Ekspansi Broom Pasca Pendanaan

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"Saksikan tayangan kami Official Youtube IDX Channel di Program Power Breakfast, Jumat (04/10/2024) dangan Tema Ekspansi Broom Pasca Pendanaan"


00:00Thank you so much for joining us in the CreateUp segment.
00:04I'm joined by my colleague, Fajar Wayong.
00:06Yes, Prisha and the viewers.
00:08This time we will discuss an interesting topic,
00:10which is the expansion of Broom.id after funding.
00:13And it has been connected through Line Zoom
00:15with Klausen Sindwinata, COO and Co-Founder of Broom.id.
00:19Klausen, thank you for joining us in CreateUp.
00:22All the best.
00:24All the best.
00:27All the best.
00:29All the best.
00:30How are you, Prisha and Fajar?
00:32I'm doing great, thank you for joining us.
00:35It looks like we had a chance to talk last year,
00:37but we want to update again because the news got funding.
00:40Let's start with the reminder again,
00:42Broom.id is more for the replacement of used cars, right?
00:48That's right.
00:49But let me tell you a little bit about the model of Broom.id, Prisha.
00:53So, actually, Broom.id cooperates with various institutional lenders
00:58or financial institutions to help used car dealers in Indonesia
01:04so that they have access to working capital
01:08through our product, which is called Broom.buyback.
01:11So, what is buyback?
01:13So, actually, what we do is we do a temporary purchase
01:17to the inventory owned by dealers in Indonesia.
01:21And later, after the time is set between 14 or 30 days,
01:25the dealer will make a repurchase
01:27for the car that was originally sold to Broom.
01:30So, it can be said that Broom.id acts as a standby buyer
01:35on the cars owned by our current dealers.
01:38Whenever they need additional inventory,
01:40they can access our buyback product.
01:43And in no time, in a very short time,
01:46we will buy their car temporarily,
01:49and they can buy it back after 14 or 30 days.
01:52That's because of the Broom.id business model.
01:54Is that a new business model related to standby buyers,
01:57or has it been like that from the beginning?
01:59From the beginning.
02:00So, from three years ago, we already had that product,
02:05but now we have made a lot of developments
02:08and added other products as well.
02:10Okay, so how many dealers have actually cooperated with Broom.id?
02:15Mas Klausen.
02:16Yes, thank you, Mas Wajar.
02:17So far, we already have 7,000 dealers
02:20who have joined the Broom.id family.
02:22And this is based on five major cities,
02:26namely Jabodetabek, Jogja, Solo, Surabaya, and also Bali.
02:31But next week, today is the 7th,
02:34we will also open a new city,
02:35that is, we have entered Sumatra,
02:37we will start in Panbaru.
02:40You just explained that you became a standby buyer
02:42from dealers like that,
02:43with a certain amount of time.
02:46But is this a new car or a used car?
02:50Well, we are specific for used cars only.
02:54So actually, Broom.id itself has its own length,
02:56for example.
02:57The length of Broom.id is a business for showrooms,
02:59especially used car showrooms.
03:02Because we see used car showrooms
03:04is the automotive industry sector
03:09that doesn't seem to be helped much,
03:11not many players and not much help.
03:13So Broom.id wants to be present and take an active role,
03:16so we can really make an impact
03:18for the automotive industry in Indonesia.
03:21Well, this has been going on for several years,
03:23just like what was explained by Mas Klausen,
03:25while our topic today
03:27is about funding and also expansion.
03:29About the funding itself,
03:31what is the story behind the new funding
03:34or the one that has been approved by Broom.id?
03:36Yes, of course,
03:38I first want to say thank you,
03:40because it is given trust by investors
03:44and also especially there is confidence
03:46in the business model of Broom.id itself.
03:49So what we see is that
03:52our journey is still long,
03:54our vision is quite big,
03:56that is, we really want to make a concrete impact
03:59for the automotive industry in Indonesia,
04:01especially in used cars.
04:03So of course,
04:06there are many things that we need,
04:08both from funds, from capabilities,
04:10from building the best solution,
04:12and this funding especially has quite a big impact
04:16for Broom.id as well,
04:17for us to really
04:19establish a name in the automotive industry
04:21in Indonesia, more or less.
04:23What else will this funding be used for?
04:27Roughly speaking,
04:28there are three things that we do
04:30through this funding.
04:31Number one, of course,
04:32if I told you earlier,
04:35we just arrived in Java, Bali,
04:37and then next week we will enter Sumatra,
04:39of course, we also want to enter
04:41many big cities in Indonesia.
04:43So, Indonesia in the west,
04:46then Indonesia in the east,
04:48so that there are more and more dealers
04:52who can benefit from Broom.id in the market.
04:55And besides that, of course,
04:57we as a company based on technology,
05:01the deepening of technology,
05:02the development of technology is also very important for Broom.id.
05:05So that funding will also be used
05:08to develop technology.
05:10And lastly,
05:11as time goes by,
05:12as the growth of Broom.id is quite rapid,
05:15we also have to increase
05:17or strengthen our organizational capabilities.
05:20So, internal talent
05:22who have dedicated their time
05:24and energy to Broom.id,
05:25we will also level up them
05:27with training, with retention,
05:29and also to add
05:31the best talent in the market.
05:33Something like that.
05:34If we talk about the market,
05:36Mr. Jar too,
05:37the purchasing power of the community is declining,
05:39the economy is slowing down.
05:42There are also many colleagues
05:44who finally choose to do car repairs,
05:46which is used cars.
05:47So, it can be said that
05:49the sales are increasing, right?
05:52Or how?
05:53If we talk about the background
05:54about the condition of the used car market right now.
05:59Yes, so,
06:00this used car is actually
06:03a factor of a new car.
06:06So, the transaction will always start
06:08with a new car first,
06:10then after it is used,
06:11it will become a used car, right?
06:13Well, actually,
06:15the number is very, very large.
06:18So, based on our research,
06:20the sale of used cars
06:22in 2023 alone
06:24is approximately 3 to 4 million units of vehicles
06:27in the whole year 2023.
06:30Well, we predict that in 2024
06:32the number will not be much different
06:33than in 2023.
06:35We have 3 to 4 million vehicles
06:37that will be transacted,
06:39especially used cars.
06:41What we see,
06:42most of the transactions
06:44actually happen where?
06:45In used car dealers.
06:47In showrooms,
06:48which we may know,
06:49often when we are walking,
06:50we also see there are used car dealers
06:52on the left and right.
06:53Therefore, the company chooses,
06:55we have to take an active role
06:57to manage the used car dealers.
06:59Because it is the largest transaction
07:01of used cars
07:02in the four used car dealers.
07:06Okay, so it will continue to be optimized
07:08the opportunities that exist.
07:09So, about the funding that has been obtained,
07:11how do you project the growth of Broome
07:14What do you want to chase again
07:16or be expanded again?
07:17But later,
07:18Mas Claussen,
07:19we'll be back in a moment
07:20and the manager will stay with us.
07:21CREATE UP will be right back.
07:24Still with us in CREATE UP
07:25and back we discuss
07:27with Claussen Sindwinatas,
07:29CEO and Co-Founder of Broome.id.
07:31Mas Claussen,
07:32I stopped at the question earlier,
07:33how do you project
07:35the growth of Broome forward,
07:36especially the funding that has been obtained?
07:40Okay, Mas.
07:41Maybe I'll try to tell you a little bit first.
07:44why is it actually
07:45used car dealers
07:46need funding
07:47or additional funds?
07:49So, maybe I want to tell you
07:52like a business,
07:53normally there will always be a partner
07:54in the line.
07:55Well, when in the line,
07:57in the line position,
07:58they think,
07:59why are my cars
08:01being sold late?
08:03Why is it sold late?
08:05my capital,
08:06in a nutshell,
08:07has been caught up.
08:08Becoming a selling car.
08:10But why did it happen to be sold?
08:11At that time,
08:12what happened?
08:13What happened was
08:14they must need additional funds
08:15to be able to finance their business.
08:21when they need additional funds,
08:22what do they do?
08:23They will definitely try financial institutions.
08:28especially if we're talking about dealers
08:30whose size is normal,
08:32but generally smaller,
08:33it will be very difficult for them
08:34to get the facilities
08:36from a bank, for example,
08:37or other financial institutions.
08:40we are very confident
08:42in the proven business model
08:44that we have,
08:46that we will be able to provide
08:47the best solution
08:49for our dealer friends
08:51or dealer friends.
08:53So, for the future,
08:54not only do we want to increase the size of the business,
08:57but we also want to enter
08:59more cities,
09:00so that more dealers
09:02can benefit from Broom.id.
09:05As long as,
09:06as you said,
09:07there is a certain period,
09:08for example, 3 months,
09:09how many vehicles
09:10can Broom buy back?
09:14Yes, we,
09:16maybe in terms of the picture,
09:17in the first half of 2024,
09:21experienced an increase of 145%,
09:26compared to the same half
09:28or the same period in 2023.
09:31So, actually,
09:32we are quite sure
09:34that we have not yet reached the limit.
09:37Actually, this market is still too big
09:39for us to serve.
09:41What is the limit,
09:42Mr. Clausen?
09:45I may not be able to speak
09:47in detail,
09:48but yes,
09:49maybe we still have to see
09:50the approach is
09:51from the number of transactions
09:53in Indonesia alone,
09:54the size is 3-4 million
09:56for used cars every year.
09:58And if we think
10:00from the value of the transactions that we do,
10:02we still haven't touched
10:04even 3% of the total transactions.
10:06The cake is still very big.
10:09Mr. Clausen,
10:10you also said that
10:12when the economy is not doing well,
10:14these dealers need funding,
10:16so they buy back
10:18by BRUM.
10:19Because if the funding is sacrificed,
10:21maybe the small dealers are a bit difficult.
10:23It means,
10:24it can be said that BRUM will shine
10:26when the purchasing power is declining.
10:29Or how?
10:30Yes, not really.
10:31Because actually,
10:32if we look at it,
10:33in a showroom,
10:34there must be a variety of cars, right?
10:36There may be an old car,
10:38there may be a younger car,
10:40then the conditions are also different.
10:43So, in one garage,
10:45in a garage,
10:46in a garage,
10:47in a showroom,
10:48there must be a used car.
10:49It means,
10:50there will definitely be some that are sold quickly,
10:52and there will definitely be some that are sold,
10:56So, we will always be able to find a position
10:58in their hearts.
10:59Okay, last.
11:00Maybe, Mr. Clausen,
11:01is there going to be a new service
11:03that will be provided for partners?
11:05The answer is yes.
11:06The answer is yes.
11:07Of course.
11:08Maybe I'll try to be a little bit more specific.
11:10To make this used car purchase,
11:12can be done in two ways.
11:13Number one is through cash,
11:15and number two is through credit.
11:18Now, Brum has a new product
11:20called Brum Lifts and Channeling,
11:22or in short, BLC.
11:24Where Brum works with
11:2623 multi-finances in Indonesia,
11:28and we are tasked
11:30to help
11:32credit request
11:33for end-users who want to buy used cars.
11:36So, a dealer who meets a buyer
11:38who buys through credit,
11:40can just contact Brum,
11:41sit still,
11:42and we will help the credit request process
11:45from A to Z.
11:47In a faster time.
11:48Okay, Mr. Clausen,
11:49is Brum already profitable?
11:53Yes, Brum is currently,
11:54in terms of economic units,
11:55we are already profitable.
11:57But of course,
11:58our vision is very big,
12:00and our ambition is also very big.
12:02So, we still have to
12:06so that we can really
12:08have a concrete impact
12:10for the automotive industry in Indonesia.
12:12Okay, good luck for Brum.id,
12:14and also your colleagues,
12:16and also Mr. Clausen.
12:18The benefits will be felt more by the people.
12:20Thank you very much, Mr. Clausen.
12:23Thank you, Mr. Fajar, Ms. Prisa.
12:25See you again.
12:26That's it, Mr. Mirza.
12:27Thank you very much.
12:28The discussion at CREATE UP this time,
12:29and we will end the Power Breakfast,
12:31but before that,
12:32we will update the position
12:33from the Index Price and Cooperation Index,
12:34Mr. Mirza,
12:35where the EASG reached 9 o'clock
12:37more than 28 minutes
12:38in West Indonesia,
12:39while still moving
12:41in the negative territory
12:43with a slight weakness of 0.13%
12:45at Rp 7,533,
12:47the exchange rate at
12:49Rp 15,475.
12:51And we see,
12:53Samsung is still in the top movers,
12:55or top gainers,
12:56there is Heli,
12:57MING, Suri,
12:58Laba Aksi, MEDC,
12:59Energi, Crush,
13:00Lead, and also Smile.
13:01Meanwhile, Samsung is still in the top losers,
13:03there is Euro, MLPT,
13:05eBoss, Gotoh, Data,
13:08and also MARK.
13:09That's it, Mr. Mirza,
13:10a brief review,
13:11an update,
13:12the opening of the first trading session
13:14on Friday.
13:21And of course, Mr. Mirza,
13:22it's been 90 minutes,
13:23we accompany you in Power Breakfast.
13:25Hopefully, the answers we present
13:26can be a reference,
13:27a source of information for you.
13:29And Mr. Mirza,
13:30because of the future affairs,
13:31I have to face it,
13:32I am a stock investor.
13:34See you.
13:35See you.
14:05Microsoft Mechanics
