• 2 days ago
00:00Satan is no match for the power of Jesus Christ, why do people still compare them?
00:09Let me start by asking a question that might challenge your understanding, why do people
00:14still compare Satan to Jesus, even though Satan is no match for Jesus' power?
00:19I want you to hold on to that question as we dive deep into this conversation, because
00:24the truth we are about to explore will change the way you see the spiritual battle forever.
00:29We all know that Jesus is the Son of God, our Savior, and the Redeemer of the world.
00:35His power, grace, and love are unmatched.
00:38Yet, many people, consciously or unconsciously, give Satan more attention and fear than he
00:45They compare his evil power to the goodness and authority of Jesus, but this is where
00:50we need to correct our thinking.
00:52First of all, Jesus' authority is absolute.
00:55He isn't just more powerful than Satan, he is infinitely more powerful.
01:01Satan is a created being, fallen from grace, but Jesus is eternal, the creator of all.
01:07To compare the two is like comparing a drop of water to the ocean, or a flickering candle
01:12to the blazing sun.
01:14Colossians 1 16 reminds us that everything, including Satan, was created by Jesus, for
01:20by him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible,
01:25whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities, all things have been created through him and
01:30for him.
01:31Satan may have some influence in this world, but he is bound by limits that Jesus himself
01:37If we read the Gospels, we see that every time Jesus encountered demons, they trembled
01:42in fear and begged him for mercy.
01:45They knew who he was and that his authority was supreme.
01:48In Mark 1 24, a demon cries out, What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth?
01:55Have you come to destroy us?
01:57I know who you are, the Holy One of God.
02:00Even demons, servants of Satan, acknowledge that Jesus had power over them.
02:05So why do people still compare the two?
02:08One reason might be fear.
02:10Fear of evil is a common human experience, but we must remember that fear is often a
02:14tool Satan uses to distract us from Jesus' power and love.
02:191 John 4 18 tells us, There is no fear in love.
02:23Perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.
02:28Jesus' love is perfect, and when we trust in him, there is no room for fear of Satan
02:33or any of his schemes.
02:35Another reason might be misunderstanding.
02:38Some people give Satan more credit than he deserves, thinking that his power is closer
02:42to Jesus than it actually is.
02:45The Bible is clear that Satan has already been defeated.
02:48When Jesus died on the cross and rose again, he disarmed the powers of darkness and secured
02:53our victory over sin and death.
02:56Colossians 2 15 says, Having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle
03:02of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
03:05Satan is not a rival to Jesus, he is a defeated enemy.
03:10So how does this truth apply to our lives today?
03:13It's crucial that we recognize the power of Jesus in our daily battles.
03:18When temptation comes, when fear rises, when doubt creeps in, we must remember that Jesus
03:23is far greater than anything Satan can throw our way.
03:27The enemy's tactics are real, but they are no match for the victory we have in Jesus.
03:32For example, think about the times when you've struggled with guilt or shame.
03:38Maybe you felt like your mistakes were too big for Jesus to forgive, or that you were
03:42too far gone to be redeemed.
03:45But that's a lie from Satan.
03:46Jesus' power to forgive and redeem is limitless.
03:50His grace covers all our sins, and he invites us to rest in the freedom he offers.
03:55Romans 8.
03:57One assures us, therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
04:03Satan can't condemn you when Jesus has set you free.
04:06Let's look at this from a real-life perspective.
04:09Imagine a person walking through a dark forest at night, feeling completely surrounded by
04:15Every noise, every shadow, seems like a threat.
04:19But then, a powerful light shines through the trees, cutting through the darkness.
04:24That light represents Jesus.
04:26It's not just a small flicker, it's a blazing beam that illuminates everything, exposing
04:31the dangers for what they really are, small, insignificant, powerless in the face of the
04:38That's what Jesus does, he reveals Satan's lies and shines the truth that sets us free.
04:43The mistake we make is allowing Satan to appear bigger than he is.
04:48When we focus on Jesus, Satan's power fades away because it's nothing compared to the
04:53overwhelming love and authority of Christ.
04:55Now, if you're hearing this and thinking, how do I live in that victory every day?
05:01Let me offer you some practical advice.
05:04Stay connected to Jesus through prayer and the Word of God.
05:07When you pray, you are not only talking to Jesus, but you are also aligning your heart
05:12with his truth.
05:14And his word is your sword against the enemy's lies.
05:17Remember how Jesus defeated Satan in the wilderness?
05:20He used scripture.
05:22Every time Satan tried to tempt him, Jesus responded with, it is written, Matthew 4,
05:28You have access to that same power.
05:32Let me also encourage you to surround yourself with fellow believers who will remind you
05:36of the truth when you're feeling weak.
05:39The enemy loves to isolate us, but Jesus created us for community.
05:43Together, we are stronger, and we can support one another in the faith.
05:48To sum it all up, Satan is no match for the power of Jesus.
05:53There is no comparison.
05:55We need to stop giving Satan more attention than he deserves and start focusing on the
05:59victory that Jesus has already won for us.
06:02Jesus' love, power, and authority reign supreme, and when we trust in him, we have
06:08nothing to fear.
06:10If this message spoke to you today, I want to lead you in a prayer to Jesus.
06:14Jesus, I thank you for your victory over sin, death, and the enemy.
06:20Thank you for reminding me today that Satan is no match for your power and love.
06:25I ask that you help me to live in the truth of your word and to trust in your authority
06:29over every challenge I face.
06:32Strengthen my faith, Jesus, and guide me closer to you each day.
06:36I love you, and I know that you have already defeated the enemy.
06:41Help me to rest in that victory.
06:43In your mighty name, Amen.
06:45Now, if you've been encouraged by this message, don't forget to subscribe to this channel
06:50and share this video with your friends and family.
06:53If this topic resonates with you, type, Amen, in the comments, and remember, Jesus always
06:59loves you.
