21 Days to Build Better Habits for Success!

  • 2 weeks ago
Start your journey to better habits today! In this video, Douglas Vandergraph explains how you can change your life in just 21 days by forming habits that work for you. Discover practical steps for building better routines and stay motivated throughout the process. Whether you’re looking to improve productivity or personal growth, this video will set you on the right path.

#habitbuilding #21dayjourney #betterhabits #personaldevelopment #success #productivityhacks #motivation #douglasvandergraph #selfimprovement

00:00Hey friends, welcome. Today is going to be the greatest day of your life.
00:06Imagine this. What if I told you that you're just 21 days away from a significant change in your life?
00:13That in less than a month you could rewire your brain,
00:17reshape your habits, and get closer to the person you've always wanted to become.
00:22It might sound like a bold claim, but science supports it.
00:27Research shows that habits, the things we do on autopilot,
00:32shape about 40% of our daily behavior.
00:35So what if you could intentionally shape those habits for the better in just 21 days?
00:43welcome to the 21 day habit transformation.
00:46This journey is free of charge. It costs you nothing to change your habits, and it isn't just about discipline.
00:54It's about using proven strategies to make lasting change.
00:58So let's dive into how you can start building better habits backed by science.
01:06Creating lasting habits is both an art and a science.
01:11Psychologist Maxwell Maltz first popularized the idea that it takes
01:1621 days to form a new habit in his 1960 book
01:23While newer research suggests that habit formation can take anywhere from 18 to
01:30254 days, depending on the complexity of the habit,
01:3421 days remains a powerful starting point.
01:37It's a short enough time to feel manageable, but long enough to see real results if you stay consistent.
01:45So how can you maximize these 21 days to build better habits?
01:51Start small and be specific.
01:54One of the most effective strategies for habit formation is to start with small, manageable goals.
02:02Behavioral scientist B.J. Fogg, creator of the tiny habits method,
02:08emphasizes that making habits easy and specific is key to long-term success.
02:14For example, if your goal is to get fit,
02:18instead of committing to an hour at the gym daily, start with just 5 to 10 minutes of movement.
02:24Why? Because small wins are more likely to trigger the dopamine response in your brain,
02:31creating a positive feedback loop that makes what you want to repeat the behavior that you follow.
02:39Now, when you're specific about what you want to achieve, you eliminate ambiguity.
02:45Studies show that vague intentions often lead to failure because they don't give your brain a clear signal of what needs to be done.
02:55So instead of saying, I want to eat healthier, say, I will eat a piece of fruit with breakfast every day.
03:03This specificity helps build momentum without overwhelming you.
03:10Find your why.
03:13Psychologists agree that intrinsic motivation, the motivation that comes from within,
03:20is far more effective than extrinsic motivation, like rewards or recognition.
03:27Now, if you want to start with a new habit, you need a compelling reason behind it.
03:33Research by the American Psychological Association shows that people are more likely to maintain their habits
03:41when they connect them to a larger purpose or deeply held value.
03:46So ask yourself, why do you want to build this habit?
03:51Is it to improve your health, boost your confidence, or set a positive example for your children?
03:58Connecting your habits to your core values gives you the fuel you need to keep going, especially when motivation dips.
04:07Your why becomes the emotional anchor that pulls you through challenges.
04:14Create a plan and track your progress.
04:18Now, tracking your progress might seem like a simple act, but it's a profound psychological effect.
04:26A study published by the British Journal of Health Psychology found that participants who wrote down their goals and tracked their progress
04:35were significantly more likely to achieve their goals than those who didn't.
04:41And monitoring your progress activates the reward centers in your brain, releasing dopamine every time you check off a completed action.
04:51So whether you use a journal, an app, or simply a calendar, tracking your habits each day strengthens your commitment.
05:01It's like seeing a chain of small victories grow longer day by day.
05:06Over time, those small victories compound into lasting behavioral change.
05:12Plus, the act of tracking provides a sense of accountability, helping you stay on course even when life gets busy.
05:22Embrace the power of routine.
05:25The human brain loves routine.
05:29According to research from MIT's Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, habits are formed in the basal ganglia, the part of the brain responsible for automatic behaviors.
05:41This means the more you repeat an action in a consistent context, the more your brain associates it with a particular time, place, or trigger.
05:53For instance, if you want to build the habit of exercising, linking it to a morning routine like brushing your teeth or making coffee can drastically increase your chance of success.
06:07Over time, your brain starts associating that trigger, morning or making coffee, whatever it might be, with the habit of going to exercise, making it feel less like a chore and more like a natural part of your day.
06:23Now, the power of routine is in creating cues that make your habits automatic.
06:30And don't be afraid to fail.
06:33You know, it's important to understand that failure isn't a sign to quit.
06:38It's part of the process.
06:40A study by the University College London found that missing a day or two in the habit building process doesn't significantly derail your progress.
06:51As long as you get back on track quickly.
06:54In fact, this research showed that self-compassion in the face of failure is more effective for long-term habit formation than self-criticism.
07:05And this means you shouldn't aim for perfection, but for persistence.
07:10If you miss a workout or forget to meditate one day, don't throw in the towel.
07:16Instead, start again the next day.
07:19Resilience is the real driver of success when it comes to habits, and accepting setbacks as part of the journey makes it easier to keep moving forward even when things don't go perfectly.
07:36So now imagine where you could be 21 days from today, not just in terms of the habits you've built, but in how you feel about yourself.
07:47You know, you're more in control, more focused, and closer to the life that you want.
07:54Every small action you take over the next 21 days will serve as a building block toward that future.
08:02The science is clear.
08:03Habits aren't formed overnight, but through consistent intentional effort.
08:09And while 21 days might be the starting point, what you'll create over time is the foundation for lasting change.
08:18But remember, it's not just about what happens in these three weeks.
08:23It's about creating the habits that will serve you for years to come.
08:28So I leave you with this thought today.
08:31In 21 days, you could be standing in front of a new reality.
08:35One that you shaped through small, deliberate actions.
08:40The question is, are you ready to begin?
08:43Your future self is counting on you, and all it takes is the first step today.
08:50Let the next 21 days be the start of something extraordinary.
08:56You know, if anybody's worth it, you are.
09:00And if anybody can do it, you can.
09:04You're amazing.
09:05You are incredible.
09:06And the world's waiting to see the beautiful things within you blossom, come out as you build the life that you deserve to live.
09:15I'll be back tomorrow with some more good stuff.
09:18I hope you have a beautiful day today, friends.
09:21Talk to you then.
09:22Take care.
