The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 491-492

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The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 491-492
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from Episode 490, 1 to Episode 492, don't forget to support the channel by
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00:18Also, don't forget to subscribe, comment, and like.
00:22Episode 491, Millie is forced to make a decision.
00:26What am I supposed to do? Millie asked.
00:30She turned and glared at Noelle. No matter what I say, it won't make a difference.
00:35Sorry, I can't help. Millie then turned around and acted like she was calmly selecting a book
00:41from her bookshelf. Noelle had actually already predicted this answer before she arrived,
00:47but she thought it was worth a try. She wanted to see if the woman that Pete had been interested in
00:52would have at least a tiny bit of conscience. But after hearing Millie's response,
00:58Noelle laughed. You may regret it later, you know, she said, shaking her head.
01:06Millie turned and stared back at Noelle blankly. She was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
01:12She knew deep down that Pete was a good guy, even if she didn't treat him well.
01:17He would never do anything rash. But Jackson was another story. He might just go over the edge if
01:23she rejected him as Noelle walked out. Millie sighed deeply, slipped the book back onto the
01:29shelf, and started to pour herself a drink. As she dropped the ice cubes into her glass,
01:34she noticed that her hand was shaking. I have no choice. I'm just protecting my future.
01:41She thought she would later find out how wrong this decision was.
01:45Back at Kaleidoscope, Noelle called Emma to tell her about her conversation with Millie.
01:50While Emma was disappointed, she was not surprised. Okay, that just means from now on,
01:57we don't need to take her situation into consideration, she told Noelle.
02:02I agree. But I'm so worried about Pete. Don't worry, he's strong. Emma said,
02:09go talk to Lewis and tell him to release a statement about Emily and Peter's relationship.
02:14Honesty is always the best policy. Okay. Noelle replied as she grabbed her notebook and headed
02:21out the door. Emma knew that even if Millie did come out with a statement about what had happened,
02:27she probably wouldn't protect Pete anyway. So if she wasn't willing to tell the truth,
02:32they would do it for her. The same day, Kaleidoscope's peer department Trillian
02:39released a statement about Pete and Millie's relationship focusing on him
02:43as the victim. But unfortunately, people didn't care who was at fault.
02:48They were just fascinated by the drama of this love triangle,
02:52and they soon began to comment about it online. Why is it Millie defending herself? Someone wrote
02:58since Kaleidoscope represents both of them, and they are siding with Pete. She must be the one
03:04at fault. Someone else responded. With all the negative publicity, Pete's reputation suffered,
03:11and his album release was even delayed. Pete and his manager were becoming increasingly alarmed.
03:18The story about Pete and Millie was on the front of all the tabloids. Worried, Emma called Susan
03:25and asked, can you postpone your upcoming business trip? I'm really worried about Peter.
03:30I am too, Susan replied. Everyone at work has been talking about it.
03:35Yeah, I'll find an excuse to stay in town. Emma put her phone down and wistfully looked out the
03:42window. This had gone on long enough. She knew it was time for the truth to come out. Millie's
03:49manager was also deeply concerned. Louise has arranged a press conference for later today.
03:55She told Emily, it's best that you cooperate and clear Pete's name after the incident is behind us.
04:02You can start over again. Why should I do that? Because he's related to Eric and Emma.
04:10Millie scoffed. She folded her arms and looked at her manager intently.
04:15I'm not a puppet. Kaleidoscope can't tell me what to do. If this were another agency,
04:22they would spend some lie to make themselves look good. Millie's manager retorted, but this
04:27is Kaleidoscope. They're not like all the rest. They believe honesty is the best policy and they
04:34take pride in doing the right thing. And speaking of doing the right thing, Pete was good to you.
04:40Don't you feel guilty about how you're treating him? There was an awkward silence while Emily
04:46thought things over. She finally turned around and asked, so all I have to do is clarify
04:52everything. Millie's manager curiously looked at Millie's face, suspicious of the sudden attitude
04:58change. Three, zero. She responded as she walked out. Millie collapsed onto a nearby chair,
05:07the tears starting to well up in her eyes. It's not that I don't want to help Pete,
05:12but if Jackson comes out with the truth about what happened all those years ago, I'll be destroyed.
05:20She thought Pete was from an affluent family. She knew he would be fine no matter what.
05:26She, on the other hand, what? Lose everything. She grabbed a tissue and dabbed her eyes.
05:34I'm so sorry, Pete, Millie thought, but I have no choice. Emma arrived at Kaleidoscope early
05:41that afternoon so she could meet with Louis and Noel. As she and Noel briskly walked down the
05:48hall toward Louisa's office, Noel scanned her notes. Millie has agreed to cooperate,
05:55she informed Emma. Emma stopped abruptly and looked at Noel. What is Millie up to?
06:02Emma wondered. Not being one to take chances, Emma said, thanks, you can go get ready for the
06:09press conference. Although she was pleased that Millie had agreed to participate, her guard was up.
06:15Okay. Noel replied as she left Emma at the doorway to Louisa's office. Emma entered and
06:22sat down opposite Louise. She didn't have to say a word. He looked at Emma, saw the troubled look
06:29in her eyes, and knew exactly what she was thinking before asking her, you don't trust
06:35Emily, do you? He asked. Of course she doesn't. She's smarter than that. He thought. Whether or
06:44not I trust her, there's no way I'm going to depend on her to do the right thing. I really
06:49don't care what happens to her, but I'm worried about Peter. Emma responded. What have you found
06:56out? Louise picked up a file folder from his desk and said Louisa was able to gather a lot of very
07:02incriminating information. Millie has a lot at stake. All we need to do is compile what we've
07:10got and Peter should be fine. He tapped the thick folder and looked at Emma with admiration.
07:16He continued. I see that you planned things this way so that Millie's lies could get exposed in
07:22front of everyone. That's brilliant. Emma paused and said, if she wants to mess with my family,
07:29she'll have to get past me first. Louise turned to look at Emma and noticed the intensity in her
07:34eyes. Who could possibly get past you? Louise said laughing. Everyone loves Emma because of
07:41how sweet and unpretentious she is, he thought. But at the same time, she's a brilliant, determined
07:48woman. People should think twice about challenging her. She's gonna win every time. One thing was for
07:55sure, there was bound to be a lot of drama at the press conference. Episode 492. One Last Chance.
08:04Pete and Jackson had both told their sides of the story and now it was Millie's turn because of all
08:11the negative press leading up to this. What she said at this press conference could have significant
08:17ramifications for Pete's career. Millie knew that she couldn't offend Jackson or retaliate against
08:24Kaleidoscope after thinking long and hard about it. Millie concluded that her best option was to
08:30craft a watered-down story that would be a compromise of sorts as he waited for 3-0 to
08:37arrive. Peter sat nervously with Noelle. As he fidgeted nervously, she reached over and placed
08:44her hand on his to calm him down. It'll be over before you know it, she said, glancing at her watch.
08:52Don't worry, there's no way she would lie now. That would be career suicide for her.
08:59Pete looked out the window and then back to Noelle. Do you trust her? He asked. Noelle thought
09:05carefully about how to respond. Deep down, there's no way she would trust Millie, but she certainly
09:11wasn't afraid of her and Noelle had her own ideas about how to protect Peter. She would be prepared
09:18no matter what. Don't worry, I'll deal with Millie, she said. While Noelle reviewed her notes
09:25for what felt like the hundredth time, Pete nodded and nervously gnawed on his fingernails.
09:31Just before 3-0, the reporters started arriving in droves and soon began speculating about what
09:38they would hear. I can't wait to see what Millie has to say. One said finally, the final piece of
09:45this puzzle will be in place. Poor thing. I can't wait to hear her side of the story.
09:52Another commented Pete's a private person. This is all very mysterious, a third person responded.
09:59It'll certainly be interesting to see how Kaleidoscope handles this. As the buzz in the
10:04room grew, Millie appeared on stage with dark circles under her eyes. It was clear that the
10:10weight of the scandal was starting to take a toll on her, and although she was wearing a business
10:15suit, she looked disheveled. Her manager accompanied her to the podium, and the clicks
10:21and flashes of cameras quickly replaced the sounds of conversation. Let's get started,
10:27her manager encouraged. They had already prepared a speech, so all Millie had to do was read it.
10:34Millie approached the microphone and cleared her throat. She looked out at the crowd and then back
10:39at her manager, who gestured to the podium. I can do this, Millie thought as she tapped her
10:45papers against the podium. She noticed how silent the room had become. I know you have all been
10:52interested in this situation involving Pete and me, she started. I never expected this situation
10:58to get this out of control, so I'm standing here today to clear Pete's name. Millie's manager and
11:05Noelle both let out a sigh of relief. However, this feeling lasted just a moment. Millie stopped
11:12reading from her prepared statement and looked up. I'm not in a relationship with Pete, Millie
11:18continued. I have never cheated on my fiancé, and nothing ever happened between Pete and me.
11:25This has all just been a big misunderstanding. As conversations erupted around the room,
11:31Millie's manager and Noelle looked at her in disbelief. But we have photos of the two of you
11:37together. A reporter blurted out, we've been working together for a long time, so naturally
11:44we would have photos together. Millie responded, but that doesn't mean we're in a relationship.
11:50But what about Kaleidoscope's statement? Another shouted out, they said that you two were in a
11:56relationship. They misunderstood. Millie replied Pete was interested in me, but it was always
12:02one-sided. He's a nice guy, but I'm sorry, I already have a fiancé. He should be more careful
12:10about what he says. One-sided feelings. He should be more careful about what he says.
12:17Noelle and Millie couldn't believe what they're hearing. So you're saying that Kaleidoscope's
12:22statement was all a lie? A reporter asked, I know this is not what Kaleidoscope would like me to say,
12:29Millie announced, but they can't force me to take the fall. This pressure is really taking a toll on
12:36me. How dare she? Millie's manager thought as she furiously stepped toward the podium.
12:44Noelle placed a hand on her shoulder. I'll handle it, she said, seeing the intensity in Noelle's
12:51eyes. Millie's manager stepped back. Noelle approached the podium, and a stagehand quickly
12:57handed her a microphone. She's lying, she announced to the crowd. Aren't you Pete's manager? A reporter
13:06noted, of course you'd be on his side. The real truth is, while Millie was dating Pete, she was
13:13still in a relationship with another man. Noelle responded, but Pete didn't know about it. To say
13:20their relationship was one-sided is a flat-out lie. I've seen cheap tricks before, but this is
13:26pretty low. How can we trust what you're saying? A reporter asked Noelle. Noelle took a deep breath,
13:33because I care about Pete. She responded. She looked at Millie and continued. I know the details
13:41of every single one of your dates. Do you want me to reveal them now? Hearing the emotion in her voice,
13:47the reporters became silent, and a hush again fell over the room. Now, don't get me wrong,
13:53we're not in a relationship. Pete has no feelings for me, but I'm okay with that.
13:59She explained. We're just colleagues, and that's perfectly fine. Still standing at the podium,
14:07Millie slammed down her papers and glared at Noelle. You're a nobody, Millie said, her face
14:14turning red. Why would he want to be with you? Noelle lowered the microphone and stared back
14:21at Millie. She was enraged at her audacity. Actually, Noelle responded, everybody is somebody.
14:29Shame on you for thinking you're better than everyone else. Pete is a good person. If you
14:34weren't so shallow, you would respect that. Despite the lowered microphone, the reporters were still
14:40able to make out what Noelle was saying, and they began frantically scratching on their notepads.
14:46They couldn't believe the drama that was unfolding right before their eyes.
14:51Seeing how little character you have, I'm more determined than ever to protect Pete's reputation,
14:56Noelle said. She then turned to the audience and said into the microphone after this press
15:02conference, I'll be happy to give you the details. Millie's face turned pale as she put down the
15:08papers in her hands. I'll give you one last chance, Noelle said to Millie. Will you tell everyone the
15:15truth? Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget, subscribe to my channel, comment, and like.
