She Is ONLY Attracted To Money

  • 12 hours ago


00:00Feel like unless it's financial men though. It's hard for me to get turned on by a man like to me
00:04It's like yeah, no, I'm good. You know what I mean?
00:06like unless I think like even watching a man spend his money like
00:10Recently I was at the strip club and watching a man spend his money even on other women turns me on you know what?
00:15I mean, it's just like no. I don't know what you mean. This is the craziest shit
00:18I've ever heard like obviously I understand that people would want someone else paying for their things
00:22But just say that's the only thing that makes you attracted to somebody is pretty frightening
00:25I guess this is just a new kind of gold digger having no shame at all
00:29I mean, she's just coming right out and saying it like listen guys
00:31I'm not attracted to you at all the only thing that tracks me is money if you want to be with me you got to
00:36Be spending money
00:37And I almost respect that a little bit because usually gold diggers do not want to admit it because like they're embarrassed or something
00:43But now I guess they're just coming right out and saying it I can respect the honesty a little bit
00:46But obviously this girl's got a problem
00:49I mean, it's not healthy to just be attracted to people just for money like that's a terrible thing
00:53I guess this is what sim culture has done to the world. It's completely out of control
00:57I mean, she's just saying this straight up listen
00:59I'm only with you for money
01:00And she's saying this on a podcast that millions of people listen to and guys are still gonna be really into her like I bet
01:06After the podcast she got a bunch of DMS of guys like yo, let me buy you this
01:09Let me buy you that and like guys that should not be spending money on girls guys who probably barely even have money like what?
01:15the hell society come to when you can feel comfortable going on to a
01:18Massive podcast and telling the whole world that all you care about is guys having money and you admitting that doesn't even hurt your chances
01:24Of finding guys with money like you would think everyone would be like, oh, she's clearly with me just cuz I have money
01:29Like she doesn't actually like anything about me
01:31But you'd be wrong because now there's probably more guys than ever asking her out because they're probably just like oh
01:35Well, if I just spend money on her, she'll like me even though she doesn't like you and she just likes how you spend your
01:40Money, it's crazy and I can guarantee stuff like this will never end
01:44I'm sure it'll get even worse like there will always be guys that have no problem throwing all their money at girls and most
01:50The time these guys aren't even getting anything in return
01:52Recently I was at the strip club and watching a man spend his money even on other women turns me on you know what?
01:57I mean, it's just like it makes me feel like wow, like you're a boss
02:00I think yeah
02:00It's really boss when guys just throw all their money at some girl that doesn't even like him at all and obviously in her eyes
02:06It's boss because she's the one getting all the money
02:08But the person spending the money is just a fucking idiot a strip club and watching a man spend his money even on other women
02:13Turns me on you know what? I mean? It's just like it makes me feel like wow like you're a boss
02:18I think you need therapy and that's probably the best line
02:20I've ever heard from this guy like if she's gonna be brutally honest
02:23So is he and he's definitely not wrong like it sounds like he's just trying to help her here really I mean
02:28She should go to therapy, but you know who needs therapy even more than her the fucking simps
02:32I mean they created this monster, and they're gonna keep creating. I'm like this is a never-ending thing here
02:37It's only gonna get worse and worse
02:44For getting what I want just for living okay great response there, I'm sure that's gonna stump Adam
02:49Oh, you're just getting what you want just for living
02:52I don't even know what to say to that
02:53Because I don't even know what the fuck that means if you're a woman who could get turned on by a guy for other reasons
02:59And then you also get turned on by a guy spending money on you
03:02I guess I could understand, but when you say you only get turned on by guys throwing money at you. I mean
03:07That's like the first thing and then you know then I'm curious now like oh, okay. You're hot big dick energy
03:14You know what I mean uh-huh all right
03:15So I think she's trying to backtrack a little bit here because she probably realized that she looked like a maniac
03:19Saying that the only thing that turns her on from guys is them spending money on her
03:23But it's so annoying that she says guys that spend a lot of money on chicks like that's big dick energy and their boss and shit
03:29Like that like obviously she wants to say that so that guys keep spending money on her
03:33But like that is the opposite of being a boss or having big dick energy like that is just fucking pathetic
03:38Because if a girl's with a guy just for money that is never a good look for the guy
03:42What kind of financial circumstances did you grow up under like were you poor growing up?
03:47Hell yeah, I was I had my mother was 18 my father was 21 my dad had a couple crack houses
03:52So he had money in cars and stuff, but it was like hood shit. You know what I mean. No again
03:55I don't know what you mean. Did you grow up poor?
03:57Did you grow up having money like originally you're like yeah?
03:59I grew up really poor, but then you said your dad at houses and cars like that sounds like money to me
04:06So yeah, I have no bread uh-huh that's good about the mud
04:09I guess that does probably partially explain it maybe I mean
04:14There's like your male role model having crack houses. I
04:19Guess that's probably
04:21It's gotta explain some of my dad did financially take care of me my whole life in my whole life until I was 21
04:26So I finished college. What the hell is she talking about she's contradicting herself every five seconds like she literally
04:31Just said she didn't have much money
04:33And she grew up poor and like she had to do everything on her own it sound like and then she says her dad
04:37Supported her all the way through college like it's got to be one or the other men are in my DM
04:41Sending me money who I don't even know right who probably will never meet me who don't know where I live don't know anything
04:47About me, but this what they see on the internet, and they're sending me money. Oh god. I'm disgusted by this
04:53I'm ashamed to be a male right now
04:55How desperate do you have to be to send some random girl money that you don't even know?
04:59For nothing in return and like she's never gonna recognize you for it unless this is the recognition
05:04You're looking for her bring it up on a podcast so people could react to how insane it is and I guarantee a good
05:09Percentage of these guys that are sending your money like don't even have any money and are living like paycheck-to-paycheck
05:14But they have no problem throwing their money out the window on this fucking girl
05:17I don't know
05:18I mean
05:18Maybe I just don't get it like maybe it's some kind of simp fetish like where the guys want to feel like a simp like
05:23Maybe them just giving this girl money makes them get off on it somehow. I don't know I
05:28Guess it shouldn't surprise me so much that guys just want to give money to girls for nothing, but I can't yeah
05:35I can't escape it. It's just baffling to me. I don't think it's for nothing
05:38I think it's for just them existing
05:40And I feel like is she being serious here like it's so hard to tell like she's just saying oh, no
05:45They're not giving money for nothing
05:46They're giving them money just for existing which is nothing like if I'm just walking down the street and some guy hands me 500 bucks
05:52He gave me that money for nothing
05:54I mean you'd say he gave it to me for existing, but existing is like the bare minimum
05:57You can do in life
05:58I mean
05:59I feel like don't a lot of pot what's patreon don't people like men or whoever watch you give money to people just to listen
06:06To you slash no jumper. Yes, but I mean there's a lot of content on the patreon
06:11That's like exclusive that they don't have access to we can do naked girl stuff on there
06:16We can do you know all kinds of drug type
06:21And so they find value even you know what I mean, but a person like me would be like
06:25Why would I pay for this you know what I mean like you said?
06:28I'm so sick of her saying you know what I mean because no one can understand what you mean and listen
06:33I didn't want to hate on this girl like I could totally respect the hustle
06:36But when you're saying such stupid shit like I gotta call it out like she's trying to say that she
06:41Understands why guys send girls money like for no reason at all and to get nothing in return
06:45But she doesn't understand why someone would pay to listen to somebody like everyone pays for music a lot of people pay for
06:51Podcasts on patreon and you're paying for a product and something that you'll get in return
06:55You're not just like paying someone to literally exist like she said before
06:59Listen to this on YouTube for free or whatever so that's the part that I don't get cuz even on fresh and fit
07:04Podcasts I didn't want to like put them on blast
07:06But I was like aren't you guys you men paying to watch men like I don't get it like why wouldn't you pay a woman?
07:11Like if you liked her if you were had interest in her like what's the difference?
07:14I seriously can't believe what I'm listening to you're gonna put a podcast on blast because guys are supporting their content and paying for it
07:21Like put every podcast on blast then like what the fuck are you talking about?
07:24She's got to be acting stupid like how can you sound this dumb like I don't get when guys pay for a product
07:30But I get when they pay some girl for no reason for nothing in return
07:34So some people see a beautiful woman and they're like, maybe I want to buy her a car
07:38Because that's gonna help her get from point A to point B
07:40Maybe I want to put her in a house because that's gonna she's gonna be sheltered and it's gonna be because of me
07:44Yeah, she's got to be faking this like I'm pretty sure she just laughed at herself at how ridiculous she sounded listen the other day
07:50Oh, yeah with the taxi situation. I was about to say that story came off the flight to Miami
07:54My phone was dead. So I had no choice but to talk to this person. I was annoyed at first
07:58Wow, she sounds like such a lovely person like your phone's dead
08:01So you're all annoyed because you actually have to talk to somebody
08:04He's talking to me telling me about the cars that he has and I'm like, can you buy me a car?
08:08And at first he's laughing like haha, whatever whatever and I'm like, I'm really serious
08:12I really need a car like my car is messed up that a lot, you know bullshitting whatever and then she asked the person for a
08:17Car like she's all pissed off because she has to talk to somebody and then she asked the person for a goddamn car
08:22What the hell kind of fantasy world does she live in where she legit just asked some random guy for a car?
08:27Well, actually, I don't know why I said fantasy world because like this is the actual world
08:31Like this is actually what's going on out there
08:33like she's lived her life with such privilege and like just used to getting things from people that she thinks it's appropriate just to ask
08:38Some random dude for a car and she'll probably get it too. That's the scary part
08:42Gave him my phone number
08:44He's literally been calling me the last five six days trying to get me to meet him at the dealership
08:49But I've been so busy running around with everything that I haven't had the chance to every single day
08:53Are you gonna meet me today at the dealership? Are you gonna meet me today at the dealership?
08:55I keep thinking it won't get any crazier and then she just said something else that blows my mind like listen to what's going on
09:01Here. She asked some random guy for a car and now he's trying to give it to her, but she's too busy
09:05She's too busy to get a free car and like what the hell is she busy with? There's no way she works
09:09Well, actually, she's probably busy getting other free shit that he wants to get me a car
09:14Don't know this person literally had a one-hour
09:16Taxi ride that I didn't have to pay for if you're driving a taxi
09:20You're not making enough money to buy a random woman a car. I
09:23Random woman a car. I mean, I don't know some people you don't know. See this is what I'm talking about
09:29These are people that don't make too much money like they should not be out there throwing their money around but yet
09:34They're still out there buying some girl that they met like an hour ago a car
09:37I mean you kind of do that like driving a cab is not the best job
09:41I've watched YouTube videos about people who drive uber and shit. They make like, you know, five hundred bucks a week, whatever
09:48According to him he has an ex whatever the fuck BMW he has a Porsche
09:51He you know what I mean, he put his daughter through school cash, you know what I mean?
09:55So whatever money he has saved up maybe I don't know what's his financial situation, but I know he wants to get me a car
10:00I love how she doesn't think anything of it. That's some taxi driver
10:03Who's probably not making too much money is telling her that he has a bunch of expensive cars and he's willing to buy her a car
10:08It sounds to me like he's just trying to impress her and hopefully hook up with her and I like how she never really acknowledges
10:13The end goal here that guys are obviously just trying to get with her like I guarantee there's not a single guy
10:18That's giving her money that doesn't want to hook up with her and when I go home
10:21I know I'm gonna go get my car
10:23Does it stand out to you that there's maybe like a possibility that he might like eventually stock you or like do some creepy shit?
10:31Yeah, exactly
10:32Like the guy buying her the car obviously wants to be with her like he wants her so badly that he'll buy her a car
10:37Or he'll like make up that'll buy her a car just so he can see her again
10:40Which is pretty creepy and she even said that he just keeps texting her all day now
10:44Like this guy's already given off stalker vibes
10:46And then imagine if he actually buys her the car like she'll probably just leave him right afterwards
10:50So then he'll probably like flip out and want to find her and just stalk her like it's a bad situation to get yourself into
10:56Well for me, I just feel like if you stand strong in your stance
11:00I don't give a fuck what anybody feels or thinks or wants to do. You know what I mean?
11:03I mean, no one forced you to do these things for me. So it's like once you give it to me, it's mine
11:08All right. I'm not gonna argue with it there
11:10Like if a guy does buy her something it is hers
11:12But then she's just tied to that whole situation and that person like there's gonna be more to it than just him buying you something
11:18That's never gonna be it. I do agree that
11:21These men if they want to spend money on
11:24These relationships or whatever then that's that's cool. That's like their prerogative, etc
11:29I do think we need to address like the simp culture where so many guys think that this is like a good use of their
11:34Time or money. I think it just says like really horrible things about men in general that so many men are this stupid
11:39Yeah, I mean this is not a good look for guys like obviously people can do whatever the hell they want
11:43But this is not a good road to go down. Like it's already gone too far
11:47There's already enough people doing this kind of thing
11:49like if you find yourself spending like a quarter or more of your paycheck on some girl that you've never met before and you've never
11:55Will meet and you've never even talked to and you've only seen on a computer screen like you're doing something wrong
12:00I mean, I feel like that's pretty obvious advice, but I guess it needs to be said
12:04All right, that's about all I have for this video. Make sure you hit that like button. Make sure you leave me a comment
12:08Let me know what you think of this mess
12:10Then hit the subscribe button because there's gonna be a lot more content like this coming out in the future
12:14All right. I'll catch you at the next video
