• last year


00:00Oh, oh, oh, great balls of fire, I'm bodacious Oh, oh, oh, great balls of fire, I'm a fright
00:20Oh, oh, oh, great balls of fire, goodness gracious I'm chop, chop, chop, chop, choppin' with all of my might
00:41Who is it? Somebody's finally bought the for sale sign!
00:47Oh, honey partner, oh, we're gettin' neighbors with two chimneys, oh, they must be real fancy folk
00:58The Joneses, oh, now what a pretty name
01:10The Smiths, oh, what a common name
01:14Common, Mrs. Jones, common
01:23Great balls of fire, wall-to-wall grass
01:29Howdy, neighbor, I'm Snuffy Smith
01:35How are the new neighbors, honey poet?
01:37I can't understand them, they talk some kind of strange sign language
01:42You think maybe they'd like to borrow a cup of sugar?
01:46But that's what them signs were sayin'
01:48Well, I'll just take them some
01:50Mr. Jones, I told you not to take the price tags off the furniture
01:56How's anybody gonna know how much the stuff costs?
01:59You're right, Mrs. Jones, you're right
02:02Here's the couch, $49
02:05The chair, $25
02:09And rug, $14
02:11Hi, neighbor, I got a cup of sugar
02:18No peddlers
02:2043 cents for the couch, 18 cents for the rug
02:25Oh, honey poet, how much was our table?
02:29It were 10 cents, but I got it for you wholesale for 7 cents
02:34Great balls of fire, woman, whatcha doin'?
02:37Well, I'm just a-puttin' price tags on furniture, it's the latest style
02:42I saw the Joneses a-doin' it
02:44Did they talk to you?
02:46Oh, sure did, pa, in sign language
02:49What'd they say?
02:51They said, no peddlers
02:53Great balls of fire!
02:56We ain't peddlers, we is the Smiths
03:00Oh, Tattletail Gray, ain't you never goin' away?
03:09There's no white like Snow White
03:13Oh, pa, what color is this wash?
03:18White, sorta
03:20Well, then what color is Mrs. Jones's wash?
03:30Get goin', Sparkplug, we gotta keep up with the Joneses
03:35Oh, that wash, it just shines like new
03:39That's cause it is new, I just bought it
03:42Mr. Jones, oh, Mr. Jones, the Smiths' wash is whiter than ours
03:48Oh, it's a disaster
03:51A disaster, Mrs. Jones, a disaster
03:56Oh, hush your mouth and build me a swimming pool
04:00Let's see them keep up with that
04:02One swimming pool coming right up
04:05Salt water or fresh, Mrs. Jones?
04:09Soda water
04:15One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine
04:23Oh, holy pouch, what y'all gonna do for the water?
04:26Just one more whack with his pick and the Smith Olympic Pool is officially opened
04:33Nine to eight, nine to nine, one hundred
04:37One hundred
04:48Whatever you did for water, oh, you sure did it right good on the boat
04:58Ha-ha-ha-ha-hi, neighbor
05:02And I says get, neighbor
05:07This here sign says no swimming, neighbor
05:11And this one says keep offin' my property
05:14Now it's time you Joneses kept up with the Smiths, neighbor