UK to hand over sovereignty of Chagos Islands to Mauritius after decades-long dispute

  • 2 days ago
UK to hand over sovereignty of Chagos Islands to Mauritius after decades-long dispute
00:00Now, the UK has agreed to transfer the sovereignty of the Chagos Islands to Mauritius.
00:06Among the islands in the Indian Ocean is Diego Garcia,
00:09which hosts a joint British and US military base.
00:12Our correspondent Matthew Thompson joins me now.
00:15Matthew, this is all about a deal to protect the continued operation
00:19of the US and UK military base on Diego Garcia, it seems.
00:23What does it mean for those islanders who are fighting to get back?
00:27Yes, for around 1,000 islanders who were initially kicked off the islands
00:31way back as long ago as 1968, and for them it will mean potentially
00:36at the end to over half a century of legal disputes.
00:40I think the important thing to say is that in handing over
00:43its sovereignty back to Mauritius, basically,
00:46one of the key things that has been agreed by the British government
00:49is that the continued operation of that US-UK military base
00:53on Diego Garcia, the largest of the Chagos Islands, will continue
00:57and that base will be allowed to remain.
01:00In a statement, the Foreign Secretary David Lammy said that this government
01:03inherited a situation where the long-term secure operation
01:08of the Diego Garcia military base was under threat,
01:11with contested sovereignty and ongoing legal challenges.
01:15Today's agreement, he said, secures this vital military base for the future.
01:19It will strengthen our role in safeguarding global security,
01:22shut down any possibility of the Indian Ocean being used
01:25as a dangerous illegal migration route to the UK,
01:28as well as guaranteeing our long-term relationship with Mauritius,
01:31a close Commonwealth partner.
01:33But perhaps worth a very brief history lesson, if I may.
01:37I mean, this dispute, as I said, dates back to 1968
01:40when Mauritius gained its independence from Britain,
01:42and they have long argued that as part of that secession
01:45they were effectively forced to give up the Chagos Islands,
01:48and as I say, in the process of doing so, around 1,000 islanders
01:52were effectively evicted by Britain from the archipelago,
01:56and they'd also, around the same time, the British government
01:59agreed a secret deal with the United States to lease
02:02Diego Garcia for this military base.
02:06And the islanders have fought a long-running legal battle.
02:09As recently as 2016, they were in the Supreme Court
02:12and they lost that legal battle against the UK government.
02:15And what's really interesting, though, here,
02:17is the sort of long-running diplomatic context.
02:19So at the very beginning of this dispute,
02:21Mauritius was pretty much on its own,
02:23but gradually they've garnered more and more international support,
02:26the African nations increasingly speaking with one voice
02:29and criticising British sovereignty.
02:31It's been described, as I say, by many people
02:33as Britain's last colony in Africa, and also the United Nations,
02:37and also, more recently, the International Court of Justice
02:40eventually sided with Mauritius' claims for sovereignty around the island.
02:44So that sort of international diplomatic pressure
02:47has been building for some time.
02:49And Joe Biden, the US president, has released a statement today
02:52applauding what he termed a historic agreement.
02:56But then it's also not without its critics.
02:58So a number of conservative voices,
03:00not least three of the current candidates for conservative leader,
03:04have tweeted their opposition to this agreement,
03:08and also the former defence secretary, no longer an MP, of course,
03:11but Grant Shapps, was particularly strident in his criticisms.
03:15He said,
03:16This is absolutely appalling.
03:18Surrendering sovereignty here creates read-across to other British bases.
03:22It's a weak and deeply regrettable act from this government.
03:25Although I think it should be pointed out, just as a final thought,
03:28that these negotiations have been ongoing since, well, at least 2022.
03:32So it's not as if this is just something that,
03:35since it came to power in the summer,
03:37the Labour government has decided to do.
03:39This has been a long-running negotiation,
03:41which was also taking place under previous conservative administrations as well.
03:45Matthew, thanks very much.
