El Nuevo Hogar Cap 11 en Español Latino

  • 2 days ago
Dorama en Español Latino
00:09No, no, so keep up almost no Sarah casa de otra persona
00:13Otello, it's gonna be a la clave
00:15No, sir, Treveria
00:18Solo pasado tres meses del divorcio
00:22Porque siento que hacemos algo malo
00:24hay alguien
00:26que haces
00:28It was
00:37Benjamin hace cuanto fue el divorcio ya tienes una nueva
00:42Dime una cosa alguna vez me fuiste infiel ya no estamos casados judy si fue antes o después eso que importa
00:51Tú dime hace cuanto sales con mi esposo eres una zorra que
00:58Jamming esta embarazada hace cuanto que se embarazó responde me atrevente a mostrarme la prueba
01:17Pero oye basta pelear con tu ex esposa golpearla es apropiado hacer eso con la madre de tu hijo
01:27Tú qué haces
01:29Quién eres
01:31Lo trajiste para pelear conmigo
01:34podría estar llamando a la policía
01:38Hablemos con calma simple
01:41recuerdas la última vez que vimos una casa sabes por qué nos divorciamos
01:45porque yo te dije cómo quitar lápiz labial de la ropa eso nos divorció
01:51Eso es en serio si ahora ya tienes un novio entonces por qué me estás reclamando
01:56Si jamming si puedes tener un amante yo puedo tener a alguien más joven no ahora él es mi novio
02:03Esperen yo creo que podríamos hablar de bueno no me importa lo que pasa entre ustedes
02:071 es mi casa 2 ya estamos divorciados y tienes tu dinero
02:12por eso viniste quieres más dinero
02:15de acuerdo dame un número te lo doy pero déjame en paz
02:20porque haces esto
02:23Pequeña lo viste verdad viste cómo se atreve a tratar a su ex esposa
02:28Me golpeó en la cara tan fuerte que me sigue doliendo hasta estoy mareada de golpe de empuje del cuello
02:33Déjame decirte que aún cuando tengas a su hijo no estarás a salvo mi hijo ya es así de grande pero él todavía me golpea
02:41Esto podría ser el fin para ti y déjame decirte algo todavía peor tienes la contraseña de su teléfono
02:49No te la has dado
02:50No escuches tonterías no hice nada de lo que hice
02:52Jamming jamming que eso no es apropiado
02:54Si en verdad la amas simplemente no le pongas contraseña a tu teléfono
02:58Me puse una contraseña por privacidad porque cuando estábamos juntos me revisabas el teléfono todo el tiempo y sin descanso
03:05¿Sabes cómo le hacía para engañarme?
03:07Cada noche a escondidas hablaba y mandaba mensajes
03:10De seguro era ella verdad no te hagas el tonto
03:12¿Podrías decir algo que tuviera sentido?
03:14Si no mientes enséñale tu teléfono a esa chica
03:17Entre nosotros hay confianza ella no es así
03:22¿Estás bien?
03:25Váyanse ahora mismo si no llamaré a la policía lo haré
03:29Te irá muy mal Jamming
03:31Escúchame hablo en serio esta ya no es su casa ya se divorciaron y si llama a la policía nos arrestarán
03:35¿Y su tocador?
03:36¿Aún lo quiere no?
03:37Tómelo y vámonos de aquí
03:39¿Cuál tocador?
03:40¿Que no vinimos por eso?
03:41Ya lo ensució otra mujer
03:57¿Ya casi está?
03:59Ya casi
04:02Agradezco tu ayuda
04:04De nada
04:06Aún no puedo manejar todo pero hablando en serio su ex esposo la acaba de golpear
04:11Eso cambia las cosas un hombre no debe golpear a una mujer ¿No?
04:18¿Aún me consideras una chica?
04:27¿Qué signo eres?
04:31Y Adon si mal no recuerdo me dijo una vez que era Leo no sé mucho sobre eso
04:38¿De qué mes?
04:41Entonces eres Leo
04:48Ya está listo
04:53Así es
04:54¿Hay que comer?
04:56No puedo tengo cosas que hacer
04:58Ya hice la comida
05:02Prometiste que hoy te ibas a quedar conmigo
05:18¿Tienes hambre?
05:19¿No has comido?
05:21No me veas así
05:23Diré algo y me voy
05:25Supe que hoy te atacaron
05:27Tal vez te sientes incómoda
05:31No pude protegerte
05:33Lo siento
05:37¿Por qué estaría incómoda?
05:40La verdad ni siquiera escuché que decían
05:42En ese momento sólo estaba pensando cómo arreglar ese diseño
05:46Además no tienes que protegerme
05:49No debes responsabilizarte de Lulu
05:51Lulu es mi asistente castigarla es asunto mío no te metas en eso
05:59De acuerdo
06:01Mientras tú estés bien
06:04Me retiro
06:07¿Qué pasa?
06:08¿Estás bien?
06:10Me retiro
06:16¿Tú quién eres en realidad?
06:19Mi madre debe saberlo
06:21Porque le agradas mucho
06:22Le gusta tu trabajo
06:24Hasta donde sé si fueras un supervisor normal
06:28Ella no reaccionaría así
06:31Quiero saber quién eres
06:38Chen Xi
06:40En realidad
06:44Si no quieres decirlo está bien
06:46No estoy interesada en quién eres
06:48Pero te diré una cosa
06:50No tienes que traerme comida
06:52¿Te quedó claro?
07:01Cómelo mientras esté caliente
07:09¿Qué pasa?
07:21Come más camarones
07:23No has tocado el plato y parece que estoy comiendo sola
07:28Come camote es muy bueno para los pulmones
07:34Toma verduras
07:39Ya deja el teléfono
07:41Perdone deme un momento ya terminé de comer
07:43Estuvo delicioso
07:45No mientas casi no comiste
07:47Comí un plato de arroz
07:49Bueno tengo que ir a la obra
07:51Me esperan me retiro
07:53¿Tienes que irte a esta hora?
07:55Hay más cosas que hacer en la noche
07:57Pero tengo vino tinto
07:59Bebe una copa y luego te vas
08:01Perdón pero ahora no puedo permitirme beber alcohol
08:03Es que tengo que conducir
08:05Gracias por la comida
08:06¿Si estás lleno?
08:07Ya estoy
08:08¿Por qué tanta prisa?
08:09Porque estoy ocupado
08:10Visítame de nuevo
08:27Hola buenas noches
08:28¿Señor Wang?
08:30¿Trabaja horas extra?
08:32¿Por qué lo dice?
08:33¿Hay alguien más aquí?
08:34Acaba de subir el supervisor Lin
08:36Trajo comida
08:40Esta es la comida a domicilio que pidió la señorita Chen
08:44Cuando tengas tiempo llévasela
08:45Porque me tengo que ir
08:47¿A Chen Xi?
08:48Si bueno se la llevaré luego
08:50Con gusto
09:05¿Estás loco?
09:09¿Y la tristeza del mar?
09:14Si puedes
09:16Yo puedo
09:21¿Estás cansado?
09:25De la soledad
09:30Si puedes
09:32Yo puedo
10:05Gracias Xiaoyu
10:06Me ayudaste a vender mucho vino hoy
10:09Sin problema
10:10Tú me ayudaste
10:14Este bolso es nuevo
10:17¿Acaso te lo regaló Zai?
10:19Claro que no
10:20Yo lo compré
10:22Todos sabemos
10:23Que tú eres muy inteligente
10:24Y muy inteligente
10:26¿Y tú?
10:27¿Y tú?
10:28¿Y tú?
10:29¿Y tú?
10:30¿Y tú?
10:31¿Y tú?
10:32¿Y tú?
10:33Todos sabemos
10:34Que Zai te da
10:35Un tratamiento especial
10:36Y te lleva a todos lados
10:38Tú siempre lo acompañas
10:39A cualquier evento
10:40De seguro él te lo dio
10:43Yo compré este bolso
10:45No dejaría que me comprara
10:46Algo como eso
10:47Y acompañarlo es parte
10:49Del trabajo que hago
10:50Yo no estoy a la venta
10:54¿Y en qué estás pensando?
10:56Es un hombre casado
10:58¿En qué piensas tú?
11:00¿Y por qué lo haces?
11:03Los invitados que Zai atiende
11:05Tienen poder e influencia
11:07Y todos tienen dinero
11:09¿Entonces lo usas
11:10Para conocer a alguien?
11:12¿Y si no qué?
11:14Ser empleada en Jinja
11:15No tiene futuro
11:18¿Qué tus padres
11:20No te presentaron
11:21Aquel contratista Jang Wang?
11:23Él es como mi hermano
11:25Lo veo como un hermano mayor
11:27¿Hoy en día
11:28Funcionan los matrimonios arreglados?
11:29Mi padre era contratista
11:31¿No puedo tener un futuro mejor?
11:33Por supuesto
11:35Pero al entrar
11:36Al departamento de construcción
11:38Estás en el mundo
11:39De los contratistas
11:40Así que
11:41Aprovechando esta oportunidad
11:43Quiero escapar
11:44De este mundo
11:50Señorita Song
11:52¿Qué haces por aquí?
11:53Te estuve buscando
11:55Señor Wang
11:57Te escapaste
11:58Fue poco apropiado
12:00Aui, no hay vino
12:01Ve a traer uno
12:02Claro, me voy
12:05Señorita Song
12:08Quería hablar contigo
12:10Oí que la empresa
12:12Aceptó el proyecto
12:13Del jardín Shui Yun
12:15Háblale bien de mí
12:16Al señor Zai
12:17Para que me dé el proyecto
12:18Te lo agradecería
12:21Señor Wang
12:22Creo que se equivoca
12:24Estos asuntos
12:25Se hablan directamente con él
12:27Soy una empleada
12:28Ni siquiera su asistente
12:30Para lo importante
12:31No puedo decir nada
12:32No digas eso
12:34Eres alguien importante
12:35Para el señor
12:36Todos lo vemos
12:37Te trata de forma especial
12:39Eso está claro
12:41Mientras tú le hables
12:42Bien de mí
12:43Yo te lo voy a agradecer
12:45Ya me voy
12:46Sí, sí, sí
12:57Maggi, ya llego
12:58¿Qué vino, señorita Ye?
12:59Aún no llega
13:05Chen Xi
13:06¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?
13:08¿Trabajaste toda la noche?
13:11Me hubiera tardado más en la casa
13:12Así que hacerlo aquí
13:13Es más eficiente
13:15¿Cómo va?
13:16¿Ya está listo?
13:17Sí, ya está listo
13:19¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?
13:20¿Trabajaste toda la noche?
13:22Me hubiera tardado más en la casa
13:23Así que hacerlo aquí
13:24Es más eficiente
13:25¿Cómo va?
13:26¿Ya está listo?
13:27Lo terminé
13:29Ve a casa y descansa
13:31Sí, ya me voy
13:34Señorita Chen
13:35¿Trabajó toda la noche?
13:39Ya está
13:40Hice modificaciones
13:41Directo de la plantilla original
13:43Y se puede usar casi toda
13:45Pero si no le entiendes a algo
13:47Puedes llamarme
13:48Sí, bien, comenzaré
13:52Señorita Chen
13:55No puedes sola
13:56Si no entiendes este diseño de Chen Xi
13:58Llevas años perdiendo el tiempo
14:03Chen Xi, no te preocupes
14:04No dejaré que te llamen
14:05Ahora vete a dormir
14:07Puedes conducir
14:08O te pido un chofer
14:09No pasa nada
14:10No soy tan delicada
14:12Trabajar hasta tarde
14:13Es habilidad de diseñadora
14:15Entonces ya me voy
14:16Muy bien
14:19Esto de aquí es del supervisor Lin
14:20¿Puedes devolvérselo?
14:21Sí, claro
14:22Me voy
14:23Con cuidado
14:56¿Te quedaste dormida?
14:57Es peligroso dejarlo encendido
15:00¿Acabas de llegar o ya te vas?
15:03Quería reposar
15:04Pero me dormí sin notarlo
15:05Te llevo a casa
15:07Oye, después de trabajar toda la noche
15:09¿No debes conducir así?
15:10¿En dónde vives?
15:13Bahía Yijin
15:15¿Era algo urgente?
15:17Te ves agotada
15:20Esto hace daño
15:44¿Qué pretendes?
15:46Iba a abrocharte el cinturón
15:48Yo lo hago sola
15:49¿Y qué estás haciendo?
15:50¿Qué haces?
15:51Estoy practicando
15:53Estoy estudiando
15:54¿Estás estudiando?
15:55No, no estoy estudiando
15:56¿No estás estudiando?
15:57No estoy estudiando
15:58¿Entonces, qué estás haciendo?
15:59Ya te lo digo
16:00Estoy estudiando
16:04¿Qué estás haciendo?
16:05Estoy estudiando
16:07Yo no estoy estudiando
16:10No estoy estudiando
16:13Thank you for feeding me It was a pleasure
16:32You know, in the future don't mistreat your body so much
16:36Working until late every night You'll end up destroying it
16:41You won't look so beautiful
16:44Oh, by the way, I have a question
16:46Tell me
16:47How did that happen yesterday? You asked Judy to pick me up
16:52I didn't go. How could I send her to pick you up?
16:55Yesterday at the cafeteria downstairs I think...
16:58I think Judy ran into designer Han without even planning it
17:02Chen Xi is very famous now
17:05But maybe she doesn't know that she's only been in the industry for a few months
17:09She didn't know anything before
17:10So in decoration of the home we could say that she doesn't know
17:14Besides, she has very high prices
17:16Hire me for the design and let's avoid Jinja
17:19It will be our secret
17:21And why is that?
17:24It's obvious to me
17:26She wants to take you away from the client
17:27But I got her back for you
17:29And who asked you to get her back?
17:34From the beginning I didn't like dealing with Mrs. Judy
17:37I never thought of accepting her as a client
17:39I told her no, but she insisted
17:41Director Ye was afraid of being accused of being arrogant
17:45And let Lulu do the design
17:50Oh, so you're not interested in the project
17:54What do you think?
17:57Do you think that because I don't accept a client, someone else can steal it from me?
18:03What is this?
18:05What did you say?
18:07I said I think I worry too much
18:12The truth
18:22Mr. Tsai?
18:23Mr. Fang, Mr. Tsai hasn't arrived yet
18:26These are the new suppliers along with the information of their products
18:31Mr. Tsai has to check it
18:33Give it to me
18:35Thank you
18:37Hey Lin, Lin listen
18:40Did you hear?
18:41It seems that the company changed suppliers
18:44Why did we change again?
18:46Our material suppliers change frequently
18:49Mr. Tsai is an authority even if you don't say it openly, you know?
18:53Here he not only gets rid of people, he also brings whoever he wants
18:57Besides, these days he has been arriving late
19:00They say he got drunk last night
19:04I can assume that some of the contractors in the company fought over having the Garden of Shui Yun project
19:10Think about it
19:11Has the construction been decided?
19:14How could I decide it so quickly?
19:16That must be thought very well
19:18If he does it quickly and also drinks champagne every night, what do you think will happen?
19:23I'm telling you, but you don't understand it
19:25I'm sure you'll do it over time, don't you think?
19:27Could you review my project?
19:30Brother, you're not doing your job at all
19:34I, I'm a busy person
19:37Let me tell you that playing poker is an art
19:39You have to learn all your life, you wouldn't understand it
19:42I'll do it
19:44Hey, no, I need it urgently
19:50Come in
19:51Come in
19:55Come in
20:00Why do you come in like this? It's daytime
20:02What's wrong?
20:03Zhao Yunfei hasn't arrived
20:05He doesn't miss all the people in this company
20:08The longer they've been working here,
20:11everyone becomes more and more lazy
20:14Or maybe more stupid
20:17You can't generalize
20:19In any case, Jinjia is already a big company in the sector
20:24How can I help you?
20:27I don't want to wait
20:29I want to start
20:31Now you don't have the ability to face Yufeng
20:34I'm not going to face him directly
20:36He has been tolerated until he lost his composure
20:40An investigation
20:42That garden project
20:44It's a good opportunity
20:45I don't want to waste it
20:47It will be simple
20:49I advise you to go cautiously
20:57Jinjia just left
20:58That's right
20:59He didn't sleep all night and he didn't go home
21:02But he finished it, he works hard
21:06It's the girls who don't give up
21:10You can't steal a girl's heart completely
21:14No matter how hard you try
21:16I'm not just going to try
21:18I'm also someone who doesn't give up so easily
21:20I'll make it
21:35Is it okay here?
22:09I woke you up, I'm sorry
22:12Oh my neck
22:13What's wrong?
22:16Now it hurts
22:19It's because you've been drawing all night
22:22It was just one night
22:27Don't you think it's a drop?
22:31Don't be silly
22:32I'm very young
22:33How could it be a drop?
22:34Or maybe
22:36Or maybe not
22:37But I think it's because of the cold in your office
22:39It's very cold and you don't rest
22:41I think it affected you
22:42And that's why your neck hurts now
22:44And if you give me another massage?
22:50In pressure points?
22:51Although I'm not an expert at that
22:54I'm in pain and you just want to make jokes?
22:57Just press gently
22:59And how do I press?
23:00Like you did last time
23:04Like this
23:06Like this?
23:08Do it harder
23:13Like this?
23:14Is this a little better?
23:15Do it harder
23:16No, like this, harder
23:18Well, if I do it softer, it won't help at all
23:21Stay like this
23:23Give me your hand
23:24Your right hand
23:25Now resist
23:28Is it okay?
23:31Oh, stop
23:33Oh no, not so hard
23:35Oh no, not so hard
23:38Hey, what's going on there?
23:40What's going on, miss?
23:42What's going on?
23:44Call the police
23:45That man is attacking her
23:46I saw him holding her by the neck a while ago
23:49I saw it
23:50Put your hands down
23:51Or call the police
23:52I'm going to put them down
23:54No, it's not that, ma'am
23:55It's a misunderstanding
23:56He was giving me a massage
23:57It's nothing
23:58He wasn't hurting me
23:59It's a misunderstanding, ma'am
24:00A massage?
24:03It was a massage?
24:05Do it somewhere else
24:07What a misunderstanding
24:09I'm sorry, I'm sorry
24:10I'm sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am
24:12Young people these days
24:13They don't know how to choose the right place
24:16Shouldn't you be resting at home?
24:18If the police really come, it would be a problem
24:21I just needed a massage
24:23Put me in my bag
24:30You can't move?
24:31Wait, I'll help you
24:37Which way?
24:52Oh, it's big
24:54Turn on the light
24:56Yes, wait
25:08Your house is very big, isn't it?
25:10The house of a designer is very different
25:12It fulfills the functions of design
25:14It looks very complex
25:15And it was to be expected
25:17And what do you know?
25:18This is my style
25:19At first I wanted to have my bed here
25:22Put the bed here?
25:23That would be sleeping and working at the same time, right?
25:27Well, it's something interesting
25:29If you're okay, I'm leaving
25:37What happened?
25:39You still can't move?
25:41Do you want to drink water?
25:42Sit straight, I'll do it
25:46You shouldn't do this
25:47And you shouldn't be alone
25:50Thank you
25:52Shouldn't you go to the hospital for a check-up?
25:55I'm not that delicate
25:58It's good that women are strong
26:00Let me
26:02What if I do this?
26:04I'll give you another massage
26:06And when you feel a little better
26:07Then I'll go easy
26:08What do you think?
26:21I'll use all my ability
26:22It was right here, right?
26:26I'll do it
26:28I'll do it
26:29It's not that strong
26:30It's not that bad
26:31Don't make it so I can't move tomorrow
26:33It's impossible
26:34I'm telling you that with a little strength
26:35It'll hurt you more
26:36But you'll feel better before
26:39It hurts
26:41Of course it hurts
26:43You worked until late
26:45I realized that you have a lot of stuffed animals in your house
26:47You have them everywhere
26:49I'm sorry
26:51I'm sorry
26:53I'm sorry
26:55I'm sorry
26:57I'm sorry
26:59He caught stuffed animals
27:01Are you serious?
27:02Is it your hobby?
27:04Of course
27:06Catching stuffed animals is fun
27:07It's relaxing
27:09And it helps with eye-hand coordination
27:10It strengthens the mind
27:12It helps with eye-hand coordination?
27:14If you want to do that
27:15Why don't you work in construction?
27:18It's a joke
27:20Let me tell you
27:21You only have one body
27:22Don't abuse it
27:23If you hurt it
27:24You'll regret it
27:25And then you won't be able to do anything about it
27:27Why are you making fun of me?
27:29All of this is your fault
27:32And why is this my fault?
27:34If only half of it
27:36I had a good intention
27:38If I did something bad with a good intention
27:40Don't you think?
27:42That your intention was good?
27:44Tell me, what was that intention?
27:46What's your point?
27:48What's the point?
27:49What is it?
27:51I think I found the point
27:52What are you doing?
27:53I found where the problem is
27:55Here it is
27:57Here it is
27:58The problem
27:59Here it is
28:00You have to give a good massage
28:01And then you'll feel better
28:03Don't be silly
28:04I asked you what your intention was
28:08I'll tell you the truth
28:09That designer by last name Han
28:11Has no shame
28:12I can't stand him at all
28:14I was planning to teach that speaker a lesson
28:16When it's time to act
28:17I act
28:19Wait a minute
28:21You don't understand
28:23Well, let me tell you something
28:25Can you find a more loyal person than me?
28:27No, right?
28:28I'm a person of principles
28:29Do you understand?
28:31After everything you've done to me
28:32Do you still consider yourself loyal?
28:34Let's make a deal
28:36I'll finish giving you this massage
28:37And then we'll forget about that
28:39We'll leave it aside
28:41Oh, talk to me when you're done
28:44I'm almost done
28:45Please stop talking
28:47No problem
28:48Calm down
28:50Calm down
29:03You should rest for a moment
29:05If I keep giving you massages
29:06I'll hurt you
29:07Come on
29:08Lie down
29:10Wait, wait
29:15Cover yourself with this
29:16Or you'll have a cold
29:17You know?
29:18Next time you go to work
29:20Adjust the air conditioning
29:22Are you okay now?
29:23If you're okay, I'm leaving
29:29What's wrong?
29:30Give me that Garfield cat
29:31That's sitting there
29:37This one?
29:40Do you need to hug him?
29:42He's like your boyfriend
29:47Well, I'd better go
29:51Can you bring me a glass of warm milk?
29:56Of course
29:58How capricious
30:26You finally answer
30:28I called you several times
30:29And you didn't answer my messages
30:30What were you doing?
30:31Where are you?
30:33I'm not in the office
30:34I'm outside
30:36Speak louder
30:37Today you're going to accompany me
30:38To some furniture stores
30:41I won't have time today
30:42I have a lot to do
30:44Are you so busy?
30:46How about if you have dinner with me tonight?
30:48At my place
30:49At my place
30:50At my place
30:51At my place
30:53Tonight I can cook something for you
30:56And we can talk about furniture
30:58I like European furniture
31:00So when I go alone
31:01I know they won't scam me
31:03Sorry, I can't tonight
31:08Oh no!
31:09It's not true!
31:11What's wrong?
31:12The drawer you fixed is broken
31:14All my jewelry!
31:16They're all scattered on the floor
31:18They're broken, did you hear?
31:21Come fix it quickly
31:24Can't you be more careful?
31:27Why do you always have to break that drawer?
31:29It doesn't matter
31:30I can't live without it
31:31I treasure that drawer
31:32When are you coming?
31:33Fine, okay
31:34Okay, I'll go as soon as I can
31:36And I'll fix it
31:50I love you
32:21Come in
32:34Xiaoyu, what are you doing here?
32:36You've been drinking a lot these days
32:38You should take care of your health
32:39I bought this tea for you
32:41Drink it
32:42You bought it for me?
32:46You're so nice
32:52It's delicious
32:59Did you come just to bring me a cup of tea?
33:04I've accompanied you to all the meetings
33:07The contractors of the works wanted me to tell you
33:10To assign them the project of the Shui Yun Garden
33:14So they finally understand what I want
33:19It seems that they have a wrong idea of ​​me
33:22They think my opinion is important in what you decide
33:24Of course it's important
33:26Xiaoyu, tell me
33:28The Shui Yun Garden must have someone in charge
33:32Who would you put?
33:35It's been a while
33:36Haven't you decided yet?
33:37I can't decide it right away
33:39That way they will continue to depend on me
33:41And in passing also on you
33:43Actually, the ones who have invited you these days
33:46I don't like them much
33:48The way they treat me and how they speak to me
33:51It's pretty strange
33:53I think they have a wrong idea of ​​me
33:55A wrong idea?
33:56And they speak in a strange way?
33:58I'm going to scold them
33:59They won't have the Shui Yun Garden
34:01It doesn't matter anymore
34:03Forget it
34:05What do you think of this?
34:07Choose someone you like
34:08And I'll give him the project myself
34:13There are many contractors in Jinja
34:15Apart from them
34:16I think I don't know them very well
34:19Oh, there's one more
34:21That day
34:23I was in the garden
34:24And I saw you
34:25And I thought
34:26I'm going to ask you
34:27What do you think of this?
34:28I'm going to ask you
34:29What do you think of this?
34:30I'm going to ask you
34:31What do you think of this?
34:32I'm going to ask you
34:34That day
34:35The other day
34:36What day?
34:38On the street that is near the door of my house
34:42What was his name?
34:44Are you talking about Jiang Wang?
34:46Yes, about Jiang Wang
34:48His attitude is polite and friendly
34:51He seems to be a pretty honest person
34:54What if you give him the project?
35:00If I could, I would consider it
35:02But for this project
35:03We have to see if he can understand it
35:05And take charge
35:07How is he not going to fight for it?
35:09I assure you he will
35:10It's a very good project
35:12If he doesn't fight for it
35:13Wouldn't he be a big fool?
35:15If he didn't
35:16He would be a big fool
35:20Hey, Feng
35:22I think I'm leaving
35:24Yes, of course
35:26Jiang Wang?
35:29If he finally falls in love with me
35:35I could live happily next to him
35:42I'm just looking at him
35:45Happy and full of excitement
35:48To live
35:50I'm just looking at him
35:51Happy and full of excitement
35:53To live
36:01I'm coming
36:05Come in
36:10He's on my team
36:11He's Hong Chi
36:12You already know him
36:13He's the best in repairs
36:16Excuse me
36:18It's this
36:23Please fix it well, Hong Chi
36:25Yes, Jiang
36:28It's just a drawer
36:30Do you need two for that?
36:32I'm not an expert in repairs
36:34But I brought someone who is
36:35Didn't you fix it well yesterday?
36:37I fixed it yesterday
36:38And today it's broken again
36:39That means I didn't do it well
36:40Now an expert will do it
36:41So I wouldn't have to come back
36:43After the repair
36:44I wouldn't have to break
36:46Jiang Wang
36:56You know the owner is right
36:58You don't need two to fix this
37:00Of course I do
37:02I wasn't going to come alone
37:05If she and I were alone
37:07What would others think?
37:09It seems you've been very lucky with women
37:11What are you saying?
37:12Shut up
37:13Fix that and that's it
37:16Do it fast
37:21Jiang Wang
37:23Come here now
37:25It's not finished yet
37:26Just wait
37:28Oh Wang, it's already fixed
37:29So soon?
37:32Are you sure?
37:33Of course, look
37:40Please try it
37:42He did it pretty fast
37:44Pretty fast, right?
37:46Excuse me
37:48There's also a broken drawer in the kitchen
37:50Could you fix it, please?
37:51I'll take you
37:52No, you don't
37:55I'd better go
38:04Do you need anything?
38:05Can you hear me?
38:07We're both adults
38:09There are some things that
38:11Are very clear for both of us
38:14Don't pretend you don't understand what's going on
38:16What do you think I pretend I don't understand?
38:22What do you think of my home?
38:24Is it a tiger's cave?
38:26Do you think you're a victim?
38:28You even brought an assistant
38:30Are you afraid I'll devour you?
38:35Then I'll tell you right now
38:37I have feelings for you
38:39Yes, I know, I know
38:41I just like you, okay?
38:42You know what?
38:43Now I'm single
38:44If you're interested in me
38:46We can try to go out
38:48If you're not interested, just say it
38:49I don't want to waste my time
38:51There are other men interested
38:53Well, Mrs. Su
38:54We're fixing the drawer
38:56How did this happen?
38:57I'm confused
38:59Why are you confused?
39:00Didn't I propose to you?
39:04What happens is
39:05That we can't have a relationship
39:08She's the client
39:09And I'm the worker
39:12If the toilet is clogged
39:13Or the drawer is broken
39:14Has a headache or fever
39:15Or wants to eat something on the grill
39:16I can do that
39:18But if she wants us to be a couple
39:20It wouldn't be appropriate
39:22I mean
39:23I wouldn't be appropriate
39:25Because you're perfect
39:26Do you understand that?
39:27I'm just a little decoration contractor
39:30I earn little money
39:31And I have a lot of debts
39:32She has good conditions
39:33She can find someone better
39:35We wouldn't be compatible
39:36Do you understand that?
39:37I'm not the right person
39:39Juan, I fixed it
39:40It's ready
39:42Hiring experts is faster
39:45If there's nothing else to fix
39:47We have more work to do
39:48We're going to retire
39:50Stop right there
39:54Yes, my bag
39:57We're leaving
39:58Excuse me
40:12Do you want some?
40:14No, thank you
40:18It looks like you rejected that woman
40:21How do you know?
40:22Isn't it obvious?
40:24Just by looking at your sad face
40:25I can tell
40:29Hey, Juan
40:31Didn't you think
40:32That now that you rejected Judy
40:33You also rejected the Shui Yun Garden?
40:37I didn't
40:38I didn't
40:39I didn't
40:40I didn't
40:42You're exaggerating
40:44Do you think I'm a person
40:45Who sells for money?
40:46Of course not
40:48I just thought
40:49That if you accept
40:50The Shui Yun Garden project
40:52You could solve
40:53Most of your money problems
40:55If I accepted the Shui Yun Garden project
40:58As the project progressed
41:00I think I would have problems
41:01With the owner
41:02And if you found out
41:04How would I work later?
41:06You're a contractor
41:07And a merchant
41:08It doesn't matter
41:09How you get projects
41:10As long as you don't affect others
41:11You don't care about others
41:13You make it sound so simple
41:16I understand, Juan
41:17You don't care
41:18What others think
41:20You only care
41:21What Chen Xi thinks
