There's No Fued Like An Old Fued (Snuffy Smith)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Oh, oh, oh, black balls of fire, I'm bodacious.
00:17Oh, oh, oh, black balls of fire, I'm a fright.
00:22Oh, oh, oh, black balls of fire, goodness gracious.
00:27I'm chop, chop, chop, chop, choppin' with all of my might.
00:34Rule number one is never clean a gun when it's loaded.
00:40Oh, Snuffy, is that you cleaning your gun again?
00:44Balls of fire! Why is it I can't hit a thing when I try?
00:50Oh, Nippot, remember the first shot we ever heard, hmm?
00:54Yeah, that was the first time we ever met.
01:01Barlow, I don't like you.
01:04Smith, I don't like you more than you don't like me.
01:11I've got me a new baby.
01:18I've got me a new baby, too.
01:23Mew, ah, ah, ah, ah, mew, ah, ah, ah, mew, ah, ah, ah, mew, ah, ah.
01:29Tee, tee, tee, tee, coo-la-wee-zee.
01:31Smile for your pappy.
01:33Mew, ah, ah, ah, ah, mew, ah, ah, ah.
01:35Nuffy, quit your crying in front of a woman.
01:37Be a man, so are your muskels.
01:44What, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
01:47What's she saying?
01:48She says she's smarter than Snuffy.
01:51That's a lie!
01:52Don't let her talk that way about you, Snuffy! Say something!
01:55I go about it like I do...
01:59There, you see? Even he says she's smarter.
02:03Bio! Them's fighting words!
02:06Run for your life!
02:17Our pappies sure was bad friends.
02:20And they was even worse shots!
02:22This is one clean gun!
02:26Our nation! Don't them ducks know not to fly over my house when I'm cleaning my gun?
02:33Oh, Nepal, remember when our paws wouldn't let us see each other for a whole day?
02:39Oh, that's one day I'll never forget!
02:45What's ailing you, boy?
02:47For hours you ain't hit, drank, or slept!
02:50I is hungry, thirsty, and sleepy, that's what's ailing me!
02:54You is pining away for that Louisa Barlow!
02:58Forget her, boy! No Barlow is good enough for no Smith!
03:03But, pappy...
03:04No use pleading. No Smith is good enough for my Louisa.
03:10Snuffy! Snuffy! Wherefore art thou, Snuffy?
03:18Who's that?
03:20It's me, honeypot! Your tall, handsome Romeo!
03:25I has come to carry y'all.
03:30Uh, maybe.
03:32Smith! Get off my land!
03:34I was just leaving!
03:40Listen, honeypot. I got a plan.
03:44Remember our plan, Louisa!
03:47Them Smiths ain't good enough for us Barlows.
03:51But, pappy, Snuffy's dad says we ain't good enough for them.
03:57He does, eh? Well, we'll see who's good enough for who.
04:01So, we ain't good enough for them, ain't we?
04:04That's what her pappy said, Pa.
04:06Them's fightin' words!
04:09Snuffy Smith, I'll show you my girl's good enough for you.
04:17Yeah, if there's any showin' to be done around here, I'm a doin' the showin'.
04:23Snuffin' Louisa, standin' here at this double barrel, double shotgun, waitin' to appear.
04:29I pronounce her good enough for me.
04:32Snuffin' Louisa, standin' here at this double barrel, double shotgun, waitin' to appear.
04:38I pronounces you man and wife.
04:45Honeypot, ain't you finished cleanin' that gun yet?
04:50This time it weren't me!
04:56Pappy Smith, Pappy Barlow, the noodles are ready.
05:00Goodie, I is starved.
05:03Go on, I bet I'm more starved than you is.
05:08You is not.
05:09I is so.
05:11Not, not, not.
05:12So, so, so.
05:14Okay, Barlow, but don't forget, soon as we finish feedin', we continues feudin'.
05:21Just see as you don't forget.
