• 2 days ago

Tombstone, la ciudad donde el polvo baila con el humo de la pólvora, esconde historias más salvajes que las balas de Winchester. Bajo el sol ardiente del Lejano Oeste, conocerás a sus infames habitantes: pistoleros de gatillo rápido, damas de corazón de diamante y buscadores de oro con ambición en los ojos. Acompáñalos en sus duelos de sol a sol, sus amores bajo la luna de plomo y sus apuestas que cuestan más que la vida. Tombstone: donde la leyenda se forja a punta de plomo y la historia se escribe con sangre y sudor.
00:06:10Once a cowboy, you'll always be a cowboy.
00:06:12Johnny, I...
00:06:13Now take that bandage and put it on.
00:06:15Have a drink with me and we close this now.
00:06:17Johnny, I give up. I'm going home.
00:06:19With a demon that doesn't...
00:06:23Calm down, Johnny Ringo.
00:06:28Look what showed up in town.
00:06:31Doc Holiday.
00:06:37You know there's supposed to be no guns here.
00:06:39What the hell?
00:06:40You have your own, Doc.
00:06:42Calm down.
00:06:43This is just a disagreement between two cowboys.
00:06:46It's none of your business.
00:06:48You killed a man in cold blood.
00:06:50You crossed the line, Johnny.
00:06:53I say let the sanity prevail.
00:06:54Let the alwazil proceed with this son of a bitch.
00:06:57You're kidding, Doc.
00:06:59The alwazil is a useless.
00:07:01You can stop pointing that gun at me, Holiday.
00:07:04I'm already disarmed.
00:07:11Have you been listening to our conversations?
00:07:16Looks like you ran into a wall, Johnny.
00:07:19But I advise you to leave the lady alone
00:07:21or I'll make you a hole the size of Texas.
00:07:39Are you all right, Clara?
00:07:42I'm fine.
00:07:44I noticed you've been pretty quiet, Doc.
00:07:47Well, I try not to get involved in other people's little problems.
00:07:53After all, I'm a model citizen.
00:08:09Do you want another beer, Morgan?
00:08:11No, I'm fine for now.
00:08:13As I know, I almost have to go.
00:08:15I heard you got a good job at a company.
00:08:17At the management.
00:08:18What do you do with them?
00:08:20I accompany the driver.
00:08:22I imagine it can be a little dangerous, right?
00:08:25I got a little experience in Colorado.
00:08:28You're going to be fine, then.
00:08:30Hey, Ben.
00:08:32Who's that guy against the wall?
00:08:36His name is Billy Clybourne.
00:08:39Yeah, I noticed the red band.
00:08:42He was with the cowboys for a while.
00:08:46Then why isn't he at my brother's house?
00:08:49He's in love with my daughter, Elaina.
00:08:53I don't know.
00:08:55I don't know either.
00:08:57He's in love with my daughter, Elaina.
00:09:01But she doesn't want anything to do with those guys.
00:09:07Dad, why didn't you wake me up?
00:09:16I'll need more of your help tonight.
00:09:19Elaina, he's Morgan Earp.
00:09:21Oh, the competition?
00:09:23No, my brothers run that place.
00:09:25I have nothing to do with that.
00:09:31I'll see you later, Ben.
00:09:33Goodbye, Miss.
00:09:36Let me know how you're doing at the management.
00:09:39What do I have to do to get help here?
00:09:45What can I get you, Billy?
00:09:47Whiskey, if it's not too much trouble.
00:09:49The usual.
00:09:54I'll be right here.
00:10:01Why don't you take a seat?
00:10:03I'm busy.
00:10:06I'm the only one here.
00:10:13What did you want to talk about?
00:10:15Have you thought about my offer?
00:10:18No, not at all.
00:10:21There's no reason to do it.
00:10:24It's a lot of money.
00:10:27Billy, I already told you this isn't a brothel.
00:10:32I serve drinks here, and that's all.
00:10:36Well, then what do you need?
00:10:38Nice clothes, maybe?
00:10:40Is this some kind of flirting?
00:10:42It's not working, Billy.
00:10:44Let me tell you something.
00:10:46I don't want to be associated
00:10:48with the people you're associated with.
00:10:57I'll keep trying.
00:10:59Well, I guess you'll do whatever you want.
00:11:02But my dad and I will be busy later,
00:11:04and we need to talk.
00:11:06It's been a while, Mr. Holliday.
00:11:08How long do you think you'll be in town?
00:11:10I don't know yet.
00:11:13I also noticed that you spend a lot of time here alone.
00:11:16I'd rather not talk to you,
00:11:18because I don't want to be alone.
00:11:20I'm not a stranger to this place.
00:11:22I'm a regular.
00:11:25You're not a stranger to this place?
00:11:27I'm a regular.
00:11:29I'm not a stranger to this place.
00:11:31I'm a regular.
00:11:33I'm a regular.
00:11:35Well, I'd rather be alone.
00:11:39Then, if you change,
00:11:41let me know if you need my services.
00:11:49Well, thank you, Teresa.
00:11:53But I consider myself a gentleman.
00:11:57As a southern gentleman,
00:11:59I'd be...
00:12:01I'd be out of place
00:12:03to pay for the attention
00:12:05of a lady as charming as you.
00:12:08He already has his own friend, Teresa.
00:12:11Well, that's fine.
00:12:13I never see her around.
00:12:15Well, she's gone to rest in bed.
00:12:18I think this whole trip
00:12:20has made her feel a little reluctant.
00:12:24And what about you?
00:12:26I heard about your...
00:12:30I'm fine.
00:12:34If you don't mind me saying,
00:12:38you need to lay your head
00:12:40next to your friend more often.
00:12:42I see him here day and night.
00:12:47You never know when a good opportunity
00:12:49will appear.
00:12:51And as for the other thing,
00:12:53when I'm in a horizontal position
00:12:55for a long time,
00:12:57I feel like I'm drowning.
00:12:59What would be the condition
00:13:01you were talking about?
00:13:03Dad, I'm tired.
00:13:05If you don't mind,
00:13:07I'm going to bed.
00:13:09Okay, Elena.
00:13:11I'll take care of everything.
00:13:16Long night, huh?
00:13:18Yeah, but good tips.
00:13:20I can't complain.
00:13:24I worked in one of those little towns.
00:13:26The money used to be floating.
00:13:30Mainly silver mining.
00:13:32It's not usually as big as Thompson.
00:13:34I bet they're not that crazy either.
00:13:36You're right about that.
00:13:39Well, Mr. Earp,
00:13:41I've been up for ten hours.
00:13:44I'm going to bed.
00:13:49What can I get you, Willie?
00:13:53Of course.
00:13:58Good night.
00:14:16Good morning, Mr. Earp.
00:14:18It seems you and Elena
00:14:20are getting along pretty well.
00:14:23We were just talking.
00:14:25I'm not looking for more ties
00:14:27than I already have.
00:14:29Are you trying to hang out
00:14:31with my lady, sir?
00:14:34Um, no.
00:14:38But let me tell you something.
00:14:46I don't think she's your lady.
00:14:49Now why would you say that?
00:14:52I'm good at reading people.
00:14:54I need a little help with my job.
00:14:57I don't care what your job is,
00:14:59and I don't care who you are.
00:15:10Is everything okay here, gentlemen?
00:15:14This is the last call.
00:15:16Can I get you anything else?
00:15:19Did you hear that?
00:15:21It's your last call.
00:15:24No, thank you, Ben.
00:15:26I think I'll go visit my brother.
00:15:34Listen up.
00:15:36You know who I am,
00:15:38and you know who's coming with me.
00:15:42Stay away from Elena,
00:15:44because you're going to get
00:15:46into big trouble.
00:15:48So, Mr. Holliday,
00:15:50I don't think I should spend
00:15:52too much time here,
00:15:54since Johnny Ringo
00:15:56is a frequent visitor.
00:15:58Johnny Ringo and I
00:16:00stay away from each other.
00:16:04Then why do you like
00:16:06that position as a nail
00:16:08against the wall?
00:16:10I've noticed it favors him.
00:16:12Two very simple reasons, Clara.
00:16:14First, he's next to the bar.
00:16:16And he's one of my favorite
00:16:18places to be.
00:16:20I've noticed.
00:16:22Plus, this place allows me
00:16:24to keep an eye on everyone.
00:16:26And see if anyone's stupid enough
00:16:28to challenge me
00:16:30to a card game.
00:16:32And as much as Johnny Ringo
00:16:34and I stay away from each other,
00:16:36I like to keep an eye on him.
00:16:38¿Usted se encargará de esta cuenta?
00:16:42¿Se hará cargo de la cuenta
00:16:44de todos los vaqueros?
00:16:46Sí, de todos.
00:16:58Quédate conmigo, Bill.
00:17:00Tengo grandes planes
00:17:02para los vaqueros.
00:17:04¿Trabajos más grandes?
00:17:06¿Más dinero espero?
00:17:08Todo a su tiempo.
00:17:10¿Cómo nos va
00:17:12en la contratación?
00:17:16Hay diferentes hombres
00:17:18que vienen de la ciudad
00:17:20todo el tiempo.
00:17:24Vienen por la mina de plata.
00:17:26Debemos agarrarle
00:17:28después de que hayan bajado
00:17:30esos infiernos.
00:17:32Dame dos.
00:17:36Renuncen y se van del pueblo.
00:17:38Sí, pero hay un momento
00:17:40en el que podríamos agarrarlos.
00:17:42Siempre necesitamos gente nueva.
00:17:44¿Entonces, Billy?
00:17:46Entiendo que has estado
00:17:48pasando mucho tiempo
00:17:50en el bar de Cullen,
00:17:52lo cual es un poco raro
00:17:54considerando que no hay putas allí.
00:17:58Hay una niña bonita ahí.
00:18:00La he estado vigilando.
00:18:04¿Quieres hacerlo más permanente?
00:18:08¿Por qué?
00:18:10¿Por qué?
00:18:12¿Quieres hacerlo más permanente?
00:18:14Me gustaría que así fuera,
00:18:16pero hay un problema.
00:18:18Hay más de uno echándole ojo.
00:18:20Sí, bueno, escucha.
00:18:22Es bueno jugar con las mujeres,
00:18:24pero nunca en serio entrar
00:18:26con una de ellas.
00:18:28¿Y qué hay de malo en eso?
00:18:32lo que tiene de malo
00:18:34es que siempre interfieren
00:18:36con los negocios.
00:18:38Al interferir en tus negocios,
00:18:40no puedo soportar eso.
00:18:42Tengo dos pares,
00:18:44reinas y reyes, haz mayor.
00:18:46Muy bien, Johnny.
00:18:48Full house.
00:18:55Así que este tipo,
00:18:57Johnny Ringo,
00:18:59¿se cree que es el líder de los vaqueros?
00:19:01Sí, eso cree.
00:19:03¿Cuánto tiempo crees que pase
00:19:05para que yo me convierta en líder?
00:19:07Espera, espera, espera.
00:19:09¿Por qué haces eso cerca de Johnny?
00:19:11¿Por qué no?
00:19:13Llegó tan lejos
00:19:15debido a que mucha gente murió.
00:19:17Espera, ¿él los mató a todos?
00:19:19No que yo sepa.
00:19:21Bueno, tal vez uno o dos.
00:19:26¿Cómo murieron los demás?
00:19:30haciendo lo que hacemos.
00:19:34Tienes que controlarte por aquí.
00:19:36Bueno, soy un hombre rudo.
00:19:40Ya veremos.
00:19:42También tienes que ser fiel a los vaqueros.
00:19:44Puedes preguntarle a cualquiera
00:19:46de mis conocidos, soy fiel.
00:19:48Si alguien es un vaquero,
00:19:50debe respaldarlo esté bien o mal.
00:19:52Muy bien.
00:19:54Creo que puedo hacer eso.
00:19:59Ya veremos.
00:20:06¿A dónde vas, Fred?
00:20:12pensé que ya era hora
00:20:14de salir a ganarme el sueldo.
00:20:16No he hecho nada más
00:20:18que papeleo durante los últimos días.
00:20:22hacer papeleo es parte del trabajo.
00:20:26eres el albuecil del condado de Cochise.
00:20:28Mi territorio es este pequeño pueblo de aquí.
00:20:30Tengo que andar afuera
00:20:32para que la gente pueda verme.
00:20:36escuché que hoy hay un montón de vaqueros en el pueblo.
00:20:38De seguro habrá problemas.
00:20:40No sería Thompson si no hubiera problemas, ¿verdad?
00:20:42Eso es cierto.
00:20:44Este lugar prospera con eso.
00:20:46Por eso le llaman prosperidad repentina.
00:20:51¿Cómo se llamaba?
00:20:53Ah, no recuerdo.
00:20:57Bien, chicos.
00:20:59¿No se supone que deberían estar en la iglesia?
00:21:01¿No se supone que deberían estar armados
00:21:03si lo saben?
00:21:05No hemos lastimado a nadie.
00:21:07¿Se dirigen a sus casas o a los bares?
00:21:09Nos dirigimos al bar.
00:21:11Tal vez no llegue allá en estas condiciones.
00:21:17registren sus armas ahí.
00:21:19Pueden recogerlas cuando salgan del pueblo.
00:21:21Pero nos gustan nuestras armas, Marshall.
00:21:23Sí, lo sé, lo sé.
00:21:25Me las pueden dar
00:21:27o los pongo ustedes y sus armas en la cárcel.
00:21:29¿Qué dijiste?
00:21:31No hablas en serio.
00:21:33Hablo en serio y no les va a gustar.
00:21:35Apuesto a que sé lo que no te gustaría.
00:21:37¿Qué sería?
00:21:39Apuesto a que no te gustaría que te destrocemos a balazos.
00:21:43No es gracioso, amigos.
00:21:45Rompiste las reglas, comisario.
00:21:47No puedes decirle a los vaqueros
00:21:49qué tienen que hacer.
00:21:51¿Ahora qué?
00:22:21Ah, no, Fred.
00:23:11Saben qué es lo que odio más que a nada?
00:23:13¿A Holiday?
00:23:17¿Tú sí sabes?
00:23:21Well, I guess I'm not keeping it a secret, am I?
00:23:33Tom, you and your brothers have been with us for a while now.
00:23:37Did you like it so far?
00:23:38I must say yes, sir.
00:23:41Call me Johnny.
00:23:44And I think I know what you like the most about riding with the cowboys.
00:23:47People turn to one side.
00:23:50They give you a little respect as you walk down the street.
00:23:55I must say I like it.
00:23:58It seems that the cowboys are recruiting again.
00:24:01Ringo grabs them younger and younger.
00:24:05So Johnny Ringo looks like the boss now.
00:24:09He's done it for a while, since he got out of jail.
00:24:12They're getting money from somewhere.
00:24:14I've seen some of that.
00:24:16Well, congratulations, Teresa.
00:24:18How are the cowboys treating you?
00:24:20More or less.
00:24:21I've stayed with anyone except for the damn Ike Layton.
00:24:24He's a son of a bitch.
00:24:26He's not allowed in here anymore.
00:24:29We have to show Earthsea Holiday who's in charge here.
00:24:34How... how do we do that?
00:24:37Accompanying Billy. I guess you've improved with your gun.
00:24:40I'm better than I was.
00:24:42Well, I can count on you and your brother.
00:24:44Yes, sir.
00:24:47I told you, don't call me sir.
00:24:50Call me sir again and I'll kill you.
00:24:53Are you serious?
00:24:57Why are you so quiet, Tom?
00:25:00I don't know.
00:25:03I've just been listening to stuff.
00:25:07What have you been listening to?
00:25:10How the cowboys have prepared to start a war with the Earps.
00:25:18Did you hear that from Johnny Ringo?
00:25:23From another pair of cowboys.
00:25:25What do you think?
00:25:29About what?
00:25:33If Johnny Ringo doesn't ask them,
00:25:35should we fight the Earps?
00:25:39If he asks, you have to do it.
00:25:50I thought you said you weren't going to ask us to be in that fight.
00:25:54Well, he asked you, didn't he?
00:25:56You have to do it, Tom.
00:25:58Billy, I don't know if I can.
00:26:00We'll have to talk to Frank.
00:26:03You and I will talk to Frank together.
00:26:06Do you agree?
00:26:08I guess.
00:26:11Hang in there, Tom.
00:26:14Can we have a drink around here?
00:26:20Your little friend looks worried.
00:26:23I have a lot on my mind.
00:26:25Well, what can I bring you?
00:26:28Give us whiskey.
00:26:29One for each.
00:26:31I don't want anything.
00:26:34Give us whiskey, one for each.
00:26:39Let's go.
00:27:03Good afternoon, Ike.
00:27:07I went outside this morning,
00:27:09and a little birdie told me
00:27:12that he expects all of you
00:27:15to face the Earps here in the corral this afternoon.
00:27:20Do you know anything about that?
00:27:23I haven't heard anything.
00:27:25It sounds like he's been talking to the wrong people or something.
00:27:29Okay, but all I can tell you is that I need to take your weapons to jail while you're here.
00:27:35Pick them up when you leave town.
00:27:37Let's go, Johnny.
00:27:38We have a deal.
00:27:40Of course I can't afford to have a war.
00:27:44I must have some kind of law or order around here.
00:28:06In the bag.
00:28:11You too, Ike.
00:28:14You're lucky they didn't shove it up your ass.
00:28:17I appreciate your cooperation, boys.
00:28:21I'll be back.
00:28:23I'll be back.
00:28:25I'll be back.
00:28:27I'll be back.
00:28:29I'll be back.
00:28:31I'll be back.
00:28:33I'll be back.
00:28:35I'll be back.
00:28:42What are you going to do?
00:28:44Where did you put the other weapons?
00:28:47Back there, behind the photo building.
00:28:52Are we still going to fight?
00:28:54Of course we are. We're still going to fight.
00:28:58When something like this is over, we'll move.
00:29:06Virgin, Wyatt.
00:29:08You don't have to do this.
00:29:10I've already disarmed Ike and the rest of the cowboys.
00:29:14You disarmed them?
00:29:17I'm the commissioner here, Johnny.
00:29:19I'm the one who should do that.
00:29:22I'm not going to argue about why and what for.
00:29:26But I disarmed them.
00:29:30How do we know you're telling the truth?
00:29:32How do we know you're telling the truth?
00:29:35Because I just put the weapons in jail, Morgan.
00:29:38Don't disrespect me, kid.
00:29:40What do you think if you don't call me kid?
00:29:43Very good, very good.
00:29:45We don't need this now.
00:29:47What do you think of this, Wyatt?
00:29:50We'll see you around, Johnny.
00:29:58If things go wrong, Virgin,
00:30:00I'll tell the judge everything.
00:30:03Good, do it.
00:30:26Why don't we go to the corral and wait for them there?
00:30:29I like it here, the corral is very open.
00:30:39Is that the church where the other commissioner was shot?
00:30:42Yes, it is.
00:30:52I don't think this is a good idea.
00:30:55Will he go in or not, Billy?
00:30:56He's going in.
00:30:59Shut up.
00:31:10Well, look who's not here.
00:31:13They're somewhere, be careful.
00:31:20On the other side, in the photo studio.
00:31:24Well, watch out, Virg.
00:31:26Don't forget.
00:31:33There they come.
00:31:35Load your weapons, stay close.
00:31:57I thought you were unarmed.
00:32:00I guess they found the guns.
00:32:03I need you to deliver those pistols too, guys.
00:32:07We can solve this.
00:32:09Can we solve this?
00:32:27Retreat, this doesn't have to be like this.
00:32:30Yes, Morgan.
00:33:56Let's go.
00:34:13Where are you going, Billy?
00:34:22Johnny, did you prepare the papers?
00:34:26What papers?
00:34:28I want you to accuse the Herbs and the Holiday of murder.
00:34:37Something like that, you and I have been on good terms lately, but I have a problem.
00:34:42What do you mean, Judge?
00:34:44This problem behind me is simply stupidity.
00:34:49That sounds like a hard self-criticism, Judge.
00:34:53Considering the fact that you signed the orders.
00:34:56Well, I had to sign them to keep Eco happy for a while and to be able to think about what to do.
00:35:04Did you find out?
00:35:06If you friends are released on bail, you will appear before the court, right?
00:35:14We fully cooperated with the Alwazil when he showed us those orders.
00:35:18We don't want any more problems, Judge.
00:35:20I'm hiring an external investigation team to solve this.
00:35:24These are people that neither side knows.
00:35:28In 30 days, I will make a decision on these charges.
00:35:32From now on, I don't want any of your problems, boys.
00:35:38Do you understand?
00:35:40We understand, sir.
00:35:42And the fourth court order, the Holiday one?
00:35:45I didn't find it to give you the papers.
00:35:49He's probably asleep and drunk.
00:35:51We'll give him the deal.
00:35:52I'll make you responsible for that.
00:35:55Let them go to the Alwazil.
00:35:57So cancel the four arrest orders.
00:36:00Judge, what about the reinstallation of my position as commissioner?
00:36:03That was done by the town council.
00:36:05You'll have to talk to them about that.
00:36:09Johnny, let these guys go.
00:36:16Aikitu, you are very lucky to have survived that fight.
00:36:19Yes, but I lost Aik's brother.
00:36:23It doesn't matter. He can be replaced.
00:36:27It happened too fast, Johnny.
00:36:29The Earp brothers hit us hard.
00:36:32Yes, you defended yourself, didn't you?
00:36:37Aik and I knocked down a couple.
00:36:39Then we left.
00:36:41Like I told you, that was a terrible place to fight.
00:36:44What did you hear from the other side?
00:36:46They hurt everyone except Wyatt.
00:36:49They did the right thing.
00:36:55What are we going to do with the Earps?
00:37:00No more confrontations. I have plans for them.
00:37:06What do you mean?
00:37:08I don't know.
00:37:09Hit them and run.
00:37:11At night, guerrilla style.
00:37:17Do you think you can get rid of this Morgan?
00:37:22Of course.
00:37:24Like I said, I have plans.
00:37:39Good afternoon, gentlemen.
00:37:41As you well know, this is my research team.
00:37:44Margaret Whitfield here.
00:37:46She is a research reporter for the Philadelphia newspaper.
00:37:49She is very far from home.
00:37:51I like to travel.
00:37:53Standing next to her is Mason.
00:37:55He is a detective from Pinkerton.
00:38:01I didn't know you hired...
00:38:05Well, what do you think?
00:38:08Well, I think I'm the first.
00:38:11And what do you expect to gain by working with you?
00:38:14Well, in some places I can go deeper than other people.
00:38:19I don't even know what it means.
00:38:21I wouldn't worry about that, Wyatt.
00:38:23The important thing is that these people have no connections.
00:38:26With this area, not at all.
00:38:29I told you this would be a 30-day job, didn't I?
00:38:33Enough time.
00:38:34We will spend the first three weeks interviewing anyone who may be of interest to this investigation.
00:38:39We would appreciate any clue as to who these people could be.
00:38:43Once we have completed the interviews, we will spend a few days analyzing our findings.
00:38:48And then we will present our final report to Judge Wallace.
00:38:52When you receive that report, I will immediately call another meeting like this one.
00:38:58Wyatt, where is Holiday?
00:39:04He definitely needs to be in the next meeting.
00:39:08I'm sure he will, Mr. Judge.
00:39:20Well, I want to thank you for moving the interview here, instead of having it in the newspaper office.
00:39:26We are constantly watched.
00:39:28In fact, I went into the office one day last week and found a bullet hole in front of the window.
00:39:34Sounds like someone is trying to scare him.
00:39:37It's not out of the ordinary in this town.
00:39:39Ma'am, I understand that you come from the Philadelphia Newspaper.
00:39:43Yes, I have been a reporter and journalist for ten years.
00:39:47Well, it's an honor to have you in our town.
00:39:51The Philadelphia Newspaper is a highly respected institution.
00:39:57I really hope I can meet your expectations.
00:40:00I would like to know more about your publication, The Epitaph.
00:40:04A fairly distinctive name for a newspaper.
00:40:07Maybe a little ...
00:40:11A lot of people think that.
00:40:13But they certainly don't forget the name.
00:40:16After all, no tombstone is complete without its epitaph.
00:40:20Can I quote you on that?
00:40:22Of course you can.
00:40:23I have read several articles of The Epitaph, as well as some of its competition.
00:40:28Yes, The Nugget. That is published by Harry Woodward.
00:40:31Yes. He refused to grant me an interview.
00:40:35Thank you for accepting.
00:40:37I have nothing to hide.
00:40:40Now, reading the articles of the two newspapers, I noticed two very different and obvious political inclinations.
00:40:49The Epitaph supports the law and order in Tombstone.
00:40:51And therefore, the legislators.
00:40:54In the name of the Arps.
00:40:56Well, for the moment, yes.
00:40:59The Nugget, on the other hand, supports the interests of ranchers and ranchers.
00:41:04The two political inclinations are quite obvious.
00:41:08Not only in the publishing houses, but in the articles themselves.
00:41:11That's how people like it.
00:41:13I see.
00:41:15You know that's not standard journalism.
00:41:18In our newspaper, we are proud to be as objective as possible when reporting our news.
00:41:25Well, there's no way we can do that here.
00:41:28In September, I organized a group that I called the Tombstone Security Committee.
00:41:35The law, order and responsibility of each of the citizens.
00:41:41So, could you recommend some citizens who are willing to talk to me?
00:41:45Oh, yes. I'm sure I can.
00:41:48But there is one who, without a doubt, is not going to give an interview.
00:41:53Her name is Addie Poulson.
00:41:55I hadn't heard that name. Why wouldn't you like to talk to me?
00:41:58Miss Addie is a businesswoman.
00:42:00She's a fashion designer.
00:42:02And she's very well known.
00:42:04Her house is on the other side of Fremont, where the shooting took place.
00:42:08Did she see anything?
00:42:10She was at the window of her house.
00:42:12She looked out and saw the two rows forming.
00:42:15Yes, she told me.
00:42:17She didn't see any hand getting up.
00:42:19As the cowboys say, what happened?
00:42:22When the first shot rang, she ran out the window.
00:42:26Very wise of her.
00:42:28Well, is there anyone who has seen the shooting who is willing to give me an interview?
00:42:33There is this engineer.
00:42:35This engineer who came to town.
00:42:37A Mr. Seale.
00:42:39Mr. Seale could see everything from Fremont.
00:42:42Is he still in town?
00:42:43Yes, he's still here.
00:42:45He arrived the day the shooting took place.
00:42:47Well, can you imagine that?
00:42:50You arrive in a town for the first time.
00:42:54And then you face that.
00:42:56If that's the case, it's most likely that he's not familiar with anyone at the shooting.
00:43:01Oh, when he arrived in Tombstone, he didn't know anyone.
00:43:14Thank you for talking to me today, Mr. Hills.
00:43:17It's a pleasure, ma'am.
00:43:19And I just want to say that I don't owe loyalty to anyone in Tombstone.
00:43:24That's pretty obvious for your frankness in our discussion.
00:43:28I just hope that what you have to say will be of help.
00:43:31It will be.
00:43:33My next step will be to compare notes with my partner in this investigation.
00:43:37And then I guess it will be from our beautiful town.
00:43:39Probably, unless you need me for something else.
00:43:42Your main employer is the Philadelphia Newspaper, is that right?
00:43:47That's correct.
00:43:49Then I guess there's a big difference between living up there in the big cities and these little towns here.
00:43:56I grew up in a small town, but I've traveled a lot and I've gotten used to life in the big city.
00:44:02But I must say that Tombstone is quite interesting.
00:44:04For a town like this, the level of crime competes with anything you've seen.
00:44:09Well, I'm from New Jersey myself, on the other side.
00:44:12I guess you can tell a little by my accent.
00:44:15Just a little.
00:44:17And I always try not to get involved in any of the politics or debates in any town.
00:44:24That's a good idea.
00:44:26Of all the people with whom you've been involved,
00:44:28you were the only one who was neutral in these matters.
00:44:31Then I guess I'd rather you didn't comment on anything about our interview.
00:44:37That would also be a good idea.
00:44:40Now, it could be dangerous for you if some groups, or maybe even some people,
00:44:47found out that you actually gave an honest testimony of what you saw.
00:44:51Thank you for your honesty, ma'am.
00:45:06Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to talk to me, Al Guacil.
00:45:11It was a pleasure.
00:45:15Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to talk to me, Al Guacil.
00:45:20No problem.
00:45:22I hope I can help.
00:45:24Me too.
00:45:26I understand that you were one of the first to see what happened in that shooting.
00:45:29Yes, I was the first in line to get there.
00:45:32I got there at 3 and 10.
00:45:34And what did you see?
00:45:36Well, Tom and Frank McClary,
00:45:39and the brother of Ike Billy, were lying dead on the floor.
00:45:42From what I understand,
00:45:45Ike Clapton and Billy Clyburn left right after the shooting started.
00:45:49What about the Earp brothers and Holiday?
00:45:52They had already left.
00:45:54Later, I learned that White had taken Morgan and Virgil to the doctor.
00:46:00They said that Holiday would be there a few minutes later.
00:46:06And what was the first thing he did when he got there?
00:46:08First, I identified the dead men.
00:46:11And I tried to see where they were shot from.
00:46:14About five minutes later, Wyatt appeared and acted as the owner of the place.
00:46:18And what did he say?
00:46:20He said that he and his brothers and Holiday started shooting almost at the same time as the other group.
00:46:28Did Wyatt Earp have any injuries?
00:46:30No, miraculously.
00:46:32It seems that he doesn't like men.
00:46:35Well, he competed with me to do something like that.
00:46:38But he won.
00:46:40But he slandered my name from here to the other side of the county.
00:46:44Really? And how did he do that?
00:46:47I told everyone that I was hanging out with the cowboys.
00:46:51By cowboys, do you mean the ranch workers or the gang?
00:46:55No, the cowboys are a group of men who identify themselves by wearing red bands.
00:47:01I've heard about them.
00:47:03They are famous for stealing cattle and living off the law.
00:47:06That sounds like what the Earps would have said.
00:47:10So, how do you see them?
00:47:12They have helped many small ranchers in the county to ward off the bad guys.
00:47:16I see.
00:47:18So, these men who shot at the Earps and Holiday were cowboys?
00:47:24That's right.
00:47:31Something like that. He knows that this investigation is just beginning.
00:47:34Would you mind if I spend a few more days asking him more questions if necessary?
00:47:40No problem, ma'am. I hope to help.
00:47:57Hey, Joe. Are you going to look at Morgan all night?
00:48:01I'm sorry, Morgan. Do I make you uncomfortable?
00:48:04Maybe a little, Joe.
00:48:06Did you want to ask me something?
00:48:08Yes. Did it hurt?
00:48:10Of course it hurt. They shot me.
00:48:13So, does it still hurt?
00:48:15Yes, Joe. It still hurts.
00:48:18Where exactly did he shoot you?
00:48:22The doctor says he shot me in the shoulder, turned around, and took a piece of my spine.
00:48:30I never knew anyone who was in a shootout.
00:48:32Well, congratulations.
00:48:35Sounds like he was lucky.
00:48:37I just paid my second visit to Mama McGlory.
00:49:07She's desperate for her kids. Especially Tom.
00:49:11That was her baby.
00:49:14Billy. Morgan. I don't want any trouble here.
00:49:19What can I offer you, Billy?
00:49:25Why don't you sit here?
00:49:29I don't think it's wise. I'm working.
00:49:33So, Elaina. Will you sit at his table, but not at mine?
00:49:38Are you still insisting on something that doesn't exist, Billy?
00:49:41There's nothing between us. He's married.
00:49:45Her name is Louise. I met her. She's pretty.
00:49:49Well, it's good that you know you shouldn't mess with my girl.
00:49:53When are you going to stop that?
00:49:55Don't be insinuating anything. That's not going to happen, Billy.
00:50:18How's your hand, Mr. Holliday?
00:50:21Well, it's healing.
00:50:23Can I ask you a few questions about the shootout?
00:50:26I suppose. I imagine you've heard from other sources.
00:50:29I like to investigate all sources.
00:50:32I was told that the cowboys raised their hands when the shootout began.
00:50:37Nobody raised their hands. We just started shooting.
00:50:41What did you see in the first seconds of that shootout?
00:50:45I don't know. It was moving.
00:50:48Was everyone moving?
00:50:50Well, except Wyatt. He was still like a statue.
00:50:53Did he get hurt?
00:50:55No, but he got four bullet holes in his coat.
00:50:59So, the men who shot him, were they all cowboys?
00:51:04Well, they seemed to be.
00:51:07I understand you met the head of the cowboys, Johnny Ringo.
00:51:13Did Wyatt tell you that?
00:51:15No, he didn't.
00:51:17Have you spoken to Wyatt?
00:51:19Mr. Holliday, I'd like to know your perception of the shootout.
00:51:24I'm halfway through a game right now, and I'd like to go back to him.
00:51:29So, if you'll excuse me, ma'am.
00:51:32Good day.
00:51:34Miss Whitfield.
00:51:36I don't think Doc wants to talk about the shootout.
00:51:39Apparently not.
00:51:42Teresa and I can tell you what we know and what we've heard.
00:51:46But not now.
00:51:48We must wait for this place to be empty.
00:51:50When no one is here.
00:51:52You tell me when, and I'll be there.
00:51:54So, Johnny Ringo is the leader of the cowboys.
00:51:57It seems so.
00:51:59Approve the new recruits.
00:52:01He and Doc Holliday have known each other for a long time.
00:52:05Before Johnny went to prison.
00:52:07When did Johnny leave?
00:52:09Not long ago.
00:52:12What kind of man is he?
00:52:16And when he's drunk, which he is most of the time, he's a rude drunk.
00:52:21And what about the rest of the cowboys?
00:52:24Some of them are kids.
00:52:25Some of them are rude.
00:52:27Really rude.
00:52:29They're all tied up with ranchers and ranchers in the county.
00:52:34Tied up?
00:52:36The cowboys are cattle thieves.
00:52:39They steal cattle.
00:52:41In the county.
00:52:43And they sell it to the ranchers here.
00:52:45The ranchers sell the cattle fast.
00:52:48They all get a comfortable profit.
00:52:50How long has this been going on?
00:52:52For years.
00:52:53Why doesn't the sheriff arrest him?
00:52:56Veehan is not a cowboy.
00:53:00No matter how rude the cowboys get.
00:53:03The cowboy Veehan just turns around.
00:53:06They pay him for his work.
00:53:08They pay the cowboys.
00:53:10And they pay the ranchers.
00:53:12It seems like there's a lot of money involved.
00:53:15Compare it like this.
00:53:17Virgil Earp, who has been a commissioner here from time to time.
00:53:20They pay him $100 a month.
00:53:23I understand that Veehan gets $3,000 a month.
00:53:28Maybe more.
00:53:30He doesn't owe anyone.
00:53:33And why do they hate Holliday and the Earps?
00:53:36Because they faced the cowboys.
00:53:39The cowboys don't run this bar.
00:53:41But we can't turn them down.
00:53:43They got their hands in a lot of things in this town.
00:53:47And not just in the county.
00:53:48The next day of the shooting,
00:53:51the bodies of those cowboys were exposed outside the funerals.
00:53:56There was a sign that said,
00:53:59Murdered in the streets of Tombstone.
00:54:12What's that place?
00:54:14McLaury Ranch.
00:54:15McLaury Ranch?
00:54:17Two of the guys killed in the shooting were McLaury?
00:54:20Yes, Tommy Frank.
00:54:22His mother, Mama McLaury, is the one I want to interview.
00:54:26Do you think I should stay here, just in case?
00:54:29That's a good idea.
00:54:31A woman will speak more openly with another woman.
00:54:34I can't say no.
00:54:36Just so you know, ma'am,
00:54:38I know people around here call you Mama McLaury,
00:54:40but I'm sure you have a full name.
00:54:42Of course, it's Angelica.
00:54:43That's a beautiful name.
00:54:47I'd like to start by offering my condolences
00:54:49for the death of your two children, Tom and Hank.
00:54:52Miss Whitfield, why did you never get married and have children?
00:54:56I couldn't be a reporter or a wife.
00:54:59Well, then let me tell you something.
00:55:01Until you've lost your own child,
00:55:04you don't know how deep sadness can get.
00:55:07I truly loved my children,
00:55:10but Thomas...
00:55:13He was my baby.
00:55:15Do you understand?
00:55:17He was a beautiful baby.
00:55:19It was a gift sent directly from heaven.
00:55:22Again, ma'am, I'm very sorry for your loss.
00:55:27I apologize for being so blunt, Miss Whitfield,
00:55:30but who exactly do you work for?
00:55:33I'm a reporter for the Philadelphia Newspaper.
00:55:36I was hired by Judge Wallace
00:55:38along with a Pinkerton investigator
00:55:40to gather evidence as neutral parties.
00:55:42You need to determine
00:55:44whether the Serbs and Doc Holliday
00:55:46should be tried for their actions in the shooting.
00:55:49Of course they should be tried.
00:55:51It's a very public trial.
00:55:53So that's what you'd like to see.
00:55:55Everyone in the county would demand it.
00:55:57Everyone would know they were good guys.
00:55:59But they were part of a group
00:56:01that often operated outside the law.
00:56:04You mean the cowboys?
00:56:06That's exactly what I mean.
00:56:08They're the talk of the town.
00:56:10They've done good things
00:56:12for the people here in the county.
00:56:14I see.
00:56:16Ma'am, did Tommy Frank ever mention
00:56:19anything about that shooting?
00:56:21Well, no, not to me.
00:56:23But they wouldn't plan something like that anyway.
00:56:26So who do you think could have done it?
00:56:29I think it was that Johnny Ringo.
00:56:32So you think Johnny Ringo
00:56:34put those guys in that fight with the Serbs?
00:56:36I didn't say that.
00:56:38And I'm not saying that.
00:56:40I'm just saying that my kids
00:56:42weren't the ones doing things like that.
00:56:45They were good guys.
00:56:48Thank you, ma'am.
00:56:54The poor woman is in mourning.
00:56:56She lost two children.
00:56:58Tommy was the youngest.
00:57:00I used to talk a lot with her
00:57:02about the cowboys and Johnny Ringo.
00:57:06I've heard that name before.
00:57:08I'm learning it,
00:57:10but you're more familiar
00:57:12with these parts than I am.
00:57:14It seems that Johnny Ringo
00:57:16thinks he's the leader of these cowboys.
00:57:18You think he could have taken those guys
00:57:20just for that shooting with the Serbs?
00:57:22I think it's a possibility.
00:57:24Anything else?
00:57:26He said he was careful with Ike Clanton.
00:57:28He doesn't like women very much.
00:57:30It seems that he's become known
00:57:32for being rude to some girls in town,
00:57:33so much so that he's been forbidden
00:57:35to enter several places.
00:57:39Maybe I should be the one to talk to him.
00:57:41I think that would be best.
00:57:53So, Ike,
00:57:55I understand that you're a member of the cowboys.
00:57:57Well, yeah.
00:57:59This red here should answer that.
00:58:03what kind of group are these cowboys?
00:58:05A brotherhood.
00:58:07We help each other.
00:58:09Well, um,
00:58:11being part of the group,
00:58:13what characteristics do you think
00:58:15are one of the most important of a cowboy?
00:58:17Character, what?
00:58:19I'm sorry, I mean,
00:58:21what do you need to be a cowboy?
00:58:23The main thing you need?
00:58:25Yes, the main thing.
00:58:28You must have loyalty.
00:58:34you mean the kind of loyalty
00:58:36like when someone in your group
00:58:38does something wrong
00:58:40and you have to support them in any way?
00:58:44That's loyalty.
00:58:47So, Ike,
00:58:49how well do you remember
00:58:51what happened in the shooting?
00:58:53I remember every second.
00:58:55Very well, then.
00:58:56Who shot the first shot?
00:59:00With that damn shotgun he has.
00:59:03So, he shot out of nowhere?
00:59:05We raised our hands to surrender.
00:59:08That's true.
00:59:11What did you say your name was?
00:59:15Very well, Mason.
00:59:17Look who was there.
00:59:19I know who was there.
00:59:22What I mean is,
00:59:24look at the obvious.
00:59:26Can you explain that?
00:59:28Well, Billy and I...
00:59:30That's Billy Claiborne?
00:59:34Billy and I can handle a gun very well.
00:59:37I've heard that.
00:59:40But the other guys and my brother...
00:59:42Is this a joke?
00:59:44Don't you think this started
00:59:46like a fair fight?
00:59:48How could it be?
00:59:50I think you had more guns.
00:59:52Herbs and Holiday are lawmen.
00:59:56They certainly had experience
00:59:58as lawmen.
01:00:00We tried to surrender,
01:00:02but it didn't work.
01:00:04Do you think they were better at guns?
01:00:06We turned around and ran.
01:00:08They didn't.
01:00:10And that's the truth.
01:00:12It makes a lot of sense.
01:00:14I admit that.
01:00:16Do you think Herbs and Holiday
01:00:18should go to jail?
01:00:20No, Mason.
01:00:22I don't think so.
01:00:24I think they should go to the executioner.
01:00:26I don't think so.
01:00:39I've been to some big cities.
01:00:41Philadelphia sounds like a great place.
01:00:43It is.
01:00:45The towns here are quite new.
01:00:47In the East, there's a lot of history
01:00:49and a lot of people.
01:00:51As a reporter,
01:00:53you learn a lot in a short time.
01:00:55It seems that the criminal element
01:00:57has a strong presence in this county.
01:00:59It does.
01:01:01It makes it difficult for the people.
01:01:03Mr. Herb,
01:01:05I think you started your career
01:01:07in the application of the law in Wichita.
01:01:09Yes, in the city of Dosh.
01:01:11In Kansas, it can be a hard life.
01:01:13And why did you leave that occupation?
01:01:15The truth is for money.
01:01:17I got tired of risking my life
01:01:19for a little bit of nothing.
01:01:21I understand.
01:01:22That's why Behan found a way
01:01:24to benefit from an official position.
01:01:26That's because Behan collects taxes.
01:01:28That's where the money is.
01:01:30Yes, he and several others mentioned that.
01:01:32I'm surprised you told him.
01:01:34It wasn't much information,
01:01:36but it was definitely worth interviewing him.
01:01:38So, you and that guy Mason
01:01:40have talked to a lot of people in the town.
01:01:42I guess I was the last one.
01:01:46I thought it would be wise
01:01:48to get several perspectives
01:01:50and then get your point of view
01:01:52from what the others said.
01:01:54Maybe he'll find out
01:01:56what they said to him
01:01:58before he has to say something.
01:02:00I'm afraid that's not how it works.
01:02:02But please keep in mind
01:02:04that what's at stake for you and your brothers
01:02:06is too expensive.
01:02:08Do you think the judge
01:02:10could put us back in jail?
01:02:12The judge's decision will be based
01:02:14on my investigation
01:02:16and my partner Mason's.
01:02:18I can't reveal the content
01:02:20of our report.
01:02:22The judge lost two children
01:02:24and is in mourning.
01:02:26It didn't have to be that way.
01:02:28Mr. Earp,
01:02:30looking at the balance of experience
01:02:32on both sides of the shooting,
01:02:34yours was quite favorable.
01:02:38Weapon handling experience.
01:02:41Well, maybe.
01:02:43But the most important thing here
01:02:45is who is violating the law.
01:02:47By law, you mean the County Code
01:02:49against the public use of firearms?
01:02:50That's right.
01:02:52It seems like a minor crime
01:02:54for such an important resolution.
01:02:56Ma'am, there are experienced gunmen
01:02:58on the other side as well.
01:03:00You mean the Clantons and Billy Claiborne?
01:03:02That's right.
01:03:04Especially Billy Clanton,
01:03:06Ike's brother.
01:03:08Mr. Earp, were you expecting a shooting that day?
01:03:10We were hoping not.
01:03:12Did you and your brothers ever talk
01:03:14about who could shoot
01:03:16if there was a fight?
01:03:18Well, we knew that if Clanton was there,
01:03:20he would take care of it.
01:03:22Mrs. Whitfield,
01:03:24I managed to get my gun out
01:03:26until I saw him get his.
01:03:28I think we shot the first shot at the same time.
01:03:30And the McClory boys?
01:03:32They should never have been there.
01:03:34Holiday pointed his shotgun at Tom.
01:03:36He didn't have a chance, did he?
01:03:38Mrs. Tom and her brother
01:03:40were shooting at us and Holiday.
01:03:42We were just trying to get out alive.
01:03:44One last question.
01:03:46Did you notice if at any point in the fight
01:03:47someone tried to surrender,
01:03:49either before or during the shooting?
01:03:51Absolutely not.
01:03:53No one?
01:03:55No one.
01:03:57Where's Holiday?
01:03:59He has to be here.
01:04:01Probably sleeping in someone else's room.
01:04:05you'll probably see him
01:04:07at some point.
01:04:09Anyway, make sure you give him the news.
01:04:11Margaret Whitfield and Mason
01:04:13have done an absolutely detailed job.
01:04:14In fact, it's so detailed
01:04:16that it makes my head spin.
01:04:20Wyatt, Morgan, Virgil.
01:04:22There are a lot of people in town
01:04:24who don't like you guys very much.
01:04:26On the other hand,
01:04:28a lot of people in town
01:04:30don't like cowboys
01:04:32and would wish they weren't here.
01:04:34It's been very difficult to find someone
01:04:36with an objective point of view
01:04:38about this.
01:04:40There's been a lot of fuss
01:04:42on both sides
01:04:44for a long time.
01:04:46You know what I mean
01:04:48by objective, right?
01:04:53The important thing is
01:04:55that based on your report,
01:04:57there's not enough evidence
01:04:59to condemn you for anything.
01:05:03The important thing for me
01:05:05is to know
01:05:07who was telling the truth
01:05:09and who was lying.
01:05:11According to Ike Clanton
01:05:12and Billy Claiborne,
01:05:14they raised their hands
01:05:16and surrendered
01:05:18as soon as they heard the first shots.
01:05:22according to Dr. Goodfellow,
01:05:24the wound on Billy Clanton's wrist
01:05:26wasn't in the angle
01:05:28of someone with their hands in the air.
01:05:30Thank you, Margaret.
01:05:32Gentlemen, the charges against you
01:05:34have been withdrawn.
01:06:04Why are you leaving town so soon, Johnny?
01:06:06I was hoping to see that lady again.
01:06:08I told you not to mess with that woman.
01:06:10We don't have time, Billy.
01:06:13Where are we going?
01:06:15We're regrouping with the cowboys.
01:06:17I know where.
01:06:20She has the law in her favor,
01:06:22doesn't she?
01:06:24Yes, she's hiding behind
01:06:26the U.S. Commissioner's badge.
01:06:28But you know what?
01:06:32The U.S. Commissioners
01:06:34bleed like the rest of us.
01:06:36And of course,
01:06:38I'm going to make her bleed.
01:06:42I'm telling you,
01:06:44working at the mine is going to drive you crazy.
01:06:46I don't understand.
01:06:48It's not the kind of job I could do.
01:06:50Most men aren't from around here.
01:06:52They're Mexican and Chinese.
01:06:54They don't speak English, I imagine.
01:06:56No, not really.
01:06:58That's why I talk to myself all day.
01:07:00Is that true?
01:07:04Oh, hello, brother.
01:07:06What brings you here?
01:07:08What do I owe the pleasure, Wyatt?
01:07:10The cowboys have been at home
01:07:12threatening me all day.
01:07:26You see anything, Morgan?
01:07:33It seems quiet.
01:07:38Who are they threatening?
01:07:45Out the windows!
01:07:48I'll go get the doctor.
01:07:52Elaina, I need something to wrap this up.
01:08:01You two,
01:08:02press the wound as hard as you can.
01:08:04I'll be right back.
01:08:09Morgan, look at me.
01:08:11Your brother will be right back.
01:08:13My father went to get the doctor.
01:08:15Stay with us.
01:08:17Hang in there.
01:08:23Stay with us.
01:08:32Stay with us.
01:08:38You don't look well, Mr. Earp.
01:09:03They told me you were going to Colorado.
01:09:06When were you going to tell me?
01:09:08I'm going to see Doc at the hospital.
01:09:10He's not doing well.
01:09:15I guess that has nothing to do with the fact that
01:09:18Johnny Ringo and Clairvon have been seen around.
01:09:22Come with me if you want.
01:09:26you know I'm the only police officer in this town
01:09:29who has a gun.
01:09:30I can't do that.
01:09:32I'll see you when I get back.
01:10:01I'm sorry.
01:10:03I'm sorry.
01:10:05I'm sorry.
01:10:07I'm sorry.
01:10:09I'm sorry.
01:10:11I'm sorry.
01:10:14I'm sorry.
01:10:16I'm sorry.
01:10:18I'm sorry.
01:10:20I'm sorry.
01:10:22I'm sorry.
01:10:24I'm sorry.
01:10:26I'm sorry.
01:10:28I'm sorry.
01:10:30I'm sorry.
01:10:32I'm sorry.
01:11:02I need to rest.
01:11:06Take the reins.
01:11:11Now what, Johnny?
01:11:22I need to stop for a minute.
01:11:24I need to rest.
01:11:26I need to rest.
01:11:28I need to rest.
01:11:30I need to rest.
01:11:40Come on, Johnny, we have to go.
01:11:42We have to get to town by night.
01:11:45A few more minutes.
01:11:47Give me a minute.
01:11:51Johnny, that's that damn cheap whiskey.
01:12:01I'm tired of traveling with you, Johnny.
01:12:04I don't want to hear you talk anymore.
01:12:30I'm sorry.
01:13:00I'm sorry.
01:13:31You don't look well, Billy.
01:13:33Do you want to say something before you go?
01:13:37I killed...
01:13:42Well, anything else?
01:13:55I enjoyed it.
01:13:57I enjoyed it.
01:14:00Go to hell, son of a bitch.
01:14:26I enjoyed it.
01:14:43I think you've become a savage again, Wyatt.
01:14:47People tell me I'm good at that.
01:14:56I suppose you took care of Billy.
01:15:00Yes, that's right.
01:15:21You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:15:23That would be nice.
01:15:53You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:16:23You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:16:53You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:17:23You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:17:53You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:23You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:24You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:25You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:26You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:27You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:28You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:29You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:30You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:31You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:32You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:33You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:34You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:35You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:36You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:37You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:38You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:39You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:40You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:41You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:42You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:43You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:44You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:45You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:46You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:47You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:48You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:49You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:50You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:51You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:18:52You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
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01:18:54You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
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01:18:59You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
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01:19:01You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:19:02You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:19:03You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
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01:22:18You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:22:19You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.
01:22:20You're not going to eat me, Wyatt.