It Take Christmas Village 2024 - New Hallmark Movies 2024 - christmas hallmark movie 2024 - Great

  • last week
00:00:36That was the last Christmas before you made it big. I do not miss the matching pajamas or you are so getting some oh
00:00:49I'm sorry crutch. I'm sorry that I haven't been back since the funeral
00:00:53I know it must have been tough, but I also know that Greg wouldn't want you crying on Christmas
00:00:58I have a couple weeks before Christmas. I just have to get it out of my system
00:01:04Really glad you're here anything I can do to help just let me know
00:01:09Okay, oh
00:01:11Megan I have a little something for you from my hometown your second hometown because your first hometown date
00:01:24An official New York City snow globe, thanks aunt Darcy
00:01:28Oh, I don't think that I forgot about you. Oh
00:01:31What is it?
00:01:35These are day olds are they what am I a monster couldn't you just get some from the store?
00:01:40Oh, okay, the best things about New York City are your aunt and bagels I?
00:01:46Have a surprise for you later also. Oh
00:01:53Is that tuna nuna casserole
00:01:57This is your grandmother's famous tuna noodle casserole when aunt Darcy was little she used to call it tuna nuna
00:02:06Because I was adorable like
00:02:12Haven't had a casserole in forever. Well, welcome to Ohio
00:02:24You don't like your tuna nuna she's nervous about tomorrow I heard you can sing
00:02:30I'm really not that good
00:02:32She's really good. Mom. What?
00:02:36It's not like your shower is soundproof. Okay, you sound really great. What are you singing tomorrow? Can I hear a little preview?
00:02:44I'm stressing my voice. Oh
00:02:47Yeah, vocal rest smart
00:02:51Actually, I think I'm gonna go to bed if that's right
00:02:54Good night, aunt Darcy. Good night, Megan
00:02:59Hi Megan
00:03:02I always used to know what to say to her. I feel like every time I'm trying to build her up
00:03:06She just gets annoyed at me. You're her mom. She's legally required to find you annoying
00:03:12And isn't it normal for girls her age to struggle with confidence I
00:03:18Mean you never struggle with confidence, right?
00:03:28Darcy Matt Colabreeze here from gold bold records
00:03:31Hey, I heard your demo and I have so much respect for any artist out there hustling trying to get herself back to the top
00:03:38But the marketing team doesn't think it's quite right for us, but hey keep fighting and keep right
00:03:44I know you'll have another sugar rush in no time. So stay in touch Oh
00:04:08Hey sunshine, I just realized that we are out of coffee
00:04:11Is there any chance I could bribe you to go on a coffee run? Sure. I can go to the coffee place
00:04:19Hey, I love you. Bye
00:04:26What is this a minty Christmas mega mint latte the official beverage of Christmas we drink our coffee black Adam
00:04:34Sometimes to keep the defense honest your office has to run the option it's too early in the morning for football metaphor
00:04:40You can't always do things the same. You got to switch things up from time to time
00:04:43We come to this coffee shop every morning because the coffee in school is terrible. Look we are officially out of high school football season
00:04:53And in the Christmas season
00:04:55If that doesn't call for a mug of sugary minty freshness, I
00:04:59Don't know what does there's no way that this tastes good. Well, how about we are muscle if I win you have to try the coffee
00:05:06You will rip my arm off. Then you might as well try the coffee and spare yourself the pain
00:05:18That's the best coffee
00:05:23Sometimes you gotta run the option
00:05:29You will never guess you just walked in
00:05:35That's Darcy, well you think I can get a selfie you want to get a selfie with her
00:05:39Why wouldn't I she's one of the great pop vocalists of her generation?
00:05:44And let her get a coffee piece she's looking right at us
00:05:51Don't do that. She weighs my back
00:06:06Thank you, oh
00:06:09Jared cheers to you
00:06:13She's in the zone
00:06:15Any idea what she's singing? Nope
00:06:17Any idea how much she's rehearsed? No
00:06:20You know, I can hear you guys, right? Oh
00:06:26Have to run some errands today
00:06:28Figured I would swing by the school see the old stomping grounds say hi to any of the ancient teachers who may remember who I
00:06:35You were a pop star. Everyone knows who you are
00:06:37I'm going to ignore the use of the word were there
00:06:44Why don't I pick you up right after auditions we can start the celebration right away sure
00:06:54Wow, have a good day. Thank you. Bye people
00:07:10Oh principal Dixon Darcy
00:07:13Goodness, how lovely to see you. What brings you here? Oh, I'm picking up my niece Megan, of course
00:07:20We've been so proud of your success Darcy any guess what we play at prom every year who let the dogs out
00:07:26Sugar rush, of course. Some of the kids don't know it's done by an alum, but the chaperones love it. Oh, that's wonderful
00:07:34Well, I have to go but it was so great to see you. Of course, of course
00:07:37Merry Christmas. Hey, and if you ever want to do anything for the school an assembly class
00:07:43Whatever. My office doors always
00:07:52Megan what happened? I got cut. I
00:08:00Am so sorry, I
00:08:03Just I really wanted to sing
00:08:07And I got afraid, you know, I
00:08:10Know believe me. I know
00:08:14Did you at least get any good feedback from your teacher
00:08:18No, I I didn't even get to finish cut me off before the chorus
00:08:24He cut you off
00:08:27He didn't even let you finish
00:08:30Who is this guy
00:08:42Of course
00:08:47Prodigal child returns Adam. Was that you I saw this morning ignoring me at the coffee place not hiding
00:08:53Just enjoying a peaceful morning. He didn't want to say hi to an old friend if I had seen an old friend
00:08:59Wait, you two know each other
00:09:01We were in Herald Angels together. We had what some might call a
00:09:05Friendly, right?
00:09:06Except rivalry implies that I had competition. Oh
00:09:10Why didn't you let Megan finish her audition?
00:09:15Okay, I
00:09:17Would think as a professional musician you understand how difficult auditions can be
00:09:23And I would think as a professional teacher you would understand that these are kids Herald Angels have high standards
00:09:30It's nothing personal. It's about winning. It's about having fun and there's nothing more fun than winning
00:09:39After two decades, you are still such a piece of work Megan
00:09:44You didn't do anything wrong. Hey, you are a hard worker and a good student you just
00:09:50you lacked some of the confidence that the others had I
00:09:54Didn't want to waste your time. Okay
00:09:58You know when I was your age I lost all the top solos to your aunt
00:10:03But I then graduated top of my class studied music at Indiana
00:10:08And now I am the head of a music department that has six consecutive wins at the carol competition
00:10:15slow and steady might not get you a
00:10:18pop album number one
00:10:22It does win the race
00:10:24So I encourage you to keep working hard
00:10:30Darcy this has been an absolute pleasure. Maybe we could do it again in 20 years
00:10:45That wasn't good
00:10:48She didn't even eat the chili
00:10:50Well, I'm serious if she didn't want the chili
00:10:52I can get a plaintiff to confess to perjury, but I can't even get my own daughter to talk about her feeling
00:10:59You want to give it a try
00:11:07Megan it's your super cool. And
00:11:22Do you want advice or
00:11:24silent support, I don't know I'm just
00:11:28I'm mad at myself for blowing it you didn't blow it
00:11:33Okay, I know he is your teacher, but if he cut you off and he doesn't know what he's doing
00:11:39It's not true. They win every year. It's Dayton, Ohio
00:11:45Okay, I could win this competition with three decent singers and a chimp in
00:11:51Do you have any of those at your school chimps singers how many people auditioned and didn't make it I
00:12:00Don't know four or five are any of them any good? Yeah, I think so
00:12:12I'm not kidding. It happened every time
00:12:15Jim you want to see me Adam? Look who's here Darcy was just asking about the competition or she was
00:12:22Principal Dixon you asked if I wanted to get more involved in the school, right? Of course, we'd be thrilled
00:12:30I'm starting a caroling group
00:12:32For everyone who didn't get into the Herald Angels
00:12:35That's really nice. But only one group per school is allowed to enter the county competition
00:12:42Oh, I actually looked it up last night and the rules clearly state that if a school has two or more groups
00:12:48They're allowed to decide who competes with a sing-off a sing-off. Oh
00:12:55You can't be serious two weeks from now in the auditorium the winning group will sing at the county competition
00:13:02Jim Jim Jim Jimbo
00:13:05I've won this competition six years running. Surely you can't possibly be entertaining this
00:13:13It's an insane idea a local celebrity involved with the school. Sounds like a great idea
00:13:20Okay, fine, it's a sing-off
00:13:40Was talking to Megan on the way home
00:13:43Somebody's aunt of the year
00:13:45Well, you said you wanted me to be more involved with the family
00:13:48Yeah, I wanted you to like help hang ornaments on the tree or play charades
00:13:52You didn't see her sitting there that day crying
00:13:56She cried five times a week and that was before we lost Craig. She cries at songs movies baby animals on Instagram
00:14:03She's a sensitive soul. Well, so am I people have made me cry plenty in auditions
00:14:09It'll be nice to turn the tables on them for once
00:14:12Are you looking for a win for her? Are you looking for a win for you? Why can't it be both?
00:14:19Don't bite off more than you can chew Darcy. What if I'm really hungry?
00:14:27Hey team, I'm Darcy Megan's aunt who here is ready to win
00:14:37Not the level of enthusiasm I was hoping for but you can work with it. Okay, everyone follow me
00:15:08You hear the angels voices Darcy
00:15:12We need a rehearsal space
00:15:16Couldn't hear you over the award-winning
00:15:19Harmonies, we need a rehearsal space, right?
00:15:22Did I mention that we have won six years in a row? Oh my goodness. You haven't told me that yet today. I
00:15:30Hope my classroom suits
00:15:44On the housetop reindeer paws
00:15:49Angels we have heard
00:15:52Deck the halls with boughs of holly
00:16:07Singing sweetly over plains
00:16:12Deck the halls with boughs of holly
00:16:22Okay, thank you guys for doing that you really sang those songs
00:16:28Okay. So does everybody know joy to the world?
00:16:31All right. I just want to see how you all sound together. Just a simple classic. Here is your starting note
00:16:39Okay, and three four
00:17:16Sorry, I didn't realize you were still here I figured I would stay late and work on some arrangements am I in your way
00:17:23In so many ways. I'm just trying to be a good aunt. No, I I know I respect that I do
00:17:30Else to know that you heard them sing. Yeah, I did and I know that you know where I was coming from
00:17:36Okay, when I was their age and I was auditioning for scary record labels and executives I was just like them
00:17:44Differences you were good. No, the difference is somebody gave me a chance
00:17:50Kids need to be built up where you see kids that aren't ready. I see untapped potential. I
00:17:56see myself
00:17:58You really see yourself in those kids. Yeah, I do and
00:18:02If you had given them a chance and let them finish their auditions, maybe you would have seen it too
00:18:13For the record
00:18:16I'm sorry that I cut them off early. I thought I was preventing false. Hope but maybe that wasn't the right decision
00:18:23you have some great kids in your group some of them take my class and I hope you know what you're doing because I
00:18:29Like to see them succeed
00:18:31Me too. I don't want them to beat me
00:18:34Of course, obviously, but I would like to see them succeed in 99% of the ventures in their life. That's a high percentage
00:18:40I'm a nice guy
00:18:53You started without me no hardly grab some join in the fun maybe with your help we'll be done before the Sun sets
00:19:03How was rehearsal
00:19:05Remember when I brought home that report card with the straight C's and I thought mom was gonna kill me
00:19:11But she just looked at it and smiled and said I see an opportunity for impressive growth
00:19:17This group has quite an opportunity
00:19:21believe me
00:19:24Can you toss me another strand yeah, how many do you need I don't know
00:19:28Craig always used to do this and I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know how to lay these things out
00:19:33I'm just trying different things and hoping that it works out
00:19:38I'd say you're on the right track
00:19:54Okay, okay, okay if you guys sing any quieter it will be a literal silent night
00:20:00Do you know why I moved to New York because it's not Ohio
00:20:04Because I never would have known if I had what it took if I hadn't jumped feet first into the deep end
00:20:11And that's what I need you guys to do
00:20:14What what are you worried about?
00:20:17Losing well if you worry about losing you know what'll happen you'll lose great now
00:20:23I'm worried about being worried about losing
00:20:26There is this thing called self-fulfilling prophecy if you picture something bad happening if you picture losing
00:20:33Then you are basically guaranteed to lose
00:20:38It also works the other way
00:20:41So your homework for tonight is to go home and dream about what it would be like to win
00:20:49Do you dream about winning Percy every single night, it's why I sleep like a baby
00:21:33Scared me what were you doing in there showering the song you were
00:21:39Yeah, I guess you can sing like you can sing sing
00:21:46Like you're a singer
00:21:49Why don't you sing like that at school?
00:21:52It's just different. I
00:21:55Mean all those people and and all the pressure and if you mess up, I mean everyone can make fun of you
00:22:03It's just easier here Wow
00:22:09Okay, I want to try something I think you get in your head when you have to sing in front of people
00:22:15So I want you to sing like you're alone. Okay, we are all gonna leave
00:22:23And then I just want you to sing by yourself by myself
00:22:28By yourself. I want you to turn around face the wall and just sing get loose get confident. Okay?
00:22:52Joy to the world
00:22:55Joy to the world the Lord is come let earth
00:23:02receive her king
00:23:29Have an idea hey
00:23:31Big game Cincinnati Sunday, we're going bangles need us. Yeah, I don't think I can I have to work. Oh
00:23:38Sing off, right?
00:23:39Yeah, it's gotta be tough going against Darcy. I'm not worried. You know, I always wanted to be a singer
00:23:45Still remember my first concert Celine Dion thought maybe one day I'd be able to sing like her but I was given different blessings
00:23:53The body of a lineman and the footwork to stop a pass rush the dead in his tracks
00:23:57Why are you telling me this no matter how hard I push myself I was never gonna sing like Celine and
00:24:03No matter how she pushed herself
00:24:05Celine Dion would never been able to flatten me and sack my quarterback
00:24:11You get it what you do man accept it and give yourself the grace to enjoy yourself a big game this Sunday
00:24:19You bought me a ticket before asking didn't you yes, I did
00:24:30Want you to guys get in the middle of the stage, all right
00:24:36So I want you guys to feel the spotlight, okay
00:24:43Okay, the only way that is going to feel good and right is if you really believe in yourselves
00:24:51Do you guys like to sing? Yeah. Yeah
00:24:54Do you like being on stage? Yeah, do you like the feeling of that spotlight?
00:25:01Do you believe in yourselves? Yes. Yes. Okay one more time
00:25:07Do you believe in yourselves? Yes. Okay, great. Okay joy to the world right now. Here's your starting note
00:25:38Did you feel that
00:25:45You know what I am so excited that I am taking you all to Elmo's tonight dinner is on me
00:25:50So meet me there at 7 o'clock tonight
00:25:53Hey, Megan, will you text your mama and tell her to meet us there?
00:26:08They usually start out pretty quiet and nervous but then once I get comfortable there
00:26:13No, no, what's that face I
00:26:16Just had an idea. No, that can't be good
00:26:20Hey guys guys
00:26:22How would you feel about singing one of our songs
00:26:26Here right now and Darcy. I don't know. We're having fun. We're in the Christmas spirit
00:26:32So why not spread some joy and entertain some people?
00:26:37okay, let's do joy to the world and
00:26:40Megan I want you to sing lead me. Yeah, I don't think I can't no you can
00:26:46I'm not saying this as your aunt. I'm saying this someone who does this for a living
00:26:52Megan you can sing and I believe in you and your group believes in you
00:27:01And hey, we've got to have a first performance sometime right so why not get up there and show them what you got
00:27:11Hi everyone, um, could I just get your attention for a second?
00:27:14Um, I am the coach to a group of very special singers and we have a very important competition coming up
00:27:21And we would love to do one of our songs for you. How does that sound?
00:27:31All right, get up there do your thing
00:28:07Thank you all so much we're gonna be performing on Friday night at Macintosh high so please come out and lend your support
00:28:14Have a great night
00:28:18Hey, hey, you're really good
00:28:22Thanks, like really good. Thanks
00:28:38Can't stop thinking about how great she was
00:28:41She's a really incredible kid, you know
00:28:45Hey, is it cool for hangout with everyone? I'll get a ride home. Sure. Just be back by curfew
00:28:51Scouting out the competition our way night in Darcy
00:29:17Working hard I see
00:29:20Only kind of work I know how to do
00:29:22What are you doing here?
00:29:24Same as you that's gonna tinker with some of the arrangements. I
00:29:30Heard that your group wowed everyone at Elmo's
00:29:35They're coming along a week ago they were a disaster and now they're great
00:29:40Well, I wouldn't say great. You know, what's it like?
00:29:44Having everything that you touch just work right away when I was 18 I
00:29:49Was cooking fries at the diner headphones in humming scales to myself trying to keep it down so that my boss wouldn't hear age 18
00:29:57Run a jet to Paris to play sugar rush for a stadium full of screaming fans. I
00:30:06Envy your talent
00:30:08there is
00:30:09No question about that in just one week you took those kids and you made them great
00:30:17You make it seem so effortless effortless
00:30:21If everything was effortless, I you know, I wouldn't be here, right? I
00:30:27Haven't had a record deal in years and yet I am working harder than I have ever worked and and frankly
00:30:33I think I'm a better artist than I have ever been. I
00:30:36Have new songs that I think are great
00:30:39But it seems like everyone is more interested in who I was than who I am
00:30:46So, yeah, maybe things were effortless for 18 year old Darcy
00:30:50But that was a long time ago
00:30:53Can you hear one of the new songs?
00:30:55Absolutely, not. You said that you're tired of people asking to hear sugar rush and believe me. I don't need to hear that song ever again
00:31:02So come on. Let me hear one of the new ones
00:31:06Just come on. Just give me another reason to wallow in my self-pity of how wonderfully talented my competition is
00:31:14Do you promise to wallow in self-pity afterwards Oh cross my heart. Yeah
00:31:29I try being
00:31:32I let myself down
00:31:39I do I do and I find myself lost
00:31:48And take me where you've been
00:31:52I'm trying hard to find a little piece of mine. So, please just take me there
00:31:59Take me to a place where truth is free
00:32:06Myself be worth it every day. I feel this war get harder. I do I do
00:32:16Somewhere in this life will all be loved if one day we could see
00:32:24Let me know there's hope when there's none to see
00:32:39If you're not anymore
00:32:42It's only a matter of time before you're a star again
00:32:47Which makes me happy because then you know, I will be rid of you and everything will be back to normal
00:32:51Well, I hope that happens for both of us
00:33:09What's going on they're coming
00:33:15This is very West Side Story right now, what what is happening? What do you mean? My group said that you wanted
00:33:21We wanted to meet both of our groups together. We don't want to do the school competition anymore
00:33:27That's great, yeah, I didn't know that you were conceding. Oh, we're not conceding. Are you conceding? No one's conceding
00:33:34We think everyone should go to the county competition together
00:33:38We want to join forces their group is doing some really cool things for stram. I I think they'd liven us up
00:33:45Make us sound fresh and with your talent and experience our group could learn a lot
00:33:51So if you and Darcy could just I don't know work together well
00:33:56Yeah, I don't really need an assistant coach
00:33:59Slur is that you think I'd be the assistant both be in charge
00:34:03Co-head coaches we've less than two weeks until the competition. It's what we all want
00:34:09Unless you two really can't work together
00:34:15Wouldn't be setting a very good example for us impressionable teenagers and wouldn't exactly be in the Christmas spirit
00:34:25Okay, I'm in
00:34:29Mr. McDowell
00:34:42After you
00:34:50This will work it's what they want
00:34:53Since your kids can come along quickly enough. I think so
00:34:57Good. Okay, so, you know, we get three songs for the show so we can do one of my songs
00:35:02Then we can do one of your songs. That's fair
00:35:06And then we just need a third song
00:35:15We don't need to decide right now we're getting along same team right same team
00:35:22This will be fine
00:35:23It'll be fine
00:35:27Okay, let's get focused here we're about to start okay, let's have some fun guys let's warm up start shaking it out
00:35:34Just shake it out. Okay
00:35:46Well, that's new
00:36:00How'd it go great
00:36:03You knew about their scheme. Of course. I'm the one who told him the whole the meeting outside
00:36:07You always establish a neutral location for mediation
00:36:11So you're just in time I'm doing the stockings
00:36:14I'm the reindeer Megan is the penguin and now I just need to choose one for you. We have lots of options
00:36:21We have this you're stocking for when you were a child
00:36:24Okay, we have this collectors item. Oh, no burn it with fire
00:36:33What about this one, oh
00:36:39That was Craig's but if you want to use it, that's right. No, I
00:36:46I'll tell you what. Why don't I use this one?
00:36:50But if it's okay with you guys, I think we should hang this one, too
00:36:56Be nice to have it there on Christmas
00:36:59Yeah, I'd like that
00:37:02You okay with that? Yeah, I think that would be nice
00:37:13Okay, great rehearsal you guys you are done for the night
00:37:21We're gonna go hang out work on our parts I'll get a ride home
00:37:25Ready are you a good driver? Yes, ma'am. Please. Don't call me man. It makes me feel old. Yes, ma'am miss I
00:37:33I'll just go
00:37:35Don't do anything I would do
00:37:47So, what are your plans for tonight?
00:37:48Oh, I thought I would reheat some pasta watch home alone for the first of 12 times this week with Gretchen
00:37:55Stare at my phone waiting for a record label to call
00:37:58It sounds like a busy night
00:38:00Never a dull moment. Let's go get a beer
00:38:04Hmm sounds much better than reheated pasta
00:38:14What do you use your points for
00:38:23Liking the Christmas spirit in here. Oh, yeah, this place is a lot of fun around the holidays
00:38:27Everyone's in costume for Halloween
00:38:30Everyone dresses up as Cupid for Valentine's Day and everyone looks depressed for the fourth of July. Why depressed? It's British public
00:38:38Can we get two beers you can go to the patio
00:38:46You were so great with the kids it pains me to say it kills me to say it but you are a natural
00:38:54I've been doing music for so long on my own. I forgot how much fun it is to be part of a team
00:38:59You know, even in high school before the Herald Angels. I used to love going out caroling with my friends
00:39:05My mom used to push us to go out and spread some joy
00:39:09That's nice
00:39:12My parents were never hard
00:39:15I'm pushing especially my dad
00:39:18so I grew up feeling that I had to be the best at everything and
00:39:26You were so good at everything
00:39:29It was a really hard time for me to see someone so clearly headed to the top and I had to work so hard just
00:39:34To stay out of the bottom. I had no idea you felt that way. It's not like I could say anything
00:39:4016 I was insecure. Well, maybe I should have tried to get to know you better
00:39:45But I thought that you didn't like me. So why would I try? Why would you have cared if I liked you?
00:39:51I was 16. I was insecure
00:39:54Well, I'm glad I wasn't alone and for the record. I
00:39:59Didn't not like you
00:40:01Well, I didn't not like you either
00:40:04And I still don't not like you so we both don't not like each other
00:40:12Does that mean that we like each other? Oh, let's not get ahead of ourselves
00:40:23No, it's me your other daughter. Oh
00:40:26Where have you been with Adam?
00:40:29Kind of late for a school night. Wait, is Megan still out with her friends?
00:40:33Isn't this past her curfew? Ah, whatever now
00:40:35She's got like friends and I never had to enforce a curfew and now she wants to do things and it's just insanely cool
00:40:43Sounds like cool girl just got home
00:40:56Bet it kisses her tonight. No way five bucks you're on
00:41:08Just great come on Freddie
00:41:10Pull it together. Oh
00:41:14Hey mom, yeah, Darcy. Oh, hi. We didn't realize you were home
00:41:19How was your ride home with a cute boy? Not that I saw that you were with a cute boy. I didn't mom. It's Freddie
00:41:24We were just working on our Carol arrangement
00:41:27Can we show that to the group next week? Of course
00:41:31Is this Carol a solo or a duet?
00:41:35Thank mom
00:41:38You guys got like a Danny and Sandy vibe going
00:41:50Can't wait till tomorrow
00:42:13So Megan told me that she and some of the others were working on a new arrangement
00:42:18I know it's kind of late to learn something new but I told her she could teach the others today. Is that okay?
00:42:25Yes, absolutely
00:42:31Yeah, oh
00:42:33I gotta take this. I'll be right back
00:42:36Everyone hello Darcy John Arnett Cypress records. I heard your demo the new stuff. I gotta say it's it's great
00:42:45You know, I remember you from the sugar rush days, of course, but this new sound I I love it
00:42:52You're a star then still a star now. Maybe people just don't realize it yet. Oh, thank you very much
00:42:58It's very kind of you to say this is usually the part where you say
00:43:02But and break my heart the CEO does like to see his artists in person before it makes a final decision
00:43:09So I am gonna see to it personally that I get you in the room with him because I know exactly what to do with
00:43:14You how to sell your records
00:43:16You have three new songs ready to perform live
00:43:19Yeah, I would sing a dozen if it helps me get signed. I love it. You got the hunger just like me
00:43:26Listen, make sure you're ready
00:43:28Because you're gonna have a shot to join the Cypress family
00:43:31Thank you John, thank you so much. Merry Christmas. Thank you. Merry Christmas Darcy
00:43:58All right, they're ready
00:44:01So remember no matter what positive energy yes, nothing but positivity and encouragement and they'll get better with time and practice
00:44:08La la la la la la la
00:44:38Keep going
00:45:04Everyone go enjoy your first night of holiday break you have earned it
00:45:08I am so proud of you, and I will see you at the next rehearsal
00:45:23That's right football coach I
00:45:28Told him to come say hi. I think he's shy. He's shy. It looks like he could bench press a boss
00:45:34You know, I've known Adam a long time
00:45:36He's never been this relaxed this close to competition and that includes when he was a student mind you
00:45:42We have a great group of kids. I'm not talking about the kids
00:45:46You've had this impact on him. I'm sure he's just grateful for the help. We've had other teachers try to help him in the past
00:45:53They always want to strangle him by day, too
00:45:55I've had that fantasy a few times myself
00:45:59You keep up the good work looking forward to the show, yeah
00:46:04Ah, that might be the best week of rehearsal. They've ever had they were in the zone
00:46:10You look happy. I
00:46:12am happy
00:46:16All right, well I should be going Gretchen is making meatloaf tonight it sounds
00:46:21Delicious. Oh, no, she should be arrested for serving it assault with a deadly weapon
00:46:27Well, um, have a good weekend and I'll see you Monday, uh
00:46:31What would you think about us getting together this weekend like for a rehearsal I
00:46:38was thinking
00:46:40for a date I
00:46:45Would be amenable to that
00:46:49How does Saturday sound
00:46:52What do you have in mind? I thought we could go into town and then maybe head over to Jensen's Jensen's
00:46:58All right, I will pick you up at 7 and
00:47:01Try not to let the meatloaf kill you. Our date will be far less fun if you're dead
00:47:13Your cheeks are bright red they are
00:47:16Hey, this is stupid, why am I bothering I'm gonna be wearing a hat? Why are you wearing a hat it's 35 degrees outside
00:47:22My ears are gonna turn to ice cubes. Oh my gosh, you will be inside for most of the time your ears will survive
00:47:29Are you sure it's alright. I feel bad not spending the night with you and Megan. Of course
00:47:33We're just gonna be watching home alone. I'm not home alone drinking coffee. I'm not home alone. I'm not home alone
00:47:38I'm not home alone. I'm not home alone. I'm not home alone. I'm not home alone
00:47:41I'm not home alone. I'm not home alone
00:47:43Watching home alone. I'm not home alone drinking cocoa. I love cocoa. We're gonna eat leftover meatloaf
00:47:50This is where you say I love your famous meatloaf
00:47:57Thank you for lying you're welcome
00:48:00Gosh, did I change I don't like what I'm wearing all of a sudden
00:48:02Oh my gosh woman two weeks ago. All you could do is complain about the guy and now you have jitters like it's prom night
00:48:08I don't have jitters. I'm
00:48:11Shivering it's cold in here
00:48:14He's not who I thought he was
00:48:17He's actually nice and
00:48:20Good with the kids and dorky, but in a weirdly attractive way when I'm with Adam just hanging out with him
00:48:30It just feels good. Oh
00:48:33My gosh, I have not seen you this gaga over a guy since Eddie Cronauer in eighth grade
00:48:40I am NOT gaga
00:48:42And please nobody compares with Eddie Cronauer, oh what a hunk
00:48:50You look beautiful
00:48:53You wouldn't even stop Eddie Cronauer dead in his tracks. Do you mean that because that is an incredible compliment?
00:49:00Yes, I do
00:49:10Hey, you're Darcy's sister Gretchen
00:49:17I like your hair. I like your everything
00:49:23That was a weird thing to say, I'm sorry you have her back by curfew. Okay. Yes, ma'am
00:49:30You weird about it
00:49:53Here you go
00:49:59Good fan
00:50:01Great fan
00:50:02She said I love your work not. I loved your work. Not you were my favorite
00:50:12Present tense verb from a fan
00:50:14That must happen all the time fans coming up singing your praises
00:50:18I know what happens to me, but I am the six-time repeat champion. We still doing that. Okay, I'll stop
00:50:26Adam I cannot emphasize enough just how little that happens to me in New York
00:50:30Well, there's not many famous celebrities in Dayton. There's the Wright brothers
00:50:35Martin Sheen
00:50:39And it's not like I wanted to be like it was when I was 20, you know, I couldn't even go to the mall but
00:50:46Every couple of months a random person coming up excited to see you
00:50:50Yeah, just someone coming up and saying hey, I like your work keep going we should start doing that just a random strangers on
00:50:58the street
00:50:59Random attacks of encouragement would not be nice
00:51:02Yeah, young me could use that
00:51:05Who am I kidding old me could use that?
00:51:08Well, I've got news for you Adam. I
00:51:11Love what you're doing
00:51:13And I love your work. You should definitely keep going
00:51:19Look at us from high school rivals to adults on a date
00:51:24I'd call that progress
00:51:26not rivals
00:51:28Rivalry implies competition
00:51:39Why is food this good hiding in Dayton this should be on the French Riviera or
00:51:44Or at the top of an expensive tower in Abu Dhabi or something, you know, I've never been in those places, but yeah, I agree
00:51:51So after a sugar rush, I went on a world tour Paris, Buenos Aires
00:51:56Rome Seoul
00:51:58Honestly, all it did was make me very lonely
00:52:01From 18 to 25. I I didn't date I was too busy
00:52:06Wait, didn't you date a Backstreet Boy publicity stuff? Oh, I feel betrayed
00:52:11So, yeah for those formative years when I when I was single and should have been out having fun I
00:52:17Never learned how to date
00:52:20Thank God, I never learned how to date. I was terrified that you'd be able to tell you didn't date
00:52:25I don't believe that look at you. Okay, first of all flattery received and appreciated but I
00:52:32Just dated the same person for so long that I never had to meet a woman at a bar or a party or
00:52:38Anything like that we we dated in college and then through grad school and for a little while after that, no, what's her name?
00:52:50Terrific ex-girlfriend name the best, right?
00:52:54but we were just both headed in different directions and we denied it for a while, but
00:52:59We knew so we ended it and it was hard
00:53:07And after that, I just
00:53:09Didn't date anyone for a while. I mean my dating pool is not really big
00:53:13It's mostly moms of students and just not really comfortable
00:53:18But you feel comfortable dating the aunt of a student. Oh, absolutely. It's always been a dream
00:53:30Now if you're here for New Year's Eve this place does
00:53:35Tasting menu that's out of this world. Yeah. Yeah, if I'm here, absolutely
00:53:50So did I get you back time to curfew whoo with the skin of our teeth
00:54:00That's so beautiful
00:54:11I'm sorry. No, I
00:54:15Know I'm being I'm being presumptuous. No, no, you're not I
00:54:22It's not that I don't want what's happening
00:54:28I like you. I really like you
00:54:35Really is good. I like really
00:54:39But I am going back to New York after the holidays and I'm afraid that I I
00:54:46Don't want to get too attached. I think you are amazing. Honestly, I'm just
00:54:54trying to protect myself I
00:54:57Hope that's no. No, I know it's completely understandable. I
00:55:03Had the best time tonight
00:55:06So am I
00:55:12Yeah, okay, well good night I will see you Monday
00:55:56Do I smell gingerbread we are making houses
00:56:06If you live in New York, shouldn't you have made like a teeny tiny gingerbread apartment with well gingerbread cockroaches
00:56:13That is insulting. I don't have cockroaches in my building
00:56:18The rats scare them away
00:56:20I'm sure Christmas in New York is magical
00:56:24Yeah, I'm usually working to be honest
00:56:28Doing my Christmas show writing to Santa for a record contract. I'm sure he'll bring you on this year actually
00:56:36Cypress records reached out a couple of days ago
00:56:39What and Darcy that's amazing. If nothing is official. I don't want to jinx it every time I get close
00:56:45I feel like the rug is yanked out from under me. All I want is just to be back in New York
00:56:50Recording music full-time again. Okay, I feel compelled in this moment to point out. They're also recording studios outside of New York City
00:56:58I love being here
00:57:01But it's also scary
00:57:04Because I don't want to be yet another former musician who leaves New York moves home gives up on her dream
00:57:11Okay, whether you were in Dayton or New York, you will never be a former musician
00:57:16I would not let you do that. I would pay to have you do concerts right here in the living room if I had to I
00:57:23Wouldn't perform in here
00:57:26The acoustics in the bathroom are so much better diva pop stars, am I right?
00:57:33I think it's time
00:57:39When your aunt and I were little kids we would always put gingerbread versions of ourselves outside of our house because a
00:57:46gingerbread person makes a gingerbread house a gingerbread home
00:57:55Who's that? Um, mr. McDowell gingerbread in case gingerbread you get
00:58:27Okay, so Megan's mom
00:58:29My sister is going to host a big
00:58:32Brickle-egg dinner the night before the show just a little last get-together before we knock them dead at the competition
00:58:38Does everyone think they can make it? Yeah, great. All right, so let's let's get started and we can
00:58:44Everyone who's been here knows that we always do Hark the Herald Angels sing. It's our opener every year
00:58:50We do it and every year it works, but this isn't every year
00:58:53I want to change up our arrangement make it unique
00:58:58Have fun with it and I need your input
00:59:01You want to change it up? I think that we should what do you guys think?
00:59:06Okay, get up on your feet
00:59:09Okay, great Sasha. Give us one of those beats
00:59:26Megan put down the tick-tock. That's not gonna start. So are you ready for your last rehearsal today?
00:59:31No, mom's holding me hostage. Don't be so dramatic. Okay, give me the spoon. Thank goodness. Oh
00:59:39I I have to take this. No, can't it wait two minutes
00:59:46Mashed potatoes wait for no one Darcy
00:59:53Hello Darcy John Arnett Cypress Records, are you ready for an early Christmas present?
01:00:03He's bringing you in you just have to sing a couple songs and press the suits and you're in
01:00:10Of course John I
01:00:13Just I don't know what to say. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you thinking
01:00:18Please thank you. You know how many lousy demos I have to listen to every day. I mean, I should be thanking you more
01:00:26Our CEO likes to announce all his new artists right at the start of the year, you know
01:00:31Big splash tons of press but our CEO has his holiday trip for the Maldives. He's leaving tomorrow night
01:00:38So he'd love to see you tomorrow around lunch if possible, you know
01:00:42So we can hit the ground running as soon as he gets back. This is in New York. Yeah Upper West Side
01:00:47You should see this guy's office. It's it's unreal. Yeah, the thing is, um, I'm not in town at the moment
01:00:53So it might be tough for me to get back. Where are you in Dayton with my sister and my niece?
01:00:59We have Christmas plans and okay. Okay. Hey, no problem. Listen, how about we fly you in tonight or first thing tomorrow morning?
01:01:07We'll see you in the afternoon and have you back in Ohio for Christmas Eve. Yeah
01:01:13That's a thought
01:01:15It's just
01:01:16My niece has this show tomorrow evening and it's bedtime. I get it
01:01:24And I can't imagine how much time you had to spend away from your family and friends over the years
01:01:30But if you make this flight and you sing for him this one time, we're gonna get you everything you ever wanted
01:01:42I'm so sorry Gretchen. What can I say to make this better? I
01:01:47Don't know Darcy. You put me in this impossible position if I tell you not to go
01:01:52It's like I'm telling you not to take the thing that you've been fighting for and I can't do that and I will come right back
01:01:59I'm gonna miss the concert which stinks, but I'll be back for Christmas morning. I think
01:02:05Darcy Darcy
01:02:08It has been so great having you here not one foot in the door here, but really here here
01:02:15And look at all the good things that you've done in the last two weeks. Megan is like a whole brand new person
01:02:21And all those kids and Adam and me
01:02:25When in the last two weeks have you walked into a room and found me crying?
01:02:29Never that's progress and that's thanks to you
01:02:38Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if you stayed here. I
01:02:46Wonder the same thing
01:02:54If you're gonna stand around and silently debate your internal conflict you might as well help me chop some chives while you're doing
01:03:20Why is the football coach here it's Freddy's dad what yeah
01:03:28I've been had a chance to introduce myself. I'm Frederick senior folks around here. Call me Rick
01:03:33I've got to tell you I
01:03:35Love you. Oh, let me guess sugar rush. I was gonna say your last album four years ago. It's an absolute touchdown
01:03:45I've never heard a more thoughtful meditation on what it means to be a contemporary woman in today's society
01:03:58Thank You Rick I should be thanking you for helping my son the way you have him buddy Adam here
01:04:51Can I get you anything else oh
01:04:55Hey, I know that you're worried but don't worry tomorrow's gonna go great no, it's not that a
01:05:06Excuse me
01:05:12If I could just get everyone's attention for a minute, um, I have a bit of an announcement to make
01:05:17Um, I was gonna wait till after the meal, but I don't think I should wait that long
01:05:23So I got word this morning that I have the opportunity to sign with a major record label
01:05:32Thank you, thanks, um, but unfortunately it's a bit of a good news bad news situation
01:05:40Because in order to sign with this label, I need to perform for them in person
01:05:52I I I need you guys to know how proud I am of
01:05:58Every single one of you you guys united the groups you
01:06:05You inspire me
01:06:08Truly, I never thought that I would be singing in New York, but wishing I was hanging out with high school kids and Dayton
01:06:15Please please know that I I am going to get tons of videos from Megan's mom dozens and dozens of videos all the videos
01:06:22I don't have enough storage space for all the videos that she's gonna send me
01:06:27I am
01:06:29So so sorry
01:06:33I feel like I'm letting you down. No
01:07:02Won't go home
01:07:05People were wondering where you went
01:07:09Well, they could see me every day it's your night I didn't want to get in the way
01:07:15Sorry, I didn't tell you earlier no, it's it's okay. I'm excited for you. Really. I
01:07:23Just thought that we had a couple more days
01:07:27That's all
01:07:32Do you need a ride to the airport tomorrow? Oh my flight is early morning. I wouldn't ask that of you
01:07:43You can ask me anything that you want
01:07:48I know that your life is about to change again in a really big way
01:07:55When you're traveling around the world
01:08:01Paris Buenos Aires
01:08:07Get lonely like you did before
01:08:14Just don't come away
01:09:12Well, that's it exactly yeah, I think if we just
01:09:16Could you hold on a moment?
01:09:19Is she here?
01:09:21Great. Send her in
01:09:23Hey, I'm gonna have to get back to you. No problem. All right, fantastic. Merry Christmas
01:09:29Darcy come in. Hi there
01:09:32So great to finally meet you to me you too. How was the flight everything good? Yeah
01:09:38Yeah, the plane was delayed at the gate. So I came right here
01:09:41Here that you must be thirsty. Let me get you some water
01:09:44Yeah, and if there's anywhere that I can
01:10:10So sorry anywhere you can where you want
01:10:40Every year I give a speech with specific instructions on what everyone needs to do for us to win. This year is no different
01:10:49Have fun
01:10:51Have fun
01:10:54Fun have fun have fun. I am so proud of all of you and I know you're gonna crush it go get him
01:11:09Have you talked in Darcy yet, I'm sure she's really busy
01:11:13She really likes you
01:11:15Should probably text her she's gone Megan and that's okay. That's what she wants
01:11:21I heard her talking about you
01:11:23What'd she say? Well, she said Harold Angel
01:11:26I'm dead
01:11:51You're here
01:11:53Oh God the label loved me they wanted me to stay and meet some more people but I told them no
01:11:59I told them that I could not miss my niece's Christmas concert
01:12:03See your career. This is Christmas with the people that I love
01:12:08And I realized that while it would be amazing to sign the label again
01:12:12It's just not enough anymore. And so I told him that well, I know I would be spending a lot of time on the road
01:12:19I'm gonna be making Dayton my home again
01:12:22And I am never going to miss a Christmas with you and Megan ever again
01:12:27What did they say? They supported my decision. Oh
01:12:32And they signed me. Oh, yeah, of course, obviously
01:12:35Have you heard me saying I'm amazing?
01:12:44Okay, I actually I'm gonna go backstage and you're too late they're coming on now
01:13:22Nations rise
01:14:23Okay, Oh
01:14:39You're back I couldn't let my rival accept all the credit could I ivory in place competition
01:14:55Don't expect it. Oh, no, I definitely expected that to happen. I
01:14:59Liked your gift
01:15:01random attack of encouragement
01:15:03You get used to that
01:15:07You wanna watch the kids sing
01:15:16He's on
01:15:33I prayed both night and day
01:15:39Asked the Lord to help me
01:15:42And he showed me
01:16:56Thank you for everything, are you kidding I should be thanking you
01:17:05Tally their votes and the winner is for the seventh
01:17:20The cheeks are great
01:18:01Can I open it? Yeah, that's for me you're kidding
01:18:23Take me to a place where truth is free
01:18:31Every day I feel this
01:18:34I do I do
01:18:38Somewhere in this life, we'll all be loved if one day we could see
01:18:45Let me know there's hope when there's none to see
01:18:58See how come I got my turn man tiptoe
01:19:01One so high me more
01:19:02That's a chance. I'm by so high by so high night. Oh dear
01:19:06I mean what I can't get by that's all more for you. Call Donna. That's in your team
01:19:12So talk about that thing. Ah, I love young team. Ah, they
01:20:46Wait, ah, I don't think that was a thing. Oh, yeah
01:20:55Don't I take that? Oh, it's not gonna be this time. Yeah
01:21:01Wait, I think that's a chance. I'm happy to bar 1412
01:21:07My name is my high
01:21:10There's a book that thing that's it's okay. I think I need some high-end high number
01:21:17High in more than high
01:21:19more than high and high
01:21:22more than more than more
01:21:24high in more than time
01:21:26more than more than more
01:21:29high in more than high more than
01:21:33More than one
01:21:35More than more than more
01:21:48Team so that's why I don't make some mean
01:21:55Come on, man. Chunk. I'm a while. Thanks. I'm a little more. I hope what you're done in there
01:21:59I hate so I had a black. I'm in my house out
