LEGION DE LA MUERTE Pelicula completa en español latino HD

  • 5 days ago
LEGION DE LA MUERTE Pelicula completa en español latino HD
00:00:00Hola que tal mis amigos de Hola Estudios TV, yo soy Karen Duarte y quiero hoy presentarles nuestro siguiente estreno.
00:00:07La película se llama La Legión de la Muerte.
00:00:10Espero que disfruten esta bonita película, que dejen sus comentarios, sus like, y si no se han suscrito, suscríbanse porque les voy a traer muchos más estreno.
00:00:30La Legión de la Muerte
00:01:00La Legión de la Muerte
00:01:30La Legión de la Muerte
00:02:00La Legión de la Muerte
00:02:30La Legión de la Muerte
00:03:00La Legión de la Muerte
00:03:15¿Qué tienes? ¿Estás bien?
00:03:22¿Quién eres?
00:03:24La Legión de la Muerte
00:03:54La Legión de la Muerte
00:04:25La Legión de la Muerte
00:04:38¿Y ahora qué pasa? ¿Por qué te quedaste tan pensativa?
00:04:42Es que me acordé de Clara.
00:04:45¿Y ahora qué pasó? ¿Se pelearon otra vez?
00:04:49Pues es que pensar en ella me pone de la fregada.
00:04:53Es que últimamente ustedes dos se comportan como si fueran las peores enemigas, siendo que eran las mejores amigas.
00:05:02No sabes qué ganas me dan de mandarle la chingada.
00:05:06Órale, pues ¿qué te hizo?
00:05:22La Legión de la Muerte
00:05:32¡Ya vine!
00:05:34Te estaba marcando, babosa. ¿Por qué no me contestas?
00:05:37Pues porque ya estaba aquí. De seguro me estabas marcando porque se me hizo tarde.
00:05:41Pues sí. Tienes más de 20 minutos de retraso.
00:05:44Ay, pues ¿qué querías? No pasaba ningún méndigo colectivo.
00:05:47Pues es que yo estoy aquí como tu tarada, esperándote.
00:05:49¿Estás encadenada? No, ¿verdad? Pues tú hubieras sido. ¿Qué te tiene aquí, a la fuerza?
00:05:56Ya, que no me tienes tan contenta.
00:05:58Bueno, y tú quita esa cara de amargada.
00:06:01Bueno, ya. ¿A dónde fuiste o qué?
00:06:04A Playa del Carmen. Mira la blusa que me compré.
00:06:15¿Qué es la blusa que me gustaba a mí?
00:06:17¿Ah, sí?
00:06:19¿Sí te acuerdas? Es la que me probé cuando fuimos juntas a Playa del Carmen.
00:06:24No, no me acuerdo. Entramos a tantas tiendas que...
00:06:27Hasta te dije que me encantaba, pero que no me alcanzaba el dinero.
00:06:31No me acuerdo. Te probaste todo y todo te gustaba.
00:06:35Pues sí, pero esa era mi preferida.
00:06:37Ay, pero tú nunca me dijiste nada.
00:06:40Ahora ya nunca me la voy a poder comprar.
00:06:42Ay, ¿pero por qué?
00:06:44Pues porque ya la vas a tener tú.
00:06:46Ay, Diana, pues...
00:06:47De verdad, Clara. Hasta parece que lo haces a propósito, nada más para joder.
00:06:52¡Claro que no!
00:06:54¡Claro que sí!
00:06:56Mira, si tanto te molesta que la tenga yo, toma. Te la regalo.
00:07:01Que no, ya ni modo. La próxima vez que quiera ver ropa, mejor voy sola.
00:07:06Así por lo menos tendré la seguridad de que tú no sabrás lo que me gusta.
00:07:10Ay, ya, no seas payasa, ándale.
00:07:12Ya te dije que no.
00:07:14Bueno, pues como quieras. Voy al baño. ¿Me pides un refresco de naranja con mucho hielo? No me tardo.
00:07:21No me tardo.
00:07:39Bueno, ¿y luego qué pasó? Porque te conozco, ¿eh? Tú no eres de las que se queda con los brazos cruzados.
00:07:45Claro que no. Cuando la babosa se levantó para ir al baño, sentí que la odiaba.
00:07:53Y que si no me desquitaba, se me iban a retorcer las tripas de coraje.
00:08:15No, no.
00:08:46Ay, bueno, ya, perdóname. Me puse como niña, ¿verdad?
00:08:51No hay tos, así déjalo.
00:08:54Es que me gustaba tanto esa blusa. A ver, pásamela, déjame verla.
00:08:58Así de cerca ya no está tan bonita, fijaos. La tela está bien corriente.
00:09:02¿Corriente? ¿Qué te pasa?
00:09:06¿Ya viste?
00:09:09¿Qué te pasa?
00:09:11¿Qué te pasa?
00:09:13¿Qué te pasa?
00:09:15¿Qué te pasa?
00:09:17¿Qué te pasa?
00:09:19¿Qué te pasa?
00:09:21¿Qué te pasa?
00:09:23¿Qué te pasa?
00:09:24¿Qué te pasa?
00:09:26¿Ya viste?
00:09:31¿La compraste en rebaja o qué? Está toda chamuscada.
00:09:37Pero si así no estaba.
00:09:44Fuiste tú.
00:09:47Sí, la blusa no estaba así.
00:09:49O sea, ¿de verdad crees que yo soy capaz de hacer algo así?
00:09:52De eso y más. Te conozco y sé todas las maldades que le haces a toda la gente que conoces.
00:09:59Pero tú y yo somos amigas.
00:10:02Quemaste la blusa porque te dio coraje que yo la comprara.
00:10:06Porque no soportas que nadie sea feliz.
00:10:09Estás loca. ¿Cómo iba yo a quemarla? ¿Con mis ojos de demonio o qué?
00:10:14Pues no sé.
00:10:16Pues ni siquiera tengo cerillos.
00:10:18Ven, revísala para que dejes de estar inventándome cosas.
00:10:22No voy a revisar nada.
00:10:31A ver, ¿ves algunos cerillos ahí? ¿Algún encendedor?
00:10:36¿Por qué dudas de mí? ¿Por qué me echas a mí la culpa?
00:10:40Si dudas de mí, pues te pago la blusa. ¿Cuánto te costó?
00:10:45No quiero que me la pagues.
00:10:47Pues entonces revísame.
00:10:49No vayas a creer que me guardé una cajetilla de cerillos en las boobies o en los calzones.
00:10:58¿Cómo crees que te voy a revisar?
00:11:01Pues tengo derecho a limpiar mi honor. ¡Ándale! ¡Revísame!
00:11:05¡Si no, dime cómo carajos le hice!
00:11:09Bueno, a lo mejor la blusa te costó.
00:11:12Bueno, a lo mejor la blusa sí estaba así y no me fijé.
00:11:18Pues sí, eso fue lo que pasó.
00:11:21Y eso que te sirva de experiencia para la próxima vez te fijes bien.
00:11:25La gente es bien perra, Clara.
00:11:27Si te pueden vender basura como si fuera oro, lo hacen.
00:11:35Pues sí.
00:11:36¿De veras que a veces parece que me odiaras, Clara?
00:11:39No digas eso, claro que no.
00:11:42Bueno, ya. Dejemos esto.
00:11:45Sí, ya, perdón.
00:11:47Pinche gente de la tienda.
00:11:50De seguro fue la empleada la que la cambió a la hora de pagar.
00:11:54Porque yo me la medí y estaba intacta. ¡Te lo juro!
00:11:58Pues capaz que sí.
00:12:01Nada más Andrés estaba esperando a alguien en babotas para que la pagara.
00:12:04Nada más Andrés estaba esperando a alguien en babotas como tú que entrara a comprar una igual para enjaretarle la quemada.
00:12:10De veras que hay que ser güey, Clara.
00:12:14Mañana mismo la voy a cambiar. Ni crean que me voy a quedar conforme.
00:12:21¿Qué buscas?
00:12:23El ticket para cambiarla.
00:12:25¿No lo traerás en tu bolsa?
00:12:27No, estoy segura que la eché aquí en la bolsa, al lado de la blusa.
00:12:35Pues ya la molaste. De seguro ya lo perdiste.
00:12:39Deberías de ser más cuidadosa, Clara. Ve lo que te pasa.
00:12:43No tienes por qué estar pasando estas cosas.
00:12:46Solo es cuestión de que te fijes bien lo que haces.
00:12:49Pero siempre estás en la luna de Babilonia.
00:12:52¡Me lleva! ¡No puede ser!
00:12:55De veras que eres mensa.
00:12:58Pues ya, ni modo.
00:13:05¿Eso hiciste?
00:13:07Pues sí.
00:13:09Eres bien cabrona, ¿eh?
00:13:11Claro. Conmigo nadie se mete.
00:13:14Oye, ¿pero por qué estás enojada con Clara?
00:13:18Me cayó gorda. Yo quería que chillara la pendeja.
00:13:22Pero no, nada más puso su cara de idiota y se le salieron una que otra lagrimita de cocodrilo.
00:13:27¡Ay, ya ni modo!
00:13:29¡Ay, ya ni modo!
00:13:30¡Ya ni modo!
00:13:58Proteínos, hermano.
00:14:00Puedo sentirlo.
00:14:02Está aquí en el puerto.
00:14:04Cuando llegó de inmediato hizo notar su presencia.
00:14:08No nos abandones y dame el entendimiento.
00:14:11La fortaleza que requiero para hacerle frente.
00:14:14No sé por qué me has escogido a mí.
00:14:17Yo solo soy un humilde sacerdote en un pequeño lugar del mundo.
00:14:22Pero hágase tu voluntad y no la mía.
00:14:30No te olvides de mí.
00:14:46Debe llegar el apoyo de Clara.
00:14:49Todos deben demarle su lugar de viaje a la policía.
00:15:00¿Por qué no fuiste a verme como habíamos quedado?
00:15:20¿Por qué no fuiste a verme como habíamos quedado?
00:15:26Porque no quise ir.
00:15:28Acudiste a mí en busca de ayuda.
00:15:31Déjame en paz. Quiero estar sola.
00:15:34No te dejaré sola.
00:15:36Colocaste en mis manos la responsabilidad de ayudarte. Ni yo ni Dios te abandonaremos.
00:15:44Estoy bien. No necesito de su ayuda.
00:15:48Y deje de hacerse la víctima.
00:15:50No quiero su lástima.
00:15:52¡No quiero verlo!
00:15:54Algo raro sucede contigo.
00:15:57Te has dado cuenta de eso.
00:15:59Mire padre, si fui a buscarlo es porque estaba confundida.
00:16:04Pero no necesito de su ayuda.
00:16:07Me fuiste a buscar porque tu alma clama por atención y tú no quieres ver las cosas como son.
00:16:12Te refugias en excusas, en pretextos.
00:16:16No es que estés deprimida como tú crees.
00:16:19Hay algo mucho más peligroso mirando dentro de ti.
00:16:22Déjeme en paz.
00:16:24¿En qué idioma quiere que se lo diga?
00:16:27Está bien como quieras.
00:16:29Pero créeme, necesitas ayuda.
00:16:35Cuando te decidas, sabes en dónde encontrarme.
00:16:57¿En dónde encontrarme?
00:17:13Ofrezco mi alma a cambio de ser siempre guapa y joven.
00:17:20De tener mucho, mucho dinero.
00:17:24Quiero ser la más rica de este pueblo.
00:17:27Quiero que todos me tengan miedo.
00:17:41Para ti no hay imposibles.
00:17:44No haces diferencia entre poco y mucho.
00:17:47Así que te da lo mismo que yo te pida un millón de pesos que mil millones de pesos.
00:17:55Porque tienes mucho poder.
00:18:08Yo también quiero tener poder sobre la gente.
00:18:12Que nadie se atreva a meterse conmigo.
00:18:16Y si se meten, pues que se mueran.
00:18:20Ya sé que siempre pidas la vida de alguien a cambio.
00:18:22Pero yo no quiero darte la mía.
00:18:25No ahora.
00:18:27Yo quiero vivir cien años de ser posible.
00:18:31Quiero disfrutar mi dinero.
00:18:34El que tú me vas a dar.
00:18:38Pero te ofrezco la vida de Clara.
00:18:41Esa odiosa que dice ser mi amiga.
00:18:44Pero yo sé que no es.
00:18:47Ella me odia.
00:18:49Me tiene envidia.
00:18:51No solo te ofrezco la vida de Clara.
00:18:54También te ofrezco su alma.
00:18:57Ella dice que es muy buena.
00:19:00Pero es una imbécil.
00:19:03Yo haré que cambie de opinión.
00:19:06Y que sea tan mala que se sorprenderá ella misma de sus perversidades.
00:19:13Ya verás.
00:19:15Ella hará lo que yo diga.
00:19:17Ella hará lo que yo diga.
00:19:25I'm sorry, Father. I didn't mean to interrupt.
00:19:50It doesn't matter, André. My life is dedicated to prayer.
00:19:55So I can pray at any time.
00:19:57I came to clean.
00:19:59Go ahead. Go ahead with your duties.
00:20:01Be good, Father.
00:20:15Tell me something, André.
00:20:16What, Father?
00:20:17Have you noticed something strange?
00:20:19Something strange? Where?
00:20:21In the people.
00:20:23In their behavior.
00:20:25I don't think so.
00:20:26Maybe you need to be an observer.
00:20:29Do you remember that about 20 days ago there was a murder?
00:20:32Yes, my parents were talking about it for weeks.
00:20:35And not just them.
00:20:37Many people are still scared.
00:20:40Something like this has not happened in this place for many years.
00:20:43My dad says that guy, the murderer, killed his wife just because he got drunk and didn't cook.
00:20:49That's what people say, André.
00:20:52But the real reason is much darker and more sinister.
00:20:55Oh, Father. You're scaring me.
00:20:58Well, yes.
00:20:59Everyone should be scared.
00:21:02Because that man, the murderer, was not the one who killed his wife.
00:21:07Oh, no?
00:21:09He was killed by a much more powerful and perverse force than usual.
00:21:13The Chamuco?
00:21:14It has many names.
00:21:17But you know who I'm talking about.
00:21:19I'm worried, André.
00:21:21Oh, Father. Don't even tell me.
00:21:23I'm worried because that being is tireless, persevering, and won't go until he gets what he wants.
00:21:31And what does he want?
00:21:32As many souls as possible.
00:21:39Let's go.
00:21:46All the robberies that have happened.
00:21:48The lady ran over on Saturday.
00:21:51The boy who got drunk with his food and died of asphyxiation.
00:21:55The evils that arose in the town, like that of putting gall in the water.
00:22:01All that, André.
00:22:03They are symptoms of his presence.
00:22:06The worst thing is that out there, in the street, among the people.
00:22:11Do you know what it means?
00:22:14That the unnamable is here.
00:22:17The evil has appeared in our town.
00:22:20And the worst of all is that there will always be someone who is willing to welcome him.
00:22:25To receive him.
00:22:27Oh, don't say that, Father.
00:22:29Cross, cross, let the devil go and let Jesus come.
00:22:36Let the devil come.
00:23:06For the most beautiful woman I have ever known.
00:23:32For us.
00:23:37For us.
00:23:43Do you remember that you told me that you were a real bastard?
00:23:48Of course I remember.
00:23:49But bastard in what?
00:23:51In everything.
00:23:53The one who does it to me, pays me.
00:23:55And would you be able to do anything?
00:23:57Of course.
00:23:59I don't like to talk to guys.
00:24:01Or throw threats in a bucket.
00:24:10Because I have something to tell you.
00:24:26Well, it's something I would be very careful not to tell you.
00:24:31If I didn't know you perfectly.
00:24:33And I knew that nothing scares you.
00:24:47Stop talking nonsense and talk.
00:24:49I'm a drug dealer.
00:24:53And I'm here in the port because I'm hiding.
00:24:56The police are looking for me.
00:24:58So all that stupidity that you are a travel agent and that you were going to close a business here or in Playa del Carmen.
00:25:05Were they pure lies?
00:25:08If you want to sell drugs, there are times when you have to travel a lot.
00:25:13And I told you that about a sales agent, but I never told you what.
00:25:18And about the business you were going to close?
00:25:20Well, that's totally true.
00:25:22Oh yeah?
00:25:28Aren't you going to ask me why the police are looking for me?
00:25:31You just said it.
00:25:33You're a drug dealer.
00:25:34You sell drugs.
00:25:36They're not looking for me for that.
00:25:37Then why?
00:25:39Because I've killed a lot of people.
00:25:41Tell me something.
00:25:42What do you want?
00:25:43For me to applaud you?
00:25:45No, but I want to know what you think.
00:25:48I want to know why you're telling me all this.
00:25:59Well, because I have a lot of money and I want to invest it.
00:26:06And what does one thing have to do with the other?
00:26:08Well, actually a lot.
00:26:11Let's see, explain to me.
00:26:13Well, if you were an old hag, a mojigata, a person who was persecuted,
00:26:18our relationship would have no future.
00:26:23Yes, that's obvious.
00:26:25But I noticed something behind what you were saying.
00:26:29But the truth is that I never imagined that you were a drug dealer.
00:26:34You know, drug dealers with their huge medals,
00:26:38their rings with diamonds,
00:26:40their bodyguards,
00:26:42big trucks.
00:26:44But that's out of fashion now.
00:26:46Don't you realize?
00:26:47Don't you remember the barbecue?
00:26:50Yes, of course.
00:26:52Don't you remember the barbecue?
00:26:54Yes, of course.
00:26:55When they caught him and it was on TV,
00:26:57how was he dressed?
00:26:59Just like me, with a t-shirt, pants.
00:27:02Stop telling me.
00:27:06Well, yes, you're right.
00:27:08What you say about drug dealers,
00:27:10that's not used anymore.
00:27:12It was easier for them to take off their gloves.
00:27:15Of course.
00:27:16It takes a lot to notice.
00:27:18Well, yes, what I want is to go unnoticed.
00:27:21And you do it.
00:27:24Yes, but the thing is that I have a lot of criminal records.
00:27:28And my photo and my name are everywhere.
00:27:32And I can't do any business.
00:27:35That's why I want to know if I count on you.
00:27:37To do a business?
00:27:40You would be like...
00:27:43the legal representative.
00:27:46Like the owner.
00:27:47And what would I gain with all this?
00:27:49Half of the profits.
00:27:51And you wouldn't have to invest a single cent.
00:27:54I'll put all the money.
00:27:57Sounds good.
00:27:59And what kind of business are you thinking of?
00:28:01In a hotel.
00:28:03In a hotel?
00:28:05How much money are we talking about?
00:28:08A lot.
00:28:09A lot of money.
00:28:10Deal done.
00:28:12Bring me that money tomorrow and we'll see what it's worth.
00:28:39I feel the presence of the evil spirit everywhere.
00:28:43It's even in the air.
00:28:45The air that all the inhabitants of this port breathe daily.
00:28:50Don't abandon us.
00:28:52Give me strength.
00:28:54Protect us from evil.
00:29:15I can't tell you anything yet.
00:29:17But you're going to fall on your back when you find out.
00:29:20Then tell me now.
00:29:24Hey, is that skull real?
00:29:27What do you think?
00:29:31Where did you get it?
00:29:33In the cemetery.
00:29:35No way.
00:29:38I went to put it on Friday night.
00:29:41It was Friday the 13th.
00:29:42And also, full moon.
00:30:04Are you a witch or what?
00:30:09If that's what you want to call it.
00:30:10But when did you put this on?
00:30:13Just now.
00:30:17Because I decided to sell my soul to the devil.
00:30:20Are you crazy?
00:30:22You think?
00:30:24I don't.
00:30:26It was the best thing that could have happened to me.
00:30:29I prayed to Satan, to the Holy Death.
00:30:32And I asked them for beauty, youth, money.
00:30:35A lot of money and power.
00:30:36And he sent it to me the day I asked him.
00:30:45What are you talking about?
00:30:48That's the surprise I had for you.
00:31:06I'm sorry.
00:31:15Selling my soul to the devil is a round business.
00:31:18Look, now all this money is mine.
00:31:24Did you really sell your soul to the devil?
00:31:30But how can you be so happy?
00:31:33Wouldn't you be with all this?
00:31:36Don't play, Diana.
00:31:38Where did you get all that money from?
00:31:41Don't be silly. Can't you guess?
00:31:46Yes, dude.
00:31:48I told you a while ago that he's a narco.
00:31:50Yes, and you also told me that he has killed a lot of people.
00:31:54That's his business.
00:31:56That money is dirty.
00:31:58It's stained with blood.
00:32:00Thousands of curses will fall on you.
00:32:03Don't say curses.
00:32:05The only thing you should look at is my good luck.
00:32:08In a blink of an eye, I became a millionaire.
00:32:12And wait.
00:32:14I'm going to have a lot more money than this.
00:32:17This is just the beginning.
00:32:19So you're going to continue your relationship with Memo?
00:32:22Of course.
00:32:24Now that I look at it in retrospect...
00:32:28That idiot Memo, from the beginning, gave me a bad feeling.
00:32:31Yes, he also gave me a bad feeling.
00:32:34As if he was hiding something.
00:32:36Well, look at how things are.
00:32:38No one knows who they work for.
00:32:41Do you know how many damn drug addicts
00:32:44left their money in the hands of Memo
00:32:47in exchange for their dirty daily doses?
00:32:50And now, all that money is here in my house.
00:32:53And without moving a single finger.
00:32:56What you should do is report him to the police.
00:33:01Are you crazy?
00:33:03And kill the golden egg hen?
00:33:06Cheer up.
00:33:08You can't deny that it takes a lot,
00:33:10but a lot of luck to have money like this.
00:33:13Oh, Diana.
00:33:15You're out of your mind.
00:33:17Not at all.
00:33:19And don't look at me like that.
00:33:22If not, I'm going to forget about you.
00:33:24I'm going to share my good luck with you.
00:33:27I don't even know why I'm here.
00:33:30Because you're my only friend.
00:33:33Yes, I'm your only friend.
00:33:35But because I'm a fool.
00:33:37Because I'm the only one who can stand everything.
00:33:40And now this?
00:33:42Don't complain.
00:33:44You don't have other friends either.
00:33:46And for some reason,
00:33:48you must admit that you're just like me.
00:33:51And deep inside, you know it.
00:33:54The difference is that you're a coward.
00:33:57And I'm not.
00:33:59And the results you get are very different from mine.
00:34:29Where is she?
00:34:34She doesn't seem to be here.
00:34:36And where could she be?
00:34:38And I haven't told you anything about her?
00:34:41Nothing, but she was acting very strange.
00:35:11And she didn't greet you or anything?
00:35:14No, she didn't drink.
00:35:16She had her eyes glued to the floor.
00:35:18Look, so you can understand me,
00:35:20I'm going to do more or less like she did.
00:35:36And did she do anything else?
00:35:38Yes, like strange noises.
00:35:40Or something like that.
00:35:42But she didn't see me or look at me.
00:35:44And she doesn't want to talk to me.
00:35:47What do you think is going on, Father?
00:35:51The door to hell is open.
00:35:54Someone started playing with it
00:35:56and you can't imagine the terrible consequences that will have.
00:35:59Shh, shh, shh.
00:36:05I want to thank you for this money you sent me.
00:36:12It couldn't have been a coincidence.
00:36:15As soon as I asked you, it arrived.
00:36:20But I told you I wanted a lot of money.
00:36:24I don't care who has to die.
00:36:26I don't care if others destroy their lives by drugging themselves.
00:36:31Or if they kill each other with bullets.
00:36:34Like rabid dogs.
00:36:38All I want is a lot of money.
00:36:42Travels, jewels, cars.
00:36:47This is just the beginning.
00:36:53I want more!
00:36:56I want more!
00:37:22Good morning, Andre.
00:37:24Good morning.
00:37:26Good morning.
00:37:56Good morning.
00:38:57Good morning.
00:38:58Good morning, Father.
00:39:00I came to ask about Clara.
00:39:02I've been looking for her for several days and I can't find her.
00:39:04And I'm worried.
00:39:06I'm worried too.
00:39:08Clara has stopped being the effective employee she was.
00:39:10She's even changed her character.
00:39:13And you don't know what she's up to?
00:39:15I imagine she's involved in some kind of drugs.
00:39:18No, I don't think so.
00:39:21I'm sure it's something else.
00:39:23I came to ask you because I thought you had problems here at work.
00:39:28She doesn't, but she'll start having them.
00:39:31She hasn't come to work for three days.
00:39:33And she hasn't even bothered to call and report.
00:39:38And I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to fire her.
00:39:41Why don't you wait for me to talk to her?
00:39:43I'm sure the reason she forces you to behave that way is stronger than your will.
00:39:49I'll wait for the rest of the week.
00:39:50And I'll realize that I give her her holidays in advance.
00:39:53But if after that time I don't know anything about her,
00:39:56I'm sorry, but business is business.
00:40:00Thank you. I'll see what I can do.
00:40:02Yes, Father.
00:40:10So no one knows you're here in Puerto Morelos?
00:40:15And your family?
00:40:18My family.
00:40:20What? What's going on with your family?
00:40:24My mom is an alcoholic.
00:40:27And she doesn't even know what her name is.
00:40:30And where is she?
00:40:33She's in a detoxification center.
00:40:36But she runs away from them every now and then.
00:40:39What? She goes out on the street?
00:40:42Yes. The first few times they talked to me,
00:40:45I went crazy, hysterical, and I went looking for her everywhere.
00:40:52Yes, but with the passage of time, months, years,
00:40:56I got used to it.
00:40:58Sometimes I think that one day they're going to talk to me
00:41:01and they're going to tell me that he ran over a truck
00:41:05or that he jumped out of the window. I don't know.
00:41:08And you're not going to visit her?
00:41:11No, not anymore.
00:41:13She doesn't even recognize me anymore.
00:41:16Her brain is rotten.
00:41:17Her brain is rotten.
00:41:19Even her underpants are made.
00:41:21That's not life.
00:41:25Well, that's what I think.
00:41:27That's why for me,
00:41:30it's as if she were already dead.
00:41:32Hey, but where she is, they charge money, right?
00:41:35Yes, but I deposit every year the total of the monthly payments of her stay.
00:41:40And I don't understand her.
00:41:42Well, that sucks.
00:41:44It happens even in the best families.
00:41:48And your dad?
00:41:51I haven't seen him in 15 years.
00:41:55He's in jail.
00:41:57And do you have brothers?
00:42:01I had a brother.
00:42:03My only brother.
00:42:06But he died in a shooting.
00:42:09He did the same as me.
00:42:10Nothing more than he didn't have the same luck.
00:42:13So you're practically alone in the world.
00:42:17That's right.
00:42:21That's why I want to settle down
00:42:24and live on my own business.
00:42:27I would like to get married and start my own family.
00:42:31Have children.
00:42:33That sounds good.
00:42:35I think it's possible
00:42:37that now that everything goes well,
00:42:38I can educate my children.
00:42:41A career.
00:42:43That they don't do drugs.
00:42:46That they don't kill anyone.
00:42:49That they live like normal people.
00:42:51Well, what's wrong with that?
00:42:54You earn a lot of money, right?
00:42:56That's the important thing.
00:42:58Finally, all the people go out every fucking day to work.
00:43:02Year after year, until they get old.
00:43:05And all for what?
00:43:06To make money, right?
00:43:08Yes, yes.
00:43:10But it's not the same.
00:43:12There are times when
00:43:14when you're alone at night,
00:43:17you hear all those people
00:43:22moaning in pain.
00:43:24You can never sleep.
00:43:26But they're omniscient.
00:43:28No, no.
00:43:30Because after a while, this starts to kill you.
00:43:33It gets into your body.
00:43:34Like a cancer.
00:43:36And it's destroying you.
00:43:38I want to change with you.
00:43:40With you by my side.
00:43:44Wouldn't you like that?
00:43:46Of course I would.
00:43:48Of course I would, my love.
00:44:04I love you.
00:44:34I love you.
00:44:40You won't be able to be with us because God is on my side.
00:44:45I've weakened in my faith and that's why you've been able to deceive me.
00:44:49But you can't be here because this is God's house.
00:44:53You want to make me fear to destroy my trust in God, but that's not going to happen.
00:44:56That's not going to happen.
00:45:03The Lord is my shepherd, I don't lack anything.
00:45:06Even if I live in the valley of the shadow of death, I won't fear anyone
00:45:10because He is with me.
00:45:12Your voice and your silence give me strength.
00:45:15You will send your angels near me to guard my path.
00:45:20So I have to kill him.
00:45:23Are you crazy?
00:45:24There's no perfect crime.
00:45:27You're going to go to jail.
00:45:30Stop talking nonsense and look at things from my perspective.
00:45:34That money has to be mine completely.
00:45:37But it already is.
00:45:39Didn't you say he gave it to you so you could start a business?
00:45:43Yes, silly, but he wants to go after everything.
00:45:46I'll just be a name-bearing.
00:45:48At any moment he takes me out of the way.
00:45:51Don't you realize?
00:45:52Don't you realize?
00:46:00But the police will think of you as a suspect.
00:46:07But I'll get away.
00:46:09Do you know why?
00:46:11Because Memo is a drug dealer.
00:46:14And drug dealers have many enemies.
00:46:18And when the police start investigating,
00:46:21they will realize that there are dozens of guys looking for him to kill him.
00:46:25Why don't they wait for one of his hundreds of enemies to find him and kill him?
00:46:30You really don't use your brain.
00:46:34Are you sick or what?
00:46:36I say it for your own good.
00:46:38Think about this.
00:46:40If one of his enemies finds him,
00:46:43the safest thing is that he finds him being with me.
00:46:45And that puts me in a very vulnerable and dangerous situation.
00:46:50But they can also kill you.
00:46:54Until you think with your head.
00:46:56And you think I'm going to wait for that to happen?
00:46:59Well, no.
00:47:01The way I see things, you're in a predicament.
00:47:04Because the only way to save you is by reporting it to the police.
00:47:09But you're not going to do it, right?
00:47:11Because you want to keep that money.
00:47:15Now you understand.
00:47:17You're just wrong about something.
00:47:20The only way to save me is by killing him.
00:47:24Because reporting it to the police has many disadvantages.
00:47:28Instead, killing him?
00:47:32I don't know.
00:47:34He's too risky.
00:47:36Of course.
00:47:38But the one who doesn't take risks doesn't win.
00:47:42No one knew he had that money.
00:47:45Only I know.
00:47:47And well, now you.
00:47:49But outside of that, everyone in town thought he was just a tourist.
00:47:53You'd do anything to have money.
00:47:56Yes, Clara.
00:48:00If I already sold my soul to the devil, what's the point of killing Memo?
00:48:03I think...
00:48:05Don't think about anything.
00:48:07I asked the devil for that money and he sent it to me.
00:48:09He sent it.
00:48:11And now I have to reward him by killing Memo.
00:48:16He'll be very happy having a soul to take to hell.
00:48:20Aren't you afraid?
00:48:22The only thing I'm afraid of is being poor.
00:48:24You're crazy.
00:48:26You're crazy because you don't want to see things the way they are.
00:48:29Since I was a child, I was taught that killing is bad.
00:48:32That's not bad.
00:48:34We've been cheated all our lives.
00:48:36And people with money...
00:48:37Do you know why they're rich?
00:48:39Because they make a pact with the devil.
00:48:43There's no other way to be a millionaire.
00:48:46But you have to be brave.
00:48:49I don't think like you.
00:48:51I know that.
00:48:53That's why I'm explaining my point of view to you.
00:48:56You have to settle for the life you got.
00:49:00You're wrong again.
00:49:02In conformism are the roots of all evil.
00:49:05Of mediocrity.
00:49:08I feel tired.
00:49:11The rich get to know each other.
00:49:14They're like an exclusive club.
00:49:17They've been lying to the poor.
00:49:20So that we're always afraid to prosper.
00:49:23And we settle for the crumbs they leave us.
00:49:28I think I have a fever.
00:49:31It's not good for them that we want to enjoy the good things in life.
00:49:35To be a millionaire like them, we have to break the rules.
00:49:39So I'm going to kill Memo.
00:49:42And you're going to help me.
00:49:44I won't.
00:49:46Of course you will.
00:49:48And do you know why?
00:49:50Because I already told you my plans.
00:49:52So I have to make you my accomplice to ensure your silence.
00:49:57How are you going to do it?
00:49:59I'll tell you.
00:50:05I'll tell you.
00:50:20Have you heard from Clara?
00:50:22No, Father. I don't think she's even come home to sleep.
00:50:25She doesn't know anything about her work either.
00:50:35I don't know.
00:50:42The gate is still open.
00:50:46And it looks like the front door too.
00:50:50Maybe she's inside.
00:50:54Although the owner of the hotel told me that he had been calling her the last few days.
00:50:58And since he didn't answer, he sent one of his employees to look for her.
00:51:01But he didn't find her either.
00:51:05Clara! Clara!
00:51:07It's okay, André.
00:51:09We'd better go in and investigate.
00:51:11Yes, because Clara was sick.
00:51:13Maybe she's on the floor and...
00:51:16And she needs our help.
00:51:18Shut up, André. Shut up.
00:51:23Here I perceive the presence of an evil.
00:51:26But it's not a physical evil.
00:51:55It happened a lot.
00:51:58Do you think I'm still there?
00:52:00Is that why you smell so bad, Father?
00:52:05I don't know.
00:52:39Leave her alone.
00:52:41God will not allow you to take his daughter.
00:52:44Go back to the hotel, which is where you belong.
00:53:06Father, what's that in the mirror?
00:53:08Was it the devil?
00:53:10It's a trap that puts us to terrorize us and force us.
00:53:13So that our faith is shaken and we doubt the power of God our Lord.
00:53:19But don't be fooled.
00:53:22What we saw is a vision.
00:53:24The real Clara is in danger and we have to find her to help her.
00:53:28Hey, Dad, I always see Clara with her friend Diana.
00:53:33Do you mean Diana Montero?
00:53:37Do you know where she lives?
00:53:39No, Father.
00:53:40Well, listen to me.
00:53:42You're going to walk all the streets of the port.
00:53:45You're going to ask in the stores, pharmacies, hotels.
00:53:48Someone must know where she lives.
00:53:51Father, I'm scared.
00:53:53If God is with you, no one can stop you.
00:54:24Look, Clara, look.
00:54:26I'm going to keep it here.
00:54:49How handsome.
00:54:51Oh, my love.
00:54:54We have guests.
00:54:57This is Clara, my only and best friend.
00:55:00You know her, don't you?
00:55:04I barely recognize you.
00:55:07I'm sorry to tell you, but you look terrible.
00:55:10Yes, I've had a flu and a little fever.
00:55:15Hey, isn't it something infectious?
00:55:20Or something like that?
00:55:22My love, don't be rude.
00:55:24Clara is getting better.
00:55:26Besides, I don't see her that bad.
00:55:28Yes, I feel better.
00:55:31I asked Clara to come because she will agree that I will need help for the business.
00:55:37And who better than my only friend and the only one I trust.
00:55:42Well, yes.
00:55:44Don't worry, my love.
00:55:46She is very discreet.
00:55:48She only does what I say.
00:55:50Right, Clara?
00:56:05Clara will leave in a few minutes.
00:56:07I only asked her to come so that you know that your money is in good hands.
00:56:12That I, supported by Clara, will do the best business for you.
00:56:21Do you want something to drink?
00:56:24Yes, yes, my love.
00:56:26You know how I like it.
00:56:29I know exactly what you like.
00:56:32You know how I like it.
00:56:34I know exactly what you like.
00:56:45Help me.
00:56:47Bring the ice.
00:57:01You really don't look well, Clara.
00:57:04It's not a bad thing, but...
00:57:06It's not like you have the flu or...
00:57:09Or something contagious.
00:57:11And then, yes, you make us all suffer.
00:57:14Don't be paranoid, my love.
00:57:15It's obvious that you have delusions of persecution.
00:57:19Well, yes.
00:57:30Do it.
00:57:32I can't.
00:57:34What the hell are you two up to?
00:57:38Nothing, my love.
00:57:40Here is this idiot who is useless.
00:59:18Are you okay?
00:59:24Who are you?
00:59:45Who are you?
01:00:36My Lord.
01:00:38A tragedy has occurred, I present it.
01:00:42Give me strength, Lord.
01:00:44Let me save this girl's soul.
01:00:47And let your will be done and not mine.
01:00:57We will never be able to carry him to take him to the sea.
01:01:09You should have thought about that before.
01:01:14Shut up and let me think.
01:01:19We have crossed the threshold.
01:01:22We are condemned.
01:01:24Shut up!
01:01:28You know something is happening to us.
01:01:31But you try to pretend to be blind.
01:01:34But look at me!
01:01:39Last night something entered your body.
01:01:42Something very similar to what I have inside.
01:01:46I could see it.
01:01:48And I can feel it.
01:01:53He is hidden in there.
01:01:57I feel it when he speaks to me.
01:02:01When he moves inside.
01:02:04When he wants to think and feel for me.
01:02:12Sometimes he is stronger than me.
01:02:17He forces me to retreat to the bottom of myself.
01:02:22I stop being me.
01:02:24Do you understand that?
01:02:26That is called madness.
01:02:28And don't worry.
01:02:30You wouldn't be the only crazy person on this planet.
01:02:33The world is upside down.
01:02:35Don't you realize that?
01:02:37Yes, it is upside down.
01:02:39And do you know why?
01:02:41Because a person like you
01:02:43is full of ambitions,
01:02:45greed and envy.
01:02:47Do you think I have time to listen to your nonsense?
01:02:50When the most important thing is to get rid of this corpse.
01:02:53We should call the police.
01:02:56Or maybe it would be better to sit here and watch this idiot rot.
01:03:00And then we will tell the worms to eat him while the days go by.
01:03:05You would love that.
01:03:07Of course not, you fool!
01:03:08In a few days the whole house would stink
01:03:10and the neighbors would find out that we did something.
01:03:13Oh, please, Clara, react!
01:03:16We need to get rid of that corpse.
01:03:26We won't be able to.
01:03:29What is going to happen now?
01:03:31What is going to happen to us?
01:03:32What is going to happen?
01:03:38I have thought about it.
01:03:40And the only thing we can do
01:03:42is cut him into pieces.
01:03:44No, please.
01:03:46Yes, please.
01:03:57I won't be able to stand it.
01:03:58I'm going to make it harder.
01:04:00You are going to make it easier.
01:04:03You are going to go to the hardware store,
01:04:05the big one on the side of the road.
01:04:07You are going to buy two locks.
01:04:09You are going to tell them that you want them strong
01:04:11because you are going to cut them into pieces a tree that fell because of the rain.
01:04:16Then you are going to go to the store
01:04:18and you are going to buy garbage bags.
01:04:20The black ones.
01:04:22You are going to buy the biggest ones you can find.
01:04:27We are going to put the pieces of the corpse in the bags
01:04:30and then we are going to go to Punta Brava.
01:04:32There is a boat tied up there.
01:04:35Nobody uses it.
01:04:37We are going to borrow it and we are going to go to the sea.
01:04:40We are going to throw a piece every day
01:04:42so that the sharks eat it.
01:04:45I don't want to.
01:04:47And when we least expect it,
01:04:49we will have finished with that inconvenience.
01:04:51It will have disappeared forever from the face of the earth.
01:04:53Do you understand?
01:04:56Do you understand?
01:05:00Then go and buy that.
01:05:02And don't be late
01:05:04because you already know that he,
01:05:06the one you say lives inside you,
01:05:08is going to get furious
01:05:10and he is going to torment you as you have never imagined
01:05:13because you are mine
01:05:15and you have to be my will.
01:05:18You are my slave.
01:05:20Do you understand?
01:05:21Do you understand?
01:05:25And I will also get furious
01:05:27and you already know what I am capable of, right?
01:05:32Then go and do that and don't be late.
01:05:44As soon as Clara stops being useful to me,
01:05:46I will give her to you.
01:05:48She will be your next offering.
01:05:51Do you understand?
01:06:42I have been looking for you.
01:06:44I sent my monk to look for you
01:06:46in all the streets of the town
01:06:48but I must have guessed
01:06:49that it would be God who would lead me to you.
01:06:53I had decided to leave you alone
01:06:55as you asked me
01:06:57but God wants me to save you.
01:07:00Maybe that's why I remembered two things.
01:07:05And I think I need your help, Father,
01:07:08because what I have is more than a disease.
01:07:11Do you think it's something supernatural?
01:07:13Yes, Father.
01:07:15It's like...
01:07:16It's like an abyss pulling me out of nowhere.
01:07:20It's like...
01:07:22like having a lot of chills,
01:07:25being in a state of sleep,
01:07:30like between sleep and awakening.
01:07:32And what else?
01:07:34Then I hear that something,
01:07:36that someone,
01:07:38or rather many voices,
01:07:40tell me something in my ear
01:07:42and I turn around
01:07:44and there is nothing or no one.
01:07:46And the voice
01:07:48had no body or form.
01:07:50It tells me curses,
01:07:54laughs at me.
01:07:56What you describe to me
01:07:58can be something very serious.
01:08:00Yes, Father.
01:08:02I feel it's something very bad.
01:08:04I don't even know why this is happening to me.
01:08:06Don't worry, daughter.
01:08:08You are not alone.
01:08:10You have God and you have me.
01:08:12We will overcome this battle together.
01:08:14Leave my father alone!
01:08:16You damn pervert!
01:08:18Don't worry, Clara.
01:08:20You are not the one who speaks.
01:08:22Don't entrust that evil power to him
01:08:24that wants to take over you.
01:08:26Get away from me, you crazy bastard!
01:08:35That day I promised to help you.
01:08:38I swore I wouldn't leave you
01:08:40and I'm not going to break my promise.
01:08:43Especially now that I have clear revelations
01:08:45of what is happening.
01:08:47Someone uncovered the cloaca
01:08:49that leads to hell
01:08:51and let out all the aberrations
01:08:53that exist in the underworld.
01:08:57Why is God like this to me, Father?
01:09:02I ask him to send me a lot of money.
01:09:05I explain to him
01:09:07that I don't like to be poor
01:09:09and I show him how he favors other people,
01:09:12like those TV stars
01:09:14that everything gives them
01:09:22and a lot of money.
01:09:24And to me, Father,
01:09:26I am abandoned.
01:09:28You are very wrong to think like that, Diana.
01:09:30The circumstances of the underworld
01:09:32are handled by men,
01:09:34not God.
01:09:36Men in their free will
01:09:38have created all these differences.
01:09:41The social differences
01:09:43are of ourselves
01:09:45because the human being is imperfect.
01:09:47No, Father.
01:09:49I don't believe anything anymore.
01:09:51As a child, I believed him.
01:09:53But now he doesn't deceive me anymore.
01:09:55God is making fun of me.
01:09:58You are falling into blasphemy.
01:10:00The more I ask him to send me a lot of money,
01:10:02do you know what happens, Father?
01:10:04I feel worse.
01:10:06I have more debts.
01:10:08I was fired
01:10:09from my job.
01:10:11And I am starving.
01:10:13Does that seem fair to you?
01:10:15Don't you think you are only focusing
01:10:17on the bad things in your life?
01:10:19Sometimes negative attitudes
01:10:21anchor us to negative states.
01:10:23Just answer me one thing, Father.
01:10:25It is assumed that God loves us, right?
01:10:28That I am his daughter.
01:10:30Then why if I ask him for something,
01:10:32he doesn't give it to me?
01:10:34Why if I want to have a lot of money,
01:10:36he ignores me?
01:10:37No, daughter.
01:10:39God's signs are mysterious.
01:10:41Don't try to decipher them.
01:10:43Your duty is to catch them.
01:10:45No, Father. But why?
01:10:47Maybe in your situation,
01:10:49it would be better not to have money.
01:10:51Maybe it is because of your character,
01:10:53your way of thinking.
01:10:55If you had money,
01:10:57it would be the worst thing that could happen to you
01:10:59and the people around you.
01:11:01You say that so that I resign myself.
01:11:03But you know what, Father?
01:11:04Maybe there is some way
01:11:06that I can have all the money I want.
01:11:09And you must know how.
01:11:11If you force situations
01:11:13to go against God's will,
01:11:15the only thing you will find
01:11:17will be misfortunes and tragedies.
01:11:19Everything will go wrong and get worse.
01:11:21Your life will be out of control.
01:11:23You want me to be afraid
01:11:25so that I can be satisfied
01:11:27with those damn crumbs
01:11:29that touched me in life.
01:11:31Look, I'm telling you this
01:11:32because if you accept that the world
01:11:34does not have to be
01:11:36as you think it should be,
01:11:38you will not be calm.
01:11:40Money and power do not give happiness.
01:11:42Happiness is within each of us.
01:11:46it is clear that you do not represent
01:11:48any help to me.
01:11:50I will find a way
01:11:52to have all the money I want.
01:11:54Soon you will find out
01:11:56that I am rich.
01:11:58Very rich, Father.
01:12:00And you will remember this moment.
01:12:02You and your church.
01:12:04Shut up, daughter, shut up!
01:12:06And from this very moment,
01:12:08I deny God, you and your church.
01:12:10When you realize
01:12:12that you are wrong,
01:12:14return to the bosom of the Lord.
01:12:16The doors of the church
01:12:18are always open to you, Diana.
01:12:25When I found out
01:12:27that you were Diana's friend,
01:12:29I drew my conclusions.
01:12:30Something bad, right?
01:12:33I think it's too late, Father.
01:12:35No, Clara.
01:12:37For God's sake, it's never too late.
01:12:39Stay away from me.
01:12:41It's the last time I tell you.
01:12:44You won't stop me!
01:13:16This is the door to hell.
01:13:20I've done horrible things, Father.
01:13:23It wasn't you, Clara.
01:13:25It was his evil being
01:13:27that has nested inside you.
01:13:28But it will have to go back to where it came from.
01:13:31The root of evil is in there.
01:13:34By ending it,
01:13:36your martyrdom will end too.
01:13:38Help me, please!
01:13:40I will, daughter.
01:13:42I will.
01:14:05I knew you'd come.
01:14:09Although I don't see you dressed in a robe.
01:14:12How then do you plan to fight us?
01:14:15God doesn't fight.
01:14:17God prevails.
01:14:28We are very happy to be here.
01:14:32Thank you, Father.
01:14:39We are going to take you to hell!
01:14:59If you are the Son of God,
01:15:02kill me and my things will become money.
01:15:05Not only money lives man.
01:15:07I will give you all the power,
01:15:10the destroyer of my kingdoms,
01:15:14the liberation of your legacy.
01:15:18You belong to me.
01:15:22If your things belong to me,
01:15:25if your things belong to me,
01:15:30they will be yours.
01:15:32It is written that you worship the Lord,
01:15:34your God,
01:15:36and only He will give you worship.
01:15:47What do you want from us?
01:15:50Do you want to kill us?
01:15:51Get out of here and leave her alone!
01:15:54What do you want from us?
01:15:57He is the one who is going to kill you!
01:16:00No, he doesn't exist.
01:16:02He is dead.
01:16:04What moves him is an illusion,
01:16:07a deceit of Satan.
01:16:09But I won't be deceived by Satan,
01:16:12by a dirty demon.
01:16:14Return to the Averno!
01:16:16Return to the Averno because this is the kingdom of God.
01:16:20This woman is a creation of God.
01:16:23She doesn't belong to you.
01:16:25She doesn't belong to me.
01:16:29I'm going to kill her.
01:16:31I'm going to kill her.
01:16:34You are wrong.
01:16:36Because God gave us human beings
01:16:38as a resource of repentance and redemption.
01:16:41She can ask,
01:16:43she can ask for her forgiveness.
01:16:45Return to the Averno!
01:16:46Return to the Averno!
01:16:48Return to the Averno!
01:16:50Save her!
01:17:05Nothing will help us.
01:17:07My soul is already lost to the devil.
01:17:10You are wrong.
01:17:12God is with us.
01:17:22Our mother who art in heaven,
01:17:24hallowed be thy name,
01:17:26thy kingdom come,
01:17:28thy will be done,
01:17:30on earth as it is in heaven.
01:17:32Give us this day our daily bread.
01:17:46Forgive us our trespasses,
01:17:48as we forgive those who trespass against us.
01:17:50Give us this day our daily bread.
01:18:16Forgive us our trespasses,
01:18:18as we forgive those who trespass against us.
01:18:20Give us this day our daily bread.
01:18:30You have been freed from the evil force that enslaved you.
01:18:35Yes, Father.
01:18:37I'm sorry.
01:18:39I feel free.
01:18:43Diana and you will have to explain many things to the police.
01:18:46God's justice has set you free and forgiven you.
01:18:49But you still have to face the justice of men.
01:19:16To be continued...
01:19:46To be continued...
01:20:16To be continued...
01:20:46To be continued...
01:21:16To be continued...
01:21:20To be continued...
01:21:24To be continued...
01:21:28To be continued...
01:21:46To be continued...
01:22:16To be continued...
