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In this video, we dive into the powerful lessons that Jesus wants you to learn from every trial in your life. When we face difficulties, it can be hard to understand the purpose behind them, but Jesus uses these moments to shape our faith, deepen our trust, and bring us closer to Him. Whether it's learning patience, perseverance, or the power of faith, each trial is a step toward spiritual growth. Join us as we explore how trials reveal the strength of Jesus' love and guidance in your life. Stay tuned to find out what Jesus truly wants you to learn from the challenges you face every day.

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00:00What does Jesus want you to learn from every trial or test in life? Let's take a moment and reflect on this powerful question. What does Jesus want you to learn from every trial or test that comes into your life?
00:16Life, as we all know, isn't a smooth path. We face difficulties, heartbreaks, losses, and moments where we question our own strength. But there's a deep truth in all of this, and that truth is rooted in Jesus. Every challenge, every hardship, and every test in your life carries a purpose, and it is not just random suffering.
00:38To understand the significance of these trials, let's turn to the story of Job. Job lost everything, yet in the depths of his suffering, he held on to his faith in Jesus. What can we learn from that? Jesus uses trials to strengthen us. Just as gold is refined in the fire, so are we refined by the tests we face.
01:00In every painful moment, Jesus is teaching you something, and that lesson is meant to make you stronger, wiser, and more like him. Jesus tells us in John 16.33, In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world. This verse brings a powerful message to our hearts.
01:20Jesus isn't saying that life will be easier that we won't face adversity. No, he's saying that even though we will face trials, we don't need to be afraid or lose hope because he has already overcome the world. The victory is already won, and Jesus is walking with you through every storm.
01:38What Jesus wants you to learn from every test is endurance, faith, and trust. Imagine a runner training for a marathon. They don't get stronger by staying comfortable. They get stronger by pushing themselves, by enduring the pain, and by not giving up even when it's hard. Jesus is your coach in this race of life. He's not trying to break you, he's trying to build you.
02:02Every trial is an opportunity for you to deepen your faith. It's a chance for you to trust Jesus in a way you haven't before. When everything in your life is going well, it's easy to trust Jesus. But the true test of faith comes when things aren't going as planned. Do you still believe in Jesus when life feels like it's falling apart? That's what Jesus wants you to learn, that he is always with you, even in the darkest moments.
02:30He wants you to know that your faith can move mountains, but sometimes, you have to climb the mountain to realize just how strong your faith really is. Consider the story of the disciples caught in a storm on the Sea of Galilee. They were terrified, thinking they were going to perish. But Jesus was there with them, and he calmed the storm with just his word.
02:52In that moment, the disciples learned a valuable lesson. No matter how intense the storm, Jesus is in control. The storm wasn't sent to destroy them, it was sent to reveal the power of Jesus and deepen their trust in him. Trials also teach us humility and dependence on Jesus. Often, when life is going smoothly, we start to believe that we are in control.
03:16We become self-reliant, thinking we don't need anyone's help. But when trials come, they remind us of our limitations. They remind us that we need Jesus every single day. That's not a weakness, it's the beauty of our relationship with him. He wants us to depend on him, to seek his strength, and to know that his grace is sufficient for us in every situation.
03:39A real-life example of this can be seen in the story of a man who lost his job unexpectedly. He had been successful, confident in his abilities, and proud of his achievements. But when he lost everything, he realized how much he had been relying on himself rather than on Jesus. Through that difficult time, he learned to lean on Jesus, and eventually, Jesus opened new doors for him that he never would have seen if he hadn't gone through that trial.
04:09He emerged from that season with a stronger faith and a deeper understanding of Jesus' provision. Jesus also uses trials to shape our character. Romans 5, 3-4 says, we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance.
04:26Perseverance, character, and character, hope. This is a profound truth. The very things you go through are molding you into the person Jesus created you to be. Every trial has a purpose, and that purpose is to make you more like Jesus. He's chiseling away at the parts of your life that don't reflect him, and through the pain, you're becoming more patient, more compassionate, and more loving.
04:51So, what should you do when you face trials? First, don't run away from them. Embrace them, knowing that Jesus is using them for your good. Pray for wisdom and strength to endure. James 1, 5 tells us that if we lack wisdom, we should ask Jesus, and he will give it to us generously.
05:11Second, keep your eyes on Jesus. When Peter walked on water, he was doing the impossible. But the moment he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the storm, he began to sink. The same is true for you. Don't focus on the size of your problem, focus on the greatness of Jesus. He is bigger than any storm you're facing.
05:33Lastly, share your testimony. There is power in your story. When Jesus brings you through a trial, don't keep it to yourself. Share it with others to encourage them. Your testimony could be the very thing that strengthens someone else's faith.
05:48As we wrap up, let's remember that every trial, no matter how painful, carries a divine purpose. Jesus is not punishing you, he's preparing you. He's using every test to grow your faith, shape your character, and draw you closer to him. Trust that he is with you, guiding you, and loving you through every challenge.
06:10Let us pray. Jesus, we come before you, thanking you for every trial and test in our lives. We know that you are using these moments to teach us, strengthen us, and make us more like you. Help us to trust you in the midst of our storms, to keep our eyes on you, and to embrace the lessons you are teaching us. Give us the endurance to keep going, even when the road is hard, and the wisdom to see your hand in every situation.
06:38We ask for your strength and your peace, knowing that you have already overcome every challenge we face. We trust in your love and your plan for our lives. In your precious name, we pray, Amen.
06:50If you found this message encouraging, please click subscribe and share this video with your friends and family. And if this topic touched your heart, type, Amen, in the comments. Remember, Jesus always loves you. Amen.
