Ethan Klein Is NOT DONE With Trisha Paytas

  • 12 hours ago


00:00Alright guys, in this video I'm gonna be talking about all the recent H3 and Trisha Paytas drama.
00:04So since the Frenemies break up, there's obviously been a beef between Ethan and Trisha.
00:08And Trisha is pretty much doing whatever she can to get under Ethan's skin,
00:11and she is doing a very good job of it.
00:13And not only is she getting Ethan all worked up,
00:15but she also gets him to respond to all the things that she does to piss him off.
00:18Because these are the two goals here of Trisha.
00:20She's trying to make Ethan's life a living hell,
00:22and she's also trying to get him to keep talking about her.
00:24And I'd imagine that Ethan's aware of this, it's not that hard to figure out.
00:27I mean, I figured this shit out the day Frenemies started.
00:29It was so easy to predict, like, I knew it was gonna end badly,
00:32I knew she's gonna do whatever she can after it ended to try to take him down,
00:35and try to ruin his life,
00:36and try to milk the drama between the two of them for as long as possible.
00:40And Ethan had to be aware of this, like, he knows what kind of person she is,
00:43and I think he even said a few times, like,
00:44I know you're probably gonna turn on me, like, once this is all over.
00:47So I don't feel bad for Ethan at all, he just brought this all on himself.
00:50You know if you get involved with Trisha Paytas, it's not gonna end well.
00:53But Ethan still chose to have a podcast with her,
00:55so he chose all this drama and stress from her in exchange for money and views.
00:59And also, Ethan bringing her on the podcast,
01:00he's just supporting all of her toxic behavior that she's known for.
01:03Like, before she was on the podcast, everyone knew she was toxic and really unpredictable,
01:07and will just do whatever she can to make people look bad.
01:10And then when she got on the podcast, H3 and all of his fans are like,
01:12oh, she's such a good person now, I'm so happy that she changed,
01:15I have so much more respect for her.
01:17But nothing changed about her, she's still the same person.
01:20The only difference was that she had Ethan right next to her,
01:22being just as toxic as she is, and standing by her with all of her crazy behavior.
01:25And now that she's off the podcast,
01:27and all this toxicness is going towards Ethan, and she's starting all this drama with him.
01:30And now H3 and all of his fans are talking about how she's a backstab,
01:33or she doesn't care about anybody, and she's evil and everything.
01:36And like, yeah, no shit, we all know this, this is why you don't support her.
01:39Like, you brought this shit on yourself.
01:40She's been an evil and toxic person this whole time.
01:42Like, just because you were friends with her,
01:44and you agreed with some of the stuff that she said,
01:45and you had her on your podcast, doesn't mean she changed at all.
01:48And supporting her and telling her that she changed,
01:49you're only giving her more confidence.
01:51Because then she thinks she has the right idea with this stuff that she's doing,
01:54and you're encouraging her to do it even more.
01:55And she's weirdly obsessed with Ethan.
01:57Like, you could tell she's jealous of him,
01:58more like she wants to be with him or something.
02:00And I made a video about that, actually.
02:02So if you haven't seen that, make sure you go check it out.
02:04And her obsession with Ethan makes it even worse for him,
02:06because now she's gonna do whatever she can to keep getting his attention.
02:09Ethan just should have never gotten involved with her.
02:11Like, you're playing with fire here.
02:12But it's too late now, and Trisha's going full force,
02:14trying to make Ethan's life a living hell.
02:16So one of the worst things I think she's done so far,
02:18and I'm sure you're all aware of this, is going on Keemstar's podcast.
02:21Because everyone knows Ethan's biggest enemy is Keemstar.
02:24And when Trisha won on the podcast, they posted this picture together.
02:27And Ethan posted this tweet about how he's sad about it,
02:30which is such a stupid move of him.
02:31Like, the only reason Trisha won on this podcast
02:33is to get this kind of reaction out of him, and it worked.
02:36And he let her know that it worked.
02:37Like, when she saw this tweet from him, she was probably so excited.
02:40Like, I don't know why Ethan would tweet this.
02:42You're giving her exactly what she wants.
02:43You're giving her and Keemstar the W here.
02:45Like, all your fans already know that she said she hated Keemstar,
02:48and she said he should be deplatformed and everything.
02:50And then she goes on his podcast.
02:51Like, it's so obvious that she's going on there just to get under your skin.
02:54There's really no reason for Ethan to comment on this.
02:56Like, we all know what's going on here.
02:57We know they're both using each other just to get you pissed off.
03:00And then you had to put out this stupid tweet to admit that it worked.
03:02Like, if Ethan didn't acknowledge it at all, like, that would probably be a W for him.
03:06Because this is the only reason Trisha and Keemstar did this,
03:08is to try to get a reaction out of him.
03:10And if Ethan could have acted like an adult for five seconds
03:12instead of getting involved in all this petty bullshit,
03:14I guarantee it would have pissed Trisha off.
03:16Like, if she didn't get a reaction out of Ethan here,
03:18like, she probably would have been really angry.
03:19And not only did she get this tweet from Ethan,
03:21but then she got, like, a two-hour-long podcast about her.
03:24This is, like, middle school drama here.
03:26Like, Ethan made this two-hour-long podcast titled,
03:28I'm Done With Trisha.
03:29Yet the whole podcast, he just talks about Trisha.
03:31He just cannot help himself.
03:33Like, this is exactly what Trisha wants.
03:34She wants to know that she's in Ethan's head,
03:36and she wants him to keep talking about her.
03:38Like, I don't know what the hell Ethan's doing here.
03:39Like, he needs to act like an adult and stop talking about her.
03:42And it's so stupid to say Ethan won here,
03:44and he made Trisha look so bad on this podcast,
03:46and he destroyed her or whatever.
03:47Because he said all the same shit we already know.
03:49We know that she's toxic.
03:50We know she's a hypocrite.
03:51We know she's manipulative.
03:52We know she lies about everything.
03:54Like, this is stuff everyone knows already.
03:56And you're the idiot who chose to ignore all this stuff
03:58and have her on your podcast.
03:59Like, with this podcast that Ethan just put out on Trisha,
04:01do you think he changed anyone's opinion on her?
04:04Like, I guarantee everyone came into this podcast
04:06thinking she's an asshole,
04:07and then everyone left thinking she's an asshole.
04:09And all Ethan's doing here is giving her the attention that she wants.
04:11Probably just so he can get more views.
04:13Like, even the podcast he's doing today,
04:15he still has Trisha Paytas in the title.
04:16It says, like, we're not talking about Trisha or something.
04:18But you're still talking about her,
04:20saying you're not talking about her, you fucking idiot.
04:22You're giving her exactly what she wants.
04:23Like, just man up here and be done with it.
04:25Like, if he really wants to make Trisha look bad
04:27and get her all pissed off,
04:28he should stop talking about her.
04:29Because if he doesn't respond to her at all,
04:31she'll lose her fucking mind.
04:32Like, if she realizes Ethan's done with her completely
04:34and he's not going to give her attention anymore,
04:36that's going to piss her off so much.
04:37But right now, it still looks like Ethan doesn't want to be done with her.
04:40Like, he still wants to milk the drama for views.
04:42Like, this title of the podcast is,
04:44I'm done with Trisha Paytas.
04:45But you talked about her for two hours.
04:47If you're really done with her,
04:48you don't need to say that you're done with her
04:49and then talk about her.
04:50So now I'm going to check out some of the clips from this podcast,
04:52because it's just a fucking mess.
04:54This is betrayal on a whole new level.
04:57I mean, especially considering just how much smack
05:02Trisha had talked about Keemstar,
05:05like, literally two days ago.
05:08Yeah, no shit.
05:09It's almost like she's doing this just to piss you off.
05:11And it's so stupid when Ethan acts like he's above all this drama
05:13and he acts like Trisha and Keemstar are children.
05:16Because he feeds right into this shit.
05:17He acts like a child just like they do.
05:19He had the opportunity here to be the adult
05:20and not acknowledge all this petty bullshit,
05:22but he cannot help himself.
05:24This is an unforgivable traitorous act.
05:27And I'm going to explain in great detail why.
05:30And I'm going to be totally honest with you guys.
05:33Part of me wanted to take the high road on this
05:35and just ignore it.
05:37But at the same time,
05:38I'm so sick of her disrespecting me and my family
05:43and causing shit and just being so toxic,
05:47And I'm just so freaking over her
05:51that I am just...
05:52I'm over it.
05:54So Ethan admits here that he decided not to take the high road
05:56and not be the adult.
05:57And he says he decided to make this podcast
05:59because he's sick of her talking about his family
06:01and causing a bunch of drama.
06:02But if you're so sick of this,
06:03why are you adding more to it?
06:04And why are you doing it in the public eye?
06:06Like, why don't you just try to keep all this
06:07behind the scenes for now on?
06:09You shouldn't want to have the internet involved
06:10in all your family drama.
06:11And obviously Trisha's involved in it
06:13and she's going to keep saying shit on the internet.
06:14But like, just ignore her.
06:16Let her do her thing.
06:17Let her get it out of her system
06:18and just cut her off
06:19and stop talking about her on the internet.
06:21And I like how Ethan's also like,
06:22oh, I decided not to take the high road
06:23because she keeps lying to everyone on the internet
06:25and I'm just over it.
06:27What are you talking about?
06:28You're clearly not over it.
06:29You're still talking about it.
06:30And I know people are going to be like,
06:31oh, Ethan's just trying to get his side of the story out
06:33because Trisha's been trashing him
06:35and he wants to respond.
06:36But like, we all know Trisha's crazy.
06:38Like, everyone's on Ethan's side here.
06:39Like, he doesn't have anything to prove.
06:41And Ethan responding to that Trisha and Keemstar podcast
06:44and Ethan making this video,
06:45like, that's only giving Trisha more and more to talk about.
06:48Like, that's Trisha's goal here.
06:49She's trying to get Ethan's attention.
06:50She's trying to piss him off to get him to respond
06:52so then she can make a billion response videos.
06:54And people are like,
06:55oh, Ethan destroyed Trisha in this video.
06:57He proved that she's a hypocrite.
06:58She's an asshole.
06:59Like, we all know this stuff.
07:00You don't need to prove it.
07:01And I feel like he's almost giving Trisha the W
07:03by talking about her and giving her what she wants.
07:05And Ethan says he's done with her now,
07:06but I still highly doubt it.
07:08Like, his newest video,
07:09I don't think he talked about her at all,
07:10but her name is in the title of it.
07:12It says, like, I'm not talking about Trisha.
07:13Like, if you actually want to be done with her,
07:15just never mention her name again
07:17because she gets off
07:18knowing that she's living in your head rent-free.
07:19Like, you ever get in an argument with somebody
07:21where you're like,
07:22you know what, this person is just so stupid.
07:23They make no sense.
07:24Like, there's no winning this at all.
07:25And there's no reason to keep arguing with them
07:27because you know it's just going to go nowhere
07:29and they're not going to change their mind about anything.
07:31So the best thing to do in that situation
07:32is just try to get out of it
07:33because you're just wasting your time.
07:35And that's pretty much Ethan
07:36with this Trisha Paytas situation.
07:37Like, there's no reason for them to keep going back and forth.
07:39Like, he's not going to win.
07:40Like, everyone knows she's a hypocrite.
07:42She's manipulative.
07:43Like, she lies.
07:44You're not winning anything here.
07:45But the difference with Ethan's situation here
07:47is the more he talks about her,
07:48the more money he's going to make
07:49because his last video that he made on her,
07:51like, got the most views by far
07:53out of any of his recent podcasts.
07:54So he knows it's going to make him more money
07:56the more he talks about her.
07:57And that's probably why he put her name
07:58in the most recent podcast
07:59because he knows if people see her name,
08:01they're probably going to click on it.
08:02So I don't know.
08:03Maybe he's finally done with her.
08:04But the fact that he keeps saying that he's done with her
08:06and he keeps talking about her,
08:07it doesn't look like he's done with her.
08:09But I guess we're just going to have to wait and see from here.
08:11So make sure you leave me a comment on this video.
08:13Let me know what you think of the whole situation.
08:14Hit the like button.
08:15Hit the subscribe button.
08:17And I'll catch you at the next video.
