seeing this? Not now, babe.
05:14I need to think. Emma is blowing up. The media is taking her side. That was
05:20supposed to be my moment. Uh-huh. This skank is humiliating me. Us. She probably broke
05:27that bracelet on purpose. We can't let her get away with this. What do you want
05:32me to do? I want you to grow a pair. As the father of my unborn child, you need
05:37to take control of the narrative, tank Emma's career, and put me back in the
05:42spotlight. Okay, darling. I'll fix it.
05:48Wait, just wait a second. What? What's wrong? Are you okay? No, this is great. I mean, this is crazy
05:56hot and you're perfect. It's just... It's okay, you can tell me. Is it my breath?
06:02No, um, I'm... I've never...
06:09This would...
06:12Oh, wow. You're a famous model. You have a fiancée. I just assumed that...
06:20Nathan's the only man I've ever been in a serious relationship with and he was
06:24the one who said that he always wanted to wait till marriage and I always
06:26thought it was a religious thing, but turns out he wasn't waiting. He just
06:32didn't want to be with me. That guy is an idiot and you have nothing that you need
06:41to worry about. Yeah, I want to. I mean, believe me, I do. It's just that all this is
06:45happening so fast. I mean, I don't even know your middle name. It's okay. I am in
06:52no rush. We have all the time in the world. Thank you.
07:01It's Tucker, by the way. Hmm, Eric Tucker Roberts. I know, I know, it's a family name.
07:38Sorry, I didn't want to wake you, but I thought that you might be hungry.
07:42Oh, I have your espresso.
07:48It's Nathan. Surprised it took him this long. Should I answer? I've got a few words for that guy.
08:00Okay, thanks, but I can't have you fighting all my battles for me. Suit yourself.
08:08What do you want? Emma! So good to hear your voice, babe. Wish I could say the same.
08:14Where the hell are you? You disappeared after the whole Belon fiasco.
08:18You mean after you threw me under the bus and tried to ruin my career?
08:24Listen, babe. I know that now. Everything's a mess. I'm sorry. I just want a chance to
08:36make things right. Please, Emma. I have to see you. You're still my fiancé after all.
08:42Yeah, about that.
08:44What's that supposed to mean?
08:46It means that we should discuss some things.
08:50I mean, okay. Let's meet up and talk. We can go out to a nice dinner, just like old times. What do you say?
09:04Fine, I'll see you tonight.
09:06Thank you for coming. I hope your hungry chef has been cooking up a storm.
09:13You hired a private chef?
09:15Best in the city. He comes highly recommended. Only the best for you, my love.
09:23I'm having the chef prepare your favorite, don't you worry.
09:26May I?
09:28So, where's Amber? I thought she'd be staying here.
09:32They're keeping her overnight in the hospital for observation.
09:35Really? Gosh, I hope she pulls through. What's her diagnosis?
09:40I think she has a growth of some kind.
09:42Yeah, definitely some kind of growth. You know, I have a feeling that she'll get better in nine months.
09:52Listen, babe. Sorry I pushed the wedding. I got so caught up in work, I lost sight of what's important.
10:04Amber got in my head, but you're my priority.
10:07Your steak, sir.
10:12Sure. Your favorite.
10:14Five years, Nathan. We were together for five years.
10:20I'm a vegetarian.
10:22Are you sure?
10:24And for the lovely lady, spaghetti pomodoro.
10:28That's not right. She ordered a steak.
10:31This is my favorite meal. How did you know?
10:34Courtesy of Mr. Roberts. He'd like to pay for tonight's dinner and sends his congratulations on your wedding.
10:42I guess it's the least he could do.
10:44It was a little early. We're not even married yet.
10:47He's talking about our wedding.
10:50It was a mistake coming here.
10:52Emma, Emma, wait, wait!
10:57My life is a wreck. Global entertainment is going up in flames.
11:00How is that my problem? You dug your own grave.
11:04I need you to put out a statement saying the whole bell arm thing was your idea.
11:08That you broke the bracelet to get attention.
11:10Absolutely not! I am so sick of taking the blame for your mistakes!
11:16You have manipulated me enough.
11:18Goodbye, Nathan.
11:21Stop the presses.
11:23We have just received a jaw-dropping statement from Emma Miller's manager
11:28claiming that Global Entertainment forced Emma to stand in for Amber Lee on numerous occasions.
11:36Then, digitally editing the pictures to make it look like Amber did all the work.
11:45Emma, you are a clever woman.
11:47They also claim that Nathan Davis of Global Entertainment
11:53has been having an affair with Amber, cheating on his fiancée, Emma.
12:04Babe, calm down.
12:06You're useless. I've had it. Nathan.
12:12What else do you want?
12:13I just tried to convince Emma, but I can't control her.
12:15What else do you want from me?
12:20I'm tired of watching you fail.
12:24It's my turn now.
12:28So, what's the plan?
12:29Well, Nathan wants me to put out a statement about what really happened at the Bell Am show.
12:34So, he's excited about what we're going to do.
12:37We don't have money for this game.
12:39You showed up.
12:43How the mighty tables have crumbled.
12:45Oh, how the mighty tables have crumbled.
12:47What does that even mean?
12:49It means you were...
12:51No, I'm the one.
12:53Don't hurt yourself, Johnny.
12:56Okay, so, how are we going to do this?
12:59I'm going to need you to stick to the script.
13:02Word for word.
13:08Whatever, let's do this.
13:09Right this way, I see.
13:12Emma bravely took the stage, ready to lie.
13:15Hello, my name is Emma Miller.
13:19I'm here to admit that...
13:25I'm somewhat of a public figure.
13:27You say that like it's a bad thing.
13:30Trust me, I'm far from perfect.
13:34We all have our secrets.
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