• last year
Cuatro cuchillas que cortan acero, acero inoxidable, hierro fundido y hierro dúctil con un giro de empuñadura de sólo 90º a 110º. Más información: https://www.reedmfgco.com/es/products/cutters-and-cutter-wheels/hinged-cutters/?utm_source=social&utm_medium=dailymotion

- El cortatubos con bisagra es un invento de REED que necesita un espacio libre de tan solo 4" (102 mm) alrededor del tubo.
- Espacio eficiente para girar la manija de sólo 90° a 110°.
- Se abre para colocar el cortador alrededor del tubo.
- Puede usarse en cualquier parte - ¡in zanjas, debajo del agua, en altura, en guardatuberías!

Encuentre un distribuidor cerca de usted: https://www.reedmfgco.com/es/where-to-buy/?utm_source=social&utm_medium=dailymotion

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DailyMotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/ReedManufacturingCompany
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@reedpipetools

#ReedPipeTools #ReedLatAm #HerramientasIndustriales #latam #cortatubos #cortatubosarticulados
00:00R.E.E.D. Tools for Tubes and Presses since 1896
00:05We present the articulated pipe cutter designed by R.E.E.D.
00:10We will make a demonstration of the correct use of the articulated pipe cutter.
00:14This invention of R.E.E.D. is used to cut steel tubes, stainless steel,
00:18molten iron and ductile iron.
00:20It also requires only 4 inches around the tube to be able to operate,
00:25which allows it to work in narrow places.
00:28To use it, first open the lower yoke by pressing the pin and place the tool on the tube.
00:34Close the lower yoke and adjust the pipe cutter so that the wheels are in contact with the tube.
00:39Continue with the cutting process by balancing the tool from back to front from 90 to 110 degrees.
00:45Keep cutting while maintaining as much pressure as possible on the blades.
00:49The guides operated by spring always guarantee straight and clean cuts.
00:54Check the operator's manual for complete instructions on how to use this tool.
00:59Also use the R.E.E.D. blade reference frame in order to select the appropriate blade for the specific task you wish to perform.
01:07An original R.E.E.D. tool.
